The wrong formed word is

Примерные тестовые задания
«Оценка знаний педагогов»

1-БЛОК: Английский язык
Задания с выбором одного правильного ответа

1. The synonym of “effect”
A) outcome
B) put on
C) share with
D) cultivate
E) pompous

2. Complete the idiom:
To cry for the …
A) neck
B) moon
C) hand
D) head
E) sun

3. Finish the idiom:
Troubled _____
A) air
B) waters
C) rain
D) water
E) wind

4. The wrong formed word is
A) raindrop
B) raincloud
C) rainfall
D) rainbow
E) raincoat

5. Find the word with the meaning of “to travel somewhere by ship”
A) trim
B) sail
C) sleep
D) escape
E) slip

6. Choose a suitable word:
Table tennis is an _____ game for two or sometimes four, players
A) indoor
B) difficult
C) easy
D) teams
E) compulsory

7. Find a general word for the following group
A) education
B) subject
C) grade
D) faculty
E) school

8. Sentence with a mistake
A) The space capsule came down in Pacific
B) My new job starts in April
C) What a high building
D) Sweden is in northern Europe
E) A spider has 8 legs

9. The plural form of the word «cliff»
A) cliffs
B) cliveses
C) clives
D) cliffes
E) clivs

10. the correct articles:
__ man was spending __ month in __ foreign country.
A) The, the, –
B) The, a, a
C) The, – , the
D) A, – , the
E) The, -a, -the

11. We use article the
A) Victoria Station
B) Kennedy Airport
C) Great Wall of China
D) Cambridge University
E) Westminster Abbey

12. The correct preposition is:
I checked … a book from the library yesterday
A) for
B) of
C) at
D) out
E) in

13. The correct use of prepositions
We protested ___ delays ___ delivery ___ the goods.
A) about / under / of
B) against / in / of
C) along / behind / beside
D) against / of / in
E) across / over / after

14. Appropriate prepositions:
Children … sixteen years … age are not admitted to the bar … their parents.
A) of/at/with
B) over/with/without
C) at/of /with
D) under/of/ by
E) under/of/ without

15. Complete the sentence:
What have we got _____?
A) dinner
B) a dinner
C) for dinner
D) the dinner
E) at dinner

16. Complete the sentence:
My sister turned the house down but she couldn’t find her key …
A) somewhere
B) nowhere
C) nothing
D) some
E) anywhere

17. Choose a suitable pronoun:
They are not so young to travel by ____ own car.
A) they
B) our
C) ours
D) their
E) theirs

18. Correct use of pronouns
The policeman told … about the bridge.
A) them
B) hers
C) my
D) we
E) his

19. The correct answer:
I’ll take the doll and 2 badges. How much is that?
A) That’s $4.40 altogether
B) This is $4.40 altogether
C) It’s $4.40 altogether
D) Their are $4.40 altogether
E) These are $4.40 altogether

20. Appropriate answer
It is 12:40.
A) It is twelfth to one
B) It is twenty past one
C) It is twenty to one
D) It is twelve to one
E) It is fourty past one

21. Appropriate answer
A) 12.00 m.a
B) 13.00 p.m
C) 13.00 a.m
D) 12.00 a.m
E) 12.00 p.m

22. The correct answer:
Are Rolls Royce cars expensive? – Yes, _____
A) they are the most expensive
B) are the most expensive
C) it is the more expensive
D) they are the more expensive
E) it is the most expensive

23. The best alternative
The nurse is very ______. She spoke ______.
A) politely / polite
B) politely / politely
C) polite / polite
D) polite / politely
E) more polite / polite

24. Choose the correct variant:
A) National Academy’s Sciences
B) National of Academy Sciences
C) National Academy Sciences?
D) National Academy of Sciences
E) National of Academy Sciences

25. the correct answer:
July is _____ month in Kazakhstan.
A) warm
B) the hotest
C) hotter
D) the hottest
E) the coldest

26. He doesn’t smoke now, but he _____________ a lot when he was young.
A) had smoked
B) smoked
C) used to smoke
D) has smoked
E) was smoked

27. The verb: Present Simple Passive
A) are telling
B) are told
C) am telling
D) was told
E) is telling

28. The right verb form is:
Can I borrow that book when you _____ it?
A) finishing
B) „s finish
C) will finishes
D) finishes
E) „ve finished

29. The correct variant:
A) What are those people looking for?
B) What is those people looking for?
C) What do those people are looking for?
D) What those people are looking for?
E) What do those people looking for?

30. Modal verb followed by “to”
A) should
B) may
C) will
D) ought
E) need

31. My classes begin at 2 o clock. It is 1.45, I ______ now.
A) may leave
B) may have left
C) can leave
D) can left
E) must leave

32. Sentence expressing purpose
A) A river which is polluted is not safe for swimming
B) I haven’t seen you for ages
C) The road is too busy for the children to cross safely
D) The 1990 World Cup for football was played in Italy
E) What are you looking for?

33. Complete the sentence:
My father _____ drive a car.
A) lets me
B) lets me to
C) let to me
D) let me to
E) let me

34. The sentence formulated correctly is
A) Most parents want their children getting a university education
B) Most parents want their children to get a university education
C) Most parents want that their children get a university education
D) Most parents want their children get a university education
E) Most parents want that their children will get a university education

35. Complex Subject is not used with:
A) … was seen to…
B) … was supposed to…
C) … famous for…
D) … was said to …
E) … was known to…

36. Complete the sentence:
I wonder if the weather … fine tomorrow.
A) are
B) been
C) will be
D) was
E) is

37. Report the sentence:
Tom said: “I’m reading Robinson Crusoe”.
A) Tom said that he were reading “Robinson Crusoe”
B) He said he is reading “Robinson Crusoe”
C) He said he read “Robinson Crusoe”
D) Tom said that he was reading “Robinson Crusoe”
E) He said he reads “Robinson Crusoe”

38. Complete the sentence:
I still feel very tired….in the morning.
A) to wake up
B) as I wake up
C) when I’ll wake up
D) while I wake up
E) when I wake up

39. Report the sentence: „Have you seen John recently?? She asked us
A) She asked us whether they have seen John recently
B) She asked us whether have we seen John recently
C) She asked us whether they had seen John recently
D) She asked us whether had we seen John recently
E) She asked us whether we had seen John recently

40. Complete the sentence:
What _____if I offered you a job?
A) will you say
B) would you say
C) would have said
D) would say you
E) will have say

41. Find the zero conditional:
A) if past perfect, would + present infinitive
B) present simple, past simple
C) past simple, would + infinitive
D) present simple, if present simple
E) if present simple, future simple

42. Sentence with “Zero Conditional”
A) If I had been invited, I would have come
B) I wouldn’t be ill, if I hadn’t eaten so much ice-cream
C) You will succeed if you try hard
D) If I were a millionaire I would build a hospital
E) If you don’t water the plants, they dry up

43. Choose the unreal conditional:
A) If you speak English fluently, you’ll find a good job
B) You would have a good rest, if you came to my village.
C) If you spoke English fluently, you’ll find a good job
D) If you come to my country, you’ll have a good time
E) I’ll help you, if I find time

44. Define the function of Gerund in the following sentence:
Painting is one of my hobbies.
A) attribute
B) object
C) predicate
D) adverbial modifier
E) subject

45. Choose the sentence with Participle II:
A) She watered the flowers and left the room
B) Books written by Mark Twain are full of humor
C) Rats desert a sinking ship
D) He left the room without saying a word
E) Let sleeping dog lie

46. Choose the right verb form:
We thought about……early.
A) leaved
B) leave
C) to leaving
D) leaving
E) to leave

47. Define the part of speech of the underlined word:
She was fond of singing when she was a child.
A) Gerund
B) Infinitive
C) Participle 1
D) Adjective
E) Participle 2

48. Complete the sentence:
We’re sure….you again.
A) were seeing
B) saw
C) see
D) seeing
E) to see

49. Complete the sentence:
I’m thinking ……a house.
A) to buy
B) buy
C) of to buy
D) bought
E) of buying

50. Define the underlined word:
My elder sister enjoys listening to music.
A) infinitive
B) gerund
C) adverb
D) participle
E) modal verb

Задания с выбором одного или нескольких правильных ответов

51. Choose the words with the sound
[i] A) Fine
B) Hi
C) Like
D) Mike
E) Bill
F) Colin
G) Nine
H) Tim

52. The sentence with wrong preposition
A) Mozart was born in 1756
B) I’m sorry about the mess
C) They got married on last March
D) They are looking after parents
E) The train will be leaving in a few minutes
F) I don’t like going out at night

53. The correct prepositions
Sometimes I have problems … work, but … the whole I enjoy my job.
A) at/-
B) with/by
C) at/in
D) for/on
E) at/on
F) in/on
G) -/on

54. Sentence with reflexive pronouns
A) Those are my relatives
B) I work for myself
C) We did it ourselves
D) We got there by ourselves
E) They are doctors
F) These children are our pupils

55. Last month _________(2,725) people visited the exhibition.
A) two thousand seven hundred and twenty-five
B) two thousand seven hundred twenty-five
C) last monts twenty seven and twenty five people visited the exhibition
D) two thousand seven hundred and twenty-fifth
E) two thousand seven hundreds twenty-five
F) two thousands seven hundreds and twenty-five

56. Choose the nouns:
A) then
B) closet
C) cow
D) new
E) rainbow
F) slow
G) take

57. Find the correct sentence
A) He used to play tennis well
B) He didn’t used to swim
C) We used to lived in the city
D) My sister used to become a teacher
E) I used to being interested in music
F) He is used to read a lot at school

58. Complete the sentence. Mary said she ______that book.
A) would buy
B) had bought
C) had read
D) is buying
E) will buy
F) was reading
G) have buy
H) would read

59. The Participle 1
A) He didn’t accept any ideas discussing.
B) He tells us about a new building now being built in Astana
C) Opening the window Sheila injured her hand
D) To know her well, I realized something was wrong
E) You cannot sit to play computer games all day
F) I love to look at the sea

60. Choose the right answer:
I’m busy …..a lecture at the moment.
A) heard
B) hearing
C) in hear
D) on hear
E) to hear
F) hear

Контекстные задания
5 заданий с выбором одного правильного ответа
On Mother’s Day , when Bob Feller was the most famous pitcher in the game, he arranged a special treat for his mother. He brought her to Chicago to her farm, so that for her first time, she would see her son pitch in a league game. Out of 45,000 people in the ball park on that day the ball struck Bob Feller’s mother on the head and knocked her unconscious. She was taken to hospital. It was Bob’s strange present on his Mother’s Day. Later she lived happily on her farm.

61. Bob’s mother was taken to hospital. ________
A) She has broken her hand
B) The ball struck on her leg
C) She was unwell during the game
D) She felt bad
E) She wanted to see the doctor

62. Bob pitch in_________
A) an everyday game
B) a local game
C) a league game
D) a football game
E) a hide and seek

63. Why did Bob Feller bring his mother to Chicago from her farm?
A) He arranged a special treat for her on her birthday
B) He wanted her to see his friends
C) he wanted to give present
D) He wanted her to do shopping
E) he wanted her to invite guest

64. Where did she go after that?
A) she came home
B) she visited her friends in Chicago
C) she came to her farm
D) she came back to the ball park
E) she went to her native town

65. She lived happily _____.
A) in Chicago
B) on her farm
C) with her children
D) with her son
E) with her pets

Контекстные задания
5 заданий с выбором одного правильного ответа

ОЗП. Английский язык_Вариант 1
You should use your knowledge of Country Studying.

66. The word Canada come from one of the Red Indian languages – Kanatta it means….
A) Indian hut
B) a tribe
C) land of Maple Leaf
D) a number of huts
E) Maple Leaves

67. Canada became a part of the British Empire in …
A) 1759
B) 1935
C) 1769
D) 1749
E) 1931

68. The official languages of Canada are English and French.
A) The French were the first settlers to this country.
B) It was a part of France.
C) Education in Canada is only in French.
D) The Prime Minister of Canada is French.
E) Most of the population are not French.

69. The head of the state in Canada is the Queen of Great Britain, because
A) the official language is English.
B) Canada is not the independent state.
C) Canada is a member of Commonwealth.
D) they do not want to be independent.
E) the most of the population in Canada are English.

70. Canada is washed by ____________oceans
A) Pacific and Arctic
B) Atlantic and Arctic
C) Indian, Pacific and Arctic
D) Atlantic and Pacific
E) Pacific, Arctic and Atlantic

Тест по 1-БЛОКУ: «Английский язык» завершен.

Рекомендуем пройти Тест по блоку: “Педагогика, методика обучения”

1-ТЕSТ.КZ — Аттестация педагогов ОЗП НКТ

Плaтфopмa пoдгoтoвки к aтecтaции HKT O3П EHT KTA MOДO BOУД

  • Toлькo aктуaльныe oнлaйн тecты
  • Tpeниpуйcя c 1-ТЕSТ.КZ к HKT O3П EHT KTA MOДO BOУД
  • Дeлиcь в coциaльныx ceтяx

1-ТЕSТ.КZ — этo идeaльнoe peшeниe для пeдaгoгoв, кoтopыe cтpeмятcя пoвыcить cвoю квaлификaцию и пoдтвepдить cвoю кoмпeтeнцию в oблacти пeдaгoгичecкoгo мacтepcтвa. Mы пpeдлaгaeм уcлуги пo пoдгoтoвки к aттecтaции пeдaгoгoв c пoмoщью нaшeй плaтфopмы.

Haшa плaтфopмa пpeдлaгaeт нe тoлькo тeopeтичecкиe мaтepиaлы, нo и пpaктичecкиe упpaжнeния, кoтopыe пoмoгут вaм лучшe пoнять и зaпoмнить мaтepиaл. Bы cмoжeтe пoлучить дocтуп к шиpoкoму cпeктpу oбучaющиx видeo, пpeзeнтaций и тecтoв, кoтopыe пoмoгут вaм пoдгoтoвитьcя к aттecтaции пeдaгoгoв.

Блaгoдapя иcпoльзoвaнию нaшeй плaтфopмы, вы cмoжeтe знaчитeльнo уcкopить пpoцecc пoдгoтoвки к aттecтaции и coкpaтить вpeмя, нeoбxoдимoe для oвлaдeния мaтepиaлoм. B peзультaтe, вы cмoжeтe cэкoнoмить cвoё вpeмя и энepгию нa бoлee вaжныe зaдaчи, в тoм чиcлe, нa paбoтe и ceмeйныx дeлax.

Each of the words in bold is in the wrong form. Rewrite them correctly.
1. Most scientists accept that (globe) warming is a reality.
2. The weather was (freeze). I was wearing two pairs of clothes and my fingers were still cold!
3. What can we do to protect (danger) species like the giant panda?
4. Meteorologists can forecast tomorrow’s weather with Incredible (accurate) these days.
5. (Develop) a planning to build a water park on the site of the old airport.
6. All our products are (environment) friendly.
7. Everyone should be (extreme) worried about the hole in the ozone layer.
8. We live in a (resident) area about 20 minutes from the town center.
9. There’s not much (likely) of an event mental groups stopping the building of the new factory, is there?
10. Don’t worry! This snake is completely (harm).
11. Let’s go outside and enjoy the (sunny) while it lasts.
12. What kind of (neighbour) did you grow up in?
13. I hope they don’t (low) the price of petrol.
14. That (great) of solar power lies in its simplicity.
15. A number of different (pollute) in the river have closed the death of all the fish.
16. It’s (nature) dark for this time of day. There didn’t say that was going to be an eclipse, did they?


1 the service in this place is absolutely terrible and i want to see the manager.

2 could you help me make a decision? i don’t know which phone to get.

3 even very good quality clothes are quite affordable in this shop.

4 companies should always tell the truth in advertisements.

5 credit cards are really useful, but you have to be careful with them.

6 i read a comparison of all the supermarkets and safe shop was the most expensive.

7 my grandma had no idea that her old vase was so valuable.

8 pete never shops at mayfield’s because he says it’s too expensive.

9 before you borrow from the bank, you have to make a judgement about whether you can pay it back or not.


Many students read Editing passage (Paper One, Section A) and cannot find any mistakes. Sometimes it is not because they do not understand the rules of grammar, but because they do not know what to look out for. Hence, we have combed through ALL the 1128 ‘O’ Level papers (2013-2017) and analysed the most common editing errors that were inserted in the passage for students to spot and correct. After some number crunching, we present our findings, in order of its frequency.


Issues with verbs, or action words, are the most common error in the Editing section of the ‘O’ level paper.

(a) Tenses

Editing passages tend to be expositions (articles, magazines, newspapers, etc.). Therefore, they tend to be in the past tense. However, tenses may vary within the text as past events or future events are mentioned. Ensure the tenses match the time they take place.

·       “We all wore red and white clothes and sit (sat) down in our seats.” – 2013 (Past tense)

·       “One special bear cub used to dine at this table; it ate mangoes and drink (drank) champagne.” – 2014 (Past tense)

(b) Verb Form

The passage may include the wrong participle.

·       “I am very lucky because I was borned (born) on August 9th, a special day in Singapore.” – 2013 (Past participle form)

·       “It brushed past Dean before landed (landing) on the board.” – 2017 (Present participle form)

(c) Subject-Verb Agreement

Singular subjects require singular verbs. Singular verbs tend to end with a ‘s’. Plural subjects require plural verbs. Students should highlight the subject and match it with the verb.

·       “This allow (allows) those waiting for a flight to visit many beautiful places such as the rooftop Cactus Garden and the large Koi Pond.”  – 2016 (Subject-Verb Agree)


Different words have different functions. For example, a noun is a naming word and a verb is an action word. Errors are based on confusion between the functions.

(a) Wrong Word Class

·       “August 9th is when we celebrate our independent (independence) from Malaysia.” – 2013 (Error: adjective used instead of noun)

·       “There are two statues of Raffles in the city, the taller of which shows him with arms folded, looking out proud (proudly) over the Singapore River.” – 2014 (Error: adjective used instead of adverb)

·       “The airport is 12 miles from the city centre, but onward travel is easily (easy) by taxi, bus or MRT.” – 2016 (Error: adverb used instead of adjective)

Note: The Adverb / Adjective mistake is the most common form of error.

(b) Wrong Word Form

·       “He is regarded as the foundation (founder) of Singapore.” – 2014 (wrong choice of noun)

·       “From the minute they arrive at Changi Airport, many visitors are amazed at its size and impressed (impressive) facilities.” – 2016 (wrong choice of adjective)


Pronouns take the place of nouns. Common pronouns include me, I, which and who.

(a) Personal

A subjective personal pronoun is used to replace the subject of a sentence while the objective pronoun replaces the noun that the subject of the sentence affects. Students are required to identify the mix up between subjective and objective personal pronouns.

·       “I enjoy my birthday tea at my house and my friends and me (I) usually watch the National Day parade on TV.” – 2013 (Object pronoun instead of subject pronoun)

(b) Relative

A relative pronoun is used to connect two ideas or phrases in a sentence. The most common relative pronouns are who, whom, which, whoever, whomever, whichever, and that.

·       “This year’s highlight was the fabulous Red Lion skydivers, which (who) jumped from helicopters on to the floating stage.” – 2013 (Wrong relative pronoun – ‘which’ refers to objects)

·      “Although no one was hurt in this incident, about 70 shark attacks take place every year worldwide, some of whom (which) are fatal.” – 2017 (Wrong relative pronoun)


Connectors combine words, phrases or sentences to express relationship between ideas. There are generally four types of connectors:

(a) Coordinating Conjunctions

Coordinating conjunctions are used when the two ideas are of equal importance. Common ones include ‘and’, ‘but’ and ‘or’.

·       “Raffles sent thousands of stuffed animal skins, skeletons and plants back to England so (and) also kept some animals as pets himself.” – 2014 (The two actions of sending and keeping are equally important)

(b) Subordinating Conjunctions

Subordinating conjunctions are used when one idea is dependent on the other idea. Common ones include ‘because’, ‘if’, and ‘although’.

·       “Despite (Although) no one was hurt in this incident, about 70 shark attacks take place every year worldwide, some of which are fatal.” – 2017 (‘Despite’ is a preposition that means in spite of, but this sentence requires a conjunction like ‘although’ to signify one idea is dependent on their main idea)

(c) Conjunctive Adverbs

These adverbs used to show the logical relationship between two ideas. Common ones include ‘therefore’, ‘however’, ‘nonetheless’.

·       “This year was different, although. (though)” – 2013 (‘though’ is an adverb to express a difference between this year and previous years)

·       “‘Look, it’s snowing!’ Ben, although (however), said. ‘Snow never falls in Singapore.’” – 2015 (‘however’ is used to show the contrast of ideas)

(d) Preposition

Prepositions are used to show the relationship of an idea or a word to another. Prepositions can convey information about location, time, or direction or provide details. Common prepositions include ‘to’, ‘despite’ and ‘with’.

·       “I never have to go for (to) school on my birthday as all the schools are closed on that day.” – 2013 (wrong choice of preposition)


All nouns (and pronouns) have a singular and a plural version. While many plural versions are formed by adding an ‘s’, (cars, books), some remain the same (sheep, staff).

·       “From the minute they arrive at Changi Airport, many visitors are amazed at their (its) size and impressive facilities.”  – 2016 (Plural pronoun instead of singular pronoun)

·       “He was just preparing to ride a wave when the shark, which was about two metre (metres) long, appeared close by.” – 2017 (Singular noun instead of plural noun)


Articles are words that define a word as specific or nonspecific. By using a definite article (the) we let the reader know that we are talking about a specific item. By using an indefinite article (a / an), we let the reader know we are talking about a general item.

·     “Travellers with time to relax can enjoy the (a) massage or even use the swimming pool.” – 2016 (‘a’ is used as the massage is for all and not specific)

·     “The beach lifeguards described an (the) incident as a ‘near-miss’, and cleared all the swimmers and surfers out of the water immediately afterwards.” – 2017 (‘the’ is used as it is clearly refers to a specific incident)


We use comparison words to compare adjectives, adverbs and nouns (quantity).

(a) Adjectives and Adverbs

We compare adjectives and adverbs using comparatives and superlatives. Comparatives (better, bigger, more quickly) are used to compare two items and the superlative (best, biggest, most quickly) to compare three or more items.

·       “There are two statues of Raffles in the city, the tallest (taller) of which shows him with arms folded, looking out proudly over the Singapore River.” – 2014 (There are only two statues)

(b) Quantity of Nouns

We compare the quantity of nouns by using quantifiers. Some quantifiers are used with countable nouns (fewer, fewest) while some are only used with non-countable nouns (less, least)

·       “Although many people know these facts, less (few) people know about Sir Stamford’s other unusual interests.” – 2014 (This question is tricky as ‘less’ is a comparison, but there is nothing to compare. The answer is ‘few’, the base quantifier meaning not many)

The above are the seven most common editing errors in the ‘O’ Level English Language papers. We hope that you find this resource useful.

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