The word weakness in a sentence

Synonym: failing, helplessness, impuissance. Similar words: darkness, sickness, thickness, homesickness, weariness, freakishness, weak, weaken. Meaning: [‘wɪːknɪs]  n. 1. a flaw or weak point 2. powerlessness revealed by an inability to act 3. the property of lacking physical or mental strength; liability to failure under pressure or stress or strain 4. the condition of being financially weak 5. a penchant for something even though it might not be good for you. 

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1 Human pride is human weakness.

2 I have got over my weakness and fatigue.

3 My weakness is that I care too much.

4 The legislation has a fundamental weakness.

5 Emotion is the innate weakness of human.

6 I took advantage of his weakness.

7 It is a weakness of the system.

8 The sudden weakness in her legs made her stumble.

9 He thought that crying was a sign of weakness.

10 Stephen himself had a weakness for cats.

11 The greatest weakness of the scheme lies in its lack of government support.

12 In a position of authority,[] a weakness for the opposite sex leaves you open to blackmail.

13 The country’seconomic problems are largely due to the weakness of the recovery.

14 Strength alone knows conflict, weakness is below even defeat, and is born vanquished.

15 Can you spot the weakness in her argument?

16 This illustrates a fundamental weakness in the system.

17 Symptoms of anaemia include weakness, fatigue and iron deficiency.

18 She was plagued by weakness, fatigue, and dizziness.

19 The main weakness of the proposal is conceptual.

20 I’ve got a real weakness for chocolate.

21 Early symptoms include anorexia, muscular weakness and fatigue.

22 If she has any weakness, it is her Italian.

23 He has a weakness for chocolate.

24 The king was suffering from cardiac weakness.

25 I have a real weakness for fashionable clothes.

26 Spending too much money is her weakness.

27 No matter how strong I will get,you are still my weakness.

28 British newspapers were full of moral outrage at the weakness of other countries.

29 You are the reason why I became stronger. But still, you are my weakness.

30 The dollar has fallen in value amid rumors of weakness in the US economy.

More similar words: darkness, sickness, thickness, homesickness, weariness, freakishness, weak, weaken, weakling, earnestness, uselessness, selflessness, tactlessness, limitlessness, oneness, newness, coldness, slyness, witness, harness, fitness, hotness, finesse, shyness, illness, madness, sadness, ripeness, softness, hardness. 

weakness — перевод на русский


When he was next to her and was looking at her, sweet weakness was penetrating all her body and burning desire was filling her.

Когда он стоял рядом и смотрел на нее, сладостная слабость проникала во все ее члены и ее охватывало вожделение.

So. You were foolish enough to mistake my kindness for weakness. My patience for blindness.

Вы приняли мою доброту за слабость, мое терпение — за слепоту.

Then pity our weakness.

Тогда жалость — наша слабость.

Undone by a Parmacheene Belle… and I thought his weakness was a Pink Lady.

Попался на мокрую мушку, а я считал, что его слабость — сухая мушка.

A weakness, sure.

Слабость, да.

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I know my weakness and I’m not offended.

Да, я знаю свое слабое место и не обижаюсь.

You let your second-in-command attack while you sit and watch for weakness.

Вы великолепный тактик, капитан. Вы позволяете своему заместителю атаковать пока вы сидите и ищете слабое место.

It’ll keep the Elite’s troops occupied while I try to find a weakness of the Daleks.

Это отвлечет войска Элиты, в то время как я попытаюсь найти слабое место Далеков.

Ah Mut Sha realises his weakness of being too rash

Ах Мут Ша находит его слабое место.

He must have a weakness.

у него должно быть слабое место.

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You’ve got to know the strengths and weaknesses of every soldier.

Ты должен знать сильные и слабые стороны каждого солдата.

You know, our strengths, our weaknesses.

Наши сильные и слабые стороны.

He’s really finding out about his strengths and weaknesses now.

Сейчас он действительно осознаёт свои сильные и слабые стороны

I know their strengths and weaknesses. — How?

Я знаю их сильные и слабые стороны.

Habits, vices, obsessions, strengths, weaknesses.

Привычки, слабости, увлечения, сильные и слабые стороны.

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But let it have all the strengths and weaknesses that we have, compassion and hate.

Но позвольте им иметь все достоинства и недостатки, которые есть у нас, сострадание и ненависть.

Do you see yourself as having any weaknesses?

Как вы считаете, у вас есть какие-нибудь недостатки?

And most people only open up from weakness.

А в итоге выходит все наоборот и наружу вылезают только их недостатки.

Uh, genetic weakness, right.

Мм, генетические недостатки, так.

My weaknesses?

Мои недостатки?

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Because Pompey is no deep philosopher. He will take a symbolic loss for a real weakness.

Поскольку Помпей не философ, он примет символическую потерю за реальную слабину.

I smelled weakness.

Я почуял слабину.

If they sense weakness, you’re done.

Учуят слабину — тебе конец.

See, on the way to that school thing the other night, in, like, a moment of extreme, extreme weakness, I bought this eye cream.

По пути в школу вчера вечером я дала слабину и купила этот крем для глаз.

They can smell this weakness.

А они чуют слабину.

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First study the enemy, seek weakness.

Во-первых, изучи врага, найди его слабые стороны.

What are his weaknesses?

— Какие у него слабые стороны?

If he does have your abilities, there’s a good chance that he has your weakness.

Ну, если у него есть все твои способности, возможно, у него также есть и твои слабые стороны.

Well, my weaknesses are actually strengths.

Мои слабые стороны — это мои сильные стороны.

If you ask me what my weaknesses are, I’m gonna tell you!

Если спросишь, в чём мои слабые стороны, я скажу тебе!

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My one weakness.

Это моя единственная слабость.

Food is my one weakness!

Еда – моя единственная слабость!

Baths are my one weakness!

Ванны — моя единственная слабость!

Food is my one weakness!

Еда — моя единственная слабость!

Jugged hare is her one weakness.

Тушеный заяц – её единственная слабость.

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We need to figure out a weakness on Sara.

Нам нужно найти уязвимость Сары.

He knows your weakness.

Ему известна твоя уязвимость.

It’s his only weakness.

Это его единственная уязвимость.

Now, that’s a weakness his opponent is not exploiting.

А эту уязвимость его противник не использует.

He said he found a weakness in our economy— an unexpected linchpin— that, if someone went after it, would start the dominos falling.

Он сказал, что нашёл уязвимость в нашей экономике… неожиданный стержень… который, если кто-то им воспользуется, вызовет эффект домино.

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Did you find any weaknesses?

Нашла какие-нибудь уязвимые места?

She might have another weakness.

У нее могут быть другие уязвимые места.

It can locate anyone’s greatest weakness.

Она обнаруживает уязвимые места.

And the gauntlet will reveal our enemies’ weaknesses, and we will be the victors.

А с рукавицей, обнаружив уязвимые места наших врагов, мы сможем одержать победу.

The lobby groups do, I know… buy them off, look for weaknesses.

Я знаю, что лоббисты так поступают. Дают взятки, ищут уязвимые места.

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Your tears reveal your weakness!

Плачь, слабак!

I expect this weakness from you, Beauchamp.

Я знал, что ты слабак, Бошо.

You could get there, too, but for your weakness.

Ты тоже сможешь, если не будешь слабаком.

Your father xxx good to weakness so easy to squeeze life out of him

Твой отец был слабаком. Забрать его жизнь было так легко.

This Empire has no use for weakness.

Империя не терпит слабаков.

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Отправить комментарий

слабость, недостаток, слабое место, бессилие, вялость, пристрастие, склонность


- слабость, ослабление, ослабленность; хилость, хрупкость

weakness of memory — мед. ослабление /слабость/ памяти
the weakness of old age — старческая немощь
weakness of brain-power — придурковатость, недалёкость
weakness of mind — мед. слабоумие

- недостаточность

the weakness of a lock — ненадёжный замок
the weakness of smb.’s classical knowledge — слабое знание классиков, пробелы в классическом образовании
weakness in scholarship — недостаточный кругозор, слабая эрудиция

- нерешительность, вялость, безволие

weakness in resistance — слабое /нерешительное/ сопротивление

- неубедительность; необоснованность

the weakness of an argument — неубедительность довода, шаткость аргументации

- слабое, уязвимое место; слабость, недостаток

his chief weakness is a fondness for the bottle — главная его слабость

- (for) склонность; пристрастие (к чему-л.)

to have a weakness for smb. — питать слабость к кому-л.
candy is a weakness of mine — конфеты — моя слабость

- бирж. понижение (цен, курсов); бездеятельное настроение (рынка)
- тех. непрочность; низкая прочность

Мои примеры


the weakness of a radio signal connection — слабость сигнала радиосвязи  
he has a weakness for chocolate — у него слабость к шоколаду  
a generic weakness in design — общая недоработка в дизайне  
a moment of weakness — минутная слабость  
to show weakness — проявить слабость  
buy on weakness — покупать в период низких цен  
weakness in sterling — ослабление, понижение курса стерлингов  
develop weakness — ослабнуть  
cardiac weakness — сердечная слабость  
competitive weakness — недостаточная конкурентоспособность; слабая конкурентоспособность  
exploit enemy weakness — использовать слабые стороны противника  
surface of weakness — плоскость слабости  

Примеры с переводом

Chocolate is my greatest weakness.

Шоколад — моя самая большая слабость.

I know my strengths and weaknesses.

Я знаю свои сильные и слабые стороны.

He had a weakness for the bottle.

Он любил выпить.

Crying is a sign of weakness, so unmanly.

Слезы – это признак слабости, столь недостойный настоящего мужчины.

He has a weakness for desserts.

Он питает слабость к десертам. / Он любит сладкое.

There is a strain of weakness in him.

Он слабый человек по природе.

The plan has strengths and weaknesses.

У этого плана есть как сильные, так и слабые стороны.

ещё 22 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

This illustrates a fundamental weakness in the system.

There’s a danger that your apology will be taken as a sign of weakness.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

weak  — слабый, слабовольный, бессильный, слабоумный
weakly  — слабо, слабый, хилый, болезненный, квелый
weakest  — слабейший

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): weakness
мн. ч.(plural): weaknesses

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word weakness, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use weakness in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «weakness».

Weakness in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word weakness in a sentence.

  1. He saw an opponent’s weakness in a second.

  2. We have to find a weakness and exploit it.».

  3. The naval weakness of the Empire was rectified.

  4. That was both its strength and, ultimately, its weakness.

  5. Daun also had discovered a secret weakness of Frederick’s.

  6. As a man, Sherman was an eccentric mixture of strength and weakness.

  7. Symptoms may include muscle pains, weakness, vomiting, and confusion.

  8. Next, the examining physician may check for weakness of the quadriceps.

  9. These books depicted Harding’s time in office as one of great presidential weakness.

  10. Then she will not take what is not fit for her from a sense of weakness and poverty».

  11. The Germans were apprehensive about the inherent weakness of the Vimy Ridge defences.

  12. According to Karnow, for Khánh and his officers, «their weakness was their strength».

  13. This first successful campaign highlighted Chiappucci’s main weakness, the time trial.

  14. Reclassified as a typhoon, Ele moved north-northwestward due to a weakness in the ridge to the north.

  15. During battle, either side can strike an enemy’s weakness, which deals more damage than other attacks.

  16. The economic weakness of Cefnllys is also emphasised by historians Oliver Creighton and Robert Higham.

  17. The newly formed storm slowly turned northwestward as it tracked toward a weakness in the Azores high.

  18. The reasons for this weakness are unknown, given that thallium has a higher melting point than bismuth.

  19. The sedan, however, belongs to Professor Frink, who has discovered the aliens’ weakness: nuclear waste.

  20. Dogs and cats are much more likely than people to have neurotoxic symptoms such as weakness or paralysis.

  21. He was pardoned, but Scott interpreted this as weakness by the Métis, who he regarded with open contempt.

  22. Welles found that Dilophosaurus did not have a powerful bite, due to weakness caused by the subnarial gap.

  23. Throughout its duration, the storm maintained a northwest track through a weakness in a subtropical ridge.

  24. The team displayed an unaccustomed weakness in bowling, particularly after the death of Roy Kilner in 1928.

  25. Warwick’s war policies were more pragmatic than Somerset’s, and they have earned him criticism for weakness.

  26. A temporary northwesterly turn occurred around this time as the storm moved through a weakness in the ridge.

  27. His main weakness for much of his career was his free throw shooting, with a career average of less than 70%.

  28. His extreme weakness and, in particular, the condition of his feet, meant he could not travel great distances.

  29. Henry’s physical and mental frailty was a major weakness for the Lancastrian cause, and he remained in York with Margaret.

  30. Hutton wanted to exploit what he saw as a West Indian weakness against pace, picking four fast bowlers for the first Test.

  31. Shortly thereafter, a trough created a weakness in the ridge to its north, causing the hurricane to turn to the northwest.

  32. Shortly thereafter, the storm reached a weakness in the subtropical ridge, which caused it to move slowly to the northwest.

  33. Respected by teammates and opponents alike for his cricketing judgement, Trott was quick to pick up a weakness in opponents.

  34. Thyroid disease may also cause muscle weakness in the form of thyrotoxic myopathy, but this is constant rather than episodic.

  35. Symptoms of myotoxicity (muscle damage) include muscle pain and weakness in the presence of an elevated creatine kinase (CK).

  36. On September 12, the storm slowed and turned toward the north through a weakness in the subtropical ridge created by Florence.

  37. Aware of their own weakness, the Venetians tried to form alliances with other regional rulers who feared Ottoman expansionism.

  38. There must be no thought of sparing the troops or civil population and no mercy must be shown to weakness in any shape or form.

  39. Rodriguez’s fielding range allowed Jeter to cede ground to his right to Rodriguez and cheat to his left: fielding balls hit to his left is a weakness identified by scouts.

  40. Les Ames, who played in the three-match series, won by England 2–0, believed that the West Indian pacemen worried Hammond, who showed a weakness against short, fast bowling.

  41. He also said that Jardine could play every recognised cricket shot, but would not do so in a match and Robertson-Glasgow believed it was Jardine’s one weakness as a batsman.

  42. Thomas’s army viewed the plea as a sign of weakness, and advanced confidently to begin the assault, but as they neared the wall, the defenders opened the gates and attacked.

  43. Richard Propes of the Independent Critic felt that “’Iron Ladies of Liberia’ is an insider’s portrait of the president…that is both its strength and its greatest weakness.

Synonyms for weakness

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word weakness has the following synonyms: failing, helplessness and impuissance.

General information about «weakness» example sentences

The example sentences for the word weakness that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «weakness» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «weakness».

Examples of how to use the word “weakness” in a sentence. How to connect “weakness” with other words to make correct English sentences.

weakness (n): the fact or state of not being strong or powerful

Use “weakness” in a sentence

We all have our weakness.
Do you know your strengths and weaknesses?
What is your greatest weakness?

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Those who see acceptance as weakness.

Они из тех, кто корректное отношение к себе расценивает как слабость.

It will only show our weakness.

Но так мы лишь выявили бы свою слабость.

Its main weakness is that it is not totally heat resistant.

Однако его основной недостаток в том, что он совершенно не удержит тепло.

I confess this is my biggest weakness as a parent.

Я считаю, что это самый громадный мой недостаток как партийного деятеля.

I would buy them because I expect dollar weakness next year.

Я бы купил их, потому что я ожидаю ослабления доллара в следующем году.

Early appear and persist for all diseases fatigue and weakness.

Рано появляются и держатся в течение всего заболевания повышенная утомляемость и слабость.

That was its strength and weakness.

В этом были её сила и ее слабость.

In showing weakness there is strength.

Когда мы демонстрируем слабость, они показывают силу.

She says vulnerability is not weakness.

Автор утверждает, что уязвимость не является слабостью.

The one who conquers his weakness.

Кто принимает премию, тот проявляет слабость».

Those affecting the muscles cause muscle weakness and sometimes kidney disease.

Те типы, которые влияют на мышцы, вызывают мышечную слабость, а иногда и заболевания почек.

You cannot afford to show emotions because it will show weakness.

Они не могут позволить себе уйти, потому что это покажет их слабость.

Everyone knows that his weakness is seduction, women.

Все знают, что его слабость — это соблазн, женщины.

Another weakness that they have is their hunger for feelings.

Еще одна слабость, которую они испытывают, — это их голод к чувствам.

Everything passes in this world, any greatness and weakness.

Все проходит в этом мире, и любое величие, и слабость.

People can smell negativity and weakness especially girls.

Люди могут чувствовать запах негатива и слабости, особенно девочки.

Tell us about your biggest weakness.

Расскажите, пожалуйста, о вашей самой большой слабости.

Share what you’re doing to overcome that weakness.

Поделитесь тем, что вы делаете, чтобы преодолеть эту слабость.

Apparently they regarded suicide as a sign of shameful weakness.

Судя по всему, они считали, что самоубийство — признак постыдной слабости.

That said, some cyclical weakness likely remains.

Тем не менее, некоторые циклический слабость, вероятно, остается.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат weakness

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Definition of Weakness

lacking strength or power

Examples of Weakness in a sentence

Muscle weakness and lack of energy are both symptoms of the flu.


The crook could always spot weakness and targeted women who were too kind to say no.


The former boxer was disappointed by his muscle weakness and vowed to get himself in better shape.


Weakness of the attorney’s argument caused his powerless lawsuit to be dismissed from court.


My weakness for all things chocolate left me with no strength to turn down a cupcake.


Other words in the Weak category:

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Home treatment is merely a very simple and widely practiced form of interventionist treatment for mild health problems like pain, indigestion, constipation, mild diarrhea, nasal congestion, general weakness, mild skin rashes and so on

1Cor: 1:25: Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men; and the weakness of God is stronger than men

· The weaker sex (female) is the stronger because of the weakness of the stronger sex (male) for the weaker sex

No-one that knew her mistook this for either weakness or friendliness

fire, escaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness were made strong,

Because of weakness we are made strong

weakness, sorrow…, but there was no fear! There was even a moment

weakness or disease, because you have redeemed me

Paul knew that Jesus has given him the power over demons, weakness and

It wouldn’t be the first time he had made a law enforcer disappear and he would enjoy the slow task of peeling him down, literally, to the essential weakness underlying all human bravado

power of your Spirit, so that i could resist all weakness, disease and any

diagnosis, and bring you to victory over weakness, illness and death

I could smell my own sweat, fear, weakness and of course, adrenaline

For the foolishness of God is wiser than man’s wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than man’s strength

Wax: In general, it shows weakness of character

weakness show as he walked up the stairs from the stadium field to stand

the weakness that makes him loved

’ I muttered, frowning at my weakness, annoyed that I should have woken Gilla

( An Achilles’ heel is a deadly weakness in spite of overall strength, which can actually or potentially lead to downfall

Another is, you play to her weakness, she fears sliding back

that gives you weakness on a negative or incongruent

“Just shut up and give me the damned bottle! I don’t care what the reason is, Amanda, your clients, your weakness, your parents, your long-dead ancestors! I don’t care

“Just shut up and give me the damned bottle! I don’t care what the reason is, Amanda, your clients, your weakness, your parents; I don’t care

Done what, though? Carol recognises the fundamental weakness in her argument and changes the subject

She knew that many a charter confidentiality rule was broken when wrapped in a quilt and she had heard he had a weakness for women

The strength of the prophetic is in the eye, and so is the weakness

«No no no, if it was hooked up in there its weakness would be more obvious

His power will show through their weakness,

In our weakness, He is proved strong

history, but in our weakness God’s glory will be revealed

He didn’t want Coba to see any sign of weakness on his part, especially since Brice had seen none in him

Briefly scanning the walls for signs of weakness, they continued on, Alec kept his curses to himself, gritting them between his teeth

Therein was the plans greatest weakness

underline the weakness of some current customs, on the

“She must have some weakness that I can attack

She did not have time for wounds and weakness

The authority of government still continued to be, as before, too weak in the head, and too strong in the inferior members; and the excessive strength of the inferior members was the cause of the weakness of the head

His face showed no emotion, for he wouldn’t allow himself to show weakness, even though he was all alone in that van

And now, apart from hunger and weakness, she felt quite

In times like these, we can’t afford weakness, no matter what motivates it-“

But why, Satan? You knew the man had a weakness

In this respect, therefore, all the European colonies have, without exception, been a cause rather of weakness than of strength to their respective mother countries

Sebastian remembered how, in her moment of weakness, she’d revealed how horrible her experiences with mortals sometimes were

It seems to presume perfect wisdom and virtue in the one order, and the greatest weakness and folly in the other

The patrons of each system of natural and moral philosophy, naturally endeavoured to expose the weakness of the arguments adduced to support the systems which were opposite to their own

To be with him like this felt like a compromise, and act of weakness

The only weakness he could see in Frank was a kind of emotional

Frank has a weakness, I’m sure he has a weakness, it’s just a question of seeing past his strengths and

Frank’s weakness, his Achilles heel for Sharon

1Co 1:25 — 28 Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men; and the weakness of God is stronger than men

«Frank sees love only as a weakness to be

Is it likely that, in Great Britain alone, a practice, which has brought either weakness or dissolution into every other country, should prove altogether innocent ?

To treat an act of terror plotted and committed on American soil as a criminal act rather than an act of war, is patently ridiculous, showing the militants only weakness

Adem wanted to collapse, but he did not want anyone to see him show signs of weakness

It was the first glimpse of weakness Alexia had ever seen in her

But then compromise on either side could be regarded as weakness

This was not by any means easy; the weakness he felt was more than physical

’ Her voice resonated with so much authority and firmness it made him feel like a small child again, vulnerable in his state of weakness

But the Mafia knew of some weakness somewhere in his makeup or background and was

weakness betrayed in her features

Perhaps soon, when they had found some weakness to exploit

We see that as weakness to exploit

Noticing the weakness of the American line, now greatly depleted by wounded and their helpers, and the scattered formation of the various companies that had advanced wildly beyond the ridge, General Linares ordered the cavalry to charge down the road and flank the lines in the valley

Only one tile was fully visible and it held no cracks or signs of weakness

The blunders of the Santiago campaign proved the weakness of the system, and undoubtedly the object lesson will prove valuable, and should leave the army in the hands of trained soldiers rather than politicians

The streams were swollen, the roads quagmires; and it made one’s heart ache, to see the helpless women and children wading and stumbling down that fearful fifteen miles to the coast, hundreds falling by the way from sheer weakness

It was strength, not a weakness

Name the two points that represent a weakness

Ironically, the water sources also were a weakness for the terrorists

The Indian was reeling with hunger and weakness,

That is a serious weakness in gathering information

You will not stay because of inherent political weakness

These tactics is not an indication of weakness or because they did not know any better but simply the best for the existing conditions

These appeasing designs (cloaked as open-mindedness) are being advanced from a position of weakness that will (inevitably) strengthen the morale of our ideological enemies while proportionately weakening our nation‘s resolve to defend itself from further attacks

From his previous visit to Brockenhurst Sett, Brokin knew the biggest weakness in the Preceptor’s defences lay in the air vent he’d already penetrated

In his times of weakness shall My strength sustain him,

It was of his mother and how she had used a special fungus when badgers came to her complaining of weakness

Is revealed in his greatest weakness

In a moment of weakness

Thesa was perhaps halfway towards his objective when an unexpected lethargy suddenly gripped him: a total weakness that he could not shake off

It is a major weakness and in long run bound to cause them considerable trouble

That is seen as a weakness in Africa

What: President James Buchanan’s weakness, incompetence, defense of slavery, and sympathy for slave owning elites led directly to the Civil War

But because of Buchanan’s weakness, and in the eyes of some, near treason, over half a million Americans died needlessly

and General Colin Powell used Sun Tzu’s principles of deception, speed, and attacking the enemy’s weakness

Many point especially to his foreign policy with Britain and France and decry what they call his weakness

The fatigue was nothing compared to the weakness during chemotherapy so it was very manageable

If weakness is a concern, arrange assistance in advance

Her strong faith, her ―never giving up‖ persona, and her loving family and friends transfused her body from weakness to strength

Such a practice also made them knowledgeable in the weakness and strength of each type of unit, making them able to select the best course of action and the kind of men, machines and animals it would require to be successful

Even when paying homage to God, the ruinous ones could find a man’s weakness and seep inside him, while he would have himself believe he was walking the True Path

Equally, there are those who consider that it is the Kirk’s greatest weakness

Had he seen her alarm? Had that shown him a weakness? He had looked at her strength, the sling that hung at her waist

Had she seen something in him, a weakness, had she simply realized that he could never grow up, and take responsibility? That he was doomed to be a failure, and that he could never provide her with the same things other men could provide? And a host of other thoughts, like had she known him better than he knew himself?

I fell to the earth to die, hating myself, hating my weakness

I tumbled over and over myself, and all there was was hate, hate of myself for my weakness, and hate for a world that had made me weak

During the early history of that empire, aggressively hostile people to the north of their homeland repeatedly attacked, in periods of Hittite weakness

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