The word work in japanese

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


Correct dictation errors as you work.

作業しながら、ディクテーション エラーを修正します。

Leverage policy-based software to eliminate time-consuming work.


This greatly restricted her educational work.


BlueStacks will research and to facilitate your work.


What was your first charcoal animation work?


Salagir coded a translation interface for optimizing the work.


Orchestrate complex business processes and work queues.


All work positions are equally described.


More work is now required: a.

現在更なる作業が求められている: a.

Other functions accompany the planning work.


Highly efficient design enables speedy work.


Ives’s work is regularly programmed in Europe.


Invalid Method for the work item definition.

作業項目定義を行うメソッドとして指定された は無効です。

Needs work to support CW on Windows.

CW on Windows をサポートするには作業が必要です。

Cost effective way outsource data entry work — Career articles — Messaggiamo.Com

費用対効果の高い方法アウトソーシングデータ入力作業 - キャリア 記事 - Messaggiamo.Com

Her work was distributed to newspapers internationally by King Features Syndicate.

彼女の作品は、キング・フィーチャーズ・シンジケート(King Features Syndicate)によって国際的に諸新聞に流通された。

The author of this work was Francesco Placidi.

この作業の責任者は フランツェスコ・プラチディ (Francesco Placidi) であった。

Blocks and brick breaking work, tile repairing, scrapping work.


Prison work is mainly simple assembly work.


This procedure describes how to generate a work document from a work process (.CATProcess file).

ここでは、作業プロセス (.CATProcess ファイル) から作業ドキュメントを生成する方法について説明します。

No results found for this meaning.

Suggestions that contain work

Results: 66734. Exact: 66734. Elapsed time: 181 ms.

Shieldplus our work bannistar inc.

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Work center And CNC Router.

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Even if you are not actually at work.

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Work incessantly, but give up all attachment to work.”.

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They don’t take work seriously.

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Come work at the mill. I told you Roach would give you a job.

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There’s still some work to be done on a few details.

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Those who could not work, were sent to the gas chamber.

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They do not take work seriously at all.

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If they work, we pay them in bitcoin.”.

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The following shows the drivers installed for each work at Motorland Nozawa.

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Gum procare our work bannistar inc.

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Also, heroes cannot work in their huts without food.

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Poor I’m a carpenter but I have a broken bone and can’t work.

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But I can’t work in a bookstore for the rest of my life.

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Well… I offer that you should… come and work here.

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I offer that you should… Well… come and work here.

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So if you don’t like yourself, work on yourself.

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Those who went to work didn’t get much work done.

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How should the banking system work?

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She can’t work. She’s on a tourist visa.

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How should the banking system work?

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If you want to make peace with your enemy, work with your enemy.

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Work vehicle and method for controlling work vehicle.

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Tagline: It will all work out.

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Shh, it will all work out.

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Results: 105555,
Time: 0.0457







Japanese Word Images for the Word “Work”.

Japanese Word for Work

仕事 means Work

The left side Japanese word “仕事(しごと-shigoto)” means “Work”.

The below images are Japanese word images of some Japanese words which mean “Work”.

You can learn how to write these Japanese words by referring the stroke orders of these words.

Japanese Word for Work

仕事 means Work

Japanese Word for Work

Hiragana for 仕事

Japanese Word for Work

Stroke Order for 仕事

Also we often use the Japanese words “労働(ろうどう-roudou)” or “勉強(べんきょう-benkyou)” for translating this word into Japanese.
The word “勉強” is used when students study something such as mathematics, languages or physics etc.

Japanese Word for Work

労働 means Labor or Work

Japanese Word for Work

Hiragana for 労働

Japanese Word for Work

Stroke Order for 労働

Japanese Word for Work

勉強 means Study or Work

Japanese Word for Work

Hiragana for 勉強

Japanese Word for Work

Stroke Order for 勉強

And when the word “Work” is used as a verb, we use “働く(はたらく-hataraku)”, “仕事をする(しごとをする-shigotowosuru)” or “勉強する(べんきょうする-benkyousuru)” for translating into Japanese.

In today’s lesson, we’re going to talk about jobs in Japanese. Many people wish to work abroad in Japan, but before you do it might be useful to know the names of the most common occupations.

This list can be very useful when learning the Japanese language for beginners and advanced learners as well. When you work in Japan, you will likely be asked what sort of job you have. Or if you study abroad and befriend the natives, you’ll likely want to talk about the job you want in the future. Below we’ll give a brief introduction to jobs in Japan, and explore some of the most common job titles in Japanese.


  • 1 Jobs in Japanese
  • 2 Types of Jobs in Japanese 
    • 2.1 Full-time job in Japanese
    • 2.2 Contract temporary job in Japanese
    • 2.3 Part-time job in Japanese
  • 3 Common Full-Time Jobs in Japanese 
  • 4 Common Part-Time Jobs 
  • 5 Jobs-related words in Japanese
    • 5.1 Occupation in Japanese
    • 5.2 Professions in Japanese
    • 5.3 Work in Japanese
    • 5.4 Career in Japanese
    • 5.5 Workers in Japanese
  • 6 Work Culture in Japan 
  • 7

Before we take on the different jobs in the Japanese language, let’s get to know what the English word “jobs” is in Japanese. It can be expressed in a number of ways. It can be expressed as しょく (shoku), しごと (shigoto) or しょくぎょう (shokugyou). These Japanese words can also mean occupation or employment.

Types of Jobs in Japanese 

There are three common types of job status you’ll likely hear about when talking about jobs in Japanese. There are regular full-time jobs, contract temporary jobs, and part-time jobs.

Due to the bad economy, contract and part-time job status have increased more and more among employees.

Full-time job in Japanese

Regular Japanese jobs are full-time. A full-time job in Japanese is called じょうきんしょく (joukin-shoku). The word “full-time job” is written in Kanji as 常勤職.

Employees who are working full-time are called せいしゃいん (seishain). This word is written as 正社員 in Kanji.

Contract temporary job in Japanese

People who work as temporary workers are called はけんしゃいん (hakenshain). This is written as 派遣社員 in Kanji. These temporary workers are usually hired by a company through an agency.

On the other hand,  people who work as contract employees are called けいやくしゃい (keiyakushain). This type of employment is written as  契約社員 in Kanji.

Here are example sentences:

みやこ は とうきょう で はけん しゃいん として はたらいている。(Miyako wa Tōkyō de haken shain toshite hataraiteiru.)

Miyako works as a temporary worker in Tokyo.

けいやく しゃいん として はたらいてみました。 (keiyaku shain toshite hataraitemimashita.)

I’ve tried working as a contract employee.

Part-time job in Japanese

A part-time job in Japanese is called アルバイト (arubaito) or フルバイト(furubaito).

Jobs in Japanese

Typically Japanese companies or employers hire seishain employees if they’re likely to stay with the company for a long time (3 years or more). While there are many different job titles in Japanese, it’s understood there are a few special names when referring to career-oriented people.

Salaryman サラリーマン is a phrase reserved for men who work for giant conglomerates. They typically wear a black suit during their work hours and carry a briefcase. Office Lady オーエル, often shortened to OL is used to refer to working women.

Common Full-Time Jobs in Japanese 

Full-time jobs in Japan often take weeks or even months of preparation and interviews before you’re offered the position. Full-time jobs typically come with a guaranteed monthly salary 給料(kyuuryou), health insurance 健康保険 (kennkouhoken) and social insurance 社会保険 (shakaihoken) paid out by your employer.

Unlike in the west, such as in the United States, full-time employees typically stay with a company or organization for a few years before switching to another company.

6 different people of different jobs

Below is a list of common jobs and how to say them in Japanese. Words that are borrowed from English and other foreign languages are written in katakana. There are a few words with gender differences in Japanese, but as the times change, it’s more common for people to use the male version of the word to refer to both genders.

Common Part-Time Jobs 

In Japan, it’s common for university students and even other full-time workers to take up part-time work. Students typically can only work 4-5 hours a day and can’t work past 11 pm. There are many unique and interesting jobs available to part-time workers.

Many students work at local themed cafes like cat cafes or maid cafes. Being an English conversation teacher 英会話先生 (eikaiwasensei)  is likely the most common job for full-time and part-time student workers since it doesn’t require much Japanese. Some teachers can work for a dispatch company like NOVA or GABA, work in a cafe, or work online.

Other interesting jobs include being a model or a wedding celebrant. Many modeling companies like to source for foreigners to create diverse campaigns, so becoming a model is as easy as sending your picture to an agency. Wedding celebrants are people who stand in as fake wedding priests for clients. You might need to know some basic Japanese such as words, phrases, and grammar, but you certainly don’t need a license.

People waiting for their turn in a veterinary clinic

Below is a list of some common part-time jobs in Japan. Many of the job titles are also borrowed from English words.

The word “job” in English can be expressed in a number of ways. However, it’s important to note that these words can have slight differences. This goes the same with the word “job” in Japanese.

In the next few sections, we’ll talk about the different job-related words in Japanese

Occupation in Japanese

The word “occupation” in Japanese is しょくぎょう (shokugyou). This is written as 職業 in Kanji.

For example:

しょくぎょうはなんですか? (shokugyouwa nan desu ka?)

What’s your occupation?

Professions in Japanese

Professions in Japanese can be expressed in two ways. The first way is しょくぎょう (shokugyou) which similar with the word “occupation.”

The second way to say “professions” in Japanese is せんもんしょく (senmonshoku). This is written as 専門職 in Kanji.

Work in Japanese

The word “work” in Japanese is expressed asしごと (shigoto). This word is written in Kanji as 仕事.

For example:

しごと が おおい です。(shigoto ga ooi desu.)

I have a lot of work to do. 

Career in Japanese

The word “career” in Japanese is しょくぎょう (shokugyou).  This is written as 職業 in Kanji.

For example:

わたし は ぎんこうぎょう を しょくぎょう として せんたくしました. (watashiwa ginkougyou o shokugyouto shite sen takushimashita.

I chose banking as my career. 

Workers in Japanese

The word “workers” in Japanese can be expressed in two ways. The first way is ろうどうしゃ (roudousha).

For example:

それ は ろうどうしゃ の ため の きゅうじつ です. (sorewa rōdōshano tameno kyūjitsudesu)

It is a holiday for workers.

The second word is きんろうしゃ (kinrousha).

Work Culture in Japan 

Japan is known for having a very strict work culture. Employees are expected to show up exactly on time and work overtime, sometimes without extra pay. However many Japanese and foreign workers find their jobs fulfilling and it can be eye-opening to work in a new environment.

Thank you for reading and we hope you enjoyed this lesson.

Everyone knows the Japanese for their great commitment to work. It really seems that the Japanese love to work, putting in 10 to 13 hours of work. While on the other side of the world some Brazilians complain about 8 hours of work. Japanese have different thoughts and a different culture…

In addition to the culture, I stopped and started to analyze the meaning and origin of the word work in English and in Japanese, and I noticed that the difference is also remarkable. In this article we will examine this subject a little and notice that even words show their great difference.


The word “work” has its origin in the Latin word “TRIPALEUM“: denomination of an instrument of torture formed by three (tri) sticks (paliu). So, originally, “to work” means to be tortured in the tripaliu.

Working in Japanese - understand the differences and meanings

Who were the tortured? Slaves and the poor who could not pay taxes. Thus, those who “worked”, at that time, were the destitute people. From then on, this idea of working as being tortured began to give understanding not only to the fact of torture itself, but also, by extension, to the productive physical activities carried out by workers in general: peasants, artisans, farmers, bricklayers, etc.

The meaning of the word work contributes to an unpleasant view of this daily activity so important in the life of man. Even today, working is seen as a punishment imposed on citizens. Fortunately the Japanese don’t see work that way.

Shigoto – 仕事

The Japanese language has some German, Chinese and sign language. Why did I say this? The Japanese language uses Chinese ideograms, and its words are formed by putting other words together, as in German. and your reading and learning of kanji is assimilated to sign language. So understanding the meaning of words can be a little more complex.

the meaning of the word shigoto It is quite simple, but it has several undefined meanings. One of the main meanings of shigoto is “Do something” and “Serve something”.

despite the kanji  — To mean serve (tsukaeru) its reading is done by saying «shi” which is derived from the verb “suru – 為る“, which means to do.

AND «goto – 事” is a sonic version of “koto” is a general word to refer to something, or something. So the best meaning of the word shigoto would be «do something».

The meanings of the kanji «koto” are: Cause, fact, thing, issue, case, incident, event, circumstances, fact, accident, problem, reason.

It became clear that Japanese work doesn’t have any bad meanings. We can see this in their culture and lifestyle. But don’t worry, there are plenty of other work-related words, and we’re going to go over them later.

Words from shigoto – 仕事

As I mentioned, the Japanese language looks a lot like German, see a list of words related to work or some activity that derive from the kanji 仕 and 事.

Words derived using the 2 kanji 仕事:

Kanji hiragana Romaji Meaning
仕事着 しごとぎ shigotogi Work clothes, business suit
大仕事 おおしごと Ōshigoto big job, big task
手間仕事 てましごと shigoto theme tedious work, troublesome work
分の良い仕事 ぶんのよいしごと Bun no yoi shigoto profitable work, good work,
仕事師 しごとし shigotoshi worker, entrepreneur
仕事台 しごとだい shigotodai bench, work table
一仕事 ひとしごと hitoshigoto task, a job
畑仕事 はたしごと hatashigoto work in the fields, work on a farm
庭仕事 にわしごと niwashigoto Gardening

Related words using the kanji 仕:

Kanji hiragana Romaji Meaning
給仕する きゅうじする kyūji suru Serve
奉仕活動 ほうしかつどう hōshi katsudō Voluntary service
神に仕える かみにつかえる Kaminitsukaeru serve God
仕業 しわざ Shiwaza act, action
仕形 しかた shikata method, means
仕方ない しかたない shikatanai There’s no way
仕始める しはじめる shihajimeru start, start
仕直す しなおす shinaosu redo
仕上げ しあげ shiage Termination, completion
仕込み しこみ shikomi training, preparation
仕返し しかえし shikaeshi revenge, retaliation

Some words using the kanji 事:

Kanji hiragana Romaji Portuguese
事実 じじつ jijitsu fact, reality
事実上 じじつじょう Jijitsujyou Virtually
事情 じじょう Jijyou situation, circumstances
大事 だいじ taiji important, valuable
家事 かじ Kaji I work at home
食事 しょくじ Shokuji Snack
火事 かじ Kaji Fire
事故 じこ Jiko Accident
返事 へんじ henji Reply
工事 こうじ Kouji work, repairs
記事 きじ Kiji article, report
用事 ようじ Youji task, subject
見事 みごと Migoto magnificent, admirable

Other words for work

バイト = Baito – Abbreviation of アルバイト (Arubaito) a German word «arbeite” what it means to work. Used as slang or to refer to part-time jobs.

働き= Hataraki – activity of a person or machine (is working)
作業=Sagyou – service, work, an activity or task. (execution)
労働 = Roudou – formal term used for labor laws and conditions (contract)
勤務= Kin mu – used to designate service in relation to time, period, or location. (shift)
手数=Tesuu – sense of service, expedient, honorary, nuisance (bank fee)
職= Shoku – to refer to employment, placement, position. (office)

There are many other words related to work, unfortunately we can’t talk about them all. That’s the end of it, I hope you enjoyed the article. xD

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