The word tradition in a sentence

Synonym: custom, folklore, long, usage. Similar words: traditional, traditionally, radiation, edition, addition, condition, expedition, conditions. Meaning: [trə’dɪʃn]  n. 1. an inherited pattern of thought or action 2. a specific practice of long standing. 

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1. The college is steeped in history/tradition.

2. By tradition, people play practical jokes on 1 April.

3. This region has a great sporting tradition.

4. The custom will never receive the sanction of tradition.

5. In keeping with tradition(, everyone wore black.

6. Local people have decided to revive this centuries-old tradition.

7. The origins of the tradition have become obscure.

8. The university has a long tradition of supporting the arts.

9. It’s a tradition that dates back at least a thousand years.

10. It is a tradition that the young look after the old in their family.

11. Fireworks have long been an American tradition on the Fourth of July.

12. Do not be led by reports, or tradition, or hearsay.

13. Mary has carried on the family tradition of giving away plants.

14. In keeping with tradition, they always have turkey on Christmas Day.

15. We came from the English tradition of not being demonstrative.

16. Tradition and culture are often at variance with the needs of modern living.

17. We decided to break with tradition and not spend Christmas with our family.

18. The heroic deeds of him embodied the glorious tradition of the troops.

19. Tradition is not to be messed about.

20. In the Christian tradition, God is made flesh .

21. Each country has its own indigenous cultural tradition.

22. Both communities have a tradition of keeping history alive.

23. This tradition dates back to medieval times.

24. Our children will carry this tradition on after us.

25. This tradition has no parallel in our culture.

26. Both brothers followed the family tradition and became doctors.

27. He’s a politician in the tradition of Kennedy.

28. In France there was a long tradition of anarcho-syndicalism.

29. This tradition dates back over 200 years.

30. They broke with tradition and got married quietly.

More similar words: traditional, traditionally, radiation, edition, addition, condition, expedition, conditions, additional, in addition, in addition to, transition, trading, graduation, position, munitions, coalition, composition, exhibition, opposition, definition, practitioner, recognition, acquisition, attraction, translation, transaction, frustration, transformation, concentration. 

“I am continuing that tradition.”
— Я продолжают эту традицию».

This tradition arose in China.
Эта традиция зародилась в Китае.

This is a Turkish tradition.
Это турецкая традиция.

Faith versus tradition in Islam
сравнение веры и традиций в исламе.

We must have respect for tradition.
Мы должны уважать традиции.

Russia decided to support this tradition.
Россия решила поддержать эту традицию.

It’s a Big Bear tradition.
Это наша традиция.

Tradition can only be countered by creativity.
Традиции можно противостоять только путем творческого подхода.

And there are strengths in Islamic tradition.
И в исламской традиции есть сильные стороны.

And cranberry sauce, our little Thanksgiving tradition.
И клюквенный соус, наша традиция.

He too is reinventing the miniature tradition.
Он тоже переосмысляет традиции индийских миниатюр.

Germany has a strong tradition of research.
У Германии устоявшаяся традиция проведения исследований.

Democratic politicians have a populist tradition, too.
У демократических политиков также есть популистские традиции.

Prayer and fasting is a Christian tradition
Молитва и пост – это христианская традиция».

Indeed, the Gaullist tradition ends with him.
В действительности, традиция принципов Шарля де Голля на нем обрывается.

In Russia, this tradition has a long history.
В России у такой традиции — давняя история.

He dreamed I would carry on the tradition.
Он мечтал, что я продолжу традицию.

So that’s a sort of a tradition.
Так что это что-то вроде традиции.

You’re carrying on a proud family tradition.
Ты продолжаешь славную семейную традицию.

That was a tradition I wanted to follow.
Была такая традиция и ей я хотел следовать.


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tradition — перевод на русский


Yes, but it is the family tradition.

Но это семейная традиция.

The oldest tradition of any American service.

Старейшая традиция американской службы.

If human sacrifice is their tradition, let them get on with it.

Если человеческое жертвоприношение их традиция, пусть они сделают так.

Human sacrifice is their tradition — their religion!

Человеческие жертвоприношения — их традиция. Их религия!

Almost a tradition, in fact that the family of Caesar want to murder each other.

Почти традиция, фактически, когда в семье Кесаря хотят убить друг друга.

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It’s a local tradition.

Хо…это здесь такой обычай!

It’s the tradition!


Tradition is necessary when people live in darkness.

Обычай нужен, пока народ темный. А мы народ учить будем.

A beautiful tradition.

О, черт, красивый обычай.

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Named the best in the bunch by Chocolatiere Monthly, our new, gigantically good chocolate bars are the latest in a long-standing Walpert Chocolate tradition of award-winning confections.

Ежемесячник Шоколатье назвал лучшим в сети наши новые, гигантски хорошие шоколадные батончики. они являются последними из оставшихся в Шоколаде Волперта традиционно победителями среди кондитерских изделий.

Tradition calls for 24 hours for public visitation.

Традиционно выделяются сутки, чтобы народ попрощался.

Yeah, well, apparently dancing with your two moms is not exactly quince tradition, so… just roll with the punches.

Да, по-видимому танцевать с 2мя мамами не совсем традиционно, так что.. возьми удар на себя.

I think it’s only right to doff my cap to tradition, and go through the formality of obtaining your blessing to take Fidelma’s hand in marriage.

Я подумал, что будет правильно поступить традиционно, и попросить вас о формальном благословении нашего с Фидельмой супружества.

But keeping up tradition, I see.

Полагаю, это традиционно.

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Maximum security’s like a family tradition.

Тюрьма строгого режима — наша семейная традиция.

— We do it every year, part of the family tradition.

Мы делаем это каждый год. Это наша семейная традиция.

In fact, it’s kind of a family tradition.

На самом деле это как бы наша семейная традиция.

— It was his family’s tradition, going around stealing-

— Это была семейная традиция… воровство…

OK, it’s a long tradition in my family.

Ну да, давняя семейная традиция.

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Because your parents say so, and it’s tradition.

— Затем, что родители говорят, и затем, что так принято.

We’ll marry in front of a rabbi. And you’ll smash the glass, as dictated by tradition.

Нас поженит раввин в синагоге, и у нас будет хупа, как это принято.

It’s kryptonian tradition to pass it on to the firstborn son when he comes of age.

На Криптоне было принято передавать его первенцу, когда он достигал совершеннолетия.

There used to be a tradition in Wales of honoring your guests.

В Уэльсе принято почитать гостей.

That’s tradition.

Так принято, дочь моя.

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Tradition says that Siddhartha sat under his bodhi tree for 49 days and 49 nights, right here.

Предание гласит, что Сиддхартха сидел под деревом бодхи 49 дней и ночей в этом месте.


Единственными, кто понимал древнее Предание, были священники и они могли читать Писание.

It’s oral tradition.

Устное предание.

Tradition says those who indulge in love marriage..

Предание гласит,что тот,кто вступает в брак по любви,

I walked on further past the row of lions, and the row of phalli… till I reached a small sacred place, the birthplace of Apollo according to tradition.

Я последовал за ним за терассу львов, за мраморньй фаллос до тайного места, где, по преданию, родился Аполлон.

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They have, of course, bearded ladies you’ve mentioned, there’s been a long tradition of those.

У них были бородатые женщины, как вы верно подметили — это была старая традиция.

It is a great tradition.

Это старая традиция.

It’s an oral tradition saying that this is the place.

— Это старая традиция, которая утверждает, что это то самое место.

-By ancient tradition, your guards control the gold mines and the routes to the surface.

По старой традиции, ваша охрана контролировала рудники на пути к поверхности

We have an old tradition to maintain.

Мы поддержали его по старой традиции.

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I guess we have a new tradition here:

ѕолагаю, у нас нова€ традици€:

Okay, I defy you with a very simple empirical, in the best Anglo-Saxon tradition, question.

‘орошо, € бросаю вам вызов очень простым эмпирическим, в лучших јнгло-—аксонских традици€х, вопросом.

It’s a tradition.

Ёто традици€.

And this 1300-year old tradition is now practiced mostly to entertain tourists

» эта 1300-летн€€ стара€ традици€ теперь осуществлен главным образом, чтобы развлечь туристов

It’s a time-honoured tradition, sir, and it must sit on the postmaster’s head.

Ёто стара€ традици€, сэр, и она должна сидеть на голове ѕочтмейстера.

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— It’s a big tradition.

Это давняя традиция.

She also likes us to watch Adult Swim. It’s kind of a tradition.

А ещё мы ночью смотрим мультфильмы.Это давняя традиция.

It is great tradition of sitting, standing, rolling over.

Это давняя традиция — сидеть, стоять и перекатываться.

Here, there’s a very strong tradition of lace-making.

Здесь существует давняя традиция плетения кружева.

They were right then, they remain right today… and my client’s discharge was unlawful as well as in violation… of our time-honored tradition of separating church and state.

Они были правы тогда, правы и сегодня, и увольнение моей клиентки было незаконным, как и осквернение нашей давней традиции отделения церкви от государства.

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Такова традиция.

It’s a tradition.

Такова традиция.

— It’s a tradition.

— Правда? — Такова традиция.

That is the tradition.

Такова традиция.

I don’t care what you believe in… that’s the tradition.

Мне все равно, верите вы или нет… такова традиция.

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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word tradition, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use tradition in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «tradition». In addition, we also show how different variations of tradition can be used, the variations for which we also have example sentences are tradition’s, traditions and traditions’. If you click on the variation of tradition that you are interested in, you will be taken to the list of example sentences for that particular form.

Tradition in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word tradition in a sentence.

  1. CMLL carries on this tradition.

  2. Manitoba has a strong literary tradition.

  3. This tradition was maintained until 1936.

  4. There are variants within this tradition.

  5. In this tradition, Reger’s 1915 Requiem, Op.

  6. The All-Star Game remains an annual tradition.

  7. The city has a tradition of political activism.

  8. Oral tradition and records of the Archdiocese of St.

  9. However, Goya’s painting departs from this tradition.

  10. Stucley based his claim on the tradition of courtesy.

  11. The other tradition depicts Horus and Set as brothers.

  12. This tradition continued late into the Romantic period.

  13. They probably represent a fused tradition of European and Mediterranean cultures.

  14. In Egyptian tradition, the world includes the earth, the sky, and the underworld.

  15. The runestone tradition probably died out before 1100, and at the latest by 1125.

  16. The Breves causae and Argumenta belong to a pre-Vulgate tradition of manuscripts.

  17. Beginning with «Cartman Gets an Anal Probe», South Park builds on this tradition.

  18. Selfe may have lost a battle but before long, the liberal arts tradition faced still greater defeats.

  19. South Asia has an ancient tradition of art, which has exchanged influences with the parts of Eurasia.

  20. According to tradition, Phát had to pay the corps commander a courtesy visit before assuming control.

  21. In Jarman’s version, Edward finally escapes captivity, following the tradition in the Fieschi letter.

  22. Driven by an Enlightenment belief in progress, she derides Burke for relying on tradition and custom.

  23. In the Harry Potter universe, Schoeffer claims, «the entire intuitive tradition of fortune-telling ..

  24. The tradition of stealing the ‘T’ from Tech Tower has inspired copycat crimes involving other signage.

  25. Of Holst’s impact on Morley College, Vaughan Williams wrote: «[A] bad tradition had to be broken down.

  26. After Olivier’s death, Gielgud reflected, «He followed in the theatrical tradition of Kean and Irving.

  27. Civilian control of the military is an American tradition dating back to the founding of the republic.

  28. The same ideology of kingship may lie behind a tradition, found in a few texts, that Horus raped Isis.

  29. Among the influences on his style of composition were Polish folk music, the classical tradition of J.

  30. Fielding’s purpose in relying on the farce tradition was specifically to criticise society as a whole.

  31. His teachings on personal holiness bore a resemblance to doctrines of the Wesleyan Holiness tradition.

  32. In another break from tradition, Bonnet paid his crew wages, not shares of plunder as most pirates did.

  33. However, Carus’ articles placed Friedrich firmly in his time, and did not place the artist within a continuing tradition.

  34. Another hallmark of Achebe’s style is the use of proverbs, which often illustrate the values of the rural Igbo tradition.

  35. Forged charters preserve a tradition of Eadbald ruling during his father’s reign, presumably as a subking over west Kent.

  36. The first recorded occurrence of the event was in 1795, although the tradition may be older; it continued into the 1830s.

  37. Mercia had a long tradition of venerating royal saints and this was enthusiastically supported by Æthelred and Æthelflæd.

  38. The origins of the hoodening tradition, and the original derivation of the term hooden, remain subject to academic debate.

  39. This was the first time it had been performed at an FA Cup final, but it became a tradition to sing it before every final.

  40. The Taoist tradition of Chinese alchemy, for example, emphasized health (with the ultimate goal being the elixir of life).

  41. This weapon seems to be cannon and gun of Ottoman tradition, for example the prangi, which is a breech-loading swivel gun.

  42. According to Burton Fisher, Puccini and Forzano borrowed heavily from the commedia dell’arte tradition in Gianni Schicchi.

  43. However, there is no homeland likely to have had a tradition of writing in Polynesia or even in South America Thus rongorongo appears to have been an internal development.

  44. He also thought it noteworthy that they described the tradition using the past tense, indicating that they considered it to be either dead or dying at the time of writing.

  45. I can’t wait to get there and see it.» Several students jumped nude into the duck pond behind ASU’s dining hall, a campus tradition for celebrating big football victories.

  46. For all their religious connotations, the emperors were not «gods» in the tradition of the Imperial cult although they may have been hailed as such in Imperial panegyrics.

  47. The whole tone and octatonic scales were both considered adventurous in the Western classical tradition, and Rimsky-Korsakov’s use of them made his harmonies seem radical.

Tradition’s in a sentence

Tradition’s is a variation of tradition, below you can find example sentences for tradition’s.

  1. Given this pronunciation, Cawte suggested that oodening was a better spelling for the tradition’s name.

  2. Maylam also noted that none of the hoodeners with whom he communicated were aware of the etymology of the term, and that similarly they were unaware of the tradition’s historical origins.

Traditions in a sentence

Traditions is a variation of tradition, below you can find example sentences for traditions.

  1. Local traditions were to be respected.

  2. Other traditions deal with her children.

  3. Somerset has traditions of art, music and literature.

  4. These ancient traditions have modern, reduced versions.

  5. The carillon originated from a combination of traditions.

  6. There are many traditions associated with the Stanley Cup.

  7. Oral traditions suggest these practices go back even further.

  8. Folk traditions have no information on the crusade whatsoever.

  9. Indian music ranges over various traditions and regional styles.

  10. The Draupadi cult has developed traditions and rituals of its own.

  11. With these works, he breaks from a number of painterly traditions.

  12. He simply allows the village to continue practicing its traditions.

  13. Noh is one of the oldest continuous theater traditions in the world.

  14. Briarcliff Manor maintains strong ties to its history and traditions.

  15. In other East African traditions, the lion is the symbol of laziness.

  16. The Plaza’s «Season of Lights» is one of the city’s oldest traditions.

  17. This included transmission and adoption of the Mahabharata traditions.

  18. Later Arabic traditions attribute the city’s founding to Solomon’s Jinn.

  19. In some traditions though, Vithoba is also worshipped as a form of Shiva.

  20. Manitoba’s cultural scene also incorporates classical European traditions.

Traditions’ in a sentence

Traditions’ is a variation of tradition, below you can find example sentences for traditions’.

  1. As musicologists Nicolas Cook and Nicola Dibben note, «Analyses of popular music also sometimes reveal the influence of ‘art traditions’.

Synonyms for tradition

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word tradition has the following synonyms: custom.

General information about «tradition» example sentences

The example sentences for the word tradition that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «tradition» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «tradition».

In spite of the fact that they were unwittingly spitting in the eye of ancient tradition, Unitarians follow the new-age Sunday rule

He didn’t need to remind me of the fine tradition of inter-breeding in Darklow Town

regardless what tradition and religion have to say

It is a powerful tradition, highly ritualized and with great meaning to the recipient

«Look, I respect your tradition Travis, and I respect everything that you had to do in order to gain that mark, but you have seen what they are capable of, you saw what happened to Rocco

Formal attire with two thousand years of tradition

There was quite a big herd of karga brought in that day and he had to arrange extra haulage, a Nightday trip for more brining jars and a celebration to be had in the native tradition at the end of the next week when the last of the jars was finally transported off

Klowee had her first decade and was introduced to the privileges and responsibilities of a one decade in the native tradition with only a vedn cake frosted with whipped sugar froth to mark customs of Earth, a token of which only he and Beeta partook

Anything that would purport to give you peace with God through tradition or doing is a false religion

They reached the wall, a tradition dry stone wall built with solid

This tradition was called “breaking bread

The music is a tradition and there is a song

Of course, nothing beats tradition

Sometimes in romance, tradition is the best

an age old tradition, dating back to the ancient Greeks and their fascination with romance

It was a time-honored tradition of protection of Lord and Lady

“Well, Jesus wouldn’t have done so, but this time is way before Jesus, and this tradition survives in modern Atlantis

It is tradition at the club that Wednesday night, the first show night of the week, is dedicated to local talent

In this part of the country, it seemed that the old tradition of

This time it was Belle who interrupted, “Forgive me but, this is a matter of ‘tradition‘? That’s what this comes down to? Tradition? Perhaps you have failed to fully appreciate the uniqueness of the situation we are at present engaged

“We are the beginning of a new tradition

«I bet she hasn’t shit in them», Maggie mutters to herself, a reference to ancient tradition that marks out the true devotee

although the tradition had come about because of the depredations of

My religious roots lie in the high Anglican tradition — smells and bells, Hymns Ancient and Modern and the whole awesome mystical baggage that goes with it

Belle and George were both pleased at the addition; representing to them the new advent of tradition that was soon to transform their family’s own training for generations to come

He then told her, that if tradition were to hold up in this case, she’d be the only granddaughter, to qualify

«It seems the name Emma’s a tradition as well

For everyone who later recalled the pleasure of being in the audience upon that first performance was ever after given the respect afforded a minor celebrity; to recollect for their listeners the excitement and the thrill of being present at the very beginning of what became a beloved tradition of the little village on the Tahoe

While she understood little of the written old English, it was clear that the letter was from her parents, and went so far as to point out the tradition by which she’d inherited the items included with the money

The yearly tradition of the Chinese People’s periods they spar there visiting their relatives and friends and bring some fruits or suites for them to give away «Ang pous”

In this country a tradition is the State of the Union message

In true Wescarpian feasting tradition the fangs and claws were still on, but blackened by the fire

“Well, the tradition goes back to that,” Desa told him

“Its a tradition in family circles

tradition might have a role

cease to act according with tradition and base only on

tradition and to make statues

years, he did not continue Roman tradition,

I find an overwhelming… thankfulness… to tradition and history…

only of tradition some of them are in Athens

without have had a tradition in this respect,

I cursed the Indian tradition of keeping pet names

very place tradition tells us we will never see

faith because they wrongly believed tradition and not the scriptures? Thankfully,

the tradition which needs to be changed

old Smyrnan tradition, mostly out of favor in this modern era, but back home the old

It was more than tradition and the taboo of long female hair was so ingrained in them that while Song was at last turning her back on the practice, it felt like a supreme break with her own self

During this time know that all times are holy that every day holds truth that each tradition is sacred and filled with love a sharing

Someone who has explored the question of the human experience of the Divine is Bernadette Roberts, who comes out of the Contemplative Christian tradition of St

Yet tradition insists that when

But he insists that the tradition of pigmonging needs to be upheld

And if upholding the ancient tradition of pigmonging means that I’ve got to keep taking a pounding in the crackers, then so be it

His weekly games of Shove-a-Duck or Three Card Spaniard were a tradition that had been established many years ago

In Japan, there is a long tradition of archery as a Zen practice

tradition that worked for thousands of

but also a social event that is rich in tradition and history

«At first, I thought it was stupid that he was trying to hold on to that old tradition

sort-of a tradition here that, when a girl graduates,

Firing a cannon in a storm is an old and honored tradition among seafaring men

Religion requires people to commit themselves to rules, rituals and tradition and to do exactly as a specific religion prescribes

according to the tradition (teaching) of men, according to the elementary principles of the world, rather than according

There was no more tradition to the ceremony other than this as far as they knew

The Rabbi had put on his holy shawl, a tallit and kissed it in respect of God as was tradition

He telephoned Carl, had a heartening conversation with the well spoken and charming young man and reassured him that he would be able to visit on Saturday week for morning prayers and after that, a very important tradition in the Jewish religion, for a very special young woman

But it was Alex she looked at saying the words from the prayer book, as tradition decreed before her special part, with flashbacks to particularly good fucks

It was a tradition in the Patchen household for Grandpa to go down to the Farm and Fleet and buy baby chicks just a few days before Easter each year

I would have to say that our biggest family tradition at Grandma and Grandpa’s house is having potluck holidays, birthday celebrations, and cookout/sleepovers for the whole family

I often begged them to stop before I injured myself laughing, (this is very much against Afrikaner tradition I am afraid

A popular tradition was that if the King died at Kumassi, his fetish power remained, being transmitted to the next ruler; but if he crossed the boundary, the power departed with him from the capital, never to return

She, along with several other fallen villagers, would receive a reverent burial in the Great Wood, as was the Halfling tradition

I am not sure what their point was, besides taking the Mickey out of the Army, which was always enjoyable and a well-respected SAP COIN tradition

Not only on 29 February as is tradition in our part of the world

They are still around and a sort of a tradition to us for breakfast

Its rich refreshing taste reflects everything that the county is famous for: independent character, tradition, and heritage

After seven hours of non-stop drinking the truth came out! Apparently, they appointed their fattest constable as chef as was the SAP COIN tradition and he did quite well even if bitterly disappointed not to shoot some terrorists

Would have been cruel to deprive us our tradition which is the same under all race groups! Attacking us whilst barbecuing, was seen as very mean-spirited and against the rules of war and common decency

Keeping the Sabbath was his custom—not his tradition

If you want to follow Jesus’ example would you choose Tradition? or Christ?

Could not believe it was that simple and being deeply disappointed in their long haired liberal tendencies for breaking a 20 year old appropriation tradition I told everyone I appropriated it from them

Now, I carry on the tradition of this sweet confection

The old Dog School had a tradition regarding the copper dogs which I am not repeating here; but it had to do with polishing certain parts, and not caught doing so because it upset the commanding officer quite badly

Tradition demands that his handler was always the closest to the teeth

I have passed it on and am now posting here for all to share in this classic Christmas tradition!» Original recipe yield: 1 1/4 pounds

“By tradition, the master always sleeps in the master’s room

This destroyed the age old tradition of respect for elders

Although the seeds of anti-Western Tradition were planted at the turn of the present century, they did not reach its climax until the sixties when the war gave plausible expression to such ―troublesome‖ viewpoints

Did our tradition of street football with our own playbook help him succeed in this area — maybe so

The incredible violence needed to defeat the French created a tradition of military leaders’ absolute control of the nation

The bond was his tradition, not mine

sweet grass in the urn with the ashes, a Native American tradition, and placed the urn on the nightstand in Sharon’s room

of the house at Overton Manor, carried on a tradition of fine

up in that tradition

A tradition in the Crackle was to relive the ancient stories of the forest

This was an oral tradition that introduced their legends, relived the stories of their heroes and served to update each other on more recent events

» Smudging is the common name given to the Sacred Smoke Bowl Blessing, a powerful cleansing technique from the Native American tradition

Molo believed that asking him about his Pilgrimage was a bad idea; the dark-skinned man would erupt in a series of prayers and gestures, reciting long stories of tradition as well as many other minutiae that would only complicate his efforts at understanding whatever useful information and knowledge he could offer

Since then, the evangelical tradition in the Church of Scotland has shown an almost obsessive preoccupation with doctrine

традиция, предание, привычка, обыкновение, старый обычай


- традиция; старый обычай

- предание

the traditions associated with the mountain — предания, связанные с этой горой
tradition has it that /according to the old tradition/ the first American flag was made by Ross — по преданию первый американский флаг был сделан Россом

- неписаный закон
- редк. устная передача сведений или инструкций
- уст. предательство; отказ (от чего-л.)
- капитуляция
- юр. передача (имущества)

Мои примеры


an old tradition that is still alive — старая, но по-прежнему живая традиция  
a conflict between tradition and modernity — противоречие между традицией и современностью  
to fly in the face of tradition — бросать вызов традиции  
long custom / tradition — старинный обычай, давняя традиция  
by tradition, in a tradition — по традиции  
cherished tradition — бережно хранимая, заветная традиция  
to break with tradition — порывать с традицией  
in our tradition — по нашей традиции  
to establish, start a tradition — устанавливать традицию  
ancient, old tradition — древняя, старая традиция  
to combine tradition and modernity — соединять традицию и современность  
transmit a tradition to the younger generation — передавать традицию молодому поколению  

Примеры с переводом

We started a new tradition.

Мы установили новую традицию.

Japan’s unique cultural traditions

уникальные культурные традиции Японии

They no longer follow tradition.

Они больше не соблюдают обычаи.

Tradition is the enemy of progress.

Традиция — враг прогресса.

Personal liberty is the marrow of the American tradition.

Свобода личности — основополагающий момент американской традиции.

There is nothing inherently improbable in this tradition.

По сути, в этой традиции нет ничего невероятного.

It is their tradition to give thanks before they start eating.

У них заведено приносить благодарственную молитву перед тем, как приступать к еде.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

I like the tradition and pageantry that come with graduations.

If you want old-world tradition in an idyllic setting, this is the hotel for you.

…gave an eloquent peroration celebrating the nation’s long tradition of religious tolerance and pluralism…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

traditional  — традиционный, основанный на обычае
traditionary  — традиционный, основанный на обычае
traditionist  — традиция, старый обычай, предание, передача, вручение

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): tradition
мн. ч.(plural): traditions

Use ‘tradition’ in a sentence | ‘tradition’ example sentences

1- This tradition has been taking place since 1975.

2- This tradition was dropped several years later.

3- This tradition has been kept alive annually.

4- These recorded oral traditions are called hadith.

5- This tradition is very much alive today.

6- How are progressive religious traditions created and nurtured?

7- Each tribe has its own healing traditions .

8- Examples are taken from various religious traditions .

9- This book challenges long held traditions of many churches.

10- Other traditions also kept ancient knowledge alive.

11- You discover that traditions here run deep.

12- This variation is reflected in contemporary artistic traditions .

13- Social documentary photography has a long tradition .

14- Rich indigenous traditions are part of daily life.

15- At a certain point things economics trumps tradition .

16- This tradition is presented through an anthropological definition.

17- Or the much misunderstood erotic art tradition .

18- Rapid social change and cherished cultural traditions .

19- Oral traditions and voices play key parts.

20- It takes courage to confront such entrenched traditions .

21- Many religious traditions are suspicious of emotions.

22- Another tradition is to cover ones head.

23- traditions are rituals that help bind families together.

24- They sealed each tradition beneath a monument.

25- Applying general principles is a civil law tradition .

26- They were quite obviously without any effective social traditions .

27- Not infrequently tradition and progress are awkwardly contrasted.

28- Family traditions promote positive emotional development in children.

29- There are many different definitions and traditions concerning volunteering.

30- A woman traveling alone threatens tradition and propriety.

31- The legal system combines civilian and common law traditions .

32- This theory blames tradition for global poverty.

33- Mark is merely incorporating an “already existing tradition “.

34- The oral tradition still continued into recent times.

35- These oral traditions were later written down as gospels.

36- The department has an electoral tradition markedly old left.

37- By 1809 the tradition was definitely abolished.

38- Details corresponding to specific traditions are outlined below.

39- Several such traditions were recorded and published.

40- Some challenges become a tradition across seasons. A political ideology, then, should be viewed as an abridgement of a particular tradition.

41- He turned his back on the old tradition.

42- tradition, as such, should be respected.

43- I was not going to keep up the family tradition.

44- By tradition, people play practical jokes on April.

45- They had to pass the tradition on to the next generation.

46- Sacrifice and loyalty to family are a Vietnamese tradition.

47- Moslem tradition forbids women to make eye contact with men.

48- Buddhism remained a strictly oral tradition for over 200 years.

49- The tradition of spa healing in Croatia goes back to Roman times.

50- Setting off fireworks on Halloween is a popular tradition in this country.

More Sentences: 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 –
Related Words:
tradeswoman – tradeswomen – trading – heavy trading – light trading – Sunday trading – tradings – tradition – tradition that – break with tradition – in the tradition of – steeped in tradition – maintain the tradition – carry on the tradition – continue the tradition –

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Definition of Tradition

a cultural custom, ritual, or practice

Examples of Tradition in a sentence

Members of the Dani tribe of Indonesia have a strange tradition of cutting off parts of their fingers when a loved one dies.


In following with our family tradition, my mother and I go shopping on Christmas Eve every single year.


It is tradition to eat turkey, cornbread dressing, and sweet potato pie on Thanksgiving Day.


The Chinese have a long-standing tradition of carving small bonsai trees into beautiful works of art.


It is a graduation tradition to move your hat’s tassel and throw the cap in the air at the end of the ceremony.


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