The worst word in german

While bad words are used commonly in conversation among native German speakers, you probably won’t find them in a vocabulary lesson in your textbook or online course. Despite sounding quite harsh and intimidating, German swears are easy to remember once you learn their literal translations and even more fun to say. So if you’re ready to take a break from all of that responsible learning and have some fun, take a look at these popular expletives and insults. Studying German curse words won’t even feel like studying – we promise!

NOTE: Although in some German-speaking areas curses are commonly used in front of children or older family members, the vulgarity level listed here is representative of conversation between adults in informal situations. Be careful using these around children, co-workers, or elders!

*WARNING: As you may imagine, some German curse words and their translations are very vulgar. Our aim is to provide factually correct information about the usage of German curse words as a naturalistic human behavior to aid German learners in understanding authentic German, which in some cases may be graphic or offensive in their reference to religion, sexuality, or violence.*

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Single-Word Swears

You may recognize some of these swears due to their English counterparts; in many cases the literal translation is the same as in English.

German English equivalent Literal meaning Vulgarity level
Scheiße (scheisse) sh*t excrement mild/medium
Mist crap/dang manure mild
Arschloch a*shole   medium
Schlampe b*tch wh*re high
Fotze cnt/motherfcker   high
Miststück btch/bstard rascal medium
verdammt godd*mmit   mild
Spasti dumba*s spazz medium
Ficker f*cker   high
spießig square/uptight bourgeois mild
Blödsinn bullsh*t   medium
Quatsch bullcrap nonsense mild
Depp idiot/moron   mild


One of the most common bad words in German, scheiße, has several creative constructions that mirror the English use of “sh*t.”

Oh Scheiße!
Oh sh*t!

Scheiße bauen
F*ck up (make a mistake)

Scheiße erzählen
Talk sh*t

Scheiße sein
Be sh*tty

Stück Scheiße
Piece of sh*t

wie Scheiße behandeln
Treat like sh*t

ohne Scheiß
I am not kidding you / No sh*t?

Das ist mir scheißegal!
I don’t give a shit!

Verdammter Scheiß!
Bloody hell!

f_cking sh_t / godd_mmit / motherf_cker

Multi-Word Magic: Full Phrases

Many of these insults are not for the feeble-hearted, but your German pals may let you get away with them if you say them jokingly after you’ve drunk ein paar Biere.

German English equivalent Literal meaning Vulgarity level
Fick dich f*ck you   high
Fick dich ins Knie go f*ck yourself   high
Ich würde mich lieber ins Knie ficken I’d rather go f*ck myself I’d rather go f*ck my knees high
Du blöde Kuh you stupid cow   medium
Du Weichei you sissy/wimp   mild
Leck mich (am Arsch) kiss my a*s lick me (on the butt) medium
Küss meinen Arsch kiss my a*s kiss my butt medium
Du kannst mich mal bite me / go f*ck yourself you can ___ me! medium
(Du) Hurensohn son of a btch / bstard   high
Verpiss dich p*ss off   medium
Halt maul / die + Fresse / Schnauze / Klappe shut the f*ck up shut yours / shut your + face / mouth medium
Fahr zur Hölle go f*ck yourself drive to hell medium

The Universal Language of “Yo Mama” Insults

We won’t spend any time on why these insults are so popular cross-culturally, but suffice it to say that young German speakers have recently begun to appreciate especially inventive descriptions of how someone’s mother is less than perfect.

Deine Mutter schuldet dir noch zehn Euro.
Your mother owes you ten euros.

Deine Mutter ist so fett sie legte sich an den Strand und Greenpeace schmiss sie ins Meer!
Your mother is so fat that when she was lying on a beach Greenpeace threw her into the water.

Deine Mudda ist so dick, dass wenn sie sich wiegt, auf der Waage ihre Handynummer steht.
You mother is so fat that when she stands on the scales it shows her cellular phone number.

Deine Mutter schwitzt beim Kacken.
Your mother sweats when she sh*ts.

Deine Mutter geht in der Stadt huren.
Your mother goes to town (i.e., a prostitute in the city).

Similar to the English “yo mama,” an all-purpose response meaning something like “p*ss off” is the purposefully misspelled (to sound like a low-class accent) Deine Mudda!

symbol lights

A Word of Caution

When first starting out with a language, second-language speakers can sometimes overuse or use stronger curse words too flippantly. Some researchers think that this may be tied to the fact that as children non-native speakers never experienced that strong emotional taboo reaction from adults around curse words, and therefore do not feel the curse words as strongly as native speakers do.

For this reason, it’s important to listen carefully to native speakers’ usage before trying these words out for yourself. German TV usually doesn’t censor bad words, but in some areas (especially the Bavarian Catholic areas) curse words can still be inappropriate in mixed company. Always follow native speakers’ cues, keep in mind the hierarchy of “badness,” and realize that some words are only appropriate with good friends, far away from children (and most elders).

Himmiherrgotzaggramentzefixallelujamil- extamarschscheissglumpfaregtz!!!

While you may not be ready for this monster conglomerate of curses (which translates to something like “heaven Christ crucifix Halleluja me lick at the a_s sh_t rubbish crock”), start to pay attention to how native speakers use the words above and feel out which ones can be combined and how.

Where can you see these colorful words in use? One great way to learn curse words is by watching movies in German (Many people claim that the film Das Boot is where they learned their repertoire of German curse words). You can also watch English movies with German subtitles to see the corresponding curses. Another way to see curse words in action is to follow German speakers on social media. Don’t forget to sign up for Lingvist’s German course to make sure you understand the rest of the words surrounding the bad ones!

German Swear Words, Slang, Phrases, Curses, Insults, Colloquialisms and Expletives! How To Speak German!

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It’s another ‘how to learn another language time‘. This time, it’s about learning some of the funny German Swear Words, Slang, Phrases, Curses, Insults, Colloquialisms and Expletives that are out there in Deutsche linguistic land! But you might learn more below!

Learn German
Q? Encoding=Utf8&Amp;Marketplace=Us&Amp;Asin=1569756732&Amp;Serviceversion=20070822&Amp;Id=Asinimage&Amp;Ws=1&Amp;Format= Sl250 &Amp;Tag=Thetratar 20 | Germany Travel Blog | German Swear Words, Slang, Phrases, Curses, Insults, Colloquialisms And Expletives! How To Speak German! | Aasgeier, Arschfotze, Arschloch, Backpfeifengesicht, Bad German Words, Bad Words In German, Bloede Kuh, Bulle, Depp, Der Schwanz, Die Fotze, Die Schlampe, Drecksack, Du Hurensohn, Du Kannst Mich Mal, Ficker, Filzlaus, German Colloquialisms, German Curses, German Dirty Words, German Expletives, German Expressions, German Insults, German Phrases, German Profanities, German Slang, German Swear Words, German To English Translation, How To Swear In German, Idiot In German, Scheiße, Shadenfreude, Shit In German, Shut Up In German, Stupid In German, Titten, Urban Dictionary, Zicke | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart BlogIr?T=Thetratar 20&Amp;L=Am2&Amp;O=1&Amp;A=1569756732 | Germany Travel Blog | German Swear Words, Slang, Phrases, Curses, Insults, Colloquialisms And Expletives! How To Speak German! | Aasgeier, Arschfotze, Arschloch, Backpfeifengesicht, Bad German Words, Bad Words In German, Bloede Kuh, Bulle, Depp, Der Schwanz, Die Fotze, Die Schlampe, Drecksack, Du Hurensohn, Du Kannst Mich Mal, Ficker, Filzlaus, German Colloquialisms, German Curses, German Dirty Words, German Expletives, German Expressions, German Insults, German Phrases, German Profanities, German Slang, German Swear Words, German To English Translation, How To Swear In German, Idiot In German, Scheiße, Shadenfreude, Shit In German, Shut Up In German, Stupid In German, Titten, Urban Dictionary, Zicke | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart Blog
Q? Encoding=Utf8&Amp;Marketplace=Us&Amp;Asin=1534842004&Amp;Serviceversion=20070822&Amp;Id=Asinimage&Amp;Ws=1&Amp;Format= Sl250 &Amp;Tag=Thetratar 20 | Germany Travel Blog | German Swear Words, Slang, Phrases, Curses, Insults, Colloquialisms And Expletives! How To Speak German! | Aasgeier, Arschfotze, Arschloch, Backpfeifengesicht, Bad German Words, Bad Words In German, Bloede Kuh, Bulle, Depp, Der Schwanz, Die Fotze, Die Schlampe, Drecksack, Du Hurensohn, Du Kannst Mich Mal, Ficker, Filzlaus, German Colloquialisms, German Curses, German Dirty Words, German Expletives, German Expressions, German Insults, German Phrases, German Profanities, German Slang, German Swear Words, German To English Translation, How To Swear In German, Idiot In German, Scheiße, Shadenfreude, Shit In German, Shut Up In German, Stupid In German, Titten, Urban Dictionary, Zicke | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart BlogIr?T=Thetratar 20&Amp;L=Am2&Amp;O=1&Amp;A=1534842004 | Germany Travel Blog | German Swear Words, Slang, Phrases, Curses, Insults, Colloquialisms And Expletives! How To Speak German! | Aasgeier, Arschfotze, Arschloch, Backpfeifengesicht, Bad German Words, Bad Words In German, Bloede Kuh, Bulle, Depp, Der Schwanz, Die Fotze, Die Schlampe, Drecksack, Du Hurensohn, Du Kannst Mich Mal, Ficker, Filzlaus, German Colloquialisms, German Curses, German Dirty Words, German Expletives, German Expressions, German Insults, German Phrases, German Profanities, German Slang, German Swear Words, German To English Translation, How To Swear In German, Idiot In German, Scheiße, Shadenfreude, Shit In German, Shut Up In German, Stupid In German, Titten, Urban Dictionary, Zicke | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart Blog

I mean, they’re the only words that you really need to know apart from hello, please, goodbye, thank you and beer. It’s the language that the locals use, and they’ll appreciate you having a bit of fun as long as you keep it within the right context.

German Swear Words, Slang, Phrases, Curses, Insults, Colloquialisms And Expletives! Ultimate List Of Bad Words In German.

Like other language lessons on this silly website (see my list of British Slang, Australian Slang, Kiwi Slang, Irish Slang, Russian, French and Spanish swear words), the Germans have come up with a great number of colourful expressions that are spoken to brighten up your day!

What are some great German Swear Words?

German Swear Words Slang And Expletives | Germany Travel Blog | German Swear Words, Slang, Phrases, Curses, Insults, Colloquialisms And Expletives! How To Speak German! | Aasgeier, Arschfotze, Arschloch, Backpfeifengesicht, Bad German Words, Bad Words In German, Bloede Kuh, Bulle, Depp, Der Schwanz, Die Fotze, Die Schlampe, Drecksack, Du Hurensohn, Du Kannst Mich Mal, Ficker, Filzlaus, German Colloquialisms, German Curses, German Dirty Words, German Expletives, German Expressions, German Insults, German Phrases, German Profanities, German Slang, German Swear Words, German To English Translation, How To Swear In German, Idiot In German, Scheiße, Shadenfreude, Shit In German, Shut Up In German, Stupid In German, Titten, Urban Dictionary, Zicke | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart Blog

Deine Mutter geht in der Stadt huren – Your mother goes whoring in the city
Deine Mutter schwitzt beim Kacken – Your mother sweats when she s%#@s
Deine Oma masturbiert im stehen! – Your grandma masturbates standing up!
Klugscheißer – bogmouth/know-all/smart aleck
Ich ficke Katzen – I f$^% cats

Only the Germans could come up with a word like Shadenfreude which means ‘to have pleasure due to the misfortune of others’. There’s no way that the English language could come up with something like that!

Funny And Potentially Offensive German Words
Is that a Riesling in your pocket or are you just happy to see me? Or should that be ‘Ist das ein Riesling in der Tasche oder sind Sie gerade glücklich, mich zu sehen?’

I’ve been to Germany before and I really loved it there. I mean, a beer lover like myself (see Oktoberfest), when planted in the country that is an expert in brewing beer, is in an amber ale paradise! The people there are really friendly, helpful (and funny), plus everything works and is on time.

Plus there’s some cool things to see and do there like eat Currywurst, watch the portable sausage cooking man, and take a wee in goal at the funniest urinal I’ve ever seen.

Anyway, have a look below at the silly German Swear Words and other funny expressions that I trawled from around the place!

Genießen! (Enjoy!).

German Swear Words, Slang, Expletives and Expressions! The Ultimate and Rather Silly List!

Here you go!

German Swear Word, Expletive or Expression Rough English Translation
Aasgeier Vulture
abdrehen (Ich bin einfach abgedreht.) to lose it (I just lost it.)
abticken (Tick nicht ab!) to lose your grip (Get a grip!)
Alte Old bag/bat
Alter wichser Old wanker
am Blitz geleckt haben (Der hat wohl am Blitz geleckt!) totally mental (That guy’s totally mental!)
Angeber Braggart/boaster/loudmouth
Armleuchter Dead head/f%#@wit
Arschfotze a$$c%#@
Arschgeige [email protected]#khead (lit. a$$ violin)
Arschgesicht a$$face (Butthead)
Arschkeks, verfluchter! Stupid s%#@head
Arschloch a$$hole
ätzend Godawful
Aufgeilen To wind up/get turned on
ausflippen (Ich flippe gleich aus.) to flip out (I’m about to flip out.)
Backpfeifengesicht fish face
beinhart terrific/rock hart
Blöde Gans! silly cow
Bloede Kuh stupid cow
blutige Sau bloody pig
Blvde Fotze Stupid c%#@
Blvdes Arschloch stupid a$$hole
breit sein to be spaced out/far gone (dope) oder to be pissed/sloshed/several sheets to the wind (drink)
Bruchbude flea pit
Bulle Cop
bumsen to screw/bang/get laid
Bumslokal red light bar
das Arschloch a$$hole
Das ist ja Kinderkacke. This is really childish bulls%#@.
Das ist mir furzegal! I don’t give a f%#@!
Das ist mir scheißegal I don’t give a f%#@
Das ist voll nervig! That is really annoying!
Das macht mich verrückt! That drives me crazy!
Das pisst mich an! That pisses me off!
Das stinkt mir! That pisses me off
Das stört mich total! That bugs the hell out of me!
Das war zu einfach! That was too easy!
Dein Hund soll deine Mutter ficken Your dog must f%#@ your mother
Deine Mutter geht in der Stadt huren Your mother goes whoring in the city
Deine Mutter schwitzt beim Kacken Your mother sweats when she s%#@s
Deine Oma masturbiert im stehen! Your grandma masturbates standing up!
Depp Idiot
der abschaum scum
der abschaum der menschlichen gesellschaft the scum of the earth
der Arsch a$$
der drecksack dirty bastard
der dreckskerl bastard
der Lutscher sissy
der Penner f%#@er
der Scheisskerl piece of s%#@
der Schwanz [email protected]#k (lit. tail)
der schwanzlutscher [email protected]#k sucker
der Teufel the devil
der teufel wird los sein the s%#@’s going to hit the fan
der Waschlappen (literally means “dishrag”) wussy
die Arschmade (literally means “ass maggot”) son of a bitch
die Drecksau (literally means “dirty pig”) s%#@-head
die Fotze c%#@
Die Fregatte Fat old bitch (Lit: Frigate)
die Hure Whore
Die Möpse Breasts (Lit: Lap dogs)
die Scheiße s%#@
die Schlampe bitch
die Titten Breasts
die Zicke bitch
Dösbaddel jerk/moron/cretin
Dreckige Hure Dirty whore.
Drecksack a$$hole/s%#@ (person)
Drecksau s%#@ pig
Drecksnest armpit of the universe
Du alte Kackbratze! old ugly women
Du arschgefickter Hurensohn! You a$$-f%#@ed son of a bitch!
Du Bastard! Bastard!
Du bist (so) besonders… nur wie jeder sonst You are special… just like everyone else
Du bist ein volltrottel You’re an idiot
Du bist ‘ne Schlampe! You are a slut!
du blöde stinkfotze you stupid stinking c%#@
Du Drecksack! You Dirtbag!
du dumme kuh you stupid cow
Du Dummkopf You stupid head
Du Fickfehler You Retard (lit. You f%#@mistake)
Du gehst mir auf den sack! You get on my nerves/wick/tits
Du gehst mir voll auf den Sack! You’re really busting my balls!
Der mist This s#$%
Du hast den Arsch offen You´re full of s%#@
Du Hurensohn You son of a bitch
Du kannst mich mal! f%#@ you! (lit. You can do me.)
Du Lusche! useless idiot/jerk
Du Muschi! you loser!
Du Sackgesicht! you bag face!
Du Schweinehund! You pig-dog!
Du spinnst wohl You must be kidding/joking oder You must be off your head
du verdammter Arschficker you damn a$$f%#@er
Du verdammtes Arschloch you bloody a$$hole
du verdreht missgeburt you dippy bastard
Du Weichei! you sissy (lit. “soft egg”)
Dummbatz Dumba$$
dumme Kuh idiot (lit. dumb cow)
dumme Nuss moron/idiot
Dumme Schlampe. Stupid bitch.
Dummes Huhn stupid chicken
Dummkopf Stupid head
duncauf idiot
durchdrehen (Sie wird durchdrehen.) to go postal (She’s going to go postal.)
Eh man, locker bleiben. Take it easy, man.
Eier balls/bollocks/nuts/goolies/cobblers
Eigentlich bin ich Pazifist. Actually I’m a pacifist.
Einfach tief einatmen. Just take a deep breath.
Esel donkey/oaf
Ess Scheisse eat s%#@
Ess Scheisse und stirb Eat s%#@ and die
fahr zur holle go to hell
fauler Sack idle sod
fauler zauber dirty deal/cheat
feiger Hund coward/yellowbelly
Fettarsch fat arse
Fettbacke Dirtbag
Fick deine Mutter f%#@ your mother
Fick dich f%#@ you
Fick dich Arschloch f%#@ you a$$hole
Fick dich in Knie Go f%#@ youself/get stuffed
Fick dich, Wichser. f%#@ you, jerk-off.
ficken to f%#@/lay/bang/screw
Ficken Rossette f%#@ing a$$hole
Ficker f%#@er
Filzlaus pain in the arse
Flasche bore/prat
Flatter machen to make oneself scarce
Fotze c%#@
Fresse! Shut it/shut your trap
für`n Arsch bloody/f%#@ing useless
Geh ein schwanz lutschen Go suck a [email protected]#k
Geh’ kacken! Go take a dump!
Geh’ ‘ne Kuh melken Go milk a cow
Geh Staub fressen Go eat dust
Geh zum Teufel Go to hell (Lit. Go to the devil)
geil horny
geiler Bock randy/horny so and so
geiles Luder nympho
Gesöff gut rot
Gewalt ist keine Lösung. Violence is not the answer.
Giftzahn rat bag
Giftzwerg evil little devil/bastard
Gottverdammt ! God dammit !
Halt de fick klappe Shut the f%#@ up
Halt deine Fresse Shut up!
Halt die Klappe. Shut your trap.
Halts maul shut your face/gob/trap
Hat jemand dir ins Gehirn geschissen Are you crazy?
Hey, hör auf mit dem Scheiss. Hey, cut that s%#@ out.
Himmel, Arsch, und Zwirn! Goddamn it!
Hirnlose Ochse Brainless Ox
hirnrissig crazy/nuts
homofuerst duke of homosexuality
Hornochse turkey/jerk/muttonhead
Horst moron
Huhrensohn Son of a whore
Ich bin völlig im Arsch I´m knackered/shagged out/dead
Ich ficke deine Mutter I f%#@ your mother
Ich ficke deine Schwester I f%#@ your sister
Ich ficke Katzen I f$%^ cats
Ich hasse dich. I hate you.
Ich misch mich lieber nicht ein. I’d rather not get involved.
ich will dich ficken I want to f%#@ you
Ich will ficken  I want to f%#@
Ich will ficken I want to f%#@
Ist mir doch scheissegal! I don’t give a s%#@!
Ist was? Got a problem?
Kackbratze s%#@head (lit. Face full of s%#@)
kamel dodo
Käsequanten stinkfeet
Klugscheißer bogmouth/know-all/smart aleck
Knacker old turd
Knalltüte wimp
Korinthenkacker pisser/fusspot
Kotzbrocken pain (in the arse)
kotzen to throw up/puke/barf/spew/vomit
Kümmerling runt/wimp
Küss meinen Arsch Kiss my a$$
Labern to rabbit on/blab/blabber
Lahmarsch slowcoach
Lahme Ente lame duck
lech mien arsch lick my a$$
Leck mich Bite me
Leck mich (doch) Lick me
Leck mich am Arsch Kiss my a$$/Up yours
Lick au mosh Kiss my a$$
linken to cheat
LMS (Lutsch mein’ Schwanz) SMD (suck my [email protected]#k)
Lude Pimp
Luder Bitch
Luft im Sack haben (Er hat nur Luft im Sack!) to be full of s%#@ (He’s so full of s%#@!)
Lutsch’ meine Eier Suck my balls
Macker bloke/tough guy/macho
Mensch, reiss dich zusammen. Dude, keep your s%#@ together.
miefen to pong/reet/stink
Mieser Stricher bad male prostitute
missgeburt bastard
Miststück Bitch / Bastard
mudblut hure mudblood whore
muschi lecker [email protected]#$y licker
Mutterficker Motherf%#@er
Na und? What about it?
Na, du Wichser! Hey, jerk-off!
Nepp ripp off
Nervensäge pain in the arse
nicht aushalten (Die Beiden kann ich nicht aushalten.) can’t stand (I can’t stand those two.)
Nun ist die Kacke am Dampfen. The s%#@ has hit the fan.
nur Scheisse über etwas/jemanden reden (Er redet nur Scheisse über uns.) to talk s%#@ about (He’s always talking s%#@ about us.)
Nutte tart/hooker/whore/pro
Onanieren Masturbate
pestbaeule pest lump
Piefke brown-nose/creep
Pisse piss/pee
Pisser f%#@er
Pissnelke jerk/cow
plattmachen to bore/astonish
Quacksalber quack
reihern to throw up/ride the porcelain bus
Reiß dich am riemen Get a grip!/Pull yourself together!
Rotzfahne snot rag
Rowdy hooligan/rowdy
Rübe nob/noggon/conk
Saftladen These people couldn`t organize a bunfight
saufen to booze/raise in the elbow/get plastered
Saugen Sie eine T?te Schw?nze Suck a bag of
Scheiss drauf, ich hol’ die Bullen. f%#@ this, I’m calling the cops.
Scheiße s%#@/crap
scheissekopf s%#@head
Scheissen To s%#@
Scheißhaus s%#@house
Scheißspiel! lousy game/this game stinks
schluffig slouchy
Schluss damit! Stop it!
Schluss mit lustig! Ok, playtime’s over!
Schnarchsack snorer
Schwanzlutscher [email protected]#ksucker
Schweinepriester creeping Jesus
Schwuchtel faggot, homo
Schwul gay
Sei doch nicht so macho, eh. Enough with the “tough guy” act.
Sense! It´s all over/Kiss your a$$ and goodbye
shaisa s%#@!
Shishkoff s%#@bird
So ein Beschiß! What a crock (of s%#@)!
Sohn einer Hündin! Son of a bitch!
spinnen (Spinnst du oder was?) to be nuts (Are you f%#@ing nuts?)
Sprich nicht mit mir, du verrückter Mann! Do not talk to me crazy man!
steig auf diese Hoden! get on these nuts!
Stinkstiefel pratt
sturer Bock stubborn old goat
Titten knockers
Transuse ragged arse/idle layabout
Trottel Stupid
Tussi skirt/crumpet
Varpiss dich! f%#@ off!
verdammt du hurensohn dammit you son of a bitch
Verdammte Scheiße! Shit! Dammit!
vergiss es! Forget it/Give it a rest!
Verhurtes Drecksgör Dirty girl
Verpiss dich! Piss off/get lost
vögeln to f%#@/screw/bang/hump
Voll der Depp! What a dumb-a$$!
Was für ein Arschloch. What a complete a$$hole.
Was geht hier ab? Whats going on/down?
Was soll der Scheiss? What’s up with the [email protected]#$?
Was zur Hölle? What the hell?
wertlos kind worthless child
wichser wanker
Wilde Tier Schwarze Affee Arschloch Wild Animal Black Monkey a$$hole
Zicke Bitch
Zickig Bitchy
Zieh Leine! Piss off/Get lost/make tracks
Zimtzicke Quarrelsome and Bitchy Woman
zur Holle mit dir to hell with you

As with any language, make sure you know the context of what you’re saying otherwise you might come back to your own country a tad injured!

Anyway, enjoy practicing your German Swear Words out loud!

For more swearing and linguistics, check out my list of Australian Slang, Russian Swear Words, Italian Swear Words and French Swear Words! Plus how to speak New Zealand Slang!

See more at Dirty German: Everyday Slang from “What’s Up?” to “F*% Off!” (Dirty Everyday Slang).

If you’re planning a trip soon, check out my best travel insurance tips, and get a quote on some Backpacker Travel Insurance.

More Amusing Stuff from Germany:

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  • Страна или область

Compared to other languages, German swearwords are relatively harmless.

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I don’t like paradoxe Wörter what means Paradoxical words in english. Like Trauerfeier. This word is a composition of Trauer and Feier. Trauer comes from the verb trauern, what means to trust and Feier is party…This Paradoxe Wörter are always two opposite words, that become one. In the Internet you find more examples.

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I hate the word «Fotze», because it just sounds digusting. It just means «pussy» but more obscene.

@dkidula «Hurensohn», «Kacke», «Pimmel», «Muschi», «Vögeln», «Arschloch» usw.

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What are the worst words in German? I mean curse

  • Can you tell me some bad words in german?


    Arschloch, Fotze, Hurensohn, Hure, Scheiße, Schlampe

  • What’s the worst thing that you can say to a German person?

  • what is the most difficult word in German language?


    I think that german words with «ch» are not so easy

  • What’s your favorite German cuss word and when’s it usually used?


    Maybe that’s not very imaginative, but my favourite one is «Schwachsinn!» (~ garbage, rubbish, bunkum… ). 😅

    It used to be a derogatory te…

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    here some swear words:

    Arschloch (asshole)
    Dummkopf (stupid person)
    Hure/Schlampe (whore/bitch)
    Hurensohn (son of a bitch)

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Here are our top 10 hardest German words and how to pronounce them!

The German language has a reputation for being quite aggressive and filled with words that are hard to pronounce. While there are several complicated German words, the language is also home to some beautiful German words, many of which express concepts that don’t exist in the English language.

So, why are there so many hard German words? It’s usually because of compound nouns. Compound nouns combine several different elements from singular nouns to form one, very specific noun. They’re a trademark of the German language. While the length of a word isn’t necessarily proportional to its difficulty, the sheer number of letters is enough to terrify even the most advanced language learner. Throw some funny-looking letters (and sounds) in there and you’ve got a recipe for a pretty hard language to pronounce. If you’re ready, let’s dive into some of the hardest German words to pronounce.

1. Eichhörnchen (Squirrel)

Although squirrel is also tough to pronounce in English, it’s a classic when it comes to difficult German words to pronounce. Many English speakers struggle, and some even consider this the hardest German word to pronounce. Before you make up your mind, wait until you see (and hear) the rest of the list.

red squirel on wooden bench

2. Streichholzschachtel (Box of matches)

Want to ask someone for a box of matches? You better be prepared for a tongue twister! There’s a reason this makes the list of the hardest words in German. If you want to complicate it even further, add ‘chen’ to the end of it and an umlaut to the ‘a’ (ä). This turns the meaning into a small box of matches, which is written as Streichholzschächtelchen (though it looks like it should mean so much more.)

3. Freundschaftsbeziehungen (Friendship relations)

Another classic compound noun in the German language is the word for “friendship relations.” Breaking this word up, you’ve “Freundschaft” meaning friendship and “Beziehungen” meaning relations. Sometimes we love the logic of German, but that doesn’t make the pronunciation any easier!

friends in sunflower field smiling laughing

4. Rührei (Scrambled eggs)

Every time we try to pronounce this one, it comes out as a strange sound rather than an actual word. The German ‘r’ at the beginning of the word followed by ‘ü’ is what makes this one hard to pronounce. In fact, this may be one of the most difficult German words to master. We are still practicing…

5. Arbeitslosigkeitsversicherung (Unemployment insurance)

Another brilliant logical compound noun here! Although this is the longest German word on the list, once you break it up into individual parts, it’s actually not that bad. The hard part comes when you try saying it all together as one word. Who knew a single word could be a tongue twister?

6. Röntgen (X-ray)

What’s more daunting than going for an x-ray? Some would say trying to pronounce the German word for an x-ray. In this case, you can blame Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen, the doctor who patented the procedure in the late 19th century. To honor his medical contribution, his name landed into the German dictionary as both a verb and a noun. Although a great honor, his name turned out to be one of the hard words in German!

7. Quietscheentchen (Rubber duck)

To help pronounce this one, remember that ‘qu’ is more of a ‘kv’ sound. With that, the breakdown would be “Quietsche” + “ent-chen.” Once you get the hang of it, it’s actually not that bad! In fact, this might be one of the easiest, hard to pronounce German words.

rubber duck blue background

8. Tschechien (Czechia)

Ready for another one of our highly anticipated hard German words to pronounce? If you ever want to talk about vacation plans, you better prepare your mouth. Three consonants in a row is never a good sign, nevermind it being at the beginning of the word! cue facepalm

9. Kreuzschlitzschraubenzieher (Screwdriver)

This is one you definitely want to break up to help pronounce it more easily: Kreuz — schlitz — schrauben — zieher. Still, it may be the hardest word in German for many native English speakers.

10. Schlittschuhlaufen (Ice skating)

The tricky part of this German word is to not also pronounce “schuh” with an ‘l’ in there. Once you pronounce “schlitt” and “schuh” together over and over, you’ve already gotten the hang of this word!

Admittedly, the worst German words look very scary and hard to pronounce because we write them all together. However, the main tip for mastering those compound nouns is to break them up into component parts. Take each part slowly and then when you’ve got the hang of it, use your German accent to pronounce them all together. Once you’ve mastered them, put them into practice by speaking to a native speaker.

That’s exactly where Tandem comes in. With Tandem, it’s easy to find German language exchange partners to chat with. Whether that’s through video or audio calls, voice messages or texting, Tandem supports your individual learning style. With millions of members in the online community, you’re bound to find someone with similar interests to you, ensuring your language learning remains fun and motivating. Download our app today!

If you want to find out more about the German language, be sure to check out our article on learning German online.

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German Portal

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German Portal

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If you are looking for German swear words, curse words and insults, then this is a great place to start! We’ve got many, many German insults for you to learn, some of them being common, and some of them being not-so-common German insults.

If you’ve been asking yourself ‘How do you say Kiss my ass in German’, or maybe ‘How do you say Fuck you in German’, then ask no more, this page will teach you! We’ve also got some other German favorites for translations like Slut, Cunt, Bitch, and Bastard.

Basically, if you’ve been looking for German insults, swear words, cuss words, or just a list of bad words in German, we’ll probably have what you are looking for. Now without further ado, enjoy the German insults and swear words list below.

Notes: You can also view this list of German insults and swear words with translations from English to German. Words in bold added/corrected during the last update.

German to English Insults and Swear Words:

First Up

Beleidigungen ➔ The German word for Insults

German Swear Words

Arschgesicht ➔ Fuckface (lit. assface)

Arschloch ➔ Asshole

Fotze ➔ Cunt

Miststück ➔ Bitch / Bastard

Schlampe ➔ Slut

Scheißkopf ➔ Shithead

Sheisse ➔ Shit

German Insults with Swear Words

Fick dich ➔ Fuck you

Fick dich, Schlampe ➔ Fuck you, bitch

Deine Mutter geht in der Stadt huren ➔ Your mother goes whoring in the city

Du bist ‘ne Schlampe! ➔ You are a slut!

Du Hurensohn! ➔ You son of a Bitch

Küss meinen Arsch ➔ Kiss my ass

Leck mich am Arsch! ➔ Lick my ass!

Sohn einer Hündin! ➔ Son of a bitch!

Verpiss dich! ➔ Piss off / Fuck off

German Insults that Aren’t Swears

Deine Oma masturbiert im stehen! ➔ Your grandma masturbates standing up!

Du bist (so) besonders… nur wie jeder sonst ➔ You are special… just like everyone else

Du blöder Idiot! ➔ You stupid idiot!

Du Dummkopf ➔ You stupid head

Dumm ➔ Stupid

Geh zum Teufel! ➔ Go to hell! (lit. go to the devil)

Leck mich (doch) ➔ Lick me

Sprich nicht mit mir, du verrückter Mann! ➔ Do not talk to me crazy man!

Non-Insulting Swear Words

Ich will ficken ➔ I want to fuck

Verdammt! ➔ Dammit!

Was zur Hölle? ➔ What the hell?

*List of German swear words and insults last updated: March 21, 2018.


How well do you remember what you’ve learned? Can you answer these questions? Once you’ve written down your answers, scroll back up to see how you’ve done.

1. How do you say insults in German?
2. How do you say fuck you in German?
3. How do you say bitch in German?
4. What is the translation for fuck off in German?
5. What is the word for cunt in German?
6. How do you say asshole in German?
7. How do you say shit in German?
8. How do you say kiss my ass in German?
9. What is the word for shithead in German?
10. How do you say piss off in German?
11. What is the word for slut in German?
12. What is the translation for son of a bitch in German?
13. How do you say stupid in German?
14. How do you say bastard in German?
15. What is the English translation of the German word schlampe?
16. What is the English translation of deine mutter geht in der stadt huren?
17. How do you say what the hell in German?

Next Up

German Greetings: Learn how to say German greetings and goodbyes.

The Fine Print

I don’t speak German myself, so there could be mistakes in the translations. Most of what is here is user-submitted, but I do try to check for accuracy and make corrections as I can. Thanks for your understanding.

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