There is no word that rhymes with orange

Table of Contents

  1. What word rhymes with top?
  2. What does Orange rhyme with?
  3. Does range rhyme orange?
  4. Does Minge rhyme orange?
  5. What Rhymes With Orange Qi?
  6. Why is there no word that rhymes with orange?
  7. What word rhymes with rat?
  8. What is the another name of rat?
  9. What is scientific name of rat?
  10. What is rat slang for?
  11. What does louse mean?

Despite the common idiom, things do actually rhyme with ‘orange’. ‘Blorenge’, the mountain in Wales, and ‘Gorringe’, the Anglocised version of the German name ‘Goering’.

What word rhymes with top?

Word Rhyme rating Categories
swap 100 Noun, Verb
flop 100 Noun
mop 100 Noun, Verb
nonstop 100 Adjective, Noun, Adverb

What does Orange rhyme with?

What rhymes with orange? Orange rhymes with Blorenge (a mountain in Wales) and sporange (a technical word for a sac where spores are made).

Does range rhyme orange?

Orange doesn’t have a word in English that rhymes with it . Range rhymes with ‘strange’ – it’s a long a everywhere. The a in orange is more like a short i – it’s closer to rhyming with ‘hinge’ or ‘impinge’ in some dialects – or a schwa (ə), the ‘uh’ sound (and -ənj doesn’t rhyme with anything really.)

Does Minge rhyme orange?

It’s true that no single word in English rhymes perfectly with ‘orange’, but this is also true of many other English words: purple, month, banjo, luggage, nothing … The word is OH-rinj, not o-RINJ or o-RANJ, so you can’t rhyme perfectly with, say, ‘flange’, or ‘hinge’.

“Orange” has the stress on the first syllable, so it is feminine, while “range” is a standalone syllable, so masculine. You can’t rhyme masculine and feminine words and have it be a perfect rhyme. To rhyme “orange”, you need to find a rhyme for “or” first, then end it with “ǝnge”.

What Rhymes With Orange Qi?

Why is there no word that rhymes with orange?

Orange can be pronounced either as a two-syllable word (/AR-inj/ or /OR-inj/) or a dialectal one-syllable word (/ARNJ/ or /ORNJ/). Thus, as a two-syllable word with the stress on the penultimate syllable, it requires at least a two-syllable word to rhyme with.

What word rhymes with rat?

Word Rhyme rating Meter
fat 100 [/]
cat 100 [/]
hat 100 [/]
Pat 100 [/]

What is the another name of rat?

In this page you can discover 91 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for rat, like: mouse, rodent, tergiversate, pest, apostatize, stoolie, muskrat, snot, judas, squealer and renegade.

What is scientific name of rat?


What is rat slang for?

These negative traits have led to the informal meaning of rat, “hateful person,” “liar,” or “double-crosser.” You can also use rat as a verb to mean “betray or snitch on.”

What does louse mean?

1 : a small, wingless, and usually flat insect that lives on the bodies of warm-blooded animals. 2 : an insect or related arthropod that resembles a body louse and feeds on plant juices or decaying matter. louse. noun. / ˈlau̇s /

Asked by: Neha Miller

Score: 4.4/5
(18 votes)

The only perfect rhyming word for orange is «sporange.» A sporange is an old botanical term for «sporangium,» the portion of a fern in which asexual spores are created. This doesn’t exactly lend itself to use in sonnets or couplets, but it’s handy trivia nonetheless.

What word did Eminem rhyme with orange?

According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the only word that perfectly rhymes with “orange” is “sporange”. But over the course of his career, Eminem has proved that you don’t need to say “sporange” if you want to rhyme with “orange»: «I put my or-ange four-inch door hinge in stor-age and…

Does Orange have any rhymes?

What rhymes with orange? Orange rhymes with Blorenge (a mountain in Wales) and sporange (a technical word for a sac where spores are made).

What rhymes with purple and orange?

There is no word in the English language that rhymes with orange, month, silver or purple. Emma: Yummy! This orange is so sweet…it makes such a delightful treat!

Does door hinge rhyme with orange?

Of course, the two-word term door hinge does not form a true rhyme with orange, but half of it can be used to create a half rhyme with the name of the citrus fruit.

29 related questions found

What word Cannot be rhymed?

There are many words that have no rhyme in the English language. «Orange» is only the most famous. Other words that have no rhyme include: silver, purple, month, ninth, pint, wolf, opus, dangerous, marathon and discombobulate.

Does porridge rhyme with orange?

Rhyme. It is widely accepted that no single English word is a full rhyme for orange, though there are half rhymes, such as hinge, lozenge, syringe, and porridge. … There are a number of proper nouns which rhyme or nearly rhyme with orange, including The Blorenge, a mountain in Wales, and Gorringe, a surname.

Did Eminem really read the dictionary?

» It is a little-known fact that the only book Eminem read as a child was the dictionary. He pored over it, searching for words that rhymed with each other that could later be pulled out of the bag during the freestyle rap «battles» that provided his education in hip-hop.

Does any word rhyme with purple?

Purple rhymes with hirple, meaning “to limp” or “walk awkwardly,” and curple, an old Scots word for a leather strap that goes beneath the tail of a horse to secure its saddle (it also more broadly means «buttocks»).

What is the most Rhymable word?

What is the most rhymable word in the English language ? I believe it’s «bee». has 937 words that rhyme with bee.

Why do no words rhyme with orange?

Joel Spolsky asked what rhymes with orange. The official answer is, «Nothing,» although a creative poet can get close by using half words, just the -nge part or resorting to place names and foreign words.

Does Purple rhyme with turtle?

Purple. There are plenty of words that almost rhyme with “purple,” but nothing takes the cake exactly. If you need to rhyme “purple” try “turtle.” As in: “Roses are red, violets are purple.

What is an example of slant rhyme?

A slant rhyme is a type of rhyme with words that have similar, but not identical sounds. Most slant rhymes are formed by words with identical consonants and different vowels, or vice versa. “Worm” and “swarm” are examples of slant rhymes. … “Sky” and “high” are examples of perfect rhymes.

There is no rhyme between orange and any other word in the language.

The sounds that Purple and turtle make are not always consistent. Some people may say that purple rhyme with turtle, while others may say that they don’t always rhyme. Ultimately, this is a personal preference and cannot be confirmed or refuted.

Rhyming words are often pronounced with the letter that sounds like the man’s original letter. For example, the word “man” is pronounced as “hman”.

Related: What Rhymes With Orange Meaning?

Cayden is a boy name. It rhymes withaden and typically has a A-V-I-E-N sound.

There are many rhyming words in English. However, some of the most rhyming words in English are abecedarian, amethyst, atlantic, barberry, bumblebee, and capitulate.

Further reading: Whats Something That Rhymes With Purple?

Rhyme is a word that is used to help words sound together. When two words that sound alike are put together, they form a word that has the same sound. In this case, rhyme helps to make words sound more like one another.

However, some common methods of saying “tiger” in Korean are “tae-gi” (사고), “tae-jin” (사진), and “tae-han” (사탕).

Related: Does Hinge Rhyme With Orange?

Almost rhymes with orange is “tangerine.”

Horanghae is a Korean word that means “a measure of time.” It is used to measure the length of a day, week, or month.

Related: What Is A Borange?

Hoshi is a light green with a few black markings.

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Related: What Did Eminem Rhyme With Orange?

The word “jail” does not rhyme with “all” or “alley” so it would not be considered the “hardest word to rhyme.”
The word “jail” would be more likely to rhyme with “blast” or “blastoff.”

A rhyming word is a word that has two or more words that rhyme together. This makes it fun to read and hear, and can help you learn new words.

Related: What Is The Meaning Of Horanghae?

The rhyming word of good is “good.”
Good is a rhyming word.

The word that rhyming with life is “life.”

Related: What Is The Hardest Word To Rhyme?

There are no specific rules about hinge rhyme, but often the two words are pronounced together as one word. In some cases, hinge may also rhyme with spoon, scoot, and top.

There are many possible rhymes with the word beautiful. Some of the most common are: brave brave bride bygone courage courage courteous fine Flowers gorgeous Happy Innocent jealous Lonely miserable Nimble Ode Pleasant Pretty Spiteful Tender Violent

On the same topic: What Word Cannot Be Rhymed?

The answer to this question is difficult to determine because there is no standardization of the spelling of words in English. Some people believe that lozenge and orange rhyme, while others believe that they do not. It is unknown whether or not the rhyme between lozenge and orange is actually a result of sound or letter order.

A Borange is a type of mineral. Boranges are a type of metal. Boranges are a type of mineral that is used to make metal wires and tubes. Boranges are also a type of mineral that is used to make electrical cables and wires.

A lot of people think that rhymes easy are spelled easy. However, this is not always the case. Some words that are typically spelled easily are easy, easy, and die.

Pink Pink is a color that has been around for centuries and has many different meanings. It is often associated with happiness, love, and peace.

Some possible reasons include that Tiger is a common name in Japan for a large, ferocious animal, or that it is a symbol for strength and power.

Different people have different meanings for the word “orange.” However, there are some general trends that can be observed. For example, many people might say “oranges” when they mean the color orange, while others might say “oranges” when they mean a type of citrus fruit.

Additionally, some people might say “rhymes with orange” when they mean that two similar colors will look together on a screen or in a picture.

The word “yellow” is most commonly associated with the color yellow, but it can also rhyme with other colors. In particular, it can rhyme with blue, green, and brown.

There is no word that has no meaning.

The word “orange” rhymes with “pumpkin” and “mango.”
The color orange is the result of the mix of two other colors: red and yellow.

Eminem rhymed “orange” with “pumpkin.”
Oranges are orange, pumpkins are pumpkin.

Yes, Eminem actually read the dictionary. In his song “The Marshall Mathers LP,” he references the dictionary at least twice.

Rhyme words that rhyme with chocolate are either milk or honey.

The word “supercalifragilisticexpialidocious” rhymes with “sticky” and “galactic.”
The word “supercalifragilisticexpialidocious” is a shortened form of “stickyGalactic.”

The word cannot be rhymed because the letters pronounced together form a word.

The word “black” rhymes with “cloak” and “smoke” because these words are pronounced as one word.


Banana rhyme with banana.

A pupypet is a pet dog or cat that islolita or has a Lolita appearance.

Blue is usually rhymed with yellow, green, brown, and orange.

A handful of words form half rhymes with orange (using the latter half of the word), including hinge, cringe, and impinge. However, sporange, the botanical structure that creates spores, is an existing word that forms a near-perfect rhyme with orange.

two oranges

Orange you glad we didn’t rhyme ‘banana’?

The word orange is notorious for being un-rhymable. The rhyming sound of a word is determined by its sound from the vowel in the last stressed syllable to the word’s end. Orange can be pronounced either as a two-syllable word (AR-inj or OR-inj) or a dialectal one-syllable word (ARNJ or ORNJ). Thus, as a two-syllable word with the stress on the penultimate syllable, it requires at least a two-syllable word to rhyme with. And, indeed, there is an obscure one that rhymes with orange that your grade-school teacher and parents did not tell you about (because odds are they, like many others, were unaware of its existence). We’ll get to that word after a few words about a different way to rhyme with orange.

Types of Rhyme

Language experts consider words with the same sounding final syllable as constituting a special kind of rhyme. Thus, orange can be rhymed, imperfectly, with one-syllable words having a final j, as in hinge and cringe, and with two-syllable words ending in that sound, such as impinge, challenge, and lozenge. The result of matching such words with orange is called half rhyme, sometimes also called near rhyme, slant rhyme, or oblique rhyme. In a half rhyme, the words correspond only in their final consonant sounds, and not in a preceding vowel sound. Although they aren’t referring to this literary device by name, both rapper Eminem and billionaire Elon Musk have presented an example of it in their challenging of the idea that there is no word that rhymes with orange.

EMINEM: Yeah. It’s just in the enunciation of it. Like, people say that the word, orange, doesn’t rhyme with anything … I can think of a lot of things that rhyme with orange.

ANDERSON COOPER: What rhymes with orange? I’m trying to think but I can’t think of anything.

EMINEM: If you take it—if you’re taking the word at face value and you just say orange, nothing is going to rhyme with it exactly. If you enunciate it and you make it like more than one syllable—


EMINEM: —Orange, you could say like, I put my orange four-inch door hinge in storage and ate porridge with George.
— CBS News, 7 Oct. 2010

Door hinge

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) October 9, 2019

Of course, the two-word term door hinge does not form a true rhyme with orange, but half of it can be used to create a half rhyme with the name of the citrus fruit.

A Word That Actually Rhymes with Orange

Sporange (SPOR-anj) is the name for the structure within which spores are produced, and this technical word comes closest to forming a perfect rhyme with orange. We think that you can forgive your teachers and parents for not telling you about it. And, honestly, its botanic quality makes it all but useless as a rhyming word with orange in the realm of poetry (but it would be a great ace up your sleeve in a rhyming game).

So, rhymers, if you are so inclined to end a line of a couplet with orange, there are options. Many words can be conceived to make a half rhyme, or there is always sporange. Though you might have an easier time contemplating half rhymes rather than how to end a line with sporange.

MORE TO EXPLORE: Orange Wine: It’s Not Citrus

We’ve got 52 rhyming words for orange »

What rhymes with orange?
ˈɔr ɪndʒ, ˈɒr-; Fr. ɔˈrɑ̃ʒ for 3,6or·ange

This page is about the various possible words that rhymes or sounds like orange.
Use it for writing poetry, composing lyrics for your song or coming up with rap verses.

Most common words emphasized in bold.


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Popularity rank by frequency of use

How popular is orange among other rhymes?

Word Cloud

A graphical representation of the words that rhyme with orange.

5/12 songs found

see 7 more »

  1. Now she’s tainted by the syringe
    Try to rhyme a word with orange

  2. Serai-je dans mon lit comme un ange
    Ruminant de mauvaises pensées
    Ou pressant la peau d’une orange

  3. Oh flip, the light is turning orange
    Coat ripped when I caught it in the door hinge

  4. Is gone — let em up get myself out of storage
    That fires burning blood blue but singing orange

  5. J’aime tout ce qui se mange
    La science est une orange

5/6 poems found

see 1 more »

  1. Dans une paix mystique et que rien ne dérange,
    On voit s’effacer l’arc impossible à plier
    Bleu, rouge, indigo, vert, violet, jaune, orange.

  2. I was then startled by the last orange
    rattling through the dry branches and
    leaves, fallen at my range

  3. Now wait a minute, I was in storage
    You can vouch, Can’t you orange?

  4. Now wait a minute, I was in storage
    You can vouch, Can’t you orange?

  5. the loudness of orange
    is nothing so strange

How to say orange in sign language?

How to pronounce orange?

Discuss this orange rhyme with the community:

  • Julian Velez

    Julian Velez

    Lawrence Lawrence or Rindge blue orange blue or blue or storage what is a stupid Lawrence Lawrence Oreck brunch blues orange blue or blue or storage what is a stupid Lawrence Lawrence Oreck bunch blues orange blue or blue or storage what is this Lawrence Lawrence or vintage blue orange blue or blue or storage what is a stupid Lawrence Lawrence Oreck brunch blues orange blue or blue or stored what is a stupid Lawrence Lawrence Oreck bunch of blues orange or or or blue blue are the vintage blue orange blue or blue or storage what is a stupid Lawrence Lawrence Oreck brunch blues orange blue or blue or storage what is a stupid launch Florida rec bunch of blues or orange or or or blue blue or the vintage blue blue or blue or blue stupid and storage what is the stupid Lawrence Lawrence I am Orick but brunch blues orange blue or blue or storage what is a stupid launch Florida rec bunch of blue or or or or blue her off but it blew up so blue blue stupid and storage what is the stupid Lawrence Lawrence Orick but brunch blues orange blue or blue or storage what is more »

    LikeReply5 years ago


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Know what rhymes with orange? Have another rhyming word for orange? Let us know!

Is orange wrong or has spelling mistakes?

What Rhymes With Orange?

Rhymes for Words That Have No Rhyme

There are many words that have no rhyme in the English language. «Orange» is only the most famous. Other words that have no rhyme include:

silver, purple, month, ninth, pint, wolf,
opus, dangerous, marathon and discombobulate.

But just because these words have no perfect rhyme doesn’t mean we can’t rhyme with them. Using slant rhyme, we can rhyme with these words anyway. To add anything to the list, email escher(at)

Words With No Rhyme? We Rhyme ‘Em Anyway.

orange — foreign, boring, forage, porridge, door-hinge, score bench, chorus, swordfish
silver — filter, shiver, filler, deliver, liver
purple — Steve Urkel, whirlpool, urinal, hurtful, circles
month — dunce, hunts, moth, runt
ninth — mine, lines, labyrinth
pint — ain’t, paint, might
wolf — gulf, fur, enough, dull
opus — flow this, rope is, lotus, bogus, psychosis
dangerous — major risk, plagiarist, cameras, game to us, spontaneous
marathon — care what’s on, dandruff song, Dara’s wrong, Santa’s gone, paragon
discombobulate — the disco they love to hate, risky on a date, Sisqo’s rollerblades

Of course, we can also try to rhyme with «orange» and other rhymeless words by slipping them into longer, multisyllabic rhymes. Like this:

The four engineers wore orange braziers.


Bronze, plus some silver and gold,
Won’t be of help if you shiver when cold.

Other readers have insisted that the word «sporange» rhymes with «orange,» but «sporange» appears in very few dictionaries. Apparently it’s a botanical term for a sac that contains spores. Likewise the useful word «porange,» which describes hair that grows where hair typically doesn’t grow, is not in any dictionaries that we’ve found. Other readers have noted that a mountain overlooking the town of Abergavenny in Wales is named Blorenge. Some have insisted that a famous horse is buried there. In any event, the rhyme has been of use to a local bard with an extravagant name (Daffydd Traswfynnydd ap Llewellyn-Jones), who writes:

As I left Aber town one day, a suckin’ on an orange,
I saw the rain clouds rolling in from the direction of the Blorenge.

But are we really counting proper nouns? If that were the case, I just might name my daughter «Laurenge,» just so she can grow up saying, «I rhyme with a rhymeless word.»

Still others have noted that «curple» rhymes with «purple.» True. But the word — which means «hind-quarters or rump of a horse» — is no longer in much use. I guess it’s up to us to bring it back. Others say we should include «nurple» — as in «purple nurple,» a slang term for a very painful prank. But that slang term hasn’t made its way into Webster’s yet, even if «bootylicious» has.

The qualifier and it is in that linked article is actually that there are almost no perfect rhymes with Orange.

Orange has almost no perfect rhymes

First sentence of linked article.

Perfect rhyme — also called full rhyme, exact rhyme,[1] or true rhyme — is a form of rhyme between two words or phrases, satisfying the following conditions:[2][3]

The stressed vowel sound in both words must be identical, as well as any subsequent sounds. For example, «sky» and «high»; «skylight» and «highlight».

The articulation that precedes the vowel in the words must differ. For example, «bean» and «green» is a perfect rhyme, while «leave» and «believe» is not.

Word pairs that satisfy the first condition but not the second (such as the aforementioned «leave» and «believe») are technically identities (also known as identical rhymes or identicals). Homophones are sometimes classified as identical rhymes, though the classification isn’t entirely accurate.[why?][3]

The only perfect rhyming word for orange is “sporange.” A sporange is an old botanical term for “sporangium,” the portion of a fern in which asexual spores are created.

What is a Borange?

A “borange” is a concept that Vic described and named in the summer of 1976. He and Suzie were the first to be boranged. As he put it, “People have rejoiced and despaired in their relationships forever. Then they throw a party to tell everyone of their good time and to celebrate their relationship with their friends.

What word Cannot be rhymed?

There are many words that have no rhyme in the English language. “Orange” is only the most famous. Other words that have no rhyme include: silver, purple, month, ninth, pint, wolf, opus, dangerous, marathon and discombobulate.

Why do no words rhyme with orange?

Joel Spolsky asked what rhymes with orange. The official answer is, “Nothing,” although a creative poet can get close by using half words, just the -nge part or resorting to place names and foreign words.

Does hinge rhyme with orange?

Of course, the two-word term door hinge does not form a true rhyme with orange, but half of it can be used to create a half rhyme with the name of the citrus fruit.

What is the meaning of Horanghae?

[17’S 호시] ???????? vs ???????? — 세븐틴(SEVENTEEN) (@pledis_17) June 24, 2021. This is not the first time Hoshi has expressed his love for tigers. He even coined the term “I Tiger You” (“Horanghae”), which combines the word for “tiger” (“horangi”) and the phrase “I love you” (“saranghae”) in Korean.

What’s something that rhymes with purple?

Near rhymes with Purple Word 1 turtle Definition 2 kirtle Definition 3 burble Definition 4 tergal Definition.

What is the hardest word to rhyme?

There are many words that have no rhyme in the English language. “Orange” is only the most famous. Other words that have no rhyme include: silver, purple, month, ninth, pint, wolf, opus, dangerous, marathon and discombobulate.

What did Eminem rhyme with orange?

According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the only word that perfectly rhymes with “orange” is “sporange”. But over the course of his career, Eminem has proved that you don’t need to say “sporange” if you want to rhyme with “orange”: “I put my or-ange four-inch door hinge in stor-age and…Oct 9, 2019.

What is the most Rhymable word?

What is the most rhymable word in the English language ? I believe it’s “bee”. has 937 words that rhyme with bee.

What rhymes with orange? Orange rhymes with Blorenge (a mountain in Wales) and sporange (a technical word for a sac where spores are made).

Does lozenge rhyme with orange?

Both orange and silver do have half-rhymes, though: the Oxford Rhyming Dictionary gives lozenge as a half-rhyme for orange, for example, and salver as a half-rhyme for silver.

What word rhymes with gold?

Word Rhyme rating Categories fold 100 Noun, Verb bold 100 Adjective mold 100 Noun behold 100 Verb.

What rhymes with the word beautiful?

Near rhymes with Beautiful Word 1 dutiful Definition 2 pocketful Definition 3 plentiful Definition 4 bountiful Definition.

What rhymes with supercalifragilisticexpialidocious?

Words that rhyme with supercalifragilisticexpialidocious atrocious unconscious conscious ferocious precious fabulous gracious heterogeneous obnoxious precocious.

What rhymes with chocolate?

Words that rhyme with chocolate desolate aggregate flagellate immaculate implicate inarticulate incarnate inveterate literate obdurate.

Why is Hoshi called Tiger?

His stage name means “gaze of the tiger” and was made by combining two Korean words: “horangi” (tiger) and “shiseon” (gaze). He chose this name because he feels he turns into a tiger when he’s on stage. In Japanese, Hoshi means ‘star’, so he uses both meanings.

What is Hoshi favorite color?

– Hoshi’s favorite colors are black & white.

How do you say tiger in Korean?

The sound a tiger makes in Korean is 어흥 (eo-heung).

What does Blue rhyme with?

Word Rhyme rating ♫ shrew 100 ♫ stu 100 ♫ hoo 100 ♫ Askew 100 ♫.

Does Purple rhyme with turtle?

Yes, “purple” rhymes with “circle,” but it is not a perfect rhyme. It is a type of near rhyme called a generic rhyme. “Turtle” would also rhyme generically with these two words, since the t sound is also a voiceless stop.

What does banana rhyme with?

Word Rhyme rating Categories bandanna 100 Noun cabana 100 Noun grana 100 Noun bandana 100 Noun.

What is a rhyming word?

Rhyming words are two or more words that have the same or similar ending sound. If they sound the same or similar, they rhyme. For example: car and bar rhyme; house and mouse rhyme. If the two words sound different, they do not rhyme. For example: car and man do not rhyme; house and grass do not rhyme.

What word has no meaning?

nonsense. noun. nonsense words or sounds seem like ordinary words but they have no meaning.

What word rhymes with husband?

Words that rhyme with husband second brand silent violent accent concerned diamond enlightened fund gallant.

Did Eminem really read the dictionary?

He studies the dictionary to find words that rhyme. His dedication to reading means he is one of the most knowledgeable rappers out there. He reads, he writes and repeats over and over again.

What is the rhyming word of good?

Word Rhyme rating Categories stood 100 Verb understood 100 Adjective wood 100 Noun could 100 Other.

What does yellow rhyme with?

Word Rhyme rating Meter mellow 100 [/x] cello 100 [/x] Costello 100 [x/x] bellow 100 [/x].

What word rhymes with life?

Word Rhyme rating Categories wife 100 Noun knife 100 Noun strife 100 Noun rife 100 Adjective.

What rhymes easy?

Word Rhyme rating Meter uneasy 100 [x/x] breezy 100 [/x] queasy 100 [/x] sleazy 100 [/x].

What rhymes Cayden?

Word Rhyme rating Meter Braden 100 [/x] Haydon 100 [/x] maidan 100 [/x] Heyden 100 [/x].

What word rhymes with Apple?

Word Rhyme rating Categories chapel 100 Noun grapple 100 Verb dapple 100 Noun scrapple 100 Noun.

What word rhymes with pink?

Word Rhyme rating Categories sync 100 Verb mink 100 Noun stink 100 Noun, Verb rink 100 Noun.

What word rhymes with black?

Word Rhyme rating Categories tack 100 Noun snack 100 Noun hack 100 Noun, Verb shack 100 Noun.

What rhymes with a man?

Word Rhyme rating Categories fan 100 Noun scan 100 Noun, Verb clan 100 Noun ban 100 Noun, Verb.

What almost rhymes with orange?

Near rhymes with Orange Word 1 lozenge Definition 2 goldfinch Definition 3 scavenge Definition 4 challenge Definition.

What word rhymes with fire?

Word Rhyme rating Categories dire 100 Adjective liar 100 Noun attire 100 Noun sire 100 Noun.

What word rhymes with diamond?

Word Rhyme rating Meter Dimond 100 [/x] Dymond 100 [/x] klima und 100 [/x] beim hund 100 [/x].

What is the another name for gold?

Gold is also known as Aurum.

What rhymes on old?

Word Rhyme rating Categories rolled 100 Adjective fold 100 Noun, Verb bold 100 Adjective mold 100 Noun.

What word rhymes with queen?

Word Rhyme rating Categories dean 100 Noun keen 100 Adjective lean 100 Adjective, Verb vaccine 100 Noun.

What is a big word for beautiful?

Some common synonyms of beautiful are comely, fair, handsome, lovely, and pretty. While all these words mean “exciting sensuous or aesthetic pleasure,” beautiful applies to whatever excites the keenest of pleasure to the senses and stirs emotion through the senses.

What is a stronger word for beautiful?

admirable, adorable, alluring, angelic, appealing, beauteous, bewitching, captivating, charming, classy, comely, cute, dazzling, delicate, delightful, divine, elegant, enthralling, enticing, excellent, exquisite, fair, fascinating, fetching, fine, foxy, good-looking, gorgeous, graceful, grand, handsome, ideal, inviting Feb 14, 2011.

What rhymes with month in the English language?

Month rhymes with oneth. Remember, month is pronounced ‘munth’, so ‘one’ and therefore ‘oneth’ also need to be pronounced as ‘wun’ and ‘wunth’ (not ‘wan’ and ‘wanth’). This ‘month and oneth’ rhyme is the most difficult to explain and this tricky word is certainly the closest to a refractory rhyme from this list.

What is a word that rhymes with silver?

Word Rhyme rating Meter Chilver 100 [/x] sylver 100 [/x] zilver 100 [/x] ale-silver 100 [xx/x].

What word rhymes with milk?

Word Rhyme rating Meter silk 100 [/] ilk 100 [/] bilk 100 [/] Rilke 100 [/].

What word rhymes with honey?

Word Rhyme rating Categories sunny 100 Adjective Sonny 100 Name bunny 100 Noun runny 100 Adjective.

What is short for chocolate?

CHOC. (redirected from chocolate) Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Medical, Idioms, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia. Acronym. Definition.

Who is the youngest in seventeen?

Dino is Seventeen’s main dancer, sub vocalist, lead rapper, and maknae (youngest in the group), born on February 11, 1999. He choreographed their songs “Jam Jam” and “Flower.” Why is the Philippines special for Seventeen?Sep 22, 2018.

Who left seventeen?

During the hiatus of Seventeen TV, three members left, Dongjin, Doyoon and Mingming (without stated reasons, but possibly a “secret trial” eliminated); there was the entry of a new member, THE8.

What does Hoshi’s name mean in Japanese?

Hoshi or Hosi/Hoshni (星) is the Japanese word for “star”.

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