Themselves is not a word

Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

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Asked by: Jade White

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(28 votes)

There is no such word as “theirselves” (and you certainly can’t spell it “theirselfs” or “thierselves”); it’s “themselves.”

How do you use themselves and theirselves?

Is it themselves or theirselves?

  1. Themselves is the standard, correct version and occurs more than 3,000 times more frequently than theirselves.
  2. Theirselves is rare in spoken English and incredibly rare in written English.

Which is correct themselves or themself?

Recommendations. 1. Use themselves as the reflexive/intensive pronoun to refer to an indefinite gender-neutral noun or pronoun that is the subject of the sentence and avoid themself.

Is it grammatically correct to say they themselves?

Senior Member. ‘Them themselves’ is correct, but people get confused about compound pronoun phrases.

What is difference between themself and themselves?

is that themself is reflexive and emphatic form of them’ when ‘ them is used as a non-gender-specific singular pronoun (singular they) while themselves is (the reflexive case of they , the third-person plural personal pronoun ) the people previously mentioned, as the object of a verb or following a preposition, where …

32 related questions found

When to use themselves in a sentence?

You use themselves to refer to people, animals, or things when the object of a verb or preposition refers to the same people or things as the subject of the verb. They all seemed to be enjoying themselves. You use themselves to emphasize the people or things that you are referring to.

How do you use they themselves in a sentence?

Men may say that they themselves would wish to have done it. They themselves reached camp between eight and nine at night. Force was their own law, and by this must they themselves have been ruled. They themselves were far too simple and too stupid to be dangerously criminal.

Can I say themself?

Now that we can use the singular they, we have a new question: themself or themselves? In some instances, the singular themself is now acceptable. It’s not covered in the singular they entry, and the primary advice in the Q&A section is to avoid themself by rewriting your sentence. …

Is their plural or singular?

Using the plural pronoun to refer to a single person of unspecified gender is an old and honorable pattern in English, not a newfangled bit of degeneracy or a politically correct plot to avoid sexism (though it often serves the latter purpose).

Does they themselves make sense?

Themselves is a reflexive pronoun, and in the phrase they themselves, it is an intensive form, which is always treated as a restrictive appositive that is not offset with a comma. Note that they all have reflexive and intensive forms which depends on where they are in the sentence.

Is themself a word now?

Is it ever okay to say ‘themself’? As singular they becomes more widely accepted—and increasingly adopted formally by even traditional news outlets—the reflexive pronoun that logically goes with it is gaining traction too. As singular ‘they’ becomes more popular, ‘themself’ is also gaining traction.

What is the plural form of self?

noun, plural selves [selvz].

How do you write theirs?

The idea that theirs needs an apostrophe comes out of the fact that on virtually every other word, ‘s indicates possession, so English speakers sometimes think theirs should be spelled their’s. However, this is always incorrect – theirs is the only correct spelling.

Can I use their as singular?

Singular they is the use in English of the pronoun they or its inflected or derivative forms, them, their, theirs, and themselves (or themself), as an epicene (gender-neutral) singular pronoun. It typically occurs with an unspecified antecedent, in sentences such as: «Somebody left their umbrella in the office.

Can we be used as singular?

But the usual problems arise: ‘his’ and its associates (‘he’, ‘him’, ‘himself’) are predominantly associated with maleness, while ‘his or her’ and its associates are pretty stilted. Singular ‘we’ is the natural solution. So natural, in fact, that complaints about it – or even mentions of it – are rare.

What part of speech is themself?

Themself is a reflexive pronoun, being a reflexive form of they. used instead of ‘himself’ or ‘herself’ for referring back to the subject of a sentence, especially when the subject is a word such as ‘everyone’, ‘someone’, or ‘anyone’.

Do you put a comma before yourself?

Himself is a reflexive or «self ‘ pronouns used to intensify or accent the noun it precedes. No commas around it.

Does I myself need a comma?

When a reflexive pronoun such as “herself” is used like this, it is not set off with commas. For example, “I myself wouldn’t buy that book.” This makes answer choice C incorrect. Answer choices A and D are also incorrect because they put a single comma between the subject and its verb, which should never happen.

Is there a comma between you yourself?

Should there be a comma after ‘you’? Yes, it’s there to suggest the reader one break while reading. I hope you do not forget that you, yourself, are answerable to your actions. Sometimes comma is used obligatorily, and someetimes it’s optional.

What kind of word is themselves?

Themselves is a reflexive pronoun, being a reflexive form of they.

How do you use theirs in a sentence?

Theirs sentence example

  1. Now, take theirs and do the same. …
  2. «Pay for theirs too,» he said. …
  3. My place was on the street behind theirs , one house over so the corners of our lots touched. …
  4. The rest of the night was theirs to spend as they pleased. …
  5. Its arrival pre-dated theirs , as it would have passed them back in the basin.

Where do we use theirs?

language note: Theirs is the third person plural possessive pronoun. You use theirs to indicate that something belongs or relates to the group of people, animals, or things that you are talking about. There was a big group of a dozen people at the table next to theirs.

How do you use the word mine in a sentence?

Mine sentence example

  1. Mine will be taught to mind. …
  2. It was a gold mine , wasn’t it? …
  3. So I say the horses and chickens are mine and Alex says the other animals are his. …
  4. You may bring mine with you. …
  5. Then I will take his soft chubby hand in mine , and go out in the bright sunshine with him.

When to use theirs or its?

(Its is replacing the company’s name.) You would only use “their” when the noun it is replacing is plural. The managers offered all their employees a bonus. (Their is replacing the managers.)


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«Itselves» is not a word.

The dog scratched itself.
The dogs scratched themselves.

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itself is not english

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books tore themselves. is it correct

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В чем разница между itself  и itselves ?

  • Что значит itself?


    Difficult to explain 🙃 It means you have metioned an animal or thing before in the sentence, but want to refer to it again for somethin…

  • В чем разница между oneself и myself ?


    Oneself refers to everyone in general. It’s also very formal, so to make it less formal we use yourself.

  • Что значит oneself?


    when you are talking about yourself

  • В чем разница между itself и in itself ?


    itself means «alone, unaccompanied». in itself means «not needing other things».

  • В чем разница между myself и oneself ?


    Myself = mi mismo
    Oneself = uno mismo
    -Yo diría «I love myself» es «me amo»
    -Pero no puedo decir «I love oneself» en cambio tendría que deci…

  • В чем разница между himself и his own ?


    himself — 他自己(直接宾语)
    his own — 他自己的……

    He hated himself.
    He got in his own car, not yours.

  • Что значит itself?


    Itself has more than one meaning but the ‘main’ one is the word used as the object of a verb or preposition to refer to a thing or animal pre…

  • В чем разница между themselves и theirselves ?


    The difference is that THEMSELVES is correct, and THEIRSELVES is wrong.

    —They took care of the problem themselves.
    —Their website was laun…

  • Что значит itself?

  • В чем разница между themselves и theirselves ?



    I don’t think I’ve ever heard anybody say — theirselves — and I’m not sure that it’s a real word. Themselves is more than adequate

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  • В чем разница между phone number и mobile number ?
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Pronouns are a useful tool that writers use to make sentences more fluid by avoiding redundancy. Instead of writing, for instance, “Gregory left Gregory’s house and got into Gregory’s car to go to Gregory’s job,” we can simply write, “Gregory left the house and got into his car to go to work.”

Reflexive pronouns are a specific type of pronoun that are useful under certain conditions, but they can be confusing, too. Many people aren’t sure whether to use themselves or theirselves as a plural reflexive pronoun.

What is the Difference Between Themselves and Theirselves?

In this article, I will compare themselves vs. theirselves. I will use each of these words in at least one example sentence. Plus, I will show you a memory tool that you can use to decide whether to use theirselves or themselves in your own writing.

When to Use Themselves

Definition of theirselves definition of themselves definitionWhat does themselves mean? Themselves is a plural pronoun. Since it is used reflexively, it is used in contexts where the subject of a sentence is also its object. And since it is plural, it refers to more than one person.

For example,

  • They fooled themselves into thinking they could win, but they never had a chance.
  • “Who will guard the guards themselves?” goes the old Latin proverb.

Other reflexive pronouns include himself, herself, and myself. Reflexive pronouns can be used as intensive pronouns, where they add emphasis or specify who will do something.

For example,

  • The Republicans themselves did not expect to win the 2016 presidential election.

Many languages have reflexive pronouns, including Chinese, Spanish, French, Hungarian, and Slovene.

In English, reflexive pronouns are sometimes used non-reflexively, especially in professional writing.

Consider the phrasing,

  • Please CC myself and Donna on the email.

This usage is nonstandard and should be avoided; yet it is becoming increasingly common.

A more graceful phrasing would be,

  • Please CC Donna and me on the email.

When to Use Theirselves

Define theirselves and define themselvesWhat does theirselves mean? Theirselves is a dialect form of themselves that is widely shunned and rarely crops up in written English.

It is slightly more common to hear spoken than written, but even in spoken English, the use of theirselves is a marker of poor English.

Consider this chart that graphs theirselves vs. themselves in written English since 1800.

themselves versus theirselves

The usage of theirselves in written English is so low as to approximate zero.

In his book Garner’s Modern English Usage, Bryan Garner estimates the disparity to be 3,182:1—a huge gap! In other words, you really shouldn’t ever use theirselves. It’s a marker of poor English skills.

You should avoid theirselves, especially in professional and academic writing. Themselves is the better choice.

Trick to Remember the Difference

Since one of these words is never correct, it’s easy to remember themselves vs. theirselves.

  • Themselves is the correct word.
  • Theirselves is nonstandard.

A way to remember this is that their is possessive. Since reflexive pronouns are not used to indicate possession, it should be easy to remember that themselves is the correct form of this word.


Is it themselves or theirselves? Themselves and theirselves are two variations of a reflexive pronoun that refers to a group of people.

  • Themselves is the standard, correct version and occurs more than 3,000 times more frequently than theirselves.
  • Theirselves is rare in spoken English and incredibly rare in written English.


  • 1 What is the Difference Between Themselves and Theirselves?
  • 2 When to Use Themselves
  • 3 When to Use Theirselves
  • 4 Trick to Remember the Difference
  • 5 Summary

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Themselves is correct and a reflexive pronoun in English. Themself is only used in English when “they” is singular.

They need to bake the cake themselves.

Themselves is the reflexive pronoun for the pronoun “they”. We use a pronoun in place of a noun when we don’t want to state the noun. A reflexive pronoun is when the pronoun is both the subject and the object of the sentence. This happens for example when the person(or people in this case) is both the doer and receiver of an action. 

They had to cut the grass themselves. They had no gardener. 


Themself is also possible in English. The pronoun “they” can be singular or plural in English. 

“Themself” can only be used when the subject “they” is treated as singular. 

We use “themself” when we use “singular they”. “Singular they” is often used with words like “someone”, “anyone”, or “no one”. 

Someone painted themself green!

Can anyone dry themself without a towel? 

“Themself” can also be used for non-binary people who don’t identify with male or female genders and prefer to use the pronoun “they”.

Joanie did it for themself.   

Them self

“Them self” is not used as a reflexive pronoun in English. You should use “themselves” or “themself”.  

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Conor is the main writer here at One Minute English and was an English teacher for 10 years. He is interested in helping people with their English skills and learning about using A.I tools at work.

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A Person’s Self Is Explained Best With Reflexive Pronouns

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What are reflexive pronouns, and how do we form them? We explain why “themselves” is not the same as “them” and “each other.”

Reflexive Pronouns (myself, yourselves)

There are only a few reflexives, but how can we use them correctly?
Correct Use
  • We use reflexive pronouns if the subject and the object of a sentence is the same person.
    • The little girl injured herself while playing.
  • Reflexive pronouns are also used for emphasis.
    • He wanted to impress his new boss, so instead of buying cupcakes, he baked them himself.

Pronouns are an essential part of our writing. One reason for this is the numerous functions these words can cover. Reflexive pronouns, for instance, indicate either that an action is directed to oneself, or emphasis. For now: Enjoy yourself reading about pronouns, reciprocity, and reflexivity.

What Are the Possible Forms of Reflexive Pronouns?

Reflexive pronouns directly correspond to personal pronouns. As there are eight of them, there are also eight reflexive pronouns.

Personal pronoun Reflexive pronoun
I myself
you yourself
he himself
she herself
it itself
we ourselves
you yourselves
they themselves

Several forms are directly connected to the possessive pronouns (my, your, her, and our), or to the object pronouns (him, it, and them). That is why these potential forms don’t exist:

meself, hisself, itsself, usselves, theirselves

Moreover, the three persons in plural form also show the plural ending “-selves” instead of the singular “-self.” These constructions either don’t exist, or are non-standard forms:

myselves, himselves, herselves, itselves, ourself

Quote with a reflexive pronoun.

“Themselves” is a reflexive pronoun.

It is important to tell yourself and yourselves apart, since both words exist.

The special pronoun one has its own reflexive pronoun: oneself.

Dancing, writing, and drawing are common ways to express oneself.

The reflexive pronoun of everybody is either the standard themselves, or—the use of (they) themself as a singular pronoun.

Everybody has to look after themselves / themself.

When Do We Use Reflexive Pronouns?

There are two main situations that require the use of a reflexive pronoun.

  1. If the subject and the object of a sentence is the same person

I made myself a cozy home.

Don’t be so hard on yourself.

The man could eat that pizza easily all by himself.

The woman cut herself in the hand.

An animal can be a beast to itself.

You and I won’t reply to ourselves.

You can’t keep that to yourselves, can you?

They only care for themselves.

In these examples, you can see that you don’t always need the personal pronoun: Nouns can indicate a certain person, the use of an imperative implies “you,” and the conjunction of “you and I” corresponds to “we.”

2. The use of a reflexive pronoun can emphasize the subject (or object) of a sentence. It is worth noting that the pronouns in green might be redundant in many contexts.

I saw that tragic accident myself.

Charity funds rely on people like yourself.

The Queen Herself visited the remote island.

Yesterday, we saw the murderer himself.

No one has ever seen the Yeti itself.

We didn’t plan to go there ourselves.

Did you do that yourselves?

The children didn’t clean the house themselves.

Some idioms require the reflexive pronoun yourself:

Calm yourself!

Behave yourself!

Trust yourself!

Watch yourself!

What Is the Difference Between Reflexive Pronouns and Reciprocal Pronouns?

The correct form of the reflexive pronoun aside, there are some cases that don’t require its use.

  1. Casual actions of everyday life.

My neighbor washed [Ø] and dressed [Ø] after having breakfast.

2. For emphasis, directly after the subject (mostly redundant, see above)

I [Ø] saw that tragic accident.

3. Do not use the reflexive pronoun to refer to a different person than the subject (→  object pronoun, see who vs. whom)

The man saw him (another man) in the mirror before the murder.

4. Do not use a reflexive pronoun to show mutual interaction (→ reciprocity)

My grandparents have been loving each other for ages now.

The reciprocal pronouns each other and one another (case 4) are sometimes confused with reflexive pronouns. They can only be used for plural subjects, and remain the same, regardless of the exact person.

We / You / They + […] + each other / one another


Members of this company care for each other. (The colleagues are social.)

Members of this company care for themselves. (The colleagues are selfish.)

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When to use themself or themselves is one tricky problem in standard English, even for native English speakers. An English dictionary is one way to see an example of when to use the singular word themself or the plural word themselves, but a dictionary is not something a person has available all the time.

When to use themselves

First, themselves is a reflexive pronoun and is related to the plural forms of the pronouns them and they. We may use the two terms interchangeably, but they are not one and the same in English. A reflexive pronoun refers back to the subject of a sentence and all reflexive pronouns end in -self or -selves.

There are many examples of how to properly use themselves. For example:

  • I helped the girls with the word game and told them to play themselves after I left.
  • They were leaning over the edge and trying to see then movie screen for themselves.
  • The two girls next to her had dirtied themselves and the surrounding tables and chairs.
  • They were ready to defend themselves, if the bullies decided to attack them at the park during recess.
  • Children will learn themselves with the appropriate guidance..
  • They praised themselves by praising the school.
  • Pictures from the movie kept replaying themselves in her head.
  • The pilots strapped themselves in for the long ride to the space station.
  • The economies themselves will see a rebound once the national emergency is over and countries once again open up for trade and travel.
  • Once they arrived in the countryside they started to feel more like themselves.  
  • When recycling centers run themselves the world will be a better place for all of us to live in and enjoy.
  • The campers found themselves lost in the forest with no hope of rescue until after the long holiday weekend.
  • The students themselves were surprised to see the results of the exam and the rankings that followed.
  • The animals themselves figured out how to open the gate and they escaped down the road leading away from the farm.
  • Politicians themselves sometimes have a difficult time explaining complex policies and ideas to voters.
  • We can understand why people themselves are willing to wait so long for a superior product and customer service experience.

Sometimes, in modern English, them or they is used when talking about a person whose gender is not known or who is gender neutral. This can occur if the speaker or writer doesn’t know the gender of the person, animal or thing that is being discussed.

If your coworker is causing you problems, you should report them to the boss.

My dog is always running away, but I don’t know what’s wrong with them.    

My friend is always borrowing my things and not returning them, so I think I won’t lend things to them anymore.             

The delivery person is always here so fast I always give them an extra tip.   

Is themself a word?

The singular pronoun themself has become a common word to make the plural pronouns them and they sound singular. For example, see how themself is used in the following sentences.

A person should help themself before helping others.

The adults began crying at themself.

Everyone who guessed the correct word can congratulate themself.

The performer introduced themself to the audience.

The kids who know how to swim can dive in themself.

Anyone can do it themself with the right tools.

One must understand themself before understanding others.

However, if you wrote the above sentence the grammar would be incorrect because it is singular and should be plural. Written, the sentence should say the pronoun form themselves rather than the reflexive singular pronoun form themself.

Other English forms like themself, themselve, theirselves, theirself, and other third person pronouns are sometimes acceptable in English depending on how they are used and who the someone is.

Is his or herself correct?

Both his or her and himself or herself are correct. However, himself and herself are considered more formal.

Is anyone singular or plural?

Anyone is always singular. For example, you would say, “Is this anyone’s car?”

Can you say they themselves?

It is acceptable to say they themselves, but it is considered wordy and lacks concision and can be shortened to just they.

  • 1

    themselves [ðǝmˊselvz]




    себя́, -ся; себе́;

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > themselves

  • 2

    Персональный Сократ > themselves

  • 3


    1. себя, себе, собой, -сь, -ся ()

    the boys hurt themselves sliding downhill — съезжая с горы, мальчики ушиблись

    they’re going to buy themselves a new car — они собираются приобрести новую машину

    they think of nobody but themselves — они ни о ком, кроме себя, не думают

    (all) by themselves — а) одни; they lived by themselves there — они там жили одни; б) сами, одни, без посторонней помощи; they did it by themselves — они сделали это сами /самостоятельно/

    nobody could blame themselves if… — никто не может винить себя, если…

    1) сами ()

    the teachers themselves said the test was too hard — (даже) сами преподаватели говорили, что контрольная была слишком трудной

    they want to see for themselves — они хотят сами убедиться /удостовериться/

    it was hard to remember how themselves sat in fear of their persons — (им) было трудно вспоминать, как они сидели в страхе за самих себя

    they were not themselves for some time — некоторое время они не могли прийти в себя

    they keep themselves to themselves — они ведут замкнутый образ жизни; они ни с кем не встречаются

    НБАРС > themselves

  • 4


    elect from among themselves выбирать из своей среды themselves pron emph. сами; they built the house themselves они сами построили дом themselves pron refl. себя, себе; they wash themselves они моются; they have built themselves a house они выстроили себе дом themselves pron emph. сами; they built the house themselves они сами построили дом themselves pron refl. себя, себе; they wash themselves они моются; they have built themselves a house они выстроили себе дом themselves pron refl. себя, себе; they wash themselves они моются; they have built themselves a house они выстроили себе дом

    English-Russian short dictionary > themselves

  • 5

    ðəmˈselvz мест.;
    1) себя;
    себе They did not behave themselves well. ≈ Они плохо вели себя.
    2) усил. сами
    себя, себе, собой, — сь, -ся — the boys hurt * sliding downhill съезжая с горы, мальчики ушиблись — they were ashamed of * им было стыдно за себя — they have to attend to * они должны сами себя обслуживать — they were whispering among * они шушукались между собой — they’re going to buy * a new car они собираются приобрести новую машину — they think of nobody but * они ни о ком, кроме себя, не думают — (all) by * одни — they lived by * there они там жили одни сами, одни, без посторонней помощи — they did it by * они сделали это сами (с неопределенными местоимениями вм. himself) (разговорное) себя — nobody could blame * if… никто не может винить себя, если… сами — the teachers * said the test was too hard (даже) сами преподаватели говорили, что контрольная была слишком трудной — they want to see for * они хотят сами убедиться( устаревшее) они — it was hard to remember how * sat in fear of their persons (им) было трудно вспоминать, как они сидели в страхе засамих себя > they were not * for some time некоторое время они не могли прийти в себя > they keep * to * они ведут замкнутый образ жизни;
    они ни с кем не встречаются
    elect from among ~ выбирать из своей среды
    themselves pron emph. сами;
    they built the house themselves они сами построили дом ~ pron refl. себя, себе;
    they wash themselves они моются;
    they have built themselves a house они выстроили себе дом
    themselves pron emph. сами;
    they built the house themselves они сами построили дом
    ~ pron refl. себя, себе;
    they wash themselves они моются;
    they have built themselves a house они выстроили себе дом
    ~ pron refl. себя, себе;
    they wash themselves они моются;
    they have built themselves a house они выстроили себе дом

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > themselves

  • 6

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > themselves

  • 7


    1) себя; себе; they wash themselves они моются; they have built themselves a house они выстроили себе дом

    2) (emph.) сами; they built the house themselves они сами построили дом

    * * *

    1 (0) сами по себе

    * * *

    * * *

    [them·selves || ðəm’selvz]
    они сами

    * * *





    * * *

    мест.; возвр.
    1) себя
    2) усил. сами

    Новый англо-русский словарь > themselves

  • 8


    себе (himself, yourself, itself, themselves, myself, ourselves)

    сами (themselves, yourself, ourselves)

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > themselves

  • 9

    1. сам; себя; он

    2. себя; сами

    English-Russian base dictionary > themselves

  • 10



    1) себя, себе, собой; -сь

    They did not behave themselves well. — Они вели себя не очень хорошо.

    They did it themselves. — Они сделали это сами.


    [ref dict=»LingvoGrammar (En-Ru)»]Reflexive pronouns[/ref]

    Англо-русский современный словарь > themselves

  • 11


    1) Общая лексика: их самих, они сами, сами , сами по себе, себе, себя, собственными силами

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > themselves

  • 12

    The Americanisms. English-Russian dictionary. > themselves

  • 13

    English-Russian big medical dictionary > themselves

  • 14


    себя; себе


    Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > themselves

  • 15

    возвратное местоимение они сами, сами себя, сами собой
    (1). Если подлежащее главного и придаточного предложений или подлежащее и дополнение — одно и то же лицо, то дополнение выражается возвратным местоимением, а не формой объектного падежа личного местоимения:

    You want a new hat, go and buy one for yourself/buy yourself one.

    (2). See confuse, .
    (3). See oneself, .

    English-Russian word troubles > themselves

  • 16

    English-Russian dictionary of technical terms > themselves

  • 17





    English-Russian smart dictionary > themselves

  • 18
    God helps them that help themselves


    ≈ на Бога надейся, а сам не плошай; бережёного Бог бережёт

    Never, never despair, Mr. Aubrey! Heaven helps those who help themselves. (S. Warren, ‘Ten Thousand a Year’, ch. 21) — Никогда, никогда не отчаивайтесь, мистер Обри! Тому, кто сам не плошает, Бог помогает.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > God helps them that help themselves

  • 19
    take care of the pence and the pounds will take care of themselves

    «береги пенсы, а фунты сами себя сберегут» ; тж. take care of the pence

    Higgins: «…It is these little things that matter, Pickering. Take care of the pence and the pounds will take care of themselves is as true of personal habits as of money.» (B. Shaw, ‘Pygmalion’, act II) — Хиггинс: «…Должен вам сказать, Пикеринг, что все эти мелочи чрезвычайно существенны. «Берегите пенсы, а уж фунты сами себя сберегут» — эта пословица так же справедлива для формирования личности, как и для накопления капитала.»

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > take care of the pence and the pounds will take care of themselves

  • 20
    before committing themselves

    перед тем, как взять на себя обязательства,

    English-Russian big medical dictionary > before committing themselves


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См. также в других словарях:

  • Themselves — Pays d’origine  États Unis Genre musical Hip hop Années d activité 1997 présent …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Themselves — ist ein Musik Projekt der US amerikanischen Musiker Doseone (Adam Drucker) und Jel (Jeff Logan). Die Crew, teilweise ergänzt vom Rapper Dax Pierson am Keyboard, widmet sich dem experimentellen HipHop, mit Einflüssen aus Noise, Psychedelic und… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • themselves — [them selvz′] pron. [Late (Northern) ME thaim selfe for ME hemselve(n) (see THEY) + s, pl. suffix] a form of THEY, used: a) as an intensifier [they saw it themselves] b) as a reflexive [they hurt themselves] c) with the meaning “their r …   English World dictionary

  • Themselves — Them*selves , pron. The plural of himself, herself, and itself. See {Himself}, {Herself}, {Itself}. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • themselves — c.1500, standard from 1540s, replacing themself (Cf. THEIRSELF (Cf. theirself)). Themself returned late 20c. as some writers took to avoiding himself with gender neutral someone, anyone, etc …   Etymology dictionary

  • themselves — ► PRONOUN (third person pl. ) 1) used as the object of a verb or preposition to refer to a group of people or things previously mentioned as the subject of the clause. 2) used to emphasize a particular group of people or things mentioned. 3) used …   English terms dictionary

  • themselves — them|selves [ ðəm selvz ] pronoun *** Themselves is a reflexive pronoun, being a reflexive form of they. It can be used especially in the following ways: as an object that refers to the same people that are the subject of the sentence or that are …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • themselves — [[t]ðəmse̱lvz[/t]] ♦ (Themselves is the third person plural reflexive pronoun.) 1) PRON REFL: v PRON, prep PRON You use themselves to refer to people, animals, or things when the object of a verb or preposition refers to the same people or things …   English dictionary

  • themselves */*/*/ — UK [ðəmˈselvz] / US pronoun Summary: Themselves is a reflexive pronoun, being a reflexive form of they. It can be used especially in the following ways: as an object that refers to the same people that are the subject of the sentence or that are… …   English dictionary

  • themselves — them|selves W1S1 [ðəmˈselvz] pron 1.) used to show that the people who do something are affected by their own action ▪ Teachers have no choice but to take measures to protect themselves. ▪ Our neighbours have just bought themselves a jacuzzi. ▪… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • themselves — pronoun 1 the reflexive form of they : The kids seem very pleased with themselves what have they been doing? | Our neighbours have just bought themselves a jacuzzi. 2 used to emphasize the pronoun they , a plural noun etc: Doctors themselves are… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

There appear to be a couple of competing theories for why this happened.

The first is essentially phonetic: the forms where a ‘genitive’ is used are the ones where genitive and oblique forms differ in a single vowel («thou» vs «thy», «me» vs «my» etc, compared to «him» vs «his» where there’s also a consonant change). As I understand, the main problem with this theory is that if it was true, you might expect to see a period of variation between «genitive» vs «oblique» forms across the board, including e.g. «himself» vs «hisself». There’s a small amount of evidence for this (e.g. different manuscripts of the same text where forms such as «himself»~»hisself» alternate in what is otherwise the same sentence). But maybe not as much evidence as you’d expect.

The alternative theory is syntactic and a bit more complex but essentially has to do with a statistical split that already existed in Old English. In Old English, «self» was essentially an adjective that served as an intensifier, a bit like «own», «very», «per se» in English today. Old English didn’t have «reflexives» as such: «I saw me» was the way to say «I saw myelf» (as it is in German, French etc today); «I saw me self», would be a particularly emphatic version, a bit like saying «I saw my very self» in Modern English. Now, the interesting thing to note at this stage is that (a) as an adjective, «self» was case-marked as usual, and was of the same case as the word it accompanied; (b) as an adjective, «self» was readily used with any noun and so was probably more common in the third person at that stage. Or put another way, in Old English, saying «thou self» was a bit like saying something like «you your very self» today: it was an emphatic phrase that would occasionally be inserted, but wasn’t so common compared to in the third person.

As Old English gradually lost its case system, there was then a grammatical «re-shifting» or re-interpretation that took place. One important change was that «self» gradually changed from an adjective into a noun, probably driven by the loss of case endings (a word used as a general intensifier in lots of places is arguably more recognisable as an adjective if it has case endings).

As that occurred, the third person cases of «him self» etc where then more clearly marked as «objects» because they also frequently occurred in parallel to other cases of «self» still as an intensifier alongside other nouns/noun phrases (i.e. people still said «I saw him self», but also «I saw the butcher self», so they had it ‘more in their minds’ that «self» in these third person cases was used alongside an ‘object’). So there wasn’t so much impetus to evolve «him self» > «his self» (though there are a few instances of evidence for «himself» ~ «hisself» existing as alternatives in Middle English).

In the other persons, on the other hand, a phrase like «I/me self» tended to be used in a sentence as an emphatic «incise» or interpolated phrase rather than the subject/object per se— a bit like saying nowadays «I myself, I believe that…». So in these cases, with «self» as a noun, there was more of an impetus for «I/me self» to evolve to «my self» to help allow the noun «self» to ‘have somewhere to go to’ grammatically: «my self» now becomes a more cohesive unit. It’s worth noting that the third person forms «himself» etc fused together earlier than «my self» etc, which continued to be written as two words for some time.

Further reading (on which the above draws):

  • Van Gelderen (2000), «A History of English Reflexive Pronouns: Person, Self, and Interpretability.»
  • Danijela (2003), Review of the above book in The Canadian Journal of Linguistics (which helps to summarise some of the main arguments)
  • Sinar, B., (2006), «A History of English Reexives: from Old English into Early Modern English» (a PhD thesis that doesn’t focus exclusively on this issue, but mentions it in passing with some examples of some of the forms/phenomena I’ve mentioned above)

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