The word tree is a to the word oak

Posted by Johannes on 23 July 2009

Etymology of tree
The word tree is related to the Greek word drys-drees (oak; δρυς). During ancient times oak was the wood that was usually used.

From the same root:
Druid, duration, endure, durable

In modern Greek (Romeika).
a) drees: oak, quercus [δρυς]
b) dreenos: adj oak, oaken [δρύινος]
c) dendro: tree [δένδρο]
d) dore: pike, spear [δόρυ]
e) dreemos: forest [δρυμός]
f) Dreedes: Druid [Δρυίδης]


Η λέξη tree σχετίζεται με τή λέξη δρυς. Η δρυς ήταν το ξύλο εκείνο το οποίο χρησιμοποιούνταν κατά κύριο λόγο στην αρχαιότητα.

______________________________________ Post 102. ________________


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This material is intended as pronunciation help for learners of English. The material contains lists of names of trees, with phonetic transcription and Russian translation. Examples of use in sentences are provided at the end of this material.

Usually, the name of a tree is also used as the name of its wood and, in the case of fruit trees, as the name of its fruit. For example, «cherry» may refer to the fruit of a cherry tree, to the cherry tree itself, and also to its wood.

The word «tree» is often added to the names of trees: fir tree, fir trees; pine tree, pine trees; oak tree, oak trees; birch tree, apple tree, walnut tree, etc. (Such words may also be spelled with a hyphen: fir-tree, pine-tree, oak-tree, etc.)

Plural forms of the names of trees are generally formed according to the rules: oak, oaks; fir, firs; spruce, spruces; olive, olives; acacia, acacias; cherry, cherries. Some irregular (or difficult) plural forms are indicated in the lists below.

(Formation of plural nouns is described in Adding the Ending s/es to Nouns and Verbs and Irregular Plural Nouns in the section Writing.)

Note: Names of fruits, vegetables, nuts, herbs and spices are provided in Food Products Main List in the section Vocabulary.

Данный материал предназначен как помощь по произношению для изучающих английский язык. Материал содержит списки названий деревьев, с фонетической транскрипцией и русским переводом. Примеры употребления в предложениях даны в конце этого материала.

Обычно, название дерева также используется как название его древесины, а в случае фруктовых деревьев, и как название его плода. Например, «cherry» может относиться к плоду вишнёвого дерева, к самому вишнёвому дереву, а также к его древесине.

Слово «tree» часто добавляется к названиям деревьев: fir tree, fir trees; pine tree, pine trees; oak tree, oak trees; birch tree, apple tree, walnut tree и т.д. (Такие слова могут также быть с дефисом: fir-tree, pine-tree, oak-tree и т.д.)

Формы множественного числа названий деревьев обычно образуются по правилам: oak, oaks; fir, firs; spruce, spruces; olive, olives; acacia, acacias; cherry, cherries. Некоторые неправильные (или трудные) формы мн. числа указаны в списках ниже.

(Образование множественного числа существительных описывается в материалах «Adding the Ending s/es to Nouns and Verbs» и «Irregular Plural Nouns» в разделе Writing.)

Примечание: Названия фруктов, овощей, орехов, трав и специй даны в материале «Food Products Main List» в разделе Vocabulary.

Transcription symbols in this material

[p], [b], [t], [d], [k], [g], [f], [v], [θ], [ð], [s], [z], [sh], [h], [ch], [j], [m], [n], [ŋ], [l], [r], [w];

[i:], [i], [e], [æ], [a:], [o:], [o], [u:], [yu:], [u], [ʌ], [ə], [ər]; [ei], [ai], [au], [ou];

[θ] as in THINK; [ð] as in THIS; [sh] – SHE; [ch] – RICH; [j] – JANE; [ŋ] – LONG;

[a:] as in CAR; [æ] as in CAT; [i:] – SEE; [i] – ILL; [e] – GET; [o:] – MORE; [o] – LOT;

[u:] as in BLUE; [yu:] as in USE; [u] – BOOK; [ʌ] – CUT; [ə] – AWAY; [ər] – SIR;

[ei] as in DAY; [ai] as in MINE; [au] – OUT; [ou] – GO; [y] as in YES.

Transcription is indicated according to American pronunciation. Stress is indicated before stressed syllables. Example of secondary and primary stress before stressed syllables: [,yu:kə’liptəs] (eucalyptus).

Транскрипция указана согласно американскому произношению. Ударение указано перед ударными слогами. Пример второстепенного и главного ударения перед ударными слогами: [,yu:kə’liptəs] (eucalyptus).

Parts of a tree

trunk [trʌŋk] – ствол; stem – ствол; стебель; stalk [sto:k] – стебель;

branch [brænch] (AmE), [bra:nch] (BrE) – ветка, ветвь;

limb [lim] – большая ветка; bough [bau] – сук; bark [ba:rk] – кора;

twig – веточка; маленькая ветка; shoot [shu:t] – росток, побег; молодая веточка;

flower – цветок; blossom [‘blosəm] – цвет, цветение; цветок (особ. плодовых деревьев);

catkin [‘kætkin] – серёжка (соцветие); bud [bʌd] – почка;

fruit [fru:t] – плод; seed [si:d] – семя, семечко; seeds – семена;

leaf [li:f] – лист; leaves [li:vz] – листья; foliage [‘fouliij] – листва, листья;

treetop [‘tri:,top] – верхушка дерева; crown [kraun] – крона;

root [ru:t] – корень; stump [stʌmp] – пень.

Kinds of trees

coniferous [kə’nifərəs], [kou’nifərəs] – хвойный; шишконосный;

coniferous tree – хвойное дерево;

conifer [‘kounəfər], [‘kounifər], [‘konəfər] – хвойное дерево;

evergreen [‘evərgri:n] – вечнозелёный; вечнозелёное растение;

deciduous [di’sijuəs] – листопадный;

deciduous trees – листопадные деревья;

broad-leaved trees, broadleaf trees – широколиственные деревья;

perennial plant [pə’reniəl ‘plænt] – многолетнее растение.

Coniferous trees

pine [pain] – сосна; cedar [‘si:dər] – кедр;

fir [fər] – 1. пихта; 2. ель;

spruce [spru:s] – ель; spruce fir [‘spru:s ‘fər] – ель.

Some species and varieties

cedar pine – сосна кедровая сибирская;

Scotch pine – сосна лесная (сосна обыкновенная);

white pine – сосна белая; red pine – сосна красная;

cedar of Lebanon – ливанский кедр;

white cedar – белый кедр (туя западная);

noble fir [‘noubl ‘fər], [‘noubəl ‘fər] – пихта благородная;

balsam fir [‘bo:lsəm ‘fər] – пихта бальзамическая;

silver fir – пихта европейская (пихта благородная);

Douglas fir [‘dʌgləs ‘fər] – Дугласова пихта (также наз. Douglas pine, Douglas spruce);

Siberian fir [sai’bi:riən ‘fər] – пихта сибирская;

Siberian spruce – ель сибирская;

European spruce (Norway spruce) – ель европейская; ель обыкновенная;

blue spruce [‘blu: ‘spru:s] – ель голубая;

white spruce – ель белая; red spruce – ель красная.

Other conifers

hemlock [‘hemlok], также hemlock spruce [‘hemlok ‘spru:s] – тсуга (хвойное дерево семейства сосновых);

larch [la:rch] – лиственница;

yew [yu:] – тис (тисс);

redwood [‘redwud] – 1. красное дерево; 2. секвойя;

sequoia [si’kwoiə] – секвойя;

cypress [‘saiprəs] – кипарис;

juniper [‘ju:nəpər], [‘ju:nipər] – можжевельник;

thuja [‘θu:jə] – туя.

Примечание: Hemlock

В американском английском, названия «hemlock, hemlock tree, hemlock spruce» имеют в виду американское хвойное дерево семейства сосновых. В британском английском, «hemlock» – ядовитое растение болиголов.

Примечание: Christmas tree; New Year tree

рождественская ёлка (дерево) – Christmas tree; новогодняя ёлка (дерево) – New Year tree;

рождественская ёлка (празднование) – Christmas party;

новогодняя ёлка (празднование) – New Year party; New Year celebration.

Cones, needles

fir cone [koun] – еловая или пихтовая шишка;

spruce cone – еловая шишка; pine cone – сосновая шишка;

fir needles [‘ni:dlz] – еловые или сосновые иглы, хвоя;

spruce needles – еловые иглы; pine needles – сосновые иглы;

cedar nuts – кедровые орехи; juniper berries – можжевеловые ягоды.

Evergreen trees

coniferous trees (except larch) – хвойные деревья (кроме лиственницы);

eucalyptus [,yu:kə’liptəs] – эвкалипт; мн. число: eucalypti; eucalyptuses;

palm [pa:m] – пальма;

box, boxwood [‘boks,wud] – самшит;

citrus trees [‘saitrəs ,tri:z] – цитрусовые деревья (orange, lemon, etc. – см. Fruit trees);

olive [‘oliv] – маслина, олива, оливковое дерево;

allspice tree [‘o:lspais] – гвоздичное дерево; пряность: allspice – гвоздика, перец гвоздичный душистый;

clove tree [‘klouv] – гвоздичное дерево; пряность: cloves – гвоздика;

laurel [‘lo:rəl], [‘lorəl] – лавр, лавровое дерево;

bay laurel [‘bei ,lorəl], bay tree – лавр благородный, лавровое дерево; пряность: bay leaf – лавровый лист;

cacao [kə’ka:ou], cacao tree – какао (дерево); cocoa [‘koukou] – какао (напиток);

sandalwood [‘sændəl,wud] – сандаловое дерево;

magnolia [mæg’noulyə], [mæg’nouliə] – магнолия (evergreen or deciduous);

acacia [ə’keishə] – акация (evergreen or deciduous);

locust tree [‘loukəst,tri:] – псевдоакация; белая акация (deciduous);

mimosa [mi’mousə], [mi’mouzə] – мимоза (серебристая акация);

rubber plant, rubber tree [‘rʌbər] – каучуконос (гевея бразильская и др.);

holly [‘holi] – падуб остролистный.

Deciduous trees

oak [ouk] – дуб (deciduous or evergreen); acorn [‘eiko:rn] – жёлудь;

birch [bərch] – берёза;

larch [la:rch] – лиственница;

maple [‘meipl], [‘meipəl] – клён;

poplar [‘poplər] – тополь;

willow [‘wilou] – ива; weeping willow [‘wi:piŋ ‘wilou] – плакучая ива;

ash [æsh] – ясень; white ash – ясень белый;

mountain ash [‘mauntən ,æsh] – рябина обыкновенная;

rowan [‘rouən], [‘rauən] – рябина (европейская);

aspen [‘æspən] – осина (также наз. quaking aspen, trembling aspen);

lime tree [‘laimtri:] – липа; linden [‘lindən] – липа;

basswood [‘bæswud] – липа (американская);

alder [‘o:ldər] – ольха; black alder – ольха чёрная;

elm [elm] – вяз, ильм; American elm; English elm;

plane [plein], plane tree – платан; buttonwood [‘bʌtənwud] – платан;

sycamore [‘sikəmo:r] – платан, чинар;

palisander [,pæli’sændər], [‘pæli,sændər] – палисандр, палисандровое дерево;

teak [ti:k] – тик, тиковое дерево;

beech [bi:ch] – бук, буковое дерево (deciduous or evergreen);

hornbeam [‘ho:rnbi:m] – граб;

ironwood [‘aiərnwud] – железное дерево;

baobab [‘beiəbæb] – баобаб.

Fruit trees

fruit tree [‘fru:t,tri:] – плодовое дерево, фруктовое дерево;

apple tree [‘æpl,tri:], [‘æpəl,tri:] – яблоня;

pear [peər] – груша;

cherry tree [‘cheri] – вишня;

apricot tree [‘æprəkot], [‘eiprikot] – абрикос;

peach tree [pi:ch] – персик;

plum tree [plʌm] – слива;

orange tree [‘orinj], [‘orənj], [‘o:rinj] – апельсиновое дерево;

lemon tree [‘lemən] – лимонное дерево;

lime tree [‘laim] – лайм (дерево рода цитрус);

grapefruit [‘greipfru:t] – грейпфрут; также наз. pomelo [‘poməlou];

tangerine [,tænjə’ri:n] – мандарин;

pomegranate [‘pom,grænit] – гранат (дерево, кустарник);

fig tree [fig] – инжир, фиговое дерево;

persimmon [pər’simən] – хурма;

date palm [‘deit ,pa:m] – финиковая пальма;

mango [‘mæŋgou] – манго, манговое дерево; мн. число: mangoes, mangos [‘mæŋgouz];

avocado [,ævə’ka:dou] – авокадо; мн. число: avocados [,ævə’ka:douz];

papaya [pə’pa:yə] – папайя (дерево, кустарник);

mulberry [‘mʌl,beri], [‘mʌlbəri] – шелковица, тутовое дерево.

Nut trees

nutwood [‘nʌt,wud] – ореховое дерево или его древесина;

chestnut [‘chesnʌt], [‘chesnət] – каштан;

walnut [‘wo:lnʌt], [‘wo:lnət] – орех, ореховое дерево (грецкий орех);

almond tree [‘a:mənd,tri:], [‘æmənd] – миндаль;

hickory [‘hikəri] – пекан;

coconut palm [‘koukənʌt,pa:m] – кокосовая пальма (также наз. coconut tree);

cashew [‘kæshu:], [kə’shu:] – орех кешью;

pistachio [pis’ta:shiou] – фисташковое дерево, фисташка;

hazel [‘heizəl] – лещина, лесной орех, орешник, фундук (кустарник, дерево); лесной орех (плод) – hazelnut.

Forest, wood

forest [‘fo:rist], [‘forist] – лес, лесной массив;

pine forest – сосновый бор; oak forest – дубрава;

wood, woods [wudz] – лес, роща (обычно меньше, чем forest);

clearing in the woods – поляна в лесу; edge of a wood – опушка леса; path through the woods – тропинка через лес;

grove [grouv] – лесок, роща (небольшая группа деревьев);

orange grove – небольшая роща апельсиновых деревьев; grove of pines – небольшая сосновая роща;

dense forest – густой лес; thin forest – редкий лес;

woodland – лес, лесистая местность; wooded area – лесистый район.

Types of forests

taiga [‘taiga:], [‘taigə] – тайга; tundra [‘tʌndrə], [‘tundrə] – тундра;

coniferous forests – хвойные леса; evergreen forests – вечнозелёные леса;

broad-leaved deciduous forests – широколиственные листопадные леса;

deciduous forest – листопадный (лиственный) лес; mixed forest – смешанный лес;

tropical forest – тропический лес; tropical rain forest – дождевой тропический лес;

jungle [‘jʌŋgl], [‘jʌŋgəl] – джунгли; savanna, savannah [sə’vænə] – саванна;

undergrowth [‘ʌndərgrouθ] (также, underbrush, underwood) – подлесок.

Botanical garden, national park

botanical garden [bə’tænikəl ‘ga:rdən] – ботанический сад;

national park [‘næshənəl ‘pa:rk] (AmE) – заповедник, национальный парк;

sanctuary [‘sæŋkchuəri], [‘sæŋkchu,eri] – заповедник, заказник;

wildlife sanctuary – заповедник живой природы (для животных, птиц, рыб, растений);

wildlife refuge [‘waildlaif ‘refyu:j] – заповедник живой природы;

bird sanctuary – птичий заповедник; deer park – олений заповедник;

game preserve [pri’zərv] – заповедник дичи; hunting preserve – охотничий заповедник;

nature reserve [‘neichər ri’zərv] – природный заповедник; forest reserve – лесной заповедник.

Wood, lumber, timber

wood – дерево, древесина; wooden [‘wudn], [‘wudən] – деревянный;

hardwood [‘ha:rdwud] – твёрдая древесина; дерево твёрдых пород;

softwood [‘softwud] – мягкая древесина; хвойное дерево или его древесина;

lumber [‘lʌmbər] (AmE) – лесоматериал, пиломатериал; строительный материал;

timber [‘timbər] – лесоматериал, пиломатериал; строевой лес; брус, бревно;

log – бревно; wood pulp [‘wudpʌlp] – древесная масса (в производстве бумаги).

Related vocabulary


plant [plænt] (AmE), [pla:nt] (BrE) – растение;

vegetation [,veji’teishən] – растительность;

shrub [shrʌb], bush [bush] – куст, кустарник;

grass [græs] (AmE), [gra:s] (BrE) – трава;

herb [ərb], [hərb] – трава; растение (особ. лекарственное);

herbs – травы (лекарственные, пряные, кулинарные);

flower [‘flauər] – цветок; wild flowers – полевые цветы;

genus [‘ji:nəs] – род, вид; мн. число: genera [‘jenərə];

species [‘spi:shi:z], [‘spi:si:z] – вид; виды (мн. число без изменения); род;

varieties [və’raiitiz] – разновидности.

Biology, biologist

biology [bai’oləji] – биология; botany [‘botəni] – ботаника;

horticulture [‘ho:rti,kʌlchər] – садоводство; gardening [‘ga:rdniŋ] – садоводство;

forestry [‘foristri] – лесоводство; лесное хозяйство; лесничество;

biologist – биолог; botanist – ботаник; gardener – садовник; садовод;

forester [‘foristər] – лесник, лесничий; keeper – лесник;

gamekeeper – лесник, охраняющий животных;

logger (AmE) – лесоруб; lumberjack (AmE) – лесоруб, дровосек;

lumberman – 1. лесоруб, дровосек; 2. (AmE) лесопромышленник.

Examples in sentences

Coniferous trees are found throughout the world. Pines usually grow in the Northern Hemisphere. Cedars usually grow in Southwest Asia, in the Himalayas, and in North Africa.

Coniferous forests predominate in the taiga stretching across vast areas in the subarctic zones of Eurasia and North America.

Fir, spruce and pine predominate in the taiga forests of Eurasia. Pine and larch are dominant conifers in East Siberia.

There are about 600 species of coniferous trees. Most conifers are evergreens. Larch is a deciduous coniferous tree.

Ash, birch, lime, maple, oak and plane are deciduous trees. Some species of oak are evergreen trees.

Sequoias are giant evergreen coniferous trees that can grow over 100 meters tall and can reach an age of more than 3000 years.

Oregon’s coniferous trees include Douglas fir, ponderosa pine, Sitka spruce, and hemlock. Forests of spruce, fir, and white pine are dominant in Maine.

Fir trees and spruce trees are often used as Christmas trees. Popular choices for Christmas trees are silver fir, noble fir, balsam fir, Norway spruce, blue spruce.

Fir cones grow upward and are raised on branches; spruce cones hang down from branches.

Common hardwoods include ash, beech, birch, cherry, maple, oak, poplar, teak, and walnut. Common softwoods include cedar, fir, pine, spruce, and lime.

Tropical rain forest contains more than four fifths of all the plant species of the world. The Amazon rainforest, the largest rainforest in the world, contains thousands of plant species.

Banyan trees of India are unusual trees. Their branches send additional roots to the ground and become additional trunks, making the tree spread over a large area.

The word oak, originally just meant tree, because oaks were plentiful.


«Oak is an ancient Germanic tree-name, shared by German eiche, Dutch eik, Swedish ek, and Danish eg. These point back to a common Germanic ancestor *aiks. There is no conclusive evidence of any related forms outside Germanic, however, although similarities have been noted with Greek aigflops, a term for a sort of oak tree, and Latic aesculus oak sacred to Jupiter. Despite its passing similarity, acorn is not etymologically related.

The oak was was one of the commonest trees in the ancient European forests, and many terms that started out as names for it became generalized to simply tree: English tree, for instance, comes from an Indo-European ancestor that probably originally meant oak.«

~ John Ayto Dictionary of Word Origins.

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Oak is not an adjective in this sentence.

The word oak tree is a compound word. This means a word that combines two or more words, but it has the lexical status of being a single word.

Oak tree has its own dictionary entry in the Oxford Dictionary (OED).

Oak tree has its own dictionary entry in the free dictionary.

Third, when you look up oak in the ODO the entry says «also oak tree«, meaning this is a variant or that the two are synonyms.

Some compound words are spelled with a space between the two components and some are not; some are spelled with hyphen between the two components. Compound words sometimes start with a hyphenated spelling and after a while the hyphen gets dropped. Some words start as two words and then become so common that they become a compound word (example: Chinese food).

Other compound words that are nouns include

horse race
mind set
silk merchant
car factory
bank clerk
key position
Chinese food
emergency plan
Republican party
rowing boat
energy vampire
punctuality nut
zombie powder

Compound words are different from two words that are, say, an adjective and a noun. The difference can usually be heard in pronunciation.

Compare orange juice (juice squeezed from an orange) and orange juice (any juice that is orange in color). The first, like most compound words, is stressed on the first word and has a falling intonation. The second has a rising intonation on the first word. This distinction in pronunciation is true for the following two pairs, and many similar pairs:

Also key position (the position of a key) as a compound word versus key position (a position that is key or important).

A blackbird is different from a black bird, not only in spelling but in pronunication.

Most these examples are taken from the Concise Oxford Companion to the English Language and The Oxford Dictionary of English Grammar (2 ed.).

Not all collocations are considered compound words. Like most things in English, frequency of usage plays a part. Cough drop and cough medicine are compound nouns; cough trouble is not recognized as one by the OED.

What is another word for oak tree?

3 synonyms found


[ ˈə͡ʊk tɹˈiː], [ ˈə‍ʊk tɹˈiː], [ ˈəʊ_k t_ɹ_ˈiː]

Table of Contents

  • n.

    oak (noun)

    • oak.

    Other relevant words: (noun)

    • tree.

    plant (noun)

    • oak tree.

How to use «Oak tree» in context?

The oak tree is one of the oldest plants on the planet. Oak trees can live for hundreds of years, and some can be hundreds of feet tall. Oak trees are some of the tallest and largest trees in the forest. The leaves on an oak tree are really big, and they are really big because they have a lot of veins in them. The leaves on an oak tree are really strong, and they can hold a lot of water. The bark on an oak tree is really tough, and it is really thick. The oak tree is a really cool plant.

Holonyms for Oak tree:

  • n.

    • plant
      quercus, Genus Quercus.

Hypernym for Oak tree:

  • n.

    • plant
      cork oak, turkey oak, European Turkey Oak, black oak, scrub oak, Quercus Cerris, holly-leaved oak, Chinese Cork Oak, Quercus Velutina, Quercus Suber, Quercus Grosseserrata, pin oak, box white oak, Quercus Ellipsoidalis, Quercus Texana, Nuttall’s Oak, white oak, water oak, Quercus Imbricaria, Quercus Ilex, swamp oak, quercitron, Quercus Nuttalli, red oak, yellow oak, evergreen oak, northern pin oak, jack oak, chestnut oak, Quercus Laevis, Quercus Stellata, Quercitron Oak, Quercus Nigra, Quercus Laurifolia, Quercus Variabilis, American Turkey Oak, Quercus Coccinea, laurel oak, Quercus Phellos, Nuttall Oak, holm tree, Spanish Oak, Quercus Incana, scarlet oak, Quercus Kelloggii, post oak, live oak, brash oak, Overcup Oak, shingle oak, iron oak, holm oak, possum oak, Bluejack Oak, willow oak, Japanese Oak, Quercus Palustris, Quercus Mongolica, Quercus Lyrata, California Black Oak.

Hyponym for Oak tree:

  • n.

    • plant

Meronym for Oak tree:

  • n.

    • plant
      oak, acorn.

Word of the Day

narrowed down

calm down,
cut down,

Nearby words

  • oak fern
  • oak flooring
  • oak leaf
  • Oak Leaf Cluster
  • oak tag
  • Oak tree
  • (oh,) what a shame
  • (oneself to)
  • …only to do something
  • …or bust
  • …or something (like that)


  • OAK TREE synonyms at
  • OAK TREE synonyms and antonyms — Merriam-Webster dictionary
    — OAK TREE synonyms
  • Collins Dictionary — synonyms of OAK TREE
  • YourDictionary
    — another words for OAK TREE

  • Defenition of the word oak tree

    • Any tree of the genus Quercus in the order Fagales, characterized by simple, usually lobed leaves, scaly winter buds, a star-shaped pith, and its fruit, the acorn, which is a nut; the wood is tough, hard, and durable, generally having a distinct pattern.
    • a deciduous tree of the genus Quercus; has acorns and lobed leaves; «great oaks grow from little acorns»
    • a deciduous tree of the genus Quercus; has acorns and lobed leaves

Synonyms for the word oak tree

    • oak

Meronymys for the word oak tree

    • acorn
    • genus Quercus
    • oak
    • Quercus

Hyponyms for the word oak tree

    • American turkey oak
    • black oak
    • bluejack oak
    • box white oak
    • brash oak
    • California black oak
    • chestnut oak
    • Chinese cork oak
    • cork oak
    • European turkey oak
    • evergreen oak
    • holly-leaved oak
    • holm oak
    • holm tree
    • iron oak
    • jack oak
    • Japanese oak
    • laurel oak
    • live oak
    • northern pin oak
    • Nuttall oak
    • Nuttall’s oak
    • overcup oak
    • pin oak
    • possum oak
    • post oak
    • quercitron
    • quercitron oak
    • Quercus cerris
    • Quercus coccinea
    • Quercus ellipsoidalis
    • Quercus grosseserrata
    • Quercus ilex
    • Quercus imbricaria
    • Quercus incana
    • Quercus kelloggii
    • Quercus laevis
    • Quercus laurifolia
    • Quercus lyrata
    • Quercus mongolica
    • Quercus nigra
    • Quercus nuttalli
    • Quercus palustris
    • Quercus phellos
    • Quercus stellata
    • Quercus suber
    • Quercus texana
    • Quercus variabilis
    • Quercus velutina
    • red oak
    • scarlet oak
    • scrub oak
    • shingle oak
    • Spanish oak
    • swamp oak
    • turkey oak
    • water oak
    • white oak
    • willow oak
    • yellow oak

Hypernyms for the word oak tree

    • tree

See other words

    • What is nutriment
    • The definition of nutrigenomics
    • The interpretation of the word nutrient removal
    • What is meant by nutrient medium
    • The lexical meaning nutrient cycle
    • The dictionary meaning of the word nutrient content
    • The grammatical meaning of the word nutrient
    • Meaning of the word nutmeg
    • Literal and figurative meaning of the word nutcracker
    • The origin of the word oak wood
    • Synonym for the word oaken
    • Antonyms for the word oarfish
    • Homonyms for the word oarsmanship
    • Hyponyms for the word oasis
    • Holonyms for the word oat bran
    • Hypernyms for the word obeast
    • Proverbs and sayings for the word obelisk
    • Translation of the word in other languages obelus

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