The word was writing correctly



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Английский язык
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    Mark Twain was born in the USA.


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Математика — 2 года назад

Сколько здесь прямоугольников


История — 3 года назад

Какое управление было в древнейшем риме? как звали первого и последнего из царей рима?


Литература — 3 года назад

Уроки французского ответе на вопрос : расскажите о герое по следующему примерному плану: 1.почему мальчик оказался в райцентре ? 2.как он чувствовал себя на новом месте? 3.почему он не убежал в деревню? 4.какие отношения сложились у него с товарищами? 5.почему он ввязался в игру за деньги? 6.как характеризуют его отношения с учительницей ? ответе на эти вопросы пожалуйста ! сочините сочинение пожалуйста


Русский язык — 3 года назад

Помогите решить тест по русскому языку тест по русскому языку «местоимение. разряды местоимений» для 6 класса
1. укажите личное местоимение:
1) некто
2) вас
3) ни с кем
4) собой
2. укажите относительное местоимение:
1) кто-либо
2) некоторый
3) кто
4) нам
3. укажите вопросительное местоимение:
1) кем-нибудь
2) кем
3) себе
4) никакой
4. укажите определительное местоимение:
1) наш
2) который
3) некий
4) каждый
5. укажите возвратное местоимение:
1) свой
2) чей
3) сам
4) себя
6. найдите указательное местоимение:
1) твой
2) какой
3) тот
4) их
7. найдите притяжательное местоимение:
1) самый
2) моего
3) иной
4) ничей
8. укажите неопределённое местоимение:
1) весь
2) какой-нибудь
3) любой
4) этот
9. укажите вопросительное местоимение:
1) сколько
2) кое-что
3) она
4) нами
10. в каком варианте ответа выделенное слово является притяжательным местоимением?
1) увидел их
2) её нет дома
3) её тетрадь
4) их не спросили


Русский язык — 3 года назад

Переделай союзное предложение в предложение с бессоюзной связью.
1. океан с гулом ходил за стеной чёрными горами, и вьюга крепко свистала в отяжелевших снастях, а пароход весь дрожал.
2. множество темноватых тучек, с неясно обрисованными краями, расползались по бледно-голубому небу, а довольно крепкий ветер мчался сухой непрерывной струёй, не разгоняя зноя
3. поезд ушёл быстро, и его огни скоро исчезли, а через минуту уже не было слышно шума


Русский язык — 3 года назад

помогите прошу!перепиши предложения, расставляя недостающие знаки препинания. объясни, что соединяет союз и. если в предложении один союз и, то во втором выпадающем списке отметь «прочерк».пример:«я шёл пешком и,/поражённый прелестью природы/, часто останавливался».союз и соединяет однородные члены.ночь уже ложилась на горы (1) и туман сырой (2) и холодный начал бродить по ущельям.союз и соединяет:1) части сложного предложенияоднородные члены,2) однородные членычасти сложного предложения—.поэт — трубач зовущий войско в битву (1) и прежде всех идущий в битву сам (ю. янонис).союз и соединяет:1) части сложного предложенияоднородные члены,2) ​

Аккаунт удален

Физика — 3 года назад

Вокруг прямого проводника с током (смотри рисунок) существует магнитное поле. определи направление линий этого магнитного поля в точках a и b.обрати внимание, что точки a и b находятся с разных сторон от проводника (точка a — снизу, а точка b — сверху). рисунок ниже выбери и отметь правильный ответ среди предложенных.1. в точке a — «от нас», в точке b — «к нам» 2. в точке a — «к нам», в точке b — «от нас» 3. в обеих точках «от нас»4. в обеих точках «к нам»контрольная работа по физике.прошу,не наугад важно


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Writer’s online grammar check FAQ

  • Real talk. Is Writer (or Grammarly, or any premium grammar checker) worth the money?
    • Good-enough grammar and spelling checkers are built into most word processors today, whether it’s Microsoft Word’s Editor or Google’s home-grown system. Tools like Writer and Grammarly allow you to take these grammar systems with you outside of these editing tools, anywhere you write, whether you’re composing a tweet, an email or an iMessage.
    • If you write for work, a complete writing AI assistant like Writer will also help you make sure you are using the right tone, writing style and terminology for your audience.
  • How does the Writer grammar checker beat Grammarly’s?
    • Most grammar checkers use rules to identify English writing errors and suggest corrections. This works well when the problem isn’t contextual, ie, a rule that says, anytime someone types teh they actually meant the. However, the vast majority of errors we would want to catch are contextual. There are relatively few always-true, easy rules that can be programmed. Even with an army of linguists, you just couldn’t cover all the possible English grammatical errors. There are too many ways for the English language to work, so a mostly valid rule could break in some contexts.
    • That’s why Writer uses techniques from artificial intelligence, such as deep learning. Deep learning systems start out with the capacity to learn, and then are trained to recognize patterns by being shown many examples. For example, we teach the Writer deep learning grammar error correction system to correct subject/verb agreement by showing it many examples of subjects and verbs. We might show it Writer’s AI writing assistant helps everyone at your company write with the same style, terminology, and brand voice and tell the model that this is a good sentence. Then, we would change the verb «write» to the incorrect «writes»: Writer’s AI writing assistant helps everyone at your company writes with the same style, terminology, and brand voice and tell the model that this is a bad sentence. Writes should be write. We do this millions and millions of times, and the model learns. It doesn’t just memorize examples, but gets a «feel» for things. And at Writer, we are very careful about the training data we feed our model, because good data helps the model generalize well.
    • The ability to generalize is a real differentiator between grammar error correction systems, including Writer and Grammarly’s. Our data is the only data set built specifically for the writing that matters most — the writing that happens at work.
  • How does Writer compare to other writing assistants?

    Like many writing assistants, Writer is a comprehensive grammar and spell checker. However, unlike most writing assistants, Writer provides some unique features for stronger, better writing:

    • It works everywhere: A browser extension, Word plug-in and Google Document add-on so that you can take Writer with you everywhere you write on the web. Yes, Writer has a great web editor too, when you want a full-screen, distraction-free editing experience.
    • Artificial intelligence: More content coming here from the answer above.
    • Built for professional use: Writer is built for the writing we do at work. You don’t talk to your boss the way you do your best friend, and Writer understands that. You can also use Writer with a team, making it easy to share a writing style or set of preferred terminology with a group of people.
    • More content checks than any other writing assistant: In addition to AI grammar and spelling checks, Writer checks your content for:
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      • Uniqueness
      • Bias
  • Why is Writer the preferred Grammarly alternative for professionals?

    Professional users need an AI writing assistant that provides consistently excellent corrections and suggestions everywhere they write online. Writer achieves that for professional writers by providing the following features:

    • Grammar AI that understands some rules are meant to be broken: You have a style and we get that. Not all grammar rules are meant to be followed. Writer’s false-flag rate is lower than any other tool, because the underlying machine learning models are trained on data from people writing at work — not students or people just starting to learn English.
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    Interested in learning more about the differences between Writer and Grammarly? Check out this breakdown of the differences by an independent content strategist who analyzed both online grammar check tools for professional use.

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Variant I

1. Find the adjective:

A) Happiness B) health c) harmful D) help E) hesitate

2. Find a signal word for Past Simple:

A) Tomorrow B) ever C) now D) three days ago E) next week

3. Find a signal word for Present Perfect:

A) Usually B) Listen! C) yet D) always E) seldom

4. Choose the word with the fourth type of reading:

A) Burn B) Dress C) Tulip D) Fire E) Bar

5. Find a sentence in Present Progressive:

A) Last year we in France. B) Have you cleaned the floor? C) Are you from New Zealand?

D) I’m making a cheese cake right now. E) They are going to kook for a present.

6. Choose the right verb form:

A) we is playing B) we has playing C) we are playing D) we are plaing E) we was playing

7. Choose the right verb form:

A) He sung B) He singed C) He sungs D) He sang E) He sangs

8. Choose the correct variant:

A: What … in your spare time? B: I often go swimming

A) do you do B) are you doing C) have you done D) are you do E) does you do

9. Find the verb form in Present Perfect Progressive:

A) Has V3 B) Had V3 C) am, is, are +Ving D) Have/has been Ving E) Have/Has been V3

10. Choose the correct variant: There are 584 students at the department:

А) Five and hundred eighty-four. В) Five hundred and eighty-four. С) Five eighty-four hundred.

D) Five hundred eighty fourth. E) Five hundred and eighty four.

11. Choose the word to the definition: It is a person who doesn’t wear fur and leather clothes, and doesn’t eat diary products, meat and fish.

A) A meat-eater B) my Granny C) a child D) a vegetarian E) a sick person

12. Choose the correct variant: … you at school yesterday? – Yes, I …

А) Were/was В) Am/is С) Were/were D) Was/was Е)Was/were

13 Choose the correct variant: Listen! That boy … the saxophone.

A) plays B) played C) is playing D) will play E) is going to play

14. Choose the correct variant: Mark … swimming yesterday.

A) go B) has gone C) is going D) went E) will play

15. Choose the correct answer:

A: Have you ever been to England? B: …

A) No, I haven’t B) No, I did C) No, I have D) No, I don’t E) No, I hasn’t

16. Find the sentence in Present Perfect:

A) She’s not from Canada. B) Mark’s moved to California. C) Mom’s wearing an old shirt. D) She doesn’t play the violin. E) Michele’s going to sleep.

17. Choose the correct preposition: I haven’t seen Lena … many years.

A) since B) at C) before D) after E) for

18. Choose the correct variant: There are 14 pupils in my group.

A) four B) forty C) fourteen D) fourth E) fourteenth

19. Choose the correct variant: There … very many children in the park yesterday.

A) were B) is C) did D) was E) are

20. Choose the correct pronoun: … husband is a travel agent.

A) She’s B) His C) Her D) Mine E) Hers

21. Find the noun:

A) Different B) dangerous C) discussion D) damage E) difficult

22. Find a sentence in Present Simple:

A) He was from China. B) We are playing chess. C) Mary doesn’t play chess

D) My friend invited me to the party. E) I have had a cup of tea.

23. Find the adjective with negative meaning:

A) Treatment B) responsible C) careful D) painless E) social

24. Find the suffix of a noun:

A) –ous B) –ness C) –full D) –y E) –fy

25. Find the suffix of an adjective:

A) –tion B) –ly C) –ous D) ness E) –ment

26. Find the English equivalent: “безвкусный”

A) Tasty B) tasteless C) taste D) tasteful E) untasty

27. Choose the correct preposition: John’s uncle has been doing the same job …10 years.

А) During В) For С) In D) Of Е) Since.

28. Finish the idiom: “to have a sweet …”

A) Tongue B) tooth C) eye D) lip E) hands

29. Finish the idiom: “on the tip of one’s …”

A) Tongue B) tooth C) eye D) lip E) hands

30. Finish the idiom: “button your …”

A) Tongue B) tooth C) eye D) lip E) hands


Variant I

  1. C

  2. D

  3. C

  4. D

  5. D

  6. C

  7. D

  8. A

  9. D

  10. C

  11. D

  12. A

  13. B

  14. D

  15. A

  16. B

  17. E

  18. C

  19. A

  20. B

  21. C

  22. C

  23. D

  24. B

  25. C

  26. C

  27. B

  28. B

  29. A


Variant II

1. Choose the correct verb form:

A) I drinked B) I drank C) I drunk D) I drinks E) I dranks

2. Find a signal word for Future Simple.

A) Yesterday B) today C) now D) next Monday E) ever

3. Find a signal word for Present Perfect Progressive.

A) Since B) yet C) often D) already E) just

4. Choose the correct variant: There … much ice cream in the fridge.

A) were B) is C) are D) has E) have

5. Find the sentence in Present Perfect.

A) I have a brother B) She visited her uncle yesterday C) Last year I was in Salt Lake City

D) They have been reading for an hour E) I’ve forgotten my homework

6. Choose the word with the second type of reading:

A) Car B) Dress C) Tulip D) Fire E) Burn

7. Choose the correct verb form:

A) Susan have written B) Susan have wrote C) Susan has written D) Susan has writing E) Susan has wrote

8. Find the sentence in Past Perfect.

A) She hadn’t translated the text B) Mark’s moved to New York. C) Dad’s wearing an old shirt. D) Nobody came to the meeting E) Meg’s going to sleep.

9. Find the verb form in Future Progressive.

A) was Ving B) would Ving C) am, is, are +Ving D) will be Ving E) shall be Ving

10. Find the correct verb form in Past Simple:

A) liveed B) tried C) broken D) planed E) tryed

11. Choose the correct preposition: Students will have finished the test3 pm next Friday.

А) by В) for С) in D) of Е) since.

12. Choose the correct variant: … you at school yesterday? – Yes, I …

А) Were/was В) Am/is С) Were/were D) Was/was Е)Was/were

13. Find the English equivalent: безболезненный

A) painful B) pain C) unpain D) painless E) painly

14. Choose the correct verb form: George … swimming yesterday.

A) go B) has gone C) is going D) went E) will play

15. Choose the correct variant:

A: Have you ever been to Germany? B: …

A) No, I haven’t B) No, I did C) No, I have D) No, I don’t E) No, I hasn’t

16. Find the adjective with negative meaning:

A) famous B) tasteless C) careful D) painful E) social

17. Choose the correct preposition: I haven’t seen Lisa … December.

A) since B) for C) before D) after E) at

18. Choose the correct variant: My Granny has 13 grandchildren.

A) three B) thirteen C) threeteen D) third E) thirteenth

19. Find the adverb:

A) usually B) healthy c) solution D) interpreter E) good

20. Choose the correct variant: They have over 15 550 books:

А) fifteen thousands five hundred and fifty В) fifteen thousand five hundred fifty С) fifty thousand five hundred and fifty

D) fifteen thousand fifth hundred and fifty E) fifteen thousand five hundred and fifty

21. Find the verb:

A) decision B) decide C) reading D) worker E) thoughts

22. Find the sentence in Past Simple.

A) I live in Odessa B) Emily has just come from school C) Did you phone me last night?

D) There will be some rain in the East E) My friend was invited to the party

23. Choose the correct variant:

A: What … in your spare time? B: I often go swimming

A) do you do B) are you doing C) have you done D) are you do E) does you do

24 Find the suffix of a noun:

A) –al B) –ize C) –full D) –ment E) –ent

25. Find the suffix of an adjective:

A) –ish B) –tion C) –or D) ness E) –y

26. Choose the correct verb form: Listen! That boy … the guitar

A) plays B) played C) is playing D) will play E) is going to play

27. Choose the word to the definition: It is a person who wears fur and leather clothes, and eats diary products, meat and fish.

A) a meat-eater B) my Granny C) a child D) a vegetarian E) a sick person

28. Finish the idiom: “apple of one’s …”

A) tongue B) tooth C) eye D) lip E) hands

29. Finish the idiom: “to have time on one’s …”

A) tongue B) tooth C) eye D) lip E) hands

30. Finish the idiom: “to have a sweet …”

A) tongue B) tooth C) eye D) lip E) hands


Variant II

  1. B

  2. D

  3. A

  4. B

  5. E

  6. A

  7. C

  8. A

  9. D

  10. E

  11. A

  12. A

  13. D

  14. D

  15. A

  16. B

  17. A

  18. B

  19. A

  20. B

  21. B

  22. C

  23. A

  24. D

  25. E

  26. D

  27. A

  28. C

  29. E

  30. B


Variant I

Choose the correct answer.

1. In the sentence, «I like dancing,» what is the word «dancing»?

a. gerund b. participle c. adjective d. adverb e. infinitive

2. They haven’t had two children, ________ ?

a. did they b. had they c. have they d. do they e. don’t they

3. Finish the question tag? ‘Let’s go for a walk, ________?’

a. shall we b. don’t we c. let us d. won’t we e. will we

4. In the sentence «You’d better take an umbrella, it might rain» — ‘d better =

a. would better b. did better c. had better d. could better e. food better

5. According to the proverb, ‘There’s no smoke without _______’.

a. matches b. cigarettes c. burning the dinner d. fire e. fire place

6. Which form of ‘walk’ starts this sentence? «________ is good for you.»

a. To walk b. Walk c. Walking d. Walked e. To walking

7. How long ________ you lived here?

a. have b. has c. been d. is e. do

8. What is a synonym of “rude”?

a. inpolite b. dispolite c. unpolite d. impolite e. anti-polite

9. John ate the meal, ________ the vegetables.

a. except from b. apart for c. except for d. apart e. besides

10. Which of the following nouns is countable?

a. money b. milk c. people d. information e. juice

11. She’s the woman _______ came into the shop.

a. who b. whom c. whose d. which e. what

12. The Internet is an amazing ________.

a. invent b. inventor c. invention d. inventive e. to invent

13. In which sentence is the Present Perfect used correctly?

a. I has bought a new computer. b. I have buyed a new computer. c. I bought a new computer.

d. I have bought a new computer. e. I have to buy a new computer.

14. The underlined word is: “The letter written by her was full of mistakes”.

a. Gerund b. Participle II c. Participle I d. Infinitive e. Passive Infinitive

15. Choose the right variant: A cold wind ____ for the last three days

a. has been blowing b. blows c. is blowing d. blew e. have been blowing

16. By the year 2020 the population of the world ________ to 8 billion.

a. will increase b. increases c. will have increased d. is increasing e. would increase

17. If the weather ________ sunny, we’d go to the beach.

a. had been b. is c. were d. would be e. was

18. By the time I arrived at the station, the train _________.

a. had left b. has left c. left d. will leave e. would leave

19. London’s major airport is … .

a. Stansted b. Gatwick c. Thiefrow d. Wimbldon e. Heathrow

20. Which is the correct reported speech of — He asked, “Do you have a car?”

a. He asked do I have car? b. He asked do you have a car? c. He asked if I had a car.

d. He asked if you had a car. e. He asked if I have a car.

21. Finish the proverb, “Too many cooks … “.

a. make light work b. save nine c. spoil the broth d. catch the worm e. keep the doctor away

22. My brother has ________ my favorite dress.

a. lent b. loaned c. lend d. adopted e. borrowed

23. Which word is odd?

a. huge b. enormous c. terrific d. gigantic e. large

24. Find the synonym to the verb “run over”:

a. resemble b. hit by a car c. meet by chance d. search e. be friendly with

25. Finish the idiom: “Walking on the … “

a. air b. waters c. cloud d. weather e. rain


Variant II

Choose the correct answer

  1. Help ___ to sandwiches , please.

a) you b) me c) yourselves d) your e) yourselfes

  1. This was the ______ test I’ve ever done

a) easiest b) easy c) easier d) most easiest e) more easiest

3. At this time next Monday we …. an essay.

a) will have b) having c) will be having d) had had e) will had had

4. I _____ the flowers all the morning.

a) have been watering b) watered c) have watered d) did watered e) has been watering

5. His car runs _____ a race car.

a) as fast as b) faster c) faster like d) that fast as e) faster as

  1. I wonder who ________.

a) did help him to escape b) to escape him help c) him helped to escape d) helped him to escape e) escape

  1. She asked him _________________.

a) how much did he expect to earn b) how much he expected to earn c) how many did he expect to earn d) ) how many he expects to earn e) how much he expects to earn

  1. Anna _____________ swim when she was three.

a) should b) may c) ought to d) could e) can

  1. When I was at school we _______ do homework every day.

a) had to b) must to c) are able d) ought e) have to

10. I don’t know where _______ yesterday.

a) did he go b) he went c) went he d) he has gone e) he had gone

11. Find the synonym to the verb “run into”:

a) continue b) resemble c) return d) take care of e) meet by chance

12 .I__________a decision yet.

a) made b) am making c) haven’t made d) will make e) hadn’t made

13. The nickname of New York is …..

a. Yellow apple b. Red apple c. Green apple d. Small apple e. Big apple

14. I must go to the doctor. My toothache _______ worse.

a) had got b) was getting c) is getting d) gets e) get

15. Find the Russian equivalent to the word “rainbow:

a) капля b) радуга c) плащ d) ливень e) дождевая вода

16. This time last year she___________ for FCE exam.

a) was preparing b) prepared c) has prepared d) will prepare e) prepare

17. Finish the idiom: “ one’s brain

a) wind b) ice c) air d) cloud e) wash

18. One thousand people _________ by the company.

a) employ b) are employing c) employed d) are employed e) employing

19. The next meeting _________ on April 1st.

a) will hold b) will be held c) helds d) is held e) held

20. If it________ sunny tomorrow, I’ll go out.

a) is b) will c) was d) is going e) will be

21. The capital of Wales is … :

a) Glasgow b) Edinburgh c) Cardiff d) Belfast e) Caernafon

22. We’ll be late if the bus ___________.

a) doesn’t arrive b) won’t arrive c) hasn’t arrive d) don’t arrive e) isn’t arrived

23. The underlined word is: “The girl crying at the window is Emily”:

a) Participle II b) Infinitive c) Participle I d) Gerund e) Complex Object

24. She made her son ________down to music.

a) to turn b) turn c) turning d) turned e) having turned

25. Complete the sentence: “The … is perfect for slalom”:

a) Charyn Canyon b) Charyn River c) Turgen Gorge d) Singing Hill e) Medvezhni waterfall

Keys 10 класс

Variant I


























  1. Класс Variant II


























Test I term

11 form Variant I

  1. Choose the right variant of articles.

… first true robot was developed in … Japan in … 1927.

    1. a, the, — B) the, the, the C) the, a, — D) -, -, the E) the, -, -.

  1. Find the verb founded with the prefix.

    1. connected B) populate C) locate D) disapprove E) solve

  1. Find a compound word..

    1. Greenhouse B) Development C) Employment D) straighten E) Socialist

  1. The letter «u» is missed in a word.

    1. to rece…ve B) to appr…ach C) to s…spect D) to m…an E) to …btain

  1. Choose the right variant of numerals:

We finish our school at fifteen minutes past one

    1. 12.15 B) 1. 15 C) 1. 05 D) 1. 50 E) 1. 45

  1. Choose the write word:

The … system was born about 4.600 million years ago as nebula.

    1. Sun B) Moon C) Sunny D) Solar E) Earth

  1. Read the wishes and complete the reality:

I wish I lived in London, but I don’t.

A) I live in a small town. B) I go to school every day.

C) I’m hungry. D) It is Thursday. E) I promise to get up early.

  1. Write one thing you wish you could do: I wish I … speak Turkish.

    1. need B) could C) must D) may E) am

  1. Choose the suffix of an adverb.

    1. – ly B) – able C) – ent D) – ness E) – ive

  1. Choose the right pronoun:

-Where is Mary? … is in the kitchen

  1. we B)they C) she D) he E) I

  1. Choose the right definition to the idiom «to cry for the moon»

    1. – very happy.

    2. – to promise to give someone something that is beyond one’s power to give.

    3. — to desire strongly something that can’t be gained.

    4. – once in a very long time.

    5. – to look at the moon.

  1. Find the Russian equivalent. «come back»

    1. Вернуться B) повторить C) подумать D) спуститься E) подняться

  1. Choose the right variant. “I wish you ______ not so far again”

    1. Was B) would be C) will be D) were E) had be

  1. «Favorite topic of conversation in Britain»

A) tea party B) weather C) discos D) T.V. E) Internet

  1. Choose the correct variant. “Today is … than it was yesterday”

A) the warmest B) the warmer C) as warmer D) warm E) warmer

  1. Choose the right variant: “The capital of Wales is”

A) Cardiff B) London C) Toronto D) Atlanta E) Washington

  1. Antonym of the word “Business” is:

    1. Leisure B) Education C) Lesson D) Meal E) Work

  1. Choose the right variant: “ It is autumn now” I wish ……

A) I didn’t B) it wasn’t. C) there was D) I could E) she weren’t

  1. Phrasal verb “ искать

    1. to look for B) to look in C) to look out D)to look on E) to look at

  1. Choose the right preposition:

-I have my English class… Monday.

A) in B) for C) at D) on E) with

  1. Transfer into Indirect speech.

« The trees in the park are yellow :»– he says.

    1. She says the trees are in the park yellow.

    2. She says the trees in the park were yellow.

    3. She says the trees in the park are yellow.

    4. She say is the trees in the park are yellow.

    5. She says if the trees are yellow in the park.

  1. Choose the right variant: “Could you tell me … has happened?”

    1. who B) what C) why D) which E) where

  1. Choose the correct word: Praises … there quickly.

    1. go up B) get along C) to discuss together D) think of E) take of

  1. Chose the word written correctly:

    1. telephon B) telefone C) tellephone D) telifone Е) telephone

25. Choose the synonym to the word “Foxy”:

A) shy B) sly C) wide D) Cold E) Suitable

Key 11 form Variant 1 1 term

  1. E) 6. D) 11. C) 16. A) 21. C)

  2. D) 7. A) 12. A) 17. A) 22. B)

  3. A) 8. B) 13. D) 18. B) 23. A)

  4. C) 9. A) 14. B) 19. A) 24. E)

  5. B) 10. D) 15. E) 20. D) 25. B)

Test I term

11 form Variant II

  1. Find a compound word..

    1. straighten B) Development C) Employment D) Greenhouse E) Socialist

  1. The letter «u» is missed in a word.

    1. to rece…ve B) to appr…ach C) to s…spect D) to m…an E) to …btain

  1. Choose the right variant of articles.

… first true robot was developed in … Janan in … 1927.

    1. a, the, — B) the, the, the C) the, a, — D) -, -, the E) the, -, -.

  1. Read the wishes and complete the reality: I wish I lived in London, but I don’t.

A) I live in a small town. B) I go to school every day. C) I’m hungry.

D) It is Monday. E) I promise to get up early.

  1. Write one thing you wish you could do: I wish I … speak English.

    1. need B) could C) must D) may E) am

  1. Choose the right variant of numerals:

We finish our school at fifteen minutes past one

    1. 12.15 B) 1. 15 C) 1. 05 D) 1. 50 E) 1. 45

  1. Choose the write word:

The … system was born about 4.600 million years ago as nebula.

    1. Sun B) Moon C) Sunny D) Solar E) Earth

  1. Choose the right definition to the idiom «to cry for the moon»

    1. – very happy.

    2. – to promise to give someone something that is beyond one’s power to give.

    3. — to desire strongly something that can’t be gained.

    4. – once in a very long time.

    5. – to look at the moon.

  1. Find the Russian equivalent. «come back»

    1. Вернуться B) повторить C) подумать D) спуститься E) подняться

  1. Choose the suffix of an adverb.

    1. – ly B) – able C) – ent D) – ness E) – ive

  1. Choose the write pronoun:

-Where is John? … is in the kitchen

A)we B)they C) she D) he E) I

  1. Choose the correct variant. “Today is … than it was yesterday”

A) the warmest B) the warmer C) as warmer D) warm E) warmer

13. Find the verb founded with the prefix.

    1. connected B) populate C) locate D) disapprove E) solve

14. Choose the right variant: “The capital of the Wales is”

A) Cardiff B) London C) Toronto D) Atlanta E) Washington

15. Choose the right variant. “I wish you ______ not so far again”

A)Was B) were C) will be D) would be E) had be

16. «Favorite topic of conversation in Britain»

A) tea party B) weather C) discos D) T.V. E) Internet

17. Phrasal verb “ искать

A) to look for B) to look in C) to look out D)to look on E) to look at

18. Choose the right preposition:

-I have my English class… Monday.

A) in B) for C) on D) at E) with

19. Antonym of the word “Business” is:

A) Leisure B) Education C) Lesson D) Meal E) Work

20. Choose the right variant: “ It is autumn now” I wish ……

A) I didn’t B) it wasn’t. C) there was D) I could E) she

21. Choose the correct word: Praises … there quickly.

A) go up B) get along C) to discuss together D) think of E) take of

22. Chose the word written correctly:

    1. Telefone B) telephone C) tellephone D) telifone Е) telephon

23. Transfer into Indirect speech.

« The trees in the park are yellow :»– he says.

A) He says the trees are in the park yellow.

B) He says the trees in the park were yellow.

C) He says the trees in the park are yellow.

D) He say is the trees in the park are yellow.

E) He says if the trees are yellow in the park.

24. Choose the right variant: “Could you tell me … has happened?”

A)who B) why C) where D) which E) what

25. I can’t stand … hard rock.

A) controlling B) listening to C) hurting D) picking up E) wastin

Key 11 form variant II 1 term

  1. D) 6. B) 11. D) 16. B) 21. A)

  2. C) 7. D) 12. E) 17. A) 22. B)

  3. E) 8. C) 13. D) 18. C) 23. C)

  4. A) 9. A) 14. A) 19. A) 24. E)

  5. B) 10. A) 15. B) 20. B) 25. B)

A. Circle the correct word.

1   The charity / union I’m a member of is calling for a nationwide strike next week.

2   It’s company / firm / business policy not to allow the use of phones for personal calls during working hours.

3   The recent raise / rise in the cost of petrol has affected loads of small businesses round here.

4   In some professions, you have to retire / resign when you’re 60 or 65 years old.

5   My grandfather gets a pension / promotion from the company he used to work for.

6   Not only did we all have to work overtime / promotion this weekend, but we didn’t get paid for it!

7   Have you had any news about that work / job / career you applied for yet?

8   The starting salary / wage is €20000 per year.

9   You’ll get a weekly pay / wage of about €300 before deductions.

10   She became a full-time member of employees / staff / employers last year.


1 union   2 company   3 rise   4 retire

5 pension   6 overtime   7 job   8 salary

9 wage   10 staff

B. Complete using the correct form of the words in the box.

commute • deliver • earn • gain • make • sack • win

1   No sooner had Denzil …………………… the lottery than he decided to quit his job.

2   How long does it take you to …………………… to work every day?

3   How much does a state school teacher …………………… each year?

4   Over a hundred workers were …………………… redundant when the factory closed.

5   Our next-door neighbour was …………………… for stealing company property.

6   Does your local supermarket ……………………?

7   Rarely have I …………………… so much valuable experience in such a short space of time.


1 won   2 commute   3 earn/make   4 made

5 sacked   6 deliver   7 gained

C. Write one word in each gap.

It just takes hard work and commitment

Entrepreneur Jane Dickson describes how she got started

I was working as an IT Manager for a small publishing company (in fact, I was standing (1) ……………… for the actual manager while she was away on maternity leave) when the company was taken (2) ……………… by a large multinational media organisation. It was in the depths of the recession, and initially our new owners promised to see our small company (3) ……………… the hard times. Things got worse, though, and they finally backed (4) ……………… of their agreement. Our company closed (5) ……………… . We were all made redundant – it was horrible!

I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do next. I (6) ……………… down several offers of work as I didn’t want to rush into anything. Then, one day, I woke up and thought: ‘I’m going to set (7) ……………… my own business!’ At first it was tough. I had to (8) ……………… to everything myself – I was the only employee! – but I set (9) ……………… it with dedication and refused to give up, whatever happened. Over the last five years, as the company’s grown, I’ve taken (10) ……………… more and more staff. Dickson’s now employs over five hundred people! I set (11) ……………… to be successful, and I’ve managed it. I feel very lucky, although, to be honest, luck has nothing to do with it. It just takes hard work and commitment. I don’t feel satisfied yet, though. We’re bringing (12) ……………… new products all the time, and I want to continue doing that. I also want to speed (13) ……………… our production process to make it more efficient. I’m not planning to slow (14) ……………… any time soon!


1 in   2 over   3 through   4 out   5 down

6 turned   7 up   8 see   9 to   10 on

11 out   12 out   13 up    14 down

D. Match to make sentences.

 I put a lot of effort

 They’ve made their decision

 It’s not in your interest to

 The secretary’s kept me

 I don’t know why you didn’t apply

 I think we’re all in agreement

 Dean’s been out

 The shop hasn’t been in

 I’m glad you’re finally taking an interest

10   Jason lives fairly near his place of

A   on hold for ages.

 about who’s going to get promoted.

 of work for over two months now.

D   into writing this report.

 business long.

 in your work.

G   for that position.

H   accept a pay cut.

I    work, doesn’t he?

J   on this, aren’t we?


1 D   2 B   3 H   4 A   5 G   6 J

7 C   8 E   9 F   10 I

E. Write one word in each gap.

 Maybe you should write a letter ……………… complaint to the manager.

 When was the last time you had a ……………… off?

 Hardly had the police officer come ……………… duty when he had to respond to an emergency.

 My dad’s ……………… work at the moment, I’m afraid. Can you call back later?

 I am available to ……………… an interview at your convenience.

 He’s been ……………… this job for over thirty years.

 Our company ……………… a lot of business with Altech Industries.

 Sol’s made an arrangement ……………… the wholesalers to deliver more frequently in future.

 June’s got several years’ experience ……………… dealing with young children.


1 of   2 day   3 on   4 at   5 attend

6 doing/in   7 does   8 with/for   9 of/in

F. Choose the correct answer.

1   Who is responsible ………… dealing with complaints?

      A with             B for

      C in                  D at

2   We began ………… looking round for advertising agencies which had experience of our market.

      A to                 B with

      C by                 D at

3   The covering letter wasn’t attached ………… the CV.

      A to                 B with

      C from            D by

4   Don’t you think you should apply for the job ………… writing?

      A with             B for

      C at                 D in

5   I was only absent ………… the office for a few minutes!

      A for               B from

      C in                  D about

6   Success in this industry depends a lot ………… luck!

      A with             B from

      C at                 D on


1 B   2 C   3 A   4 D   5 B   6 D

G. Cross out the incorrect word in each sentence and write the correct word on the line.

 Sadie’s quite good in typing. …………….

 Jimmy qualified at a doctor a couple of years ago. …………….

 You need to be good at languages to work in an interpreter. …………….

 It’ll be good that Rudy to get some work experience this summer. …………….

 You’ve got to be experienced from dealing with difficult authors if you want to be an editor. …………….

 We specialise for manufacturing tiles for the building industry. …………….

 After qualifying as veterinary medicine, she decided to move to Yorkshire. …………….

 I’d love to work as advertising. …………….

 Joanne is training for become a trapeze artist at the moment! …………….


1 in/at   2 at/as   3 in/as   4 that/for

5 from/in/with/at   6 for/in   7 as/in

8 as/in   9 for/to

H. Complete the sentences by changing the form of the word in capitals when this is necessary.

1   All the heavy ………………… (MACHINE) in the factory has been manufactured on site.

2   Al is a manager at the local water ………………… (WORK).

3   An ………………… (INDUSTRY) dispute is threatening to delay production of the new car.

4   We work under close ………………… (SUPERVISE), so there’s not much opportunity for initiative.

5   Farm ………………… (WORK) in Belgium have accepted a 5% pay increase.

6   There’ll be an ………………… (ADD) charge of €30 for delivery.

7   Supersonic planes have never been a ………………… (COMMERCE) success.

8   We couldn’t have built this new train without the ………………… (DEDICATE) and expertise of the entire workforce.

 The plan is completely ………………… (WORK). Let’s just forget it!


1 machinery   2 works   3 industrial   4 supervision

5 workers   6 additional   7 commercial   8 dedication

9 unworkable

I. Complete the text by changing the form of the word in brackets.

Job fairs

Although a certain percentage of graduates will still be (1) ………………… (employ) six months after leaving university, the majority will have found (2) ………………… (employ) by then. Many of these will even have been offered a job while at university, as a result of visiting a job fair. Job fairs are held at many universities each year. Companies come along to advertise jobs, which are usually in (3) ………………… (manage), and the career structures and benefit packages that go with them. Job fairs are an (4) ………………… (effect) way for undergraduates to find out what kind of job they might be interested in.

If you go to a job fair, dress (5) ………………… (profession). Don’t wear jeans and a T-shirt. Wear a suit! You don’t want to look (6) ………………… (responsible) when you have your first (7) ………………… (meet) with your potential (8) ………………… (employ). If you’re interested in a job on offer, you may have to fill out an (9) ………………… (apply) form, so it’s (10) ………………… (help) to take along relevant information with you. You’ll also need proof of all your (11) ………………… (qualify), so don’t forget to take photocopies of all your certificates with you.


1 unemployed   2 employment   3 management

4 effective   5 professionally   6 irresponsible

7 meeting   8 employer(s)   9 application

10 helpful   11 qualifications

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Описание и ответ задания[править | править код]

The words and word combinations below help us to speak about certain arts. Organise them according to the arts that they describe. (Certain words can belong to more than one category.)

  • Theatre
  • Cinema
  • Music
  • Sculture
  • Painting
  • Literature
  1. Theatre – Drama / Success / Classical / Gallery / Stage / Balcony / Applause / Ballet / Operetta / Concert / Box / Audience / Opera / Scenery / Tragedy / Sound / Comedy / To act / Character / To applaud / Seat / Dress circle / Stalls / Performer
  2. Cinema – Drama / Success / Classical / Screen / Audience / Tragedy / Sound / Comedy / Colour film / To act / Horror movie / Cinemagoer / Feature film / Character / Seat / Performer
  3. Music – Flute / Success / Classical / Stage / Violin / Piano / Applause / Ballet / Operetta / Concert / Audience / Opera / Sound / To compose / To applaud / Performer
  4. Sculpture – Sculpture / Success / Bronze / Work of art / Monuments / Theatre Statue / Museum
  5. Painting – Success / To draw / Gallery / Work of art / Museum / To paint.
  6. Literature – Drama / Success / Classical / Fiction / Tragedy / Comedy / Character

Другие задания учебника[править | править код]

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