The word writ used in a sentence

vengeance writ large, and that was when the company tried their one last, desperate

Concern writ large on his face, Orens reaches out quickly to stop me falling

Anxiety writ large across her face, she’s clearly bothered about me and that touches me deeply

A world of inner promises and deals, the life changes writ large for a moment, meant truly, forever, anything now that prayers have been answered

This action has been found so effectual a remedy, that, in the modern practice, when the landlord has occasion to sue for the possession of the land, he seldom makes use of the actions which properly belong to him as a landlord, the writ of right or the writ of entry, but sues in the name of his tenant, by the writ of ejectment

Her life, the whole past, writ large in lurid colours; the voices of everyone intimate or even pressing when she brought them to mind

It was to draw back such causes to themselves, that the courts of law are said to have invented the artificial and fictitious writ of ejectment, the most effectual remedy for an unjust outer or dispossession of land

chapters of Holy Writ warning them not to lift up very

He, Laflesche, and Tibbles successfully argued before the courts for a writ of habeas corpus

All the things I’ve writ

So many years have passed us by, since this poem was first writ

But in what is surely the most significant decision ever rendered by the Supreme Court, Marshall held that the Court had no authority to issue the writ of mandate

The reason, he said, was that in authorizing the Court to issue the writ Congress was expanding upon the original jurisdiction of the Court as provided in the Constitution

They sent a writ completely out of the

timing? The writ arrived the same week she was told she

He’d been at the castle in less time than it took for a spring story to be halfway told, expecting a writ to complete for some newly-found criminal and wondering when the inevitable hanging would be

The writ was an interesting instrument

This locked ownership of the writ to Nem

No one would be able to use the writ without Nem’s consent

In fact, I canceled a long-standing family vacation to work on your writ application

I hope! Also I just found out the idiot Strickland didn’t include the Meeks affidavit with the 11 copies of the writ app

I am writing to urge you to decide what you wish to do regarding the prosecution of a 2254 writ application (Mr

Bill: A 2254 writ application is a Federal habeas corpus)

Whate’er it be, I am most blessed to write this writ whilst in Folk space, where time moves slower than on Earth, affording me a leisured year

Thy writ is for that future time, and for that one who learns from it much more than an awakening: to know what fates Earth’s futures hold

‘Twas for that reason Father chose to set in motion what events are chronicled within this writ affording Earth Her say at last

of the Society of Folk, of all that These would share with ye; though saved within this sacred writ, ‘twill come to naught unless I go

now that I am content to leave and have completed this pure writ down to its final period?

Such wonderment would not be known until discovered in this writ

I take it on quite willingly so ye may know of Mother Earth, of the Society of Folk, of all that These would share with ye; though saved within this sacred writ, ‘twill come to naught unless I go

What better one is there than this, now that I am content to leave since I have finished this pure writ down to its final period?

Shaking, he slid to the floor, panic writ across his face with the realisation that he

By the Finger of God were they writ ,

The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ,

neck with the name Megan writ

had issued a writ in the Victorian Supreme Court, claiming

Keep in mind, the broad statement in Article 9 of the Constitution states, ‘The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in cases of rebellion or invasion of the public safety may require it

the law that is contained within Article I, Section 9, which reads, ‘The privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in cases of

She would love to have a writ issued against them for harassment

I think that the incident, where the Pretoria landlord impounded, by legal writ, the

The moving finger writes, and having writ, moves on,

“Is it not writ en, My house shal be cal ed a house of prayer for al the nations?

Frustration writ clearly across his face, at having been unable to capture The Doctor, who’d disappeared almost into thin air

“Is that what you said to Tyler’s mother when I married him?” She accompanied this remark with a gentle pat on her swelling abdomen, maternal pride writ all over her expression as she thought of the baby she was carrying

We recognise that, as lord abbot and rector of All Hallows, you will be responsible for the pastoral care and good guidance of our community …’ John droned on and ended with some words about the rule of law and God’s Holy Writ

Writ to amuse and give me glory? Was he excuse to fall in love?

my being writ with the signs of your ownership;

your faces writ with the signs of my ownership;

“The government in my view would have every right to slap a writ on us

At exactly four o’clock the following afternoon, the assistant manager of the bank appeared at the general store with the marshal and a writ to confiscate all of Salomon van der Merwe’s worldly possessions

Every single one had terror writ large on his face

Also a writ was served by the Supreme Court in Athens forbidding all Golden Dawn members, to protest or congregate outside Chania Crown Court in Crete

“All women in this stupid world are alike”, Ashish declared with irritation writ large on his face

We also realized that we must carry these feelings with us all the time, and they just turned up writ large in moments of personal stress where how others responded to us mattered intensely

And names were writ across it

You had to be extra-special to have your name writ on The Whistler

The dark lie believed in their brains was writ on their faces in bloody letters

What you will hear I did, don’t be overly chagrined about it, for it also was writ in the stars

But nothing is writ in stone except what we chisel there

This tale was writ from no precedent, pattern or “heroic archetype” but from principle, experience and observing firsthand the ways of the world

The petition traced the history of the writ of habeas corpus back past the founding of the United States and through English history

The petition Shapiro read related the history of what the law traditionally calls the Great Writ

The petition then crossed the Atlantic and emphasized that the only individual right included in the entire original United States Constitution, even before the Bill of Rights added the first ten amendments, was the right to petition the court for a writ of habeas corpus

Section Nine of Article One of the Constitution says, “The privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it

“Further, pursuant to the specific language of Section Nine of Article One of the United States Constitution, which states that the writ of habeas corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in cases of rebellion or invasion the public safety may require it, I am declaring that the actions taken against the United States, including what happened today in the nation’s capital, constitute acts of rebellion

I am therefore suspending the right of all such persons in rebellion against this nation to petition in any court for a writ of habeas corpus

The Amendment was straightforward: “No court, justice or judge shall have jurisdiction to hear or consider an application for a writ of habeas corpus filed by or on behalf of

” Let me emphasize that drastic measures should be employed to stay the progress of such “mockers of truth: and corruptors of Holy Writ

Why then does he think to darken your understanding by such remarks as, “Who ever heard that death died, or hell died?” Why does he desire to impress you that they don’t die, when his definition would only separate them from God? Is he keenly cognizant at times of the grand fundamental idea of death? If not, then why does he oppose the thought of “dying twice” as taught by Holy Writ? Let him answer it; I shall not endeavor

But man searches in vain for these truths which he desires so ardently; he in vain devours with avidity each page of Holy Writ; he does not find either them, or the simple doctrine of the resurrection of the dead, explicitly announced

So long as men were convinced that every word of the Bible was a distinct revelation from God, that there was no element of human limitation in its pages, and therefore that its statements on the visible universe were of as much authority as its declarations respecting redemption, they looked upon the heavens not only with the outward eye of sense, but with the inner eye of faith in the Ptolemaic astronomy, which makes the earth a plane, and the centre around which revolve sun, moon, and stars—a view of matters confirmed to the observer both by his senses and by the ‘authority of Holy Writ

The complaint was enclosed as an annexure in the writ petition

But what did he care now for an I O U, for a writ of recovery! Was that worth worrying about now, was it worth attention even! He stood, he read, he listened, he answered, he even asked questions himself, but all mechanically

His name’s Gonzago: the story is extant, and writ in choice Italian: you shall see anon how the murderer gets the love of Gonzago’s wife

Folded the writ up in form of the other,

» And there was even at the bottom, «She will be constrained thereto by every form of law, and notably by a writ of distraint on her furniture and effects

A copy of a writ was the stale pretext to extort it from me; and I had soon reason to believe that it was fabricated for the purpose

I don’t suppose that he is more impressed by the writ of two million dollars nailed (or more likely pasted) to the foremast of the Norwegian than I am, who don’t believe that the Storstad is worth two million shillings

«That proves,» returned the abbe, «that you are like those of Holy Writ, who having ears

The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it

He lays aside the lapboard whereon he drafts his bills of costs for the eyes of master Goff and master Shapland Tandy, filing consents and common searches and a writ of Duces Tecum

—Then our friend’s writ is not worth the paper it’s printed on, Ben Dollard said

—You can tell Barabbas from me, Ben Dollard said, that he can put that writ

And he showed them glistering coins of the tribute and goldsmith notes the worth of two pound nineteen shilling that he had, he said, for a song which he writ

He gave them then a much admirable hymen minim by those delicate poets Master John Fletcher and Master Francis Beaumont that is in their Maid’s Tragedy that was writ for a like twining of lovers: To bed, to bed was the burden of it to be played with accompanable concent upon the virginals

Nor have I so read or interpreted Holy Writ, as to understand that the disclosure of human thoughts and deeds, then to be made, is intended as a part of the retribution

“It is a writ from the king

The fact that those differences were acknowledged within the body of the Writ and all of the Church’s other histories only validated their integrity

No one on the entire planet—outside the inner circle, at least—had ever doubted that God and the Archangels existed or that those Archangels had done every single thing the Holy Writ said they’d done

And, as Aivah had just pointed out, even the Sisters of Saint Kohdy believed in the integrity and truth of the Holy Writ

The nuns of the Abbey passed those winter months in study, prayer, and the calligraphy of the beautiful hand-lettered copies of the Holy Writ for which their scriptorium was famed

“You can see the same basic events in both accounts, but he fills in a lot of background that’s quite different from the ones in the Writ or The Testimonies

” Or you could use your journal to repetitively write down what it is that you want to believe

«I can do the dates in my head now, I helped the geneticist write that

Even if the pain people weren’t real, just to write that

the decision to write a character out, it will usual y be because of the fact that the actor wishes to depart or because the part has run its full course

1John: 2:1: My little children, these things write I unto you, that ye sin not

Write down what you’re told

I have been deprived of the luxury of caring what my beloved thinks of me, and so I write

The wizards of the Kassikan have been thru this, personally, since before people on Earth could write, you can’t sustain a society that uses energy at a greater rate than that supplied by the sun

Rev: 2:1: Unto the angel of the church of Ephesus write; these things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his

And you shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates

We plan for old age and build house, invest intelligently but if we succumb to love and write away every thing to our children then we are sowing the seed of pain and suffering

Write the date

” Since then, the famous label has been called by admirers, devotees and some of the hundreds of mainstream publications who have asked for permission to write stories about Dr

leaves out the cause, and for that I must write down the circumstances of my life…so

«Since the early 55th, I didn’t write it down and wouldn’t have the note with me

’ Emma said, her voice muffled … she must be holding the phone under her chin so that she can write in her diary

«Sammy the Shark? Is that it? Do you want me to write that down? Seriously?»

Think we can write that off on

‘You spotted that? A lot of people write her off as an idiot, you know

deepest philosophical foundations, let alone be bothered to write it all down – that

(acts 19:11), so let my hands (which are now being used to write the truth

get the inspiration to write a poem for my sweet «beloved»

Your car is a complete write off, I’m afraid

Third story: I write about Astrid, a dangerous woman who explores cyberspaces

Second story: I write about an ocean and its sea life

Second story: I write about an elephant cemetery guarded by a monster

As I begin to write this chapter, I owe to Tom Thomas for the patience he had in me to

write this chapter; he provided the computer to accomplish the writing; his Christian love for an old man

No females were used by the Holy Spirit to write the Bible books

The contacts I noticed were few and they were all in the second story: a) I write and illustrate a scene where Sandra fights with gigong sticks

b) I write and illustrate a scene where Sandra hits Venor on the neck with her elbow

anyone could write comments, criticisms, commendations or suggestions pertaining to any part of the activities of the local church

I don’t know how long I stand there panicking but ultimately I go back to the kitchen and calmly write pregnancy testing kit on the list

» There were of lot of those details he had to write down for her but it was a lot of practical stuff, she didn’t get to the emotional part till they were in bed

We still write now and then, he’s into theoretical cosmology these days

‘Yes, I suppose so … though Gran did write about cars – she was scared shitless the first time she saw one

‘Perhaps you could write down your message

It took her several hours and multiple attempts to write her letter

Without comment, he pushed across a sheet of paper for her to write on; she waited while he dug in one of the drawers for a pen that worked

JayJay and Angie have asked me to write to thank you for the unbelievably generous gifts you sent for little Karalintze’s fifth birthday

Angie would write herself but she is at Abery at the moment, expecting to produce their second child any day

Write down the answers, the first thing that comes into your head

Answer the above questions and write down the answers

Write down your goal again

Then write a note in the ‘things to do’ table below the Wheel, suggesting what you could do to improve your score on each priority

Write it down that the colour of a skin,

I tried to write down the name of the street where the flat was but my new pen had lost its point so I threw it away

It would help if I had some paper to write on, but I don’t … I’ll just have to make do with my memory

She would write about the attack of Alan’s starship as soon as she could interview Vyinga

Then when they returned to their quarters in the evening, Lance would write down all he saw and heard and ‘felt’

Dorintze, a stout woman with an intelligent face, immediately asks me if I would write something for the readersein

‘I could write something

I started to write poetry though my vision made it difficult

‘We write on the back of the message with an implement called a pen

‘I expect so … if I write really small

They could, they said, write the most fabulously truthful documents in all the known world

«If John was shown the movie of the future by Jesus, he didn’t have the words to write it down

Write() allows you to write formatted output

Master Jeffery was asked to write down all that had happened, from the very beginning with Kate entering the hatching grounds and finding Jake, to the final battle with the black devils

Retrieving his journal, Duncan took time to immediately write down his first impressions on everything

‘Ben! You can’t write legibly like that! Sit up properly at the table

‘Let’s have a look,’ he grabs the calendar I write everything on and looks at it for a moment

Once they were done testing, Thom had to write that letter

deeds and he employed the cleverest scholars to write true accounts

Gratitude prayers are simple: either write or state aloud all of the

Take a clean sheet of paper and write out everything that is bothering you

For example, if you were feeling tense about an upcoming visit to your doctor because he might give you a dire prognosis you could write, “I»m afraid that the doctor will tell me that there is nothing he can do to help me

Devote one or more pages to each item and write about the inner and outer factors that stand between you and the things you want

It’s one thing to disapprove of someone’s behaviour but quite another to write this sort of filth

God asked me to write to you Kelvin

The thing that bothered him, who had caused her to write it? Who had sent it? The only answer that made sense was Brazilian intelligence, but he didn’t know how they would get to his mother’s Angel

“Then why did she write the letter and how did it get here?” Heymon asked


they said, write the most fabulously truthful documents in all the

beyond what I write

Not more than you need to, but write down answers and

Mind you, I could leave it here … I’ll need it tonight to write up my interview with Ann Connaught

ebook you can download for free that helps you write all the headlines you need

So what exactly is a blog? It is a simple web page that allows for you to write

However, he has said that he is content for you to name him and has offered to write a foreword for the book

And he said unto him, Take thy bill, and write fourscore

Mum didn’t write though, she was a housewife and pottered about doing various voluntary jobs, especially when Chris and I got a bit older

me, Write: for these words are true and faithful

‘Should be …’ he commented, clearly balancing the phone under his chin so he can write this down

8 September – It is strange writing in my diaries knowing someone is going to read what I write

I feel the strong need to write this, but I don’t know who will read it

He thought they should write out a pamphlet for everyone they interviewed to read so they wouldn’t have to recite it so many times

I understand that you are likely to be calling at the offices of Mansfield Blake in the near future and thought it appropriate that I should write to you in connection with the research you are currently executing in respect of Miss Bunty Danvers

” He wondered how much of this Ava would write down

He still wasn’t sure he could write with what they’d been drinking today

He has enough experience of personal misdirection and abuse to write a graphically illustrated encyclopaedia

scribe to write down the message, and the lamp operation would be

“Where do they live?” Jorma asked, prepared to write down the answer

promised himself that he would write more often, and tell his old

“Is he with the Kassikan?” He wanted to write down the name and look him up if he was

He reached over and flicked the intercom switch, continuing to write as he did so

In a moment with the results in hand, he asked the host to write the result at the first tick mark right of top center

One of the first things I found out about him was that he wanted to write music for children – something along the lines of ‘Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat’ style of thing, but he felt that he was not talented enough

One can only write a small fraction of what was actually said, even if they could remember every word and write fast enough to get it all down in a reasonable time, the cost of the paper would be prohibitive

“Yes, I’ll just have to write it down

She writes down the address as I read it from the sheet of headed paper which Stephen chased after me with as I was reversing round his car

Paul writes in Romans 5:13 that before the law was given, sin was in the world

around mostly, writes communiqués, that sort of thing

Alex writes down the name of the club

Anna grabs the pen by the TV and writes the number down in the margin of the TV guide

She even writes her own poetry

‘She writes and teaches

Judy’s sends a lovely picture in this letter and on the back she writes:

Judy includes a lovely photograph of her in on the back she writes Dearest Jeff, just for you to remember me by always

«Oh no, but what she writes isn’t fiction, she’s more of a tech writer or news writer

writes about the Vlachs

a deal where the expert writes the content and you do the selling, in

That’s why he writes so

In his seminal book, Think & Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill writes about the transmutation of sexual energy into

writes about the transmutation of sexual energy into

} the author who writes concerning it the least indistinctly, says, that it was imposed upon all successions, legacies and donations, in case of death, except upon those to the nearest relations, and to the poor

In II Timothy 4:3 Paul writes, The time will come

In Colossians 2:8 Paul writes, See to it that no one takes

write much about this assignment but writes that from the Naval

It writes itself upon our every fibre

The owner of the Stay at home parents blog writes content on your Blog

Tony or Lydia decide to break it off and she murders Tony for dumping her? Or, she decides she doesn’t want to move to Miami? And how does she know he’s arriving that night? He texts or calls her? She writes Alhamdulillah on the top of his car to throw off an investigation

An army that takes her to her doctor’s appointments, who writes down what the doctor says for her, who help to remind her of what she is supposed to be doing and what she isn’t supposed to be doing (but she will still do it, anyway)

Change your wallpaper – the registry gets updated, change your browser homepage – the registry reflects the change, install a new program – it writes its settings to the registry, uninstall it later on – the registry gets modified again

You’ve heard the stories, someone writes down a goal

He writes of Fuentesnuevas:

Al Macy writes because he has stories to tell

Storm writes about the insights that he gained in the spirit realm during his near-

It writes the rules and regulations that control labor relations and then determines if the laws it has written are being followed

She writes what I’ve always written

(él / ella) escribe he / she / it writes / is writing

1 The copy of the letters was this: The great king Artexerxes writes these things to the princes and governours that are under him from

6 The Lord shall count, when he writes up the people, that this man was born there

What Geshe Kelsang Gyatso writes bears reflecting on: «Whenever we are harmed, abused, criticized and so forth the opportunity arises to create great accumulations of merit

For example, «if we generate positive thoughts and emotions, and act in productive and creative ways,» writes Carmen Harra, «we will change our lives for the better

Caroline Myss in The Creation of Health writes:

He writes: “The two also function differently within the mind

Pabongka writes: «It’s like if you plant the seed of a hot-tasting plant, chili for example, and then once it has started to grow you plant grapes and apricots and so on around the chili as a way of making it turn sweet

“She writes the number of death,” the girl with the plaits yelled in a panicked

In Chapter 9: 2 and 3 Amos writes of the heights and the depths that men might go

Romans 1: 20 Paul writes He is detectable through His creation, where

Although Paul here writes that we the true believers, having once been slaves to sin, are

” He writes the correction in the attendance book

“Dr Hancox writes, and I quote, „I am afraid to say that Harry’s condition has worsened and I honestly believe that he is now suffering from a severe form of schizophrenia

Get with the program! Let Him writes His laws in

Hustler magazine’s Larry Flynt writes publicly that his own first sexual experience was with a chicken

The two trends of which Scruton writes, child-centered education and disinterest in substantive content, have been exacerbated by the “zeal of the egalitarians” who hate learning because real learning reveals differences in achievement levels

The great American free market philosopher Ludwig von Mises, born in Austria, writes that socialism and capitalism cannot long abide

American Enterprise Institute national fellow David Gelernter writes that as the substance drains out of the left-wing agenda “nothing remains to feed on …

Becoming a career counselor who writes resumes and cover letters is not strictly a

Quin Hillyer, who writes for Washington Times and The American Spectator, quotes Ned Ryun of the Tea Party Patriots on the need for active participation at all levels

23 (Enoch’s writes of wonders and of the heavenly hosts and wrote three hundred and sixty six books)

And The Occidental Herald writes, «Since the Copts spent their entire lives resisting secular reason-based progress and State-led centralised planning—designed to make the people’s lives safer, fairer, and happier—then the Copts have no one to blame for their misfortune but themselves and their insular irrational thinking

Nonetheless, “it should also be remembered”, writes Roger, “that both General Javier Palacios (anti-Allende) and Dr

Similarly, he writes about the President’s “non-payment of taxes although Nixon paid $78,000 during the period in question 196972) but overlooks the fact that Johnson, Humphrey, Pat Brown and others also made deductions similar to Nixon’s vice-presidential papers

charity writes to you to thank you for all the skills you have brought to their business and how it has benefited those in need, how valuable would that

what would that mean to you? If perhaps a charity writes to you to thank you for all the

each person writes what he says on his

23 — Enoch’s writes of wonders and of the heavenly hosts and wrote three hundred and sixty six books

“Do you have a pen and paper?” She peruses through her purse and hands him both as he writes down a number

Ovington writes of him: “Mr

WE BLOODY SURVIVED IT (he writes with a welling up in

writes about it and we have a laugh together, it sure helps

” This is what the foreign woman who writes

But I am, or I was, a scribe only, a man who writes other people’s stories and the legends of the past

Thomas Sowell27 writes, “We do not have any more money collectively than the sum of what we have individually

In addition to poetry he writes flash fiction, short stories, and nature essays

» «It was there,» writes Mr

«If you go there,» writes Mr

» writes: «Rupert Brooke is dead

20 Bohm writes, ‘This immediately struck me as very relevant since when the ink drop was spread out, it still had a ‘hidden’ (i

Woolger writes that more than 95 per cent of his subjects’ reports of the inter-life described this same peaceful void

When Cayce was asked to explain what was meant by ‘The Book of Life’ he replied that it was, ‘The record that the individual entity itself writes upon the skein of time and space…’18 World-renowned Cayce scholar Kevin Todeschi says that ‘The Edgar Cayce readings suggest that each of us writes the story of our lives through our thoughts, our deeds, and our interactions with the rest of creation’ — echoing Lynne McTaggart’s description of the dynamic interaction of the universe with the zero point field

Punishment”; Kafka deals with them in “The Trial”, and writes that all of

Michael Gazzaniga writes that the left brain is constantly and reflexively generating theories to explain the internal and external events that occur around us

I have also read Wilfried’s letter and noticed that he writes quite nicely

But at the end of his letter he writes something I don’t like because he wants to write everybody but he does not include his father

I, on the other hand was, with very few glorious exceptions, constantly broke; a professional hazard which anybody who writes short stories for a living will attest

Marguerite Reardon of CNET writes: “As cable and phone companies slug it out in markets across the U

Marshall Kirkpatrick writes in ReadWriteWeb: Next Gen Apps Won’t Be Pushed Around By the Browser, From taking control of the browser to connecting to the web outside of it, there are a number of new strategies being implemented by startups these days

Scoble writes: “Can the open public Web fight back? Yes

Chris Bailey writes, “Most organizations will simply try to lay the latest business fad on top of their current operations and culture

I was honored when the man himself, Will Brink, who writes for pop-

She writes dozens of thumbnails, jotting down ideas in a notepad she keeps with her always

She writes to her father weekly, but soon her ten-year old mind and life leave little to say

Daniel writes about civilisation, and where we might have gone wrong, and he’s become a major influence on my thinking

Barry Manilow writes the

The Linkvana service writes little posts about the keywords that you picked on high quality, search engine friendly blogs (Relevant to your product or service) with

In the introduction to his autobiography Gāndhiji writes that this ‘title has deeply pained me’ because:

Tendulkar is cross-dominant: He bats, bowls and throws with his right hand, but writes with his left hand

She writes about business, technology, women’s issues, and creativity

In Michael Caine’s autobiography he writes about his theatrical initiation with the irascible Alwyn D

Also, I have a secret lover who writes me the most sugary verses that you can ever imagine

But, despite my sorrow, in my imagination and my thoughts, I will be thinking that the hand that wrote me those verses is Leonardo’s, and that the lady for which he wrote it is me; because in this imaginary world that unfolds inside my head, as I am the only person who writes the scripts, I’ve decided that Leonardo and I will be the only protagonists of this imaginary novel

The CMI writes, “It is a major advance in the history of mathematics that

He has been compared to David Baldacci, he writes thrillers set within the financial sector and he has had books on the Kindle Bestseller list

She sits atop a great chair, whose legs never reach the ground, ‘working’ at the table so tall that it has no top, and writes in her journal of how she hates all types of beings

On the other hand, he writes to believers saying, “If anyone sins (that is, if one falls into sin accidentally), we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous; and He is the propitiation for our sins” (1 John 2:1, 2)

com you’ll see that you can create a specific goal, by writing down specifically what you are going to do

The walls were also covered with writing, both on and off the multiple whiteboards around the room

But after there was no more space, the writing would continue off the board and onto the wall, sometimes even making its way across the wall and onto a new white board

“Your sewing is just like your writing,” she’d say

You may try writing on cute stationery

It’s kind of weird writing music

I suggested that Diz and I collaborate on writing a punk ballad of the Marquis de Sade

Testator: Person writing the will

When writing the change, you have to state why you are making it

He stops writing, looks over his glasses at the nurse

John has stopped writing, is staring at the President in obvious shock

The secret of writing good English lies in a good match between nouns and adjectives

up on business, spent hours writing hopeless paeans to her memory, and slowly the

That is why he ended up writing the biggest part of the

When he’s not writing he’s running around the county doing loads of other stuff

Work completed writing the 13/12/2012

The play is a fairly classic farce working round this idea, complicated by the writing of a note from Molly to Jim, the errant husband, which then goes astray with predictable consequences

I was not alone in writing the history of this place

This is the first day of my illustrated manuscript “Sandra Anderson — Astral Fantasy”, which I start writing today

write this chapter; he provided the computer to accomplish the writing; his Christian love for an old man

Writing this is not difficult

She is also sure she can charm any male with the poems she has been writing recently

Writing: Director of Publications for Truth for the World

Paul in writing to Timothy said, Ch

I had experimented during the day by nicking my finger on one of sharp corners of the camp bed frame, but I never did master writing in blood

Still, he had his own conscience to answer to and felt guilty writing out the message

He gave up on business, spent hours writing hopeless paeans to her memory, and slowly the light in their eyes, these daughters of his with their busy lives and their boisterous men folk, ceased to burn for him

Daniel interprets writing that no one else interprets

Angie tried to look as if she knew what that all meant while the young man swallowed nervously, his eyes darting at Kara, apparently completely taken up with writing on the paper

Bending her head, Angie tried to see what Kara was writing

Writing at Temple University

Been writing it for years on the piano

Taw stones safely restored to their pouch on her belt, she changed out of her comfy travelling clothes into something a little smarter and set about writing messages

It would be ironic if that is the case though I realise that you probably haven’t the foggiest idea what I’m writing about!

We replace those false judges mentioned in chapter 3 of this writing (the section on Psalm 82), which are the principalities and powers

Keep writing “What is my life purpose?” The heart may give a useful message to the head

of the writing on skipping plastic carrier bags,

She would be clear enough to resume her writing when she got back to Klarrain’s, she had been worried about being so blithered that she couldn’t

Nuplayy couldn’t tell how much energy without knowing the mass of the objects and the last few weeks he had been writing about how to determine their mass by observing Narrulla

I could go on for a whole book writing ecstatically of the wonder and the glories of honey but let it suffice to say that if you think you dislike honey then try all the different ones you can find

Gilla swiftly embroils me in the plans she is making for a party to celebrate our respective nuptuals which entails far too much writing of notes for my liking

I am not used to writing by hand but there are no computers here on Errd and, for the first time since I came across, I find myself wishing for something of Earth

Master Jeffery asked them what they could do; and after seeing their writing skills he placed them in charge of detailing the history of the Dragons; they would work directly for him

She was a lot less intellectual than Alan, not quite what one would call limited, but other than pop culture and basic reading and writing, she wasn’t educated and she certainly wasn’t the deep thinker that he was

‘Yes, … you know it should be possible to treat the stone in some way so as to prevent the writing from disappearing

Take a look at other profile headers before you start writing your own

No, we won’t believe a word of it unless the fruit dealer can prove it in writing

By the time you‘re done writing, you should feel lighter and more peaceful, like a burden has been lifted off of your shoulders

Here is a good example of the type of situations this process can be used for: Using Automatic Writing to Release Fear

I look at Alastair, he’s already writing in that ubiquitous diary of his

We‘ve explored various types of writing that will help you to transform your fear, but there is yet another one: journaling

Simply grab your journal and a pen and start writing your thoughts about the experience(s), how they made you feel when they happened, and how they still affect you now

Similar to the automatic writing exercise, simply pour out your thoughts and fears about something that has you worried

―What is the worst thing that could happen?‖ Then put your answers in writing

Start by writing a brief description or bulleted list of the type of life you wish you could have

As you explore the blockages your writing reveals, you should notice something very interesting: most often your blockages are nothing more than limiting beliefs!

“As a son would know his own mother’s writing

I have twin boys who are, at the time of this writing,

They would come into the engine room and simply watch what everyone was doing, writing copious notes in their books

30 then – will that be okay?’ he asked, writing my name into the book

Taking their research further showed that by writing

some writing on the other side

it is possible that Bunty received the news as she was in the middle of writing to Margaret

As we munch on our sandwiches, Bill tells me about the article he is writing on the local operatic society

‘Your writing is getting worse, Dave

My method of writing is to

And truism had its way in the writing

Bunty appears to have given up her very economic style of writing and is now cramming in a lot more into the space provided, putting down her feelings

When writing your headlines, don’t stop with just one

‘You could try your hand at writing some books

31It hath been said, whosoever shall put away his wife, let him give her a writing of

I retired in February 2014 and now I’m doing what I love, writing and working to publish the books collecting electronic dust over the years

The tone of the writing is cheerful and contented, I do hope that means that Bunty was happy … There are the usual references to Philip though it is odd that she never mentions her riding … perhaps it was such an ordinary thing she didn’t feel it necessary to note it down at all

He gritted his teeth and read Amanda’s left handed writing:

Conveniently for me, the post includes a copy of Lizzie Goulden’s speech at the operatic society last Friday … I spend the morning writing my article about the society, then sit thinking about Jo Liddington, pen in mouth, gently chewing the top

Fingers crossed! Just as I was writing the above, the alarm went off in the House

8 September – It is strange writing in my diaries knowing someone is going to read what I write

She had a notepad out now and was writing that down

coloured, with pictures and some sort of writing, but it was now far

knowledge of the old writing, and only they would

was apparently writing with his pencil, not on the pages but on the

I retired for good in February 2014 and now I’m doing what I love, writing and working to publish the books collecting electronic dust over the years

“Would she have to? She wasn’t writing this to us, she was writing it to herself

Bram’s father writing several letters, one of which was given to Tom

There was a note on the sheet in different handwriting, very tiny writing that was hard to make out

“I do have important responsibilities in the care of the bodies for these endeavors, but I’m hardly the one writing the cases

The bureaucrats always thought every scrap of paper with writing on it had to be saved and a bureaucratic post established to oversee every ton with the requisite senior and oversight councils over them

“Is that what you were doing, writing in that little notebook of

writing slates widely used in the world of Lyndesfarne

on the stone, “Agrean writing

‘Well, he’s settled in Bournemouth at the moment, because it’s easy commuting distance to London … um … he’s writing for the local paper there amongst other things

Harry was intent upon writing his sisters and parents about the month past and set himself the task when he awoke next morning

writing as he walked over to his desk

I am so intent on writing that I do not hear him as he comes up behind me, reading the words over my shoulder

He sounds different, more professional … I’m reminded that writing is his profession

Hartman took out his pen and two form papers and began writing

noticed writing on the mirror

They were labeled with lots of tiny captions in that same writing that was on the signs

“They aren’t hieroglyphics at all but a logical and consistent way of writing down the sounds of speech

Over the years, I’ve made some improvements and set up a few things that were not completed as of this writing

She had received her cheque from Rivron that morning, for two hundred thousand dollars, and a written assurance of the A-list publicity the gift was going to attract from the buyer

Usually a sentence or equation would start on a white board written in black marker

The planet where all the fantasy tales of swords and sorcerers were written down as the history of the ‘Troubled Times’ in the Elven basins

She knew it was a street diagram but it was written in Portuguese with no city identification, it had meant little to her at the time

Guess I haven’t written in a while

A will can be written on any piece of paper

Written does not mean that you should do so in your own handwriting

Come to think of it, he’d also read in a detective novel about secret messages written in special ink

The cross-legged attitude has been, and still is, much used in the Orient, and many books have been written on the subject

all that is written in it

was written in the book of Job:

will not hesitate to attack it! For it is written:

It is written that knowing the truth will set you free

It is written here that WE ourselves must command this mountain

(The Bible was written by

«I shouldn’t have written that code,» Ava said

It’s written for cherons, I built a whole hierarchy from the base up, I didn’t use any of the standard derived classes of cherubs, not even pets

written in the Scriptures that behind any disease there is a reason

Faith says: “It is written

It is written:

It is written that “hearing is by the word of God”

It is written in the Scripture about those who doubt:

think the way it was written in the Bible

blackboard on which he saw his name written, one more name on the list of those

History is being written all around us but in here no one has a past, not any

Look at the words of Jesus in John 6:45 — “It is written in the

» He gestured in front of his helmet to call up the spoofing script he’d written to emulate Staas Company’s Inventory Query Protocols and passed it to the terminal in front of him without missing a stroke

Her stories are structured in a very unusual way: I have written down in a separate notebook memories, fantasies, as well as dreams of mine and I have classified them in certain categories: Start of story – Main events – Secondary events – Cosmic truths – Fights – Dialogues – Space and time – End of story

Earlier in the morning, I had written an episode where Sandra Anderson escapes from her enemies exactly in the same way

A few hours before, I had written and illustrated a very similar scene with my protagonists Venor, Sandra, Astrid

brotherhood and written for several brotherhood papers

as true today as they were when written a century ago:

For even Christ pleased not himself; but, as it is written, The reproaches of them that reproached thee fell on me” (Romans 15:1-3)

written down who should marry who and in the end only that which should happen will

I barely breathed as I traced the outlines of a few grubby pencilled words written in Arabic

He knew that wasn’t conclusive evidence, the sensors were probably read regularly by the hardware monitors and written to memory somewhere that the query looked up

«He’s up in henarDee, it’s a company, I have the name written down back at the house

The first 5 chapters of Romans are written in a way to undermine any religion that is based on our good works or efforts

Whole new ways of converting to binary and getting it written somewhere would have to be devised

If that hiker hadn’t come along, she’d probably have ended up under the wheels of the train and been written off as a suicide

Too many books are written every year about how to become a better you and different “Christian” tips on how to be successful

She has in her possession a fascinating diary written by her grandmother who came across during the Troubles

He put a basket full of fruit near a tree first physical evidence of cannibalism among the and told the kids that whoever got there first won the desperate population, corroborating written accounts sweet fruits

You have come to thousands upon thousands of angels in joyful assembly, to the church of the firstborn, whose names are written in heaven

written in his lined face and the painful gait of angered joints,

’ She said softly, concern written all over her face

Almost everything that has been written up to this point (with exception of the last chapter) has been foundation work

They will be the center of all nations, as it is written in Ezekiel 5:5

I could tell you the stories of the men I’d watched grow old back in the years before I knew Chofa, if I’d only written them down

But Lintze, I very sensibly reply to myself, it’s not as though there is anything here that was brought from Earth … apart from my denims … I’ve not written anything down anywhere

Those that are found in the book of Life are resurrected unto glory, and those that don’t have their names written there are cast into the lake of fire

On the twelve gates are written the twelve tribes of Israel

Where It Is Written

and they ask of themselves where it is written,

for here is where it is written that black

The words, where they are written, are thus:

For the remainder of the day Luray was much happier, even laughing and recounting some funny and rather bawdy adventures she had among the Dwarves and Trolls of old Wescarp, all the time reminding him that she couldn’t actually remember any of this if she hadn’t written it down and repeatedly copied over the notes when the paper got too old

but written still in these brown earth bones

When impatience appears as it does, go to your written goal, take time and appreciate where you are now

I read in a book, a book written by a white person; it said not listening was the key to a happy marriage

Doubt written all over him, he turns to face me

«We’re all on wake shift,» Desa said, «There’s a new list written up and posted on the note board and signed by both of them

The majority of overweight people suffer from chronic constipation, so one of your very first tasks is to turn back to chapter five, re-read all I have written, and vow to make an immediate onslaught on your sluggish bowels, as this complaint is very fattening as well as uncomfortable

I asked him about time and he reckons that noon would be realistic so I’ve written a reply to that effect

Study all I have written in the chapter on diet and do not eat anything which has been refined or preserved

I started to see books that had been written by me and I told the cops to pick them up

People will tell you, and it has been written, that bipolar or mentally ill people in general are bound to fail

The songs were written by the rembetis for themselves and each other

He frowns as he reads what is written on it

He couldn’t see anything but blank pages, for there was, as far as he could tell, nothing written on any piece of paper anywhere in the room

«But there’s nothing written on any of the pages…» he said quietly

Suddenly, one of the great politician’s own cabinet ministers leaped out of his seat and shouted, «There’s nothing written here at all — that’s what old Hester-Whatsisname is saying — there’s nothing written here at all!»

«That was written by people taking their best guess thousands of years ago,» she said

Written on official government notepaper and in the head chef’s own hand, which the famous couple recognised instantly from the menus on the table the previous evening, there was a signed testament to the source of the wonderfully succulent plums

Instead, components are written in a way that allows

’ He reads what was written there and I wait

The digitization is faithful enough to show the impression the ballpoint made in this paper when the note was written

“So she could have written it while she was still alive?”

‘You like it then? It’s not new … I saw it in an antique shop and it had your name written all over it

I think she said science though I might have imagined that bit, to me she had science student written all over her

beautifully written and were so truthful that they had a very

there was, as far as he could tell, nothing written on any piece of

«But there’s nothing written on any of the pages…» he said

out of his seat and shouted, «There’s nothing written here at all —

I look through to see what he has written

‘Sarah, if there’s anything you don’t understand in what I’ve written, don’t hesitate to come and see me about it

fact it was it’s first written word on the subject

Written on official government

Haven’t written anything like that since I left college but keep meaning to

It is rather touching that Bunty has written something on most of them and even, in places, clipped successive letters from the same woman together

Not wanting to dive into more research, I pull up the drafts I have written so far and go through them editing the information and tweaking the grammar so that it reads better

‘ I replied, trying to see what is written on the menu board on the wall by the counter

26He said unto him, what is written in the law? How reads thou?

15Which show the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing

and names written thereon, which are the names of the twelve tribes of the children of

works abomination, or makes a lie: but they which are written in the Lamb’s book of life

Tears running down my face, I turn the last pages … nothing more written by Bunty

to find out acceptable words, and that which was written blamelessly, words of truth

There were numerous things she had written

I wrote to the brewery pointing out that their handling of the situation had caused me unnecessary embarrassment

The better story by far was that of the girl who wrote it

• Rock Dust: This stuff is so good that I wrote a whole chapter on rock dust and its many uses

He never wrote out any deathwishes, his closest friend has fled into the cerrado, I think Ava may want us to deliver it to him

You may have said to yourself, “Whoever wrote this had to have escaped from a loony bin,” which is entirely true, but at a closer glance the apparent madness of Emanuel Bronner, 88, of Escondido, California, is in fact complete sanity

i tried to find all verses about healing in the Scripture, wrote

He wrote more

John said, “I wrote unto the church: but Diotrephes, who loveth the pre-

wrote which places a great responsibility on the individual Christian: (YOU) Study to

Diotrephes was his name and this verse reads: «I wrote unto the church: but Diotrephes, who loveth to have the preeminence among them, receiveth us not

Paul wrote: «For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus

Paul wrote to Titus, “For this cause left I thee in Crete, that thou shouldest set in order the Ch

Paul wrote, “We then, as workers together with him, beseech you also that ye receive not the grace of God in vain” ( 2 Corinthians

Paul wrote, “For the body is not one member, but many

«What don’t you believe in, there was a man called Jesus Christ who had some friends who wrote down some wise words he preached? Are you convinced that man is the true son of God?»

God isn’t limited to knowing what will happen and thus we are automatons just playing out history according to how God wrote it

I have primed Wiesse that we are expecting an extra incomer and assume, again from what you wrote, that it is someone with Errdian heritage – unless they are totally unsuitable, and I sincerely doubt you would be sending them across if that were the case, there will be no problem allowing him or her to stay

I can’t remember my past, but I wrote parts of it down and can remember it that way

Moses wrote about himself that he was the most humble man on the face of the earth

How? It is because when you examine the life of Paul and the words that he wrote to the Churches abroad, you find that his character is so Christ-like that we must conclude he and Christ were indeed one

I played in some bands and was in the university, even wrote a text

These are the lyrics of a song Pantelis wrote and wanted to record but never did

Pantelis, he wrote that on the wall for me

‘A person who kept records, wrote letters and organised things

‘Tom gave it to me … that time we were here … he found it on the beach and wrote that on it

Even with Irene and Ebby, memories would be bittersweet so, betting myself she’d never had a card from Sophia, I picked one out of the rack and wrote, ‘Make yourself a home!’ and joined the queue for a stamp

With a grim face the colonel wrote that on her virtual notepad which was fully rendered as a flip-over spiral-bound paper one from a twentieth century cop show

‘One of my favourite authors wrote about a monk who lived in Shrewsbury

It is strange standing in there looking at all his belongings — there’s that book you gave him one Christmas when we were both teenagers – he was mad keen on motorbikes at the time – look there’s the inscription you wrote all those years ago — and there’s a photo of the two of us on the wall, it must have been taken some time ago — your hair was long then, plaited and lying over your shoulder

Probability can be defined as,’ I said as I wrote the lines:

She reread what I wrote for a few moments

He scanned it quickly but fairly thoroughly and wrote, ‘approved as fill-in priority’ and signed it

She built up the fire in the fireplace and sat and wrote in her journal

‘Fred kept his promise when Ish wrote to him again

“All they’d need is a copy of your mother’s handwriting and expressions from any of the notes she wrote

daddy wrote you this

spotted an opportunity to do himself a favour, wrote down the

one visit, and later she wrote this testimonial for you

He wrote it before 1940 … apparently journalists haven’t changed much over the years!’

‘Bunty wrote about his proposal in her diary … he was quite offensive when he proposed, didn’t even pretend that he cared about her, and he was considerably older than she was as well, so goodness only knows what he thought he was offering her

I wrote 5 books, longhand, while waiting in rail stations, State Prison fields at 2 a m, and forlorn rail crossings right out of Stephen King novels with all the demons and terror

down, and with his finger wrote on the ground, as though he heard them not

8And again he stooped down, and wrote on the ground

I’m surprised you remember her, it was twenty one decades ago when she wrote to him last, years before the Brazilian starship got here

I wrote 5 books, longhand, while waiting in rail stations, State Prison fields at 2 A M, and forlorn rail crossings right out of Stephen King novels with all the demons and terror

‘Have you read that other one he wrote about the bouncing bombs?’

“No, but I read her book, it was done under the nom de plume of Consultant Bancour and she won’t admit to being the person that wrote it in public

There was a silence in the room as the policeman painstakingly wrote down what Andy had said

Buttworst erased it and wrote another

He went to the board and wrote it down

I knew she had gotten an “A” on a paper she wrote for Brit

Buttworst wrote an equation on the board, something that had more

All he could read was what his operatives wrote down

There was no proof that what they wrote down was what was actually said

” Delurna knew those records were part of his duties, it had been Kemberra who wrote down the serial number when the bottle was signed out

He wrote furiously, constantly, only pausing to sharpen his pencil

He looked back over his responses and skimmed his essays, the looked to be sure there were no other pages of the test which he might have overlooked, satisfied, he replaced his paperwork in the envelope, wrote his full name upon the flap, and raised his hand

The proctor checked his watch, wrote the start and end times on the cover, then slid the envelope away from him as if wanting to distance himself from it

“Who wrote this on the wall? It wasn’t here when I left last time,” Mi-Hyun

“Maybe whoever is behind all this wrote it

How many words was that? What, only twenty-two words, including this sentence? But I feel like I wrote a thousand!

Who wrote that bible verse on the mirror, and why?

Truth be told, Hipolyta wrote and Titania was at her elbow reminding her to add a passage here and there to ‘give Harry all the news

Or even wrote about

To the right of the RE 192, the young man wrote in Do 192, and then made a similar addition at MI 384

She told him to ship it to her if she wrote him to do so because she might sell it in Zhlindu towards buying a new one

” He wrote a second note, which this time approached letter length

she’s a woman – and that she wrote the book in French

I have a sheet she wrote out, I wish this was a better camera and I had more light than this lighter

He wrote down Alan’s point about the genetic knowledge, even though he wasn’t convinced it was that significant

Originally, she’d figured everyone would just move into the Lytle-White house, but when Jewel wrote the contract for eighty rooms per night, well who was she to argue with profit

Jacques, who wrote poetry and could grow a full beard

When you wrote about getting a job here, I called up the immigration Department of the government and they sent me some information

And so my auntie wrote to my elder sister and parents if they’ll allow me to come to Hong Kong to work as a babysitter

But because my auntie keep on writing to my sister and even my employer herself wrote to me also and sent the employee meant contract to sign my signature, they tried to convince me to accept it

My wonderful wife of 26 years who wrote this letter just walked in so this is what I told her, I am putting your letters on my computer and it’s is nice to read them again you write wonderfully

Well it’s my birthday and the true day (I was born on Friday the 13th, I wrote this on my birthday Friday, the 13th and what better way to enjoy it then to write you

I wasn’t drunk when I wrote my last letter, probably just very tired

This is a letter my buddy Sal Gambone wrote to Judy in October, 1983

I told immigration I wrote to several women but after three months I was only writing to you and have been for over three years

Your mom wrote me a very lovely letter

Also you mentioned that my mama wrote to you

I honestly don’t know who this letter is from but it has to be a friend of Judy because it has the same mentioned address on Mount Davis where I wrote Judy in Hong Kong when she lived there

But that did teach me an important lesson and after that I would never plagiarize anything I ever wrote again

She worked on projects which appeared to be related to the probe, but ‘accidently’ left a few key diagnostics behind that she never wrote down the significance of

So I’m expecting to get an A on this exam because I had the leading constitutional law experts and I wrote down what they said about various constitutional law issues, exactly what he wanted

There was a prophetic heritage being built in Israel that grew over the years until it became so refined that it birthed the major and minor prophets who wrote the scriptures

The Old Testament prophets were writers of Holy Scripture, and wrote the very word of God

«And so I wrote to the judge

She wrote out a longhand letter to the judge — the same judge that had sentenced her —

Lord-chief-justice Hales, who wrote in the time of Charles II

I saw the thing Luray wrote about, we asked her to leave us out of it

He eventually won me over, he has too much data, there was the attack Luray wrote about, and the astronomical press is full of the moonlets in the Narrulla null point

Except yours, the one you wrote which is safely tucked away in the bottom drawer! I expect you came for a pear drop?

He wrote it all down in case he wanted to pursue it further, but he could tell this was a dead trail

Except that Jarvis had the cheek to ask for a sweet, I was tempted to say I had kept what he wrote on my leg and to cross him and his brother off the birthday list!

Lang was one of the founders of «psychical research» and wrote extensively on dreams, ghosts, magic and religion

He wrote literary and mythological essays in which he draws parallels between Greek myths and other mythologies

Random good picture Not show

1. He issued a writ against the newspaper.

2. A writ was filed in the High Court.

3. Creditors could obtain a writ for the arrest of their debtors.

4. Disappointment was writ large on the face of the loser.

5. A writ was served on the firm in respect of their unpaid bill.

6. This policy is liberalism writ large.

7. 22 defendants are named in the writ.

8. He has been served with a High Court writ.

9. Mistrust was writ large on her face.

10. This is an example of bureaucracy writ large.

11. The solicitor came to serve a writ on him.

12. Her distress was writ large in her face.

13. He issued a writ against one of his accusers.

14. The company has been served with a writ for breach of contract.

15. He has issued a writ for libel against the radio star Michael Clery.

16. We fully intend to issue a writ against the newspaper.

17. Hollywood is often said to be American society writ large.

18. You shouldn’t take what he says as Holy Writ .

19. The businessmen have issued a writ against the authority for damages.

20. He left the company and promptly issued a writ claiming $45 million in damages.

21. The company has been served with a writ for damages.

21. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.

22. I could see the curiosity writ large on Rose’s face.

23. It is old-style materialism writ large.

24. In it judgement was writ large.

25. He issued a writ claiming damages for wrongful dismissal.

26. The party’s new philosophies are little more than their old beliefs writ large.

27. Lenin’s word was by no means accepted as holy writ.

28. Their first step in to serve you with a writ for nonpayment of debt, and then you are forced to go to law.

29. You shouldn’t treat the newspapers as if they were Holy Writ.

30. Less than two weeks ago Gough finally served a writ on Slater, claiming damages for alleged loss of royalties.

More similar words: write, writhe, writer, writhed, rewrite, write up, write out, write off, writing, write in, writhing, writings, write down, unwritten, underwrite, writ of habeas corpus, wrist, wring, wriggle, wrinkle, wrinkled, playwright, grit, rite, merit, trite, spirit, ritual, critic, briton. 

Definition of Writ

the power to enforce submission and compliance

Examples of Writ in a sentence

It is beyond the writ of adults to punish children that are not their own for misbehavior regardless of how bad it is.


Enforcing justice is something beyond the writ of the average citizen, which is why they are not allowed to take the law into their own hands.


Some people believe that no one has the writ to enforce their will over others, but without that we have no government and no order.


Rebellious teenagers like to think that being forced to follow their parent’s rules is beyond their writ even though their parents have that right and power.


The police have the writ and right to enforce the law, as their actions are condoned and supported by the government.


Other words in the Law category:

Most Searched Words (with Video)

What Is a Writ?

The term writ refers to a formal, legal document that orders a person or entity to perform or to cease performing a specific action or deed. Writs are drafted by judges, courts, or other entities that have administrative or judicial jurisdiction. These documents are part of common law and are often issued after a judgment is made, giving those involved in a suit the ability to carry out the judgment.

Writs can take many forms including summonses, writs of execution, writs of habeas corpus, warrants, and orders.

Key Takeaways

  • A writ is a formal, legal document that orders a person or entity to perform or to cease performing a specific action or deed.
  • Writs are drafted by courts or other entities with jurisdictional or legal power.
  • Warrants and subpoenas are two common types of writs.

How Writs Work

A document or order that directs any form of action from a court is generally known as a writ. Writs provide directions from an entity that holds jurisdictional or administrative power to another party.

Writs were developed as part of the English common law system and were primarily issued by Anglo-Saxon monarchs. These writs were written decrees that consisted of administrative commands written in layman’s terms, largely authenticated by a royal seal at the bottom of the document. Upon issue, writs advised courts of land-granting conveyances. In some cases, they were also used to carry out judicial orders. While many writs were deemed open and read aloud in public, others were meant merely for the party or parties named.

Writs were developed over time as a way for authorities—legal and otherwise—to direct others to perform specific actions. This means that a modern-day writ provides an order from a higher to a lower court, from a court to an individual or other entity, or from a government agency to another party. The writ may command the named party to take some form of action or it may prevent that party from continuing to act or operate in a certain way. Present-day courts also use writs as a way to give extraordinary relief or to provide rights to appeal court decisions. In other cases, they give authorities such as sheriffs the right to make property seizures.

Types of Writs

Any direct order that is issued under authority is a writ. Warrants and subpoenas are two common types of writs. A warrant is a writ issued by a judge or magistrate that allows a sheriff, constable, or police officer to search a person or property—commonly known as a search warrant. Other warrants include an arrest warrant for an individual or individuals and an execution warrant allowing the execution of an individual who has been sentenced to death in a trial court.

A subpoena is a writ that compels a witness to testify or compels an individual or organization to produce evidence. Certain writs were eliminated because the relief that used to be available only through a writ is now accessible through a lawsuit or a motion in a civil action.

You may find relief by filing a lawsuit or a motion in civil court when getting a writ in your favor isn’t an option.

Example of a Writ

A writ of execution is a court order that allows a piece of property to be transferred from one party to another. The plaintiff or injured party must commence legal action against the defendant in order to get this court order. Once the writ is drafted, the property is seized by a court official or member of law enforcement. The property is then transferred or sold, with the proceeds going to the plaintiff in cash.

Another example of a writ is the writ of seizure and sale is one example of a writ. When this writ is drafted by a court, it gives the petitioning party the right to take over ownership of a piece of property from someone else. In most cases, the petitioner is normally a creditor who is allowed to seize property from a borrower when the latter defaults on their financial obligation. Once seized, the property can be sold in order to recoup any losses by the creditor.

Writs of habeas corpus and certiorari are both used by courts for legal purposes, usually in favor of a defendant. A writ of habeas corpus can be used to evaluate the constitutionality of criminal convictions delivered by state courts. When the writ is issued, a public official is ordered to produce an imprisoned individual before the court to determine whether their confinement is legal. These writs are useful when people are imprisoned for long periods of time before they’re actually convicted or charged with a crime. The writ of certiorari, on the other hand, is used by the U.S. federal courts. This writ is issued by the Supreme Court of the United States to a lower court to review that court’s judgment for legal error or when no other avenue for appeal is available.

Where Does the Word «Writ» Come From?

The etymology of the word writ comes from Old English, as a general term denoting written matter, which is itself from the Old Germanic base of «write» (gewrit).

Where Did Writs Originate?

Writs developed in the middle ages in England, originally for the King’s court to settle land ownership and title disputes or lodge complaints against landowners.

How Are Writs Used in American Law?

Initially, the American government adopted the writ system it inherited from the British. In 1798, the Congress passed the All Writs Act, which authorized the United States federal courts to «issue all writs necessary or appropriate in aid of their respective jurisdictions and agreeable to the usages and principles of law.» A 1938 Supreme Court ruling greatly curtailed the widespread use of writs in civil cases, though courts today may still use writs to issue injunctions. Note also that the writ of habeas corpus, usually used to test the legality of a prisoner’s detention, continues to exist.




7 лет назад

Английский язык

5 — 9 классы

Write true sentences in Passive Voice. Use the words in table.

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7 лет назад

Светило науки — 124 ответа — 0 раз оказано помощи

The house is built of stone.
The children are given textbooks at school.
We are invited to the concert.
The letter is written in English.
The newspapers are brought in the morning
Dinner is cooked by my mother.
The picture is painted by my friend.
The classroom is  cleaned every day.
I am not allowed to ride a motor-bike.
Potatoes are grown in many countries.

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