The word verify in a sentence

Definition of Verify

to prove or confirm something

Examples of Verify in a sentence

The waitress asked to see my driver’s license so she could verify my age.


Unfortunately, I have been asked to go to the coroner’s office to verify my daughter’s identity.


Please sign your name to verify you have received the package.


Until more evidence is found, the police cannot verify the killer’s motive.


Lottery officials must verify the validity of your ticket before you can receive your winnings.


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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word verify, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use verify in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «verify».

Verify in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word verify in a sentence.

  1. This non-fiction book was intended to verify Stowe’s claims about slavery.

  2. He asserts his status to verify that the Drapier’s intentions must be good.

  3. Their function was to verify the design and test the behavior of the materials used.

  4. Curto checked the remnants of the gas employee’s workshop to verify García’s testimony.

  5. Heywood’s hopes that his former shipmate would verify his innocence were quickly dashed.

  6. TriMet took over the project that July to continue system testing and verify scheduling.

  7. Focus groups consisting more than 25 testers went through this design to verify its ease.

  8. Their orders, from the 19th Army headquarters at Ambon, were to verify reports that the U.S.

  9. This may be related to colonisation processes, but further studies are needed to verify this.

  10. PHS staff and advisors may inspect any PHS awardee at any time to verify adherence to PHS policy.

  11. The objectives of the Nuclear Furnace tests were to verify the design, and test the new composite fuels.

  12. When the five representatives went to verify that Ueno was in the jail, the crowd again returned to protest.

  13. For a considerable time, until DNA testing could verify parentage, the AQHA refused to register such horses.

  14. According to Van Ryzin, the passage of time has made it impossible to verify or invalidate Burke’s assertion.

  15. Since he has not published the details of how he established this inventory, it is not possible to verify his work.

  16. They break into Sridhar’s office to verify his IP address, but he is alerted electronically and returns to his office.

  17. Even before the storm subsided, people crowded the streets in a «stampede» to verify the safety of friends and family.

  18. In response, Union militias developed hand signals to verify that approaching men in Union uniforms were not guerrillas.

  19. These inspections verify compliance with the Animal Welfare Act, which is a subset of the PHS policies governing IACUCs.

  20. Once installed at the launch pad, the Space Shuttle was used to verify the proper positioning of launch complex hardware.

  21. Jones, Carbide and Carbon and SAM Laboratories technicians to verify that the equipment was working and there were no leaks.

  22. Boeing was initially not convinced of CATIA’s abilities and built a physical mock-up of the nose section to verify its results.

  23. After the call, Aldrin began photographing and inspecting the spacecraft to document and verify its condition before their flight.

  24. The authors also placed an asterisk against species of which they had no first-hand knowledge, and were therefore unable to verify.

  25. It is straightforward to verify by a case analysis that this function β satisfies the required monotonicity property of a haven.

  26. While these claims are difficult to verify, others have speculated that their design was «politically motivated» rather than strategic.

  27. To circumvent this possibility, the Dauphin ordered background inquiries and a theological examination at Poitiers to verify her morality.

  28. Sound Transit uses proof-of-payment to verify passenger fares, employing fare inspectors and transit police to conduct random inspections.

  29. While these stunts were performed, a panel of audience members was invited to watch the show up close to verify that no trickery was employed.

  30. In June 1979 Stiefel asked a former Nazi Party archivist, August Priesack, to verify the authenticity of the diary, which he subsequently did.

  31. Hofmann was aided in the discovery process by his willingness to ingest mushroom extracts to help verify the presence of the active compounds.

  32. Prout had said (in 1819) that the pink sediment in urine was due to the presence of ammonium purpurate, but Bird’s tests failed to verify this.

  33. Only one of them Pluto has been observed in enough detail to verify that its current shape fits what would be expected from hydrostatic equilibrium.

  34. Consequently, the logical positivists argued that religious language must be meaningless because the propositions it makes are impossible to verify.

  35. The movement proposed that, for a statement to hold meaning, it must be possible to verify its truthfulness empirically with evidence from the senses.

  36. The authors also document the primary sources who verify that Peta Nacona was not at the scene of the massacre and died around 1865, not December 1860.

  37. George Gatewood and Heinrich Eichhorn, at a different observatory and using newer plate measuring techniques, failed to verify the planetary companion.

  38. Since the investigators could not thus verify that they were the same Hiatt and Thayer who were reported missing, the names remain listed among the presumed dead.

  39. The munitions control centre failed to verify that the pylon had received proper clearance and inspection and approved the pylon for loading on the B-52 at 09:25.

  40. Surville sailed first to the Nicobar Islands to try to verify the presence of a Danish colony but encountered adverse winds by the time the islands were in sight.

  41. After the discovery, Libby Sheldon of University College London conducted several tests to verify the painting’s age, including spectroscopy and laser microscopy.

  42. Finding plenty of railroad cars in Veracruz but no locomotives, MacArthur set out to verify a report that there were a number of locomotives in Alvarado, Veracruz.

  43. Spore ultrastructure is distinctive among Calvatia species, and has been used to help verify taxonomic groupings and confirm the status of species within the genus.

  44. There are no contemporaneous accounts to verify the legend, but Plymouth Rock is often hailed as the point where the colonists first set foot on their new homeland.

  45. Mendes said in his sentence that pilots had failed to verify the functioning of equipment for more than an hour, a length of time he called «an eternity» in aviation.

  46. The telescopes observed Halley, at the faintest and farthest any comet has ever been imaged, in order to verify a method for finding very faint trans-Neptunian objects.

  47. This lets engineers assemble a virtual aircraft, in simulation, to check for interference and verify that the thousands of parts fit properly—thus reducing costly rework.

  48. Throughout Pennsylvania, these floods led to 20 deaths and 69 municipal- or state-owned bridges being either «destroyed or closed until inspections could verify their safety».

  49. Tobin of Ryder Street Naval Barracks said that he personally ordered six or seven of the men to load munitions on August 9 but was unable to verify if any others were so ordered.

  50. This approach was used to help verify Einstein’s theory of general relativity, which adds a small effective inverse-cubic perturbation to the normal Newtonian gravitational potential,.

Synonyms for verify

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word verify has the following synonyms: affirm, assert, avow, aver, swan, swear and control.

General information about «verify» example sentences

The example sentences for the word verify that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «verify» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «verify».

verify — перевод на русский


Naturally, I want to verify it, and that’s why I need you.

Естественно, я хочу это проверить. Потому-то вы мне и понадобились.

But since it’s difficult to verify, let’s leave the Greeks alone. With great pleasure.

Но поскольку это трудно проверить, оставим греков в покое.

First, I must verify that the Sorensen formula works.

Сперва я должен проверить, работает ли формула Соренсена.

McCoy could verify all that.

Маккой мог бы это проверить.

I do not know if you realize that you know only your imagination about yourself, without a chance to verify it.

Не знаю, отдаешь ли ты себе отчет в том, что знаешь о себе только то, что воображаешь, без всяких шансов проверить это.

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I can verify nothing for you.

Ничего я не могу подтвердить!

Until finally, all that was left… And Stella can verify that. Was the house itself.

Пока не оказалось, что всё, что осталось — и Стелла может подтвердить это — это сам дом и около 20-ти акров земли.

Nobody can verify he was there or what he was up to?

Но никто ведь не может подтвердить, что ваш муж действительно был в студии?

— Can you verify that, navigator?

— Штурман, можете подтвердить?

I ain’t heard nothing to verify it.

» € не слышал ничего, что могло бы подтвердить это.

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I don’t want to talk about it. If you like, I can bring it by and you can verify it afterwards.

Если хотите, я принесу сюда то, что выловлю, и вы сможете убедиться.

Give us access to your ship so that we can verify you are indeed smuggling Cardassian weapons.

Мы поднимемся на борт для того, чтобы убедиться в том, что мы уже знаем — что вы действительно везете оружие в кардассианские колонии.

I want to verify these experts myself.

Я хочу лично убедиться что это за эксперты.

We came to verify that.

Мы пришли убедиться в этом.

I’m going to verify the truth of Marcoh’s theory with my own eyes.

Я хочу сам убедиться в истинности теории мистера Марко!

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It’s citizen Dussard duty to verify the political colour of all those who enter in Toulon.

Обязанность гражданина Дасарда проверять политические убеждения всех тех, кто прибывает в Тулон.

But you’re on a tap, we verify every call.

Ваш телефон прослушивается. Мы обязаны проверять все разговоры.

It will go through the taiga in their Zhiguli and verify that you meet the macaque quarterly plan.

Он будет ездить по тайге на своих жигулях и проверять, выполняют ли макаки квартальный план.

It is that I always verify it.

Не беспокойтесь, просто я привык всё проверять.

It was created to verify information retrieved from the torture of captured Goa’uld.

Он был создан, чтобы проверять информацию, полученную под пытками от пленных Гоаулдов.

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Verified, captain. We have seven days.

Подтверждено, капитан.

Verified, captain.

Подтверждено, капитан.

Security clearance verified.

Разрешение на доступ подтверждено.

We’ll only print something if it’s true and can be verified.

Мы напечатаем что-то, только если это будет правдой, и может быть подтверждено.

If the defendant’s alibi is verified, then linkage is broken, and I’ll have to dismiss.

Если алиби обвиняемого подтверждено, то доказательная база нарушена и я прекращаю дело.

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The whole point of a secret knock is to establish a non-verbal signal to verify the identity of one’s co-conspirators.

Смысл тайного стука — подать невербальный знак для подтверждения личности конспиратора.

You see, we had it enhanced, and Pam recognized your bedroom, so we sent it to Providence PD to verify.

Видишь ли, у нас есть техника и мы увеличили его и Пэм узнала твою спальню Поэтому мы отправили снимок в управление Провиденса для подтверждения.

Did Duke Roscoe contact you to verify your information?

Дюк Роско связался с вами для подтверждения информации?

Which he paid for with his credit card, verified with his driving licence, a transaction he vehemently denies.

Он заплатил за нее кредиткой, для подтверждения личности предъявил права. Эту операцию он яростно отрицает.

But first, I’m gonna have to verify the diagnosis.

Но во-первых, я хочу подтверждения диагноза.

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His particulars have been verified by multiple parties.

Его приметы многократно проверены.

— These promotions will be verified.

— Ваши повышения будут проверены.

— Are the facts verified?

— Факты проверены? — Проверены.

But they’ve been verified.

Но они проверены.

Our initial intelligence reports have been verified.

Наши первичные разведданные были проверены.

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Okay, you two claim to be married and living here to verify this I’m going to separate you all and ask you a series of questions about the couple.

Итак, вы двое состоите в браке и проживаете здесь. Для проверки этого я собираюсь опросить каждого по отдельности и задать вам ряд вопросов о супругах.

In the meantime, you might want to start verifying your personnel… discreetly.

А пока, вы могли бы начать с проверки персонала… Но осторожно.

I’m here to verify that this is the residence of Bart and Lisa Simpson.

Я здесь для проверки Это резеденция Барта и Лизы Симпсон.

A logical assumption, so I had the victim’s medical records sent over and cross-referenced them to verify the injury.

Логическое предположение, поэтому я запросил медицинскую карту жертвы и сопоставил записи для проверки травмы.

He had enough doubt in whatever it is you told him about your patient to feel the need to verify.

У него было достаточно сомнений в том, что бы вы ему там не сказали, о вашем пациенте чтобы почувствовать необходимость проверки.

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Three blind mice «Those truth possibilities of its truth-argument which verify… and prositions… I shall call its truth grounds…»

Реальные возможности реальных доказательств, которые подтверждают существование чего-либо.

Every test result verifies its effectiveness.

Все тесты подтверждают эффективность лекарства.

These… all have at least two or more witnesses who can verify their location at the time of the attack.

Этих… всех видело как минимум два или больше свидетеля, которые подтверждают их местонахождение во время атаки.

Joint-tenancy documents verifying partners have lived together—

Документы о совместной аренде подтверждают… Я знаю свои права.

We know from two verified drug tests that she had GHB in her system.

Мы знаем, что 2 теста на наркотики подтверждают, что в ее организме были анестезирующие препараты.

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Should I send word to the captain to check and verify?

Мне позвонить капитану, чтобы проверить и удостовериться?

I’ve just come to verify it’s true.

Я только зашёл удостовериться, что это правда.

Verify that what’s true?

В чём удостовериться?

If you would care to verify the incident, pray do so.

Если вы хотите удостовериться в этом, пожалуйста.

We are trying to verify these rumours …through the Vatican, actually.

Мы пытаемся удостовериться в истинности этих слухов.

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проверять, подтверждать, удостоверять, исполнять


- проверять, контролировать

to check / confirm / verify a fact — проверять факт
to verify compliance with the obligations — осуществлять контроль за выполнением обязательств
to verify details — уточнить подробности
to verify the items — проверить наличие (предметов) по списку
to verify a ban — контролировать запрещение
to verify a statement [figures, an account] — проверить утверждение [цифры, счёт]

- поверять, выверять (измерительный инструмент); сверять (тексты)

verify accounts — выверять счета
to verify all the citations in a book — проверить /сверить/ цитаты в книге

- подтверждать; устанавливать подлинность (чего-л.)

subsequent events verified his suspicion — последующие события подтвердили его подозрение
the prediction of a storm was verified in every detail — прогноз на бурю полностью оправдался

- засвидетельствовать; заверять; удостоверять, подтверждать (что-л. представлением доказательства)
- подтверждать под присягой

Мои примеры

Примеры с переводом

Please verify that the doors are closed.

Пожалуйста, убедитесь, что двери закрыты.

She verified her flight number.

Она проверила номер своего рейса.

The suspicions were verified.

Подозрения подтвердились.

The police verified that she had an air-tight alibi.

Полиция подтвердила, что у неё железное алиби.

His statement was verified by several witnesses.

Его заявление было подтверждено несколькими свидетелями.

He verified that the item was in stock.

Он подтвердил, что товар имеется в наличии.

A computer program verifies that the system is working.

Компьютерная программа проверяет, что система работает.

They were unable to produce any statistics to verify their claims.

Они были не в состоянии получить какие-либо статистические данные для проверки своих утверждений.

Hours spent in casting up and verifying accounts.

Часы, проведённые в подсчётах и проверке счетов.

American forces will remain to verify compliance with the treaty.

Американские войска останутся для проверки соблюдения договора.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Can you verify whether I am scheduled to work or not?

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

verifiable  — проверяемый, не голословный
verification  — проверка, контроль, подтверждение, засвидетельствование
verifier  — свидетельство, доказательство, контрольник, контрольное устройство

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: verify
he/she/it: verifies
ing ф. (present participle): verifying
2-я ф. (past tense): verified
3-я ф. (past participle): verified

Synonym: authenticate, certify, confirm, corroborate, document, prove, substantiate, support, validate. Similar words: clarify, terrifying, esterification, quavering, give rise to, impoverishment, over and over, rifle. Meaning: [‘verɪfaɪ]  v. 1. confirm the truth of 2. verify or regulate by conducting a parallel experiment or comparing with another standard, of scientific experiments 3. attach or append a legal verification to (a pleading or petition) 4. to declare or affirm solemnly and formally as true. 

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1. Are you able to verify your account/allegation/report/theory?

2. An external auditor will verify the accounts.

3. We must verify his figures.

4. I can verify that it takes about thirty seconds.

5. They now take extra steps to verify the creditworthiness of customers.

6. They were unable to produce any statistics to verify their claims.

7. Further experiments will be carried out to verify this result.

8. I’ll leave you to verify whether these claims are true.

9. American forces will remain to verify compliance with the treaty.

10. Please verify that there is sufficient memory available before loading the program.

11. The reader can verify that this optimal solution is.

12. Accountants are working to verify the figures.

13. Experiments or observations are needed to verify it.

14. There is no evidence to verify this, but Al Davis was probably a lousy prom date.

15. Practically speaking, we ritually verify what is there, and are disposed to call it reality.

16. You can verify that for yourself by running your fingertips ova a slightly rough surface and then stopping.

17. Please verify that there is sufficient disk quota and privilege to create a file in the supplied working directory.

18. In the past week they have begun to verify that weapons and mines have been removed from the former fighting zone.

19. While it is at present impossible to verify the claims, the list reflects the ethnic and religious complexities of the area.

20. Edey said it could take a week to verify those reports.

21. For example, individuals can verify the validity of transactions using their monthly checking account and credit card statements.

22. I looked up the word in a dictionary to verify its spelling.

23. The second important task of historical criticism is to verify information found in the biblical sources.

24. The reader should again work out these more complex cases in terms of supply and demand curves to verify all these results.

25. Still, I could not doubt that my vision had occurred, even though I had no way to verify it.

26. In comparative politics, the political scientist compares countries in an effort to verify the theories that have been formulated.

27. When she finds the right neighborhood, she interviews neighbors and mail carriers to verify the addresses.

27. Wish you can benefit from and make progress everyday!

28. Having never dealt with a statistical neural network, we were uncertain how we could verify the integrity of the network.

29. Among them: A specialized Police Department investigation unit would be designated to verify the disability claims.

30. The latter will carry out a small number of random spot checks to verify a company’s samples.

More similar words: clarify, terrifying, esterification, quavering, give rise to, impoverishment, over and over, rifle, drift, trifle, thrift, terrific, horrified, edify, pacify, ratify, vilify, modify, testify, justify, qualify, mortify, rectify, gratify, specify, nullify, clarification, classify, quantify, identify. 

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