The word unfortunately in a sentence

But unfortunately he gets sick.
Но, к несчастью, он заболевает.

Unfortunately, the precise opposite happened.
К сожалению, произошло прямо противоположное.

Unfortunately he refused to come.
К несчастью, он отказался придти.

Very unfortunately, such a process has not taken place.
Однако, к большому сожалению, этого не произошло.

Didn’t catch on, unfortunately.
К сожалению, оно не прижилось.

Snape, unfortunately, wasn’t fooled.
Снейпа, к несчастью, провести не удалось.

Most unfortunately, there are still radioactive waste storage sites in the Kyrgyz Republic.
К большому сожалению, на территории Кыргызской Республики все еще остаются хранилища с радиоактивными отходами.

Unfortunately, the opposite is true.
К сожалению, все наоборот.

And this was, unfortunately, successful.
К несчастью, нам это удалось.

At the same time, unfortunately, in our territory, our many stockpiles of radioactive waste are an inheritance from the military-industrial complex of the former Soviet period.
Одновременно, к большому сожалению, на нашей территории расположено большое количество хранилищ радиоактивных отходов, полученных в наследство от военно-промышленного комплекса бывшего СССР.

Unfortunately, it was my urologist.
К сожалению, это был мой уролог.

So Paula Radcliffe, unfortunately, does it.
Пола Рэдклифф, к несчастью, преодолевает слабость.

Unfortunately for the terrorists, rather than sparking conflict among civilizations, the attacks of 11 September have reinforced the unity of the global civilization in opposing and combating this scourge.
К большому сожалению для террористов, нападения 11 сентября привели не к конфликту между цивилизациями, а к укреплению единства мировой цивилизации в противостоянии этому бедствию и борьбе с ним.

Unfortunately, that rumor is true.
К сожалению, этот слух верен.

Yeah, unfortunately, Ruan passed away recently.
Да, к несчастью Руан не так давно умер.

Most unfortunately it succeeded in that effort, inasmuch as on 17 March 2003 the Secretariat decided to withdraw all international staff working in Iraq, in a disgraceful shirking of the responsibilities of the United Nations in four of its most important areas of work, namely disarmament, peacekeeping, humanitarian work and development.
К большому сожалению, им это удалось, поскольку 17 марта 2003 года Секретариат принял решение об отзыве из Ирака всего работающего там международного персонала, позорно уклонившись от выполнения возложенных на Организацию Объединенных Наций обязанностей в четырех наиболее важных областях ее деятельности: разоружение, поддержание мира, гуманитарная деятельность и развитие.

Unfortunately, it continues in Libya.
К сожалению, это получило продолжение в Ливии.

Unfortunately, it happens all the time.
К несчастью, такое случается сплошь и рядом.


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unfortunately — перевод на русский


You wrote Jastenity that letter to get into Harvard. Unfortunately the letter was better than her application, but she did get into Cal State Northridge, which is the Harvard of Northridge.

Ты написала Джастинити письмо для поступления в Гарвард, но, к сожалению, письмо было лучше, чем её заявление, но зато она поступила в калифорнийский филиал Нортриджа.

Unfortunately, Leslie did wrap up before Cooper got back, but I was on the case.

К сожалению, Лесли управилась до того, как Купер вернулся, но я был на чеку.

Unsolved, unfortunately.

К сожалению, тоже нет.

Unfortunately, no.

К сожалению нет.

Unfortunately, they recognized me.

К сожалению, они меня узнали.

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Unfortunately, you’re chest-deep in filth.

К несчастью, Лиззи, ты по уши в дерьме.

Unfortunately, my poor sister died too soon

Моя бедная сестра, к несчастью, рано умерла

Unfortunately, Monsieur Giron, business bores me to distraction.

К несчастью, месье Жерон, бизнес утомляет меня до отчаяния.

I came here to rob you, but unfortunately I fell in love with you,

Я пришел, чтобы ограбить тебя, но к несчастью, я влюбился в тебя.

It is unfortunate you are no longer able to speak.

К несчастью, вы уже не способны говорить.

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A bloody unfortunate one, but an accident for all that.

Чертовски несчастный, но все же случай, и только.

He who is an orphan is truly unfortunate

Он несчастный сирота

Go, unfortunate man, and forget this dishonored name.

О, несчастный!

An unfortunate husband of… one of PastorJohn’s flock took a gun to his head.

Несчастный муж подопечной пастора пустил в себя пулю.

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An unfortunate choice of words on my part.

Неудачный выбор слов с моей стороны.

Unfortunate in games of chance, fortunate in games of love.

Неудачный в азартных играх, удачный в любовных.

Fortunate in games of chance, unfortunate in games of love.

Удачный в азартных играх, неудачный в любовных.

-Ah. The cause of your unfortunate experience, of which I trust there are no ill effects?

Надеюсь, ваш неудачный опыт не отразился на вас негативно.

The likelihood of an unfortunate incident with all those pilots in the sky at once…

А так же тот неудачный инциндент… с теми пилотами ,наконец?

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Unfortunately not everything.

Всё там. — Увы, не всё.

My friend here was hoping to spend some nice hours with you, but unfortunately his hope didn’t come to pass.

Мой друг уже надеялся… провести с Вами приятные часы. Но, увы, его ожидания были обмануты.

Unfortunately I only have facts.

У меня, увы, только факты.

Unfortunately the explanation is not mine to give.

Увы, это не моя тайна.

Oh, I’d like to help you, but unfortunately that is the law.

Мы отблагодарим Вас. Я бы рад помочь, но, увы, таков закон.

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Unfortunately, the legends about the castle are not bedtime stories.

Жаль, что легенды о замке на ночь не рассказывают.

It is unfortunate mem had to wait for New Year and cremation, but at least she is ahead of white elephant.

Жаль, что пришлось ждать нового Года и кремации, но хотя бы белый слон в очереди за вами.

It’s unfortunate it was doomed to failure from the start.

Жаль, что всё это было обречено на неудачу с самого начала.

That’s unfortunate, maybe for both of us.

Очень жаль, возможно, что мы оба ещё об этом пожалеем.

How unfortunate. He left.


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(LAUGHING) How very unfortunate.

Как прискорбно.

How unfortunate!

Как прискорбно!

And unfortunate.

И прискорбно.

Unfortunate that I know the truth?

Прискорбно, что я знаю правду?

Unfortunate that you rushed to face him… that incomplete was your training… that not ready for the burden were you.

Прискорбно, что ты поторопился встретиться с ним… что неоконченным было твое обучение… что не готов к бремени ты был.

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That is unfortunate.


*15,000 it’s cost me, and you say it’s unfortunate… as though I spilled soup on my vest.

Мне всё это стоило 15,000 фунтов, а ты говоришь — печально, как будто я пролил суп на свою жилетку.

That’s unfortunate.


Yes, they might be killed, and that is unfortunate but there comes a time when the odds are against you and the only reasonable course of action is to quit.

Да, могут погибнуть и это печально, но иногда наступает момент, когда преимущество не на нашей стороне и единственный разумный способ действия — уход.

Well, that’s sad and unfortunate.

Что ж, это грустно и печально.

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I have had the most unfortunate experience.

У меня был крайне неприятный разговор.

I understand you had a rather unfortunate encounter with the police tonight.

Я так понимаю, у тебя был… неприятный… инцидент… с полицией, сегодня вечером.

You know, it’s-it’s an unfortunate side effect… of telling everybody to-to stick it up their butts.

Знаешь, это неприятный побочный эффект того, что ты говоришь людям про их задницы.

It’s an unfortunate side-effect of my… pills.

Неприятный побочный эффект от таблеток.

Last night we had a little unfortunate event here in Skjelleruten.

Прошлой ночью произошел неприятный инциндент.

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Yes, that was unfortunate.

Да, это было досадно.

It is unfortunate that these so-called Republicans have forced him to take the action he has taken.

Досадно, что республиканцы заставили его пойти на подобные действия.

That would be unfortunate…

Это будет досадно…

That would be unfortunate.

Это будет досадно.

The second time was just unfortunate.

Во второй просто досадно.

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But unfortunately I have other business.

Insurance company disputes unfortunately are not unusual.

Споры со недобросовестными действиями страховых компаний, к сожалению, не являются редкостью.

Nobody lives forever… unfortunately or fortunately.

Наша жизнь на Земле не вечна, к несчастью — и к счастью.

Nothing I’ve heard of unfortunately.

Another agreement which was unfortunately not respected.

Прекращается действие соглашения, которое, к сожалению, и так не соблюдалось.

A scenario that unfortunately happened to me.

Я не рассматривал подобный сценарий, который, к сожалению, со мной случился.

Antisemitism is still around today unfortunately.

Проблемы антисемитизма, к сожалению, существуют и по сей день.

It is certainly and unfortunately still relevant.

Это все, разумеется, важно и — к сожалению — по-прежнему актуально.

And unfortunately for many businesses, true.

И действительно, для большого количества компаний это, к сожалению, верно.

But unfortunately, since that time, our leaders failed us.

Но, к сожалению, по вине наших политических руководителей того времени сделка сорвалась.

But the couple, unfortunately, cannot become parents.

Однако, к сожалению, не все пары могут почувствовать себя родителями.

This year unfortunately not so much.

К сожалению в этом году это не настолько массово.

And unfortunately, not everyone cleans up after themselves.

К сожалению, не все из них оставляют после себя чистоту.

But unfortunately, many people have no symptoms before they experience a heart attack.

К сожалению, есть много людей, которые вообще не имеют каких-либо симптомов до своего первого сердечного приступа.

Since the projects creation it has unfortunately not gone anywhere.

Как показывают программы конференций, она, к сожалению, никуда не делась.

But unfortunately that’s not true for our pets.

Но, к сожалению, это не относится к нашей коже.

Season 2 is less great unfortunately.

And unfortunately, it’s true.

Now, unfortunately, that’s not formatted.

Но, к сожалению, на сегодняшний момент она не сформирована.

They are also unfortunately at great risk.

К сожалению, они также связаны с большим риском.

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This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested!

Asked by: Jillian Fritsch

Score: 4.1/5
(67 votes)

Unfortunately Sentence Examples

  1. Unfortunately, this session was unsuccessful.
  2. Unfortunately, he has said nothing to me about you.
  3. Unfortunately, the news was disappointing.
  4. Unfortunately, the trip to dreamland was short in duration.
  5. Unfortunately, someone had torn out the page.

How do you write unfortunately?

Typically, a comma is clipped before unfortunately when it appears in the middle of the sentence or at the end as a parenthetical entity or afterthought. Meanwhile, a comma is placed after unfortunately when it is used as a disjunctive adverbial at the beginning of a clause.

What are some good sentence starters?

Some words are indeed notable for being good sentence starters. The list will include the following: although, I would like to, first, meanwhile, therefore, subsequently, while, I would like to, moreover, in general, in addition, furthermore.

What is a example sentence?

Simple Sentences

A simple sentence has the most basic elements that make it a sentence: a subject, a verb, and a completed thought. Examples of simple sentences include the following: Joe waited for the train.

Can a sentence start with unfortunately?

Yes, you can start a sentence with the word ‘unfortunately’. ‘Unfortunately’ is an adverb because it provides additional information about an action….

24 related questions found

What is a good sentence for unobserved?

Unobserved sentence example

Gibbon sat and listened unobserved to their strictures. The Franciscans slipped away unobserved , but Savonarola raising the host attempted to lead. It was obvious to Dean that nothing in Ouray went unobserved .

What does unfortunately mean?

Unfortunately is the adverb form of unfortunate — so unfortunately means «unluckily.» If someone asks you whether you have to go to work tomorrow when you’d rather go to the beach, you might answer, «Unfortunately.» You might also use unfortunately when you give someone bad news, as in «Unfortunately, we cannot accept …

What is unfortunately an example of?

Unfortunately is defined as sadly or regrettably. An example of unfortunately is being unhappy about missing a party due to being in court; he unfortunately missed the party. Happening through bad luck, or because of some unfortunate event.

What does unfortunately not mean?

2 unlucky, unsuccessful, or unhappy. an unfortunate character. 3 regrettable or unsuitable. an unfortunate speech. n.

What is the difference between Unfortunately and fortunately?

As adverbs the difference between fortunately and unfortunately. is that fortunately is in a fortunate manner while unfortunately is happening through bad luck, or because of some unfortunate event.

What is a sentence for interfered?

Interfered sentence example. I never should’ve interfered , Gabriel. It was when man interfered that things got out of balance. The grandi were disappointed because he had not crushed the popolo, and the latter because he had destroyed their liberties and interfered with the organization of the arti.

What is an unobserved variable?

Observed variables are variables for which you have measurements in your dataset, whereas unobserved (or latent) variables are variables for which you don’t. … For example, we can’t measure intelligence directly, so we use proxy measurements such as performance on intelligence tests as a substitute.

What is a synonym for unnoticed?

overlooked, unseen, undiscovered, unrecognized, hidden, inconspicuous, neglected, secret, unheeded, unobtrusive, unconsidered, disregarded, unobserved, unperceived, unremarked, unremembered, unrespected, winked at.

Is there a comma after sadly?

When an adverb modifies an entire sentence (or independent clause that follows it), then you should use a comma after it. Example 1: Correct: Sadly, they didn’t understand me. Incorrect: Sadly they didn’t understand me.

Is speak with grammatically correct?

«Speak to» can also be used for the situation where A talks and B listens without speaking. You are more likely to encounter speak with in American English, which employs the verb + with construction (speak with, meet with) very much more than British English does.

Where do we use actually in a sentence?

You use actually to indicate that a situation exists or happened, or to emphasize that it is true. One afternoon, I grew bored and actually fell asleep for a few minutes. Interest is only payable on the amount actually borrowed. You use actually when you are correcting or contradicting someone.

What are examples of manifest variable?

The company might choose to study observable variables, such as sales numbers, the price per sale, regional trends of purchasing, the gender of the customer, age of the customer, percentage of return customers, and how high a customer ranked the product on various sites all in the pursuit of the latent factor — namely, …

What is a hidden variable called?

In statistics, latent variables (from Latin: present participle of lateo (“lie hidden”), as opposed to observable variables) are variables that are not directly observed but are rather inferred (through a mathematical model) from other variables that are observed (directly measured).

What are the two major types of variables in research?

The independent variable is the antecedent while the dependent variable is the consequent. If the independent variable is an active variable then we manipulate the values of the variable to study its affect on another variable.

What is an example of interfere?

To interfere is defined as to create an obstacle or get involved in other peoples’ business. An example of interfere is to throw rocks in the middle of someone’s running path. An example of interfere is to jump in when other people are having a disagreement.

What kind of word is themselves?

Themselves is a reflexive pronoun, being a reflexive form of they.

What is a sentence for etiquette?

1) He showed his contempt for social etiquette by not wearing a tie. 2) etiquette dictates that men cannot sit while women are standing. 3) He refused to bow to the Queen, in deliberate breach of etiquette.

Where do we use fortunately and unfortunately?

For the purpose of this game, the word «fortunately» can be explained as a word that is used to foreshadow a stroke of good luck coming the character’s way. Similarly, «unfortunately,» can be explained as a word that will be used to introduce some really bad luck happening to the character.

How do you play fortunately and unfortunately?


  1. Have the players stand in a circle.
  2. The goal of the group is to tell a coherent story going around the circle, each player contributing one line at a time.
  3. A leader will begin the story with one establishing sentence.
  4. Then every line must alternate between “Fortunately…” and “Unfortunately…”.

Definition of Unfortunately

used to expresses regret before giving bad news

Examples of Unfortunately in a sentence

Unfortunately, there are no more tickets for the movie we want to see.


We have unfortunately received an eviction notice and must move before the 1st.


The police admitted that unfortunately, they have no leads or motive for the killing.


Unfortunately, there a traffic accident caused me to be late for the job interview.


The couple will unfortunately have to go without a car while theirs is being repaired.


Other words in the Sad category:

Most Searched Words (with Video)

Examples of how to use the word “unfortunately” in a sentence. How to connect “unfortunately” with other words to make correct English sentences.

unfortunately (adv): used to say that something is sad, disappointing, or has a bad effect

Use “unfortunately” in a sentence

Unfortunately, I hardly speak any French.
Unfortunately, there is no record of the transaction.
Unfortunately, this book is currently out of stock.
“Would you like to have dinner with us?” “I can’t, unfortunately. I have to work”
Unfortunately the store was closed.

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