The word umbrella in a sentence

umbrella — перевод на русский



Знаете, почему я не хотел, чтобы вы ломали мой зонтик.

I loved the coming and going… picking up an umbrella… giving a smoker a light just in time… indicating the clock to a man without a watch… going… coming… going up… coming down… opening the door 50 times…

Я любил перебегать от места к месту. Подхватывать зонтик предлагать огонь, желающему закурить указывать на часы человеку без часов. Туда…

I borrowed an umbrella from Sagami-ya last night.

Я позаимствовал зонтик Сагами прошлой ночью.

In case anything happens, jump out, pull this cord, a big umbrella thing opens up and you float to earth like you were lying on a cloud.

Если что-то случится — выпрыгиваешь, дергаешь этот шнур, открывается большой зонтик. И плывешь к земле, будто лежишь на облачке.

Your umbrella.

О, Ваш зонтик.

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Только незачем ломать мой зонт.

Wait here, I’ll go fetch an umbrella for you.

Жди здесь, пойду возьму для тебя зонт.

I’ll get that umbrella, wait here.

Сейчас возьму зонт, подожди.

lsuke, don’t forget to return the umbrella.

Исуке, не забудь вернуть зонт.

-You always carry an umbrella, Bruce?

— Вы всегда таскаете зонт?

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I worked for the Umbrella Corporation the largest and most powerful commercial entity in the world.

Я работала на корпорацию «Амбрелла» самую большую и могущественную коммерческую структуру в мире.

We’ve received reports of Umbrella Corporation dispatching armed guards and troop carriers.

По поступившим сообщениям корпорация «Амбрелла» посылает вооруженную охрану и транспорты с войсками

Umbrella was to evac her, but she didn’t make it.

«Амбрелла» должна была ее вывезти, но не сделала этого.

— Not even Umbrella is capable of this.

— Даже «Амбрелла» на это не способна.

You know exactly how far Umbrella will go.

Ты сам знаешь, как далеко «Амбрелла» готова зайти.

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— Ada Wong operative for the Umbrella Corporation..

— Ада Вонг. Сотрудница корпорации Амбрелла.

They will eliminate Umbrella resistance, Then rendezvous with us and escort us out

Сначала, они уничтожат весь отряд, Корпорации Амбрелла, потом, мы их встретим, и лишь затем, они помогут нам выбраться оттуда.

The next a soldier working for Umbrella.

И еще она может быть солдатом, служащей в корпорации Амбрелла.

My programming will not allow me to harm the Umbrella Corporation.

Я запрограммирована защищать интересы корпорации Амбрелла.

Co-owner of the Umbrella Corporation and a painful thorn in my side.

Совладелец корпорации Амбрелла и та еще заноза.

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And take the umbrella

Возьми зонтик.

The umbrella.

Возьми зонтик.

— so I thought I should have my umbrella.

— Пожалуй, я возьму зонтик.

I forgot to tell, you Your wife called and she said she was on her way with the umbrella. Sorry

что зонтик она взяла.

You could take an umbrella!

Ты должна была взять зонтик!

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You’re too important to Umbrella to be at risk.

Вы слишком важны для корпорации, чтобы подвергать Вас опасности.

You’d turn against Umbrella?

Хочешь пойти против корпорации?

My programming will not allow me to harm an employee of the Umbrella Corporation.

Программа не позволяет мне причинить вред сотруднику корпорации.

The Umbrella High Command.

Высшее руководство корпорации.

This was something no one at Umbrella would’ve done.

Сотрудник корпорации не пошел бы на это.

Well, all I can say is that James may have been involved in a number of illegal ventures under the company umbrella, not the least of which was forging documents.

Все, что я могу сказать, это то, что Джеймс был вовлечен во множество нелегальных авантюр под прикрытием компании, не худшее из которых была подделка документов.

Under my umbrella, using money I raised.

Под моим прикрытием, используя деньги которые я собрала.

As I am the acting chargé d’affaires, you will be under my diplomatic umbrella and you will not be detained in any way.

Так как я исполняю обязанности поверенного, вы будете под моим дипломатическим прикрытием, и вас не смогут задержать.

It’s hard to believe Jamey could work against us without some kind of umbrella.

Трудно поверить что Джэми решила так просто работать против нас без всякого прикрытия.

More than a hundred new taxes are now being developed under the umbrella of curbing greenhouse gases.

В настоящий момент вводятся больше сотни новых налогов под прикрытием борьбы с газами, вызывающими парниковый эффект.

Will you tell him I broke the umbrella stand?

Ты ему скажешь, что я сломал подставку для зонтиков?

I bring Raoul a new umbrella stand, and some coal for Albert.

Я принес Раулю новую подставку для зонтиков, и немного угля для Альберта.

— Just pop them in the umbrella stand.

Запихните их в подставку для зонтиков.

We’re talking about the man who leaves his murder weapon in an umbrella stand.

Мы говорим о человеке, который хранит орудие убийства в подставке для зонтиков.

Now, she must’ve taken that out the umbrella stand.

Она должно быть, взяла его из той подставки для зонтиков.

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Examples of how to use the word “umbrella” in a sentence. How to connect “umbrella” with other words to make correct English sentences.

umbrella (n): a device for protection against the rain, consisting of a stick with a folding frame covered in material at one end and usually a handle at the other, or a similar, often larger, device used for protection against the sun

Use “umbrella” in a sentence

Take an umbrella with you in case it begins to rain.
Does anyone claim this umbrella?
I took his umbrella by mistake.
Can I borrow your umbrella?
You shouldn’t go out in the rain without an umbrella.
I’m afraid I took your umbrella by mistake.

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  • Use the word Umbrella in a sentences

Sentence Examples

Okay, I am delicately threading a 10-millimeter micromesh umbrella inside the largest vein of this woman’s body.

I will not go under the umbrella of religion, I’ll make it spiritual. It’s limitless.

One of them opens his umbrella to compare its size with the mushroom, but the umbrella suddenly takes root and transforming itself into a mushroom starts growing attaining gigantic proportions.

A fantastical being rushes on an astronomer who defends himself and with a stroke of his umbrella the Selenite bursts into a thousand pieces.

«Dearest, I left my umbrella in the compartment.»

Have you broken your umbrella?



HA HA! «DON’T BREAK MY umbrella,» HUH?

Right, don’t say a thing. Give me my umbrella!

In real life, I’m a rainmaker with the umbrella concessions.

There’s only one sword, but you can have the umbrella.

Hey, young fella Best to close your old umbrella

Hey, young fella Throw away your old umbrella


I came to get my umbrella.

I came back for my umbrella and I couldn’t help hearing.

-The handle of my umbrella is loose.

My Peola forgot her rubbers and umbrella.

No, I mean it’s raining and he’s got an umbrella.

If I only had an umbrella

Because yesterday evening the young lady forgot her umbrella.

But one with whom you left your umbrella.

So the umbrella probably walked to the gentleman on its own!

Well, two days ago you left your umbrella with this gentleman here, and last night you forgot your fur at his place, you…

Why don’t you put up your umbrella?

Give me my umbrella so I no get wet.

Hold your tongue and hold that lantern higher, or I’ll bash you with this umbrella.

Pardon me, miss Do you belong to this umbrella?

Speaking of eyes If they belong to this umbrella

And bring the umbrella, in case it rains

It stops rain now, we can do not beat the umbrella

Come in. Let me take your umbrella.

Twelve trunks, sir, 17 suitcases, three jewel boxes, oh and an umbrella, sir.

Why an umbrella in Florida?

How about a nice new umbrella, monsieur?

Wait here, I’ll go fetch an umbrella for you

I’ll get that umbrella, wait here

I borrowed an umbrella from Sagami-ya last night

Isuke, don’t forget to return the umbrella

Well, he looks like a runt pickle and he’s got an old umbrella stick with a goose-head handle. That’s him! I knew it!

Similar words: umbrage, as well as, well-bred, flagellate, embroil, embrace, embrasure, embroidery. Meaning: [ʌm’brelə]  n. 1. a lightweight handheld collapsible canopy 2. a formation of military planes maintained over ground operations or targets 3. having the function of uniting a group of similar things. adj. covering or applying simultaneously to a number of similar items or elements or groups. 

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1. I’ve forgotten my umbrella — what a nuisance!

2. She absent-mindedly left her umbrella on the bus.

3. I’ve come out without my umbrella.

4. She jabbed me in the arm with her umbrella.

4. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!

5. Did you bring an umbrella?

6. Take your umbrella with you.

7. Harry held an umbrella over Dawn.

8. Take an umbrella with you.

9. She let down her umbrella and furled it.

10. I’ll have my umbrella recovered.

11. Remind me to take my umbrella with me, please.

12. Can I borrow your umbrella?

13. He was under an umbrella.

14. Please don’t thrust at me with that umbrella.

15. She returned to collect her umbrella.

16. She hit him on the head with her umbrella.

17. Can you identify your umbrella among this lot?

18. Don’t forget to take your umbrella when you go.

19. He sheltered beneath his umbrella.

20. I put up my umbrella.

21. Eyes are raining for her,heart is holding umbrella for her,this is love.

22. A sudden gust of wind blew his umbrella inside out.

23. Deciding to brave the weather, he grabbed his umbrella and went out.

24. Umbrella and raincoats are what people need in rainy days.

25. You’ll poke someone in the eye with that umbrella if you’re not careful!

26. Excuse my taking your umbrella by mistake.

27. I felt a few spots of rain so I put my umbrella up.

28. It started to rain, so Tricia stopped to put up her umbrella .

29. He walked briskly along the path swinging his rolled-up umbrella.

30. Be careful not to poke someone in the eye with your umbrella.

More similar words: umbrage, as well as, well-bred, flagellate, embroil, embrace, embrasure, embroidery, dumb, thumb, number, rumble, thumbs up, succumb, stumble, a number of, dumbfound, cumbersome, any number of, allay, dumbfounded, bred, to the number of, fibre, break, bread, breed, fall away, fallacy, collar. 

Umbrella sentence example. She held an umbrella and was dressed in a grey suit. It was raining very hard and he had a very large umbrella to keep off the rain-drops. The manubrium bearing the gonads is mouthless, and the umbrella is without tentacles, sense-organs, velum or radial canals.

In this post

  • 1 How do you use umbrella in a sentence?
  • 2 Is the umbrella correct?
  • 3 Which preposition is used with umbrella?
  • 4 How do I use the in a sentence?
  • 5 What is an umbrella topic sentence?
  • 6 Why is umbrella called umbrella?
  • 7 Can you say wear an umbrella?
  • 8 Which one is correct an umbrella or a umbrella?
  • 9 What is the umbrella thing meaning?
  • 10 Why we use an before umbrella?
  • 11 When should we use?
  • 12 What are sentences 10 examples?
  • 13 What are the 5 sentences?
  • 14 What is sentence and give 5 examples?
  • 15 How do you write an umbrella paragraph?
  • 16 What are the uses of umbrella?
  • 17 How does the umbrella work?
  • 18 Is there an umbrella Emoji?
  • 19 Who used the first umbrella?
  • 20 How old is the umbrella?

How do you use umbrella in a sentence?

Use “umbrella” in a sentence
I took his umbrella by mistake. Can I borrow your umbrella? You shouldn’t go out in the rain without an umbrella. I’m afraid I took your umbrella by mistake.

Is the umbrella correct?

If you are using a word with a silent ‘h’ such as ‘honourable’ or ‘honest’ then you have to use ‘an’. Therefore it would be “an honourable man” and “an honest mistake”. With words such as ‘umbrella’, ‘ice cream’ and ‘apple’ you have to use “an umbrella”, “an ice cream” and “an apple”.

Which preposition is used with umbrella?

As per the context of the sentence, the umbrella saved the subject from the heat of the Sun as the umbrella was perpendicularly above the subject’s head. Hence from the given meanings, we find that the preposition ‘over‘ is the correct choice here.

How do I use the in a sentence?

The definite article is used before singular and plural nouns when the noun is specific or particular. The signals that the noun is definite, that it refers to a particular member of a group. For example: “The dog that bit me ran away.” Here, we’re talking about a specific dog, the dog that bit me.

What is an umbrella topic sentence?

An umbrella statement, also known as a topic sentence, applies the BLUF (Bottom Line Up Front) approach, which includes stating the purpose of your message and summarizing the points that support the purpose.

Why is umbrella called umbrella?

‘Umbrella’ was borrowed from the Italian word ‘ombrella,’ a modification of the Latin ‘umbella,’ which came from ‘umbra,’ meaning “shade, shadow.”

Can you say wear an umbrella?

Yes. You can wear an umbrella.

Which one is correct an umbrella or a umbrella?

The U in umbrella is pronounced as a vowel sound ( Λ using the phonetic alphabet) and so we use ‘an’. We therefore say ‘an umbrella‘. This rule also applies to the use of consonants. The word hour has a soft ‘h’ which is weakly pronounced and therefore we say ‘an hour’.

What is the umbrella thing meaning?

Users find its meaning disturbing
The idea behind the disturbing trend is only explained on Urban Dictionary. It is a sexual act that involves the insertion of an entire forearm into a woman’s private part. It is also described as a “form of pleasuring”, but troubled, disturbed and confused TikTok users feel otherwise.

Why we use an before umbrella?

The first sound that is pronounced is a vowel, so “an” is used. “Umbrella” begins with a vowel sound, but the adjective “blue” appears between “umbrella” and the indefinite article, and “blue” begins with a consonant sound. For that reason, “a” is used.

When should we use?

When to Use ‘A,’ ‘An,’ or ‘The’

Title Use “a” or “an” if the title is not a specific title. a president a doctor a queen
Names of Countries Non-specific a country
Names of Continents Non-specific a continent
Names of Some Geographical Areas
Names of Streets

What are sentences 10 examples?

Here are 10 examples of sentences;

  • Mary enjoys cooking.
  • She likes bananas.
  • They speak English at work.
  • The train does not leave at 12 AM.
  • I have no money at the moment.
  • Do they talk a lot ?
  • Does she drink coffee?
  • You run to the party.

What are the 5 sentences?

5 kinds of sentences in english

  • Declarative sentence.
  • Imperative sentence.
  • Interrogative sentence.
  • Exclamatory sentence.

What is sentence and give 5 examples?

A simple sentence has the most basic elements that make it a sentence: a subject, a verb, and a completed thought. Examples of simple sentences include the following: Joe waited for the train. The train was late.

How do you write an umbrella paragraph?

Umbrella paragraphs should be clear and concise, a paragraph or two at most. Remember, they are designed to orient the reader and prepare them for what is to come. They are not meant for advancing arguments or reciting facts.

What are the uses of umbrella?

It is designed to protect a person against rain or sunlight. The term umbrella is traditionally used when protecting oneself from rain, with parasol used when protecting oneself from sunlight, though the terms continue to be used interchangeably.

How does the umbrella work?

How Does an Umbrella Work? Each part of the umbrella is necessary in order for it to function. The runner moves up extending the stretchers, which in turn, push up against the ribs. This creates a force that fully extends the canopy, and with a locking mechanism, secures it in place.

Is there an umbrella Emoji?

Umbrella was approved as part of Unicode 1.1 in 1993 and added to Emoji 1.0 in 2015.

Who used the first umbrella?

The basic umbrella was probably invented by the Chinese over 4,000 years ago. But evidence of their use can be seen in ancient art and artifacts of the same period in Egypt and Greece as well. The first umbrellas were designed to provide shade from the sun.

How old is the umbrella?

4,000 years ago
The umbrella was invented over 4,000 years ago and used in early civilizations in Egypt, Assyria, Greece, and China. They were initially employed as parasols to provide shade from the sun. The term comes from the Latin root word umbra that means shadow.

Ford hatchback to fish out her trusty little fold-away umbrella but a sudden,

‘But why do they call it the Wintergardens?’ Kara asked some twenty minutes later as they settled themselves under an umbrella at a table set beside the seafront

I noticed a brunette in an umbrella next to me

There are a couple of letters so, juggling the umbrella with my handbag and the envelopes I have just taken out of the post box, I struggle with the door key and let myself into the conservatory

Leaving my umbrella to drain in there, I look through the post

I’m halfway back to the car when I remember that my umbrella is still in the basin in the ladies’ loo

One time I was in a worship meeting with some missionaries and there was an umbrella on the floor in front of me

” I opened the umbrella and immediately I felt the presence of God like rain under the umbrella

A friend came up later and said he felt the same rain when I opened the umbrella

A little deck appeared with a wide lounge chair on it, shaded by a colorful umbrella

The next night my younger sister Megan encountered what she called ‘the umbrella ghost

» She looked at the umbrella

lunging at the screen with his umbrella

The point of the umbrella entered the

The Harvard junior, who was carrying her umbrella, protested: «What’s

“The British officer is the one with the umbrella,” came the laughing reply

It had started to rain and when he opened the front door, he found Norman waiting with an outstretched umbrella holding a brown double handle holdall in his other hand

She had a raincoat on and holding an umbrella, shaking it out while

They have a dozen tentacles that stretch downwards and resemble an umbrella

He had forgotten that it had a flashlight and consequently was equipped with batteries… Finally the official smiled and said: “We were wondering what were those batteries doing in an umbrella

“I don’t have an umbrella

If a fellow parishioner had left his umbrella in Church on Sunday, you could return it to him on Monday

The man became red with anger and took an umbrella that was at the edge of the table, lifting it menacingly in the air

Suddenly, the man tried to hit Kami with the umbrella, but Yania immediately desired to stop the umbrella

The man was shocked, realizing that an invisible force was blocking the umbrella in the air

He let go of it, then noticed that the umbrella did not fall on the floor but remained suspended in the air in exactly the same position

“What is this all about?” It is about you being a monster!” replied Yania, desiring that the umbrella hit him repeatedly on the head with great force

The monster grabbed the umbrella and broke it in half with brute force, stopping it

Lucy gave thanks to the inventor of umbrella

The older sergeants soon disabused them of that superstition as they goaded them to press and close with the flanks of the fleeing Krocek and Haskell, promising them if they got as close as they wanted, they would be inside Spooky’s protective umbrella

Nonetheless, he held an open umbrella above his head that struck

The Professor, with his umbrella, sloshed across the water soaked

The poor thing needs an umbrella

umbrella that he always carried with him

Its main elements were the research laboratories operating under the umbrella of a highly security conscious pharmaceutical company, and the breeding areas attached to this Centre

The problem is compounded by the number of business operations that come under his umbrella

He can have an umbrella that’s got Coca-Cola on it

have a great time lounging with my wife in the sand with an umbrella drink in hand or

There were pink suits, large sun hats, loud shirts, green trousers, a gaudy sun umbrella, cut off jeans showing about three inches of sagging buttock above pea-stick legs in bovver boots! I couldn’t believe it

Not over the floor, fortunately, but into an umbrella hastily unfurled by one of the girls

He smiled as the rain drops hit the umbrella that was nicely placed over his head by one of his men as they stood outside one of his many restaurants he had in this area of China Town

On his head was a black hat with a brim as wide as an umbrella, giving the impression he was forever being rained upon

Would you not dream of an umbrella that covers the entire sky? That is what this race of extremely intelligent creatures had created—a perfect barrier

In particular, it’s been your country’s nuclear umbrella that has kept our nation safe for the past 60 years

Held high over the boat, the wide-brimmed cap acted like an umbrella on a sunny day, casting the boat in a crucial canopy of shade

Towards the back of the sunbathers, under a gaudy umbrella, a large woman of indeterminate age fixed her eyes on Sebastian as he sauntered along the edge of the pool and dived in

He turned and gazed at them coolly before crouching behind an umbrella

One day he borrowed Bridget’s umbrella and jumped off a small wall

He found that the umbrella cushioned his landing

cousins at aunt Betty’s house, he tried to explain to them that you could jump from anywhere if you had an umbrella

He was more worried about having to explain the scratches and damaged umbrella

He placed the closed umbrella on the counter that passed through the living room and into the kitchen

He gripped the umbrella, unconsciously banging it mercilessly against his thigh

Granny gently pushed him past the crowd and to an outside table where they sat under an umbrella with yellow sunflowers and slowly licked their treats

He walked outside and stood under a multi coloured umbrella and looked nervous

But looking at her under the umbrella with her legs as

Harold was lying next to Beth under the umbrella

Jackson provided a large black umbrella and they walked along the deserted harbour promenade

“If your destination is Atlanta, I hope you brought an umbrella

I was wearing my special raincoat and held up the umbrella which I had bought in a witch shop

I held the umbrella above Ewok as steady as I could, while she growled and cursed her family members

” They hugged affectionately and Penny sat down under the sun umbrella

Chip, you probably haven»t noticed but the umbrella shades, cups, table cloths, drinks and much else are advertisements for their manufacturers

Brown unleashed the storm, and Fernanda tried to help him with a half-blown-out umbrella that she found in a closet

It could come to pass that many of these situations fall under an umbrella of disease called cancer

necessarily fall under the umbrella of the Body of Christ because they accepted Jesus as Messiah

foundational elements, all inherent within the umbrella of the overall “mystery:”

The cohort could have been the master timer, as everything got screwed up after Z225 and timing was delayed because Umbrella Man and Cohort were shocked that the president was still alive

And Connally knew of the assassination that day as he turned to look at Umbrella man and not the president (who he did see casually despite his testimony)

She didn’t even carry an umbrella

, he slept under an umbrella on the beach

Doyle better watch it standin out there under an umbrella, he might get fried

for a golf umbrella

, because it’s bad luck to open an umbrella

lady in the shop for the umbrella

within half an hour and that he chose to sit outside in the rain under an umbrella

The next witness was a lady that worked in an umbrella shop down in

that he chose and bought a blue golf umbrella

First the chauffer got out of each one with an umbrella

up for his boss who stepped out of the limo and took the umbrella off him

large umbrella over both of them

Another twelve F-15J, with orders to keep their external fuel drop tanks on for the moment, followed some distance behind, with the task of establishing a strong air superiority umbrella over the islands

It was a pathetic force to put against a mighty German battle squadron; protected by the greatest air umbrella any ships had ever had

They were escorted by six destroyers, ten torpedo boats, numerous «E» boats, and an air umbrella consisting of three hundred day and night fighters

Shortly after 10h00, two Spitfires on patrol over the Channel spotted German fighter planes and climbed to engage; they had unwittingly stumbled into the outer guard of the air umbrella protecting the German ships

The armada consisted of two thousand five hundred ships and landing craft, carrying one hundred and sixty thousand troops, fourteen thousand vehicles, six hundred tanks, and one thousand eight hundred guns, under an air umbrella of more than four thousand aircraft

She had dropped the umbrella when Gordon tripped the switch causing her to be drenched with him but she was too engrossed to notice

He was under a black umbrella, carried by his hokhi (friend)

I got inside the decorated floral car along with my friend who would hold an umbrella when I enter in the courtyard of bride’s house

They say there was a giant sequoia where the Cinzano umbrella was, that the Native Americans

umbrella had been in the real world

set it right in the center where the Cinzano umbrella used to be

a real umbrella, when I’d had an umbrella

If I had had one, it’d be an umbrella that some kind

With the arrival of that American force, they now benefit from a first class air umbrella

Matt noticed that all the paper umbrellas were pink

The huge umbrellas began to bob and twist, and drums were beaten as the whole of that vast assemblage got into motion, and came slowly across the square toward the Commander-in-chief

Prempeh was accompanied by his chiefs, and followed by a large procession of guards, soldiers, slaves and attendants; but with a quick flank movement the Houssas cut this crowd away from their leaders, and umbrellas and stools, bearers and attendants, were soon flying in every direction

Gorgeous State umbrellas, enormous kinkassies or wardrums, brass-studded chairs, beautifully carved stools, European and native swords, native spears, Ashanti daggers and knives, executioners’ blades and torture instruments, brass studded cases, leather fetish caps, silken and cotton cloths, execution stools with recent blood stains, valuable old English chinaware, common table knives, large glass vases, carved wooden sandals, silk and gingham pillows of down and soft cotton, a few tusks, ivory pieces for playing “po” and drafts, a few bottles of brandy, common blunderbusses, old flint locks, a few Sniders, and so on ad infinitum

” Beth gathered her nerve and joined Sylvia for a stroll of the deck, which surrounded the inn on three sides and was furnished with occasional tables under white-fringed umbrellas and lounge chairs

Caroline and Brian Walston, wearing a mirthful expression, appeared through the double doors carrying raincoats and umbrellas

We were standing over by the old folks now who were sitting in the shade under one of the table umbrellas

When she looked around, Sierra and Nik had already blended into the mass of umbrellas moving down the street

Young lovers, along those young at heart, groping each other’s bodies under the protective shade of shared umbrellas, but Levi and I just looked, watched one another

heads with their coats, or umbrellas, or what they could

It was raining so the men outside each had umbrellas up

Alex followed the stream of umbrellas through the monumental avenue in the city center

The little tables with those colourful sun umbrellas, the happy visitors watching La Belle Province pass by, the waiters, fleet- footed and gossipy, serving coffees and creamy cakes, had all disappeared to await the coming of another summer

by weeping willows that looked like over-sized umbrellas was a

Shortly before the concert, the rains dropped from the heavens, drenching the audience, especially those without umbrellas

It’s found in ammonia, anesthetics, antihistamines, artificial limbs, artificial turf, antiseptics, aspirin, auto parts, awnings, balloons, ballpoint pens, bandages, beach umbrellas, boats, cameras, candles, car battery cases, carpets, caulking, combs, cortisones, cosmetics, crayons, credit cards, curtains, deodorants, detergents, dice, disposable diapers, dolls, dyes, eye glasses, electrical wiring insulation, faucet washers, fishing rods, fishing line, fishing lures, food preservatives, food packaging, garden hose, glue, hair coloring, hair curlers, hand lotion, hearing aids, heart valves, ink, insect repellant, insecticides, linoleum, lipstick, milk jugs, nail polish, oil filters, panty hose, perfume, petroleum jelly, rubber cement, rubbing alcohol, shampoo, shaving cream, shoes, toothpaste, trash bags, upholstery, vitamin capsules, water pipes and yarn

Under one of several public umbrellas, he stared into the frothy surf’s white contrast, against the ocean’s greenish blue

We got to the arcades and started looking for umbrellas

wanted just a couple of ordinary umbrellas, but Phoebe surprised me when she

We came to a shop with a whole bunch of umbrellas out in

There was one stand there with these really quality-‐looking golf umbrellas

There was a sparkling clear swimming pool surrounded by spacious tables and umbrellas facing the river on the east side of the mansion; the pool deck was natural grass that was trimmed like the putting green that was adjacent

As we rolled on through the Balkan mountains, beautiful wooded hillsides fought with buses and lorries chuffing out foul fumes into our lungs and crazed insects parachuting down our backs, stabbing us with dozens of tiny poison umbrellas

Without the drumming of the rain on the ground and on their umbrellas, the night was suddenly silent

Two schoolboys from Eton College struck him with their umbrellas, until he was hustled away by a policeman

The Agents got out, the driver providing them with umbrellas

A mix of sun umbrellas and make shift gazeboes peppered the sanded car park on which it sat, it was a place of lazy destiny, and was called the same

For instance, if the heat of the Sun is so severe over our heads, we take umbrellas and switch them up, here we secure ourselves from its heat and we do this procedure as ((Takwa))

successful that they slowly added other products, such as outdoor furniture, umbrellas and plant holders

Someone added that it rains on the just more because the unjust have stolen their umbrellas

patrol car, with umbrellas held above them for protection

It was in November that we were there, and we splashed about in a raw, wet cold,—rain on the verge of sleet and snow, a bitter wind at the corners, the omnibuses all full (we could not afford the dearer and more respectable tram), and everybody we met had an unkind strange face that stared at us, in spite of hurry and umbrellas, with a thoroughness and comprehensiveness that must be peculiar to Berlin

Sometimes I had to laugh at them myself, they were such extraordinarily heroic and glowing things for one dripping Fräulein with none too brave a heart to hurl at another dripping Fräulein with no brave heart at all, as they trotted along with oriented skirts and umbrellas through wind-racked, howling forests

‘Oh,’ gasps Vicki, when we start off up the sombre aisles of pines, and the tretching away before us into a gray infinity, and mark their reeking trunks, black with damp, hoar with lichen, and hear their sighings and their creakings through the patter of rain on our umbrellas, and feel their wet breath on our cheeks, ‘oh what an empty, frightening world it is

Rough steps cut in the side of the hill lead down out of the garden to a footpath through the rye to Putgarten; and on the top step, as straight and motionless as the poplars, stood two persons under umbrellas, gazing in silence at the view

Ceaselessly she trotted up and down repeating the German for giants, umbrellas, keys, spectacles, wax, fingers, thunder, beards, princes, boats, and shoulders

Ceaselessly her lips moved, while her eyes followed the movements of the birds darting in and out of the lilac hedge and hopping among the crumbs where breakfast had been; and through her giants, umbrellas, keys, spectacles, and wax she managed not to miss a word the yellow-hammers were chirping to each other in cheerful strophe and antistrophe: _A little bit of bread and no che-e-e-e-e-ese—a little bit of bread and no che-e-e-e-e-ese_

If necessary she might even weave the German for giants, umbrellas, keys, and spectacles into a sentence as a conversational opening, and try her mother-in-law with that; and if Frau Dremmel showed the least responsiveness to either of these subjects she might go on to wax, fingers, thunder, and beards, and end with princes, boats, and shoulders

Jesse thanked me again and walked off the platform to an audience with some of his senior staff, all in trench coats and hats and umbrellas; and I proceeded to give my speech

The sun had come out with a vengeance, completely baffling everyone judging by the number of discarded raincoats and furled umbrellas that were in evidence, and the few clouds that were in the sky were shredded remnants only

He’d enjoyed traversing her complex and difficult pathways; he’d enjoyed her massive canopies above him, huge umbrellas preventing the sun from overheating anything on the ground

Smith’s feelings about umbrellas were similar to those about slippers; neither of them should ever be used by a man

a wife and child and new baby sit atop the driver’s seat with umbrellas open

accommodated tables and chairs and sunshade umbrellas that provided a rest area for

The public collected in the hall to receive their umbrellas

(Ladies with green and white umbrellas passed through the courtyard— French ladies on their way to join their husbands in Constantinople

Somewhat daunted, Jo righted herself, spread her handkerchief over the devoted ribbons, and putting temptation behind her, hurried on, with increasing dampness about the ankles, and much clashing of umbrellas overhead

The druggist had taken Napoleon and Athalie to give them some exercise, and Justin accompanied them, carrying the umbrellas on his shoulder

Silver plate sparkled in the jeweller’s windows, and the light falling obliquely on the cathedral made mirrors of the corners of the grey stones; a flock of birds fluttered in the grey sky round the trefoil bell-turrets; the square, resounding with cries, was fragrant with the flowers that bordered its pavement, roses, jasmines, pinks, narcissi, and tube-roses, unevenly spaced out between moist grasses, catmint, and chickweed for the birds; the fountains gurgled in the centre, and under large umbrellas, amidst melons, piled up in heaps, flower-women, bare-headed, were twisting paper round bunches of violets

The procession of black, with its umbrellas glistening, turned away

She could see other Audreys and Elvises hurrying along the street, huddled under umbrellas, and hear their shouts and laughter

Four umbrellas, her raincloak

In the course of the argument cannonballs, scimitars, boomerangs, blunderbusses, stinkpots, meatchoppers, umbrellas, catapults, knuckledusters, sandbags, lumps of pig iron were resorted to and blows were freely exchanged

It was a challenging landscape in which to find a place to watch a crew race, but by midafternoon on April 13 nearly forty thousand spectators had assembled under umbrellas in empty lots, on scattered docks, on warehouse rooftops, and on small craft moored along the racecourse

Gradually, dark masses of people huddled under umbrellas made their way down the steep descent from Main Street to the water, where they took up positions along the shore or waited in line to cross the river on ferries

But tens of thousands of spectators, most of them German, began to flood into the regatta grounds, huddled under black umbrellas or wearing rain slickers and hats

The daybreak struggled with the gloom under the arcades on the Plaza, with no signs of country people disposing their goods for the day’s market, piles of fruit, bundles of vegetables ornamented with flowers, on low benches under enormous mat umbrellas; with no cheery early morning bustle of villagers, women, children, and loaded donkeys

The large-leaved rhubarb and cabbage plants slept too, their broad limp surfaces hanging in the sun like half-closed umbrellas

People thrust objects into his sightline, umbrellas, luggage, whole duck, a frenzied commercial semaphore he didn’t need to speak the language to understand

The bonfires got brighter and closer together as I hit the main drag—a scorched bit of ground, dotted with tents that sagged like storm-ruined umbrellas

And then suddenly there was a date, and the date was today, and Dunne family and friends were shaking off the October drizzle from umbrellas and carefully, conscientiously wiping their feet on the floor mat Maureen had brought for us this morning

Silver plate sparkled in the jeweller’s windows, and the light falling obliquely on the cathedral made mirrors of the corners of the grey stones ; a flock of birds fluttered in the grey sky round the trefoil bell-turrets; the square, resounding with cries, was fragrant with the flowers that bordered its pavement, roses, jasmines, pinks, narcissi, and tube-roses, unevenly spaced out between moist grasses, catmint, and chickweed for the birds; the fountains gurgled in the centre, and under large umbrellas, amidst melons, piled up in heaps, flower-women, bare-headed, were twisting paper round bunches of violets

A hundred black umbrellas lifted and riffled in the wind

Thousands of dark umbrellas shrouded the crowd against the chill, numbing rain

“Put down your umbrellas and she will stop the rain!” ten-year-old Lucia cried out

Coming in from the rain, the guests left their umbrellas in a mahogany rack by the door, where a steward took them away one by one to dry

The officials were there with no more protection against the sun than ordinary umbrellas, the elementary schools were there waving little flags in time to the music, and the beauty queens with scorched flowers and crowns made of gold cardboard, and the brass band of the prosperous town of Gayra, which in those days was the best along the Caribbean coast

On the after side, or side next the stern of the ship, is a comfortable seat, with a locker underneath for umbrellas, comforters, and coats

They sold their necessaries, in order to provide themselves with umbrellas, silk kerchiefs, and similar objects, and at that the kerchiefs served them only as ornaments for their toilet

While patrolling in the Sea of Marmora a British submarine came across several umbrellas floating in the sea, presumably from a sunken ship

At this critical stage I overheard one sailor remark to another, «I say, Bill, don’t you think it is about time we put those blinkin’ umbrellas up?»—Naval officer retired, Hampstead, N

Several of us started for a meeting among them on a recent Saturday afternoon, with rubbers, umbrellas and waterproofs, prepared for mud and rain

The Umbrella was a Canadian arts talk show television series which aired on CBC Television in 1966. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

Get down to the beach with your towel and umbrella


Returning to the first question in this column’s title, I think the breadth of activities included under the science advocacy umbrella yields the exercise of trying to define science advocacy unproductive, at least for my purposes.


According to them, their aim is to campaign vigorously for President John Dramani and the umbrella family to ensure that they win one touch in the December polls.


I remember Kris Titus, who was the president of the Equal Parenting Council across Canada, an umbrella organization for 40-some groups, telling me about when she and her ex, who were living in close communities, went to the judge the first time around to try to work out this kind of arrangement of approximately equal shared parenting.


In New York, countless types of accidents and other causes of harm fall under the umbrella of personal injury, including auto accidents, construction incidents, police misconduct, assault and battery, medical malpractice, and slip and fall accidents.


It is almost as ineffective as an umbrella in a tornado.


«We wish to state categorically that our organization, Osun Civil Societies Coalition, an umbrella body for human rights and press groups is not part and in support of the protest rally.


The Roundel and the umbrella share the image of circularity and linearity.


Palm Beach varies in width (distance between the resort and the sea) depending which hotel/resort you’re at and the Surf Club is blessed with being situated on the widest part of Palm Beach so there’s quite a bit of room for Palapas (thatched umbrellas) for guests to sit under.


A personal liability umbrella policy pays your defense costs if you’re sued, but it doesn’t cover intentional acts that cause damage or pay for punitive damages in judgments against you.


I love the two seating side by side look & the little umbrella is darling!


Ranging from one to five million in coverage, umbrella insurance can help keep the above from happening.


As the sun is going through a period of unrest, amplifying the ferocity of solar storms, popping off coronal mass ejections (CMEs) and solar flares, could the cloud-like feature seen in Jaeschke’s photograph be a bright auroral umbrella?


There’s a great DVD movie collection t and umbrellas for rainy days.


If you own a house in an expensive neighborhood and have sizable savings, we’d recommend you increase your liability limits and consider adding umbrella insurance as well.


This is the reason that most good insurance companies like Bharti AXA life insurance have started offering many different plans under the common umbrella of life insurance.


Usually I would wait for sale, but this pattern has a beetle holding an umbrella.


My husband and I were sick of scraping the sides of our regular stroller trying to squeeze through crowded stores, into elevators or, even worse, sitting with the enormous carseat attachment wedged between us in cramped restaurants in the city, so we decided it was time for an umbrella stroller.


When you apply for an umbrella policy, your answers to a number of questions may raise your rates or even disqualify you.


Photographers pose him on roller skates, in rocking chairs, jumping benches; carrying umbrellas, suitcases and buckets of water; wearing boxing gloves, anglers» waders, dresses and wigs; and even holding on to a baby lion.


The game was developed when IO Interactive, brought under the Square Enix umbrella when the Japanese publisher purchased Eidos Interactive, had plans for an episodic Hitman title.


So, we have researched and found the top 5 umbrella stroller for twins.


These include all-weather car seat covers to equip you for the unpredictable Great British sun and storms and a shade stick stroller umbrella for super sunny days.


Under this umbrella, the Lab ventures to create specific action themes, in which interdisciplinary teams can identify real needs and design projects that will address them — and push the law forward.


This video gives a unique peek into Vista Peak’s culture and approach, focused on how they used an «umbrella approach» to implement social emotional learning campus-wide.


When determining the appropriate limits for you and comparison-shopping for commercial auto insurance quotes, also consider whether to purchase a commercial umbrella insurance policy.


Analyze current homeowner’s, life, disability, auto and umbrella insurance policies to make sure you have the appropriate coverage for unexpected losses or liability claims.


It was raining, but the crowd was enthusiastic, equipped with umbrellas, and ready to stock up on the beautiful produce.


At the moment, Ofsted is only tasked with directly inspecting private schools that don’t fall under the umbrella of the Independent Schools Council.


Countries and societies especially the US are carried away with everything under the umbrella of freedom and rights your governments should learn from third world countries true values and laws.certain lines should never be crossed and such movements need to be exterminated for the sake of youngsters that must learn true values and acts in order to be a well being and not end up in jail and on the long run in hell.


The NIAAA is under the umbrella of the National Institute of Health, thus bringing this paper under the ultimate oversight of the federal Office of Research Integrity.


These days, the game-mag scene in Japan is in a state of near-monopoly, thanks to Kadokawa’s purchase/merger/whatever-you-wanna — call-it with Enterbrain bringing production of the Famitsu and Dengeki stables under the same umbrella.


(Tate Modern and Tate Britain, both in London, are the leading outposts of the larger Tate umbrella organization, which includes smaller museums in the English cities of St. Ives and Liverpool.)


Be sure to check this panel to know if you need to bring an umbrella before going out to work.


You can use this Graco umbrella stroller with the Graco Click Connect infant car seat or you can just recline the seat fully and use from birth, thanks to the generous padding.


Job: Machine Operator Location: Oldham Pay: # 10.00 per hour (umbrella) My Client is a paper and tissue manufacturer based in Oldham.


Use this umbrella to reach the roof of the store, where there are six cleverly hidden coins to be found.


The second time I visited the space, a fellow with video camera, lights, and umbrella had parked himself conspicuously in the middle of Rowe’s pristine-but-busy jungle gymnasium.


As she mapped out the two year framework on a staffroom whiteboard it was clear that some or all of the subjects could be taught under a single umbrella topic.


The Inglesina USA is a lightweight, umbrella stroller that offers many of the features included in the standard, full-size strollers.


Like all large parrots, umbrella cockatoos are big eaters.


«You absolutely want an umbrella on top of your renters insurance.»


Or perhaps it’s poorly phrased and meant to apply to things like umbrella liability, rather than to more pedestrian policies.


If you had $ 1 million worth of commercial liability insurance and $ 5 million worth of business umbrella insurance, your liability coverage would protect you as follows:


Learn more about personal umbrella policies.


Here’s the list of the best umbrella strollers:


But even though they’re relatively recent acquisitions for Disney, they’re still under the big corporate Disney umbrella, so it makes some kind of sense.


It is unclear what, if any, consideration is given to bringing such records under the umbrella of the government regime, or what assistance or advice is provided for the establishment of separate but appropriate records keeping and access standards.


A personal liability umbrella insurance policy can give you added liability protection without a large added cost.


Most of the time I don’t carry an umbrella and don’t use my perfectly good hood.


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