The word vegetarian was coined in about 1840 to mean

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A. Influence on people’s health
B. Dependence on the environment people live in
C. How to become a vegetarian without health hazard
D. Pros and cons of vegetarianism
E. Well-known vegetarians
F. Some hidden dangers of meat-eating

1. The word «vegetarian» was coined in about 1840 to mean people who lived without killing for food, either for moral or health reasons or both. But the practice is much older than that. Greek philosophers recommended vegetarianism and famous people who have practised it in the past include Leonardo da Vinci, Tolstoy and Voltaire, Milton, Sir Isaac Newton, Sir Isaac Pitman, Tagore and Bernard Shaw. Surely this proves that mental activity does not depend on flesh-foods. What then are the arguments that might stop us eating meat?

2. For millions of years people must have lived on fruit, nuts, grains and leaves and so developed that kind of digestive system. Perhaps the more we get away from this diet towards meat-eating, the less likely we are to be healthy. Cancer, tuberculosis and heart diseases are certainly more common in meat-eating communities.

3. But if it is so unnatural for Man to have an omnivorous diet, why do we eat (and enjoy) meat at all? One theory is that Man may have started eating the flesh of animals during the Ice Ages when most of the vegetation was destroyed. Today the Eskimos still live almost entirely on flesh — they have no alternative! It is worth considering how wasteful meat-eaters are with land. A meat-eater needs about three times as much land to support himself and his animals as a vegetarian does. For every 45 kilos of dry food eaten by cattle only 1.8 – 7.3 kilos come back as food – an expensive method of producing food. So millions of people have no choice but to live mainly off vegetables.

4. Vegetarians claim that the basic food elements which we need to grow and be healthy come from the earth, air and water through vegetation. Therefore, they argue that by eating meat we are getting these foods secondhand after they have been digested by the animal. Getting food through animals also means getting chemicals and hormones used in farming and feeding animals. In fact it has been said that the average American contains so much DDT – a dangerous chemical – that he is not fit to be eaten!

5. A diet of vegetables, fruit, grains and nuts together with a little dairy produce can give us all the vitamins and minerals we need. However — a word of warning — after years of flesh-eating, giving up animal products should not be too sudden. Dairy products — milk, butter, cheese and eggs — should be used until the body is accustomed to the new diet.

1 – E
2 – A
3 – B
4 – F
5 – C

VegetariansThe word „vegetarian” was coined in about 1840 to mean peop перевод - VegetariansThe word „vegetarian” was coined in about 1840 to mean peop русский как сказать

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The word „vegetarian” was coined in about 1840 to mean people, who lived without killing for food,either for moral or health reasons, or both. But the practice is much older than that. Greek philosophers recommended vegetarianism and famous people who have practiced it in the past include Leonardo da Vinci, Tolstoy and Voltaire, Milton, Newton and Bernard Show. Surely this proves that mental activity does not depend on flesh foods. What are the arguments that might stop us from eating meat?
Men’s body is more like those of fruit-eating animals (such as our cousins the apes) than like those of flesh-eating animals. For millions of years man must have lived on fruit, nuts and leaves and so developed a digestive system. Perhaps the more we move away from this diet towards meat eating, the less likely we are to be healthy. Cancer, tuberculosis and heart disease are certainly more common in meat-eating communities. Man may have started eating the flesh of animals during the Ice Age when most of the vegetation was destroyed.
A diet of vegetables, fruit, grains and nuts together with a few diary products can give us all the vitamins and minerals we need. By eating meat we are getting the basic food elements secondhand after they have been digested by the animals. It is worth considering how wasteful meat-eaters are with land. A meet-eater needs about three times as much land to support himself and his animals as a vegetarian does. For eveiy 45 kilos of dry food eaten by cattle only 1,8—7,3 kilos come back as food for us humans — an expensive method of producing food.


Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]


Вегетарианские блюдаСлово «Вегетарианская» был придуман в около 1840 означает людей, которые жили без убийства для пищи, либо для морального или здоровья, или оба. Но практика гораздо старше, чем. Греческие философы рекомендовал вегетарианство и известных людей, которые практикуют его в прошлом включают Леонардо да Винчи, толстой и Вольтер, Милтон, Ньютон и Бернард шоу. Несомненно, это доказывает, что умственная деятельность не зависит от плоти продуктов питания. Каковы аргументы, которые могут остановить нас от употребления мяса?Тело мужчины больше похожи на те из фруктов едят животных (например, наши родственники обезьян) чем те плотоядных животных. За миллионы лет человек должен жил на фрукты орехи и листья и поэтому разработали пищеварительной системы. Возможно больше мы отойти от этой диеты на мясо еды, тем меньше вероятность, что мы должны быть здоровыми. Рак, туберкулез и болезни сердца, безусловно, более распространены в общинах есть мясо. Человек, возможно, начал есть мясо животных во время ледникового периода, когда была разрушена большая часть растительности.Рацион овощей, фруктов, зерна и орехов вместе с несколько молочных продуктов может дать нам все витамины и минералы, которые нам нужны. Поедая мясо мы получаем основные продукты питания элементы б/у после того, как они были переваривается животными. Стоит рассматривать как расточительные едоков мяса являются с землей. Знакомьтесь eater потребностей примерно в три раза больше земли поддержать себя и своих животных как вегетарианские. Для eveiy 45 кг сухих съеденной скота только 1,8 — 7,3 кг возвращаются как пища для нас, людей — дорогой способ производства продуктов питания.

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Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]


Слово «вегетарианский» был придуман в 1840 году примерно в виду людей, которые жили , не убивая в пищу, либо по моральным причинам или здоровья, или обоих. Но практика намного старше , чем это. Греческие философы рекомендуется вегетарианство и известные люди , которые практиковали его в прошлом , включают Леонардо да Винчи, Толстой и Вольтера, Мильтон, Ньютон и Бернард Шоу. Конечно , это доказывает , что умственная деятельность не зависит от мясной пищи. Какие аргументы , которые могли бы остановить нас от употребления в пищу мяса?
Мужское тело больше походит на те фруктоядные животные (такие как наши кузены обезьян) , чем как у плотоядных животных. За миллионы лет человек должен жили на фрукты, орехи и листья и так разработали систему пищеварения. Возможно , тем больше мы отдаляемся от этой диеты к еде мяса, тем меньше вероятность , что мы должны быть здоровыми. Рак, туберкулез и болезнь сердца, безусловно , более распространены в плотоядных общинах. Человек , возможно, начал есть мясо животных во время ледникового периода , когда большая часть растительности была разрушена.
Рационе овощей, фруктов, зерна и орехи вместе с несколькими молочными продуктами может дать нам все витамины и минералы , которые нам нужны. Съедая мясо мы получаем основную элементов питания после того, как они подержанное были переваривается животными. Стоит учесть , как расточительно мясоеды являются землей. Встречание-людоед нуждается примерно в три раза больше земли , чтобы прокормить себя и своих животных , как вегетарианец делает. Для eveiy 45 кг сухого корма поедается скотом только 1,8-7,3 килограммы возвращаются как еда для нас людей — дорогостоящий метод производства пищевых продуктов.

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word “vegetarian” was coined in about 1840 to mean people who
lived without killing for food either for moral or health reasons, or
both. But practice is much older than that.

philosophers recommended vegetarianism and famous people who have
practiced it in the past include Leonardo da Vinci, Tolstoy,
Voltaire, Tagore and Bernard Show. Surely this proves that mental
activity does not depend on fresh-foods. What then are the arguments
that might stop us eating meat?

body is more like those of frugivorous mammals (such as our cousins
the apes) than like those of carnivorous and even omnivorous animals.
Why? For millions of years Man must have lived on fruits, nuts,
grains and leaves and so developed that kind of digestive system.
Perhaps the more we get away from this diet towards meat-eating, the
less likely we are to be healthy. Cancer, tuberculosis and heart
disease are certainly more common in meat-eating communities.

if it is so unnatural for Man to have an omnivorous diet, why do we
eat (and enjoy) meat at all? One theory is that Man may have started
eating the flesh of animals during the Ice Ages when most of the
vegetation was destroyed. Today the Eskimos still live almost
entirely on flesh – they have no alternative!

claim that the basic food elements which we need to grow and be
healthy come from the earth, air and water through vegetation.
Therefore they argue that by eating meat we are getting these foods
secondhand after they have been digested by the animal. (It is
interested to note that Man doesn’t eat carnivorous or even
omnivorous animals. It seems we do not enjoy receiving these food
elements thirdhand. Getting food secondhand through animals also
means getting chemicals and hormones used in farming and feeding
animals. In fact it has been said that the average American contains
so much DDT – a dangerous chemical – that he is not fit to be

is generally thought to be a ”first-class” protein, but in fact
it contains more water than protein, and is a very poor source of all
the other food elements – minerals, vitamins and carbohydrates.
Weight for weight tha soya bean has more of all the essential
amino-acids – and is, of course, much cheaper.

  1. Read
    the text and a)answer the questions:

  1. In
    which countries does the Monarch live?

  2. How
    far can it travel when it migrates?

  3. What
    problems does it face on its journey?

  4. What
    season does it travel?

  5. Why
    does it face extinction?

Monarch without a kingdom

November, a hundred million butterflies will drop from the sky over
Mexico, like autumn leaves. But for how long? Genetically modified
maize could mean extinction for this beautiful butterfly. Rafael Ruiz

its body is about 3 cm and it only weighs 1 g, the Monarch butterfly
manages to travel 5,000 km each year. It seems to be so fragile, but
its long journeys are proof of its amazing ability to survive. This
autumn, the Monarch butterfly will once more set out on its journey
from the US. It will keep going until it reaches Mexico. (1)…

November, millions of Monarchs fall like bright, golden rain onto the
forests in the mountains of central Mexico. In the silence of these
mountains you can hear a strange flapping of wings, as the Monarchs
arrive at their destination. (2)…

reaching their journey’s end they have faced strong winds, rain and
snowstorms and they do not all manage to reach their destination.
When the winters are really bad perhaps 70 per cent of them will not
survive. Their long journey to Mexico is thought to be one of the
most amazing events in the whole of the American continent. When they
get there they will stay until the beginning of April, when their
internal calendar tells them that it is time to go back. (3)…

delicate creatures now face danger of another kind – from
scientific progress. (4)…

experiments have shown that half of the butterflies which feed on the
leaves of genetically modified maize die within 48 hours. Not all
experts agree that this variety of maize is responsible for the
threat to the Monarchs. (5)…

is campaigning against genetically modified products (in Spain, there
are already 20,000 hectares of modified maize). The environmental
organization recently published a list of 100 species of butterfly in
Europe alone which are threatened with extinction.

sentences are missing from the text. Choose from the sentences A-E
the one which best fits each gap 1-5.

  1. It
    travels those huge distances to escape the cold weather in the

  2. In
    the US millions of farms grow genetically modified maize which is
    pure poison for the butterfly.

  3. In
    the mountains, which reach a height of 3,000 meters, the butterflies
    are safe.

  4. In
    spite of these doubts, the European Union has refused to approve new
    crops of genetically modified maize until further investigations
    have been carried out.

  5. The
    long journey, with all its dangers, begins again.

words in the text which have a similar meaning to these definitions:

  1. When
    a particular kind of animal no longer exist (paragraph1)

  2. Live
    in spite of danger (2)

  3. Arrives

  4. The
    noise wings make as they move (3)

  5. The
    start (4)

  6. Something
    which tells you the time of the year (4)

  7. What
    a scientist does in order to find something out (5)

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Vegetarians – facts and myths

Vegetarians – facts and myths

The word «vegetarian» was coined in about 1840 to mean people who lived without killing for food, either for moral or health reasons, or both. But the practice is much older than that. Greek philosophers recommended vegetarianism and famous people who have practiced it in the past include Leonardo da Vinci, Tolstoy and Voltaire, Milton, Newton and Bernard Show.
Men’s body is more like those of fruit-eating animals. For millions of years man must have lived on fruit, nuts and leaves and so developed a digestive system. Cancer, tuberculosis and heart disease are certainly more common in meat-eating communities.
Man may have started eating the flesh of animals during the Ice Age when most of the vegetation was destroyed.
A diet of vegetables, fruit, grains and nuts together with a few diary products can give us all the vitamins and minerals we need.

Interesting facts
– Ancient India is considered a homeland of vegetarian movement. It is worth noting that even today many people in “Wonderland” refuse from meat, thus making for more than 70% of the total vegetarian “population” of the planet.
– British scientists say that mostly “smart” people join vegetarians. The higher IQ, the higher the possibility that the person will become a vegetarian.
– Studies show that a diet of plant-based increases metabolism in the human body, causing the body to burn calories up to 16% faster than the body carnivore.
– In 2012, the Los Angeles City Council approved a resolution in which all Mondays in the City of Angels are meatless. This is part of an international campaign to reduce meat consumption for health benefits and environmental protection.
– Approximately 100 liters of water are needed for the production of 500 grams of wheat. About 2500 liters of water are required for the production of 500 grams of meat.
– Plants produce 10 times more protein per hectare than meat.
– Number of animals killed for meat every hour in the US alone – 500 000.
– One of the first known vegetarians was the Greek philosopher Pythagoras, who lived at the end of the 6th century AD. The term “Pythagorean diet” was widely used to determine his diet, while the term “vegetarian” was not invented in the 19th – century.
– Vegetarians were often considered as heretics and persecuted by the Inquisition in the Middle Ages.
– Leonardo da Vinci claimed that people do not have God-given right to eat animals.



Myths about vegetarianism
1) A man must eat meat to be strong.
Here are just a few examples of well-known strong vegetarians:
Bill Pearl – bodybuilding legend, the 4-time winner of Mr Universe title.
Stan Price – World record holder in weightlifting.
Bruce Lee – a master of martial arts, actor, 12-time Guinness Book record holder.
Martina Navratilova – The first racket of the world (1978-1987).
Mac Danzig – world champion in MMA.
Scott Jurek – multiple winner of marathons, including the ultra – marathon (135 miles / 216 km in the Death Valley in California – the heaviest race in the world).
Serena Williams – first racket of the world (2002, 2003, 2008).
Carl Lewis – a great athlete, a sprinter, winner of nine Olympic gold medals, recognized as “the best athlete of all time.”
Chris Campbell – Olympic wrestling champion.
Ruth Hayndrih – 6 times champion in weightlifting.
Kate Holmes – World champion (boxing).
Peter Hassing – European champion (boxing).
Bill Manetti – Champion in weightlifting.

Vegetarians are stronger

Vegetarians are stronger

2) Vegetarians do not have enough nutrients for mental activity
The world-renowned American inventor and businessman Thomas Edison said, “I am a vegetarian and alcohol enemy, so I can find a better use for my mind.”
Albert Einstein, being a vegetarian, said: “Nothing will bring such benefits to human health and increase the chances of survival of life on Earth, as the spread of vegetarianism.”
Such great thinkers as Pythagoras, Confucius, Socrates, Hippocrates, Plato, Plutarch, Seneca, Leonardo da Vinci, Francis Bacon, Isaac Newton, Voltaire, Benjamin Franklin, Schopenhauer, Horace, Ovid, Byron, Tolstoy and a lot of others were vegetarians.

Why not

Why not

3) Vegetarianism may lead to anemia (iron deficiency)
Besides meat (liver), dairy products and eggs, iron-containing products are oranges, peanuts, eggplant, bananas, raisins, figs, zucchini, cabbage, strawberries, cranberries, cereals (buckwheat, semolina, oats, barley, millet, rice ), corn, apricots, onions, raspberries, tangerines, almonds, carrots, seaweed, cucumber, olives, walnuts, bell peppers, peaches, parsley, tomatoes, beets, currants, soybeans, asparagus, pumpkin, fennel, beans, dates , hazelnuts, lentils, rosehips, apples, and other products.

Vegetarians – facts and myths
4) All vegetarians have unhealthy-look

Famous actress Alicia Silverstone is recognized as the sexiest vegetarian in the world. “Vegetarianism – it’s probably the best thing I’ve done in my life. I became happier and more confident. I made a decision based on my moral principles.”
Following celebrities are vegetarians: Pamela Anderson, Kim Basinger, Alec Baldwin, Richard Gere, Jim Carrey, Brad Pitt, Kate Winslet, David Duchovny, Gillian Anderson, Tom Cruise, Nicole Kidman, Brigitte Bardot, Uma Thurman, Liv Tyler, Claudia Schiffer, Orlando Bloom, Cindy Crawford, Cameron Diaz, Demi Moore, Stella McCartney (from birth), Joaquin Phoenix and many others…

Veggie bicycle

Veggie bicycle

5) All doctors and nutritionists talk about the dangers of vegetarianism
When seventy-year-old George Bernard Shaw was asked about his health, he replied: “Fine, fine, only doctors bother me, claiming I would die because I do not eat meat.”
When ninety-year-old Shaw was asked the same question, he replied: “Fine. There are no more worries. All doctors who tortured me, saying I cannot live without meat, have died. ”
Albert Schweitzer (known physician missionary, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize in 1952): “We must fight against the spirit of unconscious cruelty with which we treat the animals. Animals suffer as much as we do. True humanity does not allow us to impose such sufferings on them. It is our duty to make the whole world recognize it. Until we extend our circle of compassion to all living things, humanity will not find peace.”
… He has to look into the eyes of the animal, to see his tears until it dies – it is possible to hope that the man’s heart changes (Bava Muhayadden).

Live in peace

Live in peace

Think about animals

Think about animals

Variant 1

Part I. Reading

Read the text

The Internet and Information Revolution

In 1969, the US Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency needed a system for computers ‘to talk’ to each other via the telephone. They created a network of computers called DARPANET. In 1984, the US National Science Foundation started the NSNET net­work, a system of five supercomputer centres.

More and more people and agencies wanted to join the network. NSNET became known as the Inter-Net-Network. People started calling it the Internet.

Today, there are millions of computers all over the world which are connected to the Internet.

The World Wide Web is the most popular area of the Internet. The Web is a huge collec­tion of documents, from all over the world. It contains a mixture of texts, images and sounds.

The Internet is a source of information that is accessible through a computer. It consists of millions of pages of data about every possible subject. Twenty-five million people surf the Internet every day. The Internet is already the biggest source of information of the planet. It will soon be the main source of material for students and teachers of many different subjects.

To access the Internet, you need a service provider, a company which can bring the Internet to your computer screen. Then you can access the information via your telephone line.

If you have the website address of a company or service that you want, you simply type it and you arrive automatically at the page you want. If you haven’t got a particular website address, there are several directories or search engines which can help you, such as Alta Vista, Yahoo! or Infoseek. There are then two ways to find information-directories and key-word searches.

Mark the correct variant

1. What is exactly the Internet?

  1. a system of five supercomputer centres

  2. a system of four supercomputer centres

  3. a system of six supercomputer centers

  4. a system of six supercomputer centers

2. What kind of information can you find there?

  1. It consists of very specific information.

  2. It consists of millions of pages of data about every possible subject.

  3. It consists of hundreds of pages of data.

  4. It consists of a few of pages of data.

3. How can you access the information?

  1. You can access the information via your TV set.

  2. You can access the information via your radio phone.

  3. You can access the information via your telephone line.

  4. You can access the information via sputnik.

4. In what country did the Internet start?
a) in Great Britain b) in the USA

c) in France d) in Spain

5. What was the original purpose?

  1. the US Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency needed a system for computers ‘to talk’ to each other via the telephone

  2. the US National Science Foundation needed a system for computers ‘to talk’ to each other via the telephone

  3. The NASA needed a system for computers «to talk» to each other via sputniks.

  4. The US Military Service needed a system for computers «to talk» to each other via mobile phone.

6. When did NSF start the NSNET network?
a) in 1989 b) in 1987

c) in 1980 d) in 1984

Part II. Grammar task

Mark the tense form that best completes the sentence.

1. The teacher … a new grammar rule this week.

  1. explained c) had explained

  2. explain d) has explained

2. Alec … back today.
a) came b) has come

c)had come d) have come

3. She … this engineer since she began to work at the plant.
a) know b) knew

c) has known d) had known

4. They haven’t yet… to the Crimea.
a) go b) went

c) gone d) been going

5. We have already … them our school museum.
a) show b) had shown

c) shown d) been shown

6. The children … their homework. They can go to the cinema.
a) do b) did

c) have done d) had done

7. Have you … the new film?
a) see b) saw

c) seen d) had seen

8. I… this doctor for 5 years.
a) know b) knew

c) have known d) had known

9. Who … America?
a) discover b) has discovered

c) discovered d)discovers
10. He was happy. His dream … true.

a) came b) had come

c) was coming d) is coming

Part III. Writing.

Write a short essay on the topic “ The role of computers in our life”.

Variant 2

Part I. Reading

Read the text


The word ‘vegetarian’ was coined in about 1840 to mean people who lived without kill­ing for food, either for moral or health reasons, or both. But the practice is much older than that. Greek philosophers recommended vegetarianism and famous people who have practised it in the past include Leonardo da Vinci, Tolstoy and Voltaire, Milton, Newton and Bernard Shaw. Surely this proves that mental activity does not depend on flesh foods. What are the arguments that might stop us from eating meat?

Man’s body is more like those of fruit-eating animals (such as our ‘cousins’ the apes) than like those of flesh-eating animals. For millions of years man must have lived on fruit, nuts and leaves and so developed a digestive system. Perhaps the more we move away from this diet towards meat-eating, the less likely we are to be healthy. Cancer, tuberculosis and heart disease are certainly more common in meat-eating communities. Man may have started eating the flesh of animals during the Ice Age when most of the vegetation was destroyed.

A diet of vegetables, fruit, grains and nuts together with a few dairy products can give us all the vitamins and minerals we need. By eating meat we are getting the basic food elements secondhand after they have been digested by the animal. It is worth considering how wasteful meat-eaters are with land. A meat-eater needs about three times as much land to support himself and his animals as a vegetarian does. For every 45 kilos of dry food eaten by cattle only 1,8 — 7,3 kilos come back as food for us humans — an expensive method of producing food.

Mark the correct variant

1. When was the word’vegetarian’coined?
a) in 1842 b) in 1845

c) in 1840 d) in 1848

2. What did it mean?
a) people who ate flesh foods b) people who didn’t eat flesh foods

c) people who ate vegetables d) people who ate fruit

3. Who recommended vegetarianism in ancient times?
a) Greek philosophers b) Roman philosophers

c) Latin philosophers d) French philosophers

4. What famous English people practise vegetarianism in the past?
a) Tolstoy and Voltaire b) Newton, Milton and B. Show

c) Jane Fonda and S. Stallone d) Leo Dicaprio and Kate Winslet

5. What are the main arguments that might stop us from eating meat?
a) healthy digestive system b) ill heart

c) heathy heart d) ill digestive system

6. What terrible diseases are certainly more common in meat-eating communities?

a) cancer, TB, heart disease b) AIDS, influenza

c) pneumonia d) neuritis

7. When did the man start eating the flesh of animals?
a) during the Bronze Age b) during the Ice Age

c) during Renaissance d) during the World War I

8. Why did we start eating meat then?

  1. because of the destroying of vegetation

  2. because of many diseases

  3. because there were no fruit and nuts

  4. because there were no vegetables and grains

9. What does the diet of a vegetarian consist of?

  1. vegetables, fruit

  2. vegetables, fruit, grains, nuts and a few dairy products

  3. grains and nuts

  4. grains and leaves

10. What do we get by eating meat?

  1. We are getting the basic food elements secondhand.

  2. We are getting the physical discomfort.

  3. We are getting the psychological discomfort.

  4. We are getting healthy digestive system.

Part II. Grammar task

Mark the tense form that best completes the sentence.

1. This textbook … with a key.
a) come b) comes

c) have come d) had come

2. I… back in the armchair and relaxed.
a) lay b)laid

c) was laying d) will lay

3. John forgot where he … his keys.
a) put b) puts

c) had put d) will put

4. The class … start until 10 a.m.
a) doesn’t b) don’t

c) hasn’t d) haven’t

5. They … two new houses this year.

  1. built c) have been building

  2. have built d) had been building

6. You … the books for a month. When will you return them?
a) kept b) have kept

c) had been keeping d) keep

7. Mary … after the baby since her mother went to the market.
a) looked b) have looked

c) has been looking d) looks

8. She … this winter coat last year.
a) wore b) has worn

c) has been wearing d) wears

9. He … on weight steadily since he came back from his vacation.
a) put b) has put

c) has been putting d) puts

10. I … for this book for half an hour. I can’t find it anywhere.

a) look b) looked

c) have been looking d) have looked

Part III. Writing

Write a short essay on the topic ‘How to keep a healthy diet?’, using a sample.

Before speaking on healthy diet I’d like to tell you some words about the healthy way of life.

A lot of diseases are preventable through the healthy way of life. A primary public health goal is to educate the general public about how to prevent a lot of diseases. Public health campaigns teach people about the healthy way of life — the value of avoiding smoking, avoid­ing foods high in cholesterol and fat, having a certain amount of exercise and maintaining a healthy body weight.

Is there anything more important than health? I rather doubt it. If your body suffers from any disorder your mind suffers with the body, too. You can’t be good either at work or at stud­ies. Aches and pains lead to irritation, nervous breakdown and stress. So, the advantages of the healthy way of life are obvious. We must remember that laws of the healthy way of life — moderate eating and drinking, regular physical exercises, reasonable hours of work and rest, perfect cleanliness, positive attitude towards people and things around us — lay the foundations for long happy life.

You may either use the following common ideas about healthy food. They are very simple:

  • eating carrots is good for the eyes;

  • fish is good for the brain;

  • garlic keeps you from getting cold;

  • yogurt makes you live long;

  • an apple a day keeps the doctor away;

  • warm milk helps you go to sleep;

  • a cup of strong tea settles your stomach.

If you follow them in your everyday life together with a certain amount of physical ex­ercises, you’ll always be strong, healthy, young and look beautiful.

Variant 3

Part I. Reading

Read the text

Mr. Sellyer is Selling Books

One day I went to a bookshop to look through new books. Mr. Sellyer showed me to the back of the shop where I could find some interesting books. While I was looking through the books, I could watch Mr. Sellyer at work and see some of his methods.

A fashionably dressed woman was standing at the comer and Mr. Sellyer was showing a book to her.

‘You are quite sure it’s the latest?’ the lady was saying to Mr. Sellyer. ‘Oh, yes, Mrs. Rassel’, answered the manager. «This is Mr. Slush’s latest book. It’s having a wonderful sale.’ I looked at the title, the name of the book was Golden Dreams.

Another lady entered the bookshop. She was in deep mourning and looked like a widow. She asked the manager to show her some new books, something new in fiction. ‘Yes, Madam, here’s a charming thing Golden Dreams. The critics say that it’s one of the sweetest things, written by this author’.

‘Is it a good book?’ asked the lady.

‘A charming one’, said the manager. ‘It’s a love story — very simple and sweet and wonderfully charming. My wife was reading it aloud only last night. She was crying all the time while she was reading it.’

The lady bought Golden Dreams and left the shop.

‘Have you any good light reading for vacation time?’ asked the next lady. ‘Yes’, said Mr. Sellyer. «Golden Dreams is the most humorous book of the season. My wife was reading it aloud only yesterday. She was laughing all the time while she was reading it.’

The lady paid for the book and went out.

So every customer who entered the shop went away with Golden Dreams. To one lady the manager sold Golden Dreams as the reading for a holiday, to another as the book to read after the holiday, another bought it to read on a rainy day and the fourth as the right book for a fine day.

When I was leaving the bookshop, I went up to the manager and asked him, ‘Do you like the book yourself?’

‘Dear me!’ said the manager. ‘I’ve no idea of the book. I’ve no time to read every book. I’m selling.’ ‘And did your wife really like the book?’ T am not married, Sir’, answered the manager smiling.

Mark the correct variant

1. Why did the main hero go to a bookshop?
a) to buy a textbook b) to look through new books

c) to sell a textbook d) to read a new book

2. Who showed him to the back of the shop?
a) Mr. Sellyer’s friend b) a clerk

c) Mr. Sellyer’s wife d) Mr. Sellyer

3. Why did Mr. Sellyer show him the back of the shop?

  1. There the gentleman could buy some interesting books.

  2. There the gentleman could find some interesting books.

  3. There the gentleman could write some interesting books.

  4. There the gentleman could read some interesting books.

4. What could the gentleman see, while looking through the books?

  1. The gentleman could see all the visitors.

  2. The gentleman could see Mr. Sellyer at work and some of his methods.

  3. The gentleman could see his friends.

  4. The gentleman could see a pretty woman.

5. What was Mr. Sellyer’s method of selling books?

  1. He suggested one and the same book to all his customers.

  2. He suggested different books to all his customers.

  3. He didn’t suggest any books to all his customers.

  4. He suggested different magasines to all his customers.

6. What book did he suggest to all customers?

  1. He suggested the book under the title Golden Notebook.

  2. He suggested the book under the title Golden Vase.

  3. He suggested the book under the title Golden Dreams.

  4. He suggested the book under the title Golden Heart.

7. What were the reasons of buying the book Golden Dreams?

  1. The reasons were identical.

  2. The reasons were different.

  3. There were no reasons of buying the book Golden Dreams.

  4. The reasons were curious.

8. Why didn’t the book manager read that book himself?

  1. The book manager didn’t have any time to read the book.

  2. The book manager didn’t like to read books.

  3. The book manager couldn’t read in English well.

  4. The book manager had little sight in his left eye.

9. Why didn’t he like that book?

  1. He didn’t like that book because he was a bookseller.

  2. He didn’t like that book because he had no idea about it.

  3. He didn’t like that book because he had little sight in his left eye.

  4. He didn’t like that book because he couldn’t read.

10. Was Mr. Sellyer married?
a) Yes, he was. b) No, he wasn’t.

c) I don’t know. d) I’ve got any idea about that.

Part II. Grammar task

Mark the tense form that best completes the sentence.

1. This time next month I… on a beach.
a) sit b) sat

c) was sitting d) shall be sitting

2. When we reach England it very likely … .
a) rain b) rains

c) will be raining d) rained

3. You … geometry next term.
a) will be doing b) did

c) do d) have done

4. He … the car this afternoon.
a) uses b) used

c) will be using d) had used

5. ‘I’ll come back at 3 o’clock.»Good, I… you.’
a) expect b) will be expecting

c) expected d) expects

6. We’d better go out tomorrow because Mary … the piano all day.
a) practise b) practised

c) will be practicing d) had practised

7. He … this book by tomorrow evening.
a) will have finished b) will finish

c) finish d) have finished

8. By the end of this year I … here for twenty-five years.
a) am b) have been

c) shall have been d) would be

9. The train … before we reach the station.
a) leave b) will have left

c) leaves d) will leave

10.When you come back I … all the housework.
a) finish b) finishes

c) would finish d) shall have finished

Part III. Writing

Write a short essay on the topic “My favourite literary novel”.

Variant 4

Part I. Reading

Read the text

The Shoplifter

Joe Brian was a thief. He had been in prison several times. Last time he was sentenced to ten months in prison for shoplifting when he tried to steal a silver necklace for his girlfriend Susie.

On the day he left prison, first he had a good meal in a restaurant, then went to a cinema. He enjoyed being free again. He took a long walk in town looking at the windows. He had a few dollars and wanted to buy a present for his girlfriend Susie. He saw a pretty silk dressing gown in one window but he didn’t like the colour, he saw a green and white striped cotton blouse in another shop window but he didn’t like the pattern.

He looked at a fur cap in another shop but it was too expensive. Then he saw a nice leather belt and first he thought that Susie would also like it. He was just going to buy it but he changed his mind and thought it would make a poor present.

Then he went into a jeweler’s shop. There he saw a nice gold bracelet on the counter. He always wanted a present like that. He had a quick look around and saw nobody was watch­ing him. The assistant was showing diamond engagement ring to a customer. The next minute the gold bracelet was in Joe’s pocket and he started for the door.

At that moment, he felt a hand on his shoulder. ‘Young man,’ said the owner of the shop, ‘I saw you steal a bracelet. I’ll have to call the police.’ Joe went pale. ‘Oh, no. Don’t do that. I’ll pay for the bracelet. Yes, I’ll pay for it.’

The owner of the shop then took a look at the gold bracelet and said, ‘All right. It’ll be $600.’ ‘Well,’ said Joe, ‘couldn’t you show me anything cheaper? I really don’t want to spend that much.’

Mark the correct variant

  1. Joe Brian was …

  1. A banker b) a miner

  1. A worker d) a thief

  1. His girlfriend`s name was…

  1. Nelly b) Kitty

  2. Alice d) Susie

  1. He had been in prison …

  1. Many years ago b) last month

  1. Several times d) last year

  1. Last time he was sentenced to … in prison for shoplifting.

  1. A year b) half a year

c)Ten months d) two years

  1. Last time Joe tried to steal … for his girlfriend Susie.

  1. A gold ring b) a gold necklace

c)A silver ring d) a silver necklace

  1. He visited …

  1. A jeweller`s shop b) a bookshop

c)A department store d) a flower shop

  1. The assistant was showing diamond engagement ring to …

  1. A madam b) a gentleman

c)A customer d) a girl

  1. He wanted to steal … there.

  1. A diamond ring b) a silver necklace

c)A leather belt d) a gold bracelet

  1. The owner of the shop …

  1. Saw that he had stolen the bracelet

  2. Didn`t see but guessed that he had stolen it

  3. Called the police

  4. Didn`t pay any attention to Joe.

  1. Joe could …

  1. Buy the gold bracelet b) buy a nice leather belt

c) buy a fur cap d) not buy anything because he had a few dollars

Part II. Grammar task

Mark the tense form that best completes the sentence.

1. The teacher … a new grammar rule this week.

  1. Explained c) had explained

  2. Explain d) has explained

2. Alec … back today.
a) came b) has come

c)had come d) have come

3. She … this engineer since she began to work at the plant.
a) know b) knew

c) has known d) had known

4. They haven’t yet… to the Crimea.
a) go b) went

c) gone d) been going

5. We have already … them our school museum.
a) show b) had shown

c) shown d) been shown

6. The children … their homework. They can go to the cinema.
a) do b) did

c) have done d) had done

7. Have you … the new film?
a) see b) saw

c) seen d) had seen

8. I… this doctor for 5 years.
a) know b) knew

c) have known d) had known

9. Who … America?
a) discover b) has discovered

c) discovered d)discovers
10. He was happy. His dream … true.

a) came b) had come

c) was coming d) is coming

Part III. Writing

Write a short essay on the topic ‘Love is the highest value of life’, using the sample.

There are a lot of lonely people who live in their loneliness in spite of the crowd, noise and songs outside.

They are lonely regardless of good ideas and feelings — regardless of everything.

I think that it is so because people cannot be free if they do not love and are not loved. They try to fill their emptiness and loneliness with money, career, job but they fail. Why? I believe because the majority of them demand ‘Give me’ instead of saying, ‘Take it’. To live means to love and love means eternal sacrifice. Love is the stream of living water that I drink every day and need it always. Love is the sun that gives me light on my daily road. Love is the wind that gives me power to sail along the river of life. It is not easy to love. In love one gives a hand to another. In love people make their homes. In love people are beautiful! They change and make others happy, because they are willing to. Love is the highest value in the family. It should be carried, cherished, grown carefully and with patience.

Love is the beginning and the end, alpha and omega of everything, it is life itself.

Variant 5

Part I. Reading

Read the text

A Mysterious Woman

I was on holiday in Scotland, and I was staying at Fernie Castle Hotel, which used to be just Fernie Castle when it was built about 600 years ago. I was staying in a small room up in the West Tower, and I went to bed after a good meal. I was just falling asleep when I heard someone knocking at the door. So I got up, put the light on and went to the door, but there was no one there. So I went back to bed and decided it must have been a dream or my imagi­nation. I was just falling asleep again when I heard someone knocking again — a very light tapping, not a loud knock. I got up, put the light on, went to the door and there was nobody there. I wasn’t scared but it’s a bit worrying when you’re staying by yourself in a very old castle. I locked the door and went back to bed but I left the light on, and nothing else hap­pened; I slept until morning.

The next night I went to bed and there was no knocking at the door, but in the middle of the night I woke up for some reason and saw a woman standing in the room. She was wearing a green dress with a high neck and she was looking at me, but when I switched on the light she disappeared, she wasn’t there. And by this time I was really very worried and I stayed awake for the rest of the night.

When I went down to breakfast I said to the owner of the hotel that I had seen a woman in my room the night before. He asked, ‘Was she wearing a high-necked green dress?’ and I said, ‘Yes, she was.’

The man said, ‘Many people saw this woman but I never did. She was a bride of a man who was running away with her to get married. Her father did not want her to marry this man. They escaped to Femie Castle and hid in a tiny room at the top of the West Tower. Her father’s men eventually tracked them down and there was a terrible struggle, and somehow while she was trying to escape she fell out of the window to her death on the stone courtyard below. And now her ghost haunts the West Tower and occasionally appears in people’s bedroom with a sad expression, never saying anything. And that’s probably what you saw. Either that or you had too much champagne the night before.’

Mark the correct variant.

1.When was Femie Castle built?
a) 1000 years ago b) 600 years ago

c) 2000 years ago d) 800 years ago

2.Where was Femie Castle, now hotel, situated?
a) in Wales b) in England

c) in Scotland d) in Ireland

3.Who heard someone knocking at the door?
a) the gentleman b) the owner of the hotel

c) the lady d) the children

4. Who stood near the door?
a) the lady in a green dress b) nobody

c) the lady in a red dress d) the children

5.Why did the gentleman leave the light on?

  1. Because the gentleman was a bit worrying.

  2. Because the gentleman was scared.

  3. Because the gentleman was nervous.

  4. Because the gentleman was afraid of darkness.

6.Whom did the gentleman see in the room?

  1. He saw a woman standing in the room.

  2. He saw a gentleman standing in the room.

  3. He saw a ghost standing in the room.

  4. He saw a child standing in the room.

7.Why did the gentleman stay awake for the rest of the night?

  1. He couldn’t sleep because of a terrible headache.

  2. He was really very worried.

  3. He was really very nervous.

  4. He was afraid of darkness.

8.What story did the owner of the hotel tell him?

  1. The funny story.

  2. The story about the struggle in Femie Castle.

  3. The criminal story.

  4. The story about the unhappy love of two young people.

9. Why didn’t the owner of the hotel believe in that story himself?

  1. Because he didn’t see the lady himself.

  2. Because he didn’t believe in legends at all.

  3. Because he didn’t believe in ghosts at all.

  4. Because he didn’t see any ghosts.

10.Why did the gentleman believe in appearing of the mysterious woman?

  1. He believed in the legend.

  2. He had drunk much champagne the night before.

  3. He was too emotional.

  4. He had a good imagination.

Part II. Grammar task

Mark the tense form that best completes the sentence.

1. This textbook … with a key.
a) come b) comes

c) have come d) had come

2. I… back in the armchair and relaxed.
a)lay b)laid

c) was laying d) will lay

3. John forgot where he … his keys.
a) put b) puts

c) had put d) will put

4. The class … start until 10 a.m.
a) doesn’t b) don’t

c) hasn’t d) haven’t

5. They … two new houses this year.

  1. built c) have been building

  2. have built d) had been building

6. You … the books for a month. When will you return them?
a) kept b) have kept

c)had been keeping d) keep

7. Mary … after the baby since her mother went to the market.
a) looked b) have looked

c) has been looking d) looks

8. She … this winter coat last year.
a) wore b) has worn

c) has been wearing d) wears

9. He … on weight steadily since he came back from his vacation.
a) put b) has put

c) has been putting d) puts

10. I … for this book for half an hour. I can’t find it anywhere.

a) look b) looked

c) have been looking d) have looked

Part III. Writing

You are going to have a party next Friday. Write down a note (130words) inviting your friend. Inform him about:

  • the reason for the party,

  • people who are going to be present,

  • time (the beginning and the end) and place of the party

  • type of clothing (official or casual clothes),

  • explain what you are going to cook,

  • how you are going to entertain your guests (music, dancing, video, etc). Express your desire to see your friend at the party and ask him/her to let you know about his/ her decision. Sign.

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