The word undermine in a sentence

Definition of Undermine

to weaken, hinder, sabotage

Examples of Undermine in a sentence

Chloe hoped that her allergies were not going to undermine her ability to perform in the recital.


When engineers came to examine the cracks in the structure of the building, they discovered that years of flooding had worked to undermine the foundation.


I had to cut down the beautiful willow tree because the roots were beginning to undermine the rock wall.


While Abby tried to be friends with the girls in the popular group, her twin brother was always trying to undermine her efforts by embarrassing her and saying dumb things.


Because Tammy always tried to undermine the principal’s authority by taking her complaints to the school board, her contract was not renewed at the end of the year.


Although Marissa was afraid that her mother-in-law’s constant interference could undermine her marriage, she concluded that it was still better to stay in the same town.


During World War II, female broadcasters such as Tokyo Rose were employed by the Japanese to spread propaganda and undermine the morale of Allied troops.


The secret organization sent beautiful women to spy on members of the military and undermine their loyalty.


To undermine her opponent’s confidence, Vanessa started shouting a war whoop every time she served the ball.


If Jake was going to undermine Leslie’s resistance to his charms, he would need to punch up his strategy and include gifts and maybe a love poem or two.


Other words in the Weak category:

Most Searched Words (with Video)

подрывать, разрушать, подкапывать, подмывать, минировать, делать подкоп


- подкапывать, делать подкоп

to undermine a wall — делать подкоп под стеной

- подмывать

the sea is undermining the cliffs — море подмывает скалы

- разрушать взрывом, подрывать
- подрывать, расшатывать

to undermine smb.’s authority — подрывать чей-л. авторитет

- разрушать, подтачивать

prolonged overwork had undermined his health — постоянная перегрузка работой подорвала /подточила/ его здоровье

Мои примеры


economic policies that threaten to undermine the health care system — экономическая политика, которая угрожает подорвать систему здравоохранения  
to undermine smb.’s credibility — дискредитировать кого-л.  
to undermine / violate discipline — нарушать порядок  
to undermine a foundation — подорвать фундамент  
to ruin / undermine smb.’s health — подрывать чьё-л. здоровье  
to destroy / undermine morale — подрывать боевой дух  
to undermine security — подрывать безопасность  
to undermine smb.’s health — подорвать чьё-л. здоровье  
to undermine morale among soldiers — подрывать боевой дух солдат  
to undermine confidence in the banking system — вызывать недоверие к банковской системе  
to undermine authority — подрывать авторитет  

Примеры с переводом

The constant criticism was beginning to undermine her confidence.

Постоянная критика начала подрывать её уверенность в себе.

She tried to undermine my authority by complaining about me to my boss.

Она пыталась подорвать мой авторитет, жалуясь на меня моему начальнику /боссу/.

The events of the past year have undermined people’s confidence in the government.

Прошлогодние события подорвали уверенность людей в правительстве.

The accumulative effect of all her worries was to seriously undermine her health.

Все эти тревоги и волнения, накопившись, серьёзно подорвали её здоровье.

Influences from the outside can undermine the values you want to teach your children.

Воздействий извне может разрушить ценности, которым вы хотите научить своих детей.

The scandal threatened to undermine the institution of the Presidency.

Данный скандал грозил подорвать сам институт президентства.

The Red Army Faction tried to undermine the state by terror tactics.

«Фракция Красной Армии» (RAF) пыталась вести подрывную деятельность против государства, используя тактику террора.

The manager worried that the recalcitrant employee would try to undermine his authority.

Руководитель опасался, что этот своевольный сотрудник попытается подорвать его авторитет.

Возможные однокоренные слова

undermined  — подорванный
undermining  — подрывать, разрушать, подкапывать, подмывать, минировать, делать подкоп

Формы слова

undermine — перевод на русский


His approach is undermining the security of the garrison.

Его подход, подрывает безопасность гарнизона.

He’s undermining your authority.

Он подрывает ваш авторитет.

..violence which saps the tranquillity and energy of the country,.. ..undermining our economy and reducing our industry’s profits to zero!

Это подрывает спокойствие и трудолюбие нашей с вами страны, подрывает экономику и снижает доходы в промышленном секторе.

Dissipation undermines the state.

Всякое расточительство подрывает государственные устои.

— lt undermines the court’s credibility.

— Это подрывает доверие суда.

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He is trying to undermine the balance of the Galactic Council.

Он пытается подорвать баланс в Галактическом совете.

You’re trying to undermine my rehabilitation.

Он пытается подорвать мою реабилитацию.

You think I’d let a little pipsqueak like you undermine society, ruin everything we’ve got?

Думаешь, я позволю мелюзге вроде тебя подорвать общество? Отнять у нас все? Я с тобой легко справлюсь!

Everybody says that its gorgeous. The fact is, it’s Mr. Kuato and his terrorists who spread these rumors… to undermine trust in the government.

Это мистер Куато и его террористы распускают подобные слухи, чтобы подорвать доверие к правительству.

And there is no desire lurking in your heart to undermine these investigations?

И нет никакого скрытого желания в вашем сердце подорвать эти расследования?

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Maуbe it’s not such a good idea to undermine me in front of the hostage.

Может, не стоит подрывать мой авторитет в глазах заложника, дорогая?

Why must you and Fausta undermine me?

Хватит с Фаустой подрывать мой авторитет?

I don’t mind being criticized, it’s not that, I just think that if she’s so set on enforcing the rules, then maybe she shouldn’t undermine my authority in front of the inmates.

Я не расстроена, что меня осудили, это не так, я просто думаю, что если ее так волнуют правила, может, ей не стоило, подрывать мой авторитет на глазах заключенных.

Just because we’re divorced doesn’t mean you can undermine me, okay?

Только то, что мы разведены не значит, что можно подрывать мой авторитет.

Said that the team trusted me, and he didn’t want to undermine me as their leader.

Сказал что команда мне верит и он не хочет подрывать мой авторитет.

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She just wants to be with you and that means less time with her sister who we both know is undermining your relationship.

Она сможет быть рядом. … И уже реже будет видеть свою сестру, которая, мы оба знаем, хочет разрушить ваш брак.

Government plans to undermine us have failed spectacularly.

Планы власти нас разрушить с треском провалились.

And this was really, uh, difficult to, uh, undermine.


You’ve been undermining this relationship from the start, the pair of you!

Вы пытались разрушить эти отношения с самого начала, вы оба!

And I will not have that undermined.

И я не позволю это разрушить.

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So they conspire to undermine the competition.

— Значит, они задумали подорвать авторитет своих конкурентов.

— Look, this is obviously someone trying to undermine the Colonel’s authority.

— Очевидно, кто-то пытается подорвать авторитет полковника.

This is obviously someone trying to undermine the colonel’s authority.

Очевидно, кто-то пытается подорвать авторитет полковника.

And on the memo line where it says what it’s for, why don’t you just write «Undermining my fiancée»?

А в графе, где указывают, для чего, почему бы тебе не написать «подорвать авторитет моей невесты»?

They’re trying to undermine me.

Они пытаются подорвать мой авторитет.

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I don’t care if you have a few laughs. But don’t you dare undermine what I’m trying to do here.

Но не смей разрушать то, что я пытаюсь сделать.

but my duty’s basically to try and occupy the position of the analyst, which is basically to play, in a way of transference, with these expectations, and to undermine, frustrate them, to make it clear to them

но по существу мо€ об€занность попытатьс€ прин€ть роль аналитика, котора€ состоит в основном в том, чтобы играть роль, с определенными уступками, с этими ожидани€ми, и разрушать, обманывать эти ожидани€,


Разрушать власть правительств, не пробуждая недовольство людей.

I won’t do anything to undermine your life there.

Я не буду разрушать твою жизнь здесь.

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I’ve created quite a stir here by giving the order to free Narn and some have decided that killing the emperor was an attempt to undermine the monarchy.

Я все смешал здесь, отдав приказ освободить Нарн и кто-то может решить, что убийство императора было попыткой подрыва монархии.

Tariq is using this to undermine Jamal’s authority with his Elite Guard.

Тарик использует её для подрыва авторитета Джамала среди элитной гвардии.

I didn’t expect to be undermined and…

Но я не ожидала подрыва и…

I’m talking about a pattern of consistently undermining my authority.

Я говорю об образце постоянного подрыва моего авторитета.

The aim was to spread fear, uncertainty and doubt — and undermine the already failing authority of western politicians.

Цель состоит в распространении страха, неуверенности и сомнения — для дальнейшего подрыва, теряющих авторитет западных политиков.

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You’re working so hard to undermine him.

Вы так стараетесь его подставить.

Every move that you’ve made since you’ve come back has been about undermining me.

Любое твое действие с момента, как ты вернулся, было направлено на то, чтобы подставить меня.

He’s trying to undermine me.

Он пытается подставить меня.

You’re asking rne to undermine the President.

Ты просишь меня подставить Президента.

Was this stunt to enlighten them or to undermine me?

Это было для того, чтобы просветить их или подставить меня?

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There are people in our community living among us, yet refusing to take part in our society, refusing to understand what it means to be British, undermining our way of life and our democracy.

В нашей общине есть люди, живущие среди нас, но отказывающиеся становится частью общества, отказывающиеся понимать, что значит быть британцем, подрывающие наш способ жизни и нашу демократию.

Friends who mock my looks and undermine my confidence?

Подкалывающие меня по поводу внешности и подрывающие мою уверенность в себе?

Then tell me what’s bullshit because I’m looking at a document that undermines your entire defense.

Тогда скажи мне, что из этого чушь, потому что передо мной документ, подрывающий всю твою защиту.

Normally the spouse is the one corroborating the alibi, — not undermining it.

Обычно супруг — это свидетель, подкрепляющий алиби, а не подрывающий его.

Maybe foolish is the Queen endlessly undermining your King’s authority.

Может глупость — это Королева бесконечно подрывающая власть Короля

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I’ll not tolerate your attempts to undermine my program for Richard.

Я не допущу твоей попытки сорвать мою программу для Ричарда.

Captain, I did not come here to undermine this mission.

Капитан, я пришла сюда не затем, чтобы сорвать миссию.

It’s more risky letting her undermine this operation.

Еще более рискованно позволить ей сорвать эту операцию.

And maybe you have a source that’s lying and trying to undermine this negotiation.

Или же ваш источник лжет и пытается сорвать переговоры.

We need to find the traitor before he undermines the entire operation.

Мы должны найти предателя пока он не сорвал всю операцию.

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1. The scandal threatened to undermine the institution of the Presidency.

2. Offering advice on each and every problem will undermine her feeling of being adult.

3. He constantly tried to undermine her self-confidence.

4. The constant criticism was beginning to undermine her confidence.

5. A mole can undermine the strongest rampart.

6. These incidents could seriously undermine support for the police.

7. His enemies are spreading rumours to undermine his authority.

8. High income tax can undermine work incentives.

9. Nothing can undermine their fast friendship.

10. She tried to undermine our friendship.

11. The prosecution did its best to undermine the credibility of the witness.

12. Influences from the outside can undermine the values you want to teach your children.

13. The continued fighting threatens to undermine efforts to negotiate an agreement.

14. Western intelligence agencies are accused of trying to undermine the government.

15. The President’s enemies are spreading rumours to undermine his authority.

16. The Red Army Faction tried to undermine the state by terror tactics .

17. He complained that we had tried to undermine his credibility within the company.

18. Rivers undermine their banks.

19. Economic aid tends to undermine the national independence of third world countries.

20. The conversations were designed to undermine her authority so she felt that she could no longer work for the company.

21. Too often,[Sentencedict] unnecessary organisational problems undermine the process.

22. Receiving such help can undermine further an already-fragile self-esteem.

23. But the latest research may undermine Sykes’s theory.

24. Several weaknesses undermine the Government’s position.

25. Moreover, farm subsidies undermine the efforts of developing countries to follow Washington’s economic prescriptions.

26. Problems of this sort will quickly undermine the value of a recruitment system, which is designed above all for speed.

27. The President has accused two cabinet ministers of working secretly to undermine his position/him.

28. Professional and pecuniary plans meet with success so long as you know what you’re aiming for and don’t let others undermine you.

29. In general Republicans supported the measure because its likely effect would be to undermine the long-lasting Democratic domination of the state legislature.

30. They feel that these systems are expensive and unnecessary, especially since they undermine firms’ existing facilities for small orders.

More similar words: never mind, under, under way, founder, undergo, fall under, come under, reminder, undertake, understand, underlying, under control, undergraduate, permit, permission, wander, gender, render, tender, commander, offender, bewilderment, defender, examine, nominee, mineral, wanderlust, clandestine, prominent, independent. 

Do you know that most people often lack the exact words to describe situations? For instance, have you ever interacted with someone who makes it their life’s mission to frustrate your every action or slowly wear you out constantly? If you’d like to define this situation using one word, the correct word would be «undermine.»

Undermine definition is «an action meant to impair, weaken or compromise using subtle, cunning, or insidious means.» Such actions are usually carried out frequently to achieve the desired objective. Sentences with this term describe an individual’s action to frustrate or cause someone to give up. 

«Undermine» also has several other meanings applicable in different scenarios. This article aims to discuss the term’s other meanings, the different forms of the word, and how best to use the word in your speech and writing. For words with various meanings, it’s best to practice using the word to understand how to use it fully. Are you ready? Let’s begin by looking at the other definitions of undermine.

classroom man smile

What Is the Definition of Undermine?

Another definition of «undermine» is «weakening, disabling, or wearing down a base or foundation.» The act of making a structure appear compromised with a specific motive.

This definition is used in reference to objects or structures with a foundation. It’s important to note that the weakening of a foundation is frequently done over time. Additionally, the action is carried out at the base hence the suffix under.

If a structure crumbled to the ground, it’s probable that its base or foundation had been constantly weakened enough to compromise the entire structure. When the word gets embraced in construction, this is the meaning many refer to.

Here are some sentences to better explain the definition:

  • After the building crumbled, investigations started to determine what could undermine the building’s foundation.
  • If you use untreated wooden posts for your fence, termites can undermine them, thus, shortening their lifespan.

The word undermine also refers to the action of mining or digging a tunnel beneath the surface. The word, in this case, refers to the action of digging or mining underneath but not to compromise any structures above.

Hence, the word in this specific situation should be used literally; under-mine. Here are some sentences to expound more on this:

  • The mole is an animal known for its excellent undermine activities.
  • The expert asked for two excavators to undermine and make a tunnel.

What Is the Meaning of Undermine?

The most common meaning of the word undermine is «to make someone weaker, less powerful, less effective, or less likely to succeed at certain objectives.»

When someone undermines another, they often use hidden or subtle tactics to give them an unfair advantage. Such efforts are effective when they are gradual or constant. When someone says that you’re undermining them, they mean that you are making them less strong or less confident than they were before.

You’ll also notice that «undermined» is among the most used forms of «undermine.» When used in sentences, the meaning remains the same. Here are some example sentences:

  • The chairperson has constantly complained of being undermined by her subordinates.
  • Despite the police’s excellent work of keeping drugs off the street, their work is undermined by a few bad officers.
  • The rocks at the river have been undermined by the constant flow of water on them hence their smooth texture.

Is Undermine Used in Medicine?

The term undermine is also used in medical terms to refer to the constant but gradual weakening of certain organs, thus compromising the body’s functionality.

When something undermines bodily functions, they make them less efficient or unhealthy than before, resulting in complications. For instance, a sickness that makes you unable to eat can be said to undermine the efficiency of the body by preventing it from taking in more nutrients.

Here are some example sentences with «undermines.»

  • Constant ingestion of carbohydrates results in increased body weight and undermines body movement.
  • Smoking undermines the lungs’ ability to continue functioning at an optimum level.

Is Undermine A Negative Word?

Not necessarily, the word undermine is defined as weakening a structure or someone’s efforts gradually without attracting any attention. Undermine is also used to describe the process of digging a hole underneath the surface to form a tunnel. In the second scenario, the term is not necessarily a negative action. However, the term is most often negative as it expresses a person’s repeated efforts to make them less confident or less secure than they initially were.

How to Use Undermine in a Sentence?

When you use the word as a transitive verb, it defines the constant action of subverting or sabotaging secretly to compromise or weaken. «Undermined» is the past tense of the term. «Undermining» is the continuous tense of the word.

In this section, we will examine the different forms of the word and how to use them correctly. Learn from the sentences below.

  • No matter what you do, there will always be people ready to undermine your actions.
  • Rushed construction of the foundation undermines the integrity of the entire house.
  • Individuals suffering from depression will have their relationships undermined.
  • If these workers continue undermining their boss, they’ll probably be fired.

When used as a noun, the word becomes «underminer» to mean a person undermining another. The word can also be used as an adverb (underminingly) to describe how specific actions are carried out.

  • Andrew came in and underminingly threw out all of our proposals.
  • Kobe Bryant underminingly took a fellow’s player seat, forcing him to sit on the floor.

10 Examples of Undermine Usage in a Sentence

The following sentences show how to embrace the various forms of the word «undermine.» Use these sentences to practice using the word. Don’t forget to make other exciting sentences using the word independently.

  1. Michael seems to have a problem with me because he always finds a way to undermine my efforts and zeitgeist knowledge..
  2. Russia is undermining any process of restoring peace in Ukraine and eventually leaving Ukraine’s territory.
  3. The prolonged drought in certain parts of Africa threatens to undermine the peace of the affected regions.
  4. We do not welcome any information that will undermine an individual’s credibility or authority.
  5. She was the quintessential Barbie girl who undermined everyone.
  6. Watch your step with Amanda; she may look simple, but everything she does will undermine us.
  7. Some parts of the ground are undermined by the Chinchillas that live in the caves.
  8. A heavy backpack will make traveling hard and undermine your spine’s health.
  9. Due to the constant leaking of the foundation, the structure of the building was undermined and eventually led to its destruction.
  10. Alcohol addiction affects friends and family and undermines the person’s health.
  11. If these clauses are included in the constitution, they will undermine service delivery and the nation’s peace.

How Do You Spell Undermine?

The term undermine is spelled as «u.n.d.e.r.m.i.n.e»

The word is easy to spell; however, remember to pay attention to the letter «e» at the end of the word because it’s silent. Note that the word has two joint words, under and mine, making it easier to spell. The best way to learn how to spell words is through constant practice.

task university group

How Do You Pronounce Undermine?

The word undermine has two pronunciations; uhn.dr.mine is an American accent, and uhn.duh.mine is the British accent.

While these two pronunciations are acceptable in the English language, they are different. Pronouncing both the first and the last syllables of the word is similar in both cases; the middle syllable is where the difference lies. Whichever pronunciation you pick, it’s crucial to practice pronouncing the word correctly.

Synonyms Of The Word «Undermine»

  • Sabotage
  • Impair
  • Ruin
  • Wreck

Antonyms Of The Word «Undermine»

  • Fix
  • Assist
  • Relieve
  • Build

How Many Syllables Are In Undermine?

The word undermine has three syllables; un.der.mine.

Remember to note the number of times a vowel appears when counting syllables in a particular word.

History & Etymology of Undermine

The term undermine originates from the Dutch ondermijen, Old English underdelfan, and the Danish underminere. Around 1300, the word morphed into undermyne, meaning «unstable through weakening the foundation by digging.»

The word «undermine» is made of two words «under and mine.» The first part of the word under comes from the Old English, meaning beneath, among, or in the presence of. In the 14th century, however, the word was used to describe something lower in position.

The second part «mine,» also comes from the Old English word miner, which means excavating or «digging in the Earth.» In the 14th century, the word described the act of extraction through mining.

When Was Undermine First Used?

The word was first recognized as an English word in the 14th century.

Note that both under and mine were used for their current definitions in the same century and were merged to form the word used today.


The word undermine should not pose any challenge in your speech and writing. However, should you have any challenges regarding «undermine» definition, meaning, or usage, you can always refer to this article for clarification. Don’t forget to read more about the word to understand how to use it in varying contexts.

Shawn Manaher

Shawn Manaher is the founder and CEO of The Content Authority. He’s one part content manager, one part writing ninja organizer, and two parts leader of top content creators. You don’t even want to know what he calls pancakes.

Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

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Examples of undermine in a Sentence

She tried to undermine my authority by complaining about me to my boss. The events of the past year have undermined people’s confidence in the government.

Does it mean to undermine someone?

transitive verb. If you undermine someone or undermine their position or authority, you make their authority or position less secure, often by indirect methods. She undermined him and destroyed his confidence in his own talent.

How do you tell if someone is undermining you?

Someone who is trying to undermine you will likely badmouth others to you and you to others. Underminers criticize but offer no solutions because their goal is to make people look bad, not improve anything. Underminers think they look better if they make others look worse.

What does it mean to undermine yourself?

1 verb If you undermine something such as a feeling or a system, you make it less strong or less secure than it was before, often by a gradual process or by repeated efforts.

What does it mean to undermine an argument?

Undermining at the end of a paragraph is like concluding with the point—but in a backhanded way. It shows your understanding of an alternative point of view—then slams the direction of the argument into reverse. Undermining can: highlight an opponent’s flaws or weaknesses. present (and refute) a common misconception.

29 related questions found

What is an example of undermine?

Undermine is defined as to dig beneath, weaken or injure. An example of to undermine is digging a space under a walkway for irrigation. An example of to undermine is a weak person on a team making the team lose a game.

Is it Undermind or undermine?

Some people believe in a mystical overmind, but not even they believe in an “undermind.” The word is “undermined.” If you dig under a castle wall to prepare to breach its defenses, you are undermining it, digging a mine under it.

What happens when you undermine someone?

A common definition for the term “undermine” is “to erode the base or foundation” or “to weaken or damage (someone or something), especially gradually or insidiously.” So to undermine is to weaken the position, goals, or success of something or someone – with “undermining behavior” in the workplace being the acts of …

Can you undermine yourself?

It’s easy to undermine yourself without realizing it until it’s too late. You’re probably doing it now in some part of your life, whether that’s at work, at home or with friends.

What is undermining behavior?

What is undermining? Undermining or bullying behaviour is behaviour that makes you feel harassed, offended or socially excluded, and that affects your work. … Examples of undermining behaviour include: Belittling someone in public, humilating them or accusing them of lack of effort.

What do you do when your friend undermines you?

Here’s how to go about it.

  1. Look for the Signs. Before anything, make sure you’re actually dealing with social undermining. …
  2. Identify the Motive. …
  3. Be Upfront. …
  4. Stop Giving Them Information. …
  5. Change the Relationship. …
  6. Take What You Can From It. …
  7. Find Support.

How do you deal with undermining coworkers?

When you confront your boss, they will most likely ask what you have done to resolve the issue. Therefore, try to confront the coworker beforehand about the issue. Try to resolve the issue with the coworker first, but make sure that you don’t have a confrontational attitude. Instead, be direct and respectful.

How do I stop undermining myself?

12 Ways to Stop Undermining Your Self Esteem

  1. Change your inner dialogue. To increase your self-esteem improve the way you talk to yourself. …
  2. Find balance. …
  3. Know your worth. …
  4. Create your own success and happiness. …
  5. Be proud. …
  6. Work hard. …
  7. Exercise. …
  8. Eat healthy.

What does Irresolutely mean?

Irresolute describes someone who feels stuck. A decision must be made, a plan acted on, but the irresolute person just doesn’t know what to do. Resolute describes certainty. When someone is resolute, things get done: plans are made and carried out. But add the prefix ir to resolute and you get its opposite.

Where is the word undermine from?

undermine (v.)

c. 1300, undermyne, «render unstable by digging at the foundation,» from under + mine (v. 1) «dig.» The figurative sense «injure by invisible, secret, or dishonorable means» is attested from early 15c. Similar formation in Dutch ondermijnen, Danish underminere, German unterminiren.

What are the four factors of self-esteem?

There are 4 components that define the esteem you might feel for yourself: self-confidence, identity, feeling of belonging, and feeling of competence.

What is a good self image?

With a positive self-image, we recognize and own our assets and potentials while being realistic about our liabilities and limitations. With a negative self-image, we focus on our faults and weaknesses, distorting failure and imperfections.

How do I stop caring about self image?

Ways To Stop Worrying About What Others Think

  1. Quit mind reading. …
  2. Ask yourself what else someone’s behavior could mean. …
  3. Know that you can’t please everyone. …
  4. Realise that you can’t control what other people think of you. …
  5. Let go of perfectionism. …
  6. Realize that people notice less and care less than you think.

What is the difference between undermining and tunneling?

Undermining generally includes a wider area of tissue than tunneling. Tunneling generally occurs in one direction, whereas undermining may occur in one or more directions. Undermining occurs most often in patient with pressure wounds or neuropathic ulcers.

How do you use undermine?

Examples of undermine in a Sentence

She tried to undermine my authority by complaining about me to my boss. The events of the past year have undermined people’s confidence in the government.

What is the noun for undermine?

noun. A deliberate and underhanded effort to defeat or do harm to an endeavor: sabotage, subversion.

How do you use incomprehensible in a sentence?

Examples of incomprehensible in a Sentence

I found his behavior utterly incomprehensible. It’s incomprehensible to me that he could have acted that way.

What does it mean to undermine someone’s intelligence?

DEFINITIONS1. to treat someone as if they are stupid. Don’t insult my intelligence by making ridiculous excuses. Synonyms and related words. To be cruel or unkind to someone.

What does undermine my integrity mean?

verb. If you undermine something such as a feeling or a system, you make it less strong or less secure than it was before, often by a gradual process or by repeated efforts.

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word undermine, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use undermine in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «undermine». In addition, we also show how different variations of undermine can be used, the variations for which we also have example sentences are undermines. If you click on the variation of undermine that you are interested in, you will be taken to the list of example sentences for that particular form.

Undermine in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word undermine in a sentence.

  1. Grant, worked to undermine Johnson’s Reconstruction policies.

  2. As the French tried to undermine his position, tensions with Ba Cụt increased.

  3. The order was intended to undermine the guerrillas’ support network in Missouri.

  4. Their subversive attitude was exhibited in their attempt to undermine the pop comeback.

  5. A letter dated 14 October indicates John was preparing to undermine the castle’s walls.

  6. Once in this position, Beria began to undermine Lakoba and to gain closer access to Stalin.

  7. The Ottomans brought siege engines, ladders, and planks forward, and used them to undermine the walls.

  8. The Sunday Times attempted to undermine the programme’s credibility with its own investigative journalism.

  9. According to a later account Hart gave to the assembly, Carroll began a campaign to undermine the Governor.

  10. His political rivals used the opportunity to undermine his authority and damage his reputation with Hitler.

  11. Her irony was not humorous but caustic and intended to undermine the assumptions of the society she portrayed.

  12. Bayard and Cleveland opposed any change that would undermine Samoan independence, as did the British government.

  13. So too did medical conditions undermine morale, particularly lice and dysentery, the results of poor sanitation.

  14. Keller shows how this led many of her colleagues to reject her ideas and undermine her abilities for many years.

  15. Louise denied the rumour, claiming that it was started by Beatrice and Helena to undermine her position at court.

  16. The project was dropped when studies found that the digging might undermine the foundations of Independence Hall.

  17. This meant that Patel’s evidence would significantly undermine the evidence of the second and third pathologists.

  18. Harewood thought, moreover, that surtitles could undermine the case for a publicly funded opera-in-English company.

  19. With regards to sport, cricket administrators from both colonies sought to undermine their cross-border counterparts.

  20. Sauberzweig believed that if the division was raised in the NDH, the Ustaše would undermine the morale of the recruits.

  21. In light of the failed land reform efforts in North Vietnam, the Hanoi government welcomed Thao’s efforts to undermine Diem.

  22. In fact, the men were in Niagara Falls, Canada, in order to aid Peace Democrats and otherwise undermine the Union war effort.

  23. The first challenge to the treaty came in August 1621 when a sachem named Corbitant began to undermine Massasoit’s leadership.

  24. She believes that non-conformity has no chance of winning, so she alternates between helping Roark and working to undermine him.

  25. For instance, someone who underestimates a friend’s honesty might treat him or her suspiciously and so undermine the friendship.

  26. He felt direct government relief payments would weaken moral character, undermine self-respect and discourage personal initiative.

  27. To further undermine Forgy, Patton reminded voters of the budget cuts by Congressional Republicans to programs affecting the elderly.

  28. As this might undermine the state, retribution was considered an absolute necessity and the crime deserving of the ultimate punishment.

  29. It had the stated intention of treating its material in an ironic or sarcastic manner, to undermine the political ideology of the novel.

  30. However, the lack of Parliamentary authority behind the report allowed the Drapier to undermine the credibility of the report’s content.

  31. Bảo Đại disliked Diệm and had frequently attempted to undermine him, having appointed him only because he was a conduit to American aid.

  32. The Banu Ashqilula sought assistance from Alfonso X of Castile, who was happy to support the rebellion to undermine Muhammad’s authority.

  33. By 1973, FRELIMO were also mining civilian towns and villages in an attempt to undermine the civilian confidence in the Portuguese forces.

  34. After the war, Adams opposed allowing Loyalists to return to Massachusetts, fearing that they would work to undermine republican government.

  35. Joseph Priestley, which falsely accused Priestley of stirring up rebellion in Britain, and attempted to undermine his scientific credibility.

  36. Recognizing Bokassa’s attempts to undermine him, Banza made a number of remarks highly critical of the president’s handling of the government.

  37. This failure to acknowledge Vrba has played into the hands of Holocaust deniers, who have tried to undermine his testimony about the gas chambers.

  38. As a result, slow sieges to starve defenders out, or mining operations to undermine walls, tended to be preferred by commanders over direct assaults.

  39. In the view of Charles Enderlin, the controversy is a smear campaign intended to undermine footage coming out of the occupied Palestinian territories.

  40. Both besiegers and besieged had many siege engines, and for three days both sides exchanged missile fire while Arab sappers tried to undermine the walls.

  41. Slope development will periodically undermine the formations above and car- to house-sized blocks of that rock will cascade down onto the Tonto Platform.

  42. In early September 2006, a new law was passed to outlaw adultery, and Ranariddh responded by accusing the government of attempting to undermine FUNCINPEC.

  43. They accuse imperialist powers of manipulating the Armenians to undermine the empire, and allege that the Armenians committed treason or presented a threat.

  44. Deducing that he was supposed to be killed in Brad’s place, Trevor feels betrayed, causing friction within the group and threatening to undermine their plans.

  45. Their uneasiness stemmed from beliefs that a Sulpician bishop would undermine their control, and eventually lead to the subordination of the Church to the Crown.

  46. Pleydell’s efforts were seen by the court as an attempt to undermine the integrity of the Queen’s justices and, perhaps, to incite rebellion among his supporters.

  47. Before Antony and Octavian’s joint imperium expired on 31 December 33 BC, Antony declared Caesarion as the true heir of Caesar in an attempt to undermine Octavian.

  48. The Lexington Herald-Leader noted that such incidents could undermine Williams and Farmer’s traditional Republican message of the need for less government spending.

  49. Philosopher and film theorist Robert Sinnerbrink similarly notes that the images following Diane’s apparent suicide undermine the «dream and reality» interpretation.

  50. According to Vasili Mitrokhin, Andropov saw the struggle for human rights as a part of a wide-ranging imperialist plot to undermine the foundation of the Soviet state.

Undermines in a sentence

Undermines is a variation of undermine, below you can find example sentences for undermines.

  1. But Kracauer contended the frame story undermines that premise.

  2. It commented: «Too tidily categorical, the story undermines only its own straw men.».

  3. This strong dependence on familiarity again undermines the mental calculation hypothesis.

  4. Evaristo also believes that Mom & Me & Mom undermines Caged Bird, which she calls «a ground-breaking triumph».

  5. Critics say that this is an anti-competitive program that undermines net neutrality and creates a «walled garden» for platforms like Facebook Zero.

  6. Thirdly, compulsion undermines consumer feedback, and so no differentiation can be made between good and poor programmes presented to those receiving welfare.

  7. George Monbiot argues, «The absence of an international legislature undermines the authority of an international judiciary (such as the proposed criminal court).

  8. The film’s critique of criminal masculinity undermines the status of previously celebrated masculine lawbreakers in Australian history and cinema, such as Ned Kelly and Mick Dundee.

  9. By stopping at this point, Rosenfeld felt that Steiner «succumb[s], rhetorically, to the seductive eloquence of negation», which undermines his own «high standards of moral intelligence».

  10. Critics widely agree that the discovery of the screenplay strongly undermines Kracauer’s theory, with some, like the German film historian Stephen Brockmann, even arguing it disproves his claims altogether.

Synonyms for undermine

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word undermine has the following synonyms: cave, sabotage, countermine, counteract, subvert and weake.

General information about «undermine» example sentences

The example sentences for the word undermine that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «undermine» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «undermine».

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