The word theoretical grammar


object of theoretical grammar as a science is the grammatical
structure of language, i.e. the system of laws governing the change
of grammatical forms of words and the building of sentences.

of a language is not a list of rules forced on people who speak it.
It is just a record made by careful observation of how people speak a

Laws of grammar are objective.
They can be compared with those of nature. Law of nature are a few
things that people have observed as the way nature acts. If we find
that nature is now acting according to these rules, we do not try to
force nature to obey them. We change our ideas about nature and
discover new laws.

the same with grammar. English of today is not quite the same
English as English of 17th
century. What was good grammar for Shakespeare could he had grammar
for shaw.

main difference between the grammatical structure of English and that
of Russian and Ukrainian lies in ways of expressing grammatical
relations between words in word-groups and sentences. In Ukrainian or
Russian grammatical relations between words in a sentence are mainly
expressed by forms of the words. Such a type of grammatical structure
is called analytical.

Practical (normative) grammar
is a collection of rules, which will enable one to speak and write

Theoretical (scientific)
grammar is a scientific description of grammatical structure of a

Practical grammar is dogmatic
to same extent.

Theoretical grammar is
connected with phonology, lexicology and the history of language.

Traditionally grammar is
divided into morphology and syntax.

(which means “study of law”) is the part of grammar that treats
of forms of words. Syntax is the part of grammar that of phrases and
sentences. Morphology and syntax are closely connected and it’s
impossible to draw precise boundaries between them.


Basic grammatical notions

grammatical forms we understand variations of a word having the same
lexical meaning but differing grammatically (e.g. child, child’s
children, children’s; teaches, taught, teaching).

Meaning expressed by a
grammatical form is called grammatical meaning. Each notional word is
a unity of two types of meaning – lexical and grammatical. Lexical
meaning is of individual character. It is common in a lot of words,
which have different lexical meanings (e.g. tables, chairs, men,
women, events; played, lived, wrote, ran, went).

meaning is always expressed by a grammatical marker and it is

Grammatical meanings are
revealed in oppositions.

Oppositions are pairs of
grammatical forms opposed to each other in some way” (B.Ilysh).

two-member opposition is called binary. Of the two members of an
opposition one is called marked and the other one unmarked. For
example, in the opposition “cat//cats” “cats” is the marked
member. The meaning of the marked member is quite definite, whereas
the meaning of the unmarked one is less definite and even vague.

Binary oppositions are typical
of the English language. An opposition may consist of more than two
members. (e.g. the tense opposition: studies – studied – will

general meaning of two or more homogeneous grammatical meanings
opposed to each other, makes
up a grammatical category. E.g. the general meaning of singular and
plural makes up the grammatical category of number; future tense
makes up the grammatical category of tense.

There are two conditions for
existing a grammatical category:

  1. a grammatical category must
    be represented by at least two homogeneous grammatical meanings;

  2. it
    must be expressed by some grammatical means.

Grammatical categories may
not coincide in different languages. For example, in Russian and
Ukrainian there exists the grammatical category of animateness/
inanimateness, which does not exist in English; in English there
exists the grammatical category of definiteness/indefiniteness, which
does not exist in Russian and Ukrainian.


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Theoretical grammar is concerned with language in general rather than with an individual language, as is the study of essential components of any human language. Transformational grammar is one variety of theoretical grammar. 

According to Antoinette Renouf and Andrew Kehoe:

«Theoretical grammar or syntax is concerned with making completely explicit the formalisms of grammar, and in providing scientific arguments or explanations in favour of one account of grammar rather than another, in terms of a general theory of human language.» (Antoinette Renouf and Andrew Kehoe, The Changing Face of Corpus Linguistics. Rodopi, 2003)

Traditional Grammar vs. Theoretical Grammar

«What generative linguists mean by ‘grammar’ should not be confused, in the first instance, with what ordinary persons or nonlinguists might refer to by that term: namely, a traditional or pedagogical grammar such as the kind used to teach language to children in ‘grammar school.’ A pedagogical grammar typically provides paradigms of regular constructions, lists of prominent exceptions to these constructions (irregular verbs, etc.), and descriptive commentary at various levels of detail and generality about the form and meaning of expressions in a language (Chomsky 1986a: 6). By contrast, a theoretical grammar, in Chomsky’s framework, is a scientific theory: it seeks to provide a complete theoretical characterization of the speaker-hearer’s knowledge of her language, where this knowledge is interpreted to refer to a particular set of mental states and structures.

The difference between a theoretical grammar and a pedagogical grammar is one important distinction to bear in mind in order to avoid confusion about how the term ‘grammar’ operates in theoretical linguistics. A second, more fundamental distinction is between a theoretical grammar and a mental grammar.» (John Mikhail, Elements of Moral Cognition: Rawls’ Linguistic Analogy and the Cognitive Science of Moral and Legal Judgment. Cambridge Univ. Press, 2011)​

Descriptive Grammar vs. Theoretical Grammar

«A descriptive grammar (or reference grammar) catalogues the facts of a language, whereas a theoretical grammar uses some theory about the nature of language to explain why the language contains certain forms and not others.» (Paul Baker, Andrew Hardie, and Tony McEnery, A Glossary of Corpus Linguistics. Edinburgh Univ. Press, 2006)​

Descriptive and Theoretical Linguistics

«The purpose of descriptive and theoretical linguistics is to further our understanding of language. This is done through a continual process of testing theoretical assumptions against data, and analyzing data in the light of those assumptions which previous analyses have confirmed to such a degree that they form a more or less integral whole that is accepted as the currently preferred theory. Between them, the mutually dependent fields of descriptive and theoretical linguistics provide accounts and explanations of how things seem to be in language, and a terminology for use in discussions.» (O. Classe, Encyclopedia of Literary Translation Into English. Taylor & Francis, 2000)

«It seems that in modern theoretical grammar the differences between morphological and syntactic constructions are beginning to show up, for example in the fact that, in the European languages at least, syntactic constructions tend to be right-branching while morphological constructions tend to be left-branching.» (Pieter A. M. Seuren, Western Linguistics: An Historical Introduction. Blackwell, 1998)

Also Known As: theoretical linguistics, speculative grammar


Lecture 1

2. Grammar: the origin of the term

*The term grammar is derived from
the Greek word grammatikē, where
gram meant something written. The
part tikē derives from technē and
meant art.
*Hence grammatikē is the art of



4. Theoretical and Practical Grammar

*Practical grammar gives practical rules
of the use of linguistic structures.
*Theoretical grammar gives an analysis
of the structures in the light of general
principles of linguistics and the existing
schools and approaches.


Any course of theoretical grammar
today serves to describe the
grammatical structure of language as
a system where all parts are



7. Prescriptive and Descriptive Grammar

Practical grammar prescribes certain rules of usage and
teaches to speak or write correctly.
Theoretical grammar presents facts of language while
analyzing them and gives no prescriptions.
To a prescriptive grammarian, grammar is rules of correct
usage; its aim is to prescribe what is judged to be correct
rather than to describe actual usage.
To a descriptive grammarian (descriptivist), grammar is a
systematic description of the structure of a language.

8. Historical Types of Grammars

traditional (prescriptive and
non-structural descriptive)
structural descriptive


* Pāṇini
(4th century BCE) is known for his
Sanskrit grammar, particularly for his
formulation of the 3,959 rules of Sanskrit
morphology, syntax and semantics, in the
grammar known as Aṣṭādhyāyī, meaning «eight
* His theory of morphological analysis was more
advanced than any equivalent Western theory
before the mid 20th century.

10. A 17th century birch bark manuscript of Panini’s grammar treatise from Kashmir


* In ancient Greece and ancient Rome the term
‘grammar’ denoted the whole apparatus of
literary study.

12. Traditional Grammar in Ancient Greece

Traditional grammar has its origins in the principles
formulated by the scholars of Ancient Greece – in
the works of Dionysius Thrax, Protagoras, Plato, and
Dionysius Thrax (c. 100 BCE)
was the first to present a
comprehensive grammar of Greek.
His grammar remained a
standard work for thirteen centuries.

13. Thrax’s Grammar

distinguishes two basic units of
description – the sentence (logos), which is
the upper limit of grammatical description,
and the word, which is the minimal unit of
grammatical description.
sentence is defined notionally as
“expressing a complete thought”.


Constituents of the
sentence (class words)
onoma (noun)
rhema (verb)
metochē (participle)
arthron (article)
antonymia (pronoun)
próthesis (preposition)
epirrhēma (adverb
syndesmos (conjunctions)

15. Traditional Grammar in Ancient Rome

* The first Latin grammar was written by Varro (116–27 B.C.). One of
Varro’s merits is the distinction between derivation and inflection.
Varro set up the following system of four inflexionally contrasting
1) those with case inflexion (nouns
including adjectives);
2) those with tense inflexion (verbs);
3) those with case and tense inflexion
4) those with neither (adverb).

16. From Antiquity to the Present Day

* The Latin grammars of the present
day are the direct descendants of
the works written by late
grammarians, Priscian (c. A.D. 500)
in particular.
* Their aim was to transfer as far as
possible the grammatical system of
Thrax’s grammar.


* In the middle ages, grammar was the study of

18. Latin Grammars in English Schools

Until the end of the sixteenth century, the
only grammars used in English schools
were Latin grammars.
The aim was to teach the English to read,
write and sometimes converse in this
lingua franca of Western Europe.


One of the earliest and most popular Latin
grammars written in English was William Lily’s
grammar, published in the first half of the 16th
century. It was an aid to learning Latin, and it
rigorously followed Latin models.

20. Early English Grammars

* The
Renaissance widened linguistic horizons. Scholars
turned their attention to the living languages of Europe.
* Although the study of Greek and Latin grammar continued,
they were not the only languages scholars
interested in.
* The first grammars of English were closely related to Latin,
which scholars had treated as an ideal language.
* English, which replaced Latin, had to appear as perfect as
Latin. As a result, some English scholars were greatly
concerned with refining their language. Through the use of
logic they hoped to improve English.

21. The First English Grammar

* The first grammars of English were prescriptive, not
* The most influential grammar of this period was
R.Lowth’s Short Introduction to English Grammar

22. English described through Latin

* The aim of this grammar was “to teach us to express ourselves
with propriety … and to enable us to judge of every phrase and
form of construction, whether it be right or not”.
* The criterion for the discrimination between right and wrong
constructions was Latin.
* As Latin appeared to conform best to their concept of ideal
grammar, English was described in terms of Latin forms and the
same grammatical constraints were imposed.
E.g,, a noun was presented in the form of the Latin noun paradigm:
* Nominative: the house Genitive: of the house Dative: to the
house Accusative: the house Ablative: in, at, from the house
Vocative: house

23. The Features of Prescriptive Grammar

To sum up, early prescriptive grammar could be
characterized by the following features:
1) patterning after Latin in classifying words into word
classes and establishing grammatical categories;
2) reliance on meaning and function in definitions;
3) approach to correctness: the standards of
correctness are logic, which was identified with Latin
4) emphasis on writing rather than speech.

24. Descriptive (non-structural) grammar

25. Non-Structural Descriptive Grammar

Henry Sweet (1845–1912), “New English
Grammar, Logical and Historical “(1891):
“ As my exposition claims to be scientific,
I confine myself to the statement of facts,
without attempting to settle the relative
correctness of divergent usages. If an
‘ungrammatical’ expression such as it is
‘me’ is in general use among educated
people, I accept it as such, simply adding
that it is avoided in the literary language.”

26. Non-Structural Descriptive Grammar in Summary

Unlike prescriptivists, descriptivists focus
their attention on actual usage without trying
“to settle the relative correctness of divergent
Similar to prescriptivists, descriptivists use
meaning and function in their definition of
parts of speech.


Otto Jespersen (1860–1943), a Danish
linguist, developed the theory of grammar
and the grammar of English. He proposes
three principles of classification – meaning,
form, and function. His theory is set out in
“The Philosophy of Grammar” (1924).
It removes the parts of speech from the
syntax, is based on the concepts of ranks and
brings the concept of context to the forefront
of the attention.


The Emergence of



As a reaction to the atomistic approach to
language a new theory appeared that was
seeking to grasp linguistic events in their
mutual interconnection and
interdependence, to understand and to
describe language as a system.


The first linguists to speak of language as a system or
a structure of smaller systems were Beaudouin de
Courtenay (1845-1929) and F.F.Fortunatov (18481914) of Russia, and the Swiss linguist Ferdinand de
Saussure (1857-1913).

32. The American Descriptive School


Frantz Boas, linguist and anthropologist (1858-1942) is
usually mentioned as the predecessor of American
His basic ideas were later developed by Edward Sapir
(1884-1939) and Leonard Bloomfield (1887-1949).


Leonard Bloomfield:
”The study of language can be conducted…only
so long as we pay no attention to the meaning of
what is spoken” (“Language”,1933).

35. The American Descriptive School

The principal
approach: to study
the structure of a
language as
objectively as
possible, without
reference to
meaning and other
The focus: to devise
formal methods of
The analysis of
analysis and replace
meaning by form;
collected from
interest in what is
native speakers of
observes, i.e.
the language, giving
objective data
preference to
spoken language



The chief contribution of the
American Descriptive School to
elaboration of the techniques of
linguistic analysis.

38. The Descriptivist Methods

The main methods are
(1) the Distributional Method and
(2) the Method of Immediate


(1)The Distributional Analysis
is a method of linguistic research in which the
classification of linguistic units and the study of their
features are carried out on the basis of the distribution
of the units in question in the spoken chain, i.e. on the
basis of their combinability.

40. The combinability (environment, context)

(unit 1)
(unit 2)

41. Distributional hypothesis

Linguistic units with
similar distributions have
similar meanings.


2. The Method of Immediate
The term immediate constituents (IC) was introduced by L.
Bloomfield as follows: “Any English-speaking person who
concerns himself with this matter is sure to tell us that the
immediate constituents of
Poor John ran away
are the two forms Poor John and ran away; that
each of these is, in turn, a complex form; that the
immediate constituents of ran away are ran and away, and
that the constituents of Poor John are poor and John”.

43. Immediate Constituents

Poor John ran away
Poor John
ran away


2. The Method of Immediate Constituents
* This method
is based on the binary principle, i.e.
each stage of the procedure involves two
components the unit immediately breaks into.
* The
analysis is completed when we arrive at
constituents incapable of further division.


Method of Immediate

46. Definition 1

An immediate constituent is a word or a group of words
that functions as a single unit within a hierarchical

47. Definition 2

The ultimate constituents are the smallest meaningful
units which any given construction can be broken down
to, consisting of a morpheme at the morphological level
and a word at the syntactic level.

48. Definition 3

The linguistics procedure which divides sentences into
their component parts or constituents in this way is
known as constituent analysis.

49. Definition 4

The segmentation of the sentence into its immediate
constituents by using binary cuttings until its ultimate
constituents are obtained is called Immediate Constituent
Analysis (IC Analysis).



The idea of the Transformational Grammar (TG)
was first suggested by Zellig S.Harris as a method
of analyzing the “raw material” (concrete
utterances) and was later(1957) elaborated by
Noam Chomsky as a synthetic method of

52. Noam Chomsky

TG is a system of grammatical
analysis that uses transformations
to express the relations between
elements in a sentence, clause, or
phrase, or between different forms
of a word, phrase, etc., as between
the passive and active forms of a verb.


TG refers to syntax and presupposes the
recognition (identification) of such linguistic
units as phonemes, morphemes and formclasses, the latter being stated according to
the distributional and the IC-analysis or


According to Chomsky, the central goal of
linguistic theory is to determine what it is
that people know if they know a particular


Кnowing a language involves having the ability to
produce and understand an unlimited number of
utterances of that language that one may never have
heard or produced before.


А GM is a system of explicit rules that may apply
recursively to generate an indefinite number of
sentences that can be as long as you want them to
John saw the picture of the baby on
the table in the attic.
S-sentence, N-noun, NP-noun phrase, V-verb, VPverb phrase, P-preposition, PP-prepositional phrase,
DP-determiner phrase, DET-determiner.



* In generative linguistics ‘grammar’ refers to the
implicit, totally unarticulated knowledge of rules and
principles of the language that people have in their
* This tacit knowledge enables them to distinguish
between well-formed and ill-formed words and
utterances in their language, e.g. it’s correct to say a
grain but ‘incorrect’ to say *a oat.


* In generative linguistics the term ‘grammar’
not only morphology and syntax but also semantics,
the lexicon and phonology.
* Phonological rules, morphological rules, syntactic
rules and semantic rules are all regarded as rules of


*Chomsky has shifted the focus of linguistic theory
from the study of observed behaviour to the
investigation of the knowledge that underlies that
* In generative linguistics, rules are intended to go
beyond accounting for patterns in the data to a
characterisation of speakers’ linguistic knowledge.
* The primary objective of generative grammar is
to model a speaker’s linguistic knowledge.


Chomsky characterises linguistic knowledge using the
concepts of competence and performance.

62. Competence is a person’s implicit knowledge of the rules of a language that makes the production and understanding of an indefinitely large number of new utterances possible. Performance is the actual use of language in real situations.



Chomsky proposes that competence,
rather than performance, is the
primary object of linguistic inquiry.


* Chomsky contends that the linguistic capacity of
humans is innate. The general character of linguistic
knowledge is determined by the nature of the mind,
which has a specialized language faculty.
* This faculty is determined in turn by the biology of
the brain. The human child is born with a blueprint
of language that is called Universal Grammar.



According to Chomsky, Universal Grammar is the
faculty of the mind that determines the nature of
language acquisition in the infant and of linguistic



The properties that lie behind the
competence of speakers of various
languages are governed by restricted
and unified elementary principles
rooted in Universal Grammar.



This explains the striking similarity
between languages in their essential
structural properties. The structural
differences between languages occur
within the range sanctioned by
Universal Grammar.



1. The method based on the binary principle,
which breaks each unit into two components, is
called the
(A) distributional analysis
(B) method of immediate constituents
(C) descriptive method
(D) method of structural oppositions
2. Panini wrote one of the first grammars of
(A) Latin
(B) Ancient Greek
(C) Sanskrit
(D) Old Italian


3-5. Add one word into each gap. The first letter is
Practical grammar (3) p__________ certain rules of
usage and teaches to speak or write correctly rather
than to describe actual usage. (4) T_____________
grammar presents facts of language while analyzing
them and gives no prescriptions. To a (5)
d___________ grammarian, grammar is a systematic
account of the structure of a language.


6. Show the chronological order in which the
four great grammarians of the past lived and
worked (1 — the earliest one, …, 4 – the latest
Varro Lily –
Thrax –
Priscian —


7. Choose as many possible correct answers as
necessary: In the distributional analysis the
classification and the study of linguistic units are
carried out on the basis of their distribution in
the spoken chain, i.e. on the basis of their
(A) combinability
(B) addition
(C) environment
(D) context


8. According to Chomsky, the central goal of
linguistic theory is to determine
(A) what the difference between competence is
performance is.
(B) what it is that people know if they know a
particular language.
(C) how languages differ from one another.
(D) what methods are used in linguistic


9. According to Chomsky, the linguistic capacity of
humans is
(A) innate.
determined by the nature of the mind, which has
a specialized language faculty.
(C) called Universal Grammar.
(D) dependent on the grammar of the specific
language the child is exposed to.

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