There is one extra word that you do not need

4there will be
5will be
6have uou bought
7have cleaned

не увидела этот вариант ответа

Were invited;will be taken;will be given; is eaten;was asked; will be sent; was written; is listened/was listened; will be operated; were bought

1. he.
Вот сделала.

My playlist comprises various kinds of music, but the most often trend is

Eastern music of such countries as Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan, India, and others. Music makes me happier, makes me think about many things in life. Not even knowing the language, one can understand what it implies, because, after all, music is listened to not only when the words are understood, but when one feels the intonation, the melody as well. Music

reminds me of the past, sometimes it makes me sad. At times music lifts up my mood. As a rule I like listening to music. Sometimes I can’t get it out of my mind.

I like the profession of doctor 

I want to treat people 

 And help them  that they should not hurt

Fun Reading Show

Knowing how to read is very important. Reading helps you(1) H(understand things). Many people want to get more children, adults, and families to read.

A special program was created to help others (2) B(learn about reading). This program is a tour that (3) E(travels a lot) . It gets people watching it to be a part of it.

The program puts on a show that (4) D(is 20 minutes long). It has two funny people putting on a show. They go to school all over California (5) A(and perform).

One of the things they do is a game show with someone in the audience. That person has to answer questions about books (6) F(and reading). They (7) C(win a prize) if they get the questions right.

The show is a part of a program that (8) I (goes to different places). It wants to get as many people involved in reading as they can. They are planning to travel to many different places.

You are going to read a text on the life of a famous person. Choose a word from the list to complete each gap (1-10). Change its form where necessary to make a word/a group of words that fits in the gap. There is one extra word you do not need to use.
Use each word only once. Different aspects of form change are possible: active or passive voice; finite or non-finite forms (infinitive, gerund, participle).


According to legend, the sport of rugby began one afternoon in 1823 at England’s Rugby School, when William Webb Ellis, playing soccer with his fellow students, 1.
up the ball and ran toward the goal. Though there is little historical fact 2.
this story, it is true that the first rules of the game 3.
at the Rugby School in 1843. The sport now 4.
across the globe and is played by two different sets of rules—Rugby Union and Rugby League. Rugby is particularly popular in the British Isles, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, and France.
In 1871 the Rugby Football Union (RFU) was organized. As more clubs joined the RFU, 5.
for matches throughout England, a disagreement 6.
between southern clubs, whose players were largely from the aristocratic class, and northern clubs that 7.
mostly of working-class players. The northern clubs wanted to compensate players for time 8.
from their jobs; the southern clubs wanted 9.
the competitive purity of the amateur game. The argument became so bitter that the northern clubs split from the RFU in 1895 and formed the Northern Rugby League, which 10.
a new set of rules.
(1-10 это те слова которые нужно подставить)​

Test 2 A (Module 2)


A     Underline
the correct item.

1. “I can’t
believe that we spent so much money at the supermarket!” —  “Well, prices have
gone with/ up again.”

2. Milk and other
dairy products are very appealing/ nourishing for young children, as
they help them grow

    strong and

3. She bought a
beautiful handbag that goes with /off all her clothes.

4. The loud street
bargains/ vendors create a colourful atmosphere.

5. It’s fun
looking through the things at the open-air stalls/ malls.

6. Be careful not
to spill the beans /spill the salt and tell Tom about a surprise party.

7. Can you pour/
the potatoes, please?

8. “I like
scrambled eggs. How about you?” –“I prefer them poached/ mashed.”

9. Don’t worry,
I’ll show you how to set the table for a formal dinner; it’s a cup of tea /piece
of cake

10. Sharon is on a
very tight budget/ bargain right now, so she doesn’t want to
spend money on anything she doesn’t really need.

B     Fill in the
missing word. There are three answers you do not need to use.

 Pride, packed,
pinch, fussy, demand, side, basically, stock

11. If you add a
______________ of salt, it will taste better.

12. It’s very
popular so it is in great ___________ at the moment.

13. Traditional
Spanish tortilla, which is _______ a thick potato omelette, is very popular in

14. A lot of young
children don’t like many types of food. They are __________ eaters.

15. Mothers take
great __________ in creating ‘school-bentos’ for their children.


C     Put the words
in brackets into the Present Perfect or the Present Perfect Continuous.

16. He __________
(work) very hard recently. He needs some time off.

17. ___________ (you
/ever/ eat
) Chinese food?

18. Liz __________
(go) to the flea market. She’ll be back in an hour.

19. __________ (you/clean)
all morning?

20. We
____________ (not/buy) all our Christmas presents yet.

Test 2 A (Module 2)

D      Underline
the correct item.

21. This dish is
delicious and doesn’t take much/many time to prepare.

22. What is Jane
doing? She has been to/been in the dressing room for an hour.

23. There were
very little/few people at the restaurant, so it was easy for us to find
a table.

24. Lyn’s family
moved to Spain from    — / the UK when she was still a baby.

25. Your doctor
can give you some good advice/ advices on how to follow a more balances

26. Dad will back
in half an hour. He’s gone to/been to the newsagent’s to pick up today’s

27. Ann can’t make
it to dinner tonight, but the good news is/ are that she’ll be able to
spend the whole weekend    with us.

28. Her
grandmother has a gold Russian/ Russian gold pair of earrings.

29. Can I pay by/in
cheque, please?

30. “Do you want
to have lunch with me?” –“Sure. I have a little/a few free time before
my next class.”

Everyday English

E        Use the
sentences (a-e) to complete the dialogue.

Lisa: This antique table
is really beautiful. 31) ___                     a)
It was a bargain.

Maria: Yes, I bought it
2 days ago. 32) _________                     b)
Is it new?

Lisa: It really suits
your living room.

 Where did you buy
it?                                                                   c)  I’m glad you
like it.  

Maria: 33) ________                                       
                            d) It’s just around the corner from the florist’s.

Lisa: I’ve never been
there. Whereabouts is it?                            e) At Pete’s Antique Shop in
the town centre.

Maria: 34) ________

Lisa: Was it expensive?

Maria: Not at all. 35)
_____. I got it for half the original price.

Lisa: Fantastic! Maybe
I’ll go and have a look on Saturday.

Maria: We can go together
if you like.                                                                            

Lisa: Great! See you


F         Read the
email and choose A, B or C to complete the gaps.

Test 2 A (Module 2)

e.g.  A and                                         B
but                                                C

36 A have
come                                B
come                                             C are coming

37 A
few                                           B
little                                              C many

38 A
the                                             —                                               
   C a

39 A
budgets                                     B
prices                                            C bargains

40 A
shoppers                                   B
malls                                             C stalls

41 A
good                                         B
benefit                                           C charity

42 A sale                                          
B shop                                              
С bazaar

43 A
many                                        B
lots                                                 C lot

44 A
by                                             B
with                                                C in

45 A butcher’s                                 
B optician’s                                       C chemist’s


H        Listen to
some people talking about shopping. Number the statements A-F in the order you
hear them. There is one extra statement that you do not need to use.

A  I bought a
second-hand appliance which is in really good condition.                      46.
Speaker 1 ____

B  It takes me some
time to find a good bargain.                                                         
47. Speaker 2 ____

C  I had an
argument with the person at the
shop.                                                        48. Speaker 3

D  I couldn’t
exchange what I bought.                                                                          49.
Speaker 4 ____

E  I always buy
more than what I plan to here.                                                            
50. Speaker 5 ____

F  I prefer the
shops near my house.                                                                             

Test 2 B (Module 2)


A       Underline
the correct item.

1. It’s fun
looking through the things at the open-air malls /stalls.

2. “I like
scrambled eggs. How about you?” –“I prefer them poached/ mashed.”

3. Be careful not
to spill the salt /spill the beans and tell Tom about a surprise party.

 4. Don’t worry,
I’ll show you how to set the table for a formal dinner; it’s a cup of
tea/piece of cake

5. “I can’t
believe that we spent so much money at the supermarket!” —  “Well, prices have
gone with/ up again.”

6. Liz is on a
very tight budget/ bargain right now, so she doesn’t want to
spend money on anything she doesn’t really need.

7. She bought a
beautiful handbag that goes with /off all her clothes.

8. Milk and other
dairy products are very appealing/ nourishing for young children, as
they help them grow strong and healthy.

9. The loud street
bargains/ vendors create a colourful atmosphere.

10. Can you pour/
the vegetables, please?

B      Fill in the
missing word. There are three answers you do not need to use.

 demand, pinch,
fussy, packed, side, basically, pride, stock

11. A lot of young
children don’t like many types of food. They are __________ eaters.

12. Mothers take great
__________ in creating ‘school-bentos’ for their children

13. It’s very
popular so it is in great ___________ at the moment.

14. If you add a
______________ of salt, it will taste better.

15. Traditional
Spanish tortilla, which is _______ a thick potato omelette, is very popular in


C        Put the
words in brackets into the Present Perfect or the Present Perfect Continuous.

16. We
____________ (not/buy) all our Christmas presents yet.

17. __________ (you/write)
all morning?

18. Phil 
__________ (go) to the supermarket. He’ll be back in an hour.

19. ___________ (you
/ever/ eat
) Japanese food?

20. He __________
(work) very hard recently. He needs some time off.

Test 2 B (Module 2)

D          Underline
the correct item.

21. Tom can’t make
it to dinner tonight, but the good news is/ are that he’ll be able to
spend the whole weekend with us.

22. Can I pay by/in
cheque, please?

23.  Mark will
back in half an hour. He’s gone to/been to the newsagent’s to pick up
today’s paper.

24.  Her aunt has
a gold Russian/ Russian gold pair of earrings.

25.  “Do you want
to have lunch with me?” –“Sure. I have a little/a few free time before
my next class.”

26. There were
very little/few people at the restaurant, so it was easy for us to find
a table.

27. This dish is
delicious and doesn’t take much/many time to prepare.

28. Helen’s family
moved to German from    — / the UK when she was still a baby.

29. What is Kate
doing? She has been to/been in the dressing room for an hour.

30. Your doctor
can give you some good advice/ advices on how to follow a more balanced diet.

Everyday English

E      Use the
sentences (a-e) to complete the dialogue.

Lisa: This antique table
is really beautiful. 31) ___                     a)
I’m glad you like it.  

Maria: Yes, I bought it
2 days ago. 32) _________                     b)
Is it new?

Lisa: It really suits
your living room.

 Where did you buy
it?                                                                   c)  It’s just
around the corner from the florist’s.

Maria: 33) ________                                       
                            d) It was a bargain.

Lisa: I’ve never been
there. Whereabouts is it?                            e) At Pete’s Antique Shop in
the town centre.

Maria: 34) ________

Lisa: Was it expensive?

Maria: Not at all. 35)
_____. I got it for half the original price.

Lisa: Fantastic! Maybe
I’ll go and have a look on Saturday.

Maria: We can go together
if you like.                                                                            

Lisa: Great! See you


F         Read the
email and choose A, B or C to complete the gaps.

Test 2 B (Module 2)

e.g. A and                                        
 B but                                                  C

36 A have
come                                 B are
coming                                     C come 

37 A
many                                         B
little                                                C few   

38 A
the                                              B a                                                 

39 A prices                                      
  B bargains                                          C

40 A
stalls                                           B
malls                                              C shoppers      

41 A
good                                           B
charity                                            C benefit   

42 A
bazaar                                         B
С sale 

43 A
many                                           B
lot                                                   C

44 A
by                                                B
in                                                    C with      

45 A
optician’s                                    B butcher’s                                     
   C chemist’s     


H        Listen to
some people talking about shopping. Number the statements A-F in the order you
hear them. There is one extra statement that you do not need to use.

A  I couldn’t
exchange what I
46. Speaker 1 ____

B   I prefer the
shops near my
47. Speaker 2 ____                                                                                                                                                       

C   I always buy
more than what I plan to here.                                                           48.
Speaker 3 ____

D  I bought a
second-hand appliance which is in really good condition.                     49.
Speaker 4 ____

E  I had an
argument with the person at the
shop.                                                        50. Speaker 5

F  It takes me some
time to find a good



A 1 up                             
             6 spill the beans 

    2 nourishing                     
        7 peel

    3 with                    
                   8 poached

    4 vendors                              
    9 piece of cake

    5   stalls                                   
 10 budget 

pinch                          C        16  has been working

demand                                  17 Have you ever eaten   

    13 basically                               
18 has gone

fussy                                     19 Have you been cleaning

pride                                     20 haven’t bought

21  much                                     26  gone
to                                  E     31 b

    22  been
in                                  27 
is                                                    32 c

    23  few                                      
28  Russian gold                                   33  e

    24  the                                        29 
by                                                    34  d   

    25  advice                                    30
a little                                             35 a    

F  36
 C                                            41 C                                               G   
46   D

    37  A                      
                     42  A                                                       47  

    38  C                
                            43  B                                                       48 

    39 B                   
                          44  C                                                       49 

    40  C                   
                         45  B                                                       50 



A 1 stalls                         
              6 budget

    2 poached                       
          7 with 

    3 spill the
beans                         8 nourishing 

    4  piece of
cake                          9 vendors  

    5  up                                   
       10 peel

fussy                        C        16  haven’t bought

pride                                    17 Have you been writing

    13 demand                            
   18 has gone

    14 pinch                               
    19 Have you ever eaten   

basically                               20 has been working

21  is                                         26  few                               
E      31 b

    22 by                                       
 27   much                                    32 a

    23 gone to                                 28 
the                                         33  e

    24  Russian gold                      
29  been in                                   34  c  

    25 a little                                   30
 advice                                    35 d    

F  36 
B                                            41 B                                             
G      46   A

    37  C                
                           42  C                                                       47  

    38  B                 
                           43  C                                                       48 

    39 A                  
                           44  B                                                       49 

    40  A                 
                           45  A                                                       50 

Tape script

   Workbook  ex.3 ( p.15)

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