The word tuesday in a sentence

Examples of how to use the word “tuesday” in a sentence. How to connect “tuesday” with other words to make correct English sentences.

tuesday (n): the day of the week after Monday and before Wednesday

Use “tuesday” in a sentence

Are you free on Tuesday?
It has been raining since Tuesday.
Don’t forget the meeting on Tuesday.

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1 Try to fix the football game for Tuesday.

2 She’s been off work since Tuesday.

3 We’ll meet at eight on Tuesday.

4 Dr Clark holds a clinic on Tuesday mornings.

5 Today is Tuesday,( so tomorrow is Wednesday.

6 Smith was remanded in custody until Tuesday.

7 The meeting was adjourned until Tuesday.

8 Try to fix the meeting for Tuesday.

9 Can we meet on Tuesday?

10 He phoned on Tuesday, just before you came.

11 The sale starts on Tuesday.

12 The judge adjourned the hearing until next Tuesday.

13 The priest makes pastoral visits every Tuesday.

14 I babysit for Jane on Tuesday evenings while she goes to her yoga class.

15 Training will commence on 5 October, running from Tuesday to Saturday inclusive.

16 On Tuesday the country’s parliament voted to establish its own army.

17 He wasn’t there on Monday. Nor on Tuesday, for that matter.

18 A meeting will be held next Tuesday at 3 p.m.

19 From Sunday to Tuesday, it will be cloudy with occasional drizzle in western and northwestern areas, especially around coasts and hills.

20 She died on a Tuesday.

21 Shall we meet next Tuesday?

22 I proposed to go to London on Tuesday.

23 We’ll be in New York Tuesday thru Friday.

24 The university dedicated the new building on Tuesday.

25 You must report here every Tuesday without exception.

26 The issue will be debated on Tuesday.

27 The baby was delivered safely on Tuesday night.

28 The show will be aired next Tuesday night.

29 An e-fit of the man prompted hundreds of calls after its release on Tuesday.

30 Elsewhere is mainly dry with some sunshine, but heavy showers possible central and southeast England on Tuesday.

tuesday — перевод на русский

On Tuesday I play basketball.

Во вторник я играю в баскетбол.

And tell the district attorney I’ll see him on Tuesday.

И передайте окружному прокурору, что я встречусь с ним во вторник.

On Tuesday, I’m out with a baby Boy Scout

А во вторник вышла я с мальчиком бой-скаутом

And now don’t forget that you’re both dining with me on Tuesday.

И не забудьте, что вы оба обедаете со мной во вторник.

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Um, you know, I think I like the lacy one from Tuesday better.

Думаю, мне больше понравилось кружевное, которое было в четверг.

Tuesday, August 24.

Четверг, 24-ое августа.

— It’s Tuesday, I think.

Хотя нет, четверг, кажется.

You left on Tuesday.

Ты в четверг выехал.

It’s being said in Washington that the Los Angeles was on a routine reconnaissance mission off Iran when she sank last Tuesday with a loss of all hands.

В Вашингтоне говорят, что «Лос Анжелес» возвращалась с разведовательной миссии из Ирана, когда она затонула в прошлый четверг, потеряв управление.

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On Tuesday noon or night, or Wednesday morn. I prithee, name the time, but let it not exceed three days.

Иль в среду к вечеру — назначь мне срок, Дня три, не больше.

In the wake of Tuesday night’s explosion, investigators from the New York City Fire Department are still at a loss to explain… why the restaurant suddenly burst into flames, killing at least 35 people.

В связи с взрывом в среду, полиция Нью-Йорка затрудняется дать объяснения… почему ресторан внезапно загорелся, унеся с собой жизни как минимум 35 человек.

So, I’ll see you Tuesday morning, 9:00?

Увидимся утром в среду, 9:00?

I’ll call you Tuesday when we’ll have more news.

Позвоню в среду, когда у нас будет больше информации.

Bacardi’s coming in on Tuesday to see if daiquiri beach has legs.

Бакарди приезжают в среду проверить как дела с подбором ножек для Дайкири Бич.

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No. This is Tuesday.

Сегодня вторник,

Your mother would choose Tuesday to get sick.

-Её нет, сегодня вторник. Не удивительно, что твоя мать заболела во вторник.

It’s Tuesday, too. That’s waffle bar day.

А еще сегодня вторник, подают вафли.

— If it’s Tuesday, I’m wasted.

Если сегодня вторник, то я в хлам.

The whole «It’s Tuesday, I-I like you» was… it was silly.

Все это «Сегодня вторник. И ты мне нравишься» Было глупо.

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Во вторник вечером?


Во вторник вечером.

Well, it’s a Tuesday night.

Сейчас вечер вторника.

— Last Tuesday.

Конечно, в прошлый вторник вечером.

Four months ago— It was a Tuesday night.

Четыре месяца назад… Это был вечер вторника.

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With you, every day is like double-soup Tuesday.

Когда ты рядом, для меня каждый день как двойной вторничный суп.

Your old Tuesday hamburger will be so brokenhearted.

Твой старый вторничный гамбургер будет так расстроен.

Not in the papers, or the Democratic cloakroom but in 50, 100 years, when Tuesday’s poll samples have crumbled into dust.

Не в утренних газетах или в гардеробной демократов но в 50, 100 годах, когда образцы вторничных опросов рассыпятся в прах.

Okay, so the Tuesday night of fun starts here.

Внимание, вечер вторничных развлечений начинается.

— I don’t want to go out on a limb, but I think we may be looking at my new Tuesday hamburger.

— Не хочу тебя разочаровывать, но я думаю стоит сделать этот моим вторничным гамбургером.

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Yeah, I’m showing it a week from Tuesday.

Да, я устраиваю показ в следующий вторник.

I’m checking Tuesday’s guest list.

Я проверяю список приглашенных на следующий вторник.

One week from Tuesday, the all-important 161 Ohio delegates could be the deciding factor.

И голоса 161-го делегата в Огайо в следующий вторник могут стать решающим фактором.

Boss, guess who just booked a flight to Samoa a week from Tuesday?

Босс, угадайте, кто только что забронировал билет в Самоа в следующий вторник?

— A week from Tuesday.

следующий вторник

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I’ll be there until Tuesday.

Пробуду там целую неделю.

And I would start a week from Tuesday?

—И я приступлю к работе через неделю?

Got to be a week from Tuesday?

—Только через неделю?

What day’s tomorrow? Tuesday, as far as I know.

— 3автра какой день недели?

— How about two weeks Tuesday?

А если через две недели?

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‘Then we’ll hire a man with a van here in Taunton and you can go back up there on Tuesday to collect the rest of it then

Monday and Tuesday morning she had made it out of bed early and done her make-up at home

Why couldn’t we have found this out Tuesday

‘It was Tewsdag … no Tuesday when I came down to Taunton

In human terms, Smith listened to silence like we listen to Mozart on a Tuesday

into the limp gray cloud of a damp, cold sky on another hopeful Tuesday

But now he hadn’t seen Ava since Tuesday

She had disappeared at 4:11pm on Tuesday, in the middle of a sentence

They need it by Tuesday of next week but I think there’s an e-mail address

He starts pencilling in Tuesday evenings on the calendar

Five minutes later he comes into the kitchen, ‘I’m glad I remembered that, it would have been annoying to have found out on Tuesday afternoon that Abi’s books are in North Wales

‘We’d like it if you could come to the wedding, Gary,’ I suggested shyly, ‘It’ll be on the 9th June which is a Tuesday

as the days counted down towards the next Tuesday, Karen’s

When Tuesday finally came Karen spent the day in a high state

‘No, it will be a month on Tuesday

Jane casually drops into the conversation that the cake will be delivered on Tuesday morning – I’d completely forgotten about a wedding cake … how could I have forgotten that! Peter and Jane insist that they will foot the bill for the alcohol and although Simon does his best to shout them down, they are adamant and refuse to budge

Apart from going through the service, which Peter wants to do with us quietly in church in his capacity as vicar, that is about it for the arrangements for Tuesday

Monday rolls into darkness and Tuesday dawns

On Tuesday afternoons Maggie gets her hair done and spends an hour or two at a local beauty salon

The Union Pacific Railroad, on the Overland Route, began for Harry at three in the morning on Tuesday, the seventeenth of June, 1884

The Autumn terms shall commence each annum on the first Tuesday of September, and run its first term through the fourth Wednesday of November

Spring terms shall commence each annum on the second Tuesday of February and run through the last Tuesday of May

Harold has been courting me every Tuesday and Friday during his trips to Stratford once his company’s business was dispatched

There will be a four days holiday here in Hong Kong starting on Saturday, 16 February until on Tuesday, because it’s Chinese New Year

Judy continues, maybe you could imagine how happy I was when I received it last Tuesday afternoon

He had job interview in Sydney next Tuesday

So stay tuned and I’ll fill it in Monday or Tuesday whenever I hear what’s going on and whether Aziz of Saudi Arabia will be a student living in my house

She was thus always extremely busy, working an average of 12 hours a day from Tuesday through Sunday, and then on Mondays when her stores were closed so her employees could rest, she took advantage of the time to do some market research, strategic planning, and financial analysis

three being for Tuesday

Esther got on the phone and within minutes the visit was arranged, the Rabbi Hershaw saying how delighted he would be to see them next Tuesday

After the meeting I went home alone as I had an assignment that had to be handed in by the following Tuesday

Well, would the second week end at close of business on Friday afternoon? Or, would we be split up and delivered on Saturday morning? Would they consider the weekend part of the week so that we stayed as a class of four until sometime Sunday afternoon, or would arrangements take a while so that we would stay in our hut until our new owners collected us Tuesday or even next Wednesday? We had no power, but we could speculate, and as that was all we could do, we did

It was Tuesday of the next week when a call across McKeldin Mall stopped me in my tracks

Usually at this hour on a Tuesday, he would be eating, but his very dearest friend who found Edgar’s occupation fascinating mentioned that he would join him

The flight was from 3:00AM to 6:00AM Tuesday morning

The owner of the company had complied with Steve’s request to have the men who worked that Monday or Tuesday morning to be available to answer Steve’s questions

“It will be here Monday by noon, Tuesday morning at the latest

The man in charge had the clerks who worked that Tuesday morning waiting in a small room, that was used by the staff as a lunch room

For the price of a few beers and a couple of hours of drinking, they were treated to a litany of the sailor’s exploits in addition to learning that they were members of the relief crew which would take over on the following Tuesday – the tenth!

He had to get her to leave now, so he’d have time to create the image that they had a falling out before he made his move, but he realized suddenly that the next load was arriving on Tuesday and it was too soon to make the story believable

shooting clubs rented the facility from the shop on Tuesday and Thursday evenings

Ferguson made attempts to replace his medics, but with no result, so that Colling found him complaining one Tuesday morning about the need to provide transportation from Grabensheim to the Regimental aid station in Kummersfeld for soldiers answering sick call

Reputations would be won and lost at Christchurch on Tuesday, and the whole country would come to a standstill as the trotters passed the winning post at Addington Raceway

Lewisohn and told him he wanted to have the following Tuesday off, after sick call was concluded, and assuming that there was no one to transport to Kummersfeld


By Tuesday, the wool was

nine every Tuesday morning

The day was Tuesday,

Received in my inbox on Tuesday this reminds me of other solicitations I got recently

“Be at The Towers Tuesday morning at nine sharp

We’d received a phone call earlier from Paul that Dorian had come in yesterday to confirm which vehicle he’d be receiving Tuesday afternoon which was the stretch Infiniti QX56

Monday…no, matter of fact, call Tuesday

I know he is in on Tuesday

their home the Tuesday following Thanksgiving, which was Decem-

vited us to come and stay at her home Tuesday night

required Tuesday morning sales meetings

awoke that Tuesday morning in the motel, i was somewhat remorse-

―Your brother has instructed me that he would be arriving either tomorrow or Tuesday, and he would make the final arrangements then

Moments like this were the ones that most would call romantic between the friends, however Ash would call it a regular Tuesday or a Monday or whatever day of the week it was

The following Tuesday the doctor announced that I had a new pupil for the late Thursday afternoon slot

The only household which remained in blissful ignorance of the terrible thing was the manse itself; on what Faith and Una fondly believed to be Tuesday it rained again; for the next three days it rained; nobody came near the manse; the manse folk went nowhere; they might have waded through the misty Rainbow Valley up to Ingleside, but all the Blythe family, save Susan and the doctor, were away on a visit to Avonlea

They used to have their meeting Tuesday nights and since they’ve changed to Thursdays it’s hard to remember

Tuesday was a completely different story

Most of Tuesday seemed like an exercise in user training over the phone, with the

by Tuesday afternoon the consultants even had time to start logging issues back into

of Tuesday, September 25, 2029, then stay at the “Sleep Inn” on the

On Tuesday morning I stopped at the Denny’s where Terry had his last meal

At that point I had no doubt Chelsea would survive until Tuesday

As a fair and equal partner in this relationship, I asked Kelly if she was excited about school starting on Tuesday

The finding was reported on Tuesday by a prefectural panel examining the impact of

When she finally graced the office early Tuesday morning, it was her laugh that

he office early Tuesday morning with an ice pack on my face and yellow bruises around

On Tuesday we were putting the finishing touches to my routine, just when I thought the routine was sexy; the costumes were worse

When she came out of the store, Tuesday Morning, I planned to offer her my card

I told him I couldn’t leave until Tuesday because

As the liner approached the city early in the morning of Tuesday, March 12, a beautifully illuminated port, including a modern bridge built in 1965, greeted the passengers

On a Tuesday, when there was silence around, things looked normal, everyone relaxing in their rooms, Ramasamy was out meeting his doctor, Krishnan snatched those brief moments to be with his wife

The next time he visited, on a Tuesday, he took the keyboard with him

Tuesday to neglect in handling his C8 rifle

On the third Tuesday of October 1986, the then Chair of the Foreign Languages and Humanities Department at Los Angeles City College asked him if he could go that afternoon to represent the department at the Curriculum Committee meeting

in Tucson Thursday – Saturday noon to take off the following Monday and Tuesday without penalty, i

Not only did I not get the Monday and Tuesday following the AZ bar exam off from work, nor any subsequent compensatory time, he had enrolled me in a Monday – Friday 9–5 Federal Publications, Inc

However, it is Tuesday morning and you have a 3 hour meetings to

However, it is Tuesday morning and you have a 3

By Tuesday of the first week of November 1999, Lehr called me

Dixie drove me to this rehab in RI Tuesday morning with a paper shopping bag full of extra AA books she had accumulated via her uncanny luck of winning raffles

She ascertained that there were two noontime step meetings at Faith Lutheran (known to AA’s as “Trails Corner”) on Tuesday and Friday that I would undoubtedly attend

needed to be back at work Tuesday in Toronto, so the four left in a cloud of dust

Tuesday Jack called with a salary offer of $64k, a 10% bonus, and complete relocation package

Tuesday, September 11th, I had free breakfast in hotel, loaded my 1992 Honda which had 125k miles, and got right onto nearby Pennsylvania Turnpike headed west

I checked in, was given a bed, an IV was started, and first thing Tuesday he re-appeared and performed two types of surgery; he manually placed a silicone buckle across the hole in the back of my eyeball and then re-inflated my eye with an inert gas

” The whole concept of “protected class” was a payoff by the Jewish Left to its clientela, the Black masses whose votes are necessary on the first Tuesday of November

Carrying spears on horseback and on foot, residents of Tordesillas on Tuesday

commemorated the Toro de la Vega festival, held every second Tuesday of September

“Tomorrow or Tuesday I would have hoped”

) As reported in the Raleigh News & Observer on Wednesday, October 27, 1993, “Raleigh friends of 50 and 60 years standing who mourned his loss Tuesday characterized him as a steadfast friend and a workaholic who took far more pleasure in working and doing business than in money

“I did take comfort, Dottie, in being able to share part of Tuesday with you, as you and the family returned from New York

When the door of the plane opened on Tuesday, I couldn’t help but expect what I had seen so often before…a great tumbleweed of crumpled newspapers from Roy’s daily reading, armfuls of wonderful Christmas treats from Sulka ties and Tiffany scarves to those fantastic singing bears with the red noses, and that visible sense of tired but happy satisfaction from having had a good trip

It was Tuesday, and she explained that the worst days for business

“Based on our calculations, the murder happened between late night Monday or Tuesday early morning,” he said as he sipped his coffee

Short & Simple Example Sentence For Tuesday | Tuesday Sentence

  • This was a Tuesday morning.
  • Ida entertained every Tuesday evening.
  • On Tuesday night curiosity seized me again.
  • This was on Tuesday night and following morning.
  • On Tuesday we meet to organize a church.
  • On Tuesday the regular exercises of the day were to begin.
  • The Tuesday afternoon, if the weather be right.
  • On Monday and Tuesday two more of the witnesses were heard.
  • Let us set apart the dinner hour on Tuesday evening, say.
  • Saw a British patrol boat early Tuesday morning.
  • I’ll turn up on Tuesday at about five.
  • And it wor on the Tuesday as he went on the afternoon shift.
  • Better than the Tuesday soirees at your cousin Cunegonde’s?
  • From Sunday the 18th until Tuesday following, all was quiet upon the streets.
  • On Monday night it cleared, and Tuesday morning came clear and rasping cold.
  • He and M’Gee spoke every Tuesday in that term.
  • Oh, fatal Tuesday morning, when the bud Of his young life was scattered!
  • Then am I sure of your help, said the king, on Tuesday next coming.
  • Arbuthnot,» he said, «will be in town on Tuesday October 2nd.
  • This was Tuesday morning, and the Derby would not be run till the next Monday.
  • Ov a Tuesday aw fettle mi kitchen, An’ mangle, an’ iron beside.
  • Foolish Jack Smith who died on Monday, is on Tuesday still foolish Jack Smith.
  • Justin was alive—Justin was alive on Tuesday night.

How To Use Tuesday In A Sentence?

  • On Tuesday afternoon the graduating exercises of the grammar department were held.
  • And on the Tuesday they lodged them in a little leaved wood beside there the tournament should be.
  • On Tuesday his physician gave him a dose of laudanum, which had not the desired effect.
  • And between Tuesday and Monday was very little time to mature plans or organize resistance.
  • Would like to settle these matters while here, and want to leave on Tuesday or Wednesday.
  • On Tuesday more news drifted in, and that night I did not fully undress on going to bed.
  • No letters are come from France since Friday morning, and this is Tuesday noon.
  • A drive on Tuesday to Shelburne Falls, twenty-two miles or thereabouts distant.
  • On the previous Tuesday Lady Chilcot had given a dance in her house in Mayfair.
  • All the guests departed on Tuesday morning with the exception of Sir James and Lady Grafton.
  • This is not surprising, in view of the fact that by Tuesday evening they had been fighting for over five days.
  • On Tuesday morning he came to my cattle, and inspected them first of any he looked at, and asked their price.
  • By Tuesday morning he had decided for the truth; that would give more piquancy to a pleasant little jest he had in mind.
  • On Tuesday morning when the dreadful news was first certainly known, those proud words had to be taken back.
  • Regular school duties did not begin until Tuesday of the next week, and now it was only Wednesday night.
  • One hour before daybreak on Tuesday morning the French broke up their camp and succeeded in clearing the valley.
  • Lucius was out and about again, not much the worse for his late encounter, by the time Tuesday came round, when he was to lunch with his cousin.

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Also learn how to use these words in a sentence

On this page we are showing correct ways to write :

Tuesday in a sentence

Tuesday sentence

sentence with Tuesday

Tuesday used in a sentence

Tuesday make sentence

make sentence with Tuesday

make sentence of Tuesday

Tuesday sentence in english

Tuesday is the day of the week between Monday and Wednesday. According to international standard ISO 8601, it is the second day of the week. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

I am fine with 4 posts a week although I will moss you on tuesdays!


this post was shared on: monday mania, slightly indulgent tuesdays, fat tuesday, real food wednesdays, allergy-free wednesdays, gluten-free wednesdays, whole food wednesdays & pennywise platter


perhaps any one of the hundreds of different belief systems that don’t stem from abraham… yes, no maybe, only on tuesdays?


Filed Under: Bread, Kris Osborne, Sourdough, Sourdough Bread, Tutorial Tuesday Tagged With: Bread, how-to, Sourdough, starter, tutorial tuesdays


I act quite a bit on stage, a little bit on tv and never on tuesdays.


Carnival cruises docks year round on tuesdays and thursdays.


I wrote a piece on the transfer market for gues post tuesdays.


thanks i am frm india and found ur workout plan to be grt however i did not understand as why you left tuesdays, thursdays and saturdays from the schedule regards


Filed Under: Travel Tagged With: companion pass, southwest, southwest airlines, travel, travel tips, travel tuesdays


Bodega project, health, Healthier Corner Store, Rockland County Department of Health, try-it tuesdays, west haverstraw


case in point, giroud scores 13 goals per season, we finish 4-5th, and we have an army of thumbs down, meanwhile kane scores at will… we will be playing next year on thursdays, they on tuesdays and wednesdays… and we can watch giroud score one of his magnificent 13 goals…


-LSB-…] Tuesday, melt in your mouth monday, slilghtly indulgent tuesdays, tasty tuesday, gluten free wednesday, what’s cooking -LSB-…]


On tuesdays, wednesdays and thursdays.


Like when everyone keeps raving about taco tuesdays on instagram and I feel like the only person in the world who’s never had a taco!


It figures that after the worst Plus update a couple weeks ago (with Outland and Bloodrayne), we would get a game i’ve already had for years for next tuesdays update.


YOU: our AA meets at 9 p.m. on Wednesdays ——- Well ours started at 7:00 on tuesdays in the church basement, until they moved to a bigger town — 385 in my town.


On tuesdays my Quidditch team meets and we are always…


I’m a little late today (I have my 2yo all day tuesdays and we’ve been out all morning) but I’m sharing my Split Pea and Spinach Stew, my Garlic Herb Butter recipe, and Italian Chicken and Sausage Casserole.


Filed Under: Giveaways, St. Patrick’s Day, Teach Me Tuesday Tagged With: giveaway, learning activity, number matching, numbers, preschool, shamrocks, St. Patrick’s Day, teach me tuesdays, toddler


Thanks so much for sharing at «AP tuesdays!


Taco nights (whether it’d be taco tuesdays or taco thursdays or any other day of the week) are super fun to do.


we even got denied from the merry-go-round because it does not run on mondays and tuesdays.


I work closing shift so i dont get home till 2:30 am… My days off are monday and tuesdays.


I used to always get the chimi cheesecake at ruby tuesdays when I was younger.


  • Use the word Tuesday in a sentences

Sentence Examples

Monday’s Maandag… — tuesday‘s Dinsdag.

The usual tuesday night game, you know?

Where were you tuesday evening, Mr. Shoup, between 9:00 and midnight?

Would you care to come fox-hunting with the young people next tuesday?

That Garbo film is showing until tuesday

I ought to make it by tuesday.

I caught the cold last tuesday, when I had to wait for three hours… in the pouring rain for Talleyrand.

And tell the district attorney I’ll see him on tuesday.

Listen, I’d gladly pay you tuesday for a hamburger today.

Free office consultation and advising for pregnant mothers, hours Monday, tuesday, Thursday 9-10

Well, personally, I’m going to stop drinking next tuesday afternoon at 3:00 sharp. (LAUGHS)

A week from tuesday, we have the Strumps.

tuesday, we go to the ball game, but he fool us.

«tuesday night, Thorne had dinner alone from 7:10 to 8:20 at the athletic club.

«will be back in town tuesday, the 24th.

To call on you Next tuesday Right here In this flat.

And then tomorrow… tuesday.

Rehearsals will be tuesday.

Just so somebody in Paris can get a postcard on tuesday instead of Thursday?

«Just so someone in Paris can get a postcard on tuesday instead of Thursday. «

But we’ll make it next tuesday night for sure.

I’ll pay you back tuesday.

Anyway, we’ll know by tuesday night.

And can you beat it? With next tuesday election day!

Say, now listen, Cobby… the election will be all over by tuesday.

You won’t need a mother for your children… till next tuesday, will you?

And after tuesday… you’ll have plenty of time to look the dames over.

Your first treatment will be tuesday at 4:30.

I shall see you on tuesday.


Monday, tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday…

Monday, tuesday, Wednesday… — On Wednesday !

Now Monday he takes four dogs, and tuesday he takes three dogs.

Gracie, Gracie, why does he take four dogs Monday and three dogs tuesday?

Because that other dog won’t follow him on tuesday.

Hannay, you’re under arrest for wilful murder… of a woman unknown in Portland Mansions, London, last tuesday.

I was on the way to pay the butcher on tuesday… as Honesty Nuttall is my name, when I chanced on a poor old beggar.

Madam, you’ll marry me tuesday the 29th.

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