The word to say by the student was not correct


Express in English.

1.написанное предложение- written sentence

2. приготовленные овощи- cooked vegetables

3.бегущий мальчик- running boy

4.волнующий фильм- exciting movie

5.полученное письмо- received letter

6.взволнованная женщина- worried woman

7.проезжающая машина- passing car

8.разбитая чашка- broken cup

9.играющие дети- playing children

10.вымытые окна- washed windows

Make the right choice.

1. Can you name the cities shown on the map?

2. Most people living in Scotland are called the Scots.

3. I like to look at the flowers grown by my granny.

4. The woman talking to him is his wife.

5. The pictures taken in London are wonderful.

6. We can see ruined castles there.

7. The big plastic bag was full of fallen leaves.

8. The holidaymakers swimming in the sea were laughing loudly.

9. We watched the plane flying in sky.

10. The house build in the center of the town looked immense.

Open the brackets using Participle I:

1. Everybody looked at the dancing girl.

2. The little woman standing at the window is my Grandmother.

3. The man playing the piano is Kate’s uncle.

4. Entering the room, she turned on the light.

5. Coming to the theatre, she saw that the performance had already begun.

6. She went into the room, leaving the door open.

7. He saw some people in the post-office sending telegrams.

8. The girl puting the book on the shelf is the new librarian.

9. The speaking doll interested the child very much.

2.Open the brackets using Participle II:

1. My sister likes boiled eggs.

2. We stopped before a shut door.

3. Tied to the tree, the goat could not run away.

4. This is a church built many years ago.

5. The books written by Dickens are very interesting.

6. She put a plate of fried fish in front of me.

7. The coat bought last year is too small for me now.

8. Nobody saw the things kept in that box.

9. The word said by the student was not correct.

3.Choose the right Participle:

1. That man standing at the window is my uncle.

2. Mother became angry because she saw a smoked cigarette.

3. Our home task is to make up sentences with the learnt words.

4. When visiting the museum we saw a lot of species of extinct animals.

5. Our teacher wanted us to discuss the read book.

6. On the table I found a written message for Jane.

7. Speaking too loudly he drew our teacher’s attention.

Люди!!!! пообещала сделать хорошему человеку английский… сроки поджимают, да ещё ребёнок заболел — не реально сижу с двумя (старшая в сад не ходит — болеет)+ младшая полуговасик…. помогите, кому не трудно!!! пожалуйста 7. Замените придаточные определитель¬ные предложения причастными оборотами. Образец: The girl who comes to his office is his daughter. — The girl coming to his office is his daughter 1. All the people who live in this house are stu¬dents. ______________________________________________________________ 2. The woman who is speaking now is our secre¬tary. ______________________________________________________________ 3. The apparatus that stands on the table in the corner of the laboratory is quite new. ______________________________________________________________ 4. The young man who helps the professor in his experiments studies at an evening school for laboratory workers. ______________________________________________________________ 5. People who take books from the library must return them in time. ______________________________________________________________ 6. There are many pupils in our class who take part in all kinds of extra-curricular activities. ______________________________________________________________ 8. Замените придаточные предложения времени причастными оборотами (не опускайте союз when). Образец – When you meet this old man be very polite. When meeting this old man be very polite 1. When you speak English, pay attention to the order of words. ______________________________________________________________ 2. Be careful when you are crossing a street. ______________________________________________________________ 3. When you are leaving the room, don’t forget to switch off the light. ______________________________________________________________ 4. When you begin to work with the dictionary, don’t forget my instructions. ______________________________________________________________ 5. When they were traveling in Central Africa, the explorers met many wild animals. ______________________________________________________________ 6. When you are copying English texts, pay attention to the articles. ______________________________________________________________ 7. You must have much practice when you are learning to speak a foreign language. ______________________________________________________________ 9. Раскройте скобки, используя Participle I или Participle II. 1. a) A fish_________(to take) out of the water cannot live. b) A person ___________(to take) a sun-bath must be very careful. c) __________(to take) a dictionary, he began to translate the text. 2. a) A line _________ (to see) through this crystal looks double. b) A teacher _______(to see) a mistake in a student’s dictation always corrects it. c) __________(to see) clouds of smoke over the house, the girl cried: «Fire! Fire!» 3. a) The word ________ (to say) by the student was not correct. b) The man ___________ (to stand) at the door of the train carriage and saying goodbye to his friends is a well-known musician. c) ___________( to stand) at the window, she was waving her hand. 4. a) A letter _______(to send) from St.-Petersburg today will be in Moscow tomorrow. b) He saw some people in the post-office __________ (to send) telegrams. c) When ____________ (to send) the telegram she forgot to write her name. 5. a) Some of the questions ________ (to put) to the lecturer yesterday were very important. b) The girl ___________ (to put) the book on the shelf is the new librarian. c) While ___________(to put) the eggs into the basket she broke one of them. 6. a) A word __________ (to speak) in time may have very important results. b) The students __________ (to speak) good English must help their classmates. c) The __________ (to speak) doll interested the child very much. d) While __________ (to speak) to Nick some days ago I forgot to ask him about his sister. 10. Выберите из скобок требующуюся форму причастия. 1. a) The girl (writing, written) on the blackboard is our best pupil. b) Everything (writing, written) here is quite right. 2. a) The house (surrounding, surrounded) by tall trees is very beautiful. b) The wall (surrounding, surrounded) the house was very high. 3. a) Who is that boy (doing, done) his homework at that table? b) The exercises (doing, done) by the pupils were easy. 4. a) The girl (washing, washed) the floor is my sister. b) The floor (washing, washed) by Helen looked very clean. 5. a) We listened to the girls (singing, sung) Russian folk songs. b) We listened to the Russian folk songs (singing, sung) by the girls. 11. Выберите из скобок требующуюся форму причастия. 1) Do you know the girl (playing, played) in the garden? 2) The book (writing, written) by this scientist is very interesting. 3) Translate the words (writing, written) on the blackboard. 9. We could not see the sun (covering, covered) by dark clouds. 4) The (losing, lost) book was found at last. 5) (Going, gone) along the street, I met Mary and Ann. 6) Read the (translating, translated) sentences once more. 7) Name some places (visiting, visited) by you last year. 12. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Participle (doing) или Perfect Participle (having done). 1. __________ (to do) his homework, he was thinking hard. 2. __________ (to do) his homework, he went for a walk. 3. __________ (to sell) fruit, he looked back from time to time, hoping to see his friends. 4. __________ (to sell) all the fruit, he went to see his friends. 5. __________ (to eat) all the potatoes, she drank a cup of tea. 13. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на причастия. 1. The boy laid sleeping when the doctor came.________ _________________________________________________________________ ___ 2. The broken arm was examined by the doctor. ______________________________________________________________ 3. While being examined, the boy cried. ______________________________________________________________ 4. Having prescribed the medicine, the doctor went away. ______________________________________________________________ 5. The medicine prescribed by the doctor was bitter. ______________________________________________________________ 6. The dress bought at the department store was very beautiful. ______________________________________________________________ 7. While using a needle you should be careful not to prick your finger. ______________________________________________________________ 14. Переведите следующие русские при¬частия и деепричастия на английский язык. 1) приносящий _________________________ 2) принесенный _________________________ 3) принося _________________________ 4) принеся _________________________ 5) пе¬реводящий _________________________ 6) переведенный _________________________ 7) переводя _________________________ 8) переведя _________________________ 9) давая _________________________ 10) записав _________________________ 11) читающий _________________________ 12) берущий _________________________ 13) данный _________________________ 14) прочитав _________________________ 15) сде¬ланный _________________________ 16) пьющий _________________________ 17) сказанный _________________________ 15. Раскройте скобки, употребляя тре¬бующуюся форму причастия. 1. _____________ (to translate) by a good specialist, the story preserved all the sparkling humour of the original. 2. _____________ (to approve) by the critics, the young author’s story was accepted by a thick magazine. 3. _____________ (to wait) for some time in the hall, he was invited into the drawing-room. 4. _____________ (to wait) in the hall, he thought over the problem he was planning to discuss with the old lady. 5. They reached the oasis at last, _____________ (to walk) across the endless desert the whole day. 16. В следующих предложениях употребите, где возможно, причастия вместо глаголов в личной форме. Изменяйте конструкцию предложения, где необходимо. Образец — As the book was translated into Russian, it could be read by everybody. — Being translated into Russian, it could be read by everybody. 1. As we were given dictionaries, we managed to translate the article easily. _________________________________________________________________________ 2. As soon as I have done my homework, I shall go for a walk. _________________________________________________________________________ 3. As soon as I have bought the book, I shall begin reading it. _________________________________________________________________________ 4. When he was running across the yard, he fell. _________________________________________________________________________ 5 When I was going home yesterday, I kept thinking about my friend. _________________________________________________________________________ 6. He put on his coat, went out and looked at the cars which were passing by. _________________________________________________________________________ 17. Замените выделенные части предло¬жений причастными оборотами. Изменяйте конст¬рукцию предложения, где необходимо. 1. When he arrived at the railway station, he bought a ticket, walked to the platform and boarded the train. _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 2. As he was promised help, he felt quieter. _________________________________________________________________________ 3. After he was shown in, he was told to take off his coat and wait for a while. _________________________________________________________________________ 4. Robinson started the building of the house at once and finished it before the season of rains set in. _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 5. He poured out a cup of coffee, sat down in an armchair and looked at the woman who was sitting opposite him. _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 18. Переведите следующие предложения. 1. Завтра к двум часам мы уже сдадим все экзаме¬ны. _________________________________________________________________________ 2. К тому времени, как вы вернетесь, я уже уеду. _________________________________________________________________________ 3. Если вы позвоните в восемь часов, то они еще не приедут. _________________________________________________________________________ 4. К тому времени как встанет солнце завтра ут¬ром, мы уже два часа будем лететь над Атлантическим Океаном. _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 5. К первому сентября этого года я уже десять лет буду изучать английский язык. _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 19. Задайте вопросы к следующим предложениям, начиная их с «How long…?». Используйте слова, данные в скобках, в Present Perfect или Present Perfect Progressive. Образец: I am reading a magazine. – How long have you been reading the magazine? 1. It’s our wedding anniversary today. (be married) _________________________________________________________________________ 2. Did you know that Renata wore contact lenses? (wear, them) _________________________________________________________________________ 3. Where were you? It’s ten past seven. (be, here) _________________________________________________________________________ 4. Maxim and I are getting married next month. (know, him). _________________________________________________________________________ 5. They live in London now. (live, there) _________________________________________________________________________ 6. The job is very easy for me now. (work, here) _________________________________________________________________________ 7. The children are in the garden. (be, outside) _________________________________________________________________________ 8. The boys are playing football. (they, do) _________________________________________________________________________ 9. Richard is on a business trip. (be, away) _________________________________________________________________________ 20. Переведите следующие предложения. Используйте нужную видовременную форму. 1. Антон очень упрямый. Он вечно со всеми спо¬рит. Как раз сейчас он спорит с шефом. Они обсужда¬ют новые предложения с раннего утра, но пока ничего не решили. _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 2. Нина очень много разговаривает по телефону. В данный момент она разговаривает со своим парнем. Они беседуют уже час, но так и не решили, когда они встретятся. _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 21. Употребите правильную форму глагола в скобках. 1. Mrs. Foster paid the driver and ___________ (ring) the bell. She ____________ (wait) but there ____________ (be) no answer. Everybody ____________ (leave) for the party. 2. He moved across the room to the box. He ____________ (pick) up a piece of paper that __________ (lie) beside the box, __________ (study) it carefully, _________(put) it down, ____________ (look) in the box, and then again at the paper. He ____________ (do) this for perhaps half an hour. He not ____________ (know) who ____________ (write) the paper. 3. Mary took his coat and ____________ (hang) it in the hall. They not ____________ (meet) for quite a long time. Then she ____________ (make) the drinks, the way he __________ (teach) her, and soon he ____________(tell) her the news which she not ____________ (hear) yet. Every day she took her grandchildren for walks. They ____________ (be) so beautiful! She ____________ (feed) them cakes, and ____________ (buy) them presents, and ____________ (tell) them charming stories. Those walks ____________ (become) a tradition with them. 22. Употребите правильную форму глагола в скобках. Переведите текст. A Night Accident One night I (wake up)1 in the middle of the night as I (hear)2 a slight noise. I (feel)3 sure that someone (stand)4 outside my bedroom door. I was awfully sorry now that I not (lock)5 it before going to bed. As I (hurry)6 to lock it, I called «Who’s there?» There was a strange sound, then I heard that someone (run)7 upstairs. My curiosity made me (open)8 the door, and I (find)9 the corridor full of smoke which (come)10 from Mr. Rochester’s room. I understood that someone (set)11 lire to the house. I (forget)12 all my fears and (run)13 into the master’s room. He (sleep)14. Everything around him was in flames and smoke. I (throw)15 some water to wake him up and to put out the flames. I explained what I (see)16. He (think)17 for a few seconds. «Jane, I (watch)18 you all this time, and I can’t help admiring you!» he (say)19. «If we not (hurry)20 now, it (be)21 too late. I (call)22 the servants, sir?» I asked. «No, not (do)23 it,» he answered. «If Adele (hear)24 something and (wake)25 up, she (frighten)26.1 am glad that you are the only person who (know)27 about it. And thank you! You (save)28 my life a second time.» (After Charlotte Bronte) 23. Измените каждое предложение, начиная его со слова it. Пример: To lean out of the window is dangerous. => It is dangerous to lean out of the window. To get in touch with Helen was impossible. => It was impossible to get in touch with Helen. Not to invite him to the party will be unforgivable. => It will be unforgivable not to invite him to the party. 1. To swim in a stormy sea is dangerous. ___________________________________________________________________________ 2. To save money is rather difficult nowadays. ___________________________________________________________________________ 3. To be sitting there was so nice. ___________________________________________________________________________ 4. Not to listen to people is rude. ___________________________________________________________________________ 5. To go on such a trip will be very exciting. ___________________________________________________________________________ 6. To go hitchhiking this summer is a good idea. ___________________________________________________________________________ 7. Not to hear the other side of the story will be un¬wise. ___________________________________________________________________________ 8. To forget your grandmother’s birthday was impo¬lite. ___________________________________________________________________________ 24. Измените каждое предложение, начиная его с предложенного выражения. Пример: People think that the Queen of England is one of the richest women in the world. The Queen of England is thought to be one of the richest women in the world. 1. They are dangerous. They are believed ______________________________________________. 2. They say that golf was invented in China. Golf is said _______________________________________________________________. 3. They think that the fire started at about 7 o’clock. The fire is thought _________________________________________________________. 4. Some people claim that beings from outer space have visited the Earth. Beings from outer space are claimed __________________________________________. 5. He promised to phone me yesterday but he didn’t. He was supposed _____________________________________________. 6. It was reported that the concert was rather good! The concert was reported ______________________________________. 7. People consider that Moscow is a very expensive ciitу to live in. Moscow is considered __________________________________________. 8. They expect that the president will visit some foreign countries next month. The president is expected ______________________________________________________. 25. Измените каждое предложение, начиная его с предложенного выражения. Пример: She’s managed to pass the test. — She is lucky to pass the test. 1. Mike escaped unharmed. Mike was fortunate_______________________________________ 2. Unluckily, Fred didn’t score the goal. Fred was unlucky ________________________________________ . 3. I’ll show this problem to Ben. I’m sure he knows the answer. Ben is bound ____________________________________________ 4. If you go food shopping without a list, you will forget the things you really need. If you go food shopping without a list, you are sure _________________________ _ . 5. Unfortunately, David didn’t win any money in the lottery. David was unfortunate _____________________________________. 6. We are sure that the scheme will meet opposition from fishermen’s leaders. The scheme is certain ____________________________________________. 26. Измените каждое предложение, используя простой или перфектный инфинитив. Пример: I think Derek’s forgotten about the meeting.  Derek appears to have forgotten about the meeting. 1. I’m afraid he’s taken your keys. He appears ____________________________________________. 2. I was standing next to him when he fell down. I happened ____________________________________________. 3. She pretended that she was working. She pretended _________________________________________. 4. I think you’ve broken your arm. You seem _____________________________________________. 27. Соедините два предложения, используя оборот с инфинитивом Пример: She crossed the road. I saw her. => I saw her cross the road. 1. They left at 10 o’clock. I heard them. ________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ 2. My neighbour saw a burglar. He broke into my house. _______________________________________________________________________ 3. A pavement artist drew a portrait of a little girl. I watched him. _______________________________________________________________________ 4. Chuck looked at another student’s paper during the exam. The teacher noticed him. _______________________________________________________________________ 5. There was an earthquake in my home town last month. The ground shook. I felt it __________________________________________. 6. Peter’s plane was delayed. Other planes landed and took off. He watched them ____________________________________________. 28. Раскройте скобки, используя правильную форму инфинитива: 1. I’m your friend. Any time, any place, anywhere just let me ________ and I’ll be there. (know) 2. «I will not have students ________ on the walls of this school,» the headmaster said. (draw) 3. My mother made me________the room. (tidy up) 4. They didn’t let schoolgirls ________ jewelry at school. (wear) 5. He had her ________ he was a millionaire, (believe) 6. You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it ________. (drink) 29. Заполните пробелы глаголами let и make. 1. How can I ________ this machine work? 2. ______ __ me post this letter for you. 3. My parents always________me get home by 10.30. It was awful. 4. The doctor’s at the door. Could you ________ him in? 5. Don’t ________ the children annoy you. 6. Why do you always ________ me feel guilty? 7. Did your parents _____ _ you stay out until midnight when you were 15? 30. Составьте предложения с инфинитивом Пример: This song is beautiful! I’d like/you/listen to/it. => This song is beautiful! I’d like you to listen to it. 1. Clark’s wife/always/make/him/slow down/if she thinks he is driving too fast. ________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 2. I was surprised that my sister failed her driving test. I/expect/her/pass/it/easily. ________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ 3. I/never/see/you/laugh/so much. What’s so fun¬ny? ________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ 4. When Kitty was a child, her father/warn/her/not/talk/to strangers. ________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ 5. Yesterday the librarian/help/me/find/this article. ________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ 6. You shouldn’t/let/other/people/make/fun of you. ________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ 7. Don’t tell Lily what I’ve done. I/not/want/her/know ________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ 8. It was rather late when I/hear/my mother/go out/and/close/the door. ________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________

ды вы не стесняйтесь, выкладываете все.

Странно,на мой взгляд, если вы владеете языком,то тут работы на пол часа.А если, так с грамматикой в зубах решать, то на фиг было браться. Без обид, ничего личного :-)

мне было самой интересно вспомнить, поэтому согласилась (ради собственного удовольствия, т.к. однозначно отличной оценки я не обещала…. но дети — могут повести наперекосяк любые планы (если они у вас есть, то должны это понять)… а свой институт я уже 5 лет назад окончила,- уже выучилась (если вы думаете, что для себя) с двухлеткой и полугодовасиком без родителей — не до собственной учёбы как-то…

если не верите, что у меня есть второй малыш (в паспорте фоток нет), зайдите в статистику к майчатам 2007)… почти всю беременность я там с девчатами калякала — меня там знают (не должны совсем забыть)

Test “Participle I. Participle II” (the 5th grade)

1.Open the brackets using Participle I:

  1. Everybody looked at the (to dance) girl.
  2. The little woman (to stand) at the window is my Grandmother.
  3. The man (to play) the piano is Kate’s uncle.
  4. (To enter) the room, she turned on the light.
  5. (To come) to the theatre, she saw that the performance had already begun.
  6. She went into the room, (to leave) the door open.
  7. He saw some people in the post-office (to send) telegrams.
  8. The girl (to put) the book on the shelf is the new librarian.
  9. The (to speak) doll interested the child very much.

2.Open the brackets using Participle II:

  1. My sister likes (to boil) eggs.
  2. We stopped before a (to shut) door.
  3. (To tie) to the tree, the goat could not run away.
  4. This is a church (to build) many years ago.
  5. The books (to write) by Dickens are very interesting.
  6. She put a plate of (to fry) fish in front of me.
  7. The coat (to buy) last year is too small for me now.
  8. Nobody saw the things (to keep) in that box.
  9. The word (to say) by the student was not correct.

3.Choose the right Participle:

  1. That man (standing/stood) at the window is my uncle.
  2. Mother became angry because she saw a (smoking/smoked) cigarette.
  3. Our home task is to make up sentences with the (learning/learnt) words.
  4. When (visiting/visited) the museum we saw a lot of species of extinct animals.
  5. Our teacher wanted us to discuss the (reading/read) book.
  6. On the table I found a (writing/written) message for Jane.
  7. (Speaking/spoken) too loudly he drew our    teacher’s attention.

Просмотр содержимого документа

«Тест по английскому языку по теме «Причастие I, II» »

Причастие – это
неличная форма глагола, обладающая
свойствами глагола, прилагательного и

Причастие имеет
следующие формы:

Причастие I

образуется при помощи прибавления

к инфинитиву глагола без частицы to

read – reading

to speak – speaking

присоединении суффикса

происходят следующие изменения:

если инфинитив заканчивается на немое
то оно отбрасывается

make – making

если у инфинитива перед конечной
согласной имеется краткая ударная
гласная, то конечная согласная удваивается

to swim – swimming

to run – running

если инфинитив оканчивается на ie
то е
а i
в y

to lie – lying

to die – dying

Функции причастия


употребляется в функции:


– бегущий мальчик

boy playing in the garden is my son. – Мальчик,


входит в состав сказуемого (Present

– Плача, он выбежал из комнаты.

he came into the room. – Улыбаясь,

выражает действие, одновременное
действию глагола-сказуемого, оно
переводится русскими деепричастиями
несовершенного вида с суффиксами -а,

и выражается

he was going to school. – Улыбаясь,

выражает действие, предшествовавшее
действию глагола-сказуемого, оно
переводится русским деепричастием
совершенного вида, чаще всего с суффиксами
–в, -вши

и выражается через Perfect

smiled he began to explain the task. – Улыбнувшись,

вместе с относящимися к ним словами
образуют причастные обороты, которые
в зависимости от функции в предложении
переводятся на русский язык причастными
или деепричастными оборотами.

boys playing in the yard were our students. –
Ребята, играющие во дворе, были нашими

the text the students consulted the dictionary. – Переводя

Причастие II (Past Participle)

у правильных глаголов образуется при
помощи суффикса

который прибавляется к основе глагола:
— спрошенный, translated
— переведенный, washed
— вымытый, у неправильных глаголов – по

функции определения Participle
отвечает на вопрос what?
и переводится на русский язык причастием
страдательного залога совершенного и
несовершенного вида с окончанием на
–мый, -нный, -тый,

Вшийся, -щийся.

– обсуждаемый, обсуждающийся, обсуждённый,

book discussed by our students is very interesting. – Книга,

books written by Simonov are translated into many languages. –

broken glass was beautiful. – Разбитый

функции обстоятельства перед Participle
иногда могут стоять союзы when,
(когда, если, до тех пор). В этих случаях
переводится на русский язык чаще всего
безличным обстоятельственным придаточным

– Когда его попросили помочь, он тотчас
же согласился.

входит в состав сказуемого. I
was asked a guestion.

внимание на образование причастий

a) listen – listening

speak – speaking

read – reading

b) sit – sitting

begin – beginning

c) write – writing

d) see – seeing

e) lie – lying

– tying (завязывать)



от следующих глаголов

словосочетания, содержащие причастие
в функции определения

smiling girl, a writing boy, a laughing baby, playing children, a
falling tree, a sleeping man, people waiting for you, a walking
couple, a developing country, an increasing proportion, reading
audience, a trading nation, a flying bird, a dancing child.

слова, стоящие в скобках на русский язык

(спящий) child.
(работающая) woman.
(растущий) child.
(открывающиеся) gate.
(смотрящий) at
(начинающие) their
(ловящий) birds.
animal, (пьющие)
water. The bridge, (соединяющий)
the two sides of the river.

предложения, определите функцию
причастия. Переведите на русский язык.

The dean of our faculty is speaking to the students. 2. He is coming
in ten days. 3. I came up to the students discussing their
time-table. 4.
5. Do
They are discussing an important problem now. 7. Belarus is
developing its economic contacts.



от следующих глаголов.

to hope, to stop, to produce, to listen, to open, to study, to
concentrate, to determine, to start, to develop, to play

to be, to have, to do, to get, to come, to meet, to know, to make, to
cut, to go, to see, to buy, to begin, to choose, to say, to sell

перевод причастия




словосочетания, содержащие причастие


a broken cup, an unanswered letter, an opened window, a closed door,
a written exercise, a developed country , a mixed economy, a
discussed problem, produced goods, satisfied needs, privately owned
firms, a translated text, widely used irrigation

Knowledge acquired by the students, the questions put to the teacher,
the subjects studied by the first-year students, economic system
based on private ownership, specialists trained at our university,
the house built in our street

функцию причастия


предложения переведите

The main subject studied at our university is economics. 2. Here is a
latter addressed to you. 3. The machines made at our plant are
exported to several countries. 4. If invited, he will come. 5. We
have used the book taken from the library. 6. The contract signed
last year was soon broken. 7. Have you answered all the questions
asked? 8. She was always well dressed. 9. He has travelled a lot. 10.
When asked, he always helped me. 11. My sweater is made in England.
12. You have made a mistake. 13. Used economically, these food
supplies could last for a month.

на русский язык, обращая внимание на


и причастие


A letter sent from Minsk will be in Moscow tomorrow. 2. In the
post-office he saw some people sending telegrams. 3. Some of the
questions put to the lecturer yesterday were very important. 4. The
girl putting the book on the shelf is a new teacher. 5.
6. The
7. Standing
8. A
word spoken in time may have very important results.

Упражнение 11.
Выберите из скобок требующуюся форму

We listened to the girls (singing, sung) folk songs. 2. We listened
to the folk songs (singing, sung) by the girls. 3.
4. The
Who is the boy (doing, done) his homework at the table? 6.
The girl (writing, written) on the blackboard is our best pupil. 8.

12. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы


(to talk) to her neighbour in the street, she did not notice her
friend. 2. (to read) the story, she closed the book and put it on the
shells. 3. (to
4. (to
(to do) his homework, he was thinking hard. 6. (to do) his homework,
he went for a walk. 7. (to eat) all the potatoes, she drank a cup of
tea. 8. (to look) through some magazines, I came across an
interesting article.

Наконец мы можем похвастаться перед англичанами тем, чего у них нет — деепричастием. Но есть и не очень радостная новость: английское причастие соответствует и причастию, и деепричастию в русском языке. Спокойно, без паники. Давайте медленно и с чувством, толком, расстановкой.

Причастие (Participle) является еще одной неличной формой глагола в английском языке является. Оно сочетает в себе признаки прилагательного, глагола и наречия. Всего существует два причастия в английском языке: причастие настоящего времени (Participle I / Present Participle) и причастие прошедшего времени (Participle II / Past Participle).

Причастие настоящего времени — Participle I:
чтобы образовать это причастие в английском языке, необходимо добавить к основе глагола без частицы to окончание -ing. Если требуется отрицание, то частица not ставится перед причастием. (walking, knowing, smiling и т.д.)

Причастие прошедшего времени — Participle II
: чтобы образовать это причастие в английском языке от правильных глаголов, необходимо к инфинитиву глагола без частицы to прибавить окончание -ed. У неправильных глаголов форма причастия II особая. Она указана в таблице неправильных глаголов и находится в третьей колонке.

Причастия на первый/второй рассчитали, теперь остается и/или сразу перейти к тесту. Покаже этим причастиям, что мы их не боимся

Participle I, II (Действительное и страдательное причастие)

Упражнение 1.

Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на причастия настоящего времени.

1. The girl standing at the window is my sister.
2. Having been sent to the wrong address the letter didn’t rich him.
3. He sat in the arm-chair thinking.
4. She came up to us breathing heavily.
5. The hall was full of laughing people.
6. The singing girl was about fourteen.
7. Having read the book I gave it to Pete.
8. The large building being built in our street is a new school – house.
9. Having finished the experiment the students left the laboratory.
10. Being busy, he postponed his trip.
11. Having been written long ago, the manuscript was impossible to read.
12. Having been built of concrete, the house was always cold in winter.

Упражнение 2.

Раскройте скобки, употребив причастие настоящего времени в активной и пассивной форме.

1. (To impress) by the film, they kept silent.
2. (To lose) the book, the student couldn’t remember the topic.
3. He spent the whole day (to read) a book.
4. (To travel) around America for a month, she returned to England.
5. He watched Mike (to go) out of the door and (to cross) the street.
6. The question (to discuss) now is very important.
7. (To pack) in the beautiful box the flowers looked very lovely.
8. (To descent) the mountains, they heard a man calling for help.
9. (To reject) by everybody he became a monk.
10. (To show) the wrong direction, the travelers soon lost their way.









Perfect Participle I.



1. (To write) out all the words, I started to learn them.
2. (To buy) food, they left supermarket.
3. (to bark) dog doesn’t bite.
4. She entered the room (to smile).
5. (To drink) coffee she was talking to her friend.
6. (To find) the keys, we were able to open the door.
7. (To make) the report, Tom left the room.
8. (To see) her he raised his hat.
9. My task (to finish), I went to bed.
10. While (to learn) the pronunciation of the words we learned their meaning.

Упражнение 4.

Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на причастие прошедшего времени.

1. He doesn’t like boiled milk.
2. I remember well his words said at the meeting.
3. We don’t like the book bought last week.
4. The stolen things were returned to the owner.
5. Asked about this event, he replied nothing.
6. The explanation given was not complete.
7. When burnt, coal produces heat.
8. The results received were of great importance for the further work.
9. When reconstructed the theatre looked more beautiful than before.
10. She showed us a list of the newly published books.

Упражнение 5.

Раскройте скобки, употребив причастие прошедшего времени. Переведите.

1. The letter (to write) by him was very long.
2. We are interested in the goods (to produce) by this factory.
3. She didn’t understand the word (to say) by him.
4. He didn’t see the things (to keep) in her box.
5. I don’t like the video (to buy) yesterday.
6. This is the house (to build) many years ago.
7. The question (to put) to the professor was important.
8. When (to offer) to work abroad, he refused.
9. The article on agriculture (to publish) in this magazine was written by Smith.
10. You can get the book (to recommend) by our teacher in the library.
11. When (to use) for building purposes, concrete is very important.
12. When (to complete) the new building will accommodate 3000 students.

Данный урок – 9 из серии упражнений для уровня Upper-Intermediate и Advanced. Автор упражнений — Затонская А.С.

В данном уроке мы отработаем такие темы как:

  • the Participle,
  • the Objective Participial Construction,
  • the Subjective Participial Construction,
  • the Nominative Absolute Participial Construction,
  • the Prepositional Absolute Participial Construction.

Упражнения построены на основе лексической темы Sport.

Упражнения на отработку причастных оборотов в английском.

Упражнение 1.
Transform the given sentences into sentences with the Participle or Participial groups where it is possible. Remember that the Participle II doesn’t usually express priority, but has mainly the passive meaning and therefore phrases like “Человек, принесший письмо” must be expressed in English by a clause.

  1. He felt that he was falling on the ice and tried to catch the puck with his stick.
  2. After he had set up a new record in hammer throwing he was even more tired and exhausted then during his hard coaching.
  3. For a few moments he stood and watched how the ball was approaching the gate.
  4. He has won the match and decided to rest a little.
  5. He scored a goal. He evened the score.
  6. A sportsman was running very quickly. He tried to break the world record.
  7. The athlete was training hard. He intended to win the championship.
  8. The wrestler defeated his opponent and became the winner of the World Cup.
  9. The athlete was balancing on a balance beam. He didn’t pay attention at how his fans were shouting.

Упражнение 2.
Translate into English.

  1. Хорошо разбежавшись, спортсмен высоко прыгнул.
  2. Спортивная одежда, выпускаемая этой фирмой, одна из лучших в мире.
  3. Человеку, решившему стать чемпионом по бодибилдингу, необходимо долго и упорно тренироваться по специально разработанной программе.
  4. Спортивное обмундирование и оборудование продолжает совершенствоваться; недавно, например, появилась новая модель кроссовок, продуманная до мелочей.

Objective Participial Construction and Subjective Participial Construction – упражнения.

Упражнение 3. Fulfill the tasks using the Objective Participial Construction and the Subjective Participial Construction. Transform the given sentences into the sentences with the Objective Participial Construction and the Subjective Participial Construction

She saw him scoring / score the goal

He was seen to set a new record

He was seen setting a new record

  1. Many people saw how he got the ball into the basket.
  2. She saw him. He was passing a ball to another football player.
  3. They heard the fans. They were screaming.
  4. The coach saw the athlete. He was training.
  5. The boys were playing cricket. We watched them.
  6. She watched her son. He was diving in the swimming pool.
  7. One could see how he was training in shot-putting.

Упражнение 4.
Translate into English.

  1. Видели, как он упорно тренировался в водных видах спорта. Наверное, он собирался принять участие в соревнованиях.
  2. Видно было, как спортсмены достигли финиша.
  3. Часто видели, как она занималась художественной гимнастикой в спортивном зале.
  4. Видно было, как спортсмен прыгнул и сбил планку.
  5. Заметили, что он начал заниматься альпинизмом.
  6. Ее нашли наблюдающей за ходом тренировки.
  7. Он оставил ракетку лежащей на корте.
  8. Было слышно, как фигуристка скользит по катку.
  9. Судья! Я видел, как он забил гол!
  10. Было слышно, как тренер говорил что-то спортсменам перед началом матча.
  11. Видели, как он пересек поле и «отбил» мяч у противника.

Nominative Absolute Participial Construction and Prepositional Absolute Participial Construction упражнения

Упражнение 5
. Fulfill the tasks using the Nominative Absolute Participial Construction and the Prepositional Absolute Participial Construction. Transform the given sentences into the sentences with the Nominative Absolute Participial Construction and the Prepositional Absolute Participial Construction

The match being over, the players went home

She watched the game very attentively, with her eyes fixed on the sport ground.

  1. The referee followed the competition very thoroughly. His attention was paid to the swimming pool.
  2. He has won the world championship and the Olympic Games. He could be sure that he had no rivals in the coming competitions.
  3. The court was clean. Now the match could be started.
  4. A children’s sport center was opened. After that much more children started going into different kinds of sports.
  5. The game was over. There was no possibility now to even the score.
  6. It has started to rain cats and dogs. Therefore, it was impossible to continue the football match.
  7. The sportsman has hurt his knee and that’s why he couldn’t take part in the championship.

Упражнение 6.
Translate into English

  1. Поскольку оставалось всего 10 минут до начала матча, они прошли на стадион и заняли места на скамейке.
  2. Когда игра закончилась, поклонники спортсменов разошлись по домам.
  3. Так как корт намок, теннисный матч пришлось перенести на другой день.
  4. Известный конькобежец шел по улице, за ним следовала группа поклонников.
  5. Так как по телевизору показывали соревнования по хоккею, он решил провести вечер дома.
  6. Он выиграл соревнования, не прилагая почти никаких усилий.
  7. Он понял, что проиграл; его сердце бешено заколотилось.

Упражнение 7
. It is well known that sport does people a lot of good – but different kinds of sport develop different skills. So make a classification of skills and kinds of sport which train them. Use the pattern:

“People playing tennis have good reaction; people playing chess develop their mental abilities”

Упражнение 7
. Imagine that you are a commentator of sport competitions. You are very responsible and you want not only to describe everything in details but to give all the possible information about the sportsmen taking part in the competitions. But the broadcast time is expensive and you have to be precise. The following pattern may help you: “The sportsmen kicking the ball is …” or “training hard he achieved outstanding results …” and so on.

Упражнение 8.
Describe the rules of any sport game. Do not forget that the description must be exact and precise, but detailed for everybody to understand it. You may use the pattern: “A man having a ball must … “

Упражнение 9.
You are a member of the Committee, which is to decide what kinds of sport should be included in the Olympic Games. You prepare a report where you say what games, from your point of view should or should not be included. You must be precise and detailed, so you decide to use the Participle and Participial Constructions where possible.

Упражнение 10
. You are an architect whose task is to make а project of a sport complex. Tomorrow you are to give the report about what you have already done. The Committee will be very strict and serious, so you want to sound business-like and scientific. You think that the use of the Participial Constructions will help you to produce the desired impression. You describe each item of the sport complex taking into consideration its function, advantages and disadvantages.

Participial constructions – ответы к упражнениям.

Упражнение 1. Возможные ответы.

  1. He felt like falling on the ice and tried to catch the puck with his stick.
  2. Having set up a new record in hammer throwing he was even more tired and exhausted then during his hard coaching.
  3. For a few moments he stood and watched the ball approaching / approach the gate.
  4. Нaving won the match he decided to rest a little.
  5. Having scored a goal, he evened the score.
  6. Running very quickly, the sportsman tried to break the world record.
  7. Training very hard, the athlete intended to win the championship.
  8. Having defeated his opponent, the wrestler became the winner of the World Cup.
  9. Balancing on a balance beam, the athlete didn’t pay attention at how his fans were shouting.

Упражнение 2. Возможные ответы.

  1. Having ran up well, the athlete jumped high.
  2. Sports clothing manufactured by this company is one of the best in the world.
  3. Having decided to become a champion bodybuilder, a person needs to train long and hard according to a specially planned program.
  4. Sports clothing and equipment continues to improve; for example, recently, a new model of carefully thought-out shoes has appeared.

Упражнение 3.

  1. Не was seen to get the ball into the basket.
  2. She saw him passing / pass a ball to another football player.
  3. They heard the fans screaming.
  4. The coach saw the athlete training.
  5. We watched the boys playing cricket.
  6. She watched her son diving in the swimming pool.
  7. One could see him training in shot-putting.

Упражнение 4. Возможные ответы

  1. He was seen training hard in water sports. He was probably going to participate in competitions.
  2. The athletes were seen to reach the finish line.
  3. She was often seen practising in artistic gymnastics in the sports hall.
  4. The athlete was seen to jump and hit the bar.
  5. He was noticed to start to practise climbing.
  6. She was found watching training process.
  7. He left the racket lying on the court.
  8. I could hear the skater sliding on the ice rink.
  9. Referee! I saw him score a goal!
  10. I could hear the coach saying something to the athletes before the match.
  11. He was seen to cross the field and take the ball from the opponent.

Упражнение 5.

  1. The referee followed the competition very thoroughly with his attention paid to the swimming pool.
  2. After winning the world championship and the Olympic Games he could be sure that he had no rivals in the coming competitions.
  3. The court being cleaned the match could be started.
  4. A children’s sport center being opened, much more children started going into different kinds of sports.
  5. The game being over, there was no possibility now to even the score.
  6. The weather being rainy, it was impossible to continue the football match.
  7. After hurting his knee, he couldn’t take part in the championship.

Упражнение 6.

  1. 10 minutes being left before the match, they went to the stadium and took their places on the bench.
  2. The match being over, the fans of the athletes went home.
  3. The court being wet, the tennis match had to be postponed to another day.
  4. A famous skater was walking down the street with a group of fans following him.
  5. Hockey competitions being shown on TV, he decided to spend the evening at home.
  6. He won the event without making any effort.
  7. After realizing that he had lost; his heart went pounding.

Choose the correct variant:

1. She enters, ______ by her mother.

b. being accompanying

2. ______ by the crash, he leapt to his feet.

b. Have been aroused

3. ______ about the bandits, he left his valuables at home.

b. Having been warned

4. ______ that they were trying to poison him, he refused to eat anything.

5. Tom, ______ at what he had done, could at first say nothing.

b. having horrified

6. Jones and Smith came in, ______ by their wives.

d. have followed

7. ______ by the blow, Peter fell heavily.

8. The new job ______ to me lately seems to be very interesting.

9. She looked at the table. There was a loaf of brown bread ______ into two halves.

10. The animals ______ in the morning struggled furiously.

11. The child ______ alone in the large room began screaming.

12. ______, the postman refused to deliver our letters unless we chained our dog up.

c. Having been bitten twice

13. The centre of the cotton industry is Manchester ______ with Liverpool by a canal.

14. The story ______ by the old captain made the young girl cry.

15. He didn’t doubt that the information ______ by morning mail was of great interest to his competitors.

16. The equipment ______ in the shop is rather sophisticated.

a. had installing

17. We’ve got a great variety of products, which are in great demand. Here are some samples ______ to our distributors last month.

18. The methods ______ in the building of the new metro stations proved to be efficient.

19. She warmed uр the dinner that she ______ the day before.

20. ______ by successive storms, the bridge was no longer safe.

a. Having been weakened

Ответы к упражнению:

1. c; 2. c; 3. b; 4. b; 5. a; 6. a; 7. b; 8. a; 9. c; 10. b; 11. b; 12. c; 13. b; 14. b; 15. c; 16. c; 17. a; 18. c; 19. b; 20. a;

This article deals with the tips and techniques of correcting mistakes of English learning students’ speaking in the classroom.

Key words: to make mistake, error, learning process, to correct, self-correction, non-verbally, comprehension, to focus on something, fluency.

Техника исправления ошибок в устной речи на занятиях

Фазилдинова Севара Нематовна, ассистент

Джизакский политехнический институт (Узбекистан)

В этой статье предусматривается техника и советы исправления ошибок в устной речи у учащихся английского языка.

Ключевые слова: сделать ошибку, ошибка, учебный процесс, исправлять, самостоятельное исправление, не устно, понимание, сосредоточивать внимание на что-либо, плавность речи.

As learners of the foreign language we often make mistakes as it is not our native language. Especially, in spoken English we sometimes omit articles which aren’t translated, use prepositions incorrectly which are those followed by the particular verbs and adjectives. Students also don’t follow grammar rules and make mistakes when they talk. Mistakes aren’t always bad.

It is an important part of the learning process. If they are not making mistakes then they are not being given difficult enough topics and structures to work with. You have to choose material that is challenging but manageable for your class and correct mistakes in positive ways. Singling out students who make errors will make students feel selfconscious and shy so some tact when correcting mistakes is important.

When our students learn something new they always make mistakes. What is the best way to correct these mistakes? Which mistakes should be corrected? Should all student errors be marked?

If they are mistakes, the instructor should point them out. Again, we should go back here to the purpose of correction. If the purpose is to help students improve production, then correction should be limited to one or two areas for students to focus on which are important to overall comprehensibility: the student’s pattern of run-on sentences, for example, or stress patterns, not a single misspelling or mispronunciation.

A crucial issue for any teacher is when and how to correct students’ English mistakes. Mistakes may be numerous and in various areas (grammar, vocabulary choice, pronunciation of both words and correct stressing in sentences). Of course, there are a number of types of corrections that teachers are expected to make during the course of any given class. Here are the main types of mistakes that need to be corrected:

— Grammatical mistakes(mistakes of verb tenses, preposition use, etc.)

— Vocabulary mistakes (incorrect collocations, idiomatic phrase usage, etc.)

— Pronunciation mistakes (errors in basic pronunciation, errors in word stressing in sentences, errors in rhythm and pitch)

— Written mistakes (grammar, spelling and vocabulary choice mistakes in written work) [4]

The main issue at hand during oral work is whether or not to correct students as the make mistakes. On the other hand, correction of written work boils down to how much correction should be done. In other words, should teachers correct every single mistake, or should they give a value judgment and correct only major mistakes.

With oral mistakes made during class discussions, there are basically two schools of thought:

1) Correct often and thoroughly;

2) Let students make mistakes;

Sometimes, teachers refine the choice by choosing to let beginners make many mistakes while correcting advanced students often.

However, many teachers are taking a third route these days. This third route might be called “selective correction”. In this case, the teacher decides to correct only certain errors. Which errors will be corrected is usually decided by the objectives of the lesson, or the specific exercise that is being done at that moment.

In other words, if students are focusing on simple past irregular forms, then only mistakes in those forms are corrected (i.e., goed, thinked, etc.). Other mistakes, such as mistakes in a future form, or mistakes of collocations (for example: I made my homework) are ignored.

Finally, many teachers also choose to correct students after the fact. Teachers take notes on common mistakes that students make. During the follow-up correction session the teacher then presents common mistakes made so that all can benefit from an analysis of which mistakes were made and why.

make mistakes in speaking for three reasons: they didn’t pay attention, they need more practice, or they don’t understand grammatical structure or vocabulary. That’s why when they make mistakes, determine the reason for mistake. You can give them more practice or explanation if they need it. They also make mistakes with structures or vocabulary they learned but don’t remember how to use. You can make a note their mistakes and review this material in a later class. Mistakes are good source of topics to review. Although you don’t correct students’ mistakes every time, you shouldn’t forget them.

Correcting mistakes is done to help students speak better English. Therefore, some methods are better than others. Here are some techniques teachers can use to correct mistakes in student’s speech.

Don’t interrupt. If students make mistakes, let them finish what they are saying. If you stop them every time they make mistake, they will never learn to say a full sentence. They will expect you to help them when they have even a little bit of trouble. It is important for students to remember words or grammar themselves. If they ask you for help, help them. But if not, let them try to talk.

Have a positive attitude. Your attitude toward mistakes can interest the students in speaking. There shouldn’t be the tone which makes them afraid of. Don’t shout at students who make mistakes. They feel embarrassed and try not to participate once again in activities. Correct them in a gentle way. Try not to embarrass them before other students for not just using articles or prepositions correctly.

— Self-Correction (oral). The best way to correct mistakes is to have students correct themselves. Ideally a student will realize a mistake has been made and fix it automatically but that is not always the case. If a student answers a question incorrectly you can gently prompt them to revisit their answer. One of the ways to do this is to repeat what the student said placing emphasis on the incorrect portion, for instance “I have play baseball.” and saying it in a questioning way. At this point the student has an opportunity to think about and revise his initial response. You may have your own method of prompting students with a facial expression or phrase which they associate with being incorrect but avoid saying words such as wrong, incorrect, or no in response to mistakes. They are negative and will have ill effects on your students’ confidence in the classroom. It is probably more effective for students to correct their own mistakes. In order to do this, students and the teacher should have common shorthand for correcting mistakes.Self-correction should take place quickly, hardly affecting the flow of the conversation. If students correct themselves too much, it can have the opposite effect. It hinders fluency. You also can’t always rely on students to catch their own mistakes. These may go uncorrected.

Self-correction (written). Write down the students’ sentences with the mistake on the blackboard. The student might see the mistake when it is written down and be able to correct it. Try to emphasize the mistake they have done. For elementary levels you may underline the word used incorrectly. After all, the student should repeat the correct sentence orally to practice. We teachers should teach students how to self-correct.

Finally, it’s usually not enough for the instructor to just show where the errors are. The student also must know how to correct them, so the instructor should demonstrate for the student how to do this—how to check that the verbs agree with the subject, for example—rather than just making the correction herself, from which the student learns nothing. It is, of course, ultimately the goal for the student to use English independently, which means monitoring and correcting his own language production.

— Peer-Correction. When a student is unable to self correct, peer correction might be appropriate. If a student raises his hand while you are waiting for a student to self correct, you may want to call on that student for the correct answer or, after waiting a short time for a student to self correct, you could ask the whole class the same question and encourage a choral response. Especially with challenging questions, this is a good method because then it is unknown who in the class has the right answer and who does not. Just repeat and emphasize the correct answer by writing it on the board and explaining why it is correct. This is a good method of correcting mistakes because it shifts focus away from the student that provided the original incorrect answer [2].

— Group correction: A student doesn’t always catch his own mistakes, though, no matter how skilled he may be. Or perhaps you don’t want to interrupt an activity. Or maybe you feel as though you have corrected too much during the lesson already, so teacher-to-student correction is out, too. Group correction is an alternative, with peers in small groups pointing out mistakes.

The idea is that groups of students work together to help one another. Because large groups can prove intimidating, five students or fewer together end up as ideal. With role-plays, presentations, interviews, debates, or any other type of group activity, students note mistakes for a feedback session later. Similarly, one student can sit out, observe the conversation, and jot down notes. Other students then rotate out to observe as the activity continues. A correction session follows in which your English learners play the role of the teacher. Always stress that feedback should be positive, and that everyone benefits by pointing out and correcting mistakes together!

Group correction has the potential to foster teamwork, as well as a sense of support in the classroom. Both are important in creating a positive learning environment where students can feel comfortable experiment with the language. It also provides the opportunity for learners to notice language problems without help or interruption by the teacher

Model the correct sentence. If a student makes a mistake, repeat the sentence for them correctly. Ask the student to repeat the correct version after you for practice.

— Student-to-student correction: This isn’t so dissimilar from group correction. It has many of the same advantages and disadvantages. The primary difference, though, comes with students working in pairs rather than groups.

You can use this type of correction in any conversational activity. As with all conversations, the primary objective is to exchange ideas and/or information. Assign a secondary objective of listening for, identifying, and correcting any mistakes. Students could also work in pairs with a worksheet, discussing and correcting sentences with mistakes that you have purposely made. Both encourage high student talk time, and fosters comprehension and teamwork.

On the negative side, students could miss problems with the language, or even correct something that doesn’t need correction. In group correction, these problems are less likely, because everyone benefits from more than one person’s knowledge of English. Student-to-student correction also has a tendency to eat up a lot of time.

positives: encourages high student talk time, comprehension, and teamwork.

negatives: students might not identify the mistakes, or might try to correct language that isn’t wrong; can be time-consuming.

Correct non-verbally. You don’t always have to tell students when they make mistake. You may use the gesture, nod your head, or move your head to let them know they made mistake. After gesture, they might notice themselves.

Ignore the mistakes. Sometimes students speak incorrectly because they haven’t learned the right grammar to use. Explaining this kind of mistakes might take up too much time. If your student says something very complicated and you don’t want to explain the mistake, you don’t have to do it. You can ignore it. Also students sometimes make more than one mistake. You might want to focus on one mistake. Instead of correcting all of them. For example, “I father clever”. You could just correct one of his mistakes “My father”.

Encouraging. And of course, praise them for their ability to admit their mistakes.

To my mind, one of the best ways to deal with mistakes is to prevent them. Leading students to speak step by step will minimize mistakes and make students more comfortable speaking. The first stage of your lesson is presentation. Explain the new grammar structure and vocabulary. Next begin to practice with simple oral drills. Make sure students can repeat the vocabulary or manipulate the grammar. Next do a focused activity. Before you do the activity, model the task for them. Show them what they will do during the activity. Give them example sentences. Write down sample sentences on the board to help them. Make sure they know what to do, how to do it, and how much time they have. Conduct the activity. While they are doing the activity move around the room and check them. Do they understand? Are they doing the activity correctly? After they finish, ask some students to show the class their work. Go over the answers to the task. If they are ready, do a fluency activity. Review the material in the next lesson, the next week, and in future lessons.

Go from easy activity to difficult activities, from controlled to guide to free activities, and from focused speaking activities to fluency activities. Take baby steps. Don’t expect students to speak fluently without a lot of practice.

In addition to considering the seriousness of an error, the instructor should consider the frequency of the error. If the student has a concern with almost always omitting articles (“a,” “an,” and “the”), this is a problem that should be addressed because omitted articles are distracting from the overall message and can affect overall comprehensibility of the writing.

Correcting student error is a sensitive issue that most instructors would probably rather not do. However, through considering such issues as overall comprehensibility and goals of correction, the instructor can turn the potentially negative exercise of giving corrective feedback into a positive learning experience.

Learning a language is a long process during which a learner will inevitably make many, many mistakes. In other words we take a myriad of tiny steps going from not speaking a language to being fluent in the language. In the opinion of many teachers, students who are continually corrected become inhibited and cease to participate. This results in the exact opposite of what the teacher is trying to produce — the use of English to communicate.

In conclusion I can say that, whichever way you go about correcting your students, try to keep the experience positive for the learner. Being corrected constantly can be a really de-motivating, as every language learner knows. As you are listening out for your students’ errors, make sure you also listen out for really good uses of language and highlight these to the group too. In the case of language learning I really do believe the classic saying, ‘you learn from your mistakes’.


  1. Allen, Virginia French. Techniques in Teaching Vocabulary. Oxford University Press, 1983.
  2. Doff, Adrian. Teach English: Trainers’ Handbook. Cambridge University Press, 1988
  3. Russo G.M. Expanding Communication. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1983.

Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): mistakes, students, student, correct mistakes, correction, vocabulary choice mistakes, common mistakes, make mistakes, group correction, English mistakes, Vocabulary mistakes, major mistakes, Grammatical mistakes, Pronunciation mistakes, oral mistakes, note their mistakes, n’t correct students, Фазилдинова Севара Нематовна, high student talk, correct sentence.

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