The word trends in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word trends, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use trends in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «trends».

Trends in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word trends in a sentence.

  1. Changing societal trends also affected construction.

  2. Each district has fashion trends that affect gameplay.

  3. Unless trends change, extinctions are likely to continue.

  4. Associations with various climate and environmental trends exist.

  5. In various of his articles, he showed himself a critic of social trends.

  6. Australian demographic trends will put pressure on the ADF in the future.

  7. On one view, this represented a rejection of modernist themes and trends.

  8. The underlying reason for these trends is electron configurations of atoms.

  9. Complexation of dubnium is expected to follow group 5 trends in its richness.

  10. Since the end of the ice ages, various warming and cooling trends have occurred.

  11. Shakespeare’s style evolved over time in keeping with changes in literary trends.

  12. At the same time, Pei himself rejected simple dichotomies of architectural trends.

  13. Current trends in nanotechnology promise to make much more versatile use of viruses.

  14. Analysis of game results has provided insights on victory trends and kingdom choices.

  15. Her works were strongly influenced by several trends in 20th-century classical music.

  16. The antipathy between Rix Nicholas and prevailing trends in Australian art was mutual.

  17. This is not to say that Sicily was completely isolated from trends elsewhere in Europe.

  18. Population trends have not been quantified, but there is evidence of an overall increase.

  19. These values exceed those of astatine and the lighter halogens, following periodic trends.

  20. The Teng Chun’s dominance was an effect of the Great Depression and changing market trends.

  21. This exception arises due to competing horizontal and vertical trends in the nuclear charge.

  22. In the industrial era, volcanic activity has had negligible impacts on global temperature trends.

  23. But just as obviously, they can sometimes help to arrest evil popular trends at their inception.».

  24. In recent years, Gyeongju has followed the same trends that have affected the rest of South Korea.

  25. It trends west to its westernmost point until turning to the north-northeast just south of Freehold.

  26. There was «complete freedom» at Bethesda to decide their own path, whatever market trends might say.

  27. After World War II, broad trends in German art include neo-expressionism and the New Leipzig School.

  28. As of 2006, there is no scientifically accepted estimate of current population or trends in abundance.

  29. Despite the futuristic setting, the characters’ clothing and hairstyles adhere to 1990s fashion trends.

  30. The death rate (mortality) for SAH is between 40 and 50 percent, but trends for survival are improving.

  31. Based on current trends, the European population will decline an estimated 50–79% between 2000 and 2065.

  32. The reptile is thought to be stable in terms of population trends and not under any threat of extinction.

  33. Haflinger breeding had to change to create a horse that better fit modern trends toward recreational use.

  34. The widespread cultivation of rice in China necessitated new trends of labor and agricultural techniques.

  35. Global population trends have not been quantified, although there is evidence of population fluctuations.

  36. As with her music, trends Hamasaki started have spread to Asian countries as Taiwan, China, and Singapore.

  37. Based on current population density trends, both species are predicted to become extinct within 200 years.

  38. The album’s tone has been described as millennial or futuristic, anticipating cultural and political trends.

  39. Current trends in ethno-tourism have led many former Plains Aborigines to continue to seek cultural revival.

  40. Though most survived only briefly, perhaps recording a small-label single or two, others set off new trends.

  41. The population consists of 150,000 mature adults, and is stable, although some populations have unknown trends.

  42. For this reason, the society greatly influenced trends of thought in the Romney community and surrounding areas.

  43. This edict risked giving further momentum to inflationary trends, as had happened after Aurelian’s currency reforms.

  44. Vents at the volcano follow north-east and north-west trends influenced by extension of the Basin and Range Province.

  45. In contrast to the rather traditional style of the Violin Concerto, it reflects the modernistic trends of the period.

  46. Schneider found the game unpretentious in comparison to video game trends of photorealistic rendering and cartoonish art.

  47. The sum of the first four ionization energies of lead exceeds that of tin, contrary to what periodic trends would predict.

  48. This is a continuation of long-term trends, as outside of major wars Australia has always had a relatively small military.

  49. As such, an extrapolation based on periodic trends would predict tennessine to be a rather volatile post-transition metal.

  50. Murray Clark of Esquire argues that several characters wore clothing which anticipated several contemporary fashion trends.

General information about «trends» example sentences

The example sentences for the word trends that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «trends» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «trends».

trends — перевод на русский

Now, mind you, there’s a still more modern trend…

Запомните, самая современная тенденция…

I’m not concerned with the general trend of this correspondence, only one letter.

Меня не интересует общая тенденция этой переписки, лишь одно конкретное письмо.

If this is a new trend, our industry’s as good as dead.

Если это новая тенденция, то наша отрасль практически мертва.

That’s an interesting trend.

Интересная тенденция.

Before scheduled for 8:45 the opening of world markets trend

Перед запланированным на 8:45 открытием мировых рынков сохраняется тенденция…

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By then he’ll be down 16 points… and the trend irreversible, if it isn’t already.

Тогда он спустится на 16 пунктов, и тренд будет потерян — если этого ещё не случилось.

Motor Trend’s not gonna be giving it any awards, but it’ll get me from point A to point B.

Приз «Мотор Тренд» она не возьмет, но из точки «А» в точку «Б» доставить сможет.

It’s a worrying trend because the number of children who are now taking cannabis is really on the rise.

Это нехороший тренд, потому что количество детей принимающих сегодня канабис довольно большое.

I love that you really have taken the idea of this trend as a moment of the high-low hemline and really exploited it in a great way.

Мне нравится, как ты обыграл Тренд — длинный подол.

You know, you could start a new trend…

— А ты могла бы основать новый тренд…

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It’s the trend

Теперь такая мода.

It’s the new trend.

Это новая мода.

The current trend of delaying marriage, along with the economy, means that people have to adapt.

Современная мода на поздние браки в сочетании с экономикой принуждает людей адаптироваться.

That trend ended when they invented these handy little dividing walls.

Мода прекратилась, когда стали использовать перегородки.

Trend for what?

Мода на что?

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all kinds of things are the trend now.

Это все сейчас очень модно.

And is blond good or what’s the trend right now?

А что сейчас модно? Блондинки ценятся?

If we make a big deal about it, in a week it’ll become a full-blown trend.

Если мы поднимем из-за этого шум, за неделю это станет жутко модно.

It’s like we started a new trend.

Похоже из-за нас это теперь модно.

Now there is no trend for women to walk gracefully.

Теперь женщинам не модно ходить изящно.

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For 48 hours they have to listen to the new trend in music

48 часов они должны слушать новое направление в музыке.

This is an emerging trend.

Это — растущее направление.

But they think that the person who really started the trend, in America, was William Howard Taft, the American president, who got stuck in a bath once, he was so fat.

Но считается, что человек кто на самом деле задал направление, в Америке, был Уильям Говард Тафт, Американский президент, который однажды застрял в ванне, он был таким толстым.

The final trend may simply be the completely democratic distribution of the means of production to anyone who wants it or anyone who can afford it.

Последнее направление, может быть совершенно демократическим распределением средств производства для каждого, кто захочет использовать его, или любого, кто может позволить себе это.

No, well, anyway, William Banting, as I say, started this… this trend, which before, really, in our civilisation, at least, Fatness had been a sign of prosperity and no one had ever worried about it.

Ну, во всяком случае, Уильям Бантинг, как я сказал, задал это направление, которая раньше, по правде говоря, по крайней мере в нашей цивилизации, полнота была признаком достатка и никто даже не беспокоился об этом.

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Use ‘trends’ in a sentence | ‘trends’ example sentences

1- Other trends include outright absurdity , and political and cultural satire.

2- DO keep abreast of industry news and trends.

3- Stays abreast of trends and regulations to ensure effectiveness and compliance.

4- They will help you to stay abreast of new trends and developments within the newest trends.

5- Visualizing Data Extraordinary resource for people leaning about and staying abreast of visualization trends and examples .

6- In a rapidly evolving trading world, this means Asian exchanges find hard to stay abreast with global trends.

7- I gave up keeping up with trends.

8- She follows all the latest trends in fashion.

9- Fashion trends have an incredible impact on society.

10- We would like to report about the latest trends in Japan.

11- The professor lectured us on current trends in Irish literature.

12- He enjoys reading journals which discuss new trends in language teaching.

13- Discussion question: What are the principal music and fashion trends of this decade?He’s a financial analyst with a pretty good reputation for his analysis of economic trends.

14- Discussion question: How do you feel about the new fashion trends of tattoos and body-piercing? trialEconomic trends have an especially severe impact on adolescents who are trying to become independent.

15- Social and political trends in the tiny nation of San Marino closely follow those of Italy, its larger neighbor.

16- Attention is focussed on the potential for growth of the personal and industrial use garbage compactor market in relation to trends in law.

17- The most popular food choice among U.S. restaurant patrons in 1995 was hamburgers, despite trends to cut back on beef consumption.

18- These segments have been analyzed based on present and future trends.

19- Yet those trends may slow price gains in the coming months, he added.

20- This all points to a likely minority government if these trends hold.

21- Excel 2016: One-click forecasting makes future trends easier to spot.

22- As of Monday afternoon, the story was atop Google’s U.S. trends list.

23- Here’s how to read between the pixels and detect key investing trends.

24- We want to have a central place not predicated on advertising trends.”

25- Click ahead for a quick look at economic trends the Fed is monitoring.

26- Here are 10 trends they think homeowners should steer clear of in 2015.

27- These two macro trends inspired my partner Stonly and I to start Urban.

28- Here are Nameberry’s predictions for the major baby name trends of 2016.

29- For every industry and career, there will always be new trends emerging.

30- The company is trying to respond more quickly to fashion and sales trends.

31- The OLED TV market development trends and marketing channels are analyzed.

32- What are some trends you see in Asia, that you might not see anywhere else?

33- 19897A few trends are driving the growth of sophisticated home businesses.

34- The essential thing to bear in mind is that all these trends are connected.

35- These, and more social media trends of the week, in our 60-second round-up.

36- Their analysts picked five whose price trends make them appear good values.

37- Companies require an in-memory, real time platform to leverage these trends.

38- It’s for knowing about trends and ideas across technology and culture first.

39- She sees patients and observes different clinical trends that are happening.

40- Relative to historical trends, severe drought is expected once every 50 years.

41- 797854These three healthy trends have got the wrong definition of healthy.”””

42- What are the hot new attitude styles and character trends for Calgary in 2016?

43- What do you believe are the big trends looking forward in the US labor market?

44- With those trends, some 900 cities, towns and villages could become “extinct”.

45- These trends required a response from Germany’s political leaders, Müller said.

46- The IMF uses this biannual report to forecast economic trends around the globe.

47- The province said that spike is keeping with usual trends for this time of year.

48- These are durable trends that are not going away – perhaps not for a year or two.

49- But recent trends are making those customers a little harder to win over and keep.

50- In other cases, companies acquire smaller, fast-growing rivals to tap into trends.

More Sentences: 1 – 2 – 3 –
Related Words:
trended – trendier – trendies – trendiest – trendily – trendiness – trending – trends – trendy – trepidation – trepidations – trespass – trespassed – trespasser – trespassers –

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Synonym: course, current, direction, drift, movement, tendency. Similar words: strengthen, render, entrepreneur, tremendous, rendezvous, tree, arena, rent. Meaning: [trend]  n. 1. a general direction in which something tends to move 2. general line of orientation 3. a general tendency to change (as of opinion) 4. the popular taste at a given time. v. turn sharply; change direction abruptly. 

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1) Share prices continued their downward trend.

2) Police are very disturbed about the latest trend.

3) This is a growing trend.

4) The event changed the trend of public opinion.

5) It would be perverse to stop this healthy trend.

6) There was a bullish trend in the market.

7) The latest incident is representative of a wider trend.

8) With an upward trend in inflation, you expect prices to rise.

9) Lately there has been a trend towards hiring younger, cheaper employees.

10) Statistics showed a reverse trend to that recorded in other countries.

11) He characterized briefly the main trend in the world today.

12) Surveys show a trend away from home-ownership and towards rented accommodation.

13) Despite this month’s disappointing figures,[] the underlying trend is healthy.

14) Can anything be done to reverse this trend?

15) The data indicates a trend towards earlier retirement.

16) The trend of prices is still upwards.

17) The latest lifestyle trend is downshifting.

18) Even so, the underlying trend is positive.

19) Is the trend towards privatization reversible?

20) This trend is being reversed .

21) We are seeing a trend towards greater press partisanship.

22) You seem to have set a new trend.

23) These statistics display a definite trend.

24) A trend for romance and nostalgia has emerged.

25) The current trend is towards more part-time employment.

26) There is a growing trend towards earlier retirement.

27) The trend towards home ownership has gone into reverse.

28) The underlying trend of inflation is still upwards.

29) You need a long series of data to be able to discern such a trend.

30) The rise in violent crime is a disturbing new trend.

More similar words: strengthen, render, entrepreneur, tremendous, rendezvous, tree, arena, rent, parent, stretch, street, stream, stress, treaty, streak, rental, get ready, actress, entreat, retreat, extreme, current, inherent, apparent, parental, stretch out, distress, currency, awareness, parenting. 

interesting to see where the current hair trends

Google Trends integrates news stories and events to give you a

Find out if a niche is hot or not by looking at Google hot trends

recent times, with the anarchist trends of today,

423 Piggyback on trends and localize news stories

The writers are al-424 ways up to date on trends

Use for optimization of profiles, con-538 tent and trends to look out for

So that’s when I began to realize the real impact of the catastrophic illegal immigration trends of the early part of the century

These tips can also provide helpful ideas on how to save money on top name brand equipment, and also keep you up to date with all the latest trends

If present trends continue, we do not have much longer to enjoy what the Greek, Roman, and Judeo Christian traditions brought us over the course of two thousand years, and at what incalculable cost

We are launching an investigation into your arcology‘s uncanny ability to predict social and market trends way above the norm

This means that the companies have exploited all and any weaknesses including emotional/psychological problems including dependency and fashion trends

In understanding this, you can use the information and insight gleaned from your dental patterns and trends to point the way to your general health and well-being

Or, perhaps his teachers had simply spotted some trends that she herself had come to notice and wanted to work with her in correcting them

Some are personal in nature, and some have to do with catharsis, given some of the trends in the country today

The Beatles got huge because of their talent, but they sustained that incredibly intense level of popularity by being prolific songwriters who knew how to evolve and set trends

That’s my prediction and that happens to a lot of things where trends and tactics come and

· Have measures to monitor the process performance, establish trends and take appropriate actions

· Have measures to monitor the products, establish trends and take appropriate actions

Trends on availability, analysis and action

about as trends and technology changed

markets, and the trends that influence them

com, looks at developing trends in the English language as America becomes more heavily ethnic and diverse

The two trends of which Scruton writes, child-centered education and disinterest in substantive content, have been exacerbated by the “zeal of the egalitarians” who hate learning because real learning reveals differences in achievement levels

Roger Scruton traces these trends directly back to the campus eruptions of the 1960s, but with an interesting take on the reasons

You need to be up on trends & industry shifts that

tances and follow the fashion trends

“Texting” on cell phones is one of the latest trends

This can include industry news and trends, fresh, late breaking news, current world events, how-to tips, videos, tutorials, answers to frequently asked questions, and links to helpful resources

Do they want to stay tuned to all the latest news and trends of the industry?

Retweetist helps you spot and analyze Twitter trends by sorting tweets based on the number of times they’ve been retweeted

HootSuite is used to track industry trends in real time

highest gross margin and which contribute little? How are the trends in your business

intelligence is layered onto the trends of cloud, mobile and social media, it will birth true real-

current economic climate and the trends we both have witnessed lately with respect to

Trends in the economy that work against the transaction

are pursuing some form of voluntary simplicity, according to Gerald Celente, director of the Trends Research Institute in New York

Similar trends were underway in France and had already been realized in Spain

turn, and recognize and cater to new trends and crazes before they do

, the trends of Migration from Dhakari, its reasons, and the issues of

India, and exploring more on the trends, reasons, and the issues of migration


There are especially two trends of migration to India with regard to Achaam

throughout this chapter with an introduction to migration and its different trends,

and trends of emigrational movements from the family

trends in media and the importance of celebrities

Organizational learning allows a company to adapt to market changes and trends and grow in the process, and in some cases helps reduce the risk of

If you know what trends are and what interests are, then you can write your marketing and your

Both of these scenarios illustrate the emerging challenges for executives contemplating their organizational strategies aimed at capitalizing on the shifts created by advanced social computing trends

Dear Madam, one of the most exciting trends today is the use of video on the Internet

The MACD is a very popular indicator used to indicate bullish or bearish trends

Moving averages are used to identify price trends and also support and resistance levels

different types of money management strategies, the forex market is ideal for traders to trade both trends and ranges

Another method of identifying trends is also indicated on the above chart

Bollinger Bands indicate trends when prices contained in the Bollinger Band and either moving from the

This is still trend trading but on shorter trends

Is it better to trade trends or ranges? That is up to the forex trader and how comfortable he feels about both strategies

way of those trends

Profitable trends are not exclusive to the web or electronic gadgetry

Popular trends are

Some opportunities are omnipresent and although cannot be classified as trends, their

A final thought on identifying trends

Not all businesses are built on trends

bit about creating trends

You can look back through history and identify a countless number of trends that had

My point in providing the latter two examples is just to let you know that trends can be

We want people to have fun and at the same time know the trends that they are likely to follow in terms of their consumer preferences in fruit and drinks

For example, when we have completed the facilitation of a job model, we ask the assembled group of exemplary performers, «What it is that the enterprise could do better to support the work you trying to accomplish as depicted in the job model you just defined?» In other words, while the work itself is clear and agreed to in the minds of this group of workers (and/or managers), and agreed to as the «work,» we are asking what else could be done or what could be done better? The «verbatim» answers, as we call them, illustrated below, identify trends about what support isn’t the best it could be or is simply missing:

The most beneficial thing about it is that now you’ve got time to rest, workout, or read up on the latest chemistry trends

The Commodity Research Bureau’s Futures Index makes watching for inflationary trends easier

The market has three trends: the longest (about 1 year) major, or primary, less enduring (1 month and more) intermediate, or secondary, and rather short (several days or weeks) minor

Lines of trends, support and resistance

The significance of trends is a function of time and volume

Exhaustion gaps may occur at the top or bottom of a formation when trends change direction in an atypically quick manner

Politicians try to second-guess trends and pretend they’ve been the prime mover, but it’s a charade

Defying all current and possible future trends he had tucked his jumper into his trousers and had secured the entire affair with a sturdy leather belt

There were the Mods (Modern’s) who followed the new trends started by the Mersey sound and the Rockers ( Rock and Roller’s) who revered the established Rock and Roll sound

Matthew and Sarah found that their love of the modern trends somehow categorized them as Mods, but they did not feel any affiliation as such towards the term and neither seemingly did their immediate Irish friends

be on par with the changing trends of the market


• One of the Top 10 Predicted Trends for 2010, and beyond, is a

Thus there are many short-term trends in health that are best dealt with in the monthly reports

Thus there will be many short-term trends in finance depending on where Mercury is and the aspects he receives

Review our discussion of this last month – the trends are still in effect

Thus there are many short-term trends in finance that are best covered in the monthly reports

Thus there are many short-term trends with family that are best covered in the monthly reports

Thus there are many short-term financial trends that are best covered in the monthly reports

Many of the trends that we have written about in past years are still in effect now

Sure, there will be periods in the year when health is less easy than usual, thanks to temporary planetary transits, but they are not trends for the year

These are the short-term trends in finances and we will discuss this in the monthly reports

The stresses are being caused by short-term planets and they are temporary, not trends for the year or for your life

Thus there are many short-term trends in health that are best covered in the monthly reports

They are temporary situations and not trends for the year ahead

Thus there are many short-term trends in health that are best discussed in the monthly reports

Thus there are many short-term trends in love, depending on where Mercury is and the aspects he is receiving

Thus there are many short-term trends in health, depending on where Mercury is and the aspects he receives

But these are short-term events, not trends for the year ahead, and are best dealt with in the monthly reports

Thus there are many short-term health trends (in your Horoscope these trends fluctuate almost daily) and these are best discussed in the monthly reports

Thus there are many short-term trends at home that will depend on where Venus is at a given time and the kinds of aspects she receives

  • Use the word Trends in a sentences

Sentence Examples

radio, newspapers, newsreels… and we must anticipate trends before they are trends.

He continually launches new trends.

Margaret, I’ve got to hand it to you, it shows strength of character not to go with the new fashion trends in clothes.

Boy, I hated to leave New trends.

Anyway, what makes you think he’ll drive here from New trends?

I hardly expect you… to completely accept New trends‘ creative concept of education. It’s an abomination.

I’ve heard rumors… that we’re going to have stiff competition… especially from New trends Progressive School… which is not surprising… considering the little time they devote to academic subjects and social graces.

How good do you think New trends‘ marching band really is?

Sister Elizabeth’s taking us to the city, to the art museum… and the art museum’s only two blocks from New trends.

And we thought if we found out how New trends‘ band played… it might be good for our band’s morale… and maybe we could win the prize money, and you could get the new boiler.

Someday New trends may win the band contest, too.

And in this respect we’re somewhat preoccupied especially given certain recent trends in freight and transportation systems that would have major repercussions in the 80s and 90s on demand for steel.

In Germany, Munch, here in the company of a professor of graphic art at Berlin University, studies the latest trends in copper engraving.

And in this new film, will Miss London be following current trends? Will she be doing any nude scenes?

Don’t be tricky I want information, not denunciation I want figures and trends

and now clearly defined … the two trends saint’s College.

I don’t know enough about… economic trends, inflation and all that crap.

and that’s one of the general things that you can say about how difficult it is to second-guess trends in invention.

I wasn’t untouched by Bolshevik trends, either.

And so if you’re a follower of exotic trends in fashion… you’ll find plenty to keep you going here tonight.

Modernization trends ran rampant in the country, as part of a » new» fever:

The escalating terrorist violence would leave its mark on the soviet expo, that exhibited in Brazil the new trends of the socialist world and the new technology of Eastern Europe.

I was going to talk about other trends, but magazine shows, news as profit the historic influence of Entertainment Tonight the danger, the hope the dream, the question Oh!

Less cautious than his father, but more alert to trends.

There are shifts and trends.

Based upon current trends, I’d say that’s a good bet.

And fortunately, there’s a lot of money in being able to tell people what’s going to happen — business trends analysis — and the wonderful thing is you can make an awful lot even if you’re wrong.

My sister Nanako, a freshman in art school, was up on all the trends.

My sisters’ memories are mainly of fashion and pop trends.

Hang around, check real estate trends?

We went to this venue to discover the new IT trends

While the trends are not what we want… there are some good things we can utilize.

Really, Brucie a man of your social standing needs a woman like me to keep you in step with the latest trends.

trends in Cardiac Surgery, Volume Two.

Dad, we have a reporter here who covers trends in agriculture.

He doesn’t follow the trends.

Gold dropped almost two dollars, in spite of the speculation about inflationary trends.

As members of the Fashion Club, we have to keep up with the latest trends in music and clothes.

Well, I’ve always admired your tart honesty… and ability to be personally offended by broad social trends.

Well, I’ve always been pretty good with trends in that part of the hemisphere.

Do you think being the trends editor’s getting to you?

trends change. People change. It’s all about details.

Urban styles, urban trends, urban music,

You have to study weather trends to make a good play in agriculture markets.

Now, that’s assuming these trends continue well into the coming year.

However, there is some dispute that the, uh, statistical methodology in this latter study is not the D.O.J. preferred methodology. In any case added variables make crime trends for the coming year particularly hard to predict.

That’s assuming these trends continue well into the coming year.

In any case, added variables make crime trends for the coming year…

But they should, because it’s not just about… the pleasures of conformity and the importance of trends.

How is the word trend used in a sentence?

1) Share prices continued their downward trend. 2) Police are very disturbed about the latest trend. 8) With an upward trend in inflation, you expect prices to rise. 9) Lately there has been a trend towards hiring younger, cheaper employees.

How do you define the word trend?

A trend is what’s hip or popular at a certain point in time. While a trend usually refers to a certain style in fashion or entertainment, there could be a trend toward warmer temperatures (if people are following trends associated with global warming).

What is a trend and example?

The definition of a trend is a general direction or something popular. An example of trend is a northern moving coastline. An example of trend is the style of bell bottom jeans. noun.

What is another word for trends?

Synonyms & Antonyms of trend

  • current,
  • direction,
  • drift,
  • leaning,
  • run,
  • tendency,
  • tide,
  • wind.

Why do we have to identify and spot a trend?

It is important to identify and understand trends so that you can trade with rather than against them. Knowing the trend also helps to avoid false buy/sell signals (or whipsaws), as some indicators like oscillators behave better in sideways trends and others like trending indicators behave better in trending markets.

How do you describe a trend line?

A trendline is a line drawn over pivot highs or under pivot lows to show the prevailing direction of price. Trendlines are a visual representation of support and resistance in any time frame. They show direction and speed of price, and also describe patterns during periods of price contraction.

How do you describe a trend in a scatter plot?

A correlation is a way to describe a trend. If the points on a scatter plot increase to the right, then the correlation is positive. As the independent variable increases, the dependent variable increases. If the points on a scatter plot decrease to the right, then the correlation is negative.

How do you describe a scatter diagram?

The scatter diagram graphs pairs of numerical data, with one variable on each axis, to look for a relationship between them. If the variables are correlated, the points will fall along a line or curve. The better the correlation, the tighter the points will hug the line.

Which trend line is the best model of the data?

logarithmic trendline

What is a quadratic trend?

Quadratic trend With a quadratic trend, the values of a time series tend to rise or fall at a rate that is not constant; it changes over time. As a result, the trend is not a straight line.

How do we recognize that a trend is starting to emerge?

Answer. Answer: Trends start as phenomena that follow a pattern over time, and by observing specific people, cultures and contexts, it is possible to pinpoint trends from their infancy to maturity.

How do you set a trend?

Below are some of our tips to starting a trend, rather than following it.

  1. Research. The most important part of starting a trend is doing your research!
  2. Be Creative. Trends are trends because they’re original.
  3. Be Mobile Friendly.
  4. Use Buzzwords & Keywords Wisely.

Can a trend become a fad can a fad become a trend Why do you think so?

Answer. Answer: Yes it is,once there is trend on the community ,automatically fad follows. As a vice versa,it follows as a cycle.

How do you identify a fad?

The easiest way to categorize a fad is one word: short-lived. Typically, fads last for a total of one season, but they can also last less than a month. Fads are novelty driven fashion choices. A fad is often referred to as “catching on” with the larger population, but will often fade as quickly as it appeared.

What are trends patterns and relationships?

After data is collected, it can be analyzed by looking for trends, patterns, and relationships. Trends are general directions of data, such as an overall increase in global temperature. Patterns don’t necessarily involve data going one way or the other, but rather describe a repeating observation.

Definition of Trend

something fashionable or popular for a finite period of time

Examples of Trend in a sentence

When Starbucks embraced the unicorn food trend with a new rainbow frappucino, they sold out in mere hours.


When Twilight came out in theaters, vampire books were the biggest trend in the book industry.


The stylist hoped that high-waisted shorts were just a trend, but after a few years and only increasing popularity among teens, the hideous shorts became a fashion staple.


Kylie Jenner started a trend of darkening and shading in her eyebrows that has evolved into a major make up technique.


When the successful businessman saw an emerging trend in fidget spinners, he invested a substantial amount of money in the stock.


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Examples of how to use the word “trend” in a sentence. How to connect “trend” with other words to make correct English sentences.

trend (n): a general development or change in a situation or in the way that people are behaving

Use “trend” in a sentence

She follows all the latest trends in fashion.
Tiktok has become a trend recently.
Jeans are on trend again this summer.

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