The word very is lazy

Avoid using the word VERY because it’s lazy.

There are a few quotes that verify this idea and are stated below:

“Substitute ‘damn’ every time you’re inclined to write ‘very;’ your editor will delete it and the writing will be just as it should be. ~Mark Twain”

“‘Very’ is the most useless word in the English language and can always come out. More than useless, it is treacherous because it invariably weakens what it is intended to strengthen. ~Florence King”

“So avoid using the word ‘very’ because it’s lazy. A man is not very tired, he is exhausted. Don’t use very sad, use morose. Language was invented for one reason, boys – to woo women – and, in that endeavor, laziness will not do. It also won’t do in your essays. ~N.H. Kleinbaum”

One way to avoid using the word “very” is to use more descriptive words or phrases. For example, instead of saying “very tired,” you could say “exhausted.” Instead of saying “very happy,” you could say “overjoyed.” Additionally, you can use adverbs that are stronger than “very,” such as “completely,” “totally,” or “utterly.” Another way to avoid using “very” is to use a phrase that expresses the same thing in a different way, such as “to a great degree” instead of “very much” or “extremely” instead of “very”.

  • Very cold -> Frigid
  • Very tired -> Exhausted
  • Very angry -> Furious
  • Very happy -> Ecstatic
  • Very cheap -> Inexpensive
  • Very fast -> Swift
  • Very big -> Enormous
  • Very small -> Tiny
  • Very hot -> Scorching
  • Very cold -> Bitingly cold
  • Very hungry -> Starving
  • Very thirsty -> Parched
  • Very dirty -> Filthy
  • Very beautiful -> Gorgeous
  • Very slow -> Tedious
  • Very old -> Ancient
  • Very high -> Lofty
  • Very loud -> Deafening
  • Very bright -> Radiant
  • Very dark -> Pitch black
  • Very long -> Interminable
  • Very short -> Petite
  • Very thin -> Skinny
  • Very thick -> Chunky
  • Very heavy -> Massive
  • Very light -> Feathery
  • Very fast -> Lightning fast
  • Very slow -> Sluggish
  • Very easy -> Effortless
  • Very hard -> Herculean
  • Very strong -> Robust
  • Very weak -> Feeble
  • Very sweet -> Saccharine
  • Very sour -> Tart
  • Very salty -> Briny
  • Very bitter -> Harsh
  • Very fresh -> Crisp
  • Very stale -> Musty
  • Very young -> Juvenile
  • Very mature -> Sophisticated
  • Very rich -> Opulent
  • Very poor -> Destitute
  • Very successful -> Triumphant
  • Very failed -> Disastrous
  • Very healthy -> Robust
  • Very sick -> Infirm
  • Very happy -> Elated
  • Very sad -> Despondent
  • Very pleased -> Delighted
  • Very annoyed -> Irritated
  • Extremely thin -> Gaunt
  • Very quiet -> Hushed
  • Very rude -> Impolite
  • Very kind -> Benevolent
  • Very nervous -> Anxious
  • Very calm -> Serene
  • Very hot -> Blazing
  • Very cold -> Arctic
  • Very rich -> Affluent
  • Very poor -> Impoverished
  • Very popular -> Trendy
  • Very disliked -> Unpopular
  • Very intelligent -> Brilliant
  • Very silly -> Goofy
  • Very serious -> Solemn
  • Very playful -> Joyful
  • Very boring -> Dull
  • Very interesting -> Engaging
  • Very simple -> Uncomplicated
  • Very complicated -> Intricate
  • Very wrong -> Incorrect
  • Very right -> Correct
  • Very fast -> Speedy
  • Very slow -> Leisurely
  • Very full -> Stuffed
  • Very empty -> Vacant
  • Very high -> Elevated
  • Very low -> Depressed
  • Very big -> Colossal
  • Very small -> Minute
  • Very hot -> Sweltering
  • Very cold -> Frigid
  • Very wide -> Spacious
  • Very narrow -> Confined

Words to Use Instead of Very in Sentences

Here are some sentences using the words to instead of “very”:

  • He was extremely cold. -> He was frigid.
  • She was very tired. -> She was exhausted.
  • The situation was very angry. -> The situation was furious.
  • The party was very happy. -> The party was ecstatic.
  • The item was very cheap. -> The item was inexpensive.
  • The car was very fast. -> The car was swift.
  • The building was very big. -> The building was enormous.
  • The toy was very small. -> The toy was tiny.
  • The day was very hot. -> The day was scorching.
  • The night was very cold. -> The night was bitingly cold.
  • He was very hungry. -> He was starving.
  • She was very thirsty. -> She was parched.
  • The room was very dirty. -> The room was filthy.
  • The view was very beautiful. -> The view was gorgeous.
  • The progress was very slow. -> The progress was tedious.

How to Avoid Using the Word Very | Image

Avoid Using the Word Very 1

How To Avoid Using The Word VERY in English

Avoid Using the Word Very 2

How To Avoid Using The Word VERY in English 1

Avoid Using the Word Very 3

How To Avoid Using The Word VERY in English 2

Avoid Using the Word Very 4

How To Avoid Using The Word VERY in English 3

Avoid Using the Word Very 5

How To Avoid Using The Word VERY in English 4

Avoid Using the Word Very 6

How To Avoid Using The Word VERY in English 5

Avoid Using the Word Very 7

How To Avoid Using The Word VERY in English 6

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

She is very lazy, so her results aren’t very good.

Boys is very lazy, gentlemen.

Уж больно они ленивы, господа.

She is very lazy and does nothing at home.

Но она умненькая, дома ничего не делает.

Maxwell has always understood what we say to him however he is very lazy at speaking.

Медведев не всегда способен оценивать, что именно он произносит, хотя прекрасно понимает смысл сказанного.

In reality, he is very lazy and lecherous.

And there is also a psychological matter here, because he who is very lazy by nature exhausts himself in one hour more than his friend in two hours or more.

Существует и психологическая проблема, так как лентяй по натуре тоже за один час прилагает усилия большие, чем его товарищ за два часа или более.

Другие результаты

August is a very lazy month in the halls of the international institutions in Brussels (the EU and NATO).

Август — это очень ленивый месяц в коридорах международных организаций в Брюсселе (Евросоюз и НАТО).

My dog is very very lazy and I like it that way.

Your best friend and co-worker is a very lazy worker.

He is a very lazy dog and loves his home comforts.

Он очень предан своим хозяевам и любит домашний комфорт.

Nobita is a very lazy boy and brings nothing but misfortune.

Нобита очень ленив и постоянно попадает в неудачные ситуации.

She is a very lazy person, she doesn’t do a lot of stuff at home.

Но она умненькая, дома ничего не делает.

She’s claiming that her daughter is «very lazy

These days everyone except the very lazy is writing about the striking similarity between the political regimes of Putin’s Russia and Mubarak’s Egypt.

Только ленивый не пишет о поразительном сходстве между политическими режимами России при Путине и Египта при Мубараке.

As the reviews, Diet for the lazy is very easy to implement, however, and the fantastic results it promises — 3-5 kg per month.

Как свидетельствуют отзывы, диета для ленивых очень проста в исполнении, однако и фантастических результатов она не обещает — 3-5 килограммов за один месяц.

I’m essentially a very lazy person.

As you might remember, I am very lazy.

It used to make me feel very lazy.

You could say that I am a very lazy optimist.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 7514. Точных совпадений: 7. Затраченное время: 830 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

level 1

In college, one of my writing professors allowed us to use the word «is» and its other variations only ten times in our papers before he started to deduct points. Needless to say, our vocabulary grew extensively that semester.

level 2

Really? How long were the papers he generally assigned? I can’t imagine using ‘is’ less than ten times over the course of ten pages or even five pages.

level 2

I had an AP teacher that really enforced this. It was annoying at times, but it actually really improved my writing. The biggest thing is it helps to force you out of passive voice and into active voice.

level 2

Can you give an example of how this would change things/improve writing? I’m bad at words so I can’t imagine it!

level 2

Or you just wrote in past tense.

level 1

I’m not fucking using the word morose

level 2

Morose is a panty dropper bro how do you not know that

level 2

Stop cursing. You’re making me feel morose.

level 2

I’m morose and lugubrious, i’mma let the uzi spit, turn his face into gooey shit

level 2

Also surreptitious.

I’m just not saying it.

level 2

Look at this morose motherfucker here…

Smells like someone shit in his cereal.

level 2

Lil Ugly Mane is spinning in his grave.

For very lazy gamers there is an automatic firing.

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Для очень ленивых геймеров есть функция автоматического ведения огня.

It should be noted that though work therapy sometimes is



the deluded person can become very lazy.


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Также следует заметить, что хотя трудотерапия иногда




Very lazy, therefore tries to automate what need to be

done more than twice manually.


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Очень ленивый, поэтому максимально пытается заавтоматизировать все, что нужно делать

более 2- ух раз мануально.


The favorite pastime of these lovely but very lazy animals is climbing the rocks and basking in the sun,

nudging neighbors with their thick sides.


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Любимое занятие этих милых, но весьма ленивых животных- взбираться на скалы и греться на солнышке,

толкая соседей толстыми боками.


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Either he was very lazy or someone’s wiped it.

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Либо он был ленив, либо это кто-то вычистил.

I’m just very lazy, and you gave me an excuse to do nothing.

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Я просто очень ленив, а вы дали мне оправдание ничего не делать.

He is very lazy, known to sleep in the counsel’s classroom.

Finally, very lazy lice fighters simply add oil to any shampoo

and diligently wash their heads.

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Наконец, совсем уж ленивые борцы со вшами просто добавляют масло в любой шампунь

и старательно моют им голову.



old, I’m very lazy and we need you to learn so you can look after us.

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Paddy’ s


старый, я очень ленивый И мы должны научит тебя. Как присматривать за нами.

There are many talented people who have had the opportunity to learn,

but it seems that they are very lazy or




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Есть много талантливых людей, у которых была возможность учиться,

но выглядит так, что они очень ленивы или слишком напуганы.


It’s something which, if you’re really trying to explain the early universe,

especially if you’re very lazy and you just want to get papers out,

it’s perfect because it gives you an answer.

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Это- кое-что, что, если Вы действительно пытаетесь объяснить раннюю вселенную,

особенно если Вы очень ленивый и Вы только хотите вывести бумаги,

это прекрасно, потому что это дает Вам ответ.

There are actually very few lazy individuals of your species outside of contemporary cultural and social developments.


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Есть на самом деле очень мало ленивых индивидуумов вашего вида за пределами современных культурных и социальных развитий.


You see very few lazy people in indigenous populations;

everybody works, everybody lives, everybody socializes, everybody produces.


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Вы видите очень мало ленивых людей в коренном населении;

все работает, все живут, все общается, все производит.


First, most programmers are either very busy or lazy, and the one who acts takes it all.

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Во-первых: большинство программистов либо очень заняты, либо ленивы, а тот, кто действует, всегда получает все.

I have a wife Milan and lazy and a daughter very compulsive.

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У меня есть жена- миланка,


ленивая, и дочь, весьма навязчивая.

Lazy is a very modern system with a minimalist design that will

attract the attention of all lovers of relaxation.

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Lazy— это очень современная система с минималистским дизайном,

которая привлечет внимание всех любителей отдыха.

After a short briefing we set off on the road,

which has not always been easy but very nice for a lazy Sunday afternoon.

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После короткого инструктажа мы отправились в дорогу,

которая не всегда была легкой, но очень хорош для ленивых воскресенье днем.

Though he is shown as a lazy student, he is very courageous and would protect his friends at all costs.

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Хотя он и показан, как ленивый студент, он очень смелый и будет защищать своих друзей любой ценой.

And here it is very easy to go into topics that only lazy people are not currently discussing;

Blockchain, and smart contracts.


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И тут очень легко уйти в ту тему, которую сейчас не обсуждает разве что ленивый: блокчейн и смартконтракты.


If there is a history of ophthalmic problems in your family, such as strabismus,

the need to wear glasses, lazy eye and especially very different vision strengths in your two eyes,

your child should have an eye exam sooner, at around two years old.


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Если в вашей семье были или имеются случаи таких офтальмологических дефектов, как косоглазие,

постоянное ношение очков, ленивый глаз и, в особенности, очень разная степень аметропии между двумя глазами,

обследование должно быть проведено по исполнению ребенку двух лет.


Now it is a very popular topic, which is not spoken about only by lazy people.


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Сейчас это очень популярная тема, о которой не говорят разве что только ленивые.


very fun little bathing game that is perfect for a lazy day of gaming.


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Очень мило и очень забавное купание игра, которая идеально подходит для ленивых день игр.


A large part of their population plays just for fun and

the money they spend will be compared with a lazy night out with friends having to pay a very expensive dinner.

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Большая часть их населения играет просто для удовольствия и

денег они тратят будут сравниваться с ленивой ночи с друзьями приходится платить очень дорогой ужин.

Although Rath is in good health(Con 13), he’s not very strong(Str 8) because he’s just plain lazy—he never wanted to exercise as a youth and now it’s too late.

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Хотя у Рэта хорошее здоровье( Con 13), он не очень силен( Str 8) потому что он- довольно ленивый— он никогда не хотел упражняться пока был молод,

и теперь это- слишком поздно.

Ned is a smart boy, but he’s also very


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Стилджо очень сильный противник, также он очень умен и хитер.


Обновлено на

15 авг. 2018

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  • Английский (американский вариант)

@usefirerenga It’s more natural to use «before the word lazy.» Either way works though.

  • Английский (американский вариант)

  • Английский (американский вариант)

You can add «very» before «lazy.»

  • Упрощенный китайский (Китай)

  • Традиционный китайский (Гонконг)

@prettyfaithful1 Thank you so much. The word «very» is «before the word lazy» or «in front of the word lazy»? I don’t know which I should use in this situation, «before» or «in front of».

  • Английский (американский вариант)

@usefirerenga you can say either. both have the same meaning in this context

  • Упрощенный китайский (Китай)

  • Традиционный китайский (Гонконг)

  • Английский (американский вариант)

@usefirerenga It’s more natural to use «before the word lazy.» Either way works though.

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Как сказать на Английский (американский вариант)? I am lazy. → I am very lazy.  Can I say add "very" before "lazy"? Or in front of lazy.

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    with your friends yes but somewhere formal or in school you can’t

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    I tired for walking.
    I tired to walking.

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