The word vision in a sentence

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Her vision is that food equity is for all.

Ее видение заключается в том, что справедливость в доступе к продуктам питания должна касаться всех людей.

Because obviously any vision needs money.

Потому что — и это очевидно — любое видение требует денежных вложений.

Peripheral vision is pretty important for driving.

Периферическое зрение очень важно, например, для тех, кто за рулем.

Peripheral vision is crucial when driving.

Периферическое зрение очень важно, например, для тех, кто за рулем.

Humans with albinism usually have vision problems.

Вообще говоря, люди с альбинизмом часто имеют проблемы, связанные со зрением.

Sometimes loss of peripheral vision slowly progresses, while central vision remains normal.

Иногда ухудшение периферийного зрения происходит чрезвычайно медленно, в то время, как центральное зрение остаётся нормальным.

Correcting vision problems in addition to using low vision devices will better utilize the remaining functional vision.

Для исправления проблем со зрением в дополнение к использованию устройств со слабым зрением лучше использовать оставшееся функциональное зрение.

Symptoms of adult squint problems include fatigue, double vision, difficulty with near vision and loss of stereo vision.

Симптомы косоглазия у взрослых включают в себя усталость, двойное зрение, проблемы с ближним зрением и потерю стереоскопического зрения.

Moderate vision impairment combined with severe vision impairment are grouped under the term «low vision«: low vision taken together with blindness represents all vision impairment.

Умеренные нарушения зрения в сочетании с серьезными нарушениями зрения сгруппированы под термином слабое зрение: слабое зрение в совокупности со слепотой представляет собой все нарушения зрения.

Global vision, undivided vision, and also eternal vision.

Individuals may have blurry vision for 24 hours following the procedure, and there may be some loss of night vision or peripheral vision.

Физические лица могут иметь нечеткое зрение в течение 24 часов после операции, и там могут быть некоторые потери ночного видения и периферического зрения.

Other possible vision changes include distorted vision or temporary loss of your vision.

Другие возможные изменения зрения включают искаженное зрение или временную потерю зрения.

Machine vision is the incorporation of computer vision into industrial manufacturing processes, although it does differ substantially from computer vision.

Машинное зрение — это внедрение компьютерного зрения в промышленные процессы производства, но при этом оно существенно отличается от компьютерного зрения.

Peripheral vision problems mean that you don’t have a normal, wide-angle field of vision, even though your central vision may be fine.

Проблемы периферийного зрения означают, что у вас нет нормального широкоугольного поля зрения, хотя ваше центральное зрение может быть прекрасным.

Damage to the area of your brain involved with vision can lead to light sensitivity, hallucinations, blurred vision, double vision and even loss of vision.

Повреждение области мозга, связанной со зрением, может привести к светочувствительности, галлюцинациям, нечеткому зрению, двойному зрению и даже потере зрения.

Macula is responsible for central vision and recognition of faces and color vision.

Макула формирует центральное зрение, отвечает за остроту зрения и распознавание цветов.

We make your vision, our vision.

Symptoms include blurred vision, difficulty seeing colors, floaters, and even total loss of vision.

Симптомы включают нечеткость зрения, плохо видит цвета, ползуны и даже полной потерей зрения.

He offers a vision for a more just and prosperous future, supported by a concrete program to achieve that vision.

В завершение он предлагает свое видение более справедливого будущего и конкретную программу воплощения этого видения в жизнь.

This vision must be coupled with practical action in each of these sectors, gradually moving toward this vision.

Это видение должно сочетаться с практическими действиями в каждом из этих секторов, с постепенным движением к этому видению.

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Word index: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

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Phrase index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Synonym: apparition, dream, fantasy, ghost, illusion, image, perception, phantom, sight, specter. Similar words: revision, division, envision, provision, television, derision, decision, collision. Meaning: [‘vɪʒn]  n. 1. a vivid mental image 2. the ability to see; the visual faculty 3. the perceptual experience of seeing 4. the formation of a mental image of something that is not perceived as real and is not present to the senses 5. a religious or mystical experience of a supernatural appearance. 

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1. She suffered from dizziness and blurred vision.

2. Cats have good night vision.

3. Fantasy and ideal vision but end the deadlock.

4. The blood vessels may leak fluid, which distorts vision.

5. The couple moved outside her field of vision.

6. The eye test shows she has perfect vision.

7. She has very little vision in her left eye.

8. My blurry vision makes it hard to drive.

9. He glimpsed something on the edge of his vision.

10. She has good vision.

11. His vision is of a world that coheres through human connection rather than rules.

12. She suffered temporary loss of vision after being struck on the head.

13. Video cameras with night vision can be activated by movement.

13. try its best to collect and make good sentences.

14. Our field of vision is limited by that tall building.

15. Sometimes our vision clears only after our eyes are washed away with ears.

16. Sometimes our vision clears only after our eyes are washed away with tears.

17. Blow-off vision of the rain, so that you are left with a brilliant rainbow.Shuttle time in my fingers, without any regrets, open stemmed bloom ripples. Blunt rolling thick liquid eternal, but you and I, were dispersed in which period of Acacia leaves.

18. It causes blindness or serious loss of vision.

19. Fear had clouded his vision.

20. I’ve had my eyes tested and the report says that my vision is perfect.

21. In business circles he is noted for his flair and clarity of vision.

22. I choose for my subject faith wrought into life, apart from creed or dogma. By faith I mean a vision of good one cherishes and the enthusiasm that pushes one to seek its fulfillment regardless of obstacles. Faith is a dynamic power that breaks the chain of routine and gives a new, fine turn to old commonplaces. Faith reinvigorates the will, enriches the affections and awakens a sense of creativeness.

23. The annual arts festival is a monument to her vision and hard work.

24. How do you cope with the problem of poor vision?

25. Any crack in a car windscreen always seems to be right in the driver’s line of vision.

26. As we approached the summit we were vouchsafed a rare vision.

27. Only when our eyes have been washed by tears, can we have a broader field of vision.

28. Nor are the insights of happiness limited to what is near around you. Unhappy, with your thoughts turned in upon your emotional woes, your vision is cut short as though by a wall. Happy, the wall crumbles.

29. As selfishness and complaint cloud the mind,so love with its joy clears and sharpens the vision.

30. I join with all your friends in offering my sincere congratulations on your graduation.The world needs young people today with vision and courage to help build a better place for humanity.Wish you well in all your undertakings and hope that you will find your career a source of great joy and happiness.

More similar words: revision, division, envision, provision, television, derision, decision, collision, disillusion, disillusionment, visitor, visible, divisible, invisible, vivisection, inquisition, acquisition, fusion, improvisation, mission, passion, version, session, evasion, allusion, cession, pension, mansion, erosion, tension.

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word vision, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use vision in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «vision».

Vision in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word vision in a sentence.

  1. He was utopian in his vision:.

  2. This is the vision: One Canada.

  3. I was warned in a vision of your approach».

  4. They allow colour vision and depth of focus.

  5. Like all rhinos, they have very poor vision.

  6. In discussing his vision of the book, he wrote:.

  7. Altered their vision, their outlook, their insight.

  8. A vision of Longdendale UD,

  9. Other drivers reported dizziness and blurred vision.

  10. His critics saw his attitude as a failure of vision.

  11. At the rally, Diefenbaker called for «[a] new vision.

  12. Like all rhinos, the Javan rhino smells and hears well, but has very poor vision.

  13. Megabat species often have eyesight as good as, if not better than, human vision.

  14. Nearly all daylight fish have colour vision at least as good as a normal human’s.

  15. The evolution of color vision in primates is unique among most eutherian mammals.

  16. Harry also had difficulty at school; he suffered from measles and vision problems.

  17. Initially planning to depart for distant lands, a vision of Christ leads him to aid the impoverished.

  18. According to Patti, Playdead felt these changes would break the integrity of Jensen’s original vision.

  19. CSNB is a disorder that causes an affected animal to lack night vision, although day vision is normal.

  20. Cranmer’s vision of reform through careful steps under the authority of the government was maintained.

  21. Reviews were highly favourable; The Daily Telegraph commented on «a high level of imaginative vision ..

  22. Central to Franklin’s pacifism and her view of life is what she calls «the Quaker vision of the world».

  23. She edited the songs to fit her personal vision, rewriting the lyrics and rearranging some of the songs.

  24. Before Zeus can finish him off, Kratos is saved by a vision of Pandora during a journey into his psyche.

  25. The reconstruction showed that the regions associated with vision took up nearly one-third of the brain.

  26. They provide binocular vision over a field of 100° to the front and a total visual field of almost 360°.

  27. During this transformation, the newly crested l’Cie all have the same vision: a monster called Ragnarok.

  28. Cosmo sees a vision from her mother Earthia, telling her that she must sacrifice herself to save the rest.

  29. Blessed Lightning, a monk at the monastery, has a vision of Tintin, Snowy, Haddock, and Tharkey in danger.

  30. The Pacific blue-eye forages using vision, and the turbidity of the water affects its ability to find food.

  31. According to Cohen, the green children represent a dual intrusion into William’s unified vision of England.

  32. Despite the setbacks, by 2014 the vision of Canberra as a university town would be well on its way to becoming a reality.

  33. Second was the spiritual vision of nature inspired by the Romanticism and the transcendentalists in the mid-19th century.

  34. In late 1917 Ware began searching for a replacement to Aitken, who did not fully support Ware’s vision for the commission.

  35. This meant a separate radar operator would be needed, so the pilot would not lose his night vision by looking at the CRTs.

  36. Moral philosopher Douglas Groothuis says Satin’s vision is unsound because it lacks an absolute standard of good and evil.

  37. After conferring with a vision of Scully, Mulder awakens from his coma and realizes his duty to prevent alien colonization.

  38. Portions of the more mountainous regions were frequented by the Shoshone and Sioux for spiritual healing and vision quests.

  39. Birds hunt very differently from mammals, relying on their powerful vision to find prey, and thus they usually hunt by day.

  40. He could not fathom what this vision might mean.» As he meditated, «marks of nails began to appear on his hands and feet ..

  41. Impressed with her charisma and poise, Nolan, believing she embodied his vision of the character, cast Kapadia in the part.

  42. Between 1885 and his death in 1890, Van Gogh appears to have been building an oeuvre, a collection that reflected his personal vision and could be commercially successful.

  43. In 1997, the game’s designers produced a 47-page document that outlined the game’s premise and vision statement, and was used to pitch the idea to management at Interplay.

  44. The Yellow Drawing Room has wallpaper supplied in 1817 for the Brighton Saloon, and a chimney piece which is a European vision of how the Chinese chimney piece may appear.

  45. On the 32nd day of filming Enter the Dragon, during the «room of mirrors» sequence, Bruce has a terrifying vision of the Demon that has haunted his and his father’s dreams.

  46. Walt Disney World expanded with the opening of Epcot Center in 1982; Walt Disney’s vision of a functional city was replaced by a park more akin to a permanent world’s fair.

Synonyms for vision

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word vision has the following synonyms: imagination, imaginativeness, sight, visual sense, visual modality and visual sensation.

General information about «vision» example sentences

The example sentences for the word vision that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «vision» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «vision».

видение, зрение, дальновидность, мечта, предвидение, проницательность, вид


- зрение, видение; зрительное восприятие

stereoscopic vision — пространственное зрение
the field of vision — поле зрения
the organ of vision is the eye — орган зрения — глаз
vision disorders — мед. нарушение зрения
it has impaired his vision — это испортило ему зрение
glasses for far [for close] vision — очки для дали [для работы]
within the range of vision — в пределах видимости

- кино, тлв. видение

vision of lens — видение съёмочного аппарата
by vision — по телевидению

- концепция; идея; замысел

comprehensive vision — всеобъемлющая концепция
original vision — первоначальная идея
artistic vision — художественный замысел

- видение; галлюцинация

Joan of Arc saw /had/ visions — у Жанны д’Арк были видения

- мечта; образ, картина, представление

visions of power [of wealth, of fame] — мечты о могуществе [о богатстве, о славе]
romantic visions of youth — романтические мечты /грёзы/ юности
a vision of the future — картина /образ/ будущего
he has a clear vision of the future he wants for his children — он ясно представляет, какое будущее он желает своим детям

- проницательность; прозорливость, дальновидность, предвидение

political vision — политическая дальновидность
a man of vision — дальновидный человек
breadth of vision — широта кругозора

- (прекрасное) зрелище; (красивый) вид

the bride was a lovely vision — от невесты нельзя было глаз оторвать
the lake was a vision — озеро представляло собой прекрасное зрелище

- воображение

the vision of a poet — воображение поэта
the vision of a prophet — пророческий дар

- призрак, привидение
- авт. обзор (с автомобиля)

forward vision — передний обзор
operator vision — обзор водителя


- редк. предвидеть
- представлять себе; видеть в воображении, воображать

Мои примеры


limit of vision — предел видимости  
total loss of vision — полная потеря зрения  
vision nil — нулевая видимость  
normal vision — нормальное зрение  
beyond our vision — вне нашего поля зрения  
to lose one’s vision — терять зрение, слепнуть  
man of vision — проницательный человек  

Примеры с переводом

Our visions met.

Наши взгляды встретились.

The idea came to him in a vision.

Эта идея пришла к нему в видении.

She was a lovely vision in green.

В зелёном она выглядела просто прекрасно.

This drug will sharpen your vision.

Это лекарство обострит ваше зрение.

He had a vision of Christ.

У него было видение Христа. / Ему явился Христос.

I had only a momentary vision of the sea.

Море я увидел лишь на мгновение.

Video cameras with night vision can be activated by movement.

Камеры ночного видения могут приводиться в действие передвижением.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…visioned her idea of the perfect meal…

Turner’s vision of the rainbow…was poetic

Some teachers have a narrow vision of what art is.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

envision  — представлять себе, воображать, рисовать в своем воображении
revision  — пересмотр, ревизия, доработка, проверка, осмотр
visional  — зрительный, воображаемый
visionary  — провидец, визионер, мечтатель, фантазер, воображаемый, призрачный, мечтательный

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): vision
мн. ч.(plural): visions

vision — перевод на русский


— You look as if you’ve seen a vision.

.. Выглядишь так, как будто тебе было видение.

Last night I had a vision… Saint Maurillo

Вчера мне было видение, святой Маурилло.

A vision! — Hold me back!

— Вот это видение!

I had a vision, Tonila, of a room with three walls.

Мне было видение, Тонила, большой комнаты с тремя стенами.

I have a personal vision of this work.

Будьте внимательны. У меня свое видение произведения.

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I’ll bet you have perfect 20/20 vision.

Я буду держать пари, что у вас идеальное зрение.

— I’ve got 20-20 vision.

— У меня хорошее зрение.

Whatever gives you that idea? Then you’ve got peculiar vision.

Тогда у вас удивительное зрение.

How can you use your new vision?

ак бы вы использовали ваше новое зрение?

How your lost love affects your vision, doctor, doesn’t interest me.

То, как любовь влияет на ваше зрение, меня не интересует. Я потерял человека.

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Vision is fragmented.

я вижу фрагментами.

-I cannot see! Vision impaired! Come on!

— Я ничего не вижу!

My God, what is this vision I see before me?

Господи, что я вижу? Не обманывают ли меня глаза?

I have a vision of you… standing before a large mirror.

Я вижу тебя… стоящей перед большим зеркалом.

You want to know what my vision is?

Вы хотите знать что я вижу?

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I always had a different vision than my father. The ability to see beyond pure logic.

У меня всегда был отличный от отцовского взгляд на вещи, возможность смотреть выше чистой логики.

It’s such a sweet, romantic vision of things.

Такой милый, романтичный взгляд на вещи.

It’s part of an arrested juvenile vision.

Взгляд от лица малолетнего преступника.

This book is a searing vision… of the wounds our century has inflicted on-— on traditional masculinity.

Эта книга являет собой взгляд… на жестокую действительность-— глазами современника.

And the typical vision of men on couples lesbians is that it can not be any problème.

Типичный взгляд гетеросексуального мужчины на гомосексуальные женские отношения таков, что у них вообще не может возникнуть проблем.

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Greatness is a vision

Величие — это мечта.

Exactly A vision

Вот именно. Мечта.

This is it, Max. My vision.

Вот она, Макс, моя мечта.

And now, again, one man’s vision ushers in a new era of aerial travel, proving the power of imagination and intellect.

Он не прыгнет. И снова мечта одного человека ведет нас в новую эру воздухоплавания, доказывая силу воображения и интеллекта!

For most of us it’s a vision.

Для большинства из нас – это мечта.

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With reversed vision, how will you operate the controls?

Это зеркальный образ! Как справишься с приборной панели?

And what exactly was this vision wearing?

Во что был одет образ?

Your romantic vision of death with all that grass growing everywhere.

Твой романтический образ смерти с растущей повсюду травой.

It’s been four years but the vision of Jamie walking towards me will stay with me forever.

Прошло четыре года но ее образ всегда со мной и всегда останется со мной.

I’m sorry if you’re disappointed, Morgan. But that is your vision of Jack Thursby.

Мне очень жаль, что вы разочарованы, Морган… но вы сами выбрали такой образ жизни Джека Терсби.

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Its vision is based on movement.

Его глаза реагируют только на движения.

If she says she stays, you go. You crawl back to wherever the fuck it is you came from and never cross my vision again.

Уползешь в свою дыру и больше никогда не покажешься мне на глаза.

You’ve had another vision, haven’t you?

Бежал, куда глаза глядят.

I feel like a little drowsy and my vision’s blurry.

Меня клонит ко сну и глаза слипаются.

Until your vision clears and you’re looking at another dead man?

Пока не откроются глаза и ты не увидишь очередной труп?

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Whatever a woman’s vision of an evening of passion may be… … Irarelyfindmyself in the picture.

Независимо от того, какое представление у женщины о вечере и страсти может быть, я редко нахожу себя на той картине.

Lars had a very good vision, at the time, of where he saw that particular… you know, the metal music going.

Ларс имел очень хорошее представление обо всём этом, в то время он видел мельчайшие детали… Понимаете, они делали металл, потому что он мог видеть это ушами Европы и глазами, может быть.

Is this your vision?

Это твое представление?

You’ve got an entire constituency riding on you Having a clear vision of what you believe in.

У тебя свой избирательный округ, и это значит, что у тебя есть представление о том, во что ты веришь.

And suddenly, I’m ruining his vision of the future.

И внезапно, я разрушаю его представление о будущем.

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I have visions.

У меня бывают видения.

Well, you know how I have these visions from time to time.

Ну, вы же знаете, что у меня порой бывают видения.

I just have these visions.

У меня просто бывают видения.

You said you sometimes see visions

Ты говорил, что у тебя иногда бывают видения

Me, I have, um, visions. Premonitions. I don’t know, it’s different for everybody.

У меня, э… бывают видения, предчувствия.

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My vision board.

Доску моих замыслов.

I’ve been making vision boards for years, and I always achieve my goals.

Я делала доски замыслов годами, и я всегда добивалась намеченных целей.

That should be on your vision board.

Вот это должно быть на твоей доске замыслов.

You put the bakery up on your vision beam.

Ты прикнопила кондитерскую на свой брус замыслов.

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