The word tory is

This article is about politics in Canada and the United Kingdom. For other uses, see Tory (disambiguation).

A Tory () is a person who holds a political philosophy known as Toryism, based on a British version of traditionalism and conservatism, which upholds social order as it has evolved in the English culture throughout history. The Tory ethos has been summed up with the phrase «God, King, and Country».[1] Tories are monarchists, were historically of a high church Anglican religious heritage,[2][3] and opposed to the liberalism of the Whig faction.

The philosophy originates from the Cavalier faction, a royalist group during the English Civil War. The Tories political faction that emerged in 1681 was a reaction to the Whig-controlled Parliaments that succeeded the Cavalier Parliament.[4] As a political term, Tory was an insult derived from the Irish language, that later entered English politics during the Exclusion Crisis of 1678–1681.

It also has exponents in other parts of the former British Empire, such as the Loyalists of British America, who opposed US secession during the American War of Independence. The Loyalists who fled to the Canadas at the end of the American Revolution, the United Empire Loyalists, formed the support base for political cliques in Upper and Lower Canada.

Toryism remains prominent in Canada and the United Kingdom. The British Conservative Party and Conservative Party of Canada, and their members, continue to be referred to as Tories. Adherents to traditional Toryism in contemporary times are referred to as High Tories, who typically defend the ideas of hierarchy, natural order, and aristocracy.


The word Tory originates from an Irish term that was phonetically anglicised.[5][6] Several Irish words have been suggested as the etymological root for the word Tory. The Irish word toruidhe or toruighe, meaning «to pursue» or «to hunt», is suggested as the origin for the term Tory. From the 1500s to 1600s, the term Tory first emerged to refer to the Irish who were dispossessed of their lands and took to the woods, forming themselves into bands that subsisted on wild animals and goods taken from settlers.[5] After these activities were suppressed, the term lost its original signification with English-speakers and was used to describe «an outlaw papist» or a «robber that is noted for outrages and cruelty».[7][8][9] The Irish peasantry also used the term Tory to refer to an outlaw or a miscreant of any kind into the 19th century.[10] However, because later Conservative and anti-revolutionary parties assumed the term Tory, it has also been suggested that the word originated from the Irish word toir, meaning to give, grant and bestow; or toirbhearl, meaning efficiency, bounty or munificence.[6]

By the 1640s, the term was used in the English language to refer to dispossessed Irish Catholics.[8] It was also used to refer to isolated Irish rebels and guerrillas resisting Oliver Cromwell’s Cromwellian conquest of Ireland (1649 to 1650), who were allied with Cavaliers through treaty with the Parliament of Confederate Ireland.[11] It was later used to refer to dispossessed Catholic Irish in Ulster following the Restoration.[8][12] Tory was also used to refer to a rapparee and later applied to Confederates or Cavaliers in arms.[13]

The term Tory was first introduced in England by Titus Oates, who used the term to describe individuals from Ireland sent to assassinate Oates and his supporters. Oates continued to refer to his opponents as Tories until his death.[10] The word entered English politics during the 1680s, emerging as a pejorative term to describe supporters of James II of England during the Exclusion Crisis and his hereditary right to inherit the throne despite his Catholic religion.[8][9][14] After this, the term Tory began to be used as a colloquial term, alongside the word Whig, to describe the two major political factions/parties in British politics. Initially, both terms were used in a pejorative manner, although both later became acceptable terms to use in literary speech to describe either political party.[6] The suffix -ism was quickly added to both Whig and Tory to make Whiggism and Toryism, meaning the principles and methods of each faction.

During the American Revolution, the term Tory was used interchangeably with the term Loyalists to refer to colonists who remained loyal to the Crown during that conflict.[8] The term contrasts the colloquial term used to describe supporters of the revolution, Patriot.

Political historyEdit

Towards the end of Charles II’s reign (1660–1685) there was some debate about whether his brother, James, Duke of York, should be allowed to accede to the throne because of James’s Catholicism. «Whigs», originally a reference to Scottish cattle-drovers (stereotypically radical anti-Catholic Covenanters), was the abusive term directed at those who wanted to exclude James on the grounds that he was a Catholic. Those who were not prepared to exclude James were labelled «Abhorrers» and later «Tories». Titus Oates applied the term Tory, which then signified an Irish robber, to those who would not believe in his Popish Plot and the name gradually became extended to all who were supposed to have sympathy with the Catholic Duke of York.[15]

United KingdomEdit

Lord Belasyse was the second Tory to lead a Ministry in Great Britain.

The Tory political faction originally emerged within the Parliament of England to uphold the legitimist rights of James II to succeed his brother Charles II to the thrones of the three kingdoms. James became a Catholic at a time when the state institutions were fiercely independent from the Catholic Church—this was an issue for the Exclusion Crisis supporting Patricians, the political heirs to the nonconformist Roundheads and Covenanters. During the Exclusion Crisis, the word Tory was applied in the Kingdom of England as a nickname to the opponents of the bill, called the Abhorrers. The word «Tory» had connotations of Papist and outlaw derived from its previous use in Ireland.[16][17]

There were two Tory ministries after James II acceded to the throne: the first led by the Earl of Rochester, the second by Lord Belasyse. A significant faction took part in the Glorious Revolution the military coup d’etat that ousted James II with the Whigs to defend the Church of England and definitive Protestantism. A large but dwindling faction of Tories continued to support James in exile and his Stuart heirs to the throne, especially in 1714 after the Hanoverian Succession by George I, the first Hanoverian monarch. Although only a minority of Tories gave their adhesion to the Jacobite risings, this was used by the Whigs to discredit the Tories and paint them as traitors. After the advent of the Prime Ministerial system under the Whig Robert Walpole, Lord Bute’s premiership in the reign of George III marked a revival. Under the Corn Laws (1815–1846) a majority of Tories supported protectionist agrarianism with tariffs being imposed at the time for higher food prices, self-sufficiency and enhanced wages in rural employment.

English Tories from the time of the Glorious Revolution up until the Reform Act 1832 were characterised by strong monarchist tendencies, support for the Church of England and hostility to radical reform, while the Tory party was an actual organisation which held power intermittently throughout the same period.[18] Conservatism began to emerge in the late 18th century—it synthesised moderate Whig economic policies and many Tory social values to create a new political philosophy and faction in opposition to the French Revolution. Edmund Burke and William Pitt the Younger led the way in this. Interventionism and strong armed forces were to prove a hallmark of Toryism under subsequent prime ministers. The word Conservative began to be used in place of Tory during the 1830s, as Robert Peel’s followers began to re-interpret elements of Tory tradition under a banner of support for social reform and free trade.[14] The party was eventually succeeded by the Conservative and Unionist Party, with the term Tory enduring to become an interchangeable phrase with Conservative.[14]


The term Tory was first used to designate the pre-Confederation British ruling classes of Upper Canada and Lower Canada, known as the Family Compact and the Château Clique, an elite within the governing classes and often members within a section of society known as the United Empire Loyalists. The United Empire Loyalists were American loyalists from the Thirteen Colonies who resettled elsewhere in British North America during or after the American Revolutionary War.

In post-Confederation Canada, the terms «Red Tory» and «Blue Tory» have long been used to describe the two wings of the Conservative and previously the Progressive Conservative (PC) parties. The dyadic tensions originally arose out of the 1854 political union of British-Canadian Tories, French-Canadian traditionalists and the monarchist and loyalist leaning sections of the emerging commercial classes at the time—many of whom were uncomfortable with the pro-American and annexationist tendencies within the liberal Clear Grits. Tory strength and prominence in the political culture was a feature of life in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Ontario and Manitoba.[19]

By the 1930s, the factions within Canadian Toryism were associated with either the urban business elites, or with rural traditionalists from the country’s hinterland. A «Red Tory» is a member of the more moderate wing of the party (in the manner of John Farthing and George Grant). They are generally unified by their adherence to British traditions in Canada.[20]

Throughout the course of Canadian history, the Conservative Party was generally controlled by MacDonaldian Tory elements, which in Canada meant an adherence to the English-Canadian traditions of Monarchy, Empire-Commonwealth, parliamentary government, nationalism, protectionism, social reform and eventually acceptance of the necessity of the welfare state.[21]

By the 1970s, the Progressive Conservative Party was a Keynesian-consensus party. With the onset of stagflation in the 1970s, some Canadian Tories came under the influence of neo-liberal developments in the United Kingdom and the United States, which highlighted the policies for privatization and supply-side interventions. In Canada, these tories have been labeled neoconservatives—which has a somewhat different connotation in the United States. By the early 1980s, there was no clear neoconservative in the Tory leadership cadre, but Brian Mulroney (who became leader in 1983) eventually came to adopt many policies from the Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan governments.[22]

As Mulroney took the Progressive Conservative Party further in this direction, with policy initiatives in the areas of deregulation, privatization, free-trade and a consumption tax called the Goods and services tax (GST), many traditionally-minded Tories became concerned that a political and cultural schism was occurring within the party.

The 1986 creation of the Reform Party of Canada attracted some of the neo-liberals and social conservatives away from the Tory party and as some of the neoconservative policies of the Mulroney government proved unpopular, some of the provincial-rights elements moved towards Reform as well. In 1993, Mulroney resigned rather than fight an election based on his record after almost nine years in power. This left the Progressive Conservatives in disarray and scrambling to understand how to make Toryism relevant in provinces such as Quebec, Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia that had never had a strong tory tradition and political culture.

Thereafter in the 1990s, the Progressive Conservatives were a small party in the House of Commons of Canada and could only exert legislative pressure on the government through their power in the Senate of Canada. Eventually, through death and retirements, this power waned. Joe Clark returned as leader, but the schism with the Reformers effectively watered down the combined Blue and Red Tory vote in Canada.

By the late 1990s, there was talk of the necessity of uniting the right in Canada, to deter further Liberal Party majorities. Many tories—both red and blue—opposed such moves, while others took the view that all would have to be pragmatic if there was any hope of reviving a strong party system. The Canadian Alliance party (as the Reform Party had become) and some leading tories came together on an informal basis to see if they could find common ground. While Progressive Conservative Leader Joe Clark rebuffed the notion, the talks moved ahead and eventually in December 2003, the Canadian Alliance and the Progressive Conservative parties voted to rejoin into a new party called the Conservative Party of Canada.

After the merger of the Progressive Conservatives with the Canadian Alliance in 2003, there was debate as to whether the «Tory» appellation should survive at the federal level. Commentators speculated that some Alliance members would take offence to the term. Nevertheless, it was officially adopted by the merged party during the 2004 leadership convention. Stephen Harper, former leader of the Conservative Party of Canada and Prime Minister from 2006 to 2015, regularly refers to himself as a Tory and says the new party is a natural evolution of the conservative political movement.[23][24] However, there were some dissident Red Tories who were against the merger. They formed the rival Progressive Canadian Party.

United StatesEdit

The term «Loyalist» was used in the American Revolution for those who remained loyal to the British Crown. About 80% of the Loyalists remained in the United States after the war. The 60,000 or so Loyalists who settled in Nova Scotia, Quebec, the Bahamas, or returned to Great Britain after the American War of Independence are known as United Empire Loyalists.[25]

On February 12, 1798, Thomas Jefferson (of the Democratic-Republican Party) described the conservative Federalist Party as «[a] political Sect […] believing that the executive is the branch of our government which the most needs support, [who] are called federalists, sometimes aristocrats or monocrats, and sometimes Tories, after the corresponding sect in the English Government of exactly the same definition».[26] However, that was clearly a hostile description by the Federalists’ foes of whom Jefferson was one and not a name used by the Federalists themselves. The Federalist Party was dissolved in 1835 with no successor parties.

Later the Democratic-Republican Party splintered in different parties, with the two dissidences being the National Republican Party and the Whig Party. The rest of the party would become the Democratic Party. The Republican National Party would then merge with the Whig Party, giving rise to what would be called the Second Party System.[27] Before the American Civil War two major parties dominated the political landscape: the Democratic Party and the Whig Party. A British traveler in the US at the time, due to the names of the parties being partially similar to of the parties of his homeland, could considered the Democrats at this time period to be the «American Tories»,[citation needed] as the party that opposed them was called the «Whig Party» in addition to the fact that the Democratic Party of the epoch had positions considered conservative at the time (for example, it was against the abolition of slavery). But the term «tories» had already completely fallen out of favor in the US.

The Whig Party was dissolved in 1856, but before this year most Northern Whigs eventually joined the anti-slavery Republican Party and most Southern Whigs joined the nativist American Party (dissolved in 1860). After the war the then conservative Democratic Party and the then liberal Republican Party became the two major political parties in the country. During the 20th century the two parties had an ideological shift: the modern Republican Party became a conservative party, meanwhile the modern Democratic Party, on the other hand, became a liberal party (the meaning of «liberal» in the United States is often different from that known in other countries of the English-speaking world, as the word almost everywhere in the world refers to classical liberalism — which is even defended by Republicans —, in the United States it is used usually to describe advocates of interventionist policies aimed at social democracy or social liberalism).

Texas RevolutionEdit

In Texas in 1832–1836, support for the Texas Revolution was not unanimous. The «Tories» were men who supported the Mexican government. The Tories generally were long-term property holders whose roots were outside of the lower south. They typically had little interest in politics and sought conciliation rather than war. The Tories wanted to preserve the economic, political and social gains that they enjoyed as citizens of Mexico and the revolution threatened to jeopardize those gains.[28]

Current usageEdit

Tory has become shorthand for a member of the Conservative Party or for the party in general in Canada and the UK, and can be used interchangeably with the word Conservative.[14]

North AmericaEdit

In the United States, Tory is often used as a historical term to describe supporters of Great Britain during the American Revolution. However, in Canadian parlance, British supporters during the revolution are called Loyalists, with the term Tory being used as a contemporary political term.[29]

In Canada, a Tory refers to a member of the Conservative Party of Canada, while the party as a whole are colloquially referred to as the Tories.[14][29] In addition to the federal party, the term has been used in Canada to refer to members of provincial Conservative/Progressive Conservative parties, or the party as a whole. It is also used to refer to the Conservative Party’s predecessor parties, including the Progressive Conservative Party of Canada. The term is used in contrast to the Grits, another colloquialism for the Liberal Party of Canada. LGBTory is an advocacy group for LGBT supporters of the Conservative Party of Canada and provincial conservative parties.

In Canada, the terms «Blue Tory» and «Red Tory» have been used to describe the two different factions of the federal and provincial conservative parties. The term «Purple Tory» was also used by the former leader of the Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario, Tim Hudak, to describe himself. Hudak used the term «Purple Tory» in an effort to avoid a strong ideological stance, and to provide a conciliatory position between red tories and blue tories.[30] In addition, the term «Pink Tory» is used in Canadian politics as a pejorative term to describe a member of the conservative party who is perceived as liberal.

United KingdomEdit

In the United Kingdom, the Conservative and Unionist Party is often colloquially referred to as the Tories, both by themselves and by opponents, and also in the media. Members and voters of the party are also often referred to as «Tories» as well. In Scotland, the term Tory is used to describe members and supporters of the Scottish Conservatives, or to accuse other parties of being insufficiently opposed to that party. For example, members and supporters of the Scottish Labour Party (especially those from the «Blairite» faction) may be referred to as Red Tories by traditional Labour members and advocates of an independent Scotland. Similarly, Labour supporters have referred to Scottish National Party members and supporters as being Tartan Tories.[31]

The British Broadcasting Corporation’s own style guide permits the use of the term Tory, although requires the term Conservative be used in its first instance.[14]


In Australia, Tory is occasionally used as a pejorative term by members of the Australian Labor Party to refer to conservative members of the Liberal Party of Australia and National Party of Australia parties (who are in a long-standing coalition).[32] The term is not used anywhere near as often as in the UK and Canada, and it is rare – though not unheard of – for members of those parties to self-describe as «Tories». Chief Justice Garfield Barwick titled his memoir A Radical Tory.[33] A moderate faction of the Australian Greens has been pejoratively dubbed the Tree Tories by the hard left faction.[34][35]

Modern proponentsEdit

  • Cornerstone Group – Conservative Party (UK) faction
  • The Dorchester Review – history and commentary magazine founded in Canada
  • The Salisbury Review – political quarterly founded in the United Kingdom

See alsoEdit

  • Tory socialism
  • Tory Party (disambiguation)


  1. ^ Ball, Stuart (2013). Portrait of a Party: The Conservative Party in Britain 1918-1945. Oxford: Oxford University Press. p. 74.
  2. ^ Sachs, William L. (2002). The Transformation of Anglicanism: From State Church to Global Communion. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. p. 18. ISBN 9780521526616.
  3. ^ Charmley, John (2008). A History of Conservative Politics Since 1830. Palgrave Macmillan. p. 103. ISBN 9780333929742.
  4. ^ «Whigs and Tories». Parliament of the United Kingdom. Retrieved 4 October 2018.
  5. ^ a b Joyce 2018, p. 49.
  6. ^ a b c Mackay, Charles (1877). The Gaelic Etymology of the Languages of Western Europe. Harvard University. p. 503.
  7. ^ Joyce 2018, p. 50.
  8. ^ a b c d e «Tory». Douglas Harper. 2021. Retrieved 24 December 2021.
  9. ^ a b «Whig and Tory». Encyclopedia Britannica. 2021. Retrieved 24 December 2021.
  10. ^ a b Joyce 2018, p. 51.
  11. ^ «Evil Oliver’s legacy of enduring hate». Camden New Journal. New Journal Enterprises. 25 June 2009.
  12. ^ Sean J. Connolly Oxford Companion to Irish History, entry on Tory p498
  13. ^ Oxford English Dictionary (Second Edition 1989) «1. a. In the 17th c., one of the dispossessed Irish, who became outlaws, subsisting by plundering and killing the English settlers and soldiers; a bog-trotter, a rapparee; later, often applied to any Irish Papist or Royalist in arms. Obs. exc. Hist.»
  14. ^ a b c d e f Padmanabhan, Leela (8 April 2015). «‘Conservative’ or ‘Tory’: What’s in a name?». British Broadcasting Corporation. Retrieved 24 December 2021.
  15. ^ Justin McCarthy, A History of the Four Georges, Volume I (of 4)
  16. ^ Human Rights – Glossary The National Archives
  17. ^ Robert Willman, «The Origins of ‘Whig’ and ‘Tory’ in English Political Language.» Historical Journal 17, no. 2 (1974): 247-64. online.
  18. ^ Keith Feiling, The second Tory party, 1714–1832 (1959)
  19. ^ James Farney, and David Rayside, eds. Conservatism in Canada (University of Toronto Press, 2013)
  20. ^ Heath Macquarrie, Red Tory blues: a political memoir (University of Toronto Press, 1992)
  21. ^ Denis Smith, Rogue Tory: The Life and Legend of John G. Diefenbaker (1997)
  22. ^ Tomos Dafydd Davies, «‘A tale of two Tories?’: the British and Canadian Conservative Parties and the’National Question’. The cases of Wales and Quebec.» (2011).
  23. ^ Alex Marland, and Tom Flanagan. «Brand New Party: Political Branding and the Conservative Party of Canada.» Canadian Journal of Political Science (2013) 46#4 pp: 951–972.
  24. ^ Laura Devaney, «The Unite the Right Movement and the Brokerage of Social Conservative Voices Within the New Conservative Party of Canada.» The Agora 3.2 (2013): 101.
  25. ^ William Stewart Wallace, The United Empire Loyalists: A Chronicle of the Great Migration (1920) online.
  26. ^ letter to John Wise in Francis N. Thorpe, ed «A Letter from Jefferson on the Political Parties, 1798,» American Historical Review v.3#3 (April 1898) pp 488–89
  27. ^ Olsen, Henry (Summer 2010). «Populism, American Style». National Affairs. Retrieved 30 May 2021. Amid the passion and the anger, Jefferson and Madison’s Republican Party — the forerunner of today’s Democrats — won the day; the coalition they built then proceeded to win every national election until 1824… The elections of 1828 and 1832 saw the ruling Republicans break into two factions: The minority faction — headed by incumbent president John Quincy Adams — became the National Republicans (and then the Whigs); it drew its support from the mercantile regions of the country, mainly New England and the large cities of the South. Members of the majority faction, meanwhile, renamed themselves the Democrats under the leadership of Andrew Jackson.
  28. ^ Margaret Swett Henson, «Tory Sentiment in Anglo-Texan Public Opinion, 1832–1836,» Southwestern Historical Quarterly, July 1986, Vol. 90 Issue 1, pp 1–34
  29. ^ a b Marsh, James H. (13 December 2013). «Tory». Historica Canada. Retrieved 24 December 2021.
  30. ^ Cross, William P.; Malloy, Jonathan; Small, Tamara A.; Stephenson, Laura B. (2015). Fighting for Votes Parties, the Media, and Voters in an Ontario Election. UBC Press. p. 38. ISBN 9780774829304.
  31. ^ Hughes, Kirsty (July 26, 2014). «Could the Kingdom Still Be United?». Economic and Political Weekly.
  32. ^ Sparkes, A. W. (2002). Talking Politics: A Wordbook. Taylor & Francis. ISBN 978-0-203-02211-5.
  33. ^ A Radical Tory, Trove
  34. ^ Aston, Heath (20 January 2017). «New left faction threatens to white ant the Greens». The Sydney Morning Herald. Archived from the original on 15 May 2021. Retrieved 8 December 2021. Still, the pair have aligned themselves with the «eastern bloc» or «watermelon» faction (green on the outside, red in the middle) that dismisses environmentally-minded, middle class Greens like Di Natale as «tree tories».
  35. ^ Clark, Andrew (10 February 2017). «The Greens have got their own problems, just like the mainstream parties». The Australian Financial Review. Archived from the original on 28 April 2021. Retrieved 8 December 2021. Once again, they were let down in NSW. The state hosts a factional divide between so-called «Tree Tories» – people who believe in a mixed economy but with strong environmental controls – and «watermelons».

Further readingEdit

  • W. Christian and C. Campbell (eds), Parties, Leaders and Ideologies in Canada
  • J. Farthing, Freedom Wears a Crown
  • G. Grant, Lament for a Nation: The Defeat of Canadian Nationalism
  • G. Horowitz, «Conservatism, Liberalism and Socialism in Canada: An Interpretation», CJEPS (1966)
  • Joyce, P. W. (2018). The Origin and History of Irish Names of Places. Creative Media. ISBN 9781377939018.

External linksEdit

  • Tory Act University of Tulsa; Order of the Continental Congress, Philadelphia, 2 January 1776
  • The Elections in England—Tories and Whigs (Karl Marx in the New York Tribune, 1852)



  • (UK) IPA(key): /ˈtɔː.ɹi/
  • (US) IPA(key): /ˈtɔɹ.i/
  • Rhymes: -ɔːɹi

Etymology 1[edit]

From Irish tóraí (pursuer), from tóir (pursuit). The first recorded use in English is from a 1646 letter by James Butler («Earl of Ormond») to a Colonel O’ Brien, describing bandits and thieves on main roadways.[1]


Tory (plural Tories)

  1. (UK politics) A member or supporter of the Conservative Party, which evolved from Royalist politicians; historically associated with upholding the rights of the monarchy and the privileges of the established Church.
  2. (by extension) One who is like a British Tory; someone politically conservative.
  3. (Canadian politics) A member or supporter of the Conservative Party of Canada, one of that party’s predecessors, or an affiliated provincial political party.
    • 2008, David Mutimer, Canadian Annual Review of Politics and Public Affairs 2002, page 220:

      The latest Tory budget continued the trend begun in 2000 by making further small cuts in family income taxes.

  4. (historical, derogatory) A member of the political factions that sought to prevent the exclusion of James, Duke of York from the throne of England in the 17th century.
  5. (now historical, derogatory) An Irish rebel fighting against English rule at the end of the Confederate War and Cromwellian invasion; later extended to other rebels or bandits.
  6. (US, historical, American Revolution) A loyal British subject.
  7. (US, historical, American Civil War, Confederate states) A Union sympathizer.
  • (Politically conservative): conservative, small-c conservative
  • (Canada): Conservative, Progressive Conservative, PC, P.C.
  • (American Revolution): loyalist, Loyalist, United Empire Loyalist
Derived terms[edit]

a member or supporter of the Conservative Party (UK, Canada)

  • Bulgarian: консерватор (bg) m (konservator)
  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: 保守黨員保守党员 (bǎoshǒu dǎngyuán)
  • French: Tory m or f
  • Georgian: ტორი (ṭori)
  • German: Tory (de) m or f
  • Hungarian: tory
  • Irish: Tóraí m
  • Japanese: トーリー (Tōrī), 保守党員 (ほしゅとういん, Hoshūtōin)
  • Russian: то́ри (ru) m or f (tóri)
  • Welsh: Tori m

someone politically conservative

  • Urdu: پٹواری‎ m (paṭvārī)


Tory (not comparable)

  1. (UK politics) Of or belonging to the Tory Party or the Conservative Party.
  2. (Canadian politics) Of or belonging to the Conservative Party of Canada, one of that party’s predecessors, or an affiliated provincial political party.

See also[edit]

  • Whig

Etymology 2[edit]

(This etymology is missing or incomplete. Please add to it, or discuss it at the Etymology scriptorium. Particularly: “From Victoria? but that doesn’t explain a MALE name.”)

Proper noun[edit]


  1. A female given name
  2. A male given name

Etymology 3[edit]

Proper noun[edit]


  1. An island off the northwest coast of County Donegal in Ulster, Ireland.


  1. ^ Ó Ciardha, Éamonn: 1905, «»Buachaillí an tSléibhe» agus «Bodaigh Gan Chéill»: Tóraíochas agus Rapairíochas i gCúige Uladh agus i nDeisceart Chonnacht sa Seachtú hAois Déag.» Studia Hibernica, no. 29, 59-84.


  • Troy, ryot, troy, tyro

Asked by: Ms. Marielle Dickens PhD

Score: 4.2/5
(71 votes)

A Tory is a person who holds a political philosophy known as Toryism, based on a British version of traditionalism and conservatism, which upholds the supremacy of social order as it has evolved in the English culture throughout history. The Tory ethos has been summed up with the phrase «God, Queen, and Country».

What does the root Tory mean?

-tory 2. a suffix occurring in loanwords from Latin, usually derivatives from agent nouns ending in -tor or directly from verbs, denoting a place or object appropriate for the activity of the verb: dormitory; repository.

What is another word for Tory?

In this page you can discover 28 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for tory, like: right-wing, right, conservative, orthodox, right-winger, traditionalist, rightist, traditionalistic, keep, tories and LibDems.

How do you use Tory in a sentence?

Tory sentence example

  1. He again took his seat in the Lords as a leader of the moderate Tory party. …
  2. It is said that the terms Whig and Tory were first applied to English political parties in consequence of this dispute. …
  3. Similarly the Tory opponents of the Bill were nicknamed «Anti-Birminghams» or «Brummagems.»

Is Tory a valid Scrabble word?

Yes, tory is in the scrabble dictionary.

26 related questions found

What is the difference between Tories and Whigs?

Early activists in the colonies called themselves Whigs, seeing themselves as in alliance with the political opposition in Britain, until they turned to independence and started emphasising the label Patriots. In contrast, the American Loyalists, who supported the monarchy, were consistently also referred to as Tories.

What does Tory mean British?

A Tory (/ˈtɔːri/) is a person who holds a political philosophy known as Toryism, based on a British version of traditionalism and conservatism, which upholds the supremacy of social order as it has evolved in the English culture throughout history.

What is a Tory Tiktok?

Tiktok users commenting on a post of someone who is displaying their home. ‘You’re such a Tory’ is a phrase that has risen to popularity as an insult recently, particularly on Tiktok. Generation Z has suddenly decided that the political party you support defines you as a person.

Is Boris Johnson a Tory?

Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson (/ˈfɛfəl/; born 19 June 1964) is a British politician and writer serving as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and Leader of the Conservative Party since July 2019.

What does the term loyalist mean?

: one who is or remains loyal especially to a political cause, party, government, or sovereign.

What political parties are in England?

The British political system is a two party system. Since the 1920s, the two dominant parties have been the Conservative Party and the Labour Party. Before the Labour Party rose in British politics, the Liberal Party was the other major political party, along with the Conservatives.

How do you spell Torys?

noun, plural To·ries, for 1-5. a member of the Conservative Party in Great Britain or Canada.

Who is called a patriot?

A patriot is someone who loves and who has sometimes fought for his or her country. … The word patriot comes from patrios (Greek, not Latin for once), which means «of one’s father.» So, despite various references to the motherland, the word patriot more or less lands us square in the fatherland arena.

What does ery mean in English?

-ery, a suffix of nouns denoting occupation, business, calling or condition, place or establishment, goods or products, things collectively, qualities, actions, etc.:archery; cutlery;fishery;trickery; witchery.

What does Ory do to a word?

adjective suffix. English Language Learners Definition of -ory (Entry 2 of 2) : of, relating to, or doing.

Are Tories liberal or conservative?

The Conservative Party, officially the Conservative and Unionist Party, and also known colloquially as the Tories, Tory Party, or simply the Conservatives, is a political party in the United Kingdom. Ideologically, the Conservatives sit on the centre-right of the political spectrum.

What does it mean when someone is posh?

Posh is most commonly used today as an informal adjective to describe a person, place, or thing as classy, fancy, or spiffy (e.g., a posh restaurant). The word has a strong upper-class connotation, related to having or spending money.

Who is Tory boy based on?

Enfield created the character based on a snobbish, unpopular boy whom he went to school with, and a younger version of William Hague who was a prominent member of the Young Conservatives group since he was a teenager and famously made a speech at the Conservative Party’s annual national conference when he was just 16 …

Did the Whigs oppose slavery?

Although southern Whigs did not oppose slavery, the Democrats were much more emphatic in actively supporting slavery and resisting abolition. The Whig Party disintegrated during the 1850s. In the North, its remnants formed much of the foundation of the new Republican Party.

Is Toey a scrabble word?

No, toey is not in the scrabble dictionary.

Is er a scrabble word?

Yes, er is in the scrabble dictionary.

Is Troy a scrabble word?

Yes, troy is in the scrabble dictionary.

Why Tories are called Tories?

As a political term, Tory was an insult (derived from the Middle Irish word tóraidhe, modern Irish tóraí, meaning «outlaw», «robber», from the Irish word tóir, meaning «pursuit» since outlaws were «pursued men») that entered English politics during the Exclusion Bill crisis of 1678–1681.

Is Tory a proper noun?

As detailed above, ‘tory’ can be a noun or an adjective.

What Does Tory mean?

The Cambridge Dictionary defines a “Tory” as a member of the British Conservative Party or its Canadian counterpart.

It also points out that the term is used to describe loyalists to the British Crown in the United States during the American Revolution.

Where does the term Tory come from?

The etymology of the term is a complex one.

It is thought to be an anglicisation of an Irish term, though it is unclear which.

The Irish word toruidhe or toruighe, meaning “to pursue” or “to hunt” is one theory.
Indeed during the 16th and 17th century, the term “Tory” emerged as a descriptor of dispossessed Irish people who were forced to live in the woods and survive by hunting and stealing from English settlers.

However the suppression of this way of life meant this immediate connotation with the term waned, and it soon evolved into a more general Irish term for “outlaw papists”, a “robber[s] noted for outrages and cruelty” or a general criminal.

The further evolution of the term to denote political Conservatism has led some to suggest it could have roots in the Gaelic word toir, meaning to grant and bestow; or toirbhearl, describing efficiency, bounty or munificence.

Throughout the mid-1600s the term was used for dispossessed Irish Catholics and the royalist-allied rebels against Oliver Cromwell’s Irish campaign.

Titus Oates, the infamous fabricator of the “Popish plot” planning the regicide of Charles II first brought to term into widespread English use, in reference to plotters against himself and his backers.

In the 1680s the supporters of Charles II heir and brother James of York were referred to as Tories-their opponents being nicknamed “Whigs”.

The Whigs opposed a James II, a Catholic, inheriting the throne. A parliamentary faction led by their faction proposed a bill aiming to exclude James from the hereditary line.

While the bill was defeated, James was deposed three years after his accession to the throne in 1688.
Although they were not an official political party until 1834, the Tories remained a recognisable faction through the eighteenth century. They were defined by their staunch belief in monarchism as a check on the influence of Parliament.

The group were also known for their Anglicanism, despite their previous backing of a Roman Catholic heir. They were also known for their aversion to radical reform.

In the 1830s the party leader Sir Robert Peel began using the term “Conservative” to describe the “Tory” grouping in Parliament.

Is Tory an insult?

The term “Tory” has been a byword for supporters and members of the Conservative Party since its foundation.

These days a Conservative MP is often still referred to as a Tory MP, rebellious Conservatives are labelled Tory rebels, the Conservative leader is called the tory leader, the Conservative party is regulalry referred to as the Tory party, and Conservative voters as Tory voters.

Shifting from its colloquial usage at the twilight of the seventeenth century, it soon became a formal term for the political grouping, as did its “Whig” counterpart.

Political opponents commonly use the term to qualify policies they seek to criticise – e.g. Tory spending cuts, Tory ideology, Tory austerity, Tory “scum”, Tory in-fighting.

A range of news outlets with impartiality requirements, such as the BBC, use the term interchangeably with “Conservative”- especially as the shorter term makes for snappier headlines.

Peter Bone MP told the BBC in 2015: “These days it doesn’t matter which you use. People have forgotten the history…Tory is quite handy if you’re tweeting.”

However erstwhile Labour minister David Blunkett said he used the term “Tory” because of its historic connotations, explaining: “I use “Tory” and “Tories” to describe our opponents because to me, those terms place them somewhere backward-looking, negative and reactionary.”

A ‘Red Tory’ is sometimes used as a term for Conservatives who hold more left wing views than his or her colleagues.


“Triumphant Tories, and desponding Whigs, Forget their feuds, and join to save their wigs.” – Jonathan Swift

“The parties of Whig and Tory are those of nature. They exist in all countries, whether called by these names or by those of Aristocrats and Democrats, Cote Droite and Cote Gauche, Ultras and Radicals, Serviles and Liberals. The sickly, weakly, timid man fears the people and is a Tory by nature. The healthy, strong and bold cherishes them, and is formed a Whig by nature.” – Thomas Jefferson

“Before people break the law, they need strong families – adult authority figures and the love of the family. When they step over the line, I’m a Tory. I believe in tough responses, in the law coming down on people like a ton of bricks.” – David Cameron

“I am neither a Whig nor Tory. My politics are described in one word and that word is England.” – Benjamin Disraeli

тори, консерватор, член партии тори, консервативный


- консервативная партия (в Англии); тори

Tory party [principles] — консервативная партия [-ые принципы]
Tory democracy — демократия тори (предполагающая сохранение существующего порядка вещей)
Tory government — правительство тори

- тори, консерватор
- член консервативной партии (в Канаде)
- консерватор; ретроград
- амер. ист. противник отделения американских колоний от Англии
- ист. сторонник партии, выступавшей против английской революции 1688 года
- ист. ирландский разбойник


- консервативный, разделяющий принципы торизма

openly Tory in his sympathies — откровенно консервативный в своих симпатиях

Мои примеры


under Tory rule — при правительстве консерваторов  
the Tory ticket — предвыборная программа консерваторов  
tory agreement — алеаторное соглашение; рисковое соглашение  

Примеры с переводом

Is this the new face of the Tory party?

Это что, новое лицо партии Тори?

Tory orators were stumping the country.

Агитаторы Консервативной партии колесили по стране с агитационными речами.

Their names were tabooed by Whig and Tory coteries.

В среде тори и вигов их имена было запрещено произносить.

Shopkeepers would once have been pillars of the Tory establishment.

Лавочники когда-то были опорой стоящих у власти консерваторов.

Labour poured scorn on the Tory claim to be the party of law and order.

Лейбористы с презрением отнеслись к утверждению Тори о том, что они являются партией правопорядка.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Tory wets

Tory voters

Tory principles

…a small-town Tory who saw that society was changing, much to his regret…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

Toryism  — торизм, консерватизм

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): Tory
мн. ч.(plural): Tories

  • 1



    то́ри, консерва́тор



    член па́ртии то́ри


    attr. разг.


    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > Tory

  • 2

    Персональный Сократ > tory

  • 3

    1. n консервативная партия; тори

    2. n тори, консерватор

    3. n член консервативной партии

    4. n консерватор; ретроград

    5. n амер. ист. противник отделения американских колоний от Англии

    6. n ист. сторонник партии, выступавшей против английской революции 1688 года

    7. n ист. ирландский разбойник

    8. a консервативный, разделяющий принципы торизма

    English-Russian base dictionary > Tory

  • 4

    1. [ʹtɔ:rı]

    1. 1) консервативная партия (); тори

    Tory party [principles] — консервативная партия [-ые принципы]

    2) тори, консерватор

    3) член консервативной партии ()

    4) консерватор; ретроград


    ист. противник отделения американских колоний от Англии


    сторонник партии, выступавшей против английской революции 1688 года

    2. [ʹtɔ:rı]

    консервативный, разделяющий принципы торизма

    openly Tory in his sympathies — откровенно консервативный в своих симпатиях

    НБАРС > tory

  • 5

    имя существительное:

    имя прилагательное:

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > Tory

  • 6

    Член консервативной партии Британии или человек, который поддерживает эту партию. Слово Tory употреблялось в XVII в. по отношению к обедневшим, разорившимся ирландцам, которые жили вне закона под английским владычеством. Это слово образовалось от ирландского слова toraidhe, что означало беглец, преступник (от toir — преследовать). Одно время это слово довольно часто применялось к преступникам и бунтовщикам любого сорта, а во время политических беспорядков 1680 г. оно применялось как оскорбительное прозвище тех, кто поддерживал Джеймса (Якова), герцога Йоркширского, будущего Якова II, как наследника престола. Членов противостоящей им партии, которые выступали против Джеймса, потому что он был католиком, прозвали Whig (виги), словом, которое раньше использовалось как оскорбление по отношению к шотландским пресвитерианским бунтовщикам. Как часто случается, подобные прозвища со временем воспринимаются как имена тех, к кому они относятся: например, такие слова, как Quaker (квакер) и Methodist (методист) сначала употреблялись как оскорбительные клички. В XVIII в. слова Tory и Whig употреблялись по отношению к двум главным политическим партиям. Слово Tory ассоциировалось с англиканской церковью (the Established Church of England) и дворянством, а слово Whigs — с различного рода вероисповеданиями и с нарождающимся классом промышленников. В начале XIX в. была образована Консервативная партия, которую неофициально называли Tory Party. Либеральная партия унаследовала традиции вигов, но само слово Whig вышло из политического лексикона.

    English-Russian dictionary of expressions > Tory

  • 7

    English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > tory

  • 8


    Tory тори, консерватор Tory attr. консервативный

    English-Russian short dictionary > Tory

  • 9

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > Tory

  • 10


    1) то́ри



    то́ри, консерва́тор

    English-Russian Great Britain dictionary (Великобритания. Лингвострановедческий словарь) > Tory

  • 11

    ˈtɔ:rɪтори, консерватор

    Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов > Tory

  • 12

    Англо-русский экономический словарь > Tory

  • 13

    тори; консервативная партия в Великобритании.

    * * *


    тори; консервативная партия в Великобритании.

    Англо-русский словарь по социологии > Tory

  • 14

    1) Общая лексика: консервативная партия , консервативный, консерватор, разделяющий принципы торизма, ретроград, член консервативной партии , тори

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Tory

  • 15


    ирландский разбойник

    тори, английская политическая партия

    противник отделения американских колоний от Англии

    тори, Консервативная партия; член Консервативной партии


    относящийся к Тори, к Консервативной партии, разделяющий принципы торизма


    Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > Tory

  • 16

    Politics english-russian dictionary > Tory

  • 17


    1) тори, консерватор

    2) (


    ) консервативный

    * * *

    2 (a) консервативный

    3 (n) ирландский разбойник; консервативная партия; консерватор; противник отделения американских колоний от англии; разделяющий принципы торизма; ретроград; член консервативной партии

    * * *

    * * *

    [To·ry || ‘tɔːrɪ]
    тори, консерватор, член партии тори

    * * *



    * * *

    1. сущ.
    1) ист. ирландский разбойник
    2) ист. тори, английская политическая партия (возникла в 17 веке)
    2. прил.
    1) относящийся к Тори, к Консервативной партии, разделяющий принципы торизма
    2) перен. консервативный

    Новый англо-русский словарь > tory

  • 18

    Англо-русский дипломатический словарь > Tory

  • 19

    English-Russian dictionary of technical terms > Tory

  • 20





    а) тори, член Консервативной партии





    противник отделения американских колоний от Англии




    ирландский разбойник






    относящийся к тори, к Консервативной партии, разделяющий принципы торизма

    Англо-русский современный словарь > Tory


  • Следующая →
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7

См. также в других словарях:

  • tory — tory …   Dictionnaire des rimes

  • tory — [ tɔri ] n. m. • 1704; mot angl. ♦ Membre du parti conservateur en Grande Bretagne. Les torys ou les tories. Adj. Le parti tory. N. m. TORYSME . ● tory adjectif Parti tory, parti qui défendit, en Angleterre, la tradition monarchique et anglicane… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Tory — (Mehrzahl: die Tories) bezeichnet eine konservative politische Gruppierung, die eine positive Haltung gegenüber der britischen Monarchie besitzt. Ursprünglich waren dies die Gegenspieler der liberalen Whigs in Großbritannien, die sich von einer… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • tory — TÓRY s.m. Nume dat în trecut membrilor Partidului conservator englez. – cuv. engl. Trimis de LauraGellner, 28.06.2004. Sursa: DEX 98  tóry s. m. Trimis de siveco, 10.08.2004. Sursa: Dicţionar ortografic  TÓRY s.m. invar. ( …   Dicționar Român

  • tory — Voz inglesa con la que se designa popularmente al Partido Conservador de Gran Bretaña. En español se usa como adjetivo (‘del partido conservador de Gran Bretaña’): «Según las estadísticas, cada tres meses muere un diputado “tory”» (Mundo [Esp.]… …   Diccionario panhispánico de dudas

  • tory — / tɔ:ri/, it. / tɔri/ agg. e s. ingl. [prob. forma anglicizzata del gaelico irland. tōraidhe inseguitore ] (pl. tories ), usato in ital. come agg. e sost. ■ agg. (stor.) [del partito inglese, dal sec. 17° al 19°, di tendenza tradizionalista]… …   Enciclopedia Italiana

  • Tory — (n.) 1566, an outlaw, specifically a robber, from Ir. toruighe plunderer, originally pursuer, searcher, from O.Ir. toirighim I pursue, related to toracht pursuit. About 1646, it emerged as a derogatory term for Irish Catholics dispossessed of… …   Etymology dictionary

  • Tory — To ry, n.; pl. {Tories}. [ Properly used of the Irish bogtrotters who robbed and plundered during the English civil wars, professing to be in sympathy with the royal cause; hence transferred to those who sought to maintain the extreme… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Tory — [tôr′ē] n. pl. Tories [Ir tōruidhe, robber, pursuer < tōir, to pursue; akin to Gael tōir, pursuit] 1. [sometimes t ] a) in the 17th cent., any of the dispossessed Irish who became outlaws, killed English settlers and soldiers, and lived by… …   English World dictionary

  • Tory — To ry, a. Of or pertaining to the Tories. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Tory — es el nombre con el que se denomina a quien pertenece o apoya al Partido Conservador inglés. En un principio, tenía connotaciones despectivas ya que procede de la palabra irlandesa thairide o tóraighe que significaba bandolero, asaltador de… …   Wikipedia Español

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Conservative MPs are often called Tories colloquially, particularly by journalists looking for a shorter word to slot into a headline.

While some use the term interchangeably with the word Conservative, it also carries pejorative associations. Political rivals often use it in attack lines – Tory cuts, Tory austerity, Tory civil war.

Yet the original word is much older than the official party name.

Where does the term come from?

The word ‘Tory’ emerged the 17th Century, when it was used to describe a political faction who opposed the exclusion of Charles II’s brother James from the throne, during a conflict known as the Exclusion Crisis.

A rival faction, known as Whigs, sought to prevent James from becoming King as he was a Roman Catholic, despite being Charles II’s heir presumptive.

The Tories, who supported James’ campaign, were eventually victorious and he was crowned James II – or James VII of Scotland – in 1685.

The word also appears in early Irish and Scots Gaelic to mean ‘outlaw’ or ‘robber’, eventually becoming a term of abuse for an Irish rebel.

What does it stand for politically?

Tories were characterised by a strong support for the monarchy and the Church of England – despite their initial support of the Catholic heir to the throne – as well as patriotism and a resistance to radical reforms.

Tories also supported the crown as a check on the power of parliaments, which were dominated by their Whig rivals until the 18th Century.

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When did the word Conservative start to be used?

The term was first used to describe the movement during the leadership of Sir Robert Peel in the 1830s. Sir Robert, who came from an industrial background rather than the landed gentry, pushed a more modern agenda while preserving some traditional Tory beliefs.

Despite the adoption of the name ‘Conservative’, Tory continued to be in use in some speeches and official documents.

When was the Conservative Party officially formed?

The modern party says it was formed in 1834, which makes it Britain’s oldest political party as well as one of the oldest parties in the world that is still in existence.



: a member or supporter of a major British political group of the 18th and early 19th centuries favoring at first the Stuarts and later royal authority and the established church and seeking to preserve the traditional political structure and defeat parliamentary reform compare whig


: an American upholding the cause of the British Crown against the supporters of colonial independence during the American Revolution : loyalist


often not capitalized

: an extreme conservative especially in political and economic principles


: a dispossessed Irishman subsisting as an outlaw chiefly in the 17th century


Example Sentences

a small-town Tory who saw that society was changing, much to his regret

Word History


Irish tóraidhe outlaw, robber, from Middle Irish tóir pursuit

First Known Use

1646, in the meaning defined at sense 4

Time Traveler

The first known use of Tory was
in 1646

Dictionary Entries Near Tory

Cite this Entry

“Tory.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


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Merriam-Webster unabridged

In the political tradition of some English-speaking countries, the term Tory has referred to a variety of political parties and creeds since it was used in the late 17th century to describe opponents to the Whigs. The term, derived from «Tóraidhe», was originally used to refer to an Irish outlaw and later often applied to any Confederate or Royalist in arms. [Oxford English Dictionary (Second Edition 1989) «1. a. In the 17th c., one of the dispossessed Irish, who became outlaws, subsisting by plundering and killing the English settlers and soldiers; a bog-trotter, a rapparee; later, often applied to any Irish Papist or Royalist in arms. Obs. exc. Hist.»] English and British Tories from the time of the Glorious Revolution up until the Reform Bill of 1832 were characterized by strong monarchist tendencies, support of the Church of England, and hostility to reform, while the Tory Party was an actual organization which held power intermittently throughout the same period.

After 1832 and supersession of the Tory Party by the Conservative Party «Tory» has become shorthand for a member of the Conservative Party or for the party in general, sometimes but by no means always as a term of abuse. Many Conservatives still call themselves «Tory» to differentiate themselves from opponents. The name «Captain Tory» is given to staunch Conservative supporters in the North East of England.

The term has also been used in North America, where Tory can describe the Conservative Party of Canada. During the American Revolutionary War it described Loyalists, colonists who sided with Great Britain against the revolutionaries. The term was also used during the American Civil War, when supporters of the Confederacy extended the term to Southern Unionists.

United Kingdom

Tory is the most common colloquial term for members and supporters of the Conservative Party. The party as a whole is thus referred to as ‘the Tories’.

Historically, the term «Tory» has been applied in various ways to supporters of the British monarchy. The word comes from the Middle Irish word «tóraidhe», modern Irish «tóraí» &mdash; outlaw, robber, from the Irish word «tóir», meaning ‘pursuit’, since outlaws were «pursued men». [Entry for «Tory» from Websters New World Dictionary & Thesaurus, version 2.0 for PC, 1998] [Entry for «Tory» from online dictionary]


The term was used to designate the pre-Confederation British ruling classes of Upper Canada and Lower Canada, known as the Family Compact and the Château Clique, an elite within the governing classes, and often members within a section of society known as the United Empire Loyalists.

In post-Confederation Canada the terms «Red Tory» and «Blue Tory» have long been used to describe the two wings of the Conservative and previously the Progressive Conservative (PC) parties. The diadic tensions originally arose out of the 1854 political union of British-Canadian Tories, French-Canadian traditionalists, and the monarchist and loyalist leaning sections of the emerging commercial classes at the time — many of whom were uncomfortable with the pro-American and annexationist tendencies within the liberal Grits. Tory strength and prominence in the political culture was a feature of life in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Ontario, and Manitoba.

By the 1930s, the factions within Canadian Toryism were associated with either the urban business elites, or with rural traditionalists from the country’s hinterland. Over time, however, the term Blue Tory has come to embody the more ideologically neoliberal (in the manner of Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan) elements in the party, while a Red Tory is a member of the more moderate wing of the party (in the manner of John Farthing and George Grant). They are generally unified by their adherence to the monarchy in Canada.

Throughout the course of Canadian history, the Conservative Party was generally controlled by MacDonaldian Tory elements, which in Canada meant an adherence to the English-Canadian traditions of Monarchy, Empire-Commonwealth, parliamentary government, nationalism, protectionism, social reform, and eventually, acceptance of the necessity of the welfare state. By the 1970s the Progressive Conservative Party was a Keynesian-consensus party.

With the onset of stagflation in the 1970s, some Canadian Tories came under the influence of neo-liberal developments in Great Britain and the United States, which highlighted the need for privatization and supply-side interventions. In Canada, these tories have been labeled neoconservatives — which has a somewhat different connotation in the US. By the early 1980s there was no clear neoconservative in the Tory leadership cadre, but Brian Mulroney, who became leader in 1983, eventually came to adopt many policies from the Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan governments.

As Mulroney took the Progressive Conservative Party further in this direction, with policy innovations in the areas of deregulation, privatization, free-trade, and a consumption tax called the Goods and Services Tax (GST), many traditionally-minded Tories became concerned that a political and cultural schism was occurring within the party.

The 1986 creation of the Reform Party of Canada attracted some of the neo-liberals and social conservatives away from the Tory party, and as some of the neoconservative policies of the Mulroney government proved unpopular, some of the provincial-rights elements moved towards Reform as well. In 1993, Mulroney resigned, rather than fight an election based on his record after almost nine years in power. This left the PCs in disarray and scrambling to understand how to make toryism relevant in provinces such as Quebec, Saskatchewan, Alberta, and British Columbia that had never had a strong tory tradition and political culture.

Thereafter in the 1990s, the PCs were a small party in the Canadian House of Commons, and could only exert legislative pressure on the government through their power in the Senate of Canada. Eventually, through death and retirements, this power waned. Joe Clark returned as leader, but the schism with the Reformers effectively watered down the combined Blue and Red Tory vote in Canada.

By the late 1990s, there was some talk of the necessity of uniting the right in Canada, if there was any hope of deterring further Liberal majorities. Many tories — both red and blue — were opposed to any such notion, while others took the view that all would have to be pragmatic if there was any hope of reviving a strong party system. The Canadian Alliance party (as the Reform Party had become), and some leading tories came together on an informal basis to see if they could find common ground. While the Tory Leader Joe Clark rebuffed the notion, the talks moved ahead and eventually in December 2003, the Canadian Alliance and the Progressive Conservative parties voted to disband and integrate into a new party called the Conservative Party of Canada.

After the merger of the PCs with the Canadian Alliance in 2003, there was some debate as to whether the «Tory» appellation should survive at the federal level. Although it was widely believed that some Alliance members would take offence to the term, it was officially accepted by the newly-merged party during the 2004 leadership convention. Stephen Harper, leader of the Conservative Party of Canada, and the Prime Minister as a result of the January 23, 2006 election, regularly refers to himself as a Tory and has suggested that the new party is a natural evolution of the conservative political movement in Canada. However, many former Progressive Conservatives who opposed the merger take offence to the new party using the term, as do some members of the former Reform/Alliance wing who do not wish to be associated with the «Tory» governments of Canada’s past, or the values of traditional Tory thought.

American Revolution

Before the Revolutionary War, the founders of Anglican and Catholic colonies were generally well disposed towards the Stuart dynasty. Their affections were alienated by a new, foreign dynasty which seemed to little know or care for the Tudor-Stuart legacy in the New World. Those who founded the Puritan colonies of New England were Cromwellians and Orangists.

It is interesting to note the chief allies of the American Patriots were Whigs such as Charles James Fox and Charles Lennox, 3rd Duke of Richmond, each with direct ties to the House of Stuart and probably resentful of the Hanoverian succession—with its dire consequences in the old colonial empire in North America.

The term Tory or Loyalist was used in the American Revolution to describe those who remained loyal to the British Crown. Since early in the eighteenth century, Tory had described those upholding the right of the Kings over parliament. During the revolution, particularly after the Declaration of Independence in 1776 this use was extended to cover anyone who remained loyal to the British Crown. At the beginning of the war, it was estimated that as much as 40% of the American population were Tories.cite book|last=Crocker III|first=H. W.|title=Don’t Tread on Me|publisher=Crown Forum|date=2006|location=New York|pages=49|isbn=9781400053636] Those Loyalists who settled in Canada, Nova Scotia, or the Bahamas after the American Revolution are known as United Empire Loyalists.

Tory was frequently used as a revolutionary’s pejorative, e.g., a «Tory militia» was a militia unit which took the British side during the War.

The British term Whig, referring to the anti-Tory political movement in England, had a much longer life in the American political discourseFact|date=May 2008, especially through the Whig Party.

ee also

* Ultra-Tories

External links

* [ Tory Act]


General references

Canada section:

*W. Christian and C. Campbell (eds), «Parties, Leaders and Ideologies in Canada»
*J. Farthing, «Freedom Wears a Crown»
*G. Grant, «»
*G. Horowitz, «Conservatism, Liberalism and Socialism in Canada: An Interpretation», CJEPS (1966).

Wikimedia Foundation.

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