The word turbulence in a sentence

turbulence — перевод на русский


There’s 10-scale turbulence right now.

Текущая турбулентность — 10 баллов.

Indications of energy turbulence ahead.

Впереди энергетическая турбулентность.

If you reproduce before you’re fried turbulence will carry your offspring into the higher and cooler layers.

Если до этого вы успеете произвести себе подобных, турбулентность отнесет ваше потомство в высшие, более прохладные слои.

-Some sort of turbulence.

— Своего рода турбулентность.

A turbulence.


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We’re gonna hit some turbulence.

Входим в зону турбулентности.

As the frequent fliers amongst you can probably tell, we’re experiencing some turbulence.

Как опытные пассажиры, вы, наверное, успели заметить зону турбулентности.

By the time we hit turbulence we were a thousand miles off course.

когда мы попали в зону турбулентности мы сбились с курса на тысячи миль.

We are experiencing a little turbulence so if everyone would please return to their seats and keep your seatbelts fastened, we will let you know as soon as it’s safe…

Мы входим в зону турбулентности, просьба всем вернуться на свои места и пристегнуть ремни безопасности, Мы сообщим, когда будет безопасно…

You know when you’re on a plane and there’s turbulence, you look at the flight attendants, and if they’re still smiling and serving drinks, you know everything’s gonna be okay?

Знаете, когда самолет попадает в зону турбулентности, смотришь на стюардов, они продолжают улыбаться и разносить напитки, и ты понимаешь, что все будет хорошо.

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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word turbulence, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use turbulence in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «turbulence». In addition, we also show how different variations of turbulence can be used, the variations for which we also have example sentences are turbulence—the. If you click on the variation of turbulence that you are interested in, you will be taken to the list of example sentences for that particular form.

Turbulence in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word turbulence in a sentence.

  1. Because of this turbulence, the Athenian Assembly convened.

  2. This interchange of flux tubes is a form of magnetospheric turbulence.

  3. Secretarybirds soar with their primary feathers splayed to manage turbulence.

  4. Low astronomical tides amplified the effects of severe turbulence in the water.

  5. Two private aircraft crashes were blamed on wake turbulence emanating from 757s.

  6. In an attempt to minimise air turbulence, she was given no superstructure or island.

  7. The turbulence caused seven injuries on the flight, as well as some damage to the plane.

  8. Kevin» flew into an area of extreme turbulence caused by a mountain wave generated by Snowdon.

  9. They sometimes may be caused by turbulence and wind shear, or by upper-tropospheric convection.

  10. Because of this turbulence, the completion of the episode relied on post-production techniques.

  11. The heat from the fires also resulted in the final waves of aircraft experiencing heavy turbulence.

  12. The effect was immediate in decreased turbulence through the strait, and fewer accidents and shipwrecks.

  13. Spectral line profiles of Tau Ceti are extremely narrow, indicating low turbulence and observed rotation.

  14. A Japan Airlines flight to Narita Airport encountered severe turbulence during the afternoon of October 27.

  15. Open water fish are usually streamlined like torpedoes to minimize turbulence as they move through the water.

  16. The summit atmosphere is exceptionally stable, lacking turbulence for some of the world’s best astronomical seeing.

  17. This interval is consistent with turbulence in a disk of accreted matter surrounding a black hole—the accretion disk.

  18. That day, the Hurricane Hunters encountered severe turbulence, which hospitalized one crew member and injured another.

  19. Cordray asserted that he managed the state’s money safely despite the turbulence of the financial crisis of 2007–2008.

  20. Fairly early in the design process, the decision was made to delete the funnels to reduce turbulence over the flight deck.

  21. Reconnaissance aircraft crews in the peak of the storm reported extreme turbulence, causing concern for the safety of the crews.

  22. The starboard island was lengthened to 130 feet (39.6 m) and its width was reduced to 15 feet (4.6 m) to minimise air turbulence.

  23. Viscosity is generated by macroscopic turbulence, but the precise mechanism that produces this turbulence is not well understood.

  24. The heating of the disk is primarily caused by the viscous dissipation of turbulence in it and by the infall of the gas from the nebula.

  25. The first is wave heating, in which sound, gravitational or magnetohydrodynamic waves are produced by turbulence in the convection zone.

  26. Jagged terrain combines to produce unpredictable flow patterns and turbulence, such as rotors, which can be topped by lenticular clouds.

  27. He also discovered that wingtip vortices, and not prop-wash, are responsible for most of the turbulence in the air that trails flying aircraft.

  28. The main problem in the physics of accretion disks is the generation of turbulence and the mechanism responsible for the high effective viscosity.

  29. The aircraft was battered by severe turbulence (the result of updrafts and downdrafts) and the crew experienced maximum g-forces of +3.0 and -1.5.

  30. The long ducts reduced her aircraft capacity, and the exhaust gases were as much of a problem for landing aircraft as the turbulence would have been.

  31. One example of use would be after an aircraft was subjected to severe turbulence, EFB and ICAS could determine whether or not objective thresholds were exceeded.

  32. One person suffering a heart attack died as an indirect result of Alex when turbulence from the storm hindered their emergency helicopter from taking off in time.

  33. If such thresholds are not exceeded, four hours of maintenance and inspection are avoided instead of having pilots subjectively characterize the level of turbulence.

  34. An island with the bridge, flying control station and funnel was added on the starboard side, since islands had been found not to contribute significantly to turbulence.

  35. An island was added on the starboard side with the bridge, flying control station, and funnel, as an island did not create as much turbulence as had been earlier feared.

  36. On October 8, two crew members on reconnaissance aircraft were injured due to turbulence while observing Hazel; one was severely enough injured to require hospitalisation.

  37. An earthquake on the sea bed—a «seaquake»—could have caused sufficient turbulence on the surface to damage parts of Mary Celeste’s cargo, thus releasing noxious fumes.

  38. Later in the war, the ship had her rear turret removed and a second flight deck installed aft of the superstructure, but this was less than satisfactory due to air turbulence.

  39. In November 1916, the ship’s design was tested in a wind tunnel by the National Physical Laboratory to evaluate the turbulence caused by the twin islands and the bridge over them.

  40. Neurologist and professor Richard Cassirer testified that «emotional turbulence was the root cause of his condition», and that «affect epilepsy» completely changed his personality.

  41. Mayapan was abandoned around 1448, after a period of political, social and environmental turbulence that in many ways echoed the Classic period collapse in the southern Maya region.

  42. Since Western nations, especially the United Kingdom and France, were deeply involved in the country’s politics, the installation of Imperial power added more turbulence to the conflict.

  43. Log-normal distributions are encountered in many fields, wherever a variable is formed as the product of many independent positive random variables, for example in the study of turbulence.

  44. The fire was principally expanding north and west by dawn on Monday, 3 September, the turbulence of the firestorm pushing the flames both farther south and farther north than the day before.

  45. Various designs for the flight deck were tested in a wind tunnel by the National Physical Laboratory which showed that the distinctive elliptical shape and rounded edges minimised turbulence.

  46. In April 1918, Argus was ordered to be modified to a flush-decked configuration after the sea trials of the carrier Furious had revealed severe turbulence problems caused by her superstructure.

  47. Various designs for the flight deck were tested in a wind tunnel by the National Physical Laboratory which showed that the distinctive elliptical shape and rounded edges used minimised turbulence.

  48. Writing for Computer Games Magazine, Denny Atkin stated that the use of turbulence «really sets FU3 apart from the competition», and that the game’s simulation of air traffic is «like no other sim».

  49. To minimise any turbulence over the flight deck, Furious was flush-decked and lacked an island, like Argus; instead she was provided with a retractable charthouse at the forward end of the flight deck.

  50. Those shallow models assumed that the jets on Jupiter are driven by small scale turbulence, which is in turn maintained by moist convection in the outer layer of the atmosphere (above the water clouds).

Turbulence—the in a sentence

Turbulence—the is a variation of turbulence, below you can find example sentences for turbulence—the.

  1. The production of the jets in this model is related to a well-known property of two dimensional turbulence—the so-called inverse cascade, in which small turbulent structures (vortices) merge to form larger ones.

Synonyms for turbulence

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word turbulence has the following synonyms: turbulency, upheaval and Sturm und Drang.

General information about «turbulence» example sentences

The example sentences for the word turbulence that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «turbulence» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «turbulence».

Definition of Turbulence

conflict or confusion

Examples of Turbulence in a sentence

Constant turbulence in the couple’s marriage caused them to file for a divorce.


Wanda prefers to avoid all turbulence at work and doesn’t get involved in any office confusion.


A mediator was brought in to try and solve the party’s conflicts and resolve and turbulence.




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1, The era was characterized by political and cultural turbulence.

2, The turbulence caused the plane to turn over.

3, There are signs of turbulence ahead for the economy.

4, We experienced severe turbulence during the flight.

5, We experienced some slight turbulence flying over the Atlantic.

6, A period of political turbulence followed the civil war.

7, We had a very smooth flight with no turbulence at all.

8, His plane encountered severe turbulence and winds of nearly two-hundred miles an hour.

9, We might be experiencing some turbulence on this flight due to an approaching electrical storm.

10, The turbulence in his life has come from accidents and illness.

11, Political turbulence is spreading throughout the country.

12, Air turbulence may also be associated with rain clouds.

13, There is turbulence on the way back.

14, The turbulence will have carried them over different paths.

15, The plane encountered severe turbulence during the flight.

16, The turbulence in the water film around the sand grains caused by your footfalls triggers the fluorescence.

17, From all this intellectual turbulence the modern age was born.

18, The turbulence was such that his head hit the ceiling and his headset came off and fell to the floor.

19, Hence all the turbulence, all the restless energy,( the endless traveling along streets and long corridors.

20, Temporal turbulence stretches the very fabric of reality and folds it back on itself.

21, The turbulence is being kept going by the working of this against the mean velocity gradient.

22, In principle, for a complete representation of the turbulence, this process has to be continued to all orders.

23, The 1960s and early 1970s were a time of change and turbulence.

24, Unlike shallow-water wrecks, which are rotted by marine organisms and turbulence, deep water finds should be well preserved.

25, For it permeated the mainstream social sciences books in the 1960s-a decade of exceptional social, cultural and political turbulence.

26, A fluid particle with positive v is being carried by the turbulence in the positive y-direction.

27, Around the conference centre, the party rocks on with blithe disregard for the economic and political turbulence beyond.

28, We need to set the standards now, and prepare for the theological and sociological turbulence this discovery portends.

29, This inference is confirmed experimentally by observations in grid turbulence of changes in the spectrum with distance downstream.

30, Flexibility is essential; rigid structures do not survive major turbulence.

The flight is a little bumpy and the bottles jingle as they pass through turbulence

The plane bounces and shakes through some bad turbulence as Russ snores while holding a drink in one hand

‘Listen, now here are all the positives: you’ve got the safe sounds of the flaps and the gear, and just regard turbulence like you would a bumpy road, that’s all it is

“Sue said that we should not take out the seats as they could really ruin our day if we hit turbulence or there is a hard landing

“The turbulence is moving the bodies around!”

Such displays of that unceasing inner turbulence were not unknown to him

The revolutions which the turbulence of the Greek clergy was continually occasioning at Constantinople, as long as the eastern empire subsisted; the convulsions which, during the course of several centuries, the turbulence of the Roman clergy was continually occasioning in every part of Europe, sufficiently demonstrate how precarious and insecure must always be the situation of the sovereign, who has no proper means of influencing the clergy of the established and governing religion of his country

He pointed a finger at Eric, but raised his enormous eyebrows in Angela’s direction, setting off a wave of turbulence that might have rolled

Milo had been expecting at the very least some turbulence

Turbulence wobbled the wings, and he overcorrected, but they always do the first few times up

Bumpy turbulence threw off my first shots, and the rounds chopped away at the cabane struts, all around his head, but no killing shot

Gentle turbulence tugged at his right hand through the ailerons

The turbulence generated by other cars can be pretty brutal at the speeds these cars achieve

But what if chance were already a known, that only seems to be unknowable because it eludes even the sharpest of our present measuring tools? From the little that I know of the study of fractal geometry, it is largely the observance of turbulence within fluid dynamics

The turbulence seems to be chaotic, randomly swirling one way then another

Understanding the forces that influence this turbulence could lead to design changes that would discourage turbulence, and would greatly enhance the “efficiency of movement” of fluids and gasses

There were two iron anchors about eight feet long in the stern and floating anchors that could be deployed from the sides of the ship to lessen turbulence in rough seas

The ship passes through the storm with slight turbulence

The powerful winds, forces and turbulence have the anti-gravity engines at forty percent power

The very popularity of the term “cool” carries with it a significant degree of removal from the turbulence of human relationships in the wider population as well

canal wended its way again toward the northwest as it, with little turbulence, disappeared into

31 And he said to them on that day in the evening Let us go over to the other side of the lake; and he left the multitudes; And Jesus went up and sat in the ship he and his disciples and there were with them other ships; And there occurred on the sea a great tempest of whirlwind and wind and the ship was on the point of sinking from the greatness of the waves; But Jesus was sleeping on a cushion in the stern of the ship; and his disciples came and awoke him and said to him Our Lord save us; note we perish; And he rose and rebuked the winds and the turbulence of the water and said to the sea Be still for you are rebuked; and the wind was still and there was a great calm; And he said to them Why are you so afraid? and why have you no faith? And they feared greatly; And they marvelled and said one to another Who think you is this who commands also the wind and the waves and the sea and they obey him? 38 And they departed and came to the country of the Gadarenes which is on the other side opposite the land of Galilee; And when he went out of the ship to the land there met him from among the tombs a man who had a devil for a long time and wore no clothes neither dwelt in a house but among the tombs; And no man was able to bind him with chains because an y time that he was bound with chains and fetters he cut the chains and loosened the fetters; and he was snatched away of the devil into the desert and no man was able to quiet him; and at all times in the night and in the day he would be among the tombs and in the mountains; and no man was able to pass by that way; and he would cry out and wound himself with stones; And when he saw Jesus at a distance he hastened and worshipped him and cried with a loud voice and said What have we to do with you Jesus Son of the most high God? I adjure you by God torment me not; And Jesus commanded the unclean spirit to come out of the man and he had suffered a long time since the time when he came into captivity to it

day, with some slight turbulence over India and scattered showers around The Mediterranean

plasticity in the magma body Strong, magnetised turbulence occurs in the

turbulence, except with ghostly wailing and heavy fog

The recent turbulence from the opened breach above has created a disharmony among us as I’m sure you have also detected,” Petra said

Our colony has sensed magical turbulence shaking through the boulders above

It planned to emerge and discuss the growing turbulence among the untamed creatures in The Spires with the stone giants

“The elves have been swayed into a state of melancholy by the turbulence that has smitten the Dharmic Equilibrium

They had become excellent marksmen over the journeys of recent months and created a wave of turbulence within the circling Denizens of the Under Earth

Stillness again and then the others also heard it and ran the twenty metres to the edge of the creek where the bed narrowed and rocks caused turbulence

The turbulence forced Astray and Why to take cover under the foremost bench, although the cub kept his head poked out to keep a view of the action

they would have felt the wrath of turbulence and stray matter that really constituted the asteroids

Turbulence: in the atmosphere, movement of air currents, especially when affecting the flight of aircraft

felt, there was little turbulence but I had grown


Even the Jewish leaders subsequently recognized that it was this secular idea of the Messiah which directly led to the turbulence which eventually brought about their destruction

Beck braced himself as the violent shaking began again this time mixed with turbulence as the whether around Salisbury was cloudy and wet

The turbulence hits again

A bout of turbulence hits and then we

Turbulence suddenly shook me and I awoke disorientated, but the plane was still; the unbalance was within

Fatima was not sick although she was relieved when they slowed down to the point where the flight surfaces could bite the air and smooth out the turbulence

A couple of hours into our flight we hit major turbulence

Both looked amiable to his request, knowing his psyche had been temporarily damaged by the turbulence of his recent family life

Adam noticed that Arnold had to make a couple of exaggerated, reflex corrections to compensate for the turbulence he had to fly through

But he hung on through the violent turbulence, holding his breath, came up on the other side, righted himself and powered on until he made it out all the way through the break

“I’m sorry I caused so much turbulence,” he said with as much

He warned Max that the air turbulence was always a problem here and not to be alarmed, it was routine for him

The two grasped the rubber tire of the spare wheel and aligned themselves, at the same time fighting against the turbulence caused by the strong current around the cab

With all the turbulence around them, the hijackers operating the controls of US1 were having considerable difficulty in managing the navigation

“It creates turbulence which can be heard by detection equipment,” Bill replied

The wind had become a strong, steady downward force with the occasional bout of turbulence

Rather than have problems with turbulence at the peak with the lack of power, the pilot turned and headed west, back over the lake and rim, to follow the steep valley that would later head south again

This was a much longer route with greater turbulence, but hopefully more manageable, and within the power range of the failing engine

Based on tests carefully conducted since the beginning of the year, wind speed, turbulence caused by buildings and weather factors that affect the propagation of this cloud of death, had been carefully measured

Max and Carla felt some turbulence after they heard an ear splitting bang

Her copilot took care of pulling back the engine throttles for her, Barbara holding firmly on her control wheel while her plane was being constantly shaken by air turbulence

the turbulence of its energy—the fear and

Their plane was then shaken violently a second time, followed quickly by another strong turbulence, attracting a comment from Elizabeth

A couple small nudges of turbulence are the sky’s greeting as Estrella settles into cruising altitude

There was now dead silence after the chaotic turbulence of loading the space ship

«Well the captain says we have the wind behind us so if we don’t encounter turbulence or have any problems landing at CDG then it should be another seven hours or so

She was an experienced flight attendant so it would take a lot of turbulence to make her nervous

The plane continued to jump and shake in the invisible blue-sky turbulence

The turbulence flattened out but they stayed where they were

«This turbulence isn’t done yet

Alex tried to reckon the time in his head but it was already so long ago and it had been so crazy with the turbulence and the accident

We were together in the master bedroom when the turbulence hit

That was some crazy turbulence

«There was some turbulence, that part is true

Suddenly a pocket of turbulence caused the plane to bank sharply and there was a gasp of shock from the crowd

It is not my intention to pry into the business of the monastery, but I have a feeling there’s some turbulence happening in the community,” he said in his usual simple and straightforward manner

Dave had to admit that even the turbulence in their exchanges had eventually become enjoyable and a source of insight about himself and life

· Storm = whirlwind, rotating column of air with great turbulence

— Storm = whirlwind, rotating column of air with great turbulence

When it stopped raining as though on cue, opening the windows, Roopa felt nature too desired her turbulence to end in Raja Rao’s arms

NASA used the white charcoal in shuttle as a heat-shield but because of its unsmooth surface which could be ripped apart by the air turbulence the coal was replaced by smooth tiles which can stand over 1000C

The caw, the smell, the path I have joyously created beneath a foot naked toeing mud into sacred folds where life and death are breath and pulse, and blood and water – a viscous choir singing its turbulence as mist of spirit clouding into the eternal storm of a new sky

Her face was pale and yellow-colored as the spiritual turbulence she felt was clearly reflected there, and her body had become lean

He shook in his seat, as the turbulence became worse

The helicopter bounced up and down and side to side in the turbulence

the tank glass, put them in a crossing pattern, anything to create turbulence in the water

I do expect a little turbulence on the

gentleness of the descent was interrupted, as turbulence jostled the aircraft

The undulating surface of the Polish country roads physically mimicked the emotional turbulence that I felt

Traders don’t care about the macro-consequence of their bets; they relish market turbulence

A low rumble vibrated the saucer and Ralph yelled “Yes!” as his voice shook from the turbulence

Turbulence generated when gods grew into transcendent monstrosities had nearly blown their ships off course

crumbled into grey-brown turbulence in the water

brought the dead to life and stilled the turbulence of the

Although the custom is weakening, at the time the difference in viewpoints caused considerable turbulence in my family and violent quarrels went on for months and abutted to nothing

turbulence, difficulties and conflicts ( tribulations) of life for those who live their lives by the Seven Spirits of Evil or in the presence of them

“Well, the antenna must have broken off in the turbulence

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However, recent equity market turbulence may prompt some consumers to rein in spending.


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Однако недавние неурядицы на рынке акций могут побудить некоторых потребителей ограничить расходы.


Chief Editor of the international journal»Flow, Turbulence and Combustion» Springer, since 2005.


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Главный редактор международного журнала» Flow, Turbulence and Combustion» Springer, с 2005г.


In the GTA V mission Minor Turbulence, Trevor makes reference to Hove Beach.


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Тревор упоминает Хоув- Бич в миссии« Minor Turbulence» в GTA V.


Can be bought from Ammu-Nation for $250,000 after Minor Turbulence.


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Можно купить в Ammu-

Nation за 250 000$ после выполнения задания« Minor Turbulence».


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China is greatly concerned about the turbulence in West Asia and North Africa.


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Китай глубоко обеспокоен нестабильностью в Западной Азии и Северной Африке.


High speed smokes output(100-150m/sec) with consequent high turbulence.


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Высокая скорость выброса дымов( 100- 150м/ сек) с последующей высокой турбулентностью.


Many tumbles have happened because of the loss of airspeed due to turbulence.


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Много кувырков происходит в результате потери скорости при полетах в болтанку.


In addition to broadening

the beam photon losses were caused by imperfect optics and air turbulence.


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Помимо уширения луча,

потери фотонов были вызваны несовершенством оптики и турбулентностью воздуха.


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Positive macro data and earnings forecasts, along with less political turbulence, will provide stability.


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Положительные макроэкономические показатели и прогнозы доходов на фоне уменьшения политической нестабильности обеспечат устойчивость.


We look out at a global political landscape that is marked by turbulence and uncertainty.


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Глобальная политическая ситуация характеризуется потрясениями и неопределенностью.


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The world economy is facing turbulence and uncertainty.


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Captain, I am detecting atmospheric turbulence over the colony and large pockets of electrical activity.

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Капитан, я обнаружил атмосферные возмущения над колонией, а также большие области электромагнитной активности.

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If turbulence and strife will bring a profit,

it will freely encourage both.

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Если шум и брань приносят прибыль,

капитал станет способствовать тому и другому.

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Turbulence arising from the competition for scarce natural resources

reaches across national borders.


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Напряженность, связанная с борьбой за скудные природные ресурсы,

не знает национальных границ.


Pokachivajtes, When your plane hits turbulence zone.


Some are also equipped to take atmospheric turbulence measurements.


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На некоторых аэростатах установлены также приборы для измерения турбулентности в атмосфере.


In either case,

the world will plunge into a new era of insecurity and turbulence.


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В любом случае мир погрузится в новую эру нестабильности и беспорядков.


And then the pilot unwittingly helps sell it by reporting turbulence.

And the pilot would likely just report it as turbulence.

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Yeah. Three heavies in front of us reported serious turbulence.

Results: 585,
Time: 0.0434





: the quality or state of being turbulent: such as


: great commotion or agitation


: irregular atmospheric motion especially when characterized by up-and-down currents


: departure in a fluid from a smooth flow

Example Sentences

The plane hit quite a bit of turbulence during our flight.

A period of turbulence preceded the riots.

Recent Examples on the Web

Matthew McConaughey is reflecting on his experience aboard a Lufthansa flight that endured severe turbulence last month.

Ingrid Vasquez, Peoplemag, 11 Apr. 2023

There are widespread fears that the country could again hit social turbulence if Bolsonaro is arrested or disqualified from running for office again.

Terrence Mccoy And Moriah Balingit, Anchorage Daily News, 30 Mar. 2023

The banks are state-owned, giving investors more confidence and therefore keeping the banks largely insulated from the market turbulence of the past few days.

Ellen Francis, Washington Post, 16 Mar. 2023

Jakub Vrana, whose two years with the Wings were marked by turbulence, has four goals in five games since a challenging start to his time with the St. Louis Blues.

Helene St. James, Detroit Free Press, 16 Mar. 2023

Financial market turbulence could make matters worse, if UK banks respond by extending less credit to households and businesses, weighing on consumer demand and investment spending.

Hanna Ziady, CNN, 15 Mar. 2023

More for you In spite of the stock market turbulence, people who hold accounts at First Republic probably don’t need to worry, said Theodore Bacon, a San Francisco partner at the law firm Frost Brown Todd who specializes in issues related to bank failures.

Rachel Swan, San Francisco Chronicle, 13 Mar. 2023

In the last few months, several flights have made headlines after experiencing severe turbulence, renewing discussions about a link to global warming.

Catherine Garcia, The Week, 11 Mar. 2023

Meanwhile, Databricks seems to be fairing well amid the market chaos, and is hunkering down amid the private market turbulence—nearly doubling the size of its headcount in 2022 and even making an acquisition.

Jessica Mathews, Fortune, 2 Mar. 2023

See More

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘turbulence.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Word History

First Known Use

1595, in the meaning defined above

Time Traveler

The first known use of turbulence was
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“Turbulence.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


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14 Apr 2023
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In fluid dynamics, turbulence or turbulent flow is any pattern of fluid motion characterized by chaotic changes in pressure and flow velocity. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

But for him these achievements merely judder like turbulence; they remind him of what’s still to be done.


Nevertheless, the search is on, as the desperate parents negotiate a perilous gauntlet to the Bay Area via air, sea and land, encountering everything from turbulence to tsunamis to landslides en route.


The Track Edition’s performance enhancements are added to a significant number of upgrades to the GT-R for the 2014 model year, ranging from the adoption of new fuel injectors for enhanced torque response in the 4,500 to 6,000-rpm range and improved throttle and acceleration feel at mid — and high-rpm ranges, to the addition of an oil pan baffle to stabilize oil turbulence and oil pressure under high performance driving conditions.


And we were lucky — we liked and respected each other, beneath the turbulence.


For thousands of years, people have used meditation to move beyond the mind’s busy activity and emotional turbulence into profound peace and expanded awareness.


I think most people would agree with this very reasonable hybrid approach: use macro analysis to avoid economic turbulence by managing your portfolio’s «long-short exposure ratio» more, and bottom-up analysis to maintain a value bias to the holdings within your portfolio.


Canuto, V.M., and M.S. Dubovikov, 1999: A dynamical model for turbulence.


TrendinTech posted a story about basic-physics simulations of how recycled atoms affect plasma turbulence.


This is because nature loves to hang out at the edge of turbulence.


This had peaked during the Romantic period, when artistic movements such as the German Sturm und Drang («Storm and Desire») privileged emotional turbulence and intense subjectivity over the cold geometries of Enlightenment reason.


I don’t see much progress in understanding turbulence so I can’t see any near term breakthroughs in cloud research.


It would also lead to turbulence in the AAA-only portion of the fixed income markets, which are quite large, but can’t deal with any degree of uncertainty.


If you’ve been following the stock market for the past week, you’ve surely noticed the turbulence.


Sometimes long and arduous and filled with sketchy characters and other times free of turbulence and sprinkled with long wine-filled dinners and belly laughs.


«We cut the legs off the turbulence,» Karniadakis says.


The increased competition, coupled with the rising cost of jet fuel and American’s failure to reach a new labor deal with pilots, created enough turbulence to send AMR into bankruptcy.


Without the air turbulence seen at mid-latitudes, the Arctic air can be easily perturbed by airborne particulates.


Wake Recategorization: In the past, the degree to which two aircraft were separated for wake turbulence concerns was primarily based on aircraft weight.


A brilliantly evocative debut set in the early part of the 20th century, steeped in emotional turbulence and down-to-earth wisdom, where a young woman must reconcile the inner traumas from her past and learn to live in the present in order to avoid becoming prisoner to her future.


However, at the moment, uncertainty about how factors such as low wind speeds, high levels of turbulence, noise, visual impact, and animal strikes influence the performance of micro wind turbines make it hard to determine their true potential in this form.


Ladies and gentlemen, we’d like to warn you that some iPhone 7 models are experiencing a bit of turbulence.


Fiber optics allow simultaneous spectrographic readings of as many as 100 objects in the field of view; a fourth correcting mirror rapidly tips and tilts back and forth to cancel out image «wiggling» caused by turbulence in Earth’s atmosphere; new CCD image receptors can tip and tilt electronically.


Eventually, Julie does make some friends, but her inadequacy with expressing her feelings appropriately causes turbulence within the relationships.


In the lower PBL, the main energy transport takes place through small-scale turbulence with short time scales which may not be well represented by monthly mean values from the atmospheric model used for the reanalysis.


There has been a drop in the proportion of GCSE exam entries awarded top grades, for the second year in a row, with head teachers saying changes have caused «a lot of turbulence» in grades.


Performance peaks at 1,250 hp (920 kW) while torque had to be electronically limited to 900 Nm, reaching 100Km/h from standstill is handled in a mere 2.6 seconds… top speed is an impressive 380Km/h in the Mansory Carbonado Apertos… I do suggest having the roof panels in place if you intend to try your hand at a top speed run… I do think turbulence could be rather hefty at nearly 400Km/h without a roof above your head.


I’m going to actually try to make a living doing something I really like to do without having a lot of stress and «time is of the essence» emotional turbulence attached thereto.


In research featured on the cover of Journal of Fluid Mechanics, an interdisciplinary Los Alamos team took a series of first-time measurements of turbulent mixing, providing new insights for turbulence modelers.


Even though you may not be purchasing a hot meal or a beverage on the plane, others may be and those food carts can lose an item or two during mid-flight turbulence.


In the heart we hear this turbulence as a murmur.


So China chose to go it alone — just when the turbulence and uncertainty of the Cultural Revolution was damaging to all scientific and technical activities.


That initiative has run into some turbulence, but Wojcicki’s is showing better results: She reports that 20,000 people showed up for the annual pet parade, and real estate values are up all over town (although good luck finding a town in the Bay Area where that isn’t true).


But if we’re honest with ourselves we know every relationship has turbulence.


Two concurrent solo shows present contemporary paintings that invoke implied space occupying the natural world and conjure divergent emotional responses that span the spectrum from tranquility to turbulence.


(This magniude of turbulent diffisivity doesn’t supress the turbulence or make the flow laminar.


The area around the C-pillar is shaped to reduce turbulence and to help accelerate airflow toward the rear of the body.


In this investment environment, investors would do well to select ETFs of quality stocks of companies that can sustain some turbulence.


i once experienced a strong turbulence while on board cebu pacific domestic flight and i promised myself not to ride an airplane again.


Equations for shallow atmospheric motions; thermal instability of a fluid layer; atmospheric turbulence; flow stability; 1-D mixed layer models


Not long after Billie and her friends start making the club rounds as a Mary Jane Girls-ish trio of trilling trollops, Billie and Dice are offering each other more than just their musical abilities, and Billie’s rapid ascent in showbiz is offset by the increasing turbulence in her relationship with Dice.


You don’t hear much noise from the suspension system, and you don’t feel much of the turbulence on bad roads.


Vainshtein, S. I Sreenivasan, K.R., Pierrehumbert, R. T., Kashyap, V., and Juneja, A. 1994: Scaling exponents for turbulence and other random processes and their relationships with multifractal structure.


The first major Joseph Beuys exhibition in Moscow proposes the artist’s work as a site of inveterate turbulence, a hodgepodge of visceral didacticism, and calls for social transformation that serially engages the East within the West.


Was the turbulence a signal about a new shock to the global economy?


One way of explaining the concept of resilience is to imagine a plane encountering turbulence mid-flight.


Joyene Nazatul Ismail has created a short film To Mum (Love, Me), which exhibits the emotional turbulence that one mom experiences after discovering that her daughter -LSB-…]


This breaking is often spectacular, with turbulent structures observed hundreds of meters above the seafloor, and driving turbulence dissipations and mixing up to 10,000 times open-ocean levels.


For chilly mornings, the AIRSCARF sends warm air down your back and the new AIRCAP wind protection system keeps cockpit turbulence to a minimum.


I’m not one of the most recognized experts in turbulence like Tennekes.


«Because the human body is not optimized for swimming, we create a ridiculous amount of turbulence, which we then fight in our struggle to pull ourselves through the water,» Poundstone explains in his book.


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