The word want means

нужда, желание, необходимость, желать, хотеть, хотеться, нуждаться


- недостаток, нехватка, отсутствие (чего-л.)

- (of) потребность, необходимость, нужда (в чём-л.)

to be in want of smth. — нуждаться или испытывать потребность (в чём-л.)
I am in want of a good dictionary — мне нужен /мне необходим/ хороший словарь
to be in want of money — нуждаться в деньгах
the house is in want of repair — дом нуждается в ремонте

- нужда, бедность

to live in want — жить в бедности /в нищете/
to be reduced to /to fall into/ want — впасть в нищету

- обыкн. pl желание, стремление, потребность

my wants are few — мои потребности невелики
we can supply all your wants — мы можем удовлетворить все ваши запросы

- геол. эрозионное замещение


- хотеть, желать

he wants to go — он хочет уйти
he wants me to go — он хочет, чтобы я ушёл
I want you to copy this letter without any mistakes — пожалуйста, перепишите это письмо без единой ошибки
he wants adventure — он ищет /жаждет/ приключений

- испытывать недостаток (в чём-л.)

- нуждаться (в ком-л.)

don’t go, I want you — не уходите, вы мне нужны
don’t leave me, I want you, Jane — не оставляй меня, я не могу (жить) без тебя, Джейн
your country wants you — ты нужен своей стране

- (часто for) нуждаться, испытывать недостаток, потребность (в чём-л., в ком-л.)

to want for nothing — ни в чём не нуждаться, иметь всё необходимое
he never wants for friends — он никогда не испытывает недостатка в друзьях, у него всегда хватает друзей
want help — мор. нуждаюсь в помощи (сигнал)

- бедствовать; жить в нужде

we must not let them want in their old age — нельзя допускать, чтобы они в старости бедствовали

- требовать, вызывать (кого-л.); хотеть видеть (кого-л.)

the chief wants you — начальник вызывает вас
mother wants you — мама зовёт тебя
tell Jones I want him — пошлите /вызовите/ ко мне Джонса
I want you for a few minutes — зайди ко мне на несколько минут
call me if I am wanted — если я понадоблюсь, позовите меня
you won’t be wanted today — сегодня вы не понадобитесь

- разыскивать

he is wanted by the police — его разыскивает полиция

- разг. быть нужным, необходимым; требоваться

you want to see a doctor — вам следует показаться врачу
you want to look like a student — ты должен быть похож на студента
you badly want a new hat — вам совершенно необходима новая шляпа
you want to eat before you go — вам надо поесть до отъезда
it wants to be done with great care — это нужно сделать очень осторожно
this dress wants washing — это платье не мешает выстирать
my shoes want repairing — мои ботинки просятся в починку

Мои примеры


people who are living in want — люди, которые живут в нужде  
a disgraceful want of proper care — позорное отсутствие должного ухода  
want the strength to go on living — не хватает сил жить дальше  
flood victims wanting food and shelter — жертвы наводнения, которые нуждаются в еде и крыше над головой  
no, I don’t want — нет, не хочу  
repletion of a want — удовлетворение желания  
to want one’s scalp — намереваться разгромить, проучить, наказать кого-л.  
for / from want of smth. — из-за недостатка, нехватки чего-л.  
to be in (no) want of smth. — (не) нуждаться в чём-л.  
to come to want — обеднеть  
for want of a better word — так сказать  

Примеры с переводом

I really want a drink.

Я очень хочу пить.

I want my own room.

Я хочу собственную комнату.

You’re wanted on the phone.

Вас зовут к телефону.

I want you to be a good boy.

Я хочу, чтобы ты был хорошим мальчиком.

Let him want for nothing.

Пусть он ни в чем не нуждается.

The chief wants you.

Шеф требует вас к себе.

Want a game of chess?

Хотите партию в шахматы?

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Фразовые глаголы

want in — проситься в помещение, хотеть войти
want out — хотеть выйти

Возможные однокоренные слова

wantage  — нехватка, недостающее количество
wanting  — без, нуждающийся, придурковатый
wanted  — разыскиваемый

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: want
he/she/it: wants
ing ф. (present participle): wanting
2-я ф. (past tense): wanted
3-я ф. (past participle): wanted

ед. ч.(singular): want
мн. ч.(plural): wants

to feel a need or a desire for; wish for: to want one’s dinner; always wanting something new. to wish, need, crave, demand, or desire (often followed by an infinitive): I want to see you. She wants to be notified. to be without or be deficient in: to want judgment; to want knowledge.


  • 1 What is the word means want?
  • 2 What is an example for want?
  • 3 What does it mean to want for?
  • 4 How do you use the word want?
  • 5 What kind of word is want?
  • 6 Does Want mean poverty?
  • 7 What are a person’s wants?
  • 8 What are the human wants?
  • 9 What is a good that is a want?
  • 10 Why do we use want?
  • 11 What does I am Want mean?
  • 12 What does want for anything mean?
  • 13 Do you want or wants?
  • 14 Is want a past simple?
  • 15 Is want a modal?
  • 16 Do you want something meaning?
  • 17 What is the V2 form of want?
  • 18 Is Want transitive?
  • 19 What’s another word for bad living conditions?
  • 20 Is Pover a word?

What is the word means want?

Frequently Asked Questions About want
Some common synonyms of want are covet, crave, desire, and wish. While all these words mean “to have a longing for,” want specifically suggests a felt need or lack. wants to have a family.

What is an example for want?

Frequency: The definition of a want is something desired or wished for. An example of want is a latte with an extra shot of espresso after a tiring day.Want is defined as to feel a wish, desire or need for something. An example of want is to desire a cup of coffee.

What does it mean to want for?

Definition of want for
: to be without (someone or something) : to lack (someone or something) She certainly will never want for friends.

How do you use the word want?

Want meaning ‘wish’ or ‘desire’

  1. She said I could have her old bike, but I don’t want it. ( pronoun object)
  2. This is a new kind of fruit juice I got. D’you want to try it? (
  3. The teacher wants her to do the exams again next year. (
  4. He wanted to leave school at sixteen, but his parents didn’t want him to.

What kind of word is want?

As detailed above, ‘want’ can be a noun or a verb. Noun usage: And well are worth the want that you have wanted. Verb usage: What do you want to eat? Verb usage: There was something wanting in the play.

Does Want mean poverty?

Frequently Asked Questions About poverty
Some common synonyms of poverty are destitution, indigence, penury, and want. While all these words mean “the state of one with insufficient resources,” poverty may cover a range from extreme want of necessities to an absence of material comforts.

What are a person’s wants?

Personal or individual wants refer to those wants which are only demanded by a single person or an individual. For example, Sachin wants a cricket bat, Baichug Bhutia wants a football, Leander Paes wants tennis-racket etc. These are the personal wants. ‘On the other hand’ all the things are wanted by us collectively.

What are the human wants?

All the desires and aspirations and motives of humans are known as human wants in economics. And the wants that can be satisfied with goods and services of any kind are economic wants. Like for example food, shelter, clothing, etc are economic human wants.

What is a good that is a want?

A want is something you would like to have. It is not absolutely necessary, but it would be a good thing to have. A good example is music. Now, some people might argue that music is a need because they think they can’t do without it.

Why do we use want?

to feel a need or a desire for; wish for: to want one’s dinner; always wanting something new. to wish, need, crave, demand, or desire (often followed by an infinitive): I want to see you. to have need (usually followed by for): If you want for anything, let him know.

“I want” is a statement of the fact that you desire something. “I am wanting” is a statement of the fact that you are lacking something. ” Wanting” here has the meaning of ‘deficient in some part, thing, or respect’

What does want for anything mean?

to have all the basic things you need to lead a satisfactory life: As children we never wanted for anything.

Do you want or wants?

With verbs, having an “s” usually means it’s singular, for example: He buys(singular)In the same way, “wants” is singular, not “want”. AS the subject is singular, we would use the singular form of “want”, that is, “wants”.

Is want a past simple?

The simple past of the verb ‘want’ is ‘wanted.

Is want a modal?

Most verbs in Afrikaans only have a present and a perfect form. Some other English verbs express modality although they are not modal verbs because they are not auxiliaries, including want, wish, hope, and like.

Do you want something meaning?

DEFINITIONS2. used for offering something to someone, or for asking them if they would like to do something. Do you want a cup of coffee?

What is the V2 form of want?

Want Past Tense, V1 V2 V3 Form Of Want

V1 V2 V3
Want Wanted Wanted

Is Want transitive?

(transitive); (formal) If someone or something wants for something, they don’t have it or don’t have enough of it. (transitive) If you want someone, you want to have sex with them. (intransitive) If you want up, down, in, out, etc., you want to go there or your want somebody to help you go there.

What’s another word for bad living conditions?

1 needy, indigent, impoverished, destitute, penniless, poverty-stricken, necessitous, straitened. 5 meager. 6 unsatisfactory, shabby. 7 sterile, barren, unfruitful, unproductive.

Is Pover a word?

No, pover is not in the scrabble dictionary.

Other forms: wanted; wants; wanting

In all its forms, want has to do with the lack of having and the desire to have. You can want or desire something you’d like, or you can be in want of something you need.

The word want goes back to the 12th century and the Old Norse language, where vanta meant «to be deficient,» or “in want.” If someone keeps bugging you, you might lose patience and ask, «What do you want?» If you are seeking employment, check the «want ads» or look for signs saying «Help Wanted.» If you are a «wanted criminal,» you might have trouble getting hired.

Definitions of want

  1. noun

    the state of needing something that is absent or unavailable

    want of a nail the shoe was lost”


    deficiency, lack

  2. noun

    anything that is necessary but lacking

    “I tried to supply his



  3. noun

    a state of extreme poverty

  4. noun

    a specific feeling of desire

  5. verb

    be without, lack; be deficient in

    want courtesy”

    want the strength to go on living”

    “flood victims
    wanting food and shelter”

  6. “This piano
    wants the attention of a competent tuner”


    need, require

    see moresee less



    demand immediate action

    type of:


    have the quality of being; (copula, used with an adjective or a predicate noun)

  7. verb

    wish or demand the presence of

    want you here at noon!”

  8. verb

    feel or have a desire for; want strongly

    want to go home now”

    want my own room”



    see moresee less


    show 22 types…
    hide 22 types…
    crave, hunger, lust, starve, thirst

    have a craving, appetite, or great desire for

    fancy, go for, take to

    have a fancy or particular liking or desire for


    feel or suffer from the lack of


    be optimistic; be full of hope; have hopes


    hope for; have a wish

    wish, wish well

    feel or express a desire or hope concerning the future or fortune of

    care, like, wish

    prefer or wish to do something

    itch, spoil

    have a strong desire or urge to do something


    want to have


    have as one’s ambition

    feel like

    have an inclination for something or some activity

    begrudge, envy

    be envious of; set one’s heart on

    lech after, lust after

    have a strong sexual desire for

    hanker, long, yearn

    desire strongly or persistently


    try to get or reach


    feel sad about the loss or absence of

    ache, languish, pine, yearn, yen

    have a desire for something or someone who is not present


    be the will of or have the will (to)

    desire, hope, trust

    expect and wish


    wish, long, or crave for (something, especially the property of another person)


    make a serious effort to attain something


    make a search (for)

  9. verb

    hunt or look for; want for a particular reason

    “Your former neighbor is
    wanted by the FBI”

    “Uncle Sam
    wants you”

DISCLAIMER: These example sentences appear in various news sources and books to reflect the usage of the word ‘want’.
Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of or its editors.
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Do you want more coffee?

He wants a bicycle for his birthday.

I just wanted a chance to rest.

She wanted more time to finish the test.

Do you want anything from the store?

What do you want for Christmas?

You can choose whichever color you want.

The motor wants a tune-up.

Thousands of poor people still want food and shelter.

Tell him that the teacher wants him.


His attitude shows a want of proper respect.

He is suffering from want of adequate sleep.

people who are living in want

See More

Recent Examples on the Web

Will whoever steps up in the power vacuum created by Logan’s death even want to complete the deal anymore?

Evan Romano, Men’s Health, 10 Apr. 2023

For folks who don’t want to be bogged down by a big bag, this piece is the one for you.

Jessica Leigh Mattern, Peoplemag, 9 Apr. 2023

But that wasn’t the only City Hall story people wanted to talk about that night.

Gustavo Arellano, Los Angeles Times, 9 Apr. 2023

In addition to seeking better residual rates, writers want higher minimum pay rates and better financial security in an industry that is far more likely to order a 10-episode season than the 22-episode season that was standard when broadcasters dominated the medium.

R.j. Rico, Anchorage Daily News, 9 Apr. 2023

With a location across from the beach, your kids may never want to leave.

Tamara Gane, Chron, 9 Apr. 2023

The Jonas Brothers want a new choreographer.

Andy Hoglund,, 9 Apr. 2023

Ninety percent of the roughly 100,000 people who voted in Paris want the scooters banned.

CNN, 9 Apr. 2023

The Chinese government says the island’s contact with foreign officials encourages those who want formal independence, a step Beijing says would lead to war.

Sarah Elbeshbishi, USA TODAY, 8 Apr. 2023

The next 30 percent of your income should go towards your wants—this is everything that’s optional, like dining out, movie tickets, and shopping.

Jocelyn Solis-moreira, Popular Science, 4 Apr. 2023

But that’s not for want of trying.

Alex Shephard, The New Republic, 31 Mar. 2023

Choose from either a 4-inch glass or a 2.5-inch glass, depending on your wants and needs.

Kate Mcgregor, Better Homes & Gardens, 30 Mar. 2023

The point is not to rob you of your wants.

Jeanne Sahadi, CNN, 6 Mar. 2023

The rushed pacing also pushes the brutality into voyeuristic sadism in certain installments, particularly the eighth, when the escalated body count loses all meaning and becomes, for want of a better criticism, the stuff of a video game rather than prestige TV.

Daniel Fienberg, The Hollywood Reporter, 10 Jan. 2023

Everything else is a want.

Orlando Sentinel, 17 Mar. 2023

Buying yourself flowers once a month is a want.

Jeanne Sahadi, CNN, 6 Mar. 2023

Herbert, a 6-6 steeple, has far too many passes batted down, an absolute absurdity (although part of it could be a want for throwing lanes).

Nick Canepacolumnist, San Diego Union-Tribune, 14 Jan. 2023

See More

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘want.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

May 27, 2008 at 11:39 am dis mai 3rd day ov gibben up skwrlz……gotta hab wun…..want want want……. ❋ Unknown (2008)

Oh, you mean he doesn’t ***really*** want to follow God’s Law, but wants to do what all fundagelicals do, and pretend that God’s Law is what ever bits of the Bible they *want* to follow, while insisting Jesus, in obviously one of his «unpublished» works, overturned the bits they don’t? ❋ Howard M. Friedman (2008)

I want Atlantis to *want* something, to be about something, to have something to say to me. ❋ Hth_the_first (2006)

“That’s what I’d sign up for,” he said, explaining he’d want to defend the right “to learn and think what you want” as Canadians have now taken as a birthright. ❋ Unknown (2006)

And the irony for me is, now that he actually does something that makes me want to boycott his films, he goes and puts out a movie I actually * want* to see this summer. ❋ Unknown (2005)

In the world I want to see, not only would women have complete freedom to choose abortion, those who *want* to carry to term would be supported–in meaningful ways, ie financial support, affordable childcare, etc. ❋ Unknown (2005)

 This individual would not want any interaction, as he did not want  interaction on a one-to-one basis. ❋ Michaud, S G & Aynesworth H (1989)

Each individual perceived some want in his neighbor, and forthwith proceeded to supply this want, _charging just as much for the thing supplied as the desire for the article or his need of it would force the person supplied to pay; without reference to the equitable price, estimated with respect to the labor bestowed in supplying the want_. ❋ Various (N/A)

They can then consult their own wishes in the matter, they can have intercourse whenever they want and _the way they want_. ❋ William J. Robinson (N/A)

Really know what you want as a home, _want it_, and you can work out any scheme, provided you have intelligence, patience and perseverance. ❋ Grace Wood (N/A)

And _we want the same as you want_, i.e. _to be free citizens of our own state_. ❋ Vladim��r Nosek (1929)

I only want to know—I want to know—— I want——” He stopped. ❋ Unknown (1918)

I only want to know two things — first, do you _want_ success, and, second, will you work for it? ❋ Unknown (1918)

I want her to _want_ me — and she doesn’t one little bit! ❋ Angela Brazil (1907)

It makes me want to _do_ something — to _risk_ something, to want to _want_ something more than I’ve ever learned to want. ❋ Harry Leon Wilson (1903)

All I want is a little gratitude from you — ah, no, I cannot say that is all I _want_. ❋ Unknown (1901)

Now, Hyacinth, when people know what they want — really _want_ something acutely and definitely — and don’t get it, I can pity them. ❋ Ada Leverson (1897)

I’m too proud to go back on that now, _far_ too proud; you can keep the money if you want to, or you can give me some of it if you _want_ to. ❋ Lily Dougall (1890)

«The last thing I tell you,» she said, «the thing I want you to remember, is this, that, though I do not care — I _want_ to care.» ❋ Richard Harding Davis (1890)

I want to marry Marion Wolton — I _want_ to make _her my wife! ❋ Clyde Fitch (1887)

[I cannot] change what [I want] [unless] I want to. ❋ Yorrick Hunt (2008)

I want a new [Range], [therefore], I need to [get it] ❋ Saneshia (2007)

You can [tell] by his [giant woody], that he «wants on» [Mary]. ❋ Drewpooh1987 (2008)

Kevin: He was at the ballpark at [9 AM] for a [7 PM] game taking cuts [in the cage].
Jason: #want right there. ❋ Point9er (2012)

[Oh my god] [you’re right]! He’s definitely a WaNtEd, I wish i could be as [cool as] him ❋ WaNtEdAmErIcAn (2010)

Person 1: [Want]?
Person 2: Sure, [sounds] like [a good time]. ❋ Coulterr24 (2019)

Child: «I want a [sticker]!»
Dad: «And I want $[1,000,000].» *[Punts] child* ❋ Mongooose (2009)

Tom- [i am] going to make [your asshole] [sore]
Kyle- not want! ❋ Rawr Rawr And More Rawr (2008)

[I want you] ❋ Mennäperille (2019)

«After the [conversation] I had with that [hot chick], I got hit with the wantness [real bad].» ❋ Caelifer (2010)

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