The word transparent in a sentence

transparent — перевод на русский


The beautiful transparent angel won’t give its last!

Прекрасный, прозрачный ангел не хочет расставаться с душой!

You are no longer inaccessible, the limpid, the transparent one.

Ты уже не тот, прежний — недоступный, ясный, прозрачный.

I’m not transparent.

Я не прозрачный.

— If I had transparent aluminium…

— Обычно я использую прозрачный алюминий…

Transparent aluminium?

Прозрачный алюминий?

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The one time he did lie, he was… completely transparent;

Единственный раз, когда он врал, это было.. совершенно очевидно. Вы должны были это видеть.

— You’re transparent when deflecting.

А когда ты пытаешься уйти от ответа, все становится очевидно.

An overt show of weakness is transparent.

Если слишком явно показывать свою слабость, это будет очевидно.

You’re so transparent.

Это очевидно.

It’s pretty transparent.

Это довольно очевидно.

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Agent Dunham, If I’m not always completely transparent with you, There’s a reason.

Агент Данэм, если я с вами не до конца откровенен, тому есть причина.

I apologize for being so transparent.

Прости за то что был так откровенен.

As I was saying, I don’t want my symptoms to be a distraction, but I have to tell you that they do intensify when I become perplexed, and I’m-I’m just, I’m really transparent that way.

Как я говорил, я не хочу, чтобы мои симптомы отвлекали внимание, но я должен сказать вам, что они усиливаются, когда меня сбивают с толку, и я.. просто я откровенен про это.

I feel I’ve been pretty transparent.

Думаю, я был достаточно откровенен.

I’m just going to be honest, transparent.

Я просто буду честен и откровенен.

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So we must make all our effort swift and transparent.

Поэтому расследование следует провести быстро и открыто.

We’re transparent, Eddie.

Мы действуем открыто, Эдди.

I thought it was a good idea-— you guys being seen together, working lunch, transparent.

Я думал, что это хорошая идея, что вас увидят вместе за рабочим обедом, всё открыто.

lively and transparent.

живой и открытой.

The judiciary system wasn’t as transparent back then

Судебная система в то время была не такой открытой.

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Your bearded son is just as transparent as when he was a little boy of 9.

Твоего взрослого сына видно насквозь, как в девять лет.

It wouldn’t change much, You’re so transparent,

Не в том смысле, что разница будет столь заметна, ведь тебя видно насквозь

You are so transparent, Eli.

Вас видно насквозь, Илай.

the guy’s transparent.

Его же видно насквозь.

Everyone knows; the guy’s transparent.

— Все понимают: его же видно насквозь.

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Transparent toadying.

Явная лесть.

It was a transparent reference to a sexual act.

Это была явная отсылка к изображению полового акта.

This is a transparent attempt at intimidation, nothing more.

Это явная попытка запугать. Больше ничего.

Isn’t putting his picture on your desk a little transparent?

Поставишь его фото на свой стол. Не слишком ли это явно?

I prefer things which are a little more transparently attractive.

Я предпочитаю более явно привлекательные вещи.

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tough, transparent, rigid ect.

Мощь, прозрачность, жёсткость. И так далее.

Although there will be some aspects of this trial that are different, these proceedings remain very much open and transparent in the best tradition of the Australian Judicial System.

Хотя в некоторых аспектах этот суд действительно отличается, эти процедуры сохраняют открытость и прозрачность в лучших традициях юридической системы Австралии.

You will have observed the open and transparent nature of the trial, and much of the prosecution’s case is conjecture.

Вы должны были заметить открытость и прозрачность процесса, а также то, что обвинение в основном базируется на гипотезе.

Transparent bodies depend so much upon what is opposed to them, having no colour, that they take every one offered.

Прозрачность тел очень сильно зависит от того, что находится напротив них. Это не имеет цвета, который, как предполагается, есть у всего.

I know, who’d have thought transparent government would take up so much of your field of vision?

Кто бы мог подумать, что для придания правительству прозрачности понадобится так много вашего труда?

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Isn’t it a bit transparent?

Она немного просвечивает?

It’s transparent.

Он просвечивает.

Is it too transparent for you?

Тебя что, беспокоит, что просвечивает? Ладно, я застегну пуговицы.

I won’t see her until a fortnight on Friday, when my sweet little weasel appears at the station in her strappy blue dress.» In brackets: «The one you think is too transparent.»

«Жизнь снова будет иметь смысл 15-го числа, …когда моя любимая киска встретит меня на платформе в голубом платье на бретельках, …которое, по-твоему, слишком просвечивает…» Ну, всё такое… «Целую.»

I am a bit transparent here.

Все-таки я немного просвечиваю…

Отправить комментарий

прозрачный, понятный, ясный, просвечивающий, явный, очевидный, откровенный


- прозрачный, просвечивающий

transparent glass [air] — прозрачное стекло [-ый воздух]
transparent colour — а) прозрачная краска; б) бесцветный лак
transparent silk [muslin] — прозрачный шёлк [муслин]
her skin was so thin as to look almost transparent — кожа у неё была такая тонкая, что казалась почти прозрачной

- проницаемый
- явный, очевидный

transparent lie — явная ложь
a man of transparent honesty [sincerity] — явно честный [искренний] человек
transparent pretence — прозрачная отговорка

- откровенный

transparent answer — откровенный ответ

- открытый, честный

the child’s transparent countenance — открытое лицо ребёнка

- ясный, понятный

a writer with a transparent style — писатель, обладающий ясным стилем

- неглубокий, несложный

transparent writings — неглубокие сочинения

- арх. пронизывающий (о лучах солнца и т. п.)

Мои примеры


transparent silk — прозрачный шёлк  
transparent bulb — прозрачная колба лампы  
transparent container — прозрачная тара  
transparent enamel — прозрачная эмаль  
transparent film — прозрачная плёнка  
transparent glass — прозрачное стекло  
transparent lacquer — бесцветный лак  
transparent artifice — явная фальшь  
transparent style — ясный стиль  
transparent samples — прозрачные образцы  

Примеры с переводом

The way the system works will be transparent to the user.

Принцип работы системы будет понятен пользователю.

…bottles of blue transparent glass…

…бутылки из голубого прозрачного стекла…

The solvent of the iodine is perfectly transparent.

Растворитель йода совершенно прозрачен.

A layer of transparent material is sandwiched between the pieces of glass.

Между этими кусками стекла зажат кусок прозрачного материала.

His meaning in leaving the conversation is transparent: he doesn’t want to talk about his combat experiences.

Смысл его ухода из разговора очевиден: он не хочет говорить о своем боевом опыте.

Возможные однокоренные слова

transparently  — прозрачно, просвечивая, явно, очевидно, откровенно, искренне

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word transparent, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use transparent in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «transparent». In addition, we also show how different variations of transparent can be used, the variations for which we also have example sentences are transparently. If you click on the variation of transparent that you are interested in, you will be taken to the list of example sentences for that particular form.

Transparent in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word transparent in a sentence.

  1. GameSpot found the system transparent and sensible.

  2. The bubbles disappear and the ice becomes more transparent.

  3. He settled on something liquid and transparent and created Chaos.

  4. The Earth’s atmosphere is nearly transparent to radio between 5 MHz and 30 GHz.

  5. Triton’s surface is covered with a transparent layer of annealed frozen nitrogen.

  6. Two monkeys were put on opposite sides of a transparent apparatus containing food.

  7. Christ is naked except for a transparent veil, with some of his pubic hair visible.

  8. Large, clear and transparent single-crystal diamonds are typically used as gemstones.

  9. She delivered what her doctor John Clarke described as a handful of transparent grapes.

  10. This is the layer at which the plasma of the star becomes transparent to photons of light.

  11. It is seen under a dark, transparent sky as a hazy patch in the north of the constellation.

  12. She wears a gold or brown velvet dress, and a long hennin, from which hangs a transparent veil.

  13. The spore print is whitish, with transparent spores that are elliptical and 17–22 μm in length.

  14. Glazes of oil pigment were then added, which allowed for subtle and transparent tonal gradations.

  15. In this technique, a canvas of the painting is contracted inside a transparent perspex sculpture.

  16. The elongate body is partly transparent and pale yellow or olive with a silver operculum and belly.

  17. Most marine teleosts have pelagic eggs, which are light, transparent and buoyant with thin envelopes.

  18. When moist, the cap is somewhat transparent so that the outlines of the gills may be seen as striations.

  19. Earth’s atmosphere is transparent to sunlight, so sunlight reaches the surface where it is converted to heat.

  20. The side-by-side configuration seating is enclosed under a bubble canopy which has transparent access panels.

  21. His body is naked except for a sheer and transparent loincloth that only just covers his thighs and buttocks.

  22. The wings are transparent with black or brown veins and a brown-black patch at the base of apical cells 2 and 3.

  23. This type of behaviour is generally microscopically true of all transparent media which «slow» the speed of light.

  24. In comparison with Halo 2’s tight-lipped development, Bungie was more transparent about the process for Halo 3.

  25. He wrote the opera in a folk-like melodic idiom, and scored it in a transparent manner much in the style of Glinka.

  26. The Pig-faced Lady wears a transparent veil and plays «Air Swinish Multitude, set to music by Grunt Esq» on a piano.

  27. The fountain is composed of a black granite reflecting pool placed between a pair of transparent glass brick towers.

  28. A clear, flawless, transparent diamond is completely converted to carbon dioxide; any impurities will be left as ash.

  29. The transparent spores are globular to egg-shaped, measure 8–10 μm (0.3–0.4 mil) long, and stain blue with iodine.

  30. Meanwhile, Scott, McCoy, and Sulu trade the formula of transparent aluminium for the materials needed for the whale tank.

  31. In transparent materials, the refractive index generally is greater than 1, meaning that the phase velocity is less than c.

  32. Frogs have three eyelid membranes: one is transparent to protect the eyes underwater, and two vary from translucent to opaque.

  33. Ghost data, transparent re-enactments of the player’s Time Attack performances, can be saved on memory cards to later race against.

  34. Sylvester makes a further direct link between the folds and the transparent veil in Titian’s Portrait of Cardinal Filippo Archinto.

  35. The style consists of a transparent glycoprotein rod which is continuously formed in a cilia-lined sac and extends into the stomach.

  36. The buff-coloured hennin headdress is draped with a large transparent veil, which spills over her shoulders, reaching her upper arms.

  37. However, the atmosphere is not transparent to heat radiating from the surface, and captures some of that heat which warms the planet.

  38. Photons produced in this layer escape the Sun through the transparent solar atmosphere above it and become solar radiation, sunlight.

  39. Kalman Rubinson of Stereophile commended the ensemble, PentaTone and Soundmirror for providing «spacious, transparent, powerful sound».

  40. Her lips are painted with a shades of vermilion, white and red which are mixed into each other to give a transparent look at the edges.

  41. The red waxy tips are the extended and flattened ends of feather shafts, pigmented with astaxanthin and enclosed in a transparent sheath.

  42. Traditionally, pearls represent purity, and a transparent veil signifies virtue, while red carnations were often used as symbols of love.

  43. The woman below him lies within a semicylindrical transparent shield, while her mouth is sealed, devices implying that she bears a secret.

  44. In 851 the Arab merchant Sulaiman al-Tajir observed the manufacturing of Chinese porcelain in Guangzhou and admired its transparent quality.

  45. What followed is a period known as recombination, when neutral atoms were formed and the expanding universe became transparent to radiation.

  46. At room temperature, pure β-hydroxy β-methylbutyric acid occurs as a transparent, colorless to light yellow liquid which is soluble in water.

  47. The seasonal frosting of areas near the southern ice cap results in the formation of transparent 1-metre-thick slabs of dry ice above the ground.

  48. Hery Rajaonarimampianina was declared the winner of the 2013 presidential election, which the international community deemed fair and transparent.

  49. Brown announced in Louis Riel #7 a recall of the first 600 copies of the edition, citing that the paper it was printed on was too transparent.

  50. He seemingly rejected some aspects of van Eyckian realism, notably in his depictions of shadows, and his unwillingness to apply transparent glazes.

Transparently in a sentence

Transparently is a variation of transparent, below you can find example sentences for transparently.

  1. This model allows processes on one compute node to transparently access the remote memory of another compute node.

  2. Brong esã, Ga etɛ), whereas the Nafaanra form táárɛ is transparently related to the forms found in the other (non-Kwa) Senufo languages (e.g.

Synonyms for transparent

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word transparent has the following synonyms: crystalline, crystal clear, limpid, lucid, pellucid, clear, diaphanous, filmy, gauzy, gauze-like, gossamer, see-through, sheer, vaporous, vapourous, cobwebby, thin, guileless, straight, square and obvious.

General information about «transparent» example sentences

The example sentences for the word transparent that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «transparent» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «transparent».

What does the word transparent mean?

According to Collins English Dictionary and the American Heritage Unabridged Dictionary of the English Language, the word transparent is an adjective that means clear, or able to be seen through. This term can be used literally or figuratively to refer to the passage of light rays, when light passes through an object like mesh or clear plastic. Transparent can also be used figuratively to mean easily understood or comprehended. Transparent is three syllables – trans-par-ent, and the pronunciation of transparent is trænspɛər-ənt. The suffixes ly and cy can be added to the end of transparent to manifest the related word forms transparently (adv.) and transparency (n.)

Many things can be transparent and have rays of light pass through them depending on light frequencies, or be easily understood. Someone can be transparent about their public scrutiny, have transparent excuses, a transparent lie, transparent eaters of the lake, a transparent explanation, transparent chiffon, transparent crystal, the transparent bottom of the limpid pool, the transparent gauzy clouds of dandelion, transparent lucid air, transparent vaporous silks, a transparent diaphanous veil, a transparent pellucid brook, the transparent filmy wings of a moth, transparent gossamer cobwebs, transparent cold crystalline water, transparent sheer silk stockings, transparent perspectives, a transparent attempt at honesty of Facebook and Twitter, transparent gauze, transparent self-evident insights of residents, and more. The first definition and second definition are both valid.

Many different languages also contain words that mean transparent. You may notice that many of these words look similar to the English translation of the English word meaning transparent. These are called cognates, which are words that look, sound, and mean similar things across different languages. These are often formed when two words or languages share a common origin or ancestral language, such as Latin or Greek. This list of translations of transparent is provided by Word Sense.

  •  Portuguese: transparente‎
  •  Lojban: klina‎
  •  Hebrew: שקוף‎ (shaqúf)
  •  Marathi: पारदर्शक‎, पारदर्शी‎, स्वच्छ‎, शुद्ध‎
  •  Georgian: გამჭვირვალე‎
  •  Mandarin: 透明‎ (tòumíng)
  •  Asturian: tresparente‎
  •  Hungarian: átlátszó‎
  •  German: durchsichtig‎, transparent‎
  •  Danish: transparent‎, gennemsigtig‎, klar‎
  •  Latvian: caurspīdīgs‎, caurredzams‎, transparents‎
  •  Japanese: 透明‎ (とうめい, tōmē)
  •  Finnish: läpinäkyvä‎
  •  Norman: transpathent‎
  •  Malay: lutsinar‎
  •  Spanish: transparente‎
  •  French: transparent‎
  •  Slovene: prozoren‎
  •  Gujarati: પારદર્શક‎
  •  Volapük: dulogamovik‎
  •  Hindi: पारदर्शक‎, पारदर्शी‎, स्वच्छ‎, शुद्ध‎
  •  Occitan: transparent‎
  •  Russian: прозра́чный‎
  •  Albanian: tejdukshëm‎
  •  Irish: gléineach‎, trédhearcach‎
  •  Galician: transparente‎
  •  Catalan: transparent‎
  •  Norwegian: gjennomsiktig‎, transparent‎
  •  Indonesian: tembus pandang‎, bening‎
  •  Swedish: transparent‎, genomskinlig‎
  •  Icelandic: gagnsær‎, gegnsær‎
  •  Polish: przezroczysty‎, przejrzysty‎
  •  Greek: διαφανής‎
  •  Armenian: թափանցիկ‎
  •  Czech: průhledný‎ (masc.)
  •  Esperanto: travidebla‎
  •  Dutch: doorzichtig‎, transparant‎
  •  Korean: 들여다보이다‎ (deul’yeodaboida)
  •  Maori: puata‎
  •  Scottish Gaelic: trìd-shoilleir‎, so-lèirsinneach‎
  •  Romanian: transparent‎ (masc.) (n), străveziu‎
  •  Italian: trasparente‎

What is the word origin of transparent?

According to Etymonline, the word transparent (trænˈspærənt) has been used since Late Middle English and comes from the Old French. It also stems from the Medieval Latin trānspārent which is the stem of trānspārēns/transpārens meaning “showing through.” This is the present participle of trānspārēre, present participle of transparere or present participle of transpāreō, and is equivalent to Latin trāns or trans and pārent, the stem of pārēns and present participle of pārēre. The Latin pārēre/parere means “to appear.”

What are synonyms and antonyms of transparent?

There are a vast collection of words that can be used in place of the word transparent. These are known as synonyms in natural sounding English. Synonyms are words and phrases that have the same meaning as another word or phrase. Synonyms are useful to know if you are trying to grow your vocabulary as well as if you are trying to avoid repeating yourself. This list of synonyms for the word transparent is provided by Power Thesaurus. 

  •  explicit
  •  overt
  •  crystalline
  •  crystal-clear
  •  hyaloid
  •  limpid
  •  noticeable
  •  blatant
  •  lightweight
  •  apparent
  •  sheer
  •  luminous
  •  fine
  •  gauze-like
  •  filmy
  •  guileless
  •  pellucid
  •  pure
  •  candid
  •  achromatic
  •  broad
  •  openly
  •  honest
  •  genuine
  •  glassy
  •  perspicuous
  •  thin
  •  undisguised
  •  clarity
  •  glaring
  •  gauzy
  •  luculent
  •  straightforward
  •  vitreous
  •  unambiguous
  •  open
  •  indisputable
  •  comprehensible
  •  clear-cut
  •  crystal clear
  •  unclouded
  •  unmistakable
  •  straight
  •  insubstantial
  •  cloudless
  •  diaphanous
  •  clear
  •  uncoloured
  •  flagrant
  •  vaporous
  •  perceptible
  •  see through
  •  bleached
  •  discernible
  •  clear cut
  •  frank
  •  clearer
  •  light
  •  transparency
  •  definite
  •  obvious
  •  articulate
  •  plain
  •  evident
  •  downright
  •  intelligible
  •  hyaline
  •  gossamery
  •  tangible
  •  visible
  •  barefaced
  •  lay it on the line
  •  patent
  •  unconcealed
  •  unequivocal
  •  conspicuous
  •  bare-faced
  •  understandable
  •  observable
  •  translucent
  •  lucent
  •  bright
  •  crystal
  •  manifest
  •  lucid
  •  delicate
  •  self-evident
  •  simple
  •  flimsy
  •  see-through
  •  coherent
  •  cobwebby
  •  transpicuous
  •  big as life
  •  ingenuous
  •  distinct
  •  direct
  •  palpable
  •  recognizable
  •  gossamer

There are also many different words that mean the opposite of the word transparent. These opposite words are called antonyms. Antonyms are also useful to know if you are trying to improve your vocabulary. This list of antonyms for the word transparent is also provided by Power Thesaurus. 

  •  open to dispute
  •  affected
  •  unapparent
  •  solid
  •  dull
  •  opaque
  •  incoherent
  •  indecipherable
  •  equivocal
  •  diplomatic
  •  designing
  •  answerable
  •  academical
  •  hazy
  •  thick
  •  cryptic
  •  hidden
  •  ambiguous
  •  unclear
  •  gloomy
  •  hard to comprehend
  •  bewildering
  •  impenetrable
  •  incomprehensible
  •  difficult to understand
  •  arcane
  •  difficult to comprehend
  •  inexact
  •  indistinct
  •  obscure
  •  indefinite
  •  illegible
  •  furtive
  •  hard to understand
  •  dark
  •  inscrutable
  •  sly
  •  muddy
  •  colored
  •  cloudy
  •  abstruse
  •  adopted
  •  imprecise
  •  indiscernible
  •  deep
  •  questionable
  •  academic
  •  vague
  •  mysterious
  •  swarthy

How can the word transparent be used in a sentence?

Using a word in a sentence is a great way to learn its definition. You could also try making flashcards or a quiz to test your knowledge of new lingo and new words. Try using this word of the day in a sentence today! Below are several different examples of using the word transparent in a sentence to help get you started.

Guile affixed the fine texture dresser with transparent hardware for a cool, funky look. The transparent material was made out of a type of plastic.

The visible light from the crystal clear skies passed through the transparent waters of the lake. 

There was a lack of subtlety in his transparent news report on language news and daily word facts. He discussed the etymology of photons. 

Overall, the word transparent (trăns-pâr-ent) means able to see through. It can also mean comprehensible.


  1. Transparent synonyms – 883 Words and Phrases for Transparent | Power Thesaurus 
  2. transparent: meaning, origin, translation | Word Sense
  3. Transparent antonyms – 523 Opposites of Transparent | Power Thesaurus 
  4. transparent | Origin and meaning of transparent | Online Etymology Dictionary 


Kevin Miller is a growth marketer with an extensive background in Search Engine Optimization, paid acquisition and email marketing. He is also an online editor and writer based out of Los Angeles, CA. He studied at Georgetown University, worked at Google and became infatuated with English Grammar and for years has been diving into the language, demystifying the do’s and don’ts for all who share the same passion! He can be found online here.

Use ‘transparent’ in a sentence | ‘transparent’ example sentences

1- The lower half is 100% transparent .

2- A transparent film is wrapped securely around the entire product container.

3- The entire process was open and transparent .

4- The environmental restoration program must be transparent .

5- The volume is rendered as transparent smoke.

6- White means opaque and black means transparent .

7- These efforts center around making the financial system more transparent .

8- Makes handle and guide lines slightly transparent .

9- Compensation among speakers or employees is rarely transparent .

10- The next hand worth mentioning was even more transparent .

11- Their pricing was both transparent and very competitive.

12- Screen readers ignore flash movies with window mode transparent .

13- The character table is now partially transparent .

14- It has both transparent and translucent varieties.

15- Being transparent has given me great solace.

16- Provides high network availability and transparent network topology changes.

17- That has made the relationship more transparent .

18- The transparent society offers a possible solution.

19- The protein crystals appear dark while the salt crystals are transparent .

20- My character has always been transparent and unambiguous.

21- The classification systems are freely available and transparent .

22- These materials are needed for applications requiring transparent armor.

23- Many marine animals such as jellyfish are highly transparent .

24- Many liquids and aqueous solutions are highly transparent .

25- A broad subsidy is less attributable and less transparent .

26- It was very risky being this transparent .

27- Your tactic is too transparent and juvenile .

28- I believed we were being fully transparent .

29- The chemical sink is transparent to isotopes .

30- The images are 21 x16 pixels with transparent backgrounds.

31- Even the plastic ballot boxes were transparent .

32- Can the poetry world become more transparent ?

33- By contrast, baby signs are more transparent .

34- Women’s shirts often had transparent sleeves.

35- The term ” transparent ” often gets misused, however.

36- Moshe was a humble and transparent secretary.

37- Can the lenders hypocrisy be anymore transparent .

38- Everything was done in a transparent procedure.

39- We have become more open and transparent .

40- Values of 0 or less are fully transparent . The wings of the insect are transparent so you can see all the veins running through them.

41- The skin of baby mice is so transparent that one can actually see the milk flowing into them as they nurse.

42- Georg Buchner once stated that government must be a transparent garment which tightly clings to the people’s body.

43- Because water is transparent, it allows enough sunlight to penetrate for plants to carry on photosynthesis.

44- pensionHaley said the way to deal with those instances is to be transparent.

45- You can’t talk about transparency if you’re not transparent, she said.

46- It also calls on countries to make their tax policies more transparent.

47- But this is the price of being transparent to the public,” Clemans said.

48- It’s about clear language contracts that are transparent, said Orazietti.

49- U.S. Defense Secretary Ash Carter promised a “transparent‘ investigation.”

50- Even in today’s transparent world, teams may sometimes try to cut corners.

More Sentences: 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 –
Related Words:
transnationals – transoceanic – transom – transoms – transpacific – transparencies – transparency – transparent – in a transparent manner – transparently – transpiration – transpirations – transpire – transpired – transpires –

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Definition of Transparent

see-through; clear

Examples of Transparent in a sentence

Bill could see Jan’s bra through her transparent blouse.


When I wrap gifts, I always use transparent tape because it does not distract from the cute wrapping.


The president vows to have a transparent government which will hide nothing from the public.


Because the windows were caked with mud, they were not transparent.


The principal scolded the student for wearing a transparent dress that revealed her entire body.


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· Store things in labeled or transparent containers

The computer he was using was connected to a transparent plastic box beside him

It was dim, there was a setting for how transparent each lens was to the outside world, as well as its optical magnification

It was pretty transparent in this dim light, but she could get something on it

His eyes were almost transparent and his hair was tangled

The blackness of the glass flickers before returning transparent

Despite years of neglect made visible by thin, almost transparent patches of rust and jaggedly flaking automotive paint, the front wing of the little Austin Metro barely flexed under heel

that her skin shifts in transparent waves,

They are as transparent as plastic wrap and will not impress

Where once a stout Edwardian family had warmed themselves by the great living room fire and eaten roast meats on Sundays in the capacious dining room, there now existed within these walls a selection of small private worlds inhabited by transparent people who warmed themselves next to two-bar electric fires, who shared bathrooms and cooked tinned meals on single ring electric cookers

street of the city was pure gold, as it were transparent glass

He takes a large transparent bowl out of his props box and puts it on the table

was slightly amused that his approach had been so transparent to

almost completely transparent, lending to the

was of gold, as pure as transparent

the transparent shower in the middle of the room, the

Bent over, her naked backside white, nearly transparent in the lamplight, she finally stopped rumMaging through the room

A uniformed doorman sat behind the counter, directing girls in transparent flowing robes who hurried by with trays of steaming food

First the elder child — her body transparent and ethereal, the beams of light from above slicing right through her

They were floating above him, facing her, transparent from his side and mathematically thin

She knelt down, touched him with a hand that was incredibly slender and completely transparent

«You’re just like her,» the man said, his naked form drawing nearer — his own pain transparent in his voice

They were transparent like a thin layer of mist, and though they had elven physiques, they were more like elven silhouettes than the real thing

This matter, because it is transparent, can remain invisible to the inexperienced and untrained eye and mind

within few fraction of a second of seconds it passes to the moist nearly transparent membranes of the lungs

The dullness of the rock’s surface glistened at once, its translucence became transparent, then crystalline, and became warmer in her hand

Orb kept some of her previous transparent, spherical form but in addition she was now vaguely cat-shaped and had sprouted a tail

He yearned just to smash the transparent container and destroy its occupant

On the floor, woven into the carpet, were long, transparent light-conducting tubes

The transparent material contoured itself to Alistair’s head

The walls of the house started to shine and fluoresce becoming transparent

Suffice to say, no one can suppress his conscience, at this stage, for everything will be transparent

Victoria strengthened her resolve and told herself to stop being transparent

Walking right up close to the thick glass, Jim could not help but marvel, as always, at how not much more than three centimetres of transparent material protected him from certain death in the nothingness beyond

The underside transparent as the ship appeared to any outside observer, and for a while disconcertingly vertiginous, like actually being suspended in space

The only fortunate thing was to have landed upright, still encased in the transparent life-support box with its adjoining nutrient/blood supply capsule

Staring down into the still and transparent sea

A crack of thunder broke the air, and then twin bolts of lightning flared in the distance, the pale blue glow transparent through the roof and wall of the tent

The shields appeared as a transparent glow of blue-white liquid fire though they were mostly formed of Air

(a transparent bubble with a green tint – so you can see her inside of the bubble)

there along the way there were alcoves carved into the walls, their transparent plaz coverings in

This is the message Republicans should be sending; rather than engaging in awkward, half-hearted overtures that are oftentimes perceived as transparent and insincere

What‘s next on the agenda, proposed Statehood for The District of Columbia that will further increase the number of Democratic seats in both houses of Congress on the chance of attracting potential African American voters? This bill is without question a lose/lose proposition for the Republican Party which would better serve its (own) political interests and the interests of the nation by attracting party support on the quality of its (own) party principles rather than its transparent pandering for problematical votes

Carter‘s endlessly quixotic ―peacekeeping‖ overtures to autocratic regimes throughout the Third World in a transparent attempt at redeeming his failed presidency; this is not to imply, however, that our ex-president does not (otherwise) share a certain sympathy with such leaders as evidenced by his fawning indifference to human and civil rights abuses routinely evident in many of those countries

This sporting pogrom is another transparent attempt engineered by Feminists (men and women alike) who are hoping to advance a unisexual agenda aimed at feminizing robust young boys and transforming them into

I am referring to his allusion to dunking basketballs and running one hundred yard dashes that seemed rather transparent if not racist

O‘Connor (privately) subscribes to the archaic notions oftentimes conveyed to his readers, his transparent agendum however, apparent to those properly schooled in divisive matters, must continue to sow confusion and reap resentment among the uninitiated and other individuals who are otherwise straddling the fence; whose (own) imbedded impressions about Race continue to color their thinking

Americans on both sides of the political aisle who simply regard this bill as a transparent attempt at extending blanket amnesty to millions of ―undocumented‖ aliens who routinely flaunt our nation‘s laws without apparent consequence

He announced his election bid in Philadelphia, Mississippi, the site of the murder of three civil rights volunteers by the KKK, in a transparent attempt to court racist voters

Lifting it to the light, she could see it was opaque, yet almost transparent

But even more enchanting was the presence of a glowing green-blue dragonfly, its impressive transparent wings stilled, clinging to the top of the bloom

According to the written instructions in the shiny transparent bag, the thing was to release the button to stick to any surface, and you could lock yourself in place as well

What really must have bothered him though was finding out that, in the end, he seemed completely transparent

The stones in front of him became somewhat transparent, letting only some of the light through

It was a good sign that his brother was now more open to him, almost transparent for all to see

A shadowy bubble seemed to shimmer around them for a while, before it turned completely transparent

He instinctively yelled at the machine and went for the transparent closet, trying to find a knob or handle to no avail:

Then, the other door pane turned transparent and the same greenish hue was emitted from within

The operation occurs in a transparent way to the users with total reliability and free market

This does with that the process is transparent, without there to be the people’s anonymity and of the products or generated services

Everything occurs in a transparent and democratic way to maintain the reliability and safety of the data with its access

Children are much more transparent than we adults

The new Usuarist Project style allows everything to be documented and presented in a transparent way, without anything is forgotten

There the pipes are transparent

Every computational process is rapid and transparent to the users

When he looked at himself, he was transparent and twinkling, but when he

When we engage in conversation with others, we do not have to evaluate their intentions, because they are transparent

Her pupils could still be seen-right slitted, left split-but even they were clouded with white, her irises almost transparent

Second, you must be honest with yourself without being transparent to a fault to the World

The transparent panel was the only

pressed curiously against the transparent shell as he gazed

I have shared this with you because Jesus was completely transparent and I would like to be as well

transparent capsules that had earlier been gnawing and scraping

“He has been cooperative,” I said, hoping my good cop role would not be too transparent

There’s a stark contrast between his two eyes, his blind eye is white and transparent like a crystal, while his seeing eye is black

The ice cold demeanour of his aunt and the atmosphere surrounding us had become unmistakably transparent to him as the night had continued to plummet in a southward direction, hard

I also told myself that those bloodless and transparent vixens deserved to be

What a load of wishy!!! Marilee is as transparent, as the see throughs she wears, and she has no hope in hell of covering that one or ever seeing her as she really is

impure mind is opaque to truth; the pure mind is transparent

It was annoying how transparent I was to him

• Be transparent – have a two-way dialogue in which you should be

it should have been) then be upfront and transparent to the other

Do this in a transparent manner so you receive the

wasn’t a great as it should have been) then be upfront and transparent to the other

this in a transparent manner so you receive the credit where this is due

Was he guessing? How could he possibly know that? Was she that transparent? Without moving her head, her eyes shifted to the left to see a muscle twitching in Gabriel’s jaw

to have transparent elevators on the very outer

If an ‘Appropriation’ is worthy, Congress will pass it; if on the other hand, its just another Congressmen way of enriching himself it will become transparent and if voted in, all

All the great leaders of the Bible were transparent in their dealings with their followers

Being transparent means you do not have to explain away awkward situations and occurrences

As Leader, He was always transparent, letting each and every one of His followers know exactly where they were headed, and not only on their ministry travels around the country, but also spiritually and physically, even if it was to lead to death

transparent capable only data

“I’m surprised that I can hear you, since I’m transparent to most magic

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