The word which means the same as very much

Do the words «very much the same» have the same meaning as «identical» or do these words imply that it’s almost identical, but not totally?

RegDwigнt's user avatar


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asked Feb 15, 2013 at 11:07

Shirley Dianna's user avatar


As always, it depends on context. In reply to a question about someone’s state of health, you might hear ‘He’s very much the same, I’m afraid.’ You wouldn’t hear ‘He’s identical, I’m afraid.’

answered Feb 15, 2013 at 12:00

Barrie England's user avatar

Barrie EnglandBarrie England

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Very much means «to a great degree», so I can see how you could take it to mean identical.

However, the very use of very much suggests a scalar comparison; if something can be very much something, then something else can be comparatively less so.

So while we wouldn’t say ?»slightly the same», it remains that «very much the same» means almost identical, but not quite.

answered Feb 15, 2013 at 11:16

Jon Hanna's user avatar

Jon HannaJon Hanna

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Identical means exactly the same, as in twins or two items.
Your version is correct, that things that are ‘nearly the same’ are just that, there may be a slight difference in size/shape/colour, etc.

answered Feb 15, 2013 at 11:10

amanda witt's user avatar

amanda wittamanda witt

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Very much the same and identical are not idenitical.

While very much can be an intensifier, in this phrase it means very nearly but not exactly. As such, it does not mean identical

exactly the same

However, as others have suggested, it may convey that something is effectively the same

My opinion of him is very much the same as yours.

answered Feb 15, 2013 at 13:25

bib's user avatar


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(см. также метод, путь, процедура) way, method (of), process, technique (for), procedure, fashion, mode

Альтернативным способом обращения с ситуацией является… — An alternative way of handling this situation is to…

Более контролируемый способ достижения той же цели — это… — A more controlled way of achieving the same end is to…

Более удовлетворительным способом является… — A more satisfactory way is to…

Выбирая подходящим способом х, мы можем… — By a suitable choice of x, we can…

Вышеуказанным способом найдено, что… — By the above method it is found that…

Давайте рассмотрим более детально способ, которым… — Let us consider in more detail the manner in which…

Давайте рассмотрим более легкий способ нахождения… — Let us pursue the easier course of finding…

Действительно, этот способ является значительно более действенным, чем… — Indeed, this process is much more powerful than…

Достаточно точным способом измерения величины Р является… — A fairly accurate way of measuring P is to…

Другим способом выразить то же самое является… — Another way of expressing this is…

Другим способом рассмотрения данной проблемы является следующий. — Another way of regarding this problem is as follows.

Другой способ вывода этих формул основан на… — Another way of deriving these formulas is based on…

Другой способ решения задачи начинается с уравнения… — Another attack on the problem starts from the equation…

Другой способ решения этой проблемы состоит в том, чтобы взять… — Another way to treat this problem is to take…

Единственным способом предотвращения подобных случаев является… — The only way to guard against such occurrences is…

Единственным способом, когда мы одновременно можем удовлетворить обоим требованиям, является… — The only way we can satisfy both requirements simultaneously is to…

Из способа вывода данного уравнения будет видно, что… — Prom the way in which this equation has been obtained, it will be seen that…

Имеется другой способ получения того же результата, если заметить, что… — Another way of obtaining the same result is to note that…

Имеется ряд способов, которыми… — There are a number of ways in which…

Имеется только один разумный способ (чего-л). — There is just one sensible way of…

Имеются по меньшей мере два способа… — There are at least two ways to…

Имеются три способа решения такой задачи. — There are three ways of attacking such a problem.

Лучшим способом минимизировать число ошибок такого типа является… — The best way to minimize this kind of error is to…

Может быть много способов… — There may be many ways of…

Мы могли бы получить этот результат другим способом. — We could obtain this result by a different argument.

Мы можем выразить это другим способом, сказав, что… — We can put this another way by saying that…

Мы можем получить то же самое заключение другим способом в случае, когда… — We can reach the same conclusion in another way for the case of…

Мы намерены представить три способа для… — We intend to present three techniques for…

Наиболее элементарным способом решения уравнения (1) является… — The most elementary approach to the solution of (1) is…

Не существует систематического способа определения… — There is no systematic way of determining…

Необходимо заметить, что существуют два способа, которыми… — It should be noted that there are two ways in which…

Обычный способ их получения это… f- The usual way of obtaining these is to…

Один из простейших способов это… — One of the simplest ways is to…

Один из способов продолжения состоит в том, чтобы предположить, что… — One way of proceeding is to suppose that…

Однако выходит, что наилучшим способом продолжения (работы) является… — However, it turns out that the best way to proceed is…

Однако имеется другой способ продолжения, который дает… — There is another way to proceed, however, which gives…

Одним из не слишком практичных способов проделать это является… — One method of doing this, not a very practical one, is to…

Одним из способов удовлетворения этим условиям является… — One way of satisfying these conditions is to…

Очевидно, одним из способов достижения этого было бы (что-л. сделать). — Clearly, one way of achieving this would be to…

Очевидный способ — это потребовать, чтобы… — The obvious course is to demand that…

По существу, имеется лишь один способ, чтобы… — There is essentially only one way to…

Подобным способом могут быть выведены несколько иные дополнительные формулы. — Still other formulas can be obtained in a similar way.

Полное число способов, которыми… — The total number of ways in which it can be marked is thus…

Практически тем же самым способом… — In much the same way,…

Применим другой способ. Это означает, что… — Put in another way, this means that…

Простейший способ подхода к проблеме состоит в том, чтобы… — The simplest way to approach the problem is to…

Следовательно, у нас появляется новый способ взглянуть на… — Thus we have a new way of looking at…

Способ, каким это проделывается, иллюстрируется на рис. 1, где… — A way of doing this is illustrated in Fig. 1, where…

Способ, который мы будем использовать, идентичен тому, что использовался для… — The scheme we will use is identical to that used for…

Способ, с помощью которого это было получено, заключается в… — The mechanism by which this is accomplished is…

Существенно более разумным способом (= подходом) является… — A considerably more clever approach is to…

Существует много других способов нахождения… — There are many other ways of finding…

Существует много способов решения данной задачи. — There are many ways to solve this problem.

Существует несколько способов это сделать. — There are several ways to do this.

Существуют несколько способов дать введение в теорию… — There are several ways of introducing the theory of…

Существуют различные способы определения… — There are various ways of defining…

Существуют три основных способа, которыми это может быть сделано. — There are three principal ways in which this can be done.

Существуют три способа, которыми мы могли бы рассмотреть задачу… — There are three ways by which we may approach the problem of…

Таким способом мы можем произвести… — In this way we can make…

Такой способ принят из соображений простоты. — This policy is adopted in the interest of simplicity.

Тем же способом мы доказываем, что… — In the same way we prove that…

Тем же способом мы можем изучать… — In the same way, we can study…

Теперь мы будем рассматривать (один) способ удаления этих ограничений на f(x). — We shall now consider a procedure for removing these restrictions on f(x).

Теперь мы рассматриваем способы, которыми… — We now consider ways in which…

Точно тем же способом… — In exactly the same way,…

Эдисон изобрел новый способ (чего-л). — Edison invented a new way of…

Это возможно проделать тем же способом, каким определяется х. — This is possible by the way in which x is denned.

Это другой способ сказать, что… — This is another way of saying that…

Это может быть сделано множеством способов. — This can be done in a variety of different ways.

Это можно обеспечить двумя способами. — This can be provided in two ways.

Это преобразование можно применить к нашей задаче 2 несколькими способами. — This transformation can be adapted to our Problem 2 in several ways.

Это просто другой способ выражения того факта, что… — This is just another way of expressing the fact that…

Это строится следующим способом. — It is constructed as follows.

Этот же результат можно получить другим способом. — It is possible to obtain this result in a different way.

Этот пример демонстрирует один способ… — This example demonstrates one way of…

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Complete the sentences with a word or phrase which means the same as the words in brackets.
1.He was a complete_____(someone you don’t know)
2.We get on well because we_____common.(share similar interests).
3.She is_____ Spanish. (speaks very well)/
4.Could you ____ the message to me? ( send the message you received)’
5.I pressed the wrong button and____ the file by mistake.(destroyed/erased).
6.I haven’t seen Ali for a ____ of months.(two).
7.We’re staying in their house for a____ .(some time-not specific).
8.Mike____smoking even when he felt ill.(continue).
Помогите пожалуйста

1 ответ:




1.He was a complete_stranger____(someone you don’t know)

2.We get on well because we__have much in___common.(share similar interests).

3.She is__a native___ Spanish. (speaks very well)/

4.Could you __resend__ the message to me? ( send the message you received)’

5.I pressed the wrong button and_delete_ the file by mistake.(destroyed/erased).

6.I haven’t seen Ali for a __couple__ of months.(two).

7.We’re staying in their house for a_while___ .(some time-not specific).

8.Mike_keeps on___smoking even when he felt ill.(continue).


Читайте также

I usually go home after lessons.I often draw and play computer games.At weekends I go walk or go walk with my friends

<span>1 Cuckoos (do not build) nests. They (use) the nests of other birds.
2 You can’t see Tom now: he (is having) a bath.
3 He usually (drink) coffee but today he (is drink</span><span>ing) tea.
4 What does she (do) in the evenings? — She usually (plays) cards or (watches) TV.
5 I won’t go out now as it (is rain</span><span>ing) and I (do not have) an umbrella,
6 The last train (leaves) the station at 11.30.
7 He usually (speaks) so quickly that I (do not understand) him.
8 Ann (is mak</span><span>ing) a dress for herself at the moment. She (makes) all her own clothes.
9 Hardly does anyone (wear) a hat nowadays.
10 I’m afraid I’ve broken one of your coffee cups. — Don’t worry. I (do not like) that set anyway.
11 I (am wear</span><span>ing) my sunglasses today because the sun is very strong.
12 Tom can’t have the newspaper now because his aunt (is read</span><span>ing) it.
13 I’m busy at the moment. I (am redecorat</span><span>ing) the sitting room.
14 The kettle (is boil</span><span>ing) now. Shall I make the tea?
15 Are you (enjoy</span><span>ing) yourself or would you like to leave now? — I (am enjoy</span><span>ing) myself very much. I (want) to stay to the end.
16 How you (get) to work as a rule? — I usually (go) by bus but tomorrow I (am go</span><span><span>ing</span>) in Tom’s car. </span>

Present SImple:
We listen to the music every day.
Present Continious:
We are listening to the music.(оставить every day нельзя так как он не подходит для этого времени)
Present perfect:
we have listened to the music every day.
Present perfect Continious
we have been listening to the music.

My name is Tina. I like domestic animals. I have my pet. Its name is Dzheck. He is friendly and cheerful. He likes to look important.
He has smooth fur, big eyes and ears. His tail is short.
He can sit, dance and give his paw.
My dog and I are great friends. We spend a lot of time together. It is not difficult for me to take care of my dog.
I love my dog very much!

<span>1. If Ed learnt about it, he would probably never speak to me again.
2. I will be in the drawing-room in case there is a telephone call for me.
3. He wondered how he would feel if his former wife came into the room.
4. Philip says they will miss me if I leave before their wedding.
5. In case any crisis arises, let me know.
6. Would you do it differently, if you had to do it over again?
7. If this is/were our last meeting for some time, I would not like you to remember this talk.
8. It will be awkward if she refuses to co-operate. </span><span>
9. What his mother and father will think if they hear of what he has done?
10. If the situation does not change by Saturday I will be in trouble.
11. I won’t be surprised if he is offered an important post under the next government.</span>

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1.      Underline
the word with the same or similar meaning.

Example: to

a)      to kill              b)
to break
                  c) to fight

1.      tolerant

patient b) kind           c) ambitious

2.      threat

bullyingb) argument   c) warning

3.      awful

terribleb) hard           c) exciting.

2.      Translate
Russian into English.

Тепло и мокро.

Прохладно и сыро.

и солнечно

3.      Choose
the word which best completes the sentence.

1.      A
modern spaceship was … 3 days ago.

a)   taken               b)
flown          c) launched

2.      Where
is she doing her research … this serious problem?

a)   of                    b)
            c) in

3.      The
hurricane did a lot of … to the town.

a)   damage           b)
disasters      c) problems

4.      The
famous actor was shaking … laugh.

with                 b) from            c) to

4.      Choose the correct

1.      He … at the table
the whole evening yesterday.

a)    was sitting        
b) sit                  c)  sat

2.      I …  my home­work
the whole evening yesterday.

a)     did                
b) were doing      c) was doing

3.      He ….his work by
that time.

a)    finished           b)
was finishing    c) had finished

4.      … Australia is the
smallest continent in the world.

a)      —                      b)
a                  c) the

5.      … UK is one of the
world’s smallest country.

a)     —                     b)
a                  c) the

6.      My parents make me
… work hard at school.

a)      to                    b)

Complete the sentences, using Conditionals.

I … (be) you, I … (visit) the old man.

the girl… (lay) the table, her aunt …not (be) angry with her.

3.      Ann … (behave)
well if you … (take) her to the party.

the given verbs and write the following in the reported speech.

was surprised, “Somebody stole my bag in the shop”

said, “I can` t move the piano alone.”

student apologized: “I’m very sorry for coming so late.”

6.      The word in
capitals above each of the following sentences can be used to form a word that
fits suitably in the blank space.

I’m sure that he’ll succeed in politics. He is bright and …

On July 4th, 1776 the American colonies declared their …from

EXPLORE          Have
you read his article about space …?

аттестация по английскому языку (в основные сроки)

класс 2014-2015 уч. год


1.      Underline
the word with the same or similar meaning.

Example: to

b)      to kill         b)
to break
      c) to fight


a) to be out of luck b)
to hurt       c) to be in trouble


a) to save               
b) to protect  c) to help


a) patient               
b) kind           c) ambitious

2.      Translate
Russian into English.

1. Холодно и снежно.

2. Тепло и солнечно.

3. Дождливо и сыро.

  1. Choose
    the word which best completes the sentence. Underline the word you have

sure that one day the scientists will … most of medical problems.

take                 b)
solve           c) explore

famous actor was shaking … laugh.

with                 b)
from            c) to

is the little girl crying?” – “She has dropped her cup and … it”.

broke               b)
brought       c) destroyed

was … hurt during the earthquake.

quickly            b)
badly          c) well

  1. Choose
    the correct answer.

… computer games from two till three yesterday.

a) played              b)
playing             c) were playing

I … into the kitchen, mother was cooking.

a) came                b)
come                 c) was coming

…  the floor in our flat yesterday.

a)  to wash           b)
washed    c) were washed.

4.      The capital of …
USA is Washington.

a) the                    b) —                  c)

5.      … Tokyo is the
largest city in the world.

a) the                    b) —                  c)

6.      Why did she asked
you … come?

a) to                      b)

  1. Complete
    the sentences, using Conditionals.

the teenager … (collect) his thoughts, he … (win) the competition.

… (stay) out of trouble, if you … (learn) German,

she … (ring) me up, I … (tell) her the news.

  1. Use
    the given verbs and write the following in the reported speech.

mother advised her daughter: “Use less make-up, or you will look silly.”

son said to his mother: “Yes, unfortunately I have broken your favourite vase.”

boy invited his friend: “Hey, will you come to my birthday party?”

  1. The
    word in capitals above each of the following sentences can be used to form
    a word that fits suitably in the blank space.

Now you are the …of this wonderful house.

Our country is proud of these … people.

The 4th of July is the … Independence Day of the United States.

аттестация по английскому языку (1 пересдача, май)

2014-2015 уч. год

1.      Underline the word
with the same or similar meaning.

Example: to destroy

c)   to kill               b)
to break
                  c) to fight


a)      to ask        b) 
to disagree     c) to trouble

2.      a disaster

a)      danger       b)
trouble            c) to trouble

3.      misty

a)      stormy       b)
foggy              c) rainy

2.      Translate
Russian into English.

1. Морозно и солнечно.

2. Облачно и влажно.

3. Ветрено и снежно.

the story and fill in the words in the appropriate forms.

1.    The hurricane did
a lot of … to the town.

a)   damage                 
b) disasters                  c) problems

2.    A National park is
a place protected from industrial and urban ….

b) achievement           c) development

3. A modern
spaceship was … 3 days ago.

taken                       b) flown                      c) launched

4. The young … has
received a small grant to continue his exploration.

 a) researcher             b)
exploration             c) nature

Choose the correct answer.

… his work by that time.

a) finished              b) was
finishing       c) had finished

… you … at 7 p.m. yesterday?

a) did …do             b) were
…doing       c) had .. done

many countries … they … by that time?

a) did …visit           b) were …
visiting  c) had … visited

highest mountain in the world is mount  … Everest.

a) the               b) —                 
c) a

unusual town is situated near … Lake Onega.


          b) a                  c) the

doesn’t want me …  go to the party.


          b) to

Complete the sentences, using Conditionals.

we … not (rely) on him, we … not (be) late.

aunt … not (be) angry with her, if the girl … (lay) the table in time,

I … (be) you, I … (continue) the exploration.

Use the given verbs and write the following in the
reported speech.

wanted to know: “How did you get here tonight?”

said: “I phoned you at 5 but you were not at home.”

3.   “We
may buy a car next year”, said my grandpa.

The word in capitals above each of the following
sentences can be used to form a word that fits suitably in the blank space.

It was a very … journey.

It’s a … day, isn’t it?

SUCCESS      Our
country is proud of this … people.

аттестация по английскому языку (2я пересдача — сентябрь)

2014-2015 уч. год

1.      Underline the word
with the same or similar meaning.

to destroy

d)      to kill  b) to
  c) to fight

1.      research

a)    an experiment             b)
an achievement      c) an exploration

2.      mad

a)    ambitious                    b)
clever                     c) crazy

3.      to argue

a)    ask                              b) 
to disagree             c) to trouble

2.      Translate
Russian into English.

Облачно и холодно.

Тепло и влажно.

Дождливо и ветрено.

  1. Read
    the story and fill in the words.

frightened,  threatening,  fight

A boy, a bit
younger than Jason, came up to the bridge to cross it.  “Hey! It’s my bridge,”
said Jason in a (1) _____voice. “If you want to cross it, give me your pocket
money.” He was not a bully, he just wanted to see if the boy would pay.

The boy was (2)
_____ . He looked around, but there was nobody to (3) ____ him. He was afraid
to (4) ____ with the bully, and turned his pockets inside out. The boy looked
hurt and unhappy  and Jason felt uneasy about it  but took the money.

  1. Choose
    the correct answer.

1.      He …troubled

a)    looked         
b)  is looking        c)  had looked

2.      They … football
from 2 p.m. till 5 p.m. yesterday.

a)    played          
b) were playing    c)  had played

3.      Where … you …your
summer holidays?

a)    did… spend  b)
were spending  c) had … spent

4.      … Bahamas are a
group of islands in the Atlantic Ocean.

а) —           b)
the              c) a

5.  Mr James lives
in country not far from … London.

a) the        b) —                  c) a

6.  Julia wanted
her parents … allow her to get a Saturday job.

a) to         b) —

5.      Complete the
sentences, using Conditionals.

1.      If he … (feel)
bad, he … (stay) in bed.

2.      If I … (be) you, I
… (visit) the old man.

3.      What … (do) if you
… (win) 500 dollars?

6.      Use the given
verbs and write the following in the reported speech.

elderly lady thanked the boy: “Thank you very much for helping with my

boy offered to his classmate: “I can help you.”

asked: “Are you a good reader?”

7.      The word in
capitals above each of the following sentences can be used to form a word that
fits suitably in the blank space.

1.    THREAT       He
has got the third … letter from the stranger.

2.    PROTECT     The
young woman didn’t know where to look for … .

3.    USE             
When the young people first came to Ireland, they weren’t … to cold weather.


аттестация по английскому языку (в основные сроки). 8 класс)


  1. 1)

2) a

3) a

  1. 1)
    It is warm and wet.

2) It is cool and humid.

3) It is snowy and sunny.

  1. 1)

2) b

3) a

4) a

  1. 1)

2) c

3) c

4) a

5) c

6) b

  1. 1)
    If I were you, I would visit the old man.

2) If the girl had laid the table, her
aunt would not have been angry with her.

3) Ann would behave well if you took her
to the party.

  1. 1)
    She surprised that somebody had stolen her bag in the shop.

He said that he couldn’t move the piano alone.

            3) The
student apologized for coming so late.

  1. 1)

2) independence

3) exploration


аттестация по английскому языку (в основные сроки). 8 класс)


  1. 1. b

2. b

3. a

  1. 1.
    It’s cold and snowy

2. It’s  warm and sunny

3. It’s rainy and humid

  1. 1.

2. a

3. a

4. b

  1. 1.

2. a

3. b

4. a

5. b

6. a

  1. 1.
    If the teenager had collected his thoughts, he would have won the

2. If you had learned (learnt) German, you would have
stayed out of trouble.

3. If she rang me up, I would tell her the news.

  1. 1.
    The mother advised her daughter to use less make-up.

2. The son said to his mother that he had broken her
favourite vase.

3. The boy invited his friend to his birthday party.

  1. 1.

2. successful

3. national


аттестация по английскому языку (1я пересдача). 8 класс)

  1. 1)

2) b

3) b

  1. 1)
    It is icy and sunny.

2) It is cloudy and humid.

3) It is windy and snowy.

  1. 1)

2) c

3) c

4) a

  1. 1)

2) b

3) c

4) b

5) a

6) b

  1. 1)
    If we had not relied on him, we would not have been late.

2) Her aunt would not have been angry with her, if the
girl had laid the table in time.

3) If I were you, I would continue the exploration.

  1. 1)
    He wanted to know how I had got there that night.

2) She said (that) she had phoned me at 5, but I had
not been at home.

3) My grandpa said (that) we might buy a car the
following year.

  1. 1)

2) lovely

3) successful (self-made).


аттестация по английскому языку (2я пересдача). 8 класс)

  1. 1. c

2. c

3. b

  1. 1.
    It’s cloudy and cold

2. It’s  warm and humid

3. It’s rainy and windy

  1. 1.

2. frightened

3. defend

4. fight

  1. 1.

2. b

3. a

4. b

5. b

6. a

  1. 1.
    If he felt bad, he would stay in bed.

2. If I were you, I would visit the old man.

3. What would you do if you won 500 dollars?

  1. 1.
    The elderly lady thanked the boy for helping with her luggage.

2. The boy offered his help to his classmate.

3. She asked me if I was a good reader?

  1. 1.

2. protection

3. used

Check – 3

V – 1

Find the word with the same or similar meaning.

Example: dull – c)

a) original b) fascinating c) boring

1. to report

a) to borrow b) to inform c) to explain

2. advertisement

a) commercial b) review c) quiz

3. headline

a) article
title c) conclusion

4. quality

a) popular b) original c) serious

5. handbook

a) manual b) guidebook c) encyclopedia

6. fascinating

a) gripping b) brilliant c) amusing

Complete each sentence with one of the words or phrases below.

whenever wisdom tabloids events celebrate prove

book broadcast issue suggested

1. … contain a lot of photographs
and have a more sensational reporting style.

2. Smoking is bad. Can you … it?

3. Local newspapers give information on different … happening in the
local area.

4. I’d like to … tickets for a group of students to London.

5. Series is a long drama or comedy or documentary that is … in parts,
usually at a certain time of day.

6. The first … of the newspaper “The Daily Courant” was published in London in 1702.

7. … you ask for help, I’ll help you.

8. My uncle … making green tea as it is very good for the health.

9. Mikhail Lomonosov was known as a man of great … .

10. How did you … the turn of the century?

III. The word in capitals above each of the
following sentences can be used to form a word that fits suitably in the blank
space. Fill each blank in this way.

Example: MANAGE

He is the manager of a popular singer.

1. DAY

… newspapers are published on
every day of the week except Sunday.


Who is your favourite TV … ?


Pamela thinks that the Internet
is the most useful means of … .


I prefer to read articles about
… affairs in our town.


I think CD books will be much
more popular with teenagers of my generation than … books.

Complete the sentences. Choose the correct variant.

Example: I’ve got a lot of …
(work/ works) to do for the weekend. –

I’ve got a lot
of work
to do for the weekend.

1. What (is/ are) her progress in

2. (Is/ Are) there any news from Andy?

3. Where (is/ are) Granny’s glasses?

4. (Is/ Are) these goods from America?

5. I got a lot of useful (information/ informations).

6. Do you eat much (fruit/ fruits)?

7. I like any kind of (weather/ weathers).

Complete the sentences. Choose the correct variant.

Example: My mother disapproved of … (to read/ reading)
thrillers. —

My mother
disapproved of reading thrillers.

1. I have never dreamed of (to win/ winning) a competition.

2. My sister always enjoys (to go/ going) for a walk.

3. The angry neighbour told the teenagers to stop (to speak/ speaking)
too loud.

4. Do you think she’ll manage (to pass/ passing) her Maths exam?

5. My mum is always at home. She quitted (to work/ working) last year.

6. The teacher reminded us (to bring/ bringing) some flowers to decorate
the classroom.

7. Linda suggested me (to drink/ drinking) a cup of tea now.

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