The word trust in a sentence

Synonym: accept, believe, credit, depend on, rely on. Antonym: distrust, mistrust. Similar words: distrust, crust, rustle, rustic, abstruse, obtrusive, intrusive, intrusion. Meaning: [trʌst]  n. 1. something (as property) held by one party (the trustee) for the benefit of another (the beneficiary) 2. certainty based on past experience 3. the trait of believing in the honesty and reliability of others 4. a consortium of independent organizations formed to limit competition by controlling the production and distribution of a product or service 5. complete confidence in a person or plan etc 6. a trustful relationship. v. 1. have confidence or faith in 2. allow without fear 3. be confident about something 4. expect and wish 5. confer a trust upon 6. extend credit to. 

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1. Never trust of fine words.

2. Trust not a great weight to a slender thread. 

3. Never trust another what you should do yourself. 

4. In appearance place no trust.

5. Be just to all, but trust not all. 

6. Self trust is the first secret of success. 

7. Don’t trust anyone over thirty.

8. Try your friend ere you trust him. 

9. Trust not a new friend nor an old enemy. 

10. Try (your friend) before you trust him. 

11. First try, and then trust.

12. Never trust to fine words.

13. Trust thyself only, and another shall not betray thee. 

14. Love all, trust a few, be false to none. 

15. It is an equal failing to trust everybody and trust nobody. 

16. While you trust to the dog, the wolf slips into the sheepfold. 

17. It is an equal failing to trust everybody, and to trust nobody. 

18. Betraying a trust is a very quick and painful way to terminate a friendship. 

19. Trust not the praise of a friend, nor the contempt of an enemy. 

19. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.

20. When a man assumes a public trust, he should consider himself as public property. 

21. If you trust before you try, you may repent before you die. 

22. It has taken years to earn their trust.

23. He was appointed to a position of trust .

24. I know I can trust her in any circumstance.

25. We trust our request will…

26. Every kind of peaceful cooperation among men is primarily based on mutual trust and only secondly on institutions such as courts of justice and police. 

27. Eat a peck of salt with a man before you trust him. 

28. In choosing a wife and buying a sword we ought not to trust another. 

29. If we are bound to forgive an enemy, we are not bound to trust him. Thomas Fuller 

30. Old wood best to burn, old wine to drink, old friends to trust, and old authors to read. 

More similar words: distrust, crust, rustle, rustic, abstruse, obtrusive, intrusive, intrusion, frustrate, unobtrusive, frustration, unobtrusively, ruse, rush, crush, brush, virus, rush out, chorus, rush hour, Russian, brusquely, scrub brush, TRUE, truck, trunk, truth, lust, oust, must. 

trust — перевод на русский


And so who does she trust?

И кому теперь она может доверять?

I don’t think you should trust him.

Я не думаю, что вы должны доверять ему.

Can’t trust anybody.

(Сэм) Никому нельзя доверять.

That Chief Secretary… he can be trusted, right?

Главный секретарь… ему можно доверять?

— We never should’ve trusted Barry!

Нам не следовало доверять Барри!

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Well, I wasn’t worrying about trusting you.

Я верю тебе.

-Don’t trust her.

— Я ей не верю.

I’ll trust you.

Я тебе верю.

I don’t trust you.

Я вам не верю.

I’d trust the men about as far as you could throw the horses.

Я верю мужчинам так же, как ты ездишь верхом.

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In front of your very eyes… I shall place in one of the sarcophagi… the lady brave enough to trust me.

Прямо на ваших глазах… я попрошу лечь в один из саркофагов… женщину, которая окажется настолько храброй, чтобы довериться мне.

Who can he trust?

Кому довериться?

You can trust me.

Можете довериться нам.

My dear, could you not have trusted me, worked with me truthfully and honorably?

Был только Леонард, только он. Дорогая, вы должны были мне довериться. Искренне и беззаветно.

But that does not matter I have to trust you.

Впрочем, всё равно я должен Вам довериться.

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Trust me, I feel you.

Поверь мне, я понимаю.

Trust me and just get married.

Поверь мне — жениться надо раз и навсегда.

Please trust me.

Поверь мне.

My blessed son, I will protect you against them all, trust me.

Мой благословенный сын. Я буду защищать тебя ото всех, поверь мне.

Trust me, and go.

Поверь мне и приходи.

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=will immediately bombard Seoul and turn that place into a sea of fire.= =Our trust for the South has already fallen.=

Доверие между Севером и Югом исчезло.

Trust unfolds in a friendship, Christopher.

Доверие растёт по мере роста дружбы, Кристофер.

Is it possible there can ever be such trust among you?

Возможны ли когда-нибудь доверие, дружба между вами?

She’s violated our trust.

Она потеряла моё доверие.

What would, Ed? — Trusting the moral guidance of our children to sanctimonious bores.

Доверие, моральное руководство… для наших детей от ханжи и зануды.

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I trust you are comfortable, sir?

Надеюсь, вам удобно, мсье.

You slept well, I trust?

Вы хорошо спали, я надеюсь?

I trust you can dissuade my cousin from any thoughtless action.

Надеюсь, вы сможете убедить мою кузину не совершать необдуманные поступки.

I trust I’ve made everything clear?

Я надеюсь, я все понятно объяснил?

— I trust I see you full of sparkle.

Надеюсь, оно доброе?

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Y-you couldn’t trust me with this one thing.

Ты не смогла мне доверить даже это.

We can’t trust the Ziggurat to a robot!

Мы не можем доверить «Зиггурат» роботу!

Oh, you could trust Parris to be the first.

Пэррису можно доверить быть первым.

This I am too burdened to do myself, and there is no one else to be trusted.

Я слишком загружен и не могу никому это доверить.

I want to give them to someone I can trust, someone I felt I got to know during the trial.

Я хотел бы доверить архив тому, кому я могу верить, и мне кажется, за время суда я смог в вас убедиться.

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I trust the Burns-Norvells consoled you.

Полагаю, Бернс-Новеллы утешили вас.

Then I trust you have an excellent excuse?

Тогда, полагаю, у вас есть убедительное объяснение?

I trust you slept well?

Я полагаю, вы хорошо спали?

I trust the setting was properly romantic.

Полагаю, что обстановка была романтичная:

I trust she’s well?

— Я полагаю, с ней всё в порядке?

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— Permit me to make them to you, sir… and to trust that you will be indulgent.

-Позвольте мне высказать их и вам, сэр… и положиться на вашу снисходительность.

— I can’t take you into my confidence. You’ll just have to trust your old friend Wooster.

Я не подвожу тех, кто мне доверяет, но и вы можете смело положиться на вашего друга Вустера.

If you’re in any kind of trouble you certainly can trust me.

Что случилось, Фрэнк? Если у тебя какие-то неприятности, ты можешь положиться на меня.

We can trust Joyce to see that Ted and I are politely early and properly combed.

Думаю Джойс может положиться на нас с Тедом мы придем вовремя красиво причёсанные.

Can I really trust you?

Могу я на вас положиться?

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They don’t look like the trusting type.

Вряд ли им можно доверять.

— I wouldn’t trust him as far as I could throw him.

— Ему можно доверять только пока держишь на коротком поводке.

— My husband said he was strong. A man to trust.

— Муж говорил, что ему можно доверять.

How’s anybody gonna trust you, if you keep doing stupid shit!

Как тебе можно доверять, если ты продолжаешь делать глупости!

I think you should trust him.

Я считаю ему можно доверять.

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Definition of Trust

firm belief in the reliability or truth of something or someone

Examples of Trust in a sentence

If there is one person I know I can trust to do what is best for me no matter what, it’s my mother.


Generally speaking, your best friend is someone you would trust no matter what, because you know you can rely on them.


It’s not very wise to trust the words of someone that has lied before at face value, though you shouldn’t immediately discount them either.


Soldiers on the battlefield learn to trust each other with their lives, thanks to the fact that they must rely on each other to stay alive in the first place.


Thanks to the way I raised my daughter, I trust her to stay out of trouble and avoid doing anything that would put her on the wrong side of the law.


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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word trust, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use trust in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «trust».

Trust in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word trust in a sentence.

  1. See, I don’t trust happiness.

  2. You can never trust producers.

  3. She doesn’t trust skinny people.

  4. But I think she can trust Fatboy».

  5. She was the custodian of a holy trust ..

  6. The chairman of the trust was Lord Keynes.

  7. For no one, no one in this world can you trust.

  8. As Stephen Colbert put it, «I don’t trust books.

  9. In March 2021, a community land trust was formed.

  10. This trust was used to help finance the 1896 Games.

  11. Afterwards few cared to put their trust in castles».

  12. Nevertheless, the president had trust in her actions.

  13. As a result, James did not trust her with secrets of state.

  14. In 1940 the sale was confirmed with a private trust company.

  15. As news spread, other banks and trust companies were reluctant to lend any money.

  16. Around 35 percent of the land trust remained unencumbered and in state ownership.

  17. They thought that I had betrayed some kind of trust, and the piling on was insane.

  18. However, historians including Walter Goffart place little trust in this narrative.

  19. It’s a way to say thank you to the Premier League and the people who trust in you».

  20. We shall continue to love and trust him as one of the Americans who best understood Japan’s position.

  21. To gain their trust, Monroe bathes naked in a river, where he is joined by a group of Ya̧nomamö women.

  22. He gave no indication of how the money, which was being held in trust by several banks, would be used.

  23. Money cannot buy it … a man I do not trust could not get money from me on all the bonds in Christendom.

  24. The trust owns and manages estates in locations including Knoydart and Assynt, and on the isle of Skye.

  25. The value of the trust is estimated to have shrunk from A$1.3 billion in 1991 to A$138 million in 2002.

  26. Two days later Lang broadcast a speech, in which he said: «From God he received a high and sacred trust.

  27. The Duchy of Cornwall is a similar estate held in trust to meet the expenses of the monarch’s eldest son.

  28. At the start of the film, Conan’s father tells his son to learn the secret of steel and to trust only it.

  29. Beauchamp gradually gained Cooke’s trust by visiting under the guise of borrowing books from her library.

  30. He became a skilled bushwhacker, earning the trust of the group’s leaders, William Quantrill and George M.

  31. Crosby further pledged the need to «come again to that deep trust and solidarity that constitutes families.

  32. With the promise of financial support for restoration, the Royal Navy donated the ship to the trust in 1979.

  33. According to the development trust, the turbine could earn more than £5 million during its 25-year lifetime.

  34. In the early 1900s, trust companies were booming; in the decade before 1907, their assets had grown by 244%.

  35. I trust before he dips again for this long spell without him, that we have experienced, we shall be in the dear Homeland.

  36. It was unusual for a bishop to hold the post of sheriff, and was a measure of the trust that King Henry II had in Hilary.

  37. In John’s Gospel, Jesus is presented as unpressured by the crowds, who often respond to his miracles with trust and faith.

  38. Panic occurred, as this was during a time of economic recession, and there were numerous runs on banks and trust companies.

  39. I wanted to violate that trust and make the player feel that they, and not [only] the character, were led on and deceived».

  40. Although curious and sensitive to Gethenian culture in many ways, he struggles at first to trust the ambisexual Gethenians.

  41. He was able to augment his personal finances by charging household items to the trust or selling his own possessions to it.

  42. The Alaska Supreme Court ruled in 1985 that the abolition of the trust had been illegal and ordered it to be reconstituted.

  43. The vast responsibilities entrusted to Sennacherib suggests a certain degree of trust between the king and the crown prince.

  44. All that work, trust, and knowledge of each other would have been thrown out of the window and they’d have to start again.».

  45. The chief legal barrier to its removal was the trust created at the Pillar’s inception, the terms of which gave the trustees a duty in perpetuity to preserve the monument.

  46. Taft, more quietly than his predecessor, filed many more cases than did Roosevelt, and rejected his predecessor’s contention that there was such a thing as a «good» trust.

  47. There Morgan told his counselors that he would agree to help shore up Moore & Schley only if the trust companies would work together to bail out their weakest brethren.

  48. The $260,000 bail ($2,828,000 in 2020 dollars) was provided by Civil Rights Congress, a non-profit trust fund which was created to assist CPUSA members with legal expenses.

  49. His years of loyalty earned him the trust of the Yorkists, and his victories—both political and military—and popularity with the common people made him an important figure.

Synonyms for trust

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word trust has the following synonyms: confidence, corporate trust, combine, cartel, faith, reliance, trustingness, trustfulness, believe, entrust, intrust, confide, commi, hope, desire, swear, rely and bank.

General information about «trust» example sentences

The example sentences for the word trust that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «trust» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «trust».

доверять, доверяться, доверие, траст, трест, вера, доверенный


- доверять, верить

I trust him as I would myself — я верю ему, как самому себе
he is not a man to be trusted — этому человеку нельзя доверять
it is hard to trust where respect is lacking — трудно доверять тому, кого не уважаешь; где нет уважения, нет и доверия

- верить; полагаться на показания органов чувств

I could scarcely trust my own eyes — я не верил своим глазам

- (in) доверяться

I want somebody I can trust in — мне нужен человек, которому я мог бы довериться

- (тж. to) полагаться, доверяться

to trust to smb.’s instinct [to smb.’s intuition] — полагаться на чей-л. инстинкт [на чью-л. интуицию]
you may trust this account — этот отчёт вполне надёжен
don’t trust to chance — не надейтесь на счастливый случай
you trust (to) your memory too much — вы слишком полагаетесь на свою память
he may be trusted to do the work — ему можно доверить эту работу

- (in) верить, надеяться, полагаться

to trust in Providence — полагаться на провидение
trust in your star(s)! — верь своей звезде!

ещё 4 варианта


- доверие

to have /to put, to repose/ one’s trust in smb., smth. — доверять кому-л., чему-л.
to inspire a certain trust — внушать некоторое доверие
to gain /to win/ the trust of one’s associates — завоевать доверие коллег
I don’t have any trust in what he says — у меня нет никакого доверия к его словам

- вера

trust in providential guidance of history — вера в то, что историей управляет провидение
to take smth. on trust — принимать что-л. на веру
I guess we’ve got to take his story on trust — я думаю, что нам придётся принять его рассказ на веру

- ответственное положение

he holds a position of great trust, he is in a position of great trust — он занимает ответственный пост

- долг, обязанность; ответственность

breach of trust — а) обманные действия; б) юр. нарушение доверительным собственником своих обязанностей
to regard smth. as a sacred trust — считать что-л. своим священным долгом
to be faithful to one’s trust — быть верным своему долгу
to fulfil one’s trust — исполнить свой долг
to fail in one’s trust, to violate one’s trust — не справиться со своими обязанностями, не оправдать доверия
he would not desert his trust — он не станет отказываться от (исполнения) своей обязанности

- надежда

to put trust in the future — надеяться на будущее
our trust is that she will soon be well — мы надеемся /питаем надежду/, что она скоро поправится

ещё 6 вариантов


- доверенный (кому-л. кем-л.)

trust estate — юр. а) имущество, являющееся предметом доверительной собственности; б) права доверительного собственника; в) права бенефициария
trust receipt — сохранная расписка
trust property — доверительная собственность; имущество, переданное в управление доверительному собственнику
trust agreement — договор о передаче имущества другому лицу на ответственное хранение и управление

- управляемый по доверенности

trust territory — подопечная территория

- относящийся к тресту

trust company — трест-компания (один из видов коммерческих банков в США)

Мои примеры


the firm belief that complete trust between husband and wife is the base of any successful marriage — твёрдое убеждение, что полное доверие между мужем и женой является основой любого успешного брака  
an inviolable trust between lawyer and client — нерушимое доверие между адвокатом и его клиентом  
bequest in trust — доверительный отказ движимости  
to betray trust — обмануть доверие  
relationships built on trust — отношения, основанные на доверии  
blind / unquestioning trust — слепая вера  
to abuse smb.’s trust — злоупотреблять чьим-л. доверием  
to have / put / repose trust in smb. — доверять кому-л.  
to take on trust — принимать на веру  
to live on trust — жить надеждой  
to supply goods on trust — отпускать товар в кредит  
trust level — уровень доверия, доверительный уровень  

Примеры с переводом

I just don’t trust him.

Я ему просто не доверяю.

I trust him implicitly.

Я ему полностью доверяю.

I was a fool to trust him.

С моей стороны было глупостью доверять ему.

You can’t trust the rumors.

Нельзя доверять этим слухам.

I trust him to keep his word.

Я верю /надеюсь/, что он сдержит своё слово.

Each had to trust to himself.

Каждый должен был полагаться на самого себя.

I implicitly trust him.

Я доверяю ему безоговорочно.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

My first reaction when I met him was not to trust him.

I’ll just have to trust to luck that it works out okay.

Put not your trust in money, but put your money in trust.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

distrust  — недоверие, подозрение, сомнение, не доверять, сомневаться, подозревать
entrust  — поручать, доверять, возлагать, вверять, вручать
intrust  — вверять, доверять, поручать, возлагать, вручать
mistrust  — недоверие, подозрение, не доверять, подозревать, сомневаться
trustful  — доверчивый, лишенный подозрительности
trustify  — трестировать
trustiness  — верность, лояльность
trustless  — недоверчивый, ненадежный
trusty  — надежный, верный, надежный человек
trusting  — доверчивый

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: trust
he/she/it: trusts
ing ф. (present participle): trusting
2-я ф. (past tense): trusted
3-я ф. (past participle): trusted

ед. ч.(singular): trust
мн. ч.(plural): trusts

Use ‘trust’ in a sentence | ‘trust’ example sentences

1- Region trusts are lastly travelled existing various illness significant areas.

2- No great ” trust ” has been built here.

3- Most pension funds are strictly speaking trusts .

4- The shared cultural background facilitated mutual trust .

5- These are typically called “special needs trusts .

6- Simple trust is enough – why strong?

7- It is continuously working towards gaining trust .

8- Developing trust across traditional borders makes possible future business negotiation.

9- Other auction sites church house trust plc.

10- Repeat trusting on every possible similar occasion.

11- Seek positive feedback from trusted loved ones.

12- She is often trusted with highly secret missions.

13- The second aspect is being trusted by search engines.

14- The client must explicitly trust the issuing authority.

15- Knowing class members helps solidify trust and respect.

16- His big black eyes were trusting now.

17- The process view is based on trust .

18- This raises another key barrier to acting globally trust .

19- This once again adds onto the particular trust organic tourist internet.

20- Only download computer games from trusted websites.

21- Another ingredient of trusting relationships is consistent credibility.

22- Full path names are restricted to known trusted directories.

23- Numerous statutory regulations govern this type trust .

24- The answer lies in trusted 3rd parties.

25- An already trusted party usually delivers these payments.

26- Many different interactions involve chances to establish trust .

27- All longtime players develop these ” trusted friends”.

28- How is a living trust administered upon death?

29- A simplified trust relationship equates to stronger security.

30- A wise and trusted advisor is essential.

31- The state treasurer shall administer the trust fund.

32- The trust relationship is not necessarily symmetrical.

33- The trust is not “sustainable”.

34- trust is often considered something that earned.

35- And suggested shelf life from trusted charts.

36- A trust structure comes with certain inherent advantages.

37- There are three different forms of trust .

38- The trust itself pays no income tax.

39- trust law gives her four strong remedies.

40- An abused dog has trust issues and may become overly aggressive. Being your business partner is all abut trust!

41- He was absolved , neither waking nor sleeping had he betrayed his trust.

42- trust me!I trust RichardI don’t trust himNever trust a ser.

43- I have trust in him.

44- He abused our trust.

45- You can’t trust him.

46- She betrayed his trust.

47- You can’t trust rumors.

48- We have no trust in him.

49- I don’t trust his story.

50- You should not trust him.

More Sentences: 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 –
Related Words:
truss bridge – truss frame – truss roof – truss up – trussed – trusses – trussing – trust – trust to – held in trust – trust on – I trust that – blind trust – business trust – charitable trust –

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20 examples of simple sentences of “trust“
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Compound-Complex Sentences with “trust

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Sentences with the word Trust?



  • «she allocated part of the trust to her church by appointment»
  • «they set up the trust in the hope of gaining a monopoly»
  • «charitable to the poor»; «a charitable trust«
  • «childlike trust«; «dewy-eyed innocence»; «listened in round-eyed wonder»
  • «he took me into his confidence»; «he betrayed their trust«
  • «a dependable worker»; «an honest working stiff»; «a reliable source of information»; «he was true to his word»; «I would be true for there are those who trust me»
  • «I trust you will behave better from now on»; «I hope she understands that she cannot expect a raise»
  • «the real value of the trust capital may be disastrously less than when the trust began»
  • «he cherished the faith of a good woman»; «the doctor-patient relationship is based on trust«
  • «implicit trust«
  • «I implicitly trust him»
  • «he wrote the paper with considerable reliance on the work of other scientists»; «he put more trust in his own two legs than in the gun»
  • «overcome by a superior opponent»; «trust magnates who felt themselves superior to law»
  • «he is the beneficiary of a generous trust set up by his father»
  • «the experience destroyed his trust and personal dignity»
  • «We can trust in our government»
  • «don’t trust my ex-wife; I won’t pay her debts anymore»
  • «you can invest in a unit investment trust for as little as $1000″
  • «I verily think so»; «trust in the Lord…and verily thou shalt be fed»- Ps 37:3
  • «wrongful death»; «a wrongful diversion of trust income»

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