The word you in cursive

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

I can speak in cursive. I can’t read in cursive.

Другие результаты

Some serekhs written on pottery vessels had hieroglyphs in cursive format, possibly a premature stage of hieratic.

Некоторые шерехи, написанные на керамике, имели иероглифы в скорописном формате, возможно, преждевременную стадию иератики.

And please sign it in cursive.

I remember when she taught me how to write my name in cursive.

Between second and fourth grade, kids learn to write in cursive and will apply the conventions of handwriting automatically.

Между вторым и четвертым классом, дети учатся писать курсивом и стараются применять соглашения почерка автоматически.

The researchers developed a system that allows users to write in cursive on a video monitor using only their eyes.

Учёные разработали систему, которая позволяет своим пользователям писать курсивом на видеомониторе при помощи только движения глаз.

They say they were born in cursive.

The hryvnia symbol is the Ukraine letter ‘He’ written in cursive with two horizontal lines through the centre.

Символом гривны является украинская буква «г», написанная курсивом с двумя горизонтальными линиями, проходящими через центр.

For many children, learning to write their name in cursive is a significant milestone.

Для многих детей обучение написанию своего имени курсивом становится существенным достижением.

She could only write in cursive.

Но ему удавалось писать лишь урывками.

Few of them would know how to write in cursive.

Мало кто из них понимает, что должны писать в заключении.

The inscription in cursive Bactrian reads: «Mihira, Vishnu and Shiva».

Надпись бактрийским курсивом гласит: «Михира, Вишну и Шива».

It only had the word Ford written in cursive.

Teaching your child how to write in cursive will take a little effort and some supervision.

Обучение вашего ребенка, как писать прописью займет немного усилий и некоторые наблюдения.

That he should write in cursive?

We are excited to be able to write our names in cursive.

«Мы очень рады, так как смогли вписать свои имена в историю.

Do you know how to write in cursive?

А знаете ли вы, как написать ее на иврите?

Today I’m writing in cursive because it takes longer.

Теперь я пишу меньше, потому что это требует времени.

From 1989 to 1998 I didn’t write in cursive.

А с 1989 по 1999 год я стихов вообще не писал.

Man’yōgana written in cursive style evolved into hiragana, a writing system that was accessible to women (who were denied higher education).

Манъёгана, записанная курсивным шрифтом, превратилась в хирагану — систему письменности для женщин, которым высшее образование было недоступно.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 5872. Точных совпадений: 1. Затраченное время: 377 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

скоропись, рукописный шрифт, рукописный, скорописный


- скоропись
- рукописный шрифт, курсив


- скорописный
- рукописный, курсивный

Мои примеры


cursive letter — рукописная буква  
cursive type — рукописный шрифт; курсив  
cursive writing — унициальное письмо; курсивное письмо; скоропись  
she took three cursive cursives — она три раза выходила на аплодисменты  

Примеры с переводом

He writes in cursive when he takes notes.

Делая заметки, он обычно пишет курсивом.

Возможные однокоренные слова

discursive  — дискурсивный, непоследовательный, сбивчивый
recursive  — рекуррентный, рекурсивный, оборотный, способный к повторному использованию
incursive  — воинственный, агрессивный

What are cursive text and cursive text generator?

This cursive text generator is a unique online tool that is fun and easy to use at the same time. 

Cursive font is similar to a human writing font.  It has joined stokes and letters and there are a number of ways to write in cursive writing.

The computerized cursive font is easy to understand as compared to the one written by a human (not a Calligrapher human! ????) as the letters are of the same size.

Features of our cursive font generator

Cursive font generator gives you three fonts i.e script, bold script, and double struck. A sample of these fonts in Lorem Ipsum is given below.

  1. Script
    cursive text
  2. Bold script
    cursive text 2

  3. Double-struck
    cursive text 3

Click on the cursive text to copy and paste it anywhere you want. Make your Instagram bios, Facebook posts, and Whatsapp messages fancy using this generator.

It can be used to name a folder in your desktops and laptops as well. If you like this generator then try our aesthetic text generator.


Обновлено на

15 авг. 2018

  • Русский
  • Английский (американский вариант)

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  • Чешский

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  • Английский (американский вариант)
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    Практически свободно говорящий

If one actually says this, they would immediately understand that the person is WRITING IN CURSIVE, but when you word it instead of saying it then…

Writing cursive = you’re writing THE WORD ‘cursive’

Writing IN cursive = you’re WRITING WORDS IN CURSIVE.

[News] Эй, привет! Тот, кто учит язык!

Вы знаете как улучшить свои языковые навыки❓ Все, что вам нужно – это исправление вашего письма носителем языка!
С HiNative ваше письмо носители языка могут исправить бесплатно ✍️✨.


В чем разница между "writing cursive" и "writing IN cursive" ?

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    Depends on the context. It can be used simply to described something old, or to say an idea is antiquated.

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    There is no difference.

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    Where are you going?
    I use Velcro.
    They are pronounced differently.

  • Покажите мне примеры предложений с «glossy».


    This lipstick is so glossy .
    It means that it kind of shines and it’s smooth

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    Ok, so let’s take these words: change, choke, check and shy, shame, share.

  • Что значит «cursive handwriting»?


    A older style of hand writing where each letter is connected to the next. It is still taught in schools, but rarely used day to day.

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    pronouncing English is hard — to, too, and two are all pronounced the same. go and Gogh (as in Van Gogh) are also exactly the same

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    diín, pagpápahalagá, pagdidiín

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    Hey @tommyJordan

    They mean the same. Only the “subject” of who is doing the emphasis is different.

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Что означает этот символ?

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If you want take up cursive for increasing the speed of your writing, or just write your name in a different way, you should know that cursive is not as difficult to learn as it might seem at first sight.

Truth be said, it takes some time to find your style, and practice it until your hand gets familiar with it, but in the end you will find the whole process a funny game.

how to write your name in cursive

1. Find a style that fits you

Cursive writing is like the fingerprint of a person, always unique and never identical to someone else’s. This is why, in penmanship there is a lot of types of cursive writing, and approaches to drawing letters in this style.

To begin to write your name in cursive you have to look for cursive alphabets, and choose what fits you best.

Cursive alphabets can feature connected, italic, or looped letters. They can have different slope degree, be more curly, curvy or sharp. Once you have selected your favorite style, copy the letters from your name, and practice them.

2. Use a search engine

Also, you can search right away for your name in cursive on the internet. Enter your “name” plus “cursive”, and you will receive a variety of styles of writing it. Find what represents better your life and personality, and start practicing it.

Here’s a quick tutorial gif showing how to search for a cursive version of your name:

how to write your name in cursive

3. Use a cursive generator

If you want everything done in seconds, use an online letter generator that will help you customize your name written in cursive.

You get the chance to select the style, the color, and the size of the word you enter.

Eventually, the automate generator gives you an image of the name in cursive that you can use to guide yourself after, while practicing your cursive handwriting.

Here’s a quick look at using 1001 Fonts to generate a cursive form of your name (it’s really cool):

How to write your name in cursive

4. Actually learn how to write in cursive

If you want to learn faster how to write your name in cursive style, you should get to know it closer.

Get an insight into cursive script, by becoming familiar with its benefits, and with some professional tips on how to draw and connect the letters correctly.

Besides learning a new way of writing your name, you also get such health benefits, like:

  • improved hand-eye coordination
  • better motor memory.
  • keeping your mind sharp

If your practice gives no results, you can use online trainings for cursive writing, where calligraphy experts will teach you the art.

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Get Our New Cursive Writing Practice Book

Ready to really learn cursive writing? 

Check out our newest workbook to help teens and young adults learn how to write in cursive. It’s available right now on Amazon.

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