The word water cycle

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Diagram depicting the global water cycle.

The water cycle, also known as the hydrologic cycle or the hydrological cycle, is a biogeochemical cycle that describes the continuous movement of water on, above and below the surface of the Earth. The mass of water on Earth remains fairly constant over time but the partitioning of the water into the major reservoirs of ice, fresh water, saline water (salt water) and atmospheric water is variable depending on a wide range of climatic variables. The water moves from one reservoir to another, such as from river to ocean, or from the ocean to the atmosphere, by the physical processes of evaporation, transpiration, condensation, precipitation, infiltration, surface runoff, and subsurface flow. In doing so, the water goes through different forms: liquid, solid (ice) and vapor. The ocean plays a key role in the water cycle as it is the source of 86% of global evaporation.[1]

The water cycle involves the exchange of energy, which leads to temperature changes. When water evaporates, it takes up energy from its surroundings and cools the environment. When it condenses, it releases energy and warms the environment. These heat exchanges influence climate.

The evaporative phase of the cycle purifies water which then replenishes the land with freshwater. The flow of liquid water and ice transports minerals across the globe. It is also involved in reshaping the geological features of the Earth, through processes including erosion and sedimentation. The water cycle is also essential for the maintenance of most life and ecosystems on the planet.


Diagram of the water cycle

Video of the Earth’s water cycle (NASA)[2]

Overall process

The water cycle is powered from the energy emitted by the sun. This energy heats water in the ocean and seas. Water evaporates as water vapor into the air. Some ice and snow sublimates directly into water vapor. Evapotranspiration is water transpired from plants and evaporated from the soil. The water molecule H
has smaller molecular mass than the major components of the atmosphere, nitrogen (N
) and oxygen (O
) and hence is less dense. Due to the significant difference in density, buoyancy drives humid air higher. As altitude increases, air pressure decreases and the temperature drops (see Gas laws). The lower temperature causes water vapor to condense into tiny liquid water droplets which are heavier than the air, and which fall unless supported by an updraft. A huge concentration of these droplets over a large area in the atmosphere become visible as cloud, while condensation near ground level is referred to as fog.

Atmospheric circulation moves water vapor around the globe; cloud particles collide, grow, and fall out of the upper atmospheric layers as precipitation. Some precipitation falls as snow, hail, or sleet, and can accumulate in ice caps and glaciers, which can store frozen water for thousands of years. Most water falls as rain back into the ocean or onto land, where the water flows over the ground as surface runoff. A portion of this runoff enters rivers, with streamflow moving water towards the oceans. Runoff and water emerging from the ground (groundwater) may be stored as freshwater in lakes. Not all runoff flows into rivers; much of it soaks into the ground as infiltration. Some water infiltrates deep into the ground and replenishes aquifers, which can store freshwater for long periods of time. Some infiltration stays close to the land surface and can seep back into surface-water bodies (and the ocean) as groundwater discharge or be taken up by plants and transferred back to the atmosphere as water vapor by transpiration. Some groundwater finds openings in the land surface and emerges as freshwater springs. In river valleys and floodplains, there is often continuous water exchange between surface water and ground water in the hyporheic zone. Over time, the water returns to the ocean, to continue the water cycle.

The ocean plays a key role in the water cycle. The ocean holds «97% of the total water on the planet; 78% of global precipitation occurs over the ocean, and it is the source of 86% of global evaporation».[1]

Physical processes

Processes leading to movements and phase changes in water

The water cycle involves the following processes:

The movement of water through the atmosphere.[3] Without advection, water that evaporated over the oceans could not precipitate over land. Atmospheric rivers that move large volumes of water vapor over long distances are an example of advection.[4]
The transformation of water vapor to liquid water droplets in the air, creating clouds and fog.[5]
This refers to changing of water vapor directly to ice.
The transformation of water from liquid to gas phases as it moves from the ground or bodies of water into the overlying atmosphere.[6] The source of energy for evaporation is primarily solar radiation. Evaporation often implicitly includes transpiration from plants, though together they are specifically referred to as evapotranspiration. Total annual evapotranspiration amounts to approximately 505,000 km3 (121,000 cu mi) of water, 434,000 km3 (104,000 cu mi) of which evaporates from the oceans.[7] 86% of global evaporation occurs over the ocean.[8]
The flow of water from the ground surface into the ground. Once infiltrated, the water becomes soil moisture or groundwater.[9] A recent global study using water stable isotopes, however, shows that not all soil moisture is equally available for groundwater recharge or for plant transpiration.[10]
The precipitation that is intercepted by plant foliage eventually evaporates back to the atmosphere rather than falling to the ground.
Water flows vertically through the soil and rocks under the influence of gravity.
Condensed water vapor that falls to the Earth’s surface. Most precipitation occurs as rain, but also includes snow, hail, fog drip, graupel, and sleet.[11] Approximately 505,000 km3 (121,000 cu mi) of water falls as precipitation each year, 398,000 km3 (95,000 cu mi) of it over the oceans.[7][12] The rain on land contains 107,000 km3 (26,000 cu mi) of water per year and a snowing only 1,000 km3 (240 cu mi).[12] 78% of global precipitation occurs over the ocean.[8]
The variety of ways by which water moves across the land. This includes both surface runoff and channel runoff. As it flows, the water may seep into the ground, evaporate into the air, become stored in lakes or reservoirs, or be extracted for agricultural or other human uses.
Snow melt
The runoff produced by melting snow.
The state change directly from solid water (snow or ice) to water vapor by passing the liquid state.[13]
Subsurface flow
The flow of water underground, in the vadose zone and aquifers. Subsurface water may return to the surface (e.g. as a spring or by being pumped) or eventually seep into the oceans. Water returns to the land surface at lower elevation than where it infiltrated, under the force of gravity or gravity induced pressures. Groundwater tends to move slowly and is replenished slowly, so it can remain in aquifers for thousands of years.
The release of water vapor from plants and soil into the air.

Residence times

Average reservoir residence times[14]

Reservoir Average residence time
Antarctica 20,000 years
Oceans 3,200 years
Glaciers 20 to 100 years
Seasonal snow cover 2 to 6 months
Soil moisture 1 to 2 months
Groundwater: shallow 100 to 200 years
Groundwater: deep 10,000 years
Lakes (see lake retention time) 50 to 100 years
Rivers 2 to 6 months
Atmosphere 9 days

The residence time of a reservoir within the hydrologic cycle is the average time a water molecule will spend in that reservoir (see adjacent table). It is a measure of the average age of the water in that reservoir.

Groundwater can spend over 10,000 years beneath Earth’s surface before leaving. Particularly old groundwater is called fossil water. Water stored in the soil remains there very briefly, because it is spread thinly across the Earth, and is readily lost by evaporation, transpiration, stream flow, or groundwater recharge. After evaporating, the residence time in the atmosphere is about 9 days before condensing and falling to the Earth as precipitation.

The major ice sheets – Antarctica and Greenland – store ice for very long periods. Ice from Antarctica has been reliably dated to 800,000 years before present, though the average residence time is shorter.[15]

In hydrology, residence times can be estimated in two ways.[citation needed] The more common method relies on the principle of conservation of mass (water balance) and assumes the amount of water in a given reservoir is roughly constant. With this method, residence times are estimated by dividing the volume of the reservoir by the rate by which water either enters or exits the reservoir. Conceptually, this is equivalent to timing how long it would take the reservoir to become filled from empty if no water were to leave (or how long it would take the reservoir to empty from full if no water were to enter).

An alternative method to estimate residence times, which is gaining in popularity for dating groundwater, is the use of isotopic techniques. This is done in the subfield of isotope hydrology.

Water in storage

The water cycle describes the processes that drive the movement of water throughout the hydrosphere. However, much more water is «in storage» for long periods of time than is actually moving through the cycle. The storehouses for the vast majority of all water on Earth are the oceans. It is estimated that of the 1,386,000,000 km3 of the world’s water supply, about 1,338,000,000 km3 is stored in oceans, or about 97%. It is also estimated that the oceans supply about 90% of the evaporated water that goes into the water cycle.[16] The Earth’s ice caps, glaciers, and permanent snowpack stores another 24,064,000 km3 accounting for only 1.7% of the planet’s total water volume. However, this quantity of water is 68.7% of all freshwater on the planet.[17]

Changes caused by humans

Water cycle intensification due to climate change

Extreme weather will be progressively more common as the Earth warms.[18]: Figure SPM.6 

The sixth IPCC Assessment Report projects changes in average soil moisture that can disrupt agriculture and ecosystems. A reduction in soil moisture by one standard deviation means that average soil moisture will approximately match the ninth driest year between 1850 and 1900 at that location.

Since the middle of the 20th century, human-caused climate change has resulted in observable changes in the global water cycle.[19]: 85  The IPCC Sixth Assessment Report in 2021 predicted that these changes will continue to grow significantly at the global and regional level.[19]: 85  These findings are a continuation of scientific consensus expressed in the IPCC Fifth Assessment Report from 2007 and other special reports by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change which had already stated that the water cycle will continue to «intensify» throughout the 21st century.[20]

Glacial retreat is also an example of a changing water cycle, where the supply of water to glaciers from precipitation cannot keep up with the loss of water from melting and sublimation. Glacial retreat since 1850 due to global warming has been extensive.[21]: 1273 

Changes due to other human activities

Water cycle showing human influences and major pools and fluxes.[22]

Human activities, other than those that lead to global warming from greenhouse gas emissions, can also alter the water cycle. The IPCC Sixth Assessment Report stated that there is «abundant evidence that changes in land use and land cover alter the water cycle globally, regionally and locally, by changing precipitation, evaporation, flooding, groundwater, and the availability of freshwater for a variety of uses».[23]: 1153 

Examples for such land use changes are converting fields to urban areas or clearing forests. Such changes can affect the ability of soils to soak up surface water. Deforestation can also «directly reduce soil moisture, evaporation and rainfall locally but can also cause regional temperature changes that affect rainfall patterns».[23]: 1153  Aquifer drawdown or overdrafting and the pumping of fossil water increases the total amount of water in the hydrosphere because water that was «previously in the ground is now in direct contact with the atmosphere, being available for evaporation».[23]: 1153 

Biogeochemical cycling

While the water cycle is itself a biogeochemical cycle, flow of water over and beneath the Earth is a key component of the cycling of other biogeochemicals.[24] Runoff is responsible for almost all of the transport of eroded sediment and phosphorus from land to waterbodies.[25] The salinity of the oceans is derived from erosion and transport of dissolved salts from the land. Cultural eutrophication of lakes is primarily due to phosphorus, applied in excess to agricultural fields in fertilizers, and then transported overland and down rivers. Both runoff and groundwater flow play significant roles in transporting nitrogen from the land to waterbodies.[26] The dead zone at the outlet of the Mississippi River is a consequence of nitrates from fertilizer being carried off agricultural fields and funnelled down the river system to the Gulf of Mexico. Runoff also plays a part in the carbon cycle, again through the transport of eroded rock and soil.[27]

Slow loss over geologic time

The hydrodynamic wind within the upper portion of a planet’s atmosphere allows light chemical elements such as Hydrogen to move up to the exobase, the lower limit of the exosphere, where the gases can then reach escape velocity, entering outer space without impacting other particles of gas. This type of gas loss from a planet into space is known as planetary wind.[28] Planets with hot lower atmospheres could result in humid upper atmospheres that accelerate the loss of hydrogen.[29]

Historical interpretations

Floating land mass

In ancient times, it was widely thought that the land mass floated on a body of water, and that most of the water in rivers has its origin under the earth. Examples of this belief can be found in the works of Homer (circa 800 BCE).

Hebrew Bible

In the ancient Near East, Hebrew scholars observed that even though the rivers ran into the sea, the sea never became full. Some scholars conclude that the water cycle was described completely during this time in this passage: «The wind goeth toward the south, and turneth about unto the north; it whirleth about continually, and the wind returneth again according to its circuits. All the rivers run into the sea, yet the sea is not full; unto the place from whence the rivers come, thither they return again» (Ecclesiastes 1:6-7).[30] Scholars are not in agreement as to the date of Ecclesiastes, though most scholars point to a date during the time of King Solomon, son of David and Bathsheba, «three thousand years ago,[30] there is some agreement that the time period is 962–922 BCE.[31] Furthermore, it was also observed that when the clouds were full, they emptied rain on the earth (Ecclesiastes 11:3). In addition, during 793–740 BCE a Hebrew prophet, Amos, stated that water comes from the sea and is poured out on the earth (Amos 5:8).[32]

In the Biblical Book of Job, dated between 7th and 2nd centuries BCE,[31] there is a description of precipitation in the hydrologic cycle,[30] «For he maketh small the drops of water: they pour down rain according to the vapour thereof; which the clouds do drop and distil upon man abundantly» (Job 36:27-28).

Understanding of precipitation and percolation

In the Adityahridayam (a devotional hymn to the Sun God) of Ramayana, a Hindu epic dated to the 4th century BCE, it is mentioned in the 22nd verse that the Sun heats up water and sends it down as rain. By roughly 500 BCE, Greek scholars were speculating that much of the water in rivers can be attributed to rain. The origin of rain was also known by then. These scholars maintained the belief, however, that water rising up through the earth contributed a great deal to rivers. Examples of this thinking included Anaximander (570 BCE) (who also speculated about the evolution of land animals from fish[33]) and Xenophanes of Colophon (530 BCE).[34] Chinese scholars such as Chi Ni Tzu (320 BCE) and Lu Shih Ch’un Ch’iu (239 BCE) had similar thoughts.[35]

The idea that the water cycle is a closed cycle can be found in the works of Anaxagoras of Clazomenae (460 BCE) and Diogenes of Apollonia (460 BCE). Both Plato (390 BCE) and Aristotle (350 BCE) speculated about percolation as part of the water cycle. Aristotle correctly hypothesized that the sun played a role in the Earth’s hydraulic cycle in his book Meteorology, writing «By it [the sun’s] agency the finest and sweetest water is everyday carried up and is dissolved into vapor and rises to the upper regions, where it is condensed again by the cold and so returns to the earth.», and believed that clouds were composed of cooled and condensed water vapor.[36][37]

Up to the time of the Renaissance, it was wrongly assumed that precipitation alone was insufficient to feed rivers, for a complete water cycle, and that underground water pushing upwards from the oceans were the main contributors to river water. Bartholomew of England held this view (1240 CE), as did Leonardo da Vinci (1500 CE) and Athanasius Kircher (1644 CE).

Discovery of the correct theory

The first published thinker to assert that rainfall alone was sufficient for the maintenance of rivers was Bernard Palissy (1580 CE), who is often credited as the «discoverer» of the modern theory of the water cycle. Palissy’s theories were not tested scientifically until 1674, in a study commonly attributed to Pierre Perrault. Even then, these beliefs were not accepted in mainstream science until the early nineteenth century.[38]

See also

  • Bioprecipitation
  • Deep water cycle – Movement of water in the deep Earth
  • Ecohydrology – interdisciplinary field studying the interactions between water and ecosystems
  • Global meteoric water line
  • Moisture advection
  • Moisture recycling
  • Planetary boundaries – Limits not to be exceeded if humanity wants to survive in a safe ecosystem
  • Water resources – Sources of water that are potentially useful
  • Biotic pump


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External links

  • The Water Cycle, United States Geological Survey
  • The Water Cycle for Kids, United States Geological Survey
  • The Water Cycle: Following The Water (NASA Visualization Explorer with videos)
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    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > direct nuclear steam/water cycle

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    English-Russian dictionary on nuclear energy > steam-water cycle

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    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > steam-water cycle

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    Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > steam-water cycle


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См. также в других словарях:

  • water cycle — n. the continuous cycle in which water changes from water vapor in the atmosphere to liquid water through condensation and precipitation and then back to water vapor through evaporation, transpiration, and respiration * * * …   Universalium

  • water cycle — n. the continuous cycle in which water changes from water vapor in the atmosphere to liquid water through condensation and precipitation and then back to water vapor through evaporation, transpiration, and respiration …   English World dictionary

  • Water cycle — The Earth s water is always in movement, and the water cycle, also known as the hydrologic cycle, describes the continuous movement of water on, above, and below the surface of the Earth. Since the water cycle is truly a cycle, there is no… …   Wikipedia

  • water cycle — I. noun Etymology: cycle from cycle (as in bicycle) : any of various more or less experimental watercraft propelled by treadles after the manner of a bicycle II. noun : hydrologic cycle …   Useful english dictionary

  • water cycle — noun The natural cycle of evaporation of water from the oceans etc, and subsequent condensation and precipitation as rain and snow …   Wiktionary

  • water cycle — /ˈwɔtə saɪkəl/ (say wawtuh suykuhl) noun the circulation of water on earth, as it evaporates from the sea, condenses into clouds and precipitates. Also, hydrological cycle …  

  • water cycle — noun Date: 1928 hydrologic cycle …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • water cycle —   see hydrological cycle …   Geography glossary

  • Global Energy and Water Cycle Experiment — The Global Energy and Water Cycle Experiment (GEWEX) is a research program of the World Climate Research Programme intended to observe, comprehend and models the Earth s water cycle. The experiment also observes how much energy the Earth receives …   Wikipedia

  • (the) water cycle — the water cycle UK US noun [singular] the continuous process by which water in seas, rivers, soil, living things etc evaporates into the atmosphere, where it forms clouds that produce rain or snow so that it goes back into the seas, rivers, soil… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Water and life — Water has many unusual chemical properties which determine the unique physical properties that makes it ideal as a medium for life to proliferate. All known forms of life depend on it.IceVery importantly, due to the unusual structure of water… …   Wikipedia

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What Is The Water Cycle

The movement of water is all around us. Rain, snow, and the clouds they fall from are part of it. So are rivers, lakes, and the world’s oceans, which contain over ninety percent of all water. It is known as the Water Cycle.

The Water Cycle is the constant movement of water in its different forms on a regional and global scale as it flows and transitions over land, in the oceans, and atmosphere. It includes all related atmospheric occurrences like precipitation, evaporation, condensation, sublimation, and transpiration.

No matter where you find water, whether it be in a vast lake in the mountains or a cloud high in the troposphere, it is part of the global movement of water. 

Even in all its states, whether it be solid (ice), liquid (water), or gas (water vapor), it still forms part of this interconnected water movement.

All movement and every path that water follows on a local and global scale, are part of what is known as The Water Cycle.

This article will focus on explaining what The Water Cycle is, how it works, and its importance for all life on Earth.

Water Cycle Definition

The Water Cycle is a large and complex system with many moving parts that work together to form part of a network of water flow across the globe. Before one can start to delve deeper into its workings, a more detailed description of the water cycle is required.

What Is The Water Cycle?

What Is The Water Cycle

The Water Cycle is the constant movement of water in its various forms on a local and global scale as it flows or transitions over land, in the oceans, and the atmosphere.

This includes all related physical processes such as precipitation, evaporation, condensation, sublimation, and transpiration.

As you can see, it is a very broad description, and to really understand it, one will need to look at some of the more specific processes involved, both on a local and global scale. 

Before we look at the steps involved in the creation of more specific water cycles, one should first establish a clear picture of the primary water sources (where the movement of water originated from.)

Sources Of Water

It is impossible to pinpoint exactly where a specific water cycle started by merely looking at the current phase in which the cycle is observed. What makes it even harder is that it is a never-ending process with no current start or endpoint.

What is certain, however, is that all processes and cycles need a primary source of water. By looking at the major water sources and where they are situated, one will get a much better idea of where and how some water cycles are set in motion.

Sea Water

sea water

The world’s oceans contain 97 percent of all water on Earth. This is saltwater, though, which makes it unsuitable for consumption in its natural form. But this does not disqualify it from being part of the water cycle.

Water can evaporate from the surface water, and since oceans cover 71 percent of the entire surface of the planet, it serves as an almost unlimited supply of moisture.

Fresh Water

Even though the ocean can provide fresh water indirectly (through processes we will discuss later in this post), it is not water that is available for immediate use. This leaves the planet with only 3 percent of fresh water, of which less than a third is readily available.

Polar Ice Caps

Of the 3 percent of freshwater on Earth, two-thirds are stored in the polar ice caps, and to a lesser extent glaciers, and snowpacks at high altitudes. The location and make-up of this solid form of water make it inaccessible for an extended period of time.

Dams, Rivers, And Reservoirs

Most of the remaining freshwater can be found in more traditional sources of freshwater we are familiar with, like dams, rivers, and reservoirs. They receive their water through precipitation, melting snowpacks, and smaller streams. 

Groundwater And Aquifers 

A small percentage of water infiltrates the ground, allowing groundwater to replenish and aquifers to fill. Some of these subsurface water sources find openings on the surface and escape into surface water. Others flow directly into the ocean through underground run-off.

As mentioned earlier in this article, the water cycle as a whole is a complex mechanism with many smaller processes involved in the broader global movement of water. The best way to explain it is to look at some of these processes in isolation.

By using a relatively simple example of how the water cycle works and highlighting each critical process along the way, one will be able to get a clear understanding of how the process works as a whole.

As a starting point, water needs a primary source and mechanism to enable it to turn into its gaseous form, which will allow it to be transferred through the atmosphere. Two processes make this possible:

  1. Evaporation
  2. Transpiration
  3. Sublimation

Both of these processes fundamentally do the same thing. They allow water to be transformed into its gaseous state and escape into the atmosphere. The only difference is the source from where it turns into water vapor & the process through which it takes place.



Evaporation occurs when the surface of a body of water in its liquid form is turned into water vapor. Primary sources include the ocean, dams, rivers, lakes, and other water bodies with their surfaces exposed to the atmosphere.

Evaporation is made possible by an increase in temperature. Solar radiation is usually the primary source of heat as the sun warms up the water’s surface. The molecules in heated water become more energized, allowing it to break free from the surface as water vapor.


Evaporation is not the only source of water vapor. Depending on density and composition, vegetation provides a significant amount of water to the atmosphere. It occurs through a process called transpiration, where water vapor forms from the moisture created on leaves.

The roots of a plant or tree draw water from the ground. The moisture is then transported through the branches or stems into the leaves. The micro water droplets exit the leaves through small pores on their underside. From there, it escapes into the air as water vapor.


Sublimation is the transformation of water from its solid form (snow and ice) directly into water vapor without turning into a liquid first. This usually happens on high snow-covered mountaintops or other regions at altitude.

The heat from the sun is also responsible for this process, but since the process sometimes occurs in subzero temperatures, wind plays a big part, as it carries the small amounts of water molecules that evaporate away without leaving any liquid water behind.

Once in the atmosphere, water vapor gets subjected to a variety of variables that will determine how far and high it will travel, as well as where and when it will change back into its liquid or solid form.

Global wind movement can literally carry water vapor around the globe, but for the sake of this illustration, we will focus on a water cycle that is the result of local and prevailing winds.

Once water vapor enters the atmosphere, the water molecules start to rise up in the air due to the difference in pressure and the buoyant properties of the lighter vapor particles. (Water vapor molecules are lighter than the surrounding particles in the atmosphere.)

As it continues to gain altitude, the temperature continues to drop until the water vapor reaches dew point and condensation takes place.


In this specific cycle, water vapor in the air gets carried towards the coast and inland by onshore winds. This horizontal movement of moisture is called transportation. A sea breeze is one example of the type of wind blowing inland from the ocean.



Condensation is the process through which water in its gaseous state (water vapor) gets turned back into its liquid (water) or solid (snow) form.

Both liquid and solid particles continue to grow in size until it becomes too heavy to stay in the atmosphere and fall to the ground in the form of precipitation.


Precipitation occurs when small water droplets or ice crystals grow and cling together. When they reach a certain size, they fall to the ground due to the Earth’s gravity and the inability of wind flow in the atmosphere to maintain their buoyancy.  

When the temperature is above freezing point, precipitation is in the form of raindrops. In subzero temperatures, precipitation takes the form of snowfall since the water vapor usually condensates directly into ice crystals (the solid form of water.)

Very often, even the global transport of water starts at a local level. The relatively simple cycle of water vapor from the ocean that gets blown over land where precipitation takes place is one such case and serves as the perfect example to explain the water cycle.

Depending on where and in which form precipitation occurs, the water is captured and stored in different forms:

  1. Snowpacks
  2. Surface Water
  3. Groundwater

All these forms of water sources play a crucial part in the water cycle and the supply of fresh water throughout various locations on land.

1) Snowpacks

Snow and other forms of solid precipitation fall and accumulate in regions with subzero temperatures to form snowpacks. Even in areas where you usually don’t experience snowfall, you often see the mountaintops capped with snow due to their high altitude.

Snowpacks are a valuable source of fresh water. When temperatures start to rise, the snow melts and flows from mountains and other elevated regions into streams and rivers where it can be captured and stored.

2) Surface Water

Surface Water

When rainfall occurs over land, it can fall directly into rivers, dams, and reservoirs. It can also fall on impermeable surfaces, where gravity will force it to flow via surface runoff areas into streams, rivers, and standing water bodies.

Sometimes the runoff areas direct the flow of water directly back into the ocean, or it may encounter soil or other porous surfaces where it gets absorbed as groundwater, which also serves an essential purpose.

3) Groundwater

A large percentage of water falls directly on land. If the surface it falls on is soil or a form of porous rock, the water gets absorbed and becomes groundwater. Below the surface, the moisture gets stored in aquifers.

The water table sits on top of the aquifer and serves as an indicator of the amount of water saturation in the ground. When the soil is fully saturated, the water table lies close to the surface. When the land is arid, it is situated far below the surface and may be unreachable.

Especially when saturated, very often, the groundwater does not stay in one place. It is absorbed by the roots of plants and trees, which is essential for their livelihood.

springs and geysers

When situated at a gradient, groundwater will continue to flow through the porous ground. Where it finds a weakness or opening, it sometimes escapes to the surface in the form of springs and geysers or escapes directly into existing bodies of water like rivers and dams.

Groundwater may not escape to the surface at all but continue to flow in underground «rivers» where it will eventually return to the ocean.

All three forms of fresh water eventually find their way back to the ocean in some way, where the cycle starts all over again. And that is the water cycle in a nutshell.

Even in this fairly simplistic system we just discussed, there are variations and processes involved, with different outcomes that also play a part and have a significant influence on the larger cycle.

Variations In The Water Cycle

As just mentioned, the existing processes we highlighted throughout this post can have a variety of different outcomes and influences, even within a relatively simple water cycle like the one we focused on in this article.

Here are just a few variations that may occur within this system:

  • Due to factors such as unexpected changes in wind movement, water that evaporates over the ocean can stay over the water, condensate, and form precipitation. The precipitation occurs over the ocean, and none of the moisture-filled air reaches land.
  • Similarly, water vapor can escape from inland water bodies, rise and condensates over land. As a result, precipitation will occur over inland regions without ever reaching the ocean. A significant amount of water vapor stays in this cycle and does not immediately return to the sea.
  • External weather systems can result in cold prevailing winds blowing over the ocean’s water, preventing evaporation from occurring for sustained periods. As a result, areas close to the ocean can experience a water shortage, which can turn into drought conditions over time.
  • Finally, water evaporating from water sources on land can be carried back to the ocean as a result of off-shore winds, where condensation and rainfall take place over water. It will also put pressure on remaining water resources in regions affected by this loss of precipitation.

These are just a handful of scenarios that can occur within a localized system. There are numerous processes and patterns that can occur as a result of local and global influences. 


One clear conclusion that we can reach is that the water cycle is a very complex system that operates on a local and global scale. It is the result of the interaction between various weather systems and patterns that transforms and move water across the globe.

Although we used a relatively localized form of this cycle to explain how it works, it is clear to see that the water cycle doesn’t operate in a vacuum. It was illustrated by showing some possible variations that may be the result of external or global weather behavior.

This article aimed to explain what the water cycle is and how it works by describing a typical local process that can also apply to different and more globalized forms of this cycle.

If you like to be informed whenever a new article is released, and also receive helpful tips & information, you can stay updated by simply  following this link .

Until next time, keep your eye on the weather!

Also Read

The water cycle is the path that all water follows as it moves around Earth in different states. Water vapor—a gas—is found in Earth’s atmosphere. Water can be found all over Earth in the ocean, on land and in the atmosphere. The water cycle is the path that all water follows as it moves around our planet.

What is the meaning of water cycle in science?

The water cycle shows the continuous movement of water within the Earth and atmosphere. It is a complex system that includes many different processes. Liquid water evaporates into water vapor, condenses to form clouds, and precipitates back to earth in the form of rain and snow.

What is a word for water cycle?

water cycle, also called hydrologic cycle, cycle that involves the continuous circulation of water in the Earth-atmosphere system. Of the many processes involved in the water cycle, the most important are evaporation, transpiration, condensation, precipitation, and runoff.

What is water cycle process?

The water cycle consists of three major processes: evaporation, condensation, and precipitation. Evaporation is the process of a liquid’s surface changing to a gas. In the water cycle, liquid water (in the ocean, lakes, or rivers) evaporates and becomes water vapor.

What is meant by water cycle short answer?

The Short Answer: The water cycle is the path that all water follows as it moves around Earth in different states. Liquid water is found in oceans, rivers, lakes—and even underground. Water can be found all over Earth in the ocean, on land and in the atmosphere.

What is water cycle for Class 3?

Water vapor evaporates from water bodies in the air, it condenses and changes into tiny droplets and then clouds are formed. When these droplets become so dense and heavy, they come back to the earth in the form of rain, hail, sleet or snow. Precipitation is responsible for bringing back the fresh water on the earth.

The water cycle, also known as the hydrologic cycle or the hydrological cycle, describes the continuous movement of water on, above and below the surface of the Earth. During this process, water changes its state from one phase to another, but the total number of water particles remains the same.

What is the meaning of hydrosphere cycle in science?

Water moves through the hydrosphere in a cycle. Water collects in clouds, then falls to Earth in the form of rain or snow. This water collects in rivers, lakes and oceans. Then it evaporates into the atmosphere to start the cycle all over again. This is called the water cycle.

What is water cycle for Class 6?

The constant movement of water from the Earth to the atmosphere and back to the Earth through the process of evaporation, condensation and precipitation is known as the water cycle.

What is water cycle for Class 9?

The process in which water evaporates and falls on the land as rain and later flows back into the sea via rivers is called water cycle.

Why is water cycle called a cycle?

The water cycle, also known as the hydrologic cycle, describes the continuous movement of water as it makes a circuit from the oceans to the atmosphere to the Earth and on again. The sun, which drives the water cycle, heats water in the oceans. Some of it evaporates as vapor into the air.

What is water cycle for Class 4?

There are four main stages in the water cycle. They are evaporation, condensation, precipitation and collection. Let’s look at each of these stages. Evaporation: This is when warmth from the sun causes water from oceans, lakes, streams, ice and soils to rise into the air and turn into water vapour (gas).

How the water cycle works step by step?

Since that is where about 96% of total water exists on Earth. Step 1: Evaporation. The water cycle begins with evaporation. Step 2: Condensation. As water vaporizes into water vapor, it rises up in the atmosphere. Step 3: Sublimation. Step 4: Precipitation. Step 5: Transpiration. Step 6: Runoff. Step 7: Infiltration.

What is the water cycle explain briefly with a diagram?

The water cycle is defined as a natural process of constantly recycling the water in the atmosphere. It is also known as the hydrological cycle or the hydrologic cycle. During the process of the water cycle between the earth and the atmosphere, water changes into three states of matter – solid, liquid and gas.

What is water cycle in short class 7?

Water of Class 7 The water from the oceans and surface of the earth evaporates and rises up in the air. It cools and condenses to form clouds and then falls back to the earth as rain, snow or hail. This circulation of water between the oceans and land is called water cycle.

What does the water cycle Class 7 mean?

Water cycle is the cyclic movement of water from the atmosphere to the earth and back to the atmosphere through various processes. Condensation: Water vapor rises up and condenses on dust particles to form cloud. Precipitation: Water stored in clouds reaches the ground in the form of rain, hail or snow.

What are oceans the atmosphere and groundwater in the water cycle?

Oceans, the atmosphere, and groundwater are all parts of the water cycle.

What are the 3 different form of water that makes up the hydrosphere?

A planet’s hydrosphere can be liquid, vapor, or ice.

Is the Earth surrounded by water?

The Earth is a watery place. About 71 percent of the Earth’s surface is water-covered, and the oceans hold about 96.5 percent of all Earth’s water. Water also exists in the air as water vapor, in rivers and lakes, in icecaps and glaciers, in the ground as soil moisture and in aquifers, and even in you and your dog.

Why does it rain ks2?

At the beginning of the cycle, sunlight heats up water on Earth’s surface. The heat causes the water to evaporate, or to turn into water vapor. This water vapor rises into the air. They fall to Earth as rain.

How old is the water on Earth?

There is also geological evidence that helps constrain the time frame for liquid water existing on Earth. A sample of pillow basalt (a type of rock formed during an underwater eruption) was recovered from the Isua Greenstone Belt and provides evidence that water existed on Earth 3.8 billion years ago.

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We forget that the water cycle and the life cycle are one.

Jacques Yves Cousteau





Water cycle is a noun.

A noun is a type of word the meaning of which determines reality. Nouns provide the names for all things: people, objects, sensations, feelings, etc.


water cycle

Water cycle

The water cycle, also known as the hydrologic cycle or the H2O cycle, describes the continuous movement of water on, above and below the surface of the Earth. The mass of water on Earth remains fairly constant over time but the partitioning of the water into the major reservoirs of ice, fresh water, saline water and atmospheric water is variable depending on a wide range of climatic variables. The water moves from one reservoir to another, such as from river to ocean, or from the ocean to the atmosphere, by the physical processes of evaporation, condensation, precipitation, infiltration, runoff, and subsurface flow. In so doing, the water goes through different phases: liquid, solid, and gas. The water cycle involves the exchange of energy, which leads to temperature changes. For instance, when water evaporates, it takes up energy from its surroundings and cools the environment. When it condenses, it releases energy and warms the environment. These heat exchanges influence climate. The evaporative phase of the cycle purifies water which then replenishes the land with freshwater. The flow of liquid water and ice transports minerals across the globe.

Definition of water cycle in the English dictionary

The definition of water cycle in the dictionary is the circulation of the earth’s water, in which water evaporates from the sea into the atmosphere, where it condenses and falls as rain or snow, returning to the sea by rivers or returning to the atmosphere by evapotranspiration Also called: hydrologic cycle.

Synonyms and antonyms of water cycle in the English dictionary of synonyms

Translation of «water cycle» into 25 languages

online translator


Find out the translation of water cycle to 25 languages with our English multilingual translator.

The translations of water cycle from English to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «water cycle» in English.

Translator English — Chinese


1,325 millions of speakers

Translator English — Spanish

ciclo del agua

570 millions of speakers

Translator English — Hindi

जल चक्र

380 millions of speakers

Translator English — Arabic

دورة المياه

280 millions of speakers

Translator English — Russian

круговорот воды

278 millions of speakers

Translator English — Portuguese

ciclo da água

270 millions of speakers

Translator English — Bengali

পানি চক্র

260 millions of speakers

Translator English — French

cycle de l´eau

220 millions of speakers

Translator English — Malay

kitaran air

190 millions of speakers

Translator English — Japanese


130 millions of speakers

Translator English — Korean

물 순환

85 millions of speakers

Translator English — Javanese

Siklus banyu

85 millions of speakers

Translator English — Vietnamese

chu kỳ nước

80 millions of speakers

Translator English — Tamil

நீர் சுழற்சி

75 millions of speakers

Translator English — Marathi

जल — चक्र

75 millions of speakers

Translator English — Turkish

Su döngüsü

70 millions of speakers

Translator English — Italian

ciclo dell´acqua

65 millions of speakers

Translator English — Polish

Obieg wody

50 millions of speakers

Translator English — Ukrainian

круговорот води

40 millions of speakers

Translator English — Romanian

ciclul de apă

30 millions of speakers

Translator English — Greek

κύκλο του νερού

15 millions of speakers

Translator English — Afrikaans

water -siklus

14 millions of speakers

Translator English — Swedish

vattnets kretslopp

10 millions of speakers

Translator English — Norwegian

vannets kretsløp

5 millions of speakers

Trends of use of water cycle


The term «water cycle» is regularly used and occupies the 70.810 position in our list of most widely used terms in the English dictionary.


The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «water cycle» in the different countries.

Principal search tendencies and common uses of water cycle

List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our English online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «water cycle».


The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «water cycle» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «water cycle» appears in digitalised printed sources in English between the year 1500 and the present day.

Examples of use in the English literature, quotes and news about water cycle


Famous quotes and sentences with the word water cycle.

The atmosphere, the earth, the water and the water cycle — those things are good gifts. The ecosystems, the ecosphere, those are good gifts. We have to regard them as gifts because we couldn’t make them. We have to regard them as good gifts because we couldn’t live without them.

We forget that the water cycle and the life cycle are one.


Discover the use of water cycle in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to water cycle and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in English literature.

Simple text and photographs describe the stages of the water cycle.


Xenobiotics in the Urban Water Cycle: Mass Flows, …

This book is an authoritative and comprehensive reference source covering: occurrence, sources and fluxes of xenobiotics in urban waters, processes concerning the fate and transport of xenobiotics, mass flows and transformation products, …

Despo Fatta-Kassinos, Kai Bester, Klaus Kümmerer, 2010

Summarizes how Earth’s water changes to vapor and rises into the sky where it turns into rain, and introduces related concepts such as the shape of raindrops and the presence of pollutants in rainfall.

Describes the three states of water and how it moves from one form to the other in the atmosphere and on the surface.

Bobbie Kalman, Rebecca Sjonger, 2006


Isotope Hydrology: A Study of the Water Cycle

This book reviews the natural variability of stable isotopes in the hydrosphere, describing the physico-chemical basis of isotope fractionalism, and applying this knowledge to natural waters as they move through the hydrologic cycle from …


The Drop Goes Plop: A First Look at the Water Cycle

Mama and baby seagull follow a drop of water, beginning when it is evaporated from the ocean and becomes part of a cloud, through its use by humans, and ending when it is again evaporated from the ocean.


Urban Water Cycle Processes and Interactions: Urban Water

The volume begins by introducing the urban water cycle concept and the need for integrated or total management.

Jiri Marsalek, Blanca Jimenez Cisneros, Mohammad Karamouz, 2008


Analysis, Removal, Effects and Risk of Pharmaceuticals in …

Pharmaceutically active substances are a class of new, so-called «emerging» contaminants that have raised great concern in recent years.

Introduces the cycle of water on the Earth’s surface, discussing water use around the world, the role of weather, problems of purification and pollution, and what is being done to conserve water.

This title for young readers describes the water cycle


Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term water cycle is used in the context of the following news items.

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Recently, researchers at Michigan State University looked at how switchgrass and other biofuel plants affect the water cycle in the upper Midwest. To measure … «, Jul 15»

Study: Mars crater wetter than thought, had water tracks in the last …

The findings, described in the journal Nature Communications, help to fill in an increasingly complex picture on the recent Martian water cycle and have … «Los Angeles Times, Jun 15»

Long-Awaited EPA Study Says Fracking Pollutes Drinking Water

Fracking can impact water use and quality at five stages of the operation. Image credit The stages of the hydraulic fracturing water cycle. Shown here is a … «EcoWatch, Jun 15»

The World’s Doomsday Water Cycle

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Dayton students learn about water cycle to celebrate Earth Day

To celebrate Earth Day, first-graders at Riverview Elementary in Dayton learned about the water cycle, how seeds grow, and their community water system on … «Nevada Appeal, Apr 15»

Evidence of liquid water found on Mars

Nasa’s Curiosity rover has found that water can exist as a liquid near the Martian surface. … He added: «We see a daily water cycle — which is very important. «BBC News, Apr 15»

Making almonds the drought’s scapegoat? That’s nuts

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California Farmers On Drought: ‘You’re Going To See Higher Prices’

Instrument’s such as NASA’s Soil Moisture Active-Passive observatory are now contributing to monitor the state of California’s soil as the water cycle continues to … «CBS Local, Apr 15»

California Has Only One Year of Water Left, Warns NASA Scientist

… praying for rain,» wrote Famiglietti, a senior water cycle scientist at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). «In short, we have no paddle to navigate this crisis. «Nature World News, Mar 15»

Russian Scientists Probe Water Cycle in Mars’ Atmosphere —«Could …

Conditions on Mars — low temperatures and low atmospheric pressure — do not allow water to exist in liquid form in open reservoirs as it would on Earth. «The Daily Galaxy, Dec 14»


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The movement of water around, over, and through the Earth is called the water cycle.

The water cycle, or the hydrologic cycle, is the continuous circulation of water within the Earth’s hydrosphere. It involves the movement of water into and out of various reservoirs, including the atmosphere, land, surface water, and groundwater. This cycle is driven by radiation from the Sun. The movement of water within the water cycle is the subject of the field of hydrology.

The water moves from one reservoir to another, such as from river to ocean, or from the ocean to the atmosphere, by the physical processes of evaporation, condensation, precipitation, infiltration, runoff, and subsurface flow. In so doing, the water goes through different phases: liquid, solid, and gas.

The water cycle also involves the exchange of heat energy, which leads to temperature changes. For instance, in the process of evaporation, water takes up energy from the surroundings and cools the environment. Conversely, in the process of condensation, water releases energy to its surroundings, warming the environment.

The water cycle figures significantly in the maintenance of life and ecosystems on Earth. Even as water in each reservoir plays an important role, the water cycle brings added significance to the presence of water on our planet. By transferring water from one reservoir to another, the water cycle purifies water, replenishes the land with freshwater, and transports minerals to different parts of the globe. It is also involved in reshaping the geological features of the Earth, through such processes as erosion and sedimentation. In addition, as the water cycle involves heat exchange, it exerts an influence on climate as well.

Movement of water within the water cycle

There is no definable start or finish to the water cycle. Water molecules move continuously among different compartments, or reservoirs, of the Earth’s hydrosphere, by different physical processes. Water evaporates from the oceans, forms clouds, which precipitate and the water falls back to Earth. However, water does not necessarily cycle through each compartment in order. Before reaching the ocean, water may have evaporated, condensed, precipitated, and become runoff multiple times.

Explanation of the water cycle

The water cycle is the combination of processes that water goes through in nature. It includes (a) precipitation, which is the falling of water in liquid or solid form to Earth; (b) infiltration, which is the process by which water is absorbed into the soil; (c) surface runoff, in which water flows off the surface; (d) evaporation or transpiration, which occurs when water is heated and vaporizes, or when plants give off water vapor; (e) condensation, which is the process by which water vapor cools and forms clouds. This cycle is repeated over and over again.

The physical processes

The major physical processes involved in the water cycle are the evaporation of water from the oceans and land, the transport of water in the atmosphere, condensation, precipitation over the oceans and land, and the flow of water from land to the oceans.

Hailstorms, such as this one in Bogotá, Columbia, are a product of the precipitation process.

  • Evaporation is the transfer of water from bodies of surface water into the atmosphere. This transfer entails a change in the physical nature of water from liquid to gaseous phases. The source of energy is primarily solar radiation. Evaporation is closely related to transpiration from plants, as well as, to a lesser degree, perspiration from land mammals and marsupials. Thus, this transfer is sometimes referred to as evapotranspiration. About 90 percent of atmospheric water comes from evaporation, while the remaining 10 percent is from transpiration.
  • Condensation is the transformation of water vapor to liquid water droplets in the air, producing clouds and fog.
  • Advection is the movement of water—in solid, liquid, or vapor states—through the atmosphere. Without advection, water that evaporated over the oceans could not precipitate over land.
  • Precipitation is water vapor that has condensed into clouds and falls to the Earth’s surface. This mostly occurs as rainfall, but also includes snow, hail, fog drip, and sleet.
  • Runoff includes the variety of ways by which water moves across the land. This includes both surface runoff and channel runoff. As it flows, the water may infiltrate into the ground, evaporate into the air, become stored in lakes or reservoirs, or be extracted for agricultural or other human uses.

Less fundamental processes involved in the water cycle are:

  • Sublimation is the state change directly from solid water (snow or ice) to water vapor.
  • Canopy interception is the precipitation that is intercepted by plant foliage and eventually evaporates back to the atmosphere rather than falling to the ground. The amount of water that it intercepted depends on the duration of the storm, the windspeed and temperature, and the amount of foliage present.
  • Infiltration is the flow of water on the ground surface into the ground. The speed of infiltration depends on how moist the ground already is, and on its infiltration capacity. Having infiltrated, water comprises soil moisture within the vadose zone, or groundwater in an aquifer.
  • Snowmelt refers to the runoff produced by melting snow.
  • Subsurface flow is the flow of water underground, in the vadose zone and aquifers. Subsurface water may return to the surface (for instance, as a spring or by being pumped) or eventually seep into the oceans. Water returns to the land surface at lower elevation than where it infiltrated, under the force of gravity or gravity-induced pressures. Groundwater tends to move slowly, and is replenished slowly, so it can remain in aquifers for thousands of years.

Conservation of mass

Average annual water transport[1]

Water flux Average rate
(10³ km³/year)
Precipitation over land 107
Evaporation from land 71
Runoff & groundwater from land 36
Precipitation over oceans 398
Evaporation from oceans 434

The total amount, or mass, of water in the water cycle remains essentially constant, as does the amount of water in each reservoir of the water cycle. This means that the rate of water added to one reservoir must equal, on average over time, the rate of water leaving the same reservoir.

The adjacent table contains the amount of water that falls as precipitation or rises as evaporation, for both the land and oceans. The runoff and groundwater discharge from the land to the oceans is also included. From the law of conservation of mass, whatever water moves into a reservoir, on average, the same volume must leave. For example, 107 thousand cubic kilometers (107 × 10³ km³) of water falls on land each year as precipitation. This is equal to the sum of the evaporation (71 × 10³ km³/year) and runoff (36 × 10³ km³/year) of water from the land.

Water that cycles between the land and the atmosphere in a fixed area is referred to as moisture recycling.


Volume of water stored in
the water cycle’s reservoirs

Reservoir Volume of water
(106 km³)
of total
Oceans 1370 97.25
Ice caps & glaciers 29 2.05
Groundwater 9.5 0.68
Lakes 0.125 0.01
Soil moisture 0.065 0.005
Atmosphere 0.013 0.001
Streams & rivers 0.0017 0.0001
Biosphere 0.0006 0.00004

In the context of the water cycle, a reservoir represents a region or zone where water is stored at a certain stage of the water cycle. The largest reservoir is the collection of oceans, accounting for 97 percent of the Earth’s water. The next largest quantity (2 percent) is stored in solid form in the ice caps and glaciers. The water contained within all living organisms represents the smallest reservoir. Freshwater reservoirs, particularly those available for human use, are important water resources.

Residence times

Average reservoir residence times[3]

Reservoir Average residence time
Oceans 3,200 years
Glaciers 20 to 100 years
Seasonal snow cover 2 to 6 months
Soil moisture 1 to 2 months
Groundwater: shallow 100 to 200 years
Groundwater: deep 10,000 years
Lakes 50 to 100 years
Rivers 2 to 6 months
Atmosphere 9 days

The residence time is a measure of the average time that water will spend in a reservoir. It needs to be understood that some of the water will spend much less time than average, and some, much more. Groundwater can spend over 10,000 years beneath Earth’s surface before leaving. Particularly old groundwater is called fossil water. Water stored in the soil remains there very briefly, because it is spread thinly across the Earth, and is readily lost by evaporation, transpiration, stream flow, or groundwater recharge. After evaporating, water remains in the atmosphere for an average of about nine days before condensing and falling to the Earth as precipitation.

(See the adjacent table for residence times for other reservoirs.)

Residence times can be estimated in two ways. The more common method relies on the principle of conservation of mass, and may be expressed by the following equation:

{displaystyle mathrm {Residence} {mbox{ }}mathrm {time} ={begin{matrix}{frac {mathrm {Volume} {mbox{ }}mathrm {of} {mbox{ }}mathrm {reservoir} }{mathrm {Rate} {mbox{ }}mathrm {water} {mbox{ }}mathrm {is} {mbox{ }}mathrm {added} {mbox{ }}mathrm {to} {mbox{ }}mathrm {reservoir} }}end{matrix}}}

An alternative method, gaining in popularity particularly for dating groundwater, is the use of isotopic techniques. This is done in the subfield of isotope hydrology.

Example: Calculating the residence time of the oceans

As an example of how the residence time is calculated, consider the oceans. The volume of the oceans is roughly 1,370×106 km³. Precipitation over the oceans is about 0.398×106 km³/year and the flow of water to the oceans from rivers and groundwater is about 0.036×106 km³/year. By dividing the total volume of the oceans by the rate of water added (in units of volume over time), the calculated residence time is 3,200 years—the average time it takes a water molecule that reaches an ocean to evaporate.

{displaystyle {mbox{Residence time }}|{mbox{ ocean}}={frac {1370times 10^{6}{mbox{ km}}^{3}}{(0.398+0.036)times 10^{6}{mbox{ km}}^{3}/{mbox{year}}}}=3200{mbox{ years}}}

Climate regulation

The water cycle is powered by solar energy. About 86 percent of global evaporation occurs from the oceans, reducing their temperature through the process of evaporation. Without the cooling effect of evaporation, the greenhouse effect would lead to a much higher surface temperature—an estimated 67° C—and a hotter planet [4].

Most of the solar energy warms tropical seas. After evaporating, water vapor rises into the atmosphere and is carried away by winds. Most of the water vapor condenses as rain in what is called the intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ), a low-pressure belt around the equator. This condensation releases latent heat that warms the air. This process, in turn, drives atmospheric circulation.

Changes in the water cycle

Over the past century, the water cycle has become more intense [5], as the rates of evaporation and precipitation have increased. It is thought that this is an outcome global warming, as higher temperatures increase the rate of evaporation.

Glacial retreat is also an example of a changing water cycle, where the supply of water to glaciers from precipitation cannot keep up with the loss of water from melting and sublimation. Glacial retreat since 1850 has been extensive.

Human activities that alter the water cycle include:

  • agriculture
  • alteration of the chemical composition of the atmosphere
  • construction of dams
  • deforestation and afforestation
  • removal of groundwater from wells
  • water abstraction from rivers
  • urbanization

Biogeochemical cycles

The water cycle is a biogeochemical cycle. Other notable cycles are the carbon cycle and nitrogen cycle.

As water flows over and beneath the Earth, it picks up and transports soil and other sediment, mineral salt and other dissolved chemicals, and pollutants. The oceans are saline because mineral salts are transported from the land by water runoff, but the salts remain in the oceans when water evaporates.

External links

All links retrieved June 7, 2020.

  • National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) website
Biogeochemical cycles
Carbon cycle — Hydrogen cycle — Nitrogen cycle
Oxygen cycle — Phosphorus cycle — Sulfur cycle — Water cycle


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What is the Water Cycle

Water cycle, also known as the hydrologic cycle, involves a series of stages that show the continuous movement and interchange of water between its three phases – solid, liquid, and gas, in the earth’s atmosphere. The sun acts as the primary source of energy that powers the water cycle on earth. Bernard Palissy discovered the modern theory of the water cycle in 1580 CE.

Water Cycle

Steps of the Water Cycle: How does it Work

1. Change from Liquid to Gaseous Phase – Evaporation and Transpiration

The heat of the sun causes water from the surface of water bodies such as oceans, streams, and lakes to evaporate into water vapor in the atmosphere. Plants also contribute to the water cycle when water gets evaporated from the aerial parts of the plant, such as leaves and stems by the process of transpiration.

2. Change from Solid to Gaseous Phase – Sublimation

Due to dry winds, low humidity, and low air pressure, snow present on the mountains change directly into water vapor, bypassing the liquid phase by a process known as sublimation.

3. Change from Gaseous to Liquid Phase – Condensation

The invisible water vapor formed through evaporation, transpiration, and sublimation rises through the atmosphere, while cool air rushes to take its place. This is the process of condensation that allows water vapor to transform back into liquid, which is then stored in the form of clouds.

Sometimes, a sudden drop in atmospheric temperature helps the water vapors to condense into tiny droplets of water that remain suspended in the air. These suspended water droplets get mixed with bits of dust in the air, resulting in fog.

4. Change from Gaseous to Liquid and Solid Phase – Precipitation and Deposition         

Wind movements cause the water-laden clouds to collide and fall back on the earth’s surface through precipitation, simply known as rain. The water that evaporated in the first stage thus returns into different water bodies on the earth’s surface, including the ocean, rivers, ponds, and lakes. In regions with extremely cold climate with sub-zero temperatures, the water vapor changes directly into frost and snow bypassing the liquid phase, causing snowfall in high altitudes by a process known as the deposition. 

5. Return of the water back into the underground reserve – Runoff, Infiltration, Percolation, and Collection

The water that falls back on the earth’s surface moves between the layers of soil and rocks and is accumulated as the underground water reserves known as aquifers. This process is further assisted by earthquakes, which help the underground water to reach the mantle of the earth. Some amount of precipitated water flows down the sides of mountains and hills to reach the water bodies, which again evaporates into the atmosphere. During volcanic eruptions, the underground water returns to the surface of the earth, where it mixes with the surface water bodies in order to continue the cycle.

Video: Water Cycle Explained         

Why is the Water Cycle Important

The most crucial and direct impacts of the above process on earth include:

  • Making fresh water available to plants and animals, including humans, by purifying the groundwater on earth. During the water cycle, the water evaporates, leaving behind all the sediments and other dust particles. Similarly, for the sustenance of marine life, the saline range of all salt water bodies is kept within a certain permissible limit through infiltration. 
  • Allowing even distribution of water on all surfaces of the earth. Water is temporarily stored as clouds in the atmosphere, whereas surface water bodies such as rivers and oceans, together with underground water, form the major permanent water reserves. 
  • Causing a cooling effect on earth due to evaporation of water from surface water bodies, which help to form clouds that eventually precipitate down in the form of rain. This way water cycle affects the weather and climate of the earth.
  • Ensuring some other biogeochemical cycles, including those concerning oxygen and phosphorus, to continue in nature.
  • Cleaning the atmosphere by taking-away dust particles, shoot, and bacteria, thus acting as a means to purify the air we breathe.

Human Impact on Water Cycle

Human activities adversely affect the water cycle in the two following ways:

a) Deforestation: Plants play an important role in the water cycle by preventing soil erosion and thus helps to increase the groundwater level of the earth. Also, plants contribute by absorbing water from the soil, which is then released back to the atmosphere during transpiration. Deforestation adversely affects both the above processes, thus breaking the flow of the water cycle.

b) Pollution: Burning of fossil fuels acts as the major source of air pollution releasing toxic gases into the atmosphere, leading to the formation of smog and acid rain. Water from farmlands run off to the nearest water bodies carrying chemicals such as insecticides and pesticides along with them, thus causing water pollution. The presence of excessive contaminants in the atmosphere and water bodies decreases the evaporation and condensation on earth, thus adversely affecting the water cycle.


Q1. What role does cellular respiration play in the water cycle? 

Ans. Cellular respiration is the process by which organisms take up oxygen in order to breathe and digest food. Water is utilized for breaking large molecules that release energy in the form of ATP, while in a subsequent step the water molecules are released back into the cell, which in turn returns to the atmosphere, thus affecting the water cycle.

Q2. Why are rivers more important to the water cycle than streams?

Ans. Rivers contain more water than streams and thus contribute more to the formation of water vapor through evaporation compared to a stream.


  • References

Article was last reviewed on Thursday, February 2, 2023


The water cycle or hydrologic cycle describes the complex systems that allow water to move across the Earth and atmosphere. The most basic step of the water cycle is the change of state of water as a liquid, gas or solid in the atmosphere. However, the water cycle also envelops various methods of water transportation and water types such as plant uptake, transpiration, groundwater, precipitation, and percolation.

The water cycle

The water cycle diagram illustration

Water Cycle Steps

Water cycle steps are becoming less predictable as global warming changes water levels and distribution across the globe. This subcategory of the biogeochemical cycle should also not be discussed as a sequenced number of events as different modes of water uptake, transportation and return occur simultaneously and at different rates according to variances in global or local ecosystems. A mountainous region will experience significantly more sublimation and runoff, for example, when compared to flat, open plains. In fact, when discussing water cycle steps it is easier to look at the movement of water separately: going up and coming down.

Water Goes Up

Water cycle steps in the atmosphere are easy to see wherever a cloud is visible. A cloud is the result of water condensation that is added to the atmosphere by way of water evaporation, water sublimation, and water transpiration. Water can move through the troposphere by way of another water cycle step – water transportation. Water can return to the Earth’s crust through water precipitation and deposition.

The troposphere

The troposphere (arrow)

The atmospheric water cycle takes place in the lowest layer of our atmosphere or the troposphere. The troposphere extends from the Earth’s surface and reaches heights of 4 miles at the two poles and up to 12 miles at the equator. The layer above – the stratosphere – contains very little water vapor.

Water vapor in the atmosphere is extremely important as these droplets are able to absorb solar energy as well as the heat that radiates from the Earth (thermal radiation). It is water vapor that regulates local climates and air temperatures. Variances in temperature, in turn, cause currents of air known as convection currents that help to create the wind patterns so often typical to a certain region, such as monsoon storms or desert zephyrs.

As already mentioned, the basic water cycle describes the exchange and movement of water between the earth and its troposphere. The powerful heat of the sun evaporates large quantities of water from the Earth’s surface, and this atmospheric moisture is transported to other regions by the wind.

As the air within the troposphere warms and rises, water molecules respond to the heat energy and move further away, expanding the space in which they exist. This leads to a loss of heat energy and cooling, where water vapor condenses and forms clouds. As this vapor further condenses, it forms water droplets which then become heavier and fall to the earth in liquid or solid (rain, hail, sleet, and snow) form, depending on the ambient temperature.

The troposphere gains water molecules through four mechanisms. These are evaporation, sublimation, transpiration, and transportation.

Evaporation as a part of the water cycle describes the change of water from liquid to gas. Our oceans, seas, lakes, and rivers provide approximately 90 percent of the troposphere’s water vapor via evaporation. Water vapor is a gas. When the sun warms the surface of the water, whether this is the ocean or a puddle on the ground, water molecules are given the energy to move at faster and faster rates, splitting off and entering the air as the equivalent of steam. The warmer the heat source, the more the water will evaporate. A saucepan full of water will create large amounts of steam or water vapor.

Sublimation is the forming of water vapor directly from solid water or ice. Sublimation is more likely to occur at high altitudes such as snowy mountain tops where the heat of the sun is hardly obstructed. One cubic centimeter or gram of ice will need 80 calories worth of energy to melt, 100 calories to boil, and a further 540 calories to vaporize. Sublimation requires this total of 720 calories of heat energy but skips the liquid phase, where ice immediately turns to water vapor. However, in high humidity, it is more likely that there will also be an intermediate liquid form of water. In the United States, it has been calculated that solar energy provides an average area of land with approximately 500 calories per square foot per day. This increases in mountainous regions and current renewable energy research is considering mountain-top solar farms for higher energy production. This shows that sublimation provides a large amount of the atmosphere’s water vapor, although in significantly lower quantities than evaporation – around 1%.

Transpiration is the conversion of water by plants into water vapor. In ideal conditions, plants only use around 5% of the water they take up through their root systems. One only has to see pictures of the mist above a rainforest to understand this contribution to water vapor levels in the troposphere. Under the sun’s rays, water escapes through leaf pores as a gas. The combination of evaporation and transpiration is called evapotranspiration. While transpiration is probably responsible for 10% of the troposphere’s water content, combined evapotranspiration provides about 99%.

Rainforest transpiration and cloud formation

Rainforest transpiration and cloud formation

Transportation does not provide water vapor to the troposphere but describes the movement of water via the wind or the jet streams – strong wind currents at the top of the troposphere or at the tropopause, a level of air between the troposphere and stratosphere. We can see the effects of transportation by watching clouds move across the sky. In addition, winds remove water vapor from the air above sources of water. This lowers the saturation levels (or humidity) of the air and allows even more water vapor to enter the atmosphere.

Water Goes Down

Water cycle steps on the Earth’s crust are highly dependent on the type of ecosystem. These steps are water condensation, precipitation, and deposition.

Water does not fall to earth in the form of water vapor. As water vapor rises, it loses heat energy through continuous motion. In addition, gaseous forms of water experience less pressure as they rise. Where there is less pressure, the air is unable to hold as much water as when pressures are high. Furthermore, other substances in the air such as pollen, pollutants, and dust provide a surface on which water vapor can settle and condense. Condensation is the opposite of evaporation and we have all seen the effect of condensation on windows and bathroom mirrors. As warm water vapor hits a cooler surface, energy levels dramatically drop. The water molecules no longer move at rapid rates and settle as water droplets. This also occurs in the atmosphere in the presence of condensation nuclei – small particles onto which water vapor can settle.

Clouds are the result of condensed water vapor. Eventually, they become saturated and are no longer able to hold liquid water droplets. This leads to precipitation.

Rain is the most common example of water cycle precipitation. Other forms are hailstones, sleet, and snow.

Deposition is the opposite of sublimation. In cases of deposition, water vapor is instantly converted from gas state to solid state (ice) without the intermediate liquid phase. In contrast to sublimation, the process of deposition releases energy. Deposition can be seen in snowfall and in the formation of frost.


Intermediary water cycle steps provide a bridge between water landing on the Earth’s surface and water vapor rising into the troposphere.

Infiltration is the absorption of water by the soil and rock of the upper level of the Earth’s crust and is very much dependent on environmental factors such as soil or rock depth, vegetation levels, saturation levels, and porosity. Percolation describes the flow of this infiltrated water through the soil or rock under the force of gravity. Eventually, percolated water will reach an impenetrable layer of non-porous rock. The water settles here in aquifers. You can make your own scale model of an aquifer by digging a deep pit in the sand when next on the beach. The pools or reservoirs of water that form above non-porous rock are called aquifers, but the water they contain is known as groundwater. Groundwater is another named phase of the water cycle and does not describe a step but the result of precipitation, infiltration and percolation.

Plant uptake is another way in which the water provided to the earth’s crust via precipitation and infiltration can be absorbed. Plant root systems take up water, using it as a nutrient source and discharging water vapor through leaf pores in the earlier described transpiration phase.

Where the ground is saturated and unable to deal with high levels of precipitation, another part of the water cycle takes place. This is water runoff. Water runoff is becoming a global problem due to the effects of global warming. Gravity is an extremely important factor when water droplets fall from the clouds. As everyone should know, water moves downhill. Where precipitation is high and the land it falls on is either limited in porosity or already saturated with water, water begins to flow downwards. Runoff may also be the result of snow melts.

Runoff is the combination of surface runoff, interflow, and baseflow. Surface runoff comes in the forms of saturation excess overland flow where the ground is already wet and unable to absorb more water, and overland flow or the runoff from our roofs, sidewalks and roads. As we increase non-porous infrastructures, we simultaneously reduce the globe’s ability to absorb precipitation. Storm runoff also occurs during heavy rainfall.

Interflow but involves water that has already percolated into lower soil levels. With the next heavy rain, this already saturated soil or rock is not given the time to reach the aquifer and water rises upwards to the soil subsurface and pushes upwards to produce increased surface runoff.

Baseflow or fair-weather flow describes how moving bodies of water such as streams and rivers take on infiltrated water over a longer period of time, between precipitation (hence ‘fair weather flow’). This is a delayed response but also contributes to runoff as an already present body of water that can increase dramatically in size in the days that follow precipitation events.

Water Cycle Facts

  1. our oceans hold 96.5% of the earth’s water. This means that a single water molecule might not be given the opportunity to move from ocean to troposphere for tens of thousands of years.
  2. Approximately 45 inches of water evaporate from the surface of the World Ocean every year; with a total surface area of 139.4 million square miles, that’s a lot of water vapor.
  3. The troposphere contains 99% of our atmosphere’s water vapor.
  4. The temperature in the troposphere can be as low as -115°F.
  5. There is over a thousand times more water under the ground than in all of our Earth’s rivers, streams and lakes.
  6. Although water covers 75% of the Earth’s surface, water represents just 0.05 percent of its total mass.
  7. The average modern-day European uses 50 gallons of freshwater per day. The average medieval European used less than 5 gallons per day.
  8. To grow a single cultivated tomato, you need 2.5 gallons of water. To grow a single grain of rice – just one grain – you need 0.05 gallons of water. If one portion of rice is about 3500 grains, that’s 175 gallons per meal. However, a loaf of factory-produced bread has used around 570 gallons of the Earth’s water before it arrives on the supermarket shelf.
  9. A small, thirty-minute thunderstorm can produce around 2000 tons of rain.
  10. 21 out of 37 of the world’s major aquifers are receding due to increasing population, and industrial and agricultural demands. This means we need to find alternative freshwater sources. In Israel, 86% of wastewater is recycled. The next-best global performer is Spain – this runner-up manages to recycle just 19% of its wastewater.


1. How does the troposphere gain water molecules?
A. Evaporation, percolation, and sublimation
B. Evaporation, precipitation, transportation, and sublimation
C. Evaporation, sublimation, transpiration, and transportation
D. Evaporation, sublimation, and transpiration

Answer to Question #1

D is correct. Although transportation occurs in the troposphere it does not provide more water molecules but describes how they move. Water arrives in the atmosphere in vapor form through evaporation, sublimation and transpiration.

2. Where do you find jet streams?
A. In aquafers
B. In the troposphere
C. In the oceans
D. In the stratosphere

Answer to Question #2

B is correct. Jet streams are wind currents that occur in the higher levels of the troposphere and in the tropopause.

3. Which of the following provides the most water vapor?
A. Precipitation
B. Sublimation
C. Evapotranspiration
D. Condensation

Answer to Question #3

C is correct. Precipitation does not involve water vapor. The combination of evaporation and plant transpiration provides 99% of the troposphere’s water vapor.

4. Which of the following is a delayed response to heavy precipitation?
A. Infiltration
B. Interflow
C. Baseflow
D. Runoff

Answer to Question #4

C is correct. Interflow and baseflow are subcategories of runoff. Infiltration occurs immediately upon rainfall, while interflow is the result of already saturated levels at lower levels that produce surface runoff. The baseflow (or fair weather flow) of streams and rivers can continue to respond to the effects of precipitation for days.

5. What will you find under an aquifer?
A. Non-porous rock
B. Saltwater
C. Freshwater
D. Sand

Answer to Question #5

A is correct. Aquifers are reservoirs of percolated precipitation deep under the ground that are unable to move further downwards due to a layer of non-porous rock.

: hydrologic cycle

In the water cycle, water evaporates, condenses, falls as precipitation, and eventually evaporates again.Timothy Cooney et al.

As they have for thousands of years, the rhythms of wildlife migration and reproduction as well as human agriculture and grazing activities are inseparable from that of the yearly water cycle.Peter Warshall

… run by solar energy that helps cause winds, energizes plants, and powers the water cycle.David M. Armstrong et al.

Example Sentences

Recent Examples on the Web

Scientific research has shown that with rising greenhouse gas levels, the changing climate is intensifying the water cycle and causing more extreme droughts and floods.

Ian James, Los Angeles Times, 25 Mar. 2023

In other areas like the Yaxnohcah, clearing forest land might have changed the water cycle, possibly affecting subsequent rainfall patterns.

Joshua Rapp Learn, Discover Magazine, 29 July 2022

On average, both Tucson and Phoenix are experiencing more than 30 spring days with above-normal temperatures Scientist are concerned that an early start to spring could cause snowpack, which plays a key function in the water cycle in the West, to melt faster and earlier than usual.

Jake Frederico, The Arizona Republic, 27 Mar. 2023

The discovery of this duricrust layer, which is thicker than duricrust likely formed by atmospheric water vapor found at other Martian landing sites, suggests that Utopia Planitia had a more active water cycle tens of millions of years ago than scientists expected.

Ashley Strickland, CNN, 11 May 2022

Those findings, published last week in the journal Science, confirmed scientists’ suspicions that the crater contained a lake millions of years ago, and also suggests that this part of Mars had a warm, humid past with a more complicated water cycle than was known.

NBC News, 13 Oct. 2021

Hypothetical water cycle on Mars.

Sarah Scoles, Discover Magazine, 13 Apr. 2015

Scientific research shows global warming is intensifying the water cycle and is projected to unleash more extreme storms, worsening flood dangers.

Susanne Rust, Los Angeles Times, 12 Mar. 2023

This increased atmospheric moisture is helping to intensify the water cycle.

Michael A. Rawlins, The Conversation, 2 Feb. 2022

See More

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘water cycle.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Word History

First Known Use

1894, in the meaning defined above

Time Traveler

The first known use of water cycle was
in 1894

Dictionary Entries Near water cycle

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“Water cycle.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


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Last Updated:
14 Apr 2023
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