The word whole means

Recent Examples on the Web

Repeat until the whole section is waved., 7 Apr. 2023

There’s no doubt that grinding whole beans produces a fresher cup of coffee than pre-ground beans that have been sitting around losing their flavor., 7 Apr. 2023

Shop Sherry Vinegar Ratatouille Salad This recipe brings a whole new meaning to ratatouille — and salads, for that matter.

Elizabeth Berry, Woman’s Day, 7 Apr. 2023

Thelma, who grew up in an Orthodox family, lost her mother at an early age and felt the whole world was against her.

Menachem Wecker, Sun Sentinel, 6 Apr. 2023

The whole world knows this song and many don’t know who sang it in the first place.

Dana Rose Falcone, Peoplemag, 6 Apr. 2023

My father has been abusive to me my whole life, and I’ve been estranged from him for years.

Sahaj Kaur Kohli, Washington Post, 6 Apr. 2023

The whole situation didn’t feel right.

Abigail Van Buren, oregonlive, 6 Apr. 2023

The middle aisles can have nutritious options too, especially legumes and whole grains.

Redbook, 6 Apr. 2023

However, violent crimes as a whole have risen slightly, driven by an 18% increase in robberies and a 33% rise in homicides.

Michael Ruiz, Fox News, 7 Apr. 2023

Democrats as a whole appear to be in lockstep opposition to strengthening SNAP work requirements, even adopting a hashtag on Twitter to demonstrate their commitment to protecting the program.

Grace Segers, The New Republic, 6 Apr. 2023

As sports gambling has become increasingly popular, and legalized in more states across the country, issues with sports betting as a whole have also increased.

Ian Firstenberg, Chicago Tribune, 6 Apr. 2023

Mexican government and military leaders’ maintain cartel activity is criminal activity, not terrorism, and the designation would have a negative impact on Mexico as a whole.

Karol Suárez, The Courier-Journal, 6 Apr. 2023

The rollout to make advertising with Meta more attractive will be a linchpin for the company’s revenue model as a whole.

Eleanor Pringle, Fortune, 6 Apr. 2023

The small parts that add up to the whole of Leslie Jones will fill out the pages of her forthcoming memoir, Leslie F*cking Jones, set for release on Sept. 19.

Larisha Paul, Rolling Stone, 5 Apr. 2023

The space is filled with eclectic findings from over the years—a 1960s class photo of the Pacific Telephone Company here, a life-size Robert Pattinson cut-out there—but no one piece is as significant to her as the whole of it.

Nadine Zylberberg, Vogue, 3 Apr. 2023

Shauna [played by Lynskey] has a lot on her plate right now and is dealing with that for the whole of the season.

Jackie Strause, The Hollywood Reporter, 1 Apr. 2023

Between bites of banku –a delicious corn and cassava dough formed in single-serving balls – and whole-grilled, freshwater tilapia seasoned with a traditional blend of aromatic herbs and spices, Eshun shares the story of her upbringing in Ohio until her repatriation to Ghana in 2018.

Tenille Clarke, Essence, 9 Jan. 2023

Today’s commitment by Norfolk Southern is an important next step in the company’s commitment to make the citizens of Ohio and of East Palestine whole after the recent derailment, a commitment Ohio will continue to monitor closely.

Allison Pecorin, ABC News, 16 Mar. 2023

Several prominent investors issued bombastic predictions that if the federal government did not step in to make all Silicon Valley Bank depositors whole — both insured and uninsured — there would be more bank runs on Monday.

Ken Sweet And Stan Choe, Anchorage Daily News, 16 Mar. 2023

Compounding the worry: The prospects of arranging a quick sale to another bank in order to keep depositors whole dimmed through the weekend.

Jim Tankersley, New York Times, 14 Mar. 2023

But where Iris stands apart is in its protein: There’s a whole-roasted quail that swims in a decadent sage and black-pepper butter sauce and finger-licking mastic-marinated lamb chops with black sesame.

Scott Bay, Condé Nast Traveler, 22 Nov. 2022

Reyer said the entire police department whole-heartedly supported Dunlap being promoted to chief.

Jeff Forward, Houston Chronicle, 10 Sep. 2020

Authorities say a missing Indonesian grandmother was swallowed whole by a 22-foot python over the weekend.

Natalie Neysa Alund, USA TODAY, 27 Oct. 2022

In Texas, state leaders from the governor on down have approved borrowing $6.3 billion in bonds to make gas and electricity companies whole again after massive losses from the big deadly storm.

Dallas News, 9 Dec. 2022

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These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘whole.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

целый, весь, цельный, здоровый, родной, целое, все


- целый; полный

a whole number — мат. целое число
whole note — амер. муз. целая нота
whole outfit — полный комплект снаряжения и т. п.
whole cloth — штука (текстильного товара)
whole gale — метеор. сильный /мор. крепкий/ шторм; ветер в 10 баллов
to swallow it whole — проглотить целиком /не разжёвывая/

- весь, целый

the whole world — весь мир, целый свет
a whole series of battles — целый ряд сражений
a whole lot — разг. уйма, масса, огромное множество
he talked a whole lot of nonsense — он наговорил кучу вздора
he has eaten the whole lot — он всё съел; он съел всё, что было
I want to know the whole truth — я хочу знать всю правду
with one’s whole heart — всем сердцем, всей душой; беззаветно

- невредимый

to escape with a whole skin — уцелеть, спасти свою шкуру
I hope you will come back whole — надеюсь, что вы вернётесь невредимым
there is not a plate left whole — не осталось ни одной неразбитой /целой/ тарелки

- цельный; целый

whole milk — цельное молоко
whole meal — мука из цельного зерна (без отсева отрубей)
whole pepper — перец горошком

- родной (в противоп. сводному)

whole brother [sister] — родной брат [-ая сестра]

- горн. нетронутый

whole life assurance /insurance/ — страхование на случай смерти
to go the whole hog — разг. а) делать (что-л.) основательно, доводить (дело) до конца; б) безоговорочно решаться на что-л.; полностью отдаваться чему-л.
to swallow smth. whole — поверить чему-л. безоговорочно; ни минуты не сомневаться в чём-л.


Мои примеры


the complex whole which we call «civilization» — сложное целое, которое мы называем «цивилизацией»  
to sell the whole caboodle — продавать всё вместе  
the whole kit (and caboodle) — вся орава  
here is the choice of the whole garden — это лучшее, что есть в саду  
a whole covey of trumps — полный комплект козырей  
the whole field of English history — вся английская история  
movie fit for the whole family — фильм, подходящий для всей семьи  
to form a single whole — составлять единое целое  
to get off with a whole skin — выйти сухим из воды  
microcosm of the whole battle — миниатюрное изображение всего сражения  
to sleep the whole morning away — проспать всё утро  

Примеры с переводом

We cooked a whole chicken.

Мы приготовили курицу целиком.

I cannot tell you the whole (of it).

Я не могу сказать вам всего.

Two halves make a whole.

Две половинки составляют целое.

On the whole, the book is outstanding.

В целом, книга — выдающаяся.

The whole evening was a great success.

Весь вечер прошёл с большим успехом.

The situation is, on the whole, satisfactory.

В целом, ситуация удовлетворительная.

I don’t believe she’s telling us the whole story (=all the facts).

По-моему, она рассказывает нам не всю историю (т.е. не всё).

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…the landlord eventually refunded the whole of our deposit…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

wholly  — полностью, целиком, всецело
wholeness  — цельность, целость

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): whole
мн. ч.(plural): wholes

whole — перевод на русский


Keep the whole piece!

Берите целый кусок!

We’ll spend the whole day on it, huh?

Хоть целый день потратим на это, а?

I have a whole day.

У меня целый день.

And has been for a whole hour.

Уже целый час.

A whole months worth of work is gone.

Пропал целый месяц работы!

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«As far as I concerned the whole district may as well know that it is Tore I love.»

Пусть знает весь мир, что я люблю Тора!

The whole world, and everything in it, is bathed in a soft, glowing, luminous haze.

Весь мир и все, что в нем… окутано мягкой, нежной, теплой дымкой.

When you get to Havana you can have the sun, the moon, the stars, the whole world.

В Гаване у вас будет солнце, луна, звезды, весь мир.

God is a superstition… if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul.

Бог — это предрассудок… Если он обретет весь мир, но утратит собственную душу.

The whole world’s against me.

Весь мир против меня! Ну-ка, подожди.

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I want you to tell me the whole truth.

Я хочу, чтобы Вы сказали мне всю правду.

Butl promise to tell you the whole ugly truth, if…

-Я был обязан, извините. Но я обещаю font color-«#e1e1e1″рассказать Вам всю правду, если… font color-«#e1e1e1» -Нет, не проходите под лестницей.

And I’m going to find out if I have to mobilize the whole Gestapo.

— Ладно. Гестапо выяснит всю правду!

But before you hear it all distorted and blown out of proportion, before those Hollywood columnists get their hands on it, maybe you; d like to hear the facts, the whole truth.

Но перед тем,как история будет искажена и раздута, как голливудские обозреватели приложат к этому руку, может быть,вы захотите узнать факты,всю правду. Приглашаем вас принять в этом участие.

Don’t touch that. Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?

— Вы клянётесь говорить правду, всю правду и ничего кроме правды?

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I’ve just discovered that was the best day I ever had in my whole life.

Я только что понял, что это был лучший день в моей жизни.

It tastes something like you never taste in your whole life.

У него вкус, какой вы не пробовали никогда в жизни.

The nights we sat talking in front of that fireplace, Planning our whole lives.

Ночь, когда мы здесь сидели и разговаривали перед камином, … планировали наши жизни.

If it turns out that in your whole life you ever killed anything bigger than a horsefly… then I’m crazy, and I wanna be locked up.

Если окажется, что в своей жизни ты убил кого-нибудь больше, чем комара, считай, что я сумасшедшая и хочу, чтобы меня заперли.

I know Albina is your whole life.

Госпожа Клара, я знаю, что Альбина значит в Вашей жизни

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I’ve seen more monsters in my Aunt Gussie’s fishbowl than on this whole cruise.

Да у моей тетушки Гусси в аквариуме я видел их больше, чем за все время нашего путешествия.

The whole town is an old lady with a strip-tease artist.

Или Ты всё время будешь разговаривать с ними о стриптизе?

The whole time I’d been away, the memory of those nights…

Всё время, пока меня не было, воспоминания об этих ночах,..

— And cry the whole time?

— И всё время плакать?

And if you didn’t cry the whole time, I wouldn’t have wanted to kiss you at all.

И если бы вы всё время не плакали, мне бы вовсе не хотелось вас поцеловать.

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— Well, that’s the whole case.

— Вот вам и всё дело.

That’s the whole case.

Здесь всё дело.

If it doesn’t, the whole mission’s off.

А если нет, все дело провалится.

I like the way you’ve handled this whole thing.

Мне нравится, как вы провернули это дело.

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But he gave me his word of honour that the whole affair had been a pure fabrication.

Но он дал мне честное слово, что история была выдумана от начала до конца.

But I’ll be the first to admit that the whole story isn’t very clear.

Но я первый должен признать, что история эта мутная.

But this whole business of yours is not very clear.

Во всяком случае твоя история не очень ясна.

But the whole thing was over and done with last summer.

Но вся эта история тем летом и закончилась.

The whole thing must have been so embarrassing for you.

Вся эта история наверняка причинила вам уйму хлопот.

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It’s a whole lot too.

Много! Слишком много!

Before long, you’ll be reading a whole lot about me.

Очень скоро ты ещё много обо мне прочитаешь.

I think it settles the whole question.

Я думаю, здесь очень много вопросов.

There’s a whole lot I don’t understand.

Я много чего не понимаю.

I do help you a whole lot, don’t I?

Я много тебе помогаю, разве нет?

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Would I be doing this unless I wanted you more than anything else in the whole world?

Ты нужен мне больше чем любой другой мужчина на свете.

I love you, Madeline, more than anything else in this whole world, dear.

Я люблю вас больше всего на свете, Мэделин.

Tomorrow I’m going to buy you the most beautiful dress in the whole world.

Завтра я куплю тебе самое прекрасное платье на свете.

What do you like most in the whole world?

Что вы любите больше всего на свете?

«’cause there’s not a prettier girl in the whole world than you are.»

«‘потому что на свете нет девушки красивее, чем ты.»

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He’ll tear this whole town wide open.

У него есть факты, он взорвёт город.

The whole city is deathly quiet.

Город замер.

They’re despoiling the whole city.

Они уродуют город!

Don’t you know you’ve been the laughingstock of this whole town?

Разве ты не знаешь, что был посмешищем для всего города?

Everyone. You would have to put up with the muttering and contempt of the whole town.

Тебе придется смириться с презрением всего города.

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However, the lack of foreign investment in the province as a whole means that often the resident expats are either students or teachers.

Тем не менее, отсутствие иностранных инвестиций в провинции в целом означает, что часто иностранные жители являются студентами или учителями.

Your choice as a whole means that they are lucky and that you are more likely to achieve better results than others.

Ваш выбор в целом означает, что им повезло и что вы с большей вероятностью добиваетесь лучших результатов, чем другие.

The lack of sufficient sustained growth in the world as a whole means that the global economy is facing great risks in the years to come.

Отсутствие достаточно устойчивого роста в мире в целом означает, что глобальная экономика столкнется с большими опасностями в предстоящие годы.

Even if the statistics on retail sales will be strong after the successful holiday season, a negative outlook for the economy as a whole means that now is not the time to buy a dollar.

Таким образом, в то время как отчет о розничных продажах на следующей неделе может оказаться сильным после удачного праздничного сезона, негативный прогноз для экономики США в целом означает, что сейчас не время покупать доллары.

Thus, the shift towards reliance on market forces as the primary means for the allocation of resources and the organization of economic activity as a whole means a new, but not necessarily less relevant, role for the State in promoting development.

Таким образом, перемещение опоры на рыночные силы как на основные механизмы распределения ресурсов и организации экономической деятельности в целом означает, что государство берет на себя новую, но отнюдь не менее важную роль в стимулировании развития.

With reference to HIV/AIDS, to implement responses to women’s health as a whole means to implement public policies that support the exercise of all of her rights, independently of serology.

В том что касается ВИЧ/СПИДа, забота о здоровье женщины в целом означает проведение государственной политики, направленной на поддержку осуществления женщиной всех ее прав, независимо от результатов серологических тестов.

Whole means the flour is not refined and is not stripped off its essential minerals which can be beneficial for your body.

Цельная означает, что мука не рафинирована и не лишена необходимых минералов, которые могут быть полезны для вашего организма.

That whole means that it excludes everything else.

Это означает, что из него будет исключено все остальное.

In addition, whole means unaltered.

I have decided to start volunteering because helping people, animals and the world as a whole means a lot to me.

Я решила заняться волонтёрством, так как считаю, что помощь людям, животным и миру в целом — это важно.

To be whole means discovering and developing the gifts and talents the Lord gives each of us.

Быть — означает раскрыть таланты и дарования, которыми наделен каждый из нас.

For the first part of the name, we find OE ege «fear, terror», and the whole means «terrible giants or demons».

Для первой части имени находим древнеанглийское ege — «страх, ужас», а в целом «страшные великаны или демоны».

And the whole means which short-lived Man is able to resist the creeping oblivion, his only weapon in the battle for his immortality, is creativity.

И единственное средство, которое мгновенный человек способен противопоставить наползающему на него небытию, единственное его оружие в битве за свое бессмертие — творчество.

We, on the contrary, say: do away with capital, the appropriation of the whole means of production in the hands of the few, and the State will fall away itself.

Мы же говорим обратное: упраздните капитал — присвоение немногими всех средств производства, — и тогда государство падет само собой.

To separate one organ from the whole means putting it into the class of inanimate matter; this means totally altering its nature.’

Отделить один орган от другого означает отнесение его к классу неодушевленной природы, что означает полное изменение его природы .

K: Yes, but you see again the word whole implies not only sanity, health and also the word whole means holy, h-o-l-y.

К. Да, но опять же, вы понимаете, что слово «цельный» означает не только здравомыслие, здоровье, но так же это слово означает «святой».

Larkspur as a whole means love.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 17. Точных совпадений: 17. Затраченное время: 81 мс


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Are you trying to figure out the key differences between “whole” and “entire”? Luckily, you’re in the right place.

This article will explain all the differences you need to understand. After all, you need to know how they work before including them in your writing.

“Whole” means something comes as one complete package. You can treat it as a single entity to demonstrate this. For instance, “is that the whole story.” “Entire” means something has all its parts, but those parts can work independently. For example, “we don’t have the entire file yet.”


  • “Whole” means “unhurt” and refers to something that is one full, unbroken entity.
  • “Entire” refers to something with all its parts, especially if you can break them into individual entities.
  • “Complete” shows that something has all the necessary parts to be both “whole” and “entire.”

Here are a few more examples that should help you figure it out:

  • I’m not sure what the whole story is. I think we need to work together to figure it out.
  • His entire business practice is flawed. He shouldn’t keep getting away with stuff like this!

Keep reading to learn more about “whole” and “entire.” We’ve covered the differences between them in more detail throughout the article.


“Whole” means undivided. It refers to a single entity without being split into multiple different parts.

The definition of “whole,” according to The Merriam-Webster Dictionary, is “having all its proper parts or components.”

Check out these examples to see how to use it:

  • We don’t have the whole story yet. I fear they are keeping a few things from us.
  • I’ve done this my whole life, and I know a thing or two about it! Feel free to ask me for help.

So, you can use “whole” when talking about complete and undivided things. It comes from the word “unhurt,” meaning that something has never broken into smaller parts.


“Entire” generally means that nothing gets left out. You can use it when something is complete and present before you with no specific pieces missing.

The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines “entire” as “having no element or part left out.”

Check out these examples to help you understand it:

  • My entire life revolves around getting this job. I need to sort it out quickly.
  • Is this the entire piece? I would love to see what else you have on offer.

“Entire” refers to multiple entities grouped as one “whole.” It means that you leave no parts out when presenting someone with an “entire” thing.


“Complete” falls someone between “whole” and “entire.” You can think of it as bridging the gap between them. It is synonymous with both words, making it a useful way to switch between them.

“Complete” means something has all of its parts. There should be nothing missing when presenting something as “complete.”

The definition of “complete,” according to The Merriam-Webster Dictionary, is “having all necessary parts, elements, or steps.”

Here are a few examples that might help you:

  • I’m not sure if this is the complete list, but I think it covers most of the issues. Is that okay?
  • We have the complete file here. We would love to show it to you, but we’re not sure if we can trust you.


“Whole” and “entire” are similar but not synonymous. Both terms refer to complete things, but they go about them differently.

Generally, “whole” means something that has never broken. “Entire” means something with all of its parts (even if you can split them up later).

You can also use “complete,” which allows you to bridge the gap between “whole” and “entire.” It means something has all parts necessary.

martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

Princeton’s WordNetRate this definition:2.5 / 4 votes

  1. wholenoun

    all of something including all its component elements or parts

    «Europe considered as a whole»; «the whole of American literature»

  2. whole, unitadjective

    an assemblage of parts that is regarded as a single entity

    «how big is that part compared to the whole?»; «the team is a unit»

  3. wholeadjective

    including all components without exception; being one unit or constituting the full amount or extent or duration; complete

    «gave his whole attention»; «a whole wardrobe for the tropics»; «the whole hog»; «a whole week»; «the baby cried the whole trip home»; «a whole loaf of bread»

  4. wholeadjective

    (of siblings) having the same parents

    «whole brothers and sisters»

  5. unharmed, unhurt, unscathed, wholeadjective

    not injured

  6. hale, wholeadjective

    exhibiting or restored to vigorous good health

    «hale and hearty»; «whole in mind and body»; «a whole person again»

  7. solid, unanimous, wholeadverb

    acting together as a single undiversified whole

    «a solid voting bloc»

  8. wholly, entirely, completely, totally, all, altogether, wholeadverb

    to a complete degree or to the full or entire extent (`whole’ is often used informally for `wholly’)

    «he was wholly convinced»; «entirely satisfied with the meal»; «it was completely different from what we expected»; «was completely at fault»; «a totally new situation»; «the directions were all wrong»; «it was not altogether her fault»; «an altogether new approach»; «a whole new idea»

WiktionaryRate this definition:3.0 / 2 votes

  1. wholenoun

    Something complete, without any parts missing.

  2. wholenoun

    An entirety.

  3. wholeadverb

    in entirety; entirely; wholly

    I ate a fish whole!

  4. wholeadjective


    I ate a whole fish.

  5. wholeadjective

    sound, uninjured, healthy.

    He is of whole mind, but the same cannot be said about his physical state.

  6. Etymology: From hool, from hal, from hailaz (compare Low German heel/heil, Dutch heel, German heil, Danish hel), from kóhₐilus, coel ‘omen’, Breton kel ‘omen, mention’, Old Prussian kails ‘healthy’, Albanian gjallë ‘alive, unhurt’, Old Church Slavonic cĕlŭ ‘healthy, unhurt’, Ancient Greek koîlu ‘good’). Related to hale, health, and heal.

Samuel Johnson’s DictionaryRate this definition:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. Wholeadjective

    Etymology: walg , Saxon; heal, Dutch.

    1. All; total; containing all.

    Burn the whole ram upon the altar.
    Ex. xxix. 18.

    All the whole army stood agaz’d at him.
    William Shakespeare.

    Fierce extremes,
    Contiguous might distemper the whole frame.
    John Milton.

    2. Uninjured; unimpaired.

    Anguish is come upon me, because my life is yet whole in me.
    2 Sa. i. 9.

    3. Well of any hurt or sickness.

    When they had done circumcising all the people, they abode in the camp, till they were whole.
    Jos. v. 8.

  2. Wholenoun

    The totality; no part omitted; the complex of all the parts.

    Fear God, and keep his commandments, for this is the whole of man.

    Begin with sense, of ev’ry art the soul;
    Parts answering parts, shall slide into a whole.
    Alexander Pope.

    It contained the whole of religion amongst the antients; and made philosophy more agreeable.
    William Broome.

    There is a metaphysical whole, when the essence of a thing is said to consist of two parts, the genus and the difference, i.e. the general and the special nature, which, being joined together, make up a definition.
    Isaac Watts, Logick.

Webster DictionaryRate this definition:5.0 / 1 vote

  1. Wholeadjective

    containing the total amount, number, etc.; comprising all the parts; free from deficiency; all; total; entire; as, the whole earth; the whole solar system; the whole army; the whole nation

  2. Wholeadjective

    complete; entire; not defective or imperfect; not broken or fractured; unimpaired; uninjured; integral; as, a whole orange; the egg is whole; the vessel is whole

  3. Wholeadjective

    possessing, or being in a state of, heath and soundness; healthy; sound; well

  4. Wholenoun

    the entire thing; the entire assemblage of parts; totality; all of a thing, without defect or exception; a thing complete in itself

  5. Wholenoun

    a regular combination of parts; a system

Chambers 20th Century DictionaryRate this definition:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. Whole

    hōl, adj. sound, as in health (so in B.): unimpaired: containing the total amount, number, &c.: all: not defective: complete: in mining, as yet unworked.—n. the entire thing: a system or combination of parts.—adv. wholly.—adjs. Whole′-col′oured, all of one colour; Whole′-foot′ed (coll.) unreserved; Whole′-heart′ed, -souled, noble: hearty, generous; Whole′-hoofed, having undivided hoof; Whole′-length, giving the whole figure, as a portrait: full-length.—n. a portrait or statue giving the whole figure.—ns. Whole′ness; Whole′sāle, sale of goods by the whole piece or large quantity.—adj. buying and selling in large quantities: extensive.—n. Whole′sāler, one who sells by wholesale.—adjs. Whole′-skinned, having an unbroken skin: unhurt: safe in reputation; Whole′some, healthy: sound: salutary: (Shak.) prosperous.—adv. Whole′somely.—ns. Whole′someness; Whole′-stitch, a lace-making stitch used in filling.—adv. Wholly (hō′li), completely, altogether.—n. Wholth, wholeness, soundness.—Whole number, a unit, or a number composed of units, an integral number.—Upon, On, the whole, generally speaking, to sum up.—With whole skin, safe, unscathed. [A.S. hál, healthy; Ice. heill, Ger. heil. By-form hale (1).]

Editors ContributionRate this definition:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. whole

    Having the complete element or facet.

    The whole business is represented at the management meeting and it is so clear teamwork and unity makes the plan work.

    Submitted by MaryC on February 9, 2020  

British National Corpus

  1. Spoken Corpus Frequency

    Rank popularity for the word ‘WHOLE’ in Spoken Corpus Frequency: #447

  2. Written Corpus Frequency

    Rank popularity for the word ‘WHOLE’ in Written Corpus Frequency: #377

  3. Nouns Frequency

    Rank popularity for the word ‘WHOLE’ in Nouns Frequency: #500

  4. Adjectives Frequency

    Rank popularity for the word ‘WHOLE’ in Adjectives Frequency: #47

How to pronounce WHOLE?

How to say WHOLE in sign language?


  1. Chaldean Numerology

    The numerical value of WHOLE in Chaldean Numerology is: 8

  2. Pythagorean Numerology

    The numerical value of WHOLE in Pythagorean Numerology is: 9

Examples of WHOLE in a Sentence

  1. Jack Berry:

    I have to warn them: ‘Hey, watch out for the potholes,’ and it’s not just this, it’s the whole city.

  2. The Queen:

    I declare before you all that my whole life whether it be long or short shall be devoted to your service and the service of our great imperial family to which we all belong.

  3. Designer Anya Hindmarch:

    We have lot of stores in Japan and I think it’s a really exciting market there. The United States is very buoyant at the moment as well, so I think the whole world is feeling more confident in a way.

  4. Foreign Ministry spokesman Lu Kang:

    Against this backdrop, certain friendly countries which care about China want to understand what’s really going on, once they’ve worked out the rights and wrongs and gotten the whole story, a fair few countries are willing to speak out from a sense of justice.

  5. Matt Wilson:

    Everything on the ground floor is gone, our house had windows blow out at 3 a.m. or 4 a.m.( Wednesday) and the whole house was shaking like a boat on the water.

Popularity rank by frequency of use

Translations for WHOLE

From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary

  • كامل, كلArabic
  • цэлы, поўныBelarusian
  • цял, цяла, цялоBulgarian
  • tot, totalitatCatalan, Valencian
  • celek, úplný, celýCzech
  • цѣлъOld Church Slavonic, Church Slavonic, Old Bulgarian
  • holl, cyfanWelsh
  • hel, hele, helhedDanish
  • ganz, GanzeGerman
  • πλήρης, όλοGreek
  • tutaEsperanto
  • entero, totalidad, todoSpanish
  • osoBasque
  • تمامPersian
  • täysin, kokonaan, kokonainen, kokoFinnish
  • totalité, entier, ensembleFrench
  • hielWestern Frisian
  • go léir, iomlánIrish
  • सारा, पूरा का पूराHindi
  • egészHungarian
  • ամբողջությամբ, ամբողջություն, սաղ, ողջ, ամբողջArmenian
  • utuhIndonesian
  • totaIdo
  • heild, heillIcelandic
  • tutto, interoItalian
  • כולוHebrew
  • 全体, 全体をJapanese
  • ಸಂಪೂರ್ಣKannada
  • 全體, 전체Korean
  • tōtus, integer, totumLatin
  • visuminisLithuanian
  • vesels, veselais, viss, veselumsLatvian
  • целMacedonian
  • heelDutch
  • hel, helhet, heltNorwegian
  • entièrOccitan
  • cały, całkowicie, całośćPolish
  • inteiro, todo, integralPortuguese
  • entirRomansh
  • întreg, total, tot, totalitateRomanian
  • целиком, полный, целое, целый, полностьюRussian
  • interuSardinian
  • ceo, цеоSerbo-Croatian
  • úplný, celýSlovak
  • celota, celSlovene
  • helt, helhet, helSwedish
  • முழுவதும்Tamil
  • మొత్తంTelugu
  • тамомTajik
  • ทั้งหมดThai
  • tümTurkish
  • цілий, повнийUkrainian
  • ساراUrdu
  • toàn bộ, toàn thể, 全部, 全體Vietnamese

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all-every-wholeАнглийские слова all, every и whole можно перевести как «весь, все», но употребляются они по-разному. Давайте рассмотрим, в чем разница.

All and everybody/everyone — все

Как правило, чтобы указать, что речь идет обо всех людях, используется everybody/everyone, а не all:

  • It was a good party. Everybody enjoyed it.
  • When the fire alarm rang, everyone left the building immediately.

Но если мы уточняем – все из нас, все из них / мы все, они все, — то используется только all: all of us/you/them, we/you/they all

  • We all did well in the examination. All of us passed.

All and everything — всё 

Оба эти слова переводятся как «всё» и иногда они взаимозаменяемы. Например, в конструкциях all I can, all you need:

  • I’ll do all I can to help him – I’ll do everything to help him.
  • They will provide all you need — They will provide everything you need.

Но если нет уточняющих слов, обычно употребляется everything:

  • Why are you so lazy? Why do you expect me to do everything for you? (not all for you) — Почему ты такой ленивый? Почему ты думаешь, что я все буду для тебя делать?
  • Nothing has changed. Everything is the same as it was. (not all is the same) — Ничего не изменилось. Всё осталось таким, каким было.

All используется в выражении ‘all about’ – всё о (чем-то)

  • Margaret told me all about her new job. It sounds quite interesting. — Маргарет рассказала мне все о своей работе. Звучит довольно интересно.

All также используется для выражения «единственное, что…»

  • All I’ve eaten today is a sandwich. — Все, что я сегодня съел, это один бутерброд.
  • All I know about her is just her name. — Единственное, что я о ней знаю, это имя.
  • I didn’t have much money with me. All I had was ten pounds. — У меня с собой немного денег. Все, что у меня есть, это 10 фунтов.

Обратите внимание на то, что cлова every/everybody/everyone/everything единственного числа, поэтому с ними согласуется глагол в единственном числе:

  • Everybody wants to be his friend. – Все хотят быть его другом.


Но вместо местоимения 3 лица общего рода используется форма множественного числа they/them/their:

  • Everybody said they enjoyed themselves. – Все сказали, что хорошо провели время.

All and whole — весь

Whole – весь в значении «целый, целиком». Чаще всего whole употребляется с исчисляемыми  существительными в единственном числе:

  • In summer I read the whole book “War and Peace” – Летом я прочел книгу «Война и мир» целиком.
  • She has lived her whole life in this small town. – Она всю свою жизнь живет в маленьком городе.

В этих примерах можно использовать и all, но порядок слов в словосочетании будет иным. Сравните:

the whole book / all the book               her whole life / all her life

С неисчисляемыми существительными используется только all:

  • He has spent all his pocket money on sweets. – Он потратил все свои карманные деньги на конфеты.

Every/all/whole with the time words

Every – каждый — обозначает частоту совершения действия: every day/week/year, every ten minutes/ every other day.

  • I help my Mom every day. – Я помогаю маме каждый день.
  • Please call me every two hours. – Пожалуйста, звони мне (через) каждые 2 часа.
  • His father sends him a cheque every four weeks. – Отец присылает ему чек каждые 4 недели.

Для обозначения периода времени от начала и до конца употребляются как all, так и whole: all day / the whole day, all week / the whole week etc.

  • He was doing his homework all evening / the whole evening. — Он делал дом.задание весь вечер.
  • It rained all week / the whole week. –Дождь шел целую неделю.

Обратите внимание, что в словосочетаниях all day / all night / all week артикль не ставится. Исключение – all the time – всегда, постоянно, все время. Но не путайте с every time – каждый раз. Сравните:

  • They never go out. They are at home all the time. – Они никогда не выходят из дома. Они все время дома
  • Every time I go there, I get stressed. – Каждый раз, когда я туда иду, я нервничаю.

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