There is one extra word in each sentence cross it out jessica told to me

A. Match to make sentences. If a phrase 1-8 cannot be matched with a phrase A-F, put a cross on the line.

  1. I’ve never driven a tractor. (D)
  2. We’re going to have a party in Saturday. (F)
  3. Don’t close the window! (A)
  4. Have you invited lots of people? (E)
  5. Our rabbit has run away.
  6. Of course you can borrow some money. (B)
  7. Clare has drawn a lovely picture. (C)
  8. I think I’ll sit down.

B. Circle the extra word in each sentence.

  1. My mum often makes for the old lady who lives next door some soup.
  2. I won’t tell to anyone your secret.
  3. Sing to us a song!
  4. Could you bring for me some crisps when you come?
  5. I think I’ll buy for Carl a computer game for his birthday.
  6. That CD cost to me fifteen euros.
  7. Dan showed to me his autograph book.

C. Rewrite the sentence with the direct object at the end.

  1. I owe ten euros to Danny.
    I owe Danny ten euros.
  2. Susan hasn’t bought a birthday present for her mum yet.
    Susan hasn’t bought her mum a birthday present yet.
  3. You should show your new guitar to Mike.
    You should show Mike your new guitar.
  4. Did you give that CD to Liz?
    Did you give Liz that CD?
  5. I’d like to teach English to young teenagers.
    I’d like to teach young teenagers English.
  6. Are you going to write a letter to your grandparents?
    Are you going to write your grandparents a letter?
  7. Could you take this magazine to your dad?
    Could you take your dad this magazine?

D. Rewrite the sentences with the indirect object at the end.

  1. I’m going to read the kids a story.
    I’m going to read a story to the kids.
  2. Could you pass Ed the potatoes?
    Could you pass the potatoes to Ed?
  3. Throw the dog that bone!
    Throw that bone to the dog!
  4. Why are you sending Aunty June those clothes?
    Why are you sending those clothes to Aunty June?
  5. Steve sang us his new song.
    Steve sang his new song to us.
  6. I’ll lend Doug the money.
    I’ll lend the money to Doug.
  7. I’ve never told my mum a lie.
    I’ve never told a lie to my mum.

E. Write one word in each gap. If no word is necessary, put a dash.

  1. My mum is going to write a letter to the editor.
  2. I paid the money to the shop assistant and then left.
  3. Let’s get a birthday card for your dad.
  4. I’m going to tell you the answer!
  5. I’ve made some sandwiches for you.
  6. We’ll bring you that DVD tonight.
  7. Tony has bought a book for Jake.
  8. A prize was given to the best student.

F. If a line is correct, put a tick. If there is an extra word in a line, write the word.

My uncle loves astronomy. It’s his hobby. My aunt recently bought for him a new telescope for his birthday, so he gave his old one to me! It’s a very good telescope. When we bought it, it cost to him over two hundred euros! Last weekend, he taught to me the basics. He showed me how to look through it, and told to me the names of all the planets. He said he’ll bring to me a book with more information about the night sky next time he comes. Now astronomy is my hobby too. I think I’m going to enjoy it!

Այս նյութը հրատարակվել է English Exercises-ում։ Էջանշեք մշտական հղումը։

Предмет: Английский язык,

автор: alexeyvoronchikhin99


Автор ответа: prettylittlemermaid


1. It

2. Would

3. His

4. It

5. Had

6. Would

7. It

8. Been

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Cross out one extra word in each sentence
1 Ineed to help Jenna with her hometask hers.
2 This isn’t Fred’s jacket – that one his is his.
3 llove my cat, and her Jane loves hers.
4 Sarah can’t believe that all the her candy is hers.
5 Mark hurt his knee his when he was playing football.
6 That our house next to the bakery is ours.​

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