The word vacation in a sentence

vacation — перевод на русский


You mean the place hyeong went for vacation?

куда брат отправился в отпуск?

He said he was going on a vacation.

что поехал в отпуск.

I’ll take a vacation, six weeks, eight weeks.

Я возьму отпуск. Шесть недель или восемь, не знаю.

I’ll take a vacation.

Я возьму отпуск.

— Now we’ll have to take a vacation.

— Теперь мы должны взять отпуск.

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It would please my parents and myself very much, if you… would like to spend your summer vacation here at the vicarage.

Моим родителям и мне доставило бы огромное удовольствие, если бы вы провели летние каникулы у нас, в доме священника.

Summer vacation.

Летние каникулы.

We would always spend our vacations at sea.

Мы всегда проводим каникулы на море.

If it were summer vacation, I’d travel with you.

Если бы сейчас были летние каникулы, я бы поехал с вами.

school vacation? He needs money.

Приехал на каникулы?

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— Yes! And there is only one cure. — A vacation on Pleasure Island.

Да, и от нее только одно лекарство — отдых на Острове Наслаждений.

Yes, Indeed, vacations are delightful, but one has obligations to one’s work.

О, несомненно, что отдых — это прекрасно, но у каждого есть обязанности по отношению к своей работе.

That extends by 48 hours the kid’s vacation.

Отдых малышки растянется на 48 часов.

I’m not interested in vacations.

Меня не интересует отдых.

A vacation would do you good.

Отдых пойдет тебе на пользу.

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Do you plan that long a vacation?

Вы так долго собираетесь отдыхать?

We’re are on vacation.

Мы едем отдыхать.

He has to earn money so we can go on vacation.

Чтобы мы могли отдыхать — он должен много работать.

I know a guy who took his vacation on his change.

Я знаю парня, который на мелочь поехал отдыхать.

The thing is, the physician has my results in his desk and is off on vacation, helicopter skiing in Canada.

Дело в том, что результаты моего обследования у врача в столе, а он уехал отдыхать, на лыжах катается в Канаде.

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I just went to sea for a summer vacation.

Я вышел в море отдохнуть летом.

, Well, I, uh — I like to ski and I saw a chance… to get a vacation at Sun Valley on— on the paper.

Ну, я люблю кататься на лыжах, и хотел отдохнуть в Солнечной Долине за счет газеты.

Except when on vacation or during air-raids.

Но поскольку вы сегодня здесь… я могу и отдохнуть.

Take a vacation, this tension is psychosomatic.

Тебе нужно отдохнуть. Ты слишком утомился.

I was going on vacation.

Я собирался отдохнуть.

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And it was vacation anyway.

Потом, были выходные.

And my sister came to town for vacation.

А моя сестра приехала в город на выходные. Мы поехали кататься на ту автостраду.

Let’s not waste time… vacation is coming.

Не стоит зря тратить время, близятся выходные.

I don’t know what vacations are.

Я не знаю, что такое выходные.

You know that Easter vacation trip we had planned for Acapulco?

На пасхальные выходные мы планировали провести в Акапулько?

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After what you’ve been through, you need a vacation.

После всего того, через что ты прошёл, тебе нужен отпуск.

No, I don’t, but I tell you, I need a vacation.

Нет, не скажу, но скажу тебе, мне нужен отпуск.

I need a vacation.

— Мне нужен отпуск.

Maybe you need a vacation.

Может, тебе нужен отпуск?

I don’t want a vacation, a leave of absence, or a pass to Disneyplanet.

Мне не нужен отпуск или больничный лист, или поездка в Диснейленд.

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I have vacation days.

У меня есть отпускные дни.

I’m assuming these are not vacation snapshots.

Кажется, это не отпускные снимки.

My retirement,vacation pay-— our future!

Мое увольнение, отпускные — наше будущее!

I usually try to take leave when I get a new cat, but I’m out of vacation days.

Да. Обычно я стараюсь побыть дома, когда покупаю новую кошку, но у меня закончились отпускные дни.

Oh, by the way, you promised me vacation pay.

О, кстати, ты обещал мне оплатить отпускные.

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What is exactly the same… about every single vacation you have ever taken?

Что если мы предложим тебе путешествие, которое ты уже однажды совершил?

Let me suggest that you take a vacation… from yourself.

Позволь предложить тебе путешествие от самого себя.

And all this is part of the delightful vacation your company has sold me.

— Это путешествие от вашей компании.

Looks like you’re going on a little vacation after all.

В конце концов похоже, вам все-таки предстоит небольшое путешествие.

It was Lonnie who took Susan’s mind off her painful divorce with a fun vacation.

Отвлекал Сюзан от мрачных мыслей после развода, устроив ей забавное путешествие.

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Some romantic vacation I took you on.

Наша поездка выдалась очень романтичной.

For me, prison was like a long car vacation with my parents.

Для меня тюрьма была как очень долгая поездка с родителями.

So your last trip wasn’t a vacation?

Так ваша последняя поездка? ..

Just another vacation.

Обычная поездка.

A fun vacation with my half brother who I don’t like And my mother who lied to me about his very existence.

Веселая поездка с моим сводным братом, который мне не нравится и моей матерью, которая врала мне о его существовании.

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Deciding where to vacation can be overwhelming.

Принятие решения, куда же все-таки стоит отправиться в отпуск, может стать подавляющим.

Basically, your vacation starts from the second…

По общему правилу такой отпуск начинается со дня, следующего…

You looked forward to your tropical beach vacation for months.

Вы с нетерпением ждали своего тропического пляжного отдыха в течение нескольких месяцев.

Thus, unscheduled vacation will have 90,000 students.

Таким образом, внеплановые каникулы появятся у 90 тысяч школьников.

One summer they took a vacation to Europe.

А этим летом они отправились бы на каникулы в Европу.

Maybe during the school vacation or something.

Я думаю, дело в школьных каникулах, или что-то в этом роде.

I was on vacation to relax.

Я нахожусь в отпуске, чтобы немного расслабиться.

I went on vacation there once.

«Я один раз ездила туда в отпуск.

Maybe a family can now afford a vacation.

Теперь один из членов их семей может ездить в отпуск.

Imagine being able to take vacation whenever you want.

Представьте себе, что вы способны идти в отпуск в то время когда пожелаете.

Our parents were there too during vacation.

Школьники и родители также были здесь во время каникул.

Everyone needs a vacation, but not everyone can afford it.

Каждый человек периодически нуждается в отпуске, однако не каждый может его себе позволить.

I still think of that vacation as being… great.

Я до сих пор думаю об этом отпуске как о… великолепном.

You probably stopped reading this article after the word vacation.

Вы, наверное, перестали читать эту статью после слова «отпуск».

The person who answers customer emails is on vacation.

Человек, отвечающий на электронные письма клиентов, находится в отпуске.

Frank and Betty are fun-filled vacation.

Франк и Бетти находятся на заполненных забавой каникулах.

Don’t worry if your vacation is in September.

Не огорчайтесь, если в этом году Ваш отпуск пришелся на октябрь.

And both of these are surely found in Outer Banks vacation.

И оба из них, безусловно, можно найти в отпуске Внешних банков.

Hugo was on vacation when Les Miserables was published.

Гюго был в отпуске, когда были опубликованы «Отверженные».

When the vacation ends and we return from vacation, the wonderful ease disappears.

Когда отдых заканчивается и мы возвращаемся из отпуска, чудесная легкость пропадает.

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отпуск, каникулы, отдыхать, брать отпуск, отпускной, каникулярный


- отпуск

to be on vacation — быть, находиться в отпуске
annual vacation — годовой отпуск
unpaid vacation — отпуск без сохранения заработной платы
take a vacation — брать отпуск
a split vacation — отпуск, который берётся не целиком
regular vacation — очередной отпуск
two weeks’ vacation — двухнедельный отпуск

- каникулы; перерыв (между сессиями парламента и т. п.)

Christmas vacation — рождественские /зимние/ каникулы
the students are on long /summer/ vacation — у студентов летние каникулы

- амер. сл. каникулы, отдых (о тюремном заключении)
- оставление, освобождение

vacation of a position — уход с поста /с должности/; отставка

- (from) редк. отдых, свобода

vacation from labour — отдых от труда

- судебные каникулы


- амер. проводить отпуск

he vacationed in /at/ Florida on — провёл отпуск во Флориде


- курортный
- отпускной

Мои примеры


to return from a holiday / vacation — возвратиться из отпуска, с каникул  
person on vacation — отдыхающий, отпускник  

Примеры с переводом

I’m going on vacation tomorrow.

Завтра я ухожу в отпуск.

Did you have a good vacation?

Хорошо ли вы провели отпуск?

She was away on vacation.

Она уехала в отпуск.

I got a tan on my vacation.

Я загорел в отпуске.

Time passes quickly on vacation.

На отдыхе время проходит быстро.

We badly need a vacation.

Мы остро нуждаемся в отпуске /каникулах/.

My vacation overlaps with yours.

Мой отпуск частично совпадает с вашим.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

We’ll take a vacation sometime in September.

He’d been on vacation and looked very brown.

…hoping to vacation in Spain this summer…

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Возможные однокоренные слова

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): vacation
мн. ч.(plural): vacations

Synonym: furlough, holiday, leave, liberty, recess, rest, sabbatical. Similar words: vacate, ratification, gratification, education, location, fornication, medication, indication. Meaning: [veɪ’keɪʃn /və-]  n. 1. leisure time away from work devoted to rest or pleasure 2. the act of making something legally void. v. spend or take a vacation. 

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1. Are you here on vacation?

2. We’re taking a vacation in June.

3. All summer vacation long they just bummed around.

4. His vacation overlaps with mine.

5. They’re on vacation for the next two weeks.

6. His vacation of a good position was unwise.

7. Are you here for a vacation?

7. try its best to gather and make good sentences.

8. We’ll take a vacation sometime in September.

9. Neff hitchhiked to New York during his Christmas vacation.

10. He’s on vacation until next week.

11. Let’s take a vacation soon.

12. They rented a cabin for their vacation.

13. He did not idle away his entire vacation.

14. He’d been on vacation and looked very brown.

15. She has gone to Canada on vacation.

16. The students often go skiing during winter vacation.

17. We can’t afford to go on vacation this year.

18. During his summer vacation he visited Russia.

19. They have remade their plans for the summer vacation.

20. Have a good vacation.

21. No man needs a vacation so much as the man who has just had one.

22. It is possible to vacation at some of the more expensive resorts if you go in the off-season.

23. Soon school will end and the vacation will be at hand.

24. We haven’t really calculated the cost of the vacation yet.

25. I’m here on vacation.

26. He kept in touch with us while he was on vacation.

27. In this job you get four weeks holiday / vacation a year.

28. She thought a lot about how to spend this winter vacation.

29. I worked in a small beachside restaurant during the college vacation.

30. Many teachers and students resort to Beidaihe beach in the summer vacation.

More similar words: vacate, ratification, gratification, education, location, fornication, medication, indication, dedication, invocation, educational, edification, defalcation, deprecation, implication, vindication, publication, altercation, application, intoxication, equivocation, purification, communication, confiscation, specification, certification, prevarication, justification, qualification, clarification.

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word vacation, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use vacation in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «vacation».

Vacation in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word vacation in a sentence.

  1. He had long desired to vacation abroad.

  2. Kimball left on his 31-day vacation on February 18.

  3. On the way to their vacation spot, Lois falls asleep.

  4. Under the guise of a vacation cruise, Cleveland and his surgeon, Dr.

  5. How can you work two weeks and feel like you need a vacation already?

  6. Hogg joined her elder brother William on a vacation in Germany in 1930.

  7. Today, the term «villa» is often applied to vacation rental properties.

  8. Downey was approached by Stiller about the part while on vacation in Hawaii.

  9. Johnson spent the rest of his time studying, even over the Christmas vacation.

  10. Kehoe had free access to the school building during the summer vacation of 1926.

  11. He died while on vacation in Spain, survived by his wife whom he married in 1946.

  12. McLaren, Cook and Jones prepared to fly to Rio de Janeiro for a working vacation.

  13. Brownlee was on vacation in Victoria during a special sitting of the legislature.

  14. Johnson resides in Beverly Hills and has a vacation home in Dana Point, California.

  15. The ground breaking for the arch coincided with the two-week vacation visit of U.S.

  16. In 1948, Koval left on a European vacation but never returned to the United States.

  17. In mid-January, Cooper took his family to Sun Valley for their last vacation together.

  18. Many of the cast were taking a break and going on vacation before seeking new acting jobs.

  19. Barber was recalled from his vacation in Cape May, New Jersey, to deal with the complaints.

  20. Banjo and Kazooie go on vacation at a beach with their friends and celebrate their victory.

  21. You stay there for vacation.’ You don’t know what to say – what are you gonna say?

  22. Nancy is then involved in a vacation hoax because she resembles a woman involved in the hoax.

  23. Jake is rarely drunk in Paris where he works but on vacation in Pamplona, he drinks constantly.

  24. After a vacation with the McKinleys on Lake Champlain, Hobart returned to Paterson in September.

  25. Charles Epting Vansant, 28, of Philadelphia, was on vacation at the Engleside Hotel with his family.

  26. After returning from a vacation in Canada they found that Pankhurst had expelled them from the WSPU.

  27. Nowadays, the term is more popularly applied to vacation rental usually located in countryside area.

  28. To the north, more than 100 homes were affected in Maine, including the vacation home of George H.W.

  29. In Kennebunkport, the storm blew out windows and flooded the vacation home of then-President George H.

  30. In 1846 while on vacation in Rome, Astromov joined to Catholic Church and joined the Society of Jesus.

  31. For the same reason, he refused Dworkin the customary month’s paid vacation at the end of his service.

  32. Following a long vacation in Europe, his health swiftly declined and he was diagnosed with oral cancer.

  33. Barber was recalled from his vacation in Ocean Grove, New Jersey, to comply with the President’s order.

  34. On one occasion, Stonestreet was accompanying a group of thirty students on their annual vacation to St.

  35. While she was on vacation, Seibert watched Morsell’s audition and immediately selected her for the part.

  36. Most of the attendees were friends of the judge’s daughter, who had met the King on a vacation in Hawaii.

  37. Following a two-week vacation in British Columbia after the primary, Nixon returned to the 12th district.

  38. The vacation had the opposite effect, and Arthur suffered from intense pain before returning to Washington.

  39. In addition, Armstrong was involved in the teaching of several vacation courses held at University College.

  40. During mid-1887, Bruce travelled north to Edinburgh to attend a pair of vacation courses in natural sciences.

  41. Ambivalent between his loyalties, Butt went to Europe on vacation; he died in the sinking of the RMS Titanic.

  42. Some 50 men completed the work by year’s end; they went entirely without vacation time to accomplish the feat.

  43. The old town’s population has never recovered to pre-war levels, many apartments being used as vacation homes.

  44. In 1919, the Phonetics Department began teaching its popular vacation courses in French and English phonetics.

  45. During a vacation, O’Reilly caught the train from Sydney back to Wingello, which stopped at Bowral mid-journey.

  46. To the north, more than 100 homes were affected in Maine, including the vacation home of then-President George H.

  47. After returning from his vacation, Saadiq started writing and recording The Way I See It, which took four months.

  48. It is a vacation destination and summer colony area and is heavily dependent on tourism, real estate and fishing.

  49. Lilly, an avid fisherman, built a family vacation cottage on Lake Wawasee in Kosciusko County, Indiana, in 1886–87.

  50. In 2001, he moved to lead the marketing team at Sunquest Vacations, another of Canada’s leading vacation companies.

Synonyms for vacation

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word vacation has the following synonyms: holiday.

General information about «vacation» example sentences

The example sentences for the word vacation that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «vacation» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «vacation».

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