The word whereas in a sentence

Conjunctions are words that help connect two independent clauses and present them as one sentence. While some of them bring together clauses that share the same tone, a few others are used to introduce contrasting or contradictory elements. The word «whereas» is one such subordinating conjunction.

To use «whereas» in a sentence, make sure it introduces an element opposite to the first element in a sentence. The clause it introduces must be independent or capable of working as a standalone sentence. And, you can have or not have a comma (,) before it – but there should be no semicolon (;).

Keep reading if you’d like to have an even better understanding of using the conjunction in a sentence, the words and/or phrases it could be interchangeably used with, go through a fairly long list of sentences incorporating the word, etc.

whereas in neon wall sign

Whereas – Definition

The word «whereas» is a conjunction used to highlight or point out a major contrast between two similar elements in a particular sentence. «Whereas» is primarily and almost always used to bring in an independent clause. If the second clause is dependent, «whereas» is not used.

Conjunctions help connect two independent phrases and not just a couple of words. Using conjunctions the right way is imperative to establish meaningful and fluent sentences in both written and spoken language. However, conjunctions could also have multiple meanings.

The conjunction «whereas» is typically used at the starting of a dependent (subordinate) clause. And the clause that «whereas» introduces is typically the second part of a sentence. The two clauses represent events that are supposed to happen simultaneously. For example:

  • A triangle has three sides, whereas a square has four.

However, there are instances where the clause could appear before the primary clause, or a sentence could start with the word «whereas». For instance:

  • Whereas the UK has mild winters, Sweden winters are usually very cold.

As per the rule book, «whereas» contradicts a prior situation thoroughly explained in the preceding sentence or paragraph. People are, therefore, usually taught to use the word in the middle of a sentence, like every other conjunction.

Despite what the books say, however, the word «whereas» can be positioned at the start of a sentence and still work as a contrasting agent between the two independent clauses.

The aforementioned sentence, for instance, could work even if «whereas» is not at the start.

  • The UK has mild winters, whereas Sweden winters are usually very cold.

Using a Comma with «Whereas»

Generally, a comma is used before «whereas» to differentiate the secondary clause from the original phrase.

Unlike other conjunctions, such as «but» and «and», the word «whereas» always introduces independent clauses. In other words, the subordinate clause always contains non-essential information that the original clause of a given sentence could do without. For example:

  • I am extremely tall, whereas my brother is short.

In this sentence, the statement before «whereas» is an independent clause, and the statement after it is also independent. This means if the second clause had to be cut out of the sentence, it would still read fine.

In other words, «I am very tall» is a grammatically correct and complete sentence. It doesn’t lose its meaning or effect without the second clause. Similarly, the second part of the sentence, «My brother is short» can also stand on its own.

There are, however, certain writers who commit the blunder of not adding a comma before «whereas». This is probably because most sentences without a comma before «whereas» do not look jarring enough to warrant a second look. The sentence below, for example, does not look too bad without the comma even though it should have one:

  • Your hair is naturally curly whereas my hair is straight and boring.

white pencil black pencil opposing

When used with «whereas», the comma enhances legibility. And since there is typically a pause before a «whereas», it also represents the spoken language accurately.

There are some writers who are guilty of using a semicolon (;) before «whereas», which obviously is not correct.

  • In San Diego, a major cause for pollution is fireplace smoke; whereas in Los Angeles, it’s paved-road dust.

In the above sentence, there should have been a comma instead of a semicolon before «whereas». If you’d like to keep the semicolon, however, you’ll have to get rid of the «whereas».

  • In San Diego, a major cause of pollution is fireplace smoke; in Los Angeles, it’s paved-road dust.

It goes without saying that «whereas» isn’t preceded by «but» or «and» as those are conjunctions themselves. Using them with «whereas» will be unnecessary and also redundant.

Using «While» Instead of «Whereas»

It is not uncommon to see writers using the words «while» and «whereas» interchangeably. Here are a couple of sentences that can have either «whereas» or «while» in them:

  • New York is on the east coast of America, whereas/while Washington lies to the west.
  • The north is known for its mild, wet climate, while/whereas the south is known for its relatively hotter, dryer climate.

The two conjunctions, however, are not always interchangeable. Here are example sentences illustrating the point:

  • The secretary managed all my appointments and meetings while I was in the hospital.
  • I’ll make breakfast while you take a shower.
  • While I was recuperating in the clinic, my husband was enjoying with his friends in Florence, Italy.
  • She finished her debut novel while being employed full-time.
  • She choked while eating and had to be rushed to the hospital.

The above sentences would sound awkward/incorrect if the «while» in them gets substituted with «whereas».

A major reason why «while» and «whereas» are not always interchangeable is the two do not have the same meaning in relation to time. In other words, the word «while» denotes two events taking place simultaneously. On the other hand, «whereas» could indicate things not happening at the same time.

Using «On the Other Hand» in Place of «Whereas»

The phrase «on the other hand» and «whereas» have identical functions. However, there is a minor, yet significant difference in the ways they get incorporated in texts. For example:

  • American football is the most popular sport in the U.S., whereas ice hockey reigns supreme in neighboring country Canada.
  • American football is the most popular sport in the U.S. In neighboring country Canada, on the other hand, ice hockey reigns supreme.

While «whereas» can seamlessly blend into a sentence. The phrase «on the other hand» requires a sentence of its own.

Here is another pair of sentences proving the point:

  • I like to live in the countryside, whereas my husband prefers the city.
  • I like to live in the countryside. My husband, on the other hand, likes it in the city.

The phrase «on the other hand» can also be used to start a sentence. For example, the above sentence could also be written as:

  • I like to live in the countryside. On the other hand, my husband likes it in the city.

Example Sentences with the Word «Whereas»

Here is a varied list of sentences using the word «whereas»:

  • All of my brothers are physicians, whereas I am an accountant.
  • Both of my siblings are tall, whereas I am relatively short.
  • My entire family consumes meat, whereas I am a pure vegetarian.
  • Leon expected his wife to acquiesce to everything he said, whereas that was not the case.
  • My wife is a dog lover, whereas I am allergic to canines.
  • People say «chips» in Britain, whereas in America they call them «fries».
  • She likes staying at home, whereas her husband loves to holiday.
  • Whereas if the kid is left to herself, she will think better and more.
  • But whereas a chemical substance’s crystalline form is fixed and stable, a living organism’s organized form is unstable and likely to change.
  • There is no difference or distinction in God, whereas there is a duality in all things or substances arising from the matter.
  • Brian Steel isn’t a human whereas every other character has certain human elements.
  • He should be around 50, whereas his beautiful wife doesn’t look a year older than 25.
  • You had a massive lunch, whereas I had to be content with a sandwich.
  • He’s concerned, whereas I see it as an auspicious sign.
  • Terrance is the paradigm of a perfect gentleman, whereas I’m just a simple guy.
  • With her eclectic behavior, she actually relishes confrontations, whereas I choose to ignore them.
  • Mark works slowly and with precision, whereas Jim tends to do things in haste and makes errors in the process.
  • Steve is very friendly with his students, whereas other teachers are not so.
  • Samantha can easily write around 5000 words during a weekday, whereas she cannot manage even 1000 on weekends.
  • Lennie likes romantic comedies whereas Paul is a fan of detective stories.
  • Philip can fluently speak both Mandarin and Japanese, whereas his brother Patrick is just not good with languages.
  • The twins are quite different from each other: Dennis is reserved and shy whereas Paul is outgoing.

whereas balloon letters sign


If you’re using the word «whereas» in your sentence, you need to be wary of primarily three things:

  • The kind of clause the conjunction is introducing (the added clause or element should be contrasting and independent)
  • The punctuation used before the word (a comma or no comma is fine and even an en dash works, but there should be no semicolon before the word)
  • The placement of the word in the sentence (at the beginning or in the middle), etc.

While conforming to these rules might seem like a task, it becomes second-nature when you use the word – or any other conjunction, for that matter – in your writings regularly.

Shawn Manaher

Shawn Manaher is the founder and CEO of The Content Authority. He’s one part content manager, one part writing ninja organizer, and two parts leader of top content creators. You don’t even want to know what he calls pancakes.

Definition of Whereas

in contrast with

Examples of Whereas in a sentence

You tend to take everything far too seriously, whereas I apparently don’t take things serious enough.


Our country prefers the system of democracy, whereas our enemies prefer communism, pitting us at odds with one another.


I am the most amicable member of my family, whereas my twin brother is regarded as cold and unapproachable.


A small rock weighs only a little bit, whereas a large boulder weighs a great deal and cannot be moved as easily.


Summer is extremely warm whereas winter is very cold, and the other months are somewhere in-between.


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Many students are taught that certain conjunctions cannot start sentences in English. It’s a common misconception and one that we’re constantly trying to debunk for you. This article will look at starting a sentence with whereas and how it is possible to do so.

You can start a sentence with “whereas” when you want to compare two facts with each other. When something once meant one thing and now means another, that’s a good time to start a sentence with “whereas.” Also, we can use it to link back to a previous sentence.

Can You Start A Sentence With "Whereas"?

You should always make some sort of comparison using “whereas.” Without it, the word will hold no relevant meaning.

  • Whereas he now does this, he once did that.
  • We could find it with ease. Whereas before, it was much more difficult.

These sentences show both cases when “whereas” is correct.

What Does “Whereas” Mean At The Beginning Of A Sentence?

Before we talk about how it works at the beginning of a sentence, let’s look at what it means when it’s there.

The definition of “whereas,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “compared with the fact that; but.”

We use “whereas” at the start of a sentence to introduce two contrasting ideas or make a comparison. We usually link it back to a previous idea in a sentence or compare within the sentence which “whereas” has started.

While “whereas” isn’t the most commonly used word today, that doesn’t mean we can’t find plenty of uses for its meaning in sentences.

Examples Of How To Use “Whereas” At The Beginning Of A Sentence

To highlight its appropriate uses, you can refer to these examples. They’ll teach you everything you need to know about how “whereas” works and what you can do when you use it.

  1. Whereas he thinks he’s beating me, he doesn’t realize that I’ve got a few tricks left up my sleeve.
  2. Whereas they can’t find a house to live in, there are plenty of choices that they’ve overlooked for no good reason.
  3. He doesn’t want to be here anymore. Whereas I remember a time when he used to love the neighborhood.
  4. She couldn’t trust him further. Whereas they once loved each other with all their hearts.
  5. Whereas there is no more water in the river, it used to be a bustling sanctuary for all river life.
  6. Whereas this city looks ancient and decrepit, it used to house some of the richest and most powerful people in the human race.
  7. We couldn’t find a reason to keep him anymore. Whereas he once offered us plenty of use, he now offers nothing.

“Whereas” starts a sentence when a comparison is made. We can use it as part of the first clause in a sentence to make the first comparison. The second comparison will either be in the sentence before or in the second clause of the same sentence as “whereas.”

Where Should I Place The Comma When Using “Whereas” At The Beginning Of A Sentence?

Sometimes, punctuation rules surrounding comma placements can be tricky. We’ve reserved this section for making sure you’re well-informed on how to punctuate “whereas” in the best possible way.

There is no need to punctuate “whereas” with a comma directly after it. Instead, we simply place the comma at the end of the first clause (which is the first part of the comparison that whereas sets up).

We only need to use commas in this way when “whereas” compares something in its own sentence. If it links back to the previous sentence, we don’t need to place any commas after “whereas.”

  • Correct: Whereas the weather tells us it will rain, I’m certain it’s going to stay sunny.
  • Incorrect: Whereas he couldn’t find the woman he loves she told me she never loved him in the first place.

The first example shows how the clauses are split by a comma. The second example requires a comma after “loves” to split the two clauses; otherwise, it’s wrong.

Is It Formal To Use “Whereas” At The Beginning Of A Sentence?

The formality of the word “whereas” is brought into question when used in this way. Luckily, there isn’t much we need to say about this.

“Whereas” is a formal word. We can use it in both formal and informal writing, but there is nothing wrong with it in any formal cases.

You are able to start any sentences with “whereas” formally, and no one will worry about your tone. It’s actually a really strong way to introduce new comparisons to the reader.

Alternatives To Starting A Sentence With “Whereas”

Some alternatives might help you to broaden your vocabulary a little bit. These synonyms will help you to explore other options that work in place of “whereas” when starting a sentence.

  • But
  • In comparison to
  • In contrast to
  • Inasmuch as
  • When in fact
  • When
  • Where
  • While
  • Though
  • Considering

Can You End A Sentence With “Whereas”?

There are still no rules that tell us we can or can’t place certain words in certain areas. However, there are questions of use and relevance in certain cases.

For instance, there are no known reasons where “whereas” can end a sentence. It’s a conjunction, and we use conjunctions to connect two ideas together. Placing “whereas” at the end of a sentence doesn’t allow us to connect two ideas, which is why it’s not grammatically correct.

Can You Use “Whereas” In The Middle Of A Sentence?

Of course, while it can’t end a sentence, it’s more than capable of being in the middle. If anything, it’s most common and appropriate here, since it’s a conjunction.

“Whereas” works in the middle of a sentence to make a comparison. It’s the same as placing it at the start, but we use it in the middle to more obviously indicate where the comparison lies.

  • He doesn’t want to be here, whereas she’s more than happy to keep exploring.
  • They don’t think he can handle it, whereas he’s confident to show them otherwise.

martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

Similar words: here and there, where, wherein, elsewhere, reason, breast, here and now, increased. Meaning: [weərˈæz]  conj.1. while on the contrary: One arrived promptly, whereas the others hung back. 2. it being the case that, or considering that (used esp. in formal preambles). n. 3. a qualifying or introductory statement, esp. one having «whereas» as the first word: to read the whereases in the will.. 

1. Wise men love truth, whereas fools shun it. 

2. Wise men love truth, whereas fools shut it. 

3. Some people like fat meat, whereas others hate it.

4. Whereas the following incidents have occurred.

5. you will have it if it belongs to you,whereas you don’t kveth for it if it doesn’t appear in your life.

6. The old system was fairly complicated whereas the new system is really very simple.

7. Death is so final,[] whereas life is so full of possibilities.

8. He is a globalist, whereas we are nationalists who will put our country first.

9. You will have it if it belongs to you,whereas you don’t kveth for it if it doesn’t appear in your life.

10. He must be about sixty, whereas his wife looks about thirty.

11. «And», «but»and»whereas» are conjunctions.

12. She is slender,whereas he is stout.

13. Some praise him, whereas others condemn him.

14. Whereas the city spent over $1 billion on its museums and stadium, it failed to look after its schools.

15. Her teachers said she was a slow learner, whereas in actual fact she was partially deaf.

16. He earns 8000 a year whereas she gets at least 20000.

17. She described him, rather charitably, as quiet whereas I would have said he was boring.

18. France play with more flair and inventiveness, whereas England are a more disciplined side.

19. Your hair has a natural wave whereas mine’s just straight and boring.

20. We thought she was arrogant, whereas in fact she was just very shy.

21. There is yet some good in public envy, whereas in private, there is none. For public envy, is as an ostracism, that eclipseth men, when they grow too great. And therefore it is a bridle also to great ones, to keep them within bounds.

22. He works slowly and precisely whereas I tend to rush things and make mistakes.

23. Pensions are linked to inflation, whereas they should be linked to the cost of living.

24. She actually enjoys confrontation, whereas I prefer a quiet life.

25. My sister’s absolutely crazy about chocolate whereas I can take it or leave it.

26. Some of the studies show positive results, whereas others do not.

27. The specific trend features mosaics of circular-concentric configuration, whereas the general one features mosaics of relatively complex, strictly axial geometries.

28. Most female models have to retire around the age of 25, whereas a well-preserved man can go on working into his forties.

29. Religion is a diffuse topic liable to unending disputation whereas theism is not.

30. You eat a massive plate of food for lunch, whereas I have just a sandwich.

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We use the conjunction whereas to indicate a contrast between two facts or ideas: He loves foreign holidays, whereas his wife prefers to stay at home. Whereas most new PCs have several USB slots, older ones often only had one.

Do you put a comma before or after Whereas?

The rule of thumb is: When you contrast two things, use a comma. “Whereas” is typically used to contrast two things: correct I am very tall, whereas my wife is quite short. wrong I am very tall whereas my wife is quite short.

How do you use whereas in the middle of a sentence?

Do you need a comma before “whereas”? Any time “whereas” appears in the middle of a sentence, you will need a comma before it. This is because “whereas” is a subordinating conjunction, a type of word used to connect a dependent clause to the main clause of the sentence.

How do you use while and whereas in a sentence?

While I like all types of fish, my girlfriend always chooses meat dishes when we go out to eat. ‘ ‘Some married couples argue all time, whereas others never do.

What does whereas mean example?

Whereas is defined as a way to contrast or compare. An example of whereas is when you compare a person who is nice to a person who is mean.

23 related questions found

How do you use whereas?

Whereas is a conjunction and comes at the beginning of a subordinate (dependent) clause. We use whereas to show the difference between two things or facts. A square has four sides, whereas a triangle has three. People say ‘fries’ in America, whereas in Britain they call them ‘chips’.

What can I use instead of whereas?


  • ’cause,
  • as,
  • as long as,
  • because,
  • being (as or as how or that)
  • [chiefly dialect],
  • considering,
  • for,

What’s another word for Whereas?

In this page you can discover 23 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for whereas, like: while on the contrary, while, although, considering that, though, since, when, when in fact, however, insomuch as and on-the-other-hand.

Can you start sentence with Whereas?

Yes, the word ‘whereas’ can absolutely be used to start a sentence.

Is Whereas used for contrast?

I. WHEREAS expresses a CONTRAST: it is used to express a contrast between two facts or two ideas and means the same as: « on the other hand ». WHEREAS cannot be used to express TIME.

Do we use semicolon before whereas?

A semicolon might be used if the second part started without the ‘whereas‘.

Which is correct Whereas or where as?

No current dictionary that I know of accepts the two-word spelling. In contrast, the New Oxford Dictionary for Writers and Editors specifically cites whereas (along with whereabouts, whereby, whereof, wheresoever, and whereupon) as ‘words’ that must be conjoined.

How do you use whereas in a legal document?

When whereas is placed at the beginning of a legislative bill, it means «because» and is followed by an explanation for the enactment of the legislation. Finally, whereas is often used in official proclamations to project the solemnity of the occasion.

Is whereas a coordinating conjunction?

So you mean «while» and «whereas» are not coordinating conjunctions because they can be placed at the beginning of the sentences in which they otherwise appear in the middle, or at the beginning of the second clause.

How do you use whereas And although?

The conjunctions but and although/though connect ideas that contrast. Whereas is also used but it is not as common: The new city hall is amazing but it’s going to cost a lot. He’s quite short, whereas his sister is tall.

What are the 8 rules for commas?

What are the 8 rules for commas?

  • Use a comma to separate independent clauses.
  • Use a comma after an introductory clause or phrase.
  • Use a comma between all items in a series.
  • Use commas to set off nonrestrictive clauses.
  • Use a comma to set off appositives.
  • Use a comma to indicate direct address.

What is the difference between Although And whereas?

As conjunctions the difference between although and whereas

is that although is though, even though, in spite of the fact that: while whereas is in contrast; whilst on the contrary.

What does Abeit mean?

Albeit is a conjunction that means “even though” or “although.” It can sometimes be used instead of although, even though, or even if.

What does Whilist mean?

While (or whilst) means ‘during the time when something else happens‘. When can mean the same as while, but when can also refer to a point in time. Compare. during the time something happens.

What does contrarily mean?

adverb. (kənˈtrɛərɪlɪ) in a perverse or obstinate manner. (ˈkɒntrərɪlɪ) on the other hand; from the opposite point of view. (ˈkɒntrərɪlɪ) in an opposite, adverse, or unexpected way.

Why do legal documents say Whereas?

When whereas is placed at the beginning of a legislative bill, it means «because» and is followed by an explanation for the enactment of the legislation. Finally, whereas is often used in official proclamations to project the solemnity of the occasion.

Are whereas clauses legally binding?

Remember that language in “Whereas Clauses” is not generally binding. No matter what anyone tells you, language in “whereas clauses” or similar introductory paragraphs is not binding. Don’t accept words in such clauses as proof that you received what you bargained for.

Whereas is considered a transition word, referred to as a conjunction, and it can be used at the beginning or in the middle of a sentence. Many people assume that a conjunction can only be used to combine two separate sentences, but some can be used in other scenarios, including “whereas.”

Understanding what the word “whereas” means, as well as how to use it properly in a sentence, will help you expand your vocabulary and refine your writing skills.

What Does Whereas Mean?

The term “whereas” is used when you are looking to display how two separate things or ideas contrast with one another. This essentially means that you are comparing two things or ideas to show that they are different.

Sometimes, it can be used in place of other common conjunctions, such as “but” and “although.”

“Whereas” is also sometimes seen in legal jargon, and it means “in consideration of.” This use of the word is typically only saved for legal writing, as it can be confusing to read it this way in other contexts.

How Do I Use Whereas Properly?

If you are using the word “whereas” at the beginning of a sentence, you want to be sure that you are using it because you intend to show how two things are different in the rest of the sentence.

Typically, you will have to state one fact after the word “whereas,” and then use a comma to separate the first fact (or first part of a sentence) with the second fact (the second part of the sentence after the comma).

When using the word “whereas” in the middle of a sentence, the first part of your sentence will state a fact, and then there will be a comma. After the comma will come the second fact that is meant to contrast with the first fact.

What Are Some Examples Of Using Whereas At The Start Of A Sentence?

Below are some examples of sentences that use the word “whereas” at the beginning of a sentence correctly.

Ex: Whereas Tommy prefers food that is spicy, Jeanie cannot stand even the mildest hot sauce on the market.

Ex: Whereas California experiences warm weather the majority of the year, New York will experience all types of weather, including snow and freezing temperatures.

Ex: Whereas I decided to complete my Master’s degree, everyone else in my family dropped out of college.

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Conor is the main writer here at One Minute English and was an English teacher for 10 years. He is interested in helping people with their English skills and learning about using A.I tools at work.

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Союз whereas употребляется, когда мы сравниваем два факта.


На русский язык whereas чаще всего переводится как: в то время как, в свою очередь.


He must be about 50, whereas his wife looks about 25.
Ему, должно быть, около 50, в то время как его жена выглядит на 25.

You eat a huge plate of food for breakfast, whereas I have just a cup of coffee and a sandwich.
Ты съедешь огромную тарелку еды на завтрак, в то время как я просто выпиваю чашку кофе и съедаю сэндвич.

She enjoys staying at home, whereas I prefer travelling.
Ей нравится находится дома, в то время как я предпочитаю путешествовать.

Jack is a conservative, whereas we are liberals who will put freedom first.
Джек консерватор, в свою очередь мы – либералы, которые ставят свободу на первое место.

Janet works slowly and precisely whereas Steve tends to rush things and make mistakes.
Джанет работает медленно и точно, в то время как Стив склонен спешить и совершать ошибки.

Your hair is curly whereas mine’s just straight and boring.
Твои волосы кудрявые, а мои просто прямые и скучные.

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The conjunction whereas has a number of meanings, but it’s most commonly used to mean although or while in contrast. In these senses of whereas, the word is grammatically identical to while or although. That is, it introduces a dependent clause.

Whereas often introduces a thought that contrasts with something in the main clause. For example, consider this sentence:

Some couples now both have to work, whereas only one person did before. [Washington Post]

In this sentence, whereas introduces something (the fact that only one person in a couple had to work in the past) that is in contrast with something in the main clause (that now couples both have to work). Notice that whereas functions grammatically in the same way that although or while would. It’s preceded by a comma because it introduces a separate dependent clause. Also notice that it’s not preceded by and or but. And would be unnecessary, and but would be redundant.

Here are a few more examples of whereas used well:

Whereas British Iraq empowered the Sunnis, the Americans would tip the scales in favor of the Shiites. [Wall Street Journal]

The typical prediction was 6500, whereas the index is currently trading at about 5400. [Telegraph]

Whereas 1991 looked completely different from 1971, which in turn could never be confused with 1951, the early nineties are indestinguishable from today. [Boston Globe]

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