The word utter in a sentence

полный, абсолютный, совершенный, крайний, произносить, выговорить, вымолвить


- полный, совершенный; абсолютный

utter ruin — полное разорение
utter darkness — абсолютная темнота
he is an utter stranger to me — я его совсем не знаю

- категорический, окончательный, безоговорочный

utter refusal — категорический /окончательный/ отказ

- усил. явный, крайний

utter scoundrel — отъявленный негодяй
the utter folly of such a policy — явное безумие подобной политики

- странный, необычный, чудной

her ideas are simply utter — идеи у неё довольно-таки странные
utter bar — «внешний барьер» (место, с которого выступают в суде барристеры ниже ранга королевского адвоката)
utter barrister — барристер, не имеющий звания королевского адвоката и выступающий в суде с «внешнего барьера»


- издавать (звук); произносить

not a sound was uttered — не было произнесено ни единого звука
to utter a groan — издать стон, простонать
to utter a sigh — вздохнуть

- выражать словами; излагать

to utter one’s thoughts [one’s feelings] — выразить свои мысли [чувства]
to utter a declaration — сделать заявление

- пускать в обращение (особ. фальшивые деньги и т. п.)

Мои примеры


Примеры с переводом

The movie was utter garbage.

Фильм был полным отстоем.

She uttered a few words to them.

Она им что-то сказала.

That’s utter nonsense!

Это полная чушь!

‘You fool!’ she uttered in disgust.

«Дурак!» произнесла она с отвращением.

To my utter amazement, he arrived on time.

К моему сильному удивлению, он приехал вовремя.

Janet is an utter klutz.

Джанет — настоящая недотепа.

The film exposes the utter horror of war.

В фильме изображён полнейший /кромешный/ ужас войны.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…a pseudoscientific examination of UFO claims that was utter bosh…

…the gossip would utter the most vicious things with a spiteful smile…

…with elvish glee the fraternity brothers hazed the new members to the point of utter humiliation…

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Возможные однокоренные слова

utterance  — высказывание, произнесение, произношение, дикция, дар слова, выражение в словах
utterly  — крайне, абсолютно, чрезвычайно, дотла, вконец
uttered  — сказанный

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: utter
he/she/it: utters
ing ф. (present participle): uttering
2-я ф. (past tense): uttered
3-я ф. (past participle): uttered

прев. степ. (superlative): utterest

utter — перевод на русский


«I’ve been utterly miserable since she’s been away… I can’t go on without her.»

«Я совершенно несчастен с тех пор, как она ушла — и я не смогу без неё дальше жить.»

Darling, utterly free.

Совершенно свободны!

Mr. Korvo, it’s utterly impossible.

Мистер Корво, это совершенно невозможно.

I told you Mr. Dizar, it’s utterly impossible.

Я уже говорил Вам, М-р Дизар, это совершенно невозможно

Thus did Hanshiro Tsugumo find himself utterly alone in the world, having lost every last person he had ever cared about.

И так Ханширо Цугумо остался совершенно один в этом мире, потеряв всех, кого любил и о ком заботился.

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A deep and utter… I’ve been looking for you

Глубокая и полная… Я искал тебя.

Everything I’ve said has been utter rubbish.

Всё, что я сказала, это полная чушь.

It’s utter nonsense.

Полная ерунда.

Utter piffle.

Полная чепуха.

Now, I am utterly selfish when it comes to buying gifts for people.

Вот, и я полная эгоистка, когда дело доходит до подарков.

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You’re utterly and completely…

Вы абсолютно и совершенно…

Utterly bland, tasteless

Абсолютно вежливая, безвкусная

utterly unnecessary.

Абсолютно необязательно.

He’s utterly ruthless.

Он абсолютно бессердечный.

Utterly impossible, dear boy.

Абсолютно невозможно, мой мальчик.

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Broken, utterly broken.

Разбит, полностью разбит

You know that your own people, the Kaleds, will be utterly exterminated.

Вы знаете, что Ваши люди, Каледы, будут полностью истреблены.

In eight minutes, the accursed Planet of Gold will be utterly destroyed.

Через 8 минут эта проклятая золотая планета будет полностью уничтожена.

Next time, Earthling, we shall utterly destroy you.

В следующий раз, землянин, мы полностью уничтожим вас.

The robot has been utterly destroyed.

Робот был уничтожен полностью.

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So utterly uncavalier.

Это было крайне невежливо.

You are so utterly predictable.

Вы крайне предсказуемы.

I mean, it’s utterly absurd.

Я имею виду, это крайне абсурдно.

Utterly amazing.

Крайне поразительно.

If she realizes we’ve recognized her, she’ll be utterly humiliated.

Если она поймёт, что мы её узнали, она будет крайне унижена.

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The show that we prepared, the details, the words he uttered,.. have become legend.

Шоу, которое мы подготовили, подробности, слова, которые он произнес стали легендой.

— He uttered it.

— Он произнес это.

«How can I bear it?» was the first sentence he uttered in a tone that did not seek to disguise his despair.

Я этого не вынесу! — произнёс он, даже не пытаясь скрыть своего отчаянья.

He still hasn’t uttered a word.

Он все еще не произнес ни слова.

When I was one, my mom of his Motown special, and when he did the moonwalk across the stage for the first time in history, I uttered my first words:

Поехали. Когда мне был год, мама принесла мне запись Майкла, его спецвыступление в Мотаун, и когда он прошелся по сцене лунной походкой впервые в истории, я произнес свои первые слова:

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— Charlie Utter.

— Чарли Аттер.

The paradox is the massacre at Little Big Horn signaled the Indians’ death throes, Mr. Utter.

Парадокс в том мистер Аттер, что резня у Литтл-Бигхорн* стала для индейцев смертным приговором. (Битва между армией США и племенами индейцев, в ходе которой армия потерпела поражение, а генерал Кастер был убит)

Where’s Charlie Utter?

Где Чарли Аттер?

I’m Charlie Utter that attended the same fucking meeting you did.

Я Чарли Аттер, и мы, блядь, вместе были на этом собрании.

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As a man, I’m despicable, utterly, completely.

Как человек, я достоин презрения, чрезвычайно, совершенно.

There’s an utterly preposterous myth that it is the distance run from the Battle of Marathon back to Athens.

Есть чрезвычайно нелепый миф, что таково было расстояние между битвой при Марафоне и Афинами.

If you so much as utter even a hint of either, I’ll see you are put away in a cold, dark place for the rest of time.

Если Вы так чрезвычайно не понимаете даже намеков, я увижу как вас заберут в холодное, темное место на все оставшееся время.

I mean, as propositions go… I have to say, it’s completely, utterly, unarguably, quintessentially hopeless.

В данных условиях я вынужден сказать,… что это полностью, чрезвычайно, неоспоримо, типично безнадежно.

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At school I never heard you utter a single word.

В школе я от тебя ни единого слова не слышал.

I don’t know, because… I suddenly saw her in front of me. I stared at her, but I couldn’t utter a word.

— Не знаю… я видел её перед собой, смотрел на неё и не мог сказать ни слова.

There were long periods of time when he didn’t utter a word.

Выли длительные периоды времени когда он не произносил ни слова.

the good news for those who utter these words is that god will hear you and answer your prayer.

Хорошая новость для тех, кто произносит эти слова в том, что Бог услышит вас и ответит на мольбы.

who said the first human words uttered on the surface of the moon?

А кто сказал эти первые слова? -Нил Армстронг

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Thais have so much respect for their monarch that up until Rama III changed the law no one could utter His Majesty’s name.

Тайцы так уважают своего монарха, что пока Рама Третий не изменил закон, никто не мог произносить имя его Величества.

They’re just so ridiculous. They shouldn’t be uttered.

Они настолько абсурдны что их даже не следует произносить.

My legal name is Alexander Perchov, but all of my friends dub me Alex because this is much more flaccid to utter.

Мое официальное имя Александр Перчов, но все мои друзья прозвали меня Алексом потому что это гораздо легче произносить.

I never thought that I would ever hear you utter those words with a straight face.

Никогда бы не подумала, что ты будешь произносить эти слова с серьезным выражением лица.

I ain’t supposed to utter your name!

Мне запрещено произносить ваше имя!

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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word utter, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use utter in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «utter».

Utter in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word utter in a sentence.

  1. It can also utter a barking alarm call.

  2. This was utter and complete arbitrariness.

  3. Birds often utter a soft chuck call when alone.

  4. The utter variety of her posthumous exhibition ..

  5. The term «Secret Speech» proved to be an utter misnomer.

  6. Brent DiCrescenzo of Pitchfork described it as «an utter mess».

  7. Because it lacks a syrinx, it can only utter hisses and grunts.

  8. Males can utter a harsh chattering squeak when arguing with other males.

  9. The male can utter a loud whistle in flight, which can serve as an alarm call.

  10. Words I had never heard myself utter before came pouring forth, faster and faster.

  11. I remain an utter disbeliever in almost all that you consider the most sacred truths.

  12. Birds also utter a muted huu-huu-huu call while foraging, and make a squealing call in courtship.

  13. Both sexes commonly utter a single chock note that may be harsh and guttural or have 4–5 harmonics.

  14. Red wattlebirds utter two types of alarm calls, alternating between them while mobbing other animals.

  15. From a distance this cover disappears almost entirely, giving an impression of utter black desolation.

  16. He invites Nalla to his wedding, where, to his utter astonishment, Nalla sees that Aras’s bride is Bala.

  17. Adults are normally silent but can utter a deep guttural croaking noise in nuptial displays or at nests.

  18. When the female is on the nest and the male nearby, they utter low soft notes identified as «whisper song».

  19. Bradman wrote in an obituary: «I cannot ever recall hearing Verity utter a word of complaint or criticism ..

  20. They also utter a softer version that is 0.6 seconds long, as well as a long single-noted whistle when alone.

  21. It was to spare the Japanese people from utter destruction that the ultimatum of July 26 was issued at Potsdam.

  22. Schur said, «I’ve been to some community meetings in my life, and it is often this feeling of utter sparseness.

  23. Despite the pain, he complained little, other than to utter: «This is too much.» He died at 07:00 on the morning of 18 July 1875.

  24. The result was an utter Roman defeat, with 93 of their ships captured, an unknown number sunk, and 20,000 men killed or captured.

  25. The makeshift raft is shown as barely seaworthy as it rides the deep waves, while the men are rendered as broken and in utter despair.

  26. This confirmed his existing impression: «I’ve been to some community meetings in my life, and it is often this feeling of utter sparseness.

  27. By personal exertion, utter disregard of fire, and judicious use of reserves, he succeeded in dispersing the enemy and regaining the position.

  28. Archibald Gracie later wrote of how he and the other survivors sitting on the upturned hull were struck by «the utter helplessness of our position».

  29. During the voice recording session for a Tracey Ullman Show short, Homer was required to utter what was written in the script as an «annoyed grunt».

  30. In his 1988 work The Eleventh Hour, Tyndall wrote of the need for «an utter rejection of liberalism and a dedication to the resurgence of authority».

  31. Hughes believed Goya’s decision to render the images through etchings, which by definition are absent of colour, indicates feelings of utter hopelessness.

  32. Lady Constance Kell commented that «most of the agents employed by the Germans worked only for the money they gained and were regarded with utter contempt».

  33. With the coming of the rainy season insects infested the camp, diseases such as malaria and yellow fever took hold, and the emigrants sank into utter despair.

  34. After this second position had been won, the company came under very heavy shell fire, and the utter contempt for danger and coolness under fire of this N.C.O.

  35. A reporter from the New York Tribune later remarked that the Grant followers had been «saved from utter ruin by the excellent management of General Arthur….».

  36. Numerous barons were subjected to his malevolentia, even including the famous knight William Marshal, 1st Earl of Pembroke, normally held up as a model of utter loyalty.

  37. Similarly, Matthew Gilbert of the Boston Globe called Ackles and Padalecki «generic cuties who hold their lips together tightly, except to utter the word ‘Dude'».

  38. An official in Cúcuta, the district capital, expressed utter contempt for MacGregor in a letter to a friend: «I am sick and tired of this bluffer, or Quixote, or the devil knows what.

  39. According to Quintilian, Pericles would always prepare assiduously for his orations and, before going on the rostrum, he would always pray to the gods, so as not to utter any improper word.

  40. Kracauer writes: «Caligari exposes the soul wavering between tyranny and chaos, and facing a desperate situation: any escape from tyranny seems to throw it into a state of utter confusion».

  41. The students, parents, and teachers of the Dover Area School District deserved better than to be dragged into this legal maelstrom, with its resulting utter waste of monetary and personal resources.

  42. The «prompt and utter destruction» clause has been interpreted as a veiled warning about American possession of the atomic bomb (which had been tested successfully on the first day of the conference).

  43. Responding to claims that he was imitating the Beatles, Jones replied: «What utter rubbish», comparing the argument to saying that all groups using a guitar copy each other merely by using the instrument.

  44. Since Fredrick and Frodrick are physically indistinguishable when they utter their respective words, and since their words have different meanings, meaning cannot be determined solely by what is in their heads.

  45. Because of his ignorance of nautical matters, Bonnet was in an even weaker position than other pirate captains, as is demonstrated by the utter domination Blackbeard exercised over him during their collaboration.

Synonyms for utter

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word utter has the following synonyms: arrant, complete, consummate, double-dyed, everlasting, gross, perfect, pure, sodding, stark, staring, thoroughgoing, unadulterated, unmitigated, dead, absolute, emit, let out, let loose, express, verbalize, verbalise, give tongue to, talk, speak, mouth, mouth off and speak up.

General information about «utter» example sentences

The example sentences for the word utter that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «utter» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «utter».

Synonym: absolute, complete, downright, express, extreme, outright, plain, positive, pure, say, sheer, sound, speak, thorough, total, unqualified, voice. Similar words: butter, mutter, clutter, butter up, butterfly, utterance, muttering, letter. Meaning: [‘ʌtə(r)]  v. 1. articulate; either verbally or with a cry, shout, or noise 2. express audibly; utter sounds (not necessarily words) 3. express in speech 4. put into circulation. adj. 1. without qualification; used informally as (often pejorative) intensifiers 2. total. 

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(1) To my utter amazement she agreed.

(2) The ship’s interior was an utter shambles.

(3) She’s an utter stranger to me.

(4) I’ve never heard such utter twaddle!

(5) What he is doing is utter stupidity!

(6) He felt an utter fool!

(7) He didn’t utter a syllable.

(8) The battlefield was a scene of utter carnage.

(9) He could not utter a word.

(10) This company treats its employees with utter contempt .

(11) The meeting was a complete and utter waste of time.

(12) It’s utter folly to go swimming in this cold weather.

(13) Our new radio is an utter failure.

(14) That’s complete and utter nonsense!

(15) She didn’t utter a word all night.

(16) The battle/election was a complete and utter rout.

(17) His tendency to utter acrimonious remarks alienated his roomates.

(18) I hold those fools in utter contempt.

(19) The report shows utter contempt for women’s judgement.

(20) He surveyed the scene of utter devastation beneath him.

(21) My duty pricked me on to utter that.

(22) She sat in the corner in utter dejection.

(23) These reports are total and utter rubbish.

(24) She stared at them both in utter confusion.

(25) This, of course(Sentencedict), is utter nonsense.

(26) Don’t talk such utter rot!

(27) What Charles was saying was utter tripe.

(28) His career is a story of utter disaster.

(29) Complaints are the greatest offerings that God obtains from human beings, as well as the most faithful prayers human beings might utter to God.

(30) As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them. John F. Kennedy 

More similar words: butter, mutter, clutter, butter up, butterfly, utterance, muttering, letter, litter, bitter, latter, matter, better, battery, pattern, scatter, shatter, no matter, short-term, a matter of, shattered, unfettered, intermittent, as a matter of fact, get the better of, All is not gold that glitters, counterfeiter, butt, put to, button. 

Definition of Utter

total or complete

Examples of Utter in a sentence

The billionaire’s utter lack of arrogance makes him very approachable.


Since my son showed an utter disregard for others by driving recklessly, he no longer has a license.


The accident caused Tina to have an utter loss of memory.


Because Linda is very clumsy, she is an utter failure as a waitress.


The teacher knew the student’s homework excuse was utter nonsense.


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