The word valid in a sentence

Definition of Valid

of an argument or point having a sound basis in logic or fact

Examples of Valid in a sentence

During their debate on current politics, Jenna brought up a valid point about the number of citizens who do not vote.


Donna was terrified of the ocean, but Brian brought up a valid point that you’re more likely to get struck by lightning than bitten by a shark.


Michael argued that his opponent’s point was not valid because it was based on opinion instead of fact.


Scientists searched for a valid explanation for the crop circles but after testing several methods, came up with nothing.


The teacher told the student they made no valid points in their essay because the argument was illogical and based on unproven information.


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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word valid, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use valid in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «valid».

Valid in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word valid in a sentence.

  1. In 2015, a second valid species, I.

  2. A total of 137 valid entries were received.

  3. Cretoxyrhina contains four valid species: C.

  4. Constitution and thus, the subpoenas were valid.

  5. They concluded that only two species are valid: E.

  6. Do we have to be ‘supercrips’ in order to be valid?

  7. By 2005, nine subspecies were considered to be valid taxa.

  8. Currently, there are three valid species; in addition to P.

  9. The other theories listed above remain valid possibilities.

  10. Very few of the English-speaking residents had valid titles.

  11. Three currently are recognized as valid: the type species T.

  12. Yet «[m]uch of Maryon’s work is valid,» Bruce-Mitford wrote.

  13. All visitors must hold a passport valid for at least 6 months.

  14. Farke (2011) maintained that it represents a valid distinct genus.

  15. ITIS verifies Hexaprotodon liberiensis as the valid scientific name.

  16. Some scientists regard other species as valid as well, for example P.

  17. The airport journeys are valid for 180 days from the date of purchase.

  18. Gould conceded Latham’s name was valid and hence had precedence, and E.

  19. Only two species assigned to Iguanodon are still considered to be valid.

  20. As of 2005, three Javan rhinoceros subspecies are considered valid taxa:.

  21. It therefore has priority over Mesotriton and is now the valid genus name.

  22. Thus, their conception of Stegosaurus would include three valid species (S.

  23. You and Dodson (2004) listed it as valid in a table, but not in their text.

  24. He insisted that any request to return as regent be constitutionally valid.

  25. Many species have been named, although most are no longer considered valid.

  26. We did not know enough about the political situation to have a valid opinion.

  27. As it turned out, many of Marsh’s names were valid, while none of Cope’s were.

  28. However, without a valid coverage formula, these provisions are unenforceable.

  29. The Caelifera includes some 2,400 valid genera and about 11,000 known species.

  30. Edmontosaurus is currently regarded as having two valid species: type species E.

  31. However, a structure with all the stubs on the same side is still a valid design.

  32. Louis to any customers who presented valid ID proving they were Donora residents.

  33. The unoverprinted stamps remained valid for postage in Ireland until 31 March 1922.

  34. As of 2019, only three species are universally accepted as valid: the type species P.

  35. The conception of Edmontosaurus that emerged included three valid species: the type E.

  36. Several other subspecies have been named, but are generally no longer considered valid.

  37. He stated that trial by battle was still valid under European human rights legislation.

  38. Single journey tickets are only valid on the day of purchase and will be unusable afterward.

  39. Since the revision of cat taxonomy in 2017, only two subspecies are recognised as valid taxa:.

  40. A similar number of other potential subspecies have been proposed, but are not considered valid.

  41. There are six valid species in the genus Gigantorhynchus, although one species out of the six, G.

  42. In 1914 the Australian ornithologist Gregory Mathews delineated five species, which remain valid.

  43. This postnominal is valid only for the recipient and is not transferred to the recipient’s heirs.

  44. Although the Bohr model has been supplanted by other models, its underlying principles remain valid.

  45. As of 2020, 24 of the specific names assigned by Wells and Wellington remained valid senior synonyms.

  46. The genus has a complicated taxonomy, and includes three valid species, the best known of which is A.

  47. State (2011), the jury was instructed that scientific evidence is not necessary for a case to be valid.

  48. The applicants also stated Greece had not shown its invocation of Article 15 (derogations) to be valid.

  49. Of the 36 species he reviewed, he only found nine of them to be valid, including Peloneustes philarchus.

  50. Stewart did note that this would have also made the claim for compensation valid under Shoshone Tribe v.

Synonyms for valid

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word valid has the following synonyms: binding, legal, sound, effectual, legitimate, logical, reasoned, well-grounded, validated, reasonable, sensible and unexpired.

General information about «valid» example sentences

The example sentences for the word valid that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «valid» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «valid».

Synonym: adequate, authorized, cogent, effective, established, good, lawful, legal, proven, sound, true, well-grounded. Antonym: false, invalid. Similar words: validity, lid, solid, slide, slide into, naval, rival, valley. Meaning: [‘vælɪd]  adj. 1. well grounded in logic or truth or having legal force 2. still legally acceptable. 

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1. Your credit card is no longer valid.

2. The ticket is valid until March.

3. Please supply a valid user password.

4. This coupon is valid until 31 January.

5. Your return ticket is valid for three months.

6. They put forward many valid reasons for not exporting.

7. Do you have valid reasons for your absence?

8. They have a valid claim to compensation.

9. The marriage was held to be valid.

10. The coupon is not valid if detached.

11. The original written contract was held valid.

12. They respected diplomatic immunity as valid.

13. This license is no longer valid.

14. His claim to own the house is valid.

15. We accepted several different approaches as valid.

16. This guarantee is valid for one year.

17. Argument from analogy is not always valid.

18. My passport is valid for another two years.

19. All tickets are valid for two months.

20. Is this contract/ticket/agreement still valid?

21. This is a perfectly valid question to raise.

22. The old assumptions are no longer valid.

23. This railway ticket is valid for three days.

24. She made a number of valid criticisms.

25. Her excuse was not valid.

26. His excuse was not valid.

27. He has a valid passport.

28. The point you make is perfectly valid.

29. My way of thinking might be different from yours[], but it’s equally valid.

30. You can pay by cheque, assuming of course you have a valid cheque card.

More similar words: validity, lid, solid, slide, slide into, naval, rival, valley, value, removal, arrival, alien, approval, interval, evaluate, survival, deal in, Italian, realize, qualify, a little, equivalent, evaluation, at intervals, mutualism, realistic, sexuality, journalist, journalism, coalition. 

valid — перевод на русский


The existing contract is valid, made in good faith.

Существующий контракт действителен, и оно основан на доброй воле.

— Is this ticket valid there?

— Этот билет там действителен?

It is valid!

Да действителен!

And if it’s valid, in a foreign country no one will know a thing.

А ежели действителен: за границей никто зтого не будет знать

Valid for anywhere.

Действителен повсюду.

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The group, led by Professor David Nutt, had a simple aim — to create the first scientifically valid list of drugs ranked in order of harm.

Перед группой, во главе с профессором Дэвидом Наттом, стояла простая цель — создать первый научно обоснованный список наркотиков упорядоченных в соответствии с их опасностью.

It’s a valid question.

Это обоснованный вопрос.

That’s a valid perspective!

Это обоснованный взгляд! Пошли прямо сейчас.

That’s valid advice.

Это обоснованный совет.

It’s a valid question, Lassie.

Это обоснованный вопрос, Лэсси.

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I would be willing to take you, but only if there were… a valid reason

Я вынужден везти вас, но только, если будет веская причина.

Barry had a completely valid reason for missing the wedding, man.

Поверь мне. У Барри была очень веская причина, чтобы пропустить твою свадьбу, чувак.

What was this totally valid reason?

Что это была за очень веская причина?

He has a valid reason to worry.

У него есть веская причина для беспокойства.

Yeah, and you got to admit, Mrs. Robinson does have a valid reason why she and her boy toy would lie to us.

Да, и придется признать, что у миссис Робинсон, есть веская причина, почему она и ее мальчик для игр врали нам.

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That document isn’t valid.

Документ, подписанный Аньезе, недействителен, его надо уничтожить!

The papers aren’t valid!

Договор теперь недействителен!

— The papers aren’t valid!

— Договор недействителен!

Your ticket is not valid for travel.

Ваш билет недействителен.

It is to silence those who say that our marriage is not valid.

Это, чтобы заставить замолчать тех, кто говорит что наш брак недействителен.

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The will is valid.

Завещание в силе.

Yes, yes, sure it’s still valid!

Да-да, конечно, все еще в силе!

Your statement is still valid if the lord mayor knew of Holck’s misconduct.

Ваше заявление остается в силе. Если конечно мэр знал о поведении Холька.

— I presume our understanding is still valid?

— Полагаю, наш договор ещё в силе?

That offer’s still valid?

— Предложение еще в силе?

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It’s valid in all the known world.

Она действует по всему миру.

A «Valid,» he suffered under a different burden:

Как «действует» он пострадал еще один бремя.

And find out why she still has a valid security pass.

И узнайте, почему ее пропуск до сих пор действует.

It’s still valid.

Он всё ещё действует.

The will isn’t valid.

Завещание не действует.

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Valid answer.


You make a very valid point.

Вы все правильно сказали.

I mean, look… the idea of renegotiating the terms of the relationship, that’s valid.

Я хочу сказать, идея пересмотреть условия отношений, это правильно.

Everything that you’re saying right now is totally valid.

Ты все говоришь правильно.

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I really like you and I don’t have any money or insurance or a valid credit card or any of those things, but I’ll help you take care of this baby.

Ты мне очень нравишься и у меня нет ни денег, ни страховки ни действующей кредитки и тому подобного но я помогу тебе заботиться об этом ребенке

That money is still valid currency.

Эти деньги все еще остаются действующей валютой.

Does it have to be valid?

Она должна быть действующей?

Not without a valid security protocol.

«Нет» без действующего протокола безопасности.

As I’ve explained already, it’s not possible to enter Scotland without a valid passport.

Как я уже объяснила, невозможно попасть в Шотландию без действующего паспорта.

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This is valid for Setsuko, as well as you, Ritsuko… as for the children of war criminals like Tadashi

Это верно для Сэцуко, как и для тебя, Рицуко, и для детей военных преступников вроде Тадаси.

She makes valid argument.

Верно говорит.

Valid point, Judge Moody, but in my defense, I have a legit reason for every one of those days.

Верно подмечено, Ваша Унылость, но в свою защиту скажу, что у меня есть есть законная причина для каждой из этих недель.

— Certainly, if we could do a test today that was scientifically acceptable and valid, that actually proved there was EDTA in those blood stains,

Джерри Бьютинг, адвокат Стивена (2006-2007): — научно достоверный анализ, который доказал бы, что ЭДТА была в тех брызгах крови, это было бы вновь открывшееся доказательство. — Верно.

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Then your statement would not be considered valid.

Тогда ваше заявление не посчитается законным.

— Is there any danger that they could declare your marriage valid?

Есть ли такая опасность, что они признают твой брак законным?

Whether or not my first marriage was valid.

Вне зависимости был ли мой первый брак законным или нет.

That is IF the letter turns out to be valid.

В случае если письмо окажется законным.

An agreement requires an offer and an acceptance to be valid.

В соглашении должны быть предложение и согласие, чтобы считаться законным.

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Examples of how to use the word “valid” in a sentence. How to connect “valid” with other words to make correct English sentences.

valid (adj): based on truth or reason; able to be accepted:

Use “valid” in a sentence

This passport is valid for five years.
How long is this visa valid?
Please enter a valid email address.
This ticket is valid for three days.

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