The word that means master

Recent Examples on the Web

And master of ballads of the simplest and most hidden parts of the soul, Jessie Reyez said capitalism is straight up whack.

Riley Van Steward, Forbes, 27 Mar. 2023

Pauline was an excellent volleyball player at Brookfield East High School and went to college in Michigan, earning her undergrad degree at Aquinas College in Grand Rapids and a master’s degree in physical therapy at Andrews University.

The Indianapolis Star, 23 Mar. 2023

Sugg has bachelor’s degree in organizational leadership and a master’s degree in administrative leadership from the University of Oklahoma.

Carol Robinson |, al, 21 Mar. 2023

Keenan earned a master’s degree in urban planning and policy with an environmental concentration from the University of Illinois-Chicago and bachelor’s degrees from Wheaton College in biology and English, the release states.

Pioneer Press Staff, Chicago Tribune, 20 Mar. 2023

Her daughter, 20, has been dispatched to study physiotherapy at a university in Istanbul; her son, 27, is planning to leave for Italy to earn a master’s degree in computer science.

A Times Staff Writer, Los Angeles Times, 16 Mar. 2023

At 42, the politician with the burly build of an American college football player has a master’s degree in public policy from the Harvard Kennedy School and experience working abroad.

Joe Mcdonald, ajc, 15 Mar. 2023

Ong holds a bachelor’s degree in life sciences and a master’s degree in forensic science, and is a graduate of New York University’s Science, Health, and Environmental Reporting Program.

IEEE Spectrum, 14 Mar. 2023

Fallon’s ties to Wentworth helped — chairman Joe Fallon got his bachelor’s degree there, and chief executive Michael Fallon received a master’s degree in construction management from the school.

Jon Chesto,, 13 Mar. 2023

And coming back to her non-master suite?

Carolyn Hax, Washington Post, 8 Dec. 2022

On the lower deck, owners can choose between three or four cabins, with a mid-master stateroom anchoring the layout.

Julia Zaltzman, Robb Report, 24 Aug. 2022

Some of the most intriguing whiskey coming out of Beam these days is the work of Freddie Noe (who now holds the title of co-master distiller with his father Fred Noe), specifically his Little Book lineup of blended whiskeys.

Jonah Flicker, Robb Report, 29 May 2022

There is a private entrance to the master suite and office, a large guest suite with a bathroom and an ADU with a separate entry on the lower level.

oregonlive, 27 June 2020

The interior features high ceilings, custom millwork, and walnut floors and paneling, and the master suite has his-and-her baths and closets, a sitting area, and a balcony.

TheWeek, 27 June 2020

Is Keaton physically hunky enough to play the master CIA death machine?

Michael Heaton,, 15 Sep. 2017

The other really strong memory was watching Tom Hanks master the art of being still.

Bryan Alexander, USA TODAY, 1 Apr. 2023

This is the web version of The Modern Board, a newsletter focusing on mastering the new rules of corporate leadership.

Lila Maclellan, Fortune, 31 Mar. 2023

An ode to the timeless print, the bandana Cariuma shoes have a retro yet somehow modern feel to them — something that can only be mastered by Cariuma.

Emily Belfiore, Travel + Leisure, 29 Mar. 2023

Cultivating Community Every tech executive should master cultivating community within their teams.

Expert Panel®, Forbes, 23 Mar. 2023

For his part, Mr. Paladino takes some credit for being the first in New York to embrace the type of Tea Party-era right-wing politics and outsize showmanship that was later mastered by Mr. Trump and embraced by Mr. Wax.

Maggie Haberman, New York Times, 16 Mar. 2023

Google was, for years, a leader in AI with voice recognition features like the Google Assistant, speech synthesis features like Google Duplex, and mastering the game of Go.

Ron Amadeo, Ars Technica, 9 Mar. 2023

From kicking off a serious weight loss regimen, to mastering a rock labyrinth, to indulging in daily rubdowns, a bounty of options await at these wanderlust-worthy health and wellness sanctuaries.

Liz Krieger, Town & Country, 1 Mar. 2023

To help master that position, eliminate the stepping in and out: Stand with your feet wider than your hips, bend your right knee and push your hips down and back.

Mallory Creveling, Health, 1 Mar. 2023

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These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘master.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Other forms: masters; mastered; mastering

The original of something (like a recording) is the master. Masters are also experts in fields, from karate to painting.

Master actors are brilliant actors: they’ve mastered the skill of acting: maybe they have a Master of Fine Arts degree. It takes a long time to master anything. The master is the head of a school. People with servants, pets, and (during a horrible period in our history) slaves were called masters. A master key opens many doors, and when you master something, you are extremely good at it. An A+ on a test shows you mastered the material.

Definitions of master

  1. noun

    a person who has general authority over others

  2. noun

    directs the work of others

  3. noun

    presiding officer of a school

  4. noun

    an officer who is licensed to command a merchant ship


    captain, sea captain, skipper

    see moresee less


    Captain Kidd

    Scottish sea captain who was hired to protect British shipping in the Indian Ocean and then was accused of piracy and hanged (1645-1701)

    type of:

    officer, ship’s officer

    a person authorized to serve in a position of authority on a vessel

  5. adjective

    most important element

    master bedroom”

    master switch”


    chief, main, primary, principal

    important, of import

    of great significance or value

  6. verb

    have dominance or the power to defeat over

    “Her pain completely
    mastered her”

    “The methods can
    master the problems”



  7. noun

    an artist of consummate skill

    master of the violin”

    “one of the old



  8. noun

    an authority qualified to teach apprentices

  9. noun

    a combatant who is able to defeat rivals

  10. verb

    have a firm understanding or knowledge of; be on top of



    control, operate

    handle and cause to function

  11. verb

    be or become completely proficient or skilled in

    mastered Japanese in less than two years”


    get the hang

  12. verb

    get on top of; deal with successfully

  13. noun

    someone who holds a master’s degree from academic institution

  14. noun

    key that secures entrance everywhere


    master key, passe-partout, passkey

    see moresee less


    skeleton key

    a passkey with much of the bit filed away so that it can open different locks

    type of:


    metal device shaped in such a way that when it is inserted into the appropriate lock the lock’s mechanism can be rotated

  15. noun

    an original creation (i.e., an audio recording) from which copies can be made

DISCLAIMER: These example sentences appear in various news sources and books to reflect the usage of the word ‘master’.
Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of or its editors.
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This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.

[ mas-ter, mah-ster ]

/ ˈmæs tər, ˈmɑ stər /

This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.


a person with the ability or power to use, control, or dispose of something: a master of six languages;to be master of one’s fate.

an owner of enslaved people, in the institution of chattel slavery; a slaveholder: Antebellum laws and codes in the South restricted the circumstances under which masters could free African Americans from slavery.

an owner of a pet or other animal: The dog waited at the end of the lane every evening to greet his master coming home.

Older Use. the male head of a household: As the oldest son, he felt a lot of pressure to act as the master of the house after his father’s passing.

Older Use. an employer of workers or servants: The valet unpacked his master’s luggage prior to his arrival.

Sometimes Master . the dominant sexual partner in a BDSM relationship of unequal power.

a person eminently skilled in something, as an occupation, art, or science:the great masters of the Impressionist period.

a person whose teachings others accept or follow: a Zen master.

Chiefly British. a male teacher or schoolmaster.

a worker qualified to teach apprentices and to carry on a trade independently.

a title given to a bridge or chess player who has won or placed in a certain number of officially recognized tournaments.

a person holding this title.

Also called mas·ter mar·i·ner [mas-ter maruh-ner, mah-ster] /ˈmæs tər ˈmær ə nər, ˈmɑ stər/ . a person who commands a merchant ship; captain.

a victor or conqueror.

a presiding officer.

an officer of the court to whom some or all of the issues in a case may be referred for the purpose of taking testimony and making a report to the court.

a person who has been awarded a master’s degree.

a boy or young man (used chiefly as a term of address).

Also called matrix . an original document, drawing, manuscript, etc., from which copies are made.

Machinery, Computers. a device or process that controls another device or process operating in a similar way.Compare slave (def. 5).


  1. matrix (def. 14).
  2. an audio disk or tape from which duplicates may be made.

Computers an original data file or disk from which duplicates may be made.

Also called cop·y neg·a·tive [kop-ee neguh-tiv] /ˈkɒp i ˈnɛg ə tɪv/ .Photography. a film, usually a negative, used primarily for making large quantities of prints.

Archaic. a work of art produced by a master.


chief or principal: a master list.

directing or controlling:a master switch.

of or relating to a master from which duplicates are made: a master recording;the master copy of a piece of software.The master film had been misfiled in the archives.

dominating or predominant: a master play.

being a master of some occupation, art, etc.; eminently skilled: a master diplomat;a master pianist.

being a master carrying on one’s trade independently, rather than a worker employed by another: a master plumber.

characteristic of a master; showing expert skill, ability, or knowledge: The chosen design was a master achievement that still amazes architects, engineers, and scientists today.

verb (used with object)

to make oneself master of; become an adept in: to master a language.

to conquer or overcome: to master one’s pride.

to rule or direct as master: to master a crew.

Recording. to produce a master audio file, disk, phonograph record, or tape of: The producer recorded, mixed, and mastered the new album.



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Origin of master

First recorded before 900; Middle English maistre, maister, Old English magister, from Latin; akin to magnus “great”


mas·ter·less, adjectiveout·mas·ter, verb (used with object)sub·mas·ter, nounun·der·mas·ter, noun

un·mas·tered, adjectivewell-mas·tered, adjective

Words nearby master

mast cell, mast clamp, mast cloth, mastectomy, -masted, master, master aircrew, master alloy, master-at-arms, master bath, master bedroom Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023

Words related to master

adept, experienced, skilled, skillful, leading, administrator, boss, commander, director, guru, instructor, judge, manager, owner, ruler, teacher, artist, authority, connoisseur, doctor

How to use master in a sentence

  • One of those reports was a landmark 2003 Nature paper by the evolutionary biologist Joachim Kurtz, then at the Max Planck Institute of Limnology in Germany, and his master’s student Karoline Franz.

  • Every early-stage startup founder needs to master a daunting slate of business skills.

  • Some password managers, including 1Password, also give you a secret key that you’ll need to use with your master password to sign in on new devices.

  • The post How to become a master of featured snippets appeared first on Search Engine Watch.

  • Leonard is a master at both identifying specific spots where he’s most comfortable and getting there pretty much whenever he wants.

  • And that gets to the heart of what makes the game so incredible: By staying silent, it turns the player into the game master.

  • Dickens was a master of heart-wrenching pathos because he felt every pain as he wrote.

  • Why was a master photographer recruited to work with one of the most successful liquor brands on the planet?

  • So the master artist traveled to Beijing and shot in a former palace not far from the Forbidden City.

  • Hitchcock saw the work of, and probably met, Murnau, the great German filmmaker—the earliest master of bleak light and shadow.

  • And with some expressions of mutual good-will and interest, master and man separated.

  • The «bad form» of telling a lie to the head-master is a later illustration of the same thing.

  • Here and there exceptional industry or extraordinary capacity raised the artisan to wealth and turned the «man» into the «master

  • Why should not Aristide, past master in drumming, find an honourable position in the orchestra of the Tournée Gulland?

  • The secretary trembled in his every limb; his eyes shunned his master‘s as his master‘s had shunned Garnache’s awhile ago.

British Dictionary definitions for master (1 of 2)


the man in authority, such as the head of a household, the employer of servants, or the owner of slaves or animalsRelated adjective: magistral

  1. a person with exceptional skill at a certain thinga master of the violin
  2. (as modifier)a master thief

(often capital) a great artist, esp an anonymous but influential artist

  1. a person who has complete control of a situation
  2. an abstract thing regarded as having power or influencethey regarded fate as the master of their lives
  1. a workman or craftsman fully qualified to practise his trade and to train others in it
  2. (as modifier)master carpenter
  1. an original copy, stencil, tape, etc, from which duplicates are made
  2. (as modifier)master copy

a player of a game, esp chess or bridge, who has won a specified number of tournament games

the principal of some colleges

a highly regarded teacher or leader whose religion or philosophy is accepted by followers

a graduate holding a master’s degree

the chief executive officer aboard a merchant ship

a person presiding over a function, organization, or institution

mainly British a male teacher

an officer of the Supreme Court of Judicature subordinate to a judge

the superior person or side in a contest

a machine or device that operates to control a similar one

(often capital) the heir apparent of a Scottish viscount or baron

(modifier) overall or controllingmaster plan

(modifier) designating a device or mechanism that controls othersmaster switch

(modifier) main; principalmaster bedroom

the master Southern African informal the man of the house

verb (tr)

to become thoroughly proficient into master the art of driving

to overcome; defeatto master your emotions

to rule or control as master

Derived forms of master

masterdom, nounmasterhood, nounmasterless, adjectivemastership, noun

Word Origin for master

Old English magister teacher, from Latin; related to Latin magis more, to a greater extent

British Dictionary definitions for master (2 of 2)


a title of address placed before the first name or surname of a boy

a respectful term of address, esp as used by disciples when addressing or referring to a religious teacher

an archaic equivalent of Mr

Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

Other Idioms and Phrases with master

The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary
Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.

Princeton’s WordNetRate this definition:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. maestro, masternoun

    an artist of consummate skill

    «a master of the violin»; «one of the old masters»

  2. overlord, master, lordnoun

    a person who has general authority over others

  3. victor, master, superiornoun

    a combatant who is able to defeat rivals

  4. masternoun

    directs the work of others

  5. headmaster, schoolmaster, masternoun

    presiding officer of a school

  6. master, master copy, originalnoun

    an original creation (i.e., an audio recording) from which copies can be made

  7. master, captain, sea captain, skippernoun

    an officer who is licensed to command a merchant ship

  8. masternoun

    someone who holds a master’s degree from academic institution

  9. master, professionalnoun

    an authority qualified to teach apprentices

  10. passkey, passe-partout, master key, masteradjective

    key that secures entrance everywhere

  11. chief(a), main(a), primary(a), principal(a), master(a)verb

    most important element

    «the chief aim of living»; «the main doors were of solid glass»; «the principal rivers of America»; «the principal example»; «policemen were primary targets»; «the master bedroom»; «a master switch»

  12. master, get the hangverb

    be or become completely proficient or skilled in

    «She mastered Japanese in less than two years»

  13. overcome, get over, subdue, surmount, masterverb

    get on top of; deal with successfully

    «He overcame his shyness»

  14. dominate, masterverb

    have dominance or the power to defeat over

    «Her pain completely mastered her»; «The methods can master the problems»

  15. master, controlverb

    have a firm understanding or knowledge of; be on top of

    «Do you control these data?»

WiktionaryRate this definition:5.0 / 1 vote

  1. masternoun

    Someone who has control over something or someone.

  2. masternoun

    Owner of an animal or slave.

    A good master should take good care of his pets.

  3. masternoun

    The captain of a merchant ship; a master mariner.

  4. masternoun

    Someone who employs others.

  5. masternoun

    An expert at something.

    Mark Twain was a master of fiction.

  6. masternoun

    A tradesman who is qualified to teach apprentices.

  7. masternoun

    A skilled artist.

  8. masternoun

    A courtesy title of a man or a boy; mister. See Master.

  9. masternoun

    A master’s degree; a type of postgraduate degree, usually undertaken after a bachelor degree.

    She has a master in psychology.

  10. masterverb

    to be a master

  11. masterverb

    to control

  12. masterverb

    to learn to a high degree of proficiency

    It took her years to master the art of needlecraft.

  13. masternoun

    A person holding such a degree.

    He is a master of marine biology.

  14. masternoun

    The original of a document or of a recording.

    The band couldn’t find the master, so they re-recorded their tracks.

  15. masternoun

    The primary wide shot of a scene, into which the closeups will be edited later.

  16. masternoun

    A parajudicial officer (such as a referee, an auditor, an examiner, or an assessor) specially appointed to help a court with its proceedings.

    The case was tried by a master, who concluded that the plaintiffs were the equitable owners of the property….

  17. masteradjective


  18. masteradjective

    main, principal or predominant

  19. masteradjective

    highly skilled

  20. masteradjective


  21. Masternoun

    Prefix to a boy’s name.

  22. Masternoun

    A religious teacher, often as an honorific title.

    A good master should take good care of his pets.

  23. Masternoun

    A master’s degree.

  24. Masternoun

    A person holding a master’s degree, as a title.

  25. Masternoun

    The owner of a slave, in some literature.

    Mark Twain was a master of fiction.

  26. Masternoun

    One of the triune gods of the Horned God in Wicca alongside the Father and Sage and representing a boy

  27. Etymology: mægester, from magister. Reinforced by maistre, mestre also from Latin magister.

Samuel Johnson’s DictionaryRate this definition:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. MASTERnoun

    Etymology: meester, Dutch; maistre, French; magister, Latin.

    1. One who has servants; opposed to man or servant.

    But now I was the lord
    Of this fair mansion, master of my servants,
    Queen o’er myself; and even now, but now,
    This house, these servants, and this same myself
    Are yours my lord.
    William Shakespeare, Merchant of Venice.

    Take up thy master.
    William Shakespeare, King Lear.

    My lord Bassanio gave his ring away
    Unto the judge that begg’d it;
    The boy, his clerk, begg’d mine;
    And neither man nor master would take aught
    But the two rings.
    William Shakespeare, Merchant of Venice.

    2. A director; a governor.

    If thou be made the master of a feast, be among them as one of the rest.
    Ecclus. xxxii. 1.

    My friend, my genius, come along,
    Thou master of the poet, and the song.
    Alexander Pope.

    3. Owner; proprietor.

    An orator, who had undertaken to make a panegyrick on Alexander the Great, and who had employed the strongest figures of his rhetorick in the praise of Bucephalus, would do quite the contrary to that which was expected from him; because it would be believed, that he rather took the horse for his subject than the master.
    John Dryden, Dufresnoy.

    4. A lord; a ruler.

    Wisdom and virtue are the proper qualifications in the master of a house.
    Guardian, №. 165.

    There Cæsar, grac’d with both Minerva’s, shone,
    Cæsar, the world’s great master, and his own.
    Alexander Pope.

    The pride of royal blood, that checks my soul:
    You know, alas! I was not born to kneel,
    To sue for pity, and to own a master.

    5. Chief; head.

    Chief master-gunner am I of this town,
    Something I must do to procure me grace.
    William Shakespeare.

    As a wise master-builder I have laid the foundation, and another buildeth thereon.
    1 Cor. iii. 10.

    The best sets are the heads got from the very tops of the root; the next are the runners, which spread from the master roots.
    John Mortimer, Husbandry.

    6. Possessor.

    When I have thus made myself master of a hundred thousand drachms, I shall naturally set myself on the foot of a prince, and will demand the grand vizier’s daughter in marriage.
    Joseph Addison, Spectator, №. 547.

    The duke of Savoy may make himself master of the French dominions on the other side of the Rhone.

    7. Commander of a trading ship.

    An unhappy master is he that is made cunning by many shipwrecks; a miserable merchant, that is neither rich nor wise, but after some bankrouts.
    Roger Ascham, Schoolmaster.

    A sailor’s wife had chesnuts in her lap;
    Her husband’s to Aleppo gone, master o’ th’ Tyger.
    William Shakespeare.

    8. One uncontrouled.

    Let ev’ry man be master of his time
    Till seven at night.
    William Shakespeare, Macbeth.

    Great, and increasing; but by sea
    He is an absolute master.
    William Shakespeare, Antony and Cleopatra.

    9. A compellation of respect.

    Master doctor, you have brought those drugs.
    William Shakespeare.

    Stand by, my masters, bring him near the king.
    William Shakespeare.

    Masters play here, I will content your pains,
    Something that’s brief; and bid, good morrow, general.
    William Shakespeare, Othello.

    10. A young gentleman.

    If gaming does an aged sire entice,
    Then my young master swiftly learns the vice.
    John Dryden.

    Master lay with his bedchamber towards the south sun; miss lodged in a garret, exposed to the north wind.

    Where there are little masters and misses in a house, they are great impediments to the diversions of the servants; the only remedy is to bribe them, that they may not tell tales.
    Jonathan Swift, Rules to Servants.

    11. One who teaches; a teacher.

    Very few men are wise by their own counsel, or learned by their own teaching; for he that was only taught by himself had a fool to his master.
    Ben Jonson, Discovery.

    To the Jews join the Egyptians, the first masters of learning.
    Robert South, Sermons.

    Masters and teachers should not raise difficulties to their scholars; but smooth their way, and help them forwards.
    John Locke.

    12. A man eminently skilful in practice or science.

    The great mocking master mock’d not then,
    When he said, Truth was buried here below.

    Edmund Spenser and Fairfax, great masters of our language, saw much farther into the beauties of our numbers than those who followed.

    A man must not only be able to judge of words and style, but he must be a master of them too; he must perfectly understand his author’s tongue, and absolutely command his own.

    He that does not pretend to painting, is not touched at the commendation of a master in that profession.

    No care is taken to improve young men in their own language, that they may thoroughly understand, and be masters of it.
    John Locke, on Education.

    13. A title of dignity in the universities; as, master of arts.

  2. To Masterverb

    Etymology: from the noun.

    1. To be a master to; to rule; to govern.

    Ay, good faith,
    And rather father thee, than master thee.
    William Shakespeare.

    2. To conquer; to overpower; to subdue.

    Thrice blessed they that master so their blood,
    To undergo such maiden pilgrimage.
    William Shakespeare.

    The princes of Germany did not think him sent to command the empire, who was neither able to rule his insolent subjects in England, nor master his rebellious people of Ireland.
    John Davies, on Ireland.

    Then comes some third party, that masters both plaintiff and defendant, and carries away the booty.
    Roger L’Estrange.

    Honour burns in me, not so fiercely bright,
    But pale as fires when master’d by the light.

    Obstinacy and wilful neglects must be mastered, even though it cost blows.
    John Locke, on Education.

    A man can no more justly make use of another’s necessity, than he that has more strength can seize upon a weaker, master him to his obedience, and, with a dagger at his throat, offer him death or slavery.
    John Locke.

    The reformation of an habitual sinner is a work of time and patience; evil customs must be mastered and subdued by degrees.
    Edmund Calamy, Sermons.

    3. To execute with skill.

    I do not take myself to be so perfect in the transactions and privileges of Bohemia, as to be fit to handle that part: and I will not offer at that I cannot master.
    Francis Bacon.

WikipediaRate this definition:0.0 / 0 votes


    MASTER (Mobile Astronomical System of Telescope-Robots) is a Russian network of automated telescopes in five Russian cities, and in South Africa, Argentina and the Canary Islands. It is intended to react quickly to reports of transient astronomical events. It started its development in 2002 and it is in fully autonomous operations since 2011.On 17 August 2017, an autonomous MASTER telescope in Argentina successfully recorded a collision of neutron stars some 130 million light-years away.

Webster DictionaryRate this definition:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. Masternoun

    a vessel having (so many) masts; — used only in compounds; as, a two-master

  2. Masternoun

    a male person having another living being so far subject to his will, that he can, in the main, control his or its actions; — formerly used with much more extensive application than now. (a) The employer of a servant. (b) The owner of a slave. (c) The person to whom an apprentice is articled. (d) A sovereign, prince, or feudal noble; a chief, or one exercising similar authority. (e) The head of a household. (f) The male head of a school or college. (g) A male teacher. (h) The director of a number of persons performing a ceremony or sharing a feast. (i) The owner of a docile brute, — especially a dog or horse. (j) The controller of a familiar spirit or other supernatural being

  3. Masternoun

    one who uses, or controls at will, anything inanimate; as, to be master of one’s time

  4. Masternoun

    one who has attained great skill in the use or application of anything; as, a master of oratorical art

  5. Masternoun

    a title given by courtesy, now commonly pronounced mister, except when given to boys; — sometimes written Mister, but usually abbreviated to Mr

  6. Masternoun

    a young gentleman; a lad, or small boy

  7. Masternoun

    the commander of a merchant vessel; — usually called captain. Also, a commissioned officer in the navy ranking next above ensign and below lieutenant; formerly, an officer on a man-of-war who had immediate charge, under the commander, of sailing the vessel

  8. Masternoun

    a person holding an office of authority among the Freemasons, esp. the presiding officer; also, a person holding a similar office in other civic societies

  9. Masterverb

    to become the master of; to subject to one’s will, control, or authority; to conquer; to overpower; to subdue

  10. Masterverb

    to gain the command of, so as to understand or apply; to become an adept in; as, to master a science

  11. Masterverb

    to own; to posses

  12. Masterverb

    to be skillful; to excel

  13. Etymology: [OE. maistre, maister, OF. maistre, mestre, F. matre, fr. L. magister, orig. a double comparative from the root of magnus great, akin to Gr. me`gas. Cf. Maestro, Magister, Magistrate, Magnitude, Major, Mister, Mistress, Mickle.]

Chambers 20th Century DictionaryRate this definition:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. Master

    mas′tėr, n. one who commands: a lord or owner: a leader or ruler: a teacher: an employer: the commander of a merchant-ship: formerly the navigator or sailing-master of a ship-of-war: one eminently skilled in anything: the common title of address to a young gentleman, &c.: a title of dignity or office—a degree conferred by universities, as Master of Arts, &c., the title of the eldest son of a Scotch viscount or baron, the head of some corporations, as Balliol College, &c., of a lodge of freemasons, &c.: a husband.—adj. the chief, predominant: belonging to a master, chief, principal, as in Master-builder, &c.—v.t. to become master of: to overcome: to become skilful in: to execute with skill.—ns. Mas′ter-build′er, a chief builder, one who directs or employs others; Mas′terdom, power of control.—adj. Mas′terful, exercising the authority or power of a master: imperious: having the skill of a master.—adv. Mas′terfully, in a masterful or imperious manner.—ns. Mas′terfulness; Mas′ter-hand, the hand of a master: a person highly skilled; Mas′terhood; Mas′ter-joint, the most marked system of joints or divisional planes by which a rock is intersected; Mas′terkey, a key that opens many locks: a clue fitted to guide one out of many difficulties.—adj. Mas′terless, without a master or owner: ungoverned: unsubdued: beyond control.—n. Mas′terliness, quality of being masterly: masterly skill.—adj. Mas′terly, like a master: with the skill of a master: skilful: excellent: overbearing.—adv. with the skill of a master.—ns. Mas′ter-mar′iner, the captain of a merchant-vessel or fishing-vessel; Mas′ter-mā′son, a freemason who has attained the third degree; Mas′ter-mind; Mas′ter-pass′ion; Mas′terpiece, a piece of work worthy of a master: a work of superior skill: chief excellence; Mas′tership, the office of master: rule or dominion: superiority; Mas′terstroke, a stroke or performance worthy of a master: superior performance; Mas′ter-wheel, the wheel in a machine which imparts motion to other parts; Mas′ter-work, work worthy of a master: masterpiece; Mas′terwort, a perennial umbelliferous herb, native to northern Europe, its root reputed as a stomachic, sudorific, diuretic, &c.; Mas′tery, the power or authority of a master: dominion: victory: superiority: the attainment of superior power or skill.—Master of ceremonies, of the Rolls, &c. (see Ceremonies, Rolls, &c.); Master of the horse, the Roman Magister Equitum, an official appointed by the dictator to act next under himself: an equerry, esp. the exalted official bearing this name at the British court; Master of the Temple, the preacher of the Temple Church in London; Masters of the schools, at Oxford, the conductors of the first examination (Responsions) for the degree of B.A.—Masterly inactivity, the position or part of a neutral or a Fabian combatant, carried out with diplomatic skill, so as to preserve a predominant influence without risking anything.—Passed, or Past, master, one who has occupied the office of master, esp. among freemasons—hence any one known to possess ample knowledge of some subject; The little masters, a 16th-17th cent. group of followers of Dürer, notable for fine work on wood and copper; The old masters, a term applied collectively to the great painters about the time of the Renaissance, esp. the Italians.—Be master of one’s self, to have one’s passions or emotions under control. [O. Fr. maistre (Fr. maître)—L. magister, from root of magnus, great.]

Dictionary of Military and Associated TermsRate this definition:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. master

    The commanding officer of a United States Naval Ship, a commercial ship, or a government-owned general agency agreement ship operated for the Military Sealift Command by a civilian company to transport Department of Defense cargo. Also called MA.

Dictionary of Nautical TermsRate this definition:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. master

    The epithet for the captain or commander of a merchant vessel.
    When England first became a maritime power, ships with sailors, and a
    master to navigate, were furnished by the Cinque Ports, &c., and the
    fighting part of the men was composed of soldiers sent on board,
    commanded by generals, &c. Among the early voyagers there was a
    distinction between master and maister, the latter being the office;
    as, «we spoke the Dragon, whereof Master Ivie was maister,» in Welsh’s
    Voyage to Benin, A.D. 1590. In most applications, master denotes
    chief; as master boat-builder, master caulker, master sail-maker, &c.

Suggested ResourcesRate this definition:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. master

    Song lyrics by master — Explore a large variety of song lyrics performed by master on the website.

  2. Master

    Master vs. Mister — In this article you will learn the differences between the words Master and Mister.

Surnames Frequency by Census RecordsRate this definition:0.0 / 0 votes


    According to the U.S. Census Bureau, Master is ranked #11502 in terms of the most common surnames in America.

    The Master surname appeared 2,735 times in the 2010 census and if you were to sample 100,000 people in the United States, approximately 1 would have the surname Master.

    73.1% or 2,001 total occurrences were White.
    16.9% or 464 total occurrences were Asian.
    4.6% or 126 total occurrences were Black.
    2.7% or 74 total occurrences were of Hispanic origin.
    2.1% or 59 total occurrences were of two or more races.
    0.4% or 11 total occurrences were American Indian or Alaskan Native.

Matched Categories

    • Beat
    • Combatant
    • Control
    • Creation
    • Employer
    • Know
    • Ruler
    • Scholar

British National Corpus

  1. Spoken Corpus Frequency

    Rank popularity for the word ‘master’ in Spoken Corpus Frequency: #1677

  2. Written Corpus Frequency

    Rank popularity for the word ‘master’ in Written Corpus Frequency: #2163

  3. Nouns Frequency

    Rank popularity for the word ‘master’ in Nouns Frequency: #593

How to pronounce master?

How to say master in sign language?


  1. Chaldean Numerology

    The numerical value of master in Chaldean Numerology is: 1

  2. Pythagorean Numerology

    The numerical value of master in Pythagorean Numerology is: 4

Examples of master in a Sentence

  1. Zack Teperman:

    The Master of Disguise. i still can’t believe what I’m hearing and hoping it isn’t true.

  2. Rob Bryngelson:

    There is nothing imminent. Are there ongoing discussions ? Sure, we’ve had banks, infrastructure funds, MLPs (Master Limited Partnerships), interest from suppliers. Nothing has really tickled our fancy yet and let me make it clear we’re not actively marketing our company.

  3. Quyen Dinh:

    Because of the stereotype that all Asian Americans are doing well, those struggles are made invisible. folks like my parents who left as both people from Vietnam, left with nothing more than the shirts on their back so that today I could be free versus someone who might be from another country who immigrated with a master‘s degree for their own countries.

  4. Lee Nelson:

    I never got any explanation about master limited partnerships.

  5. Jackie Berry:

    I’m a person of color and every time the term ‘master bedroom’ was used, I kept saying to myself, ‘I don’t like how it sounds,’ now as I’m walking through a property, I’ll just say it’s the owners’ or primary suite.

Popularity rank by frequency of use

Translations for master

From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary

  • سيد, أصُولِيّArabic
  • панBelarusian
  • собственик, майстор, стопанин, господар, капитан, оригинал, хазяинBulgarian
  • mestreCatalan, Valencian
  • mistr, pánCzech
  • Meister, meisternGerman
  • πλοίαρχος, αριστοτέχνης, κύριος, δάσκαλος, πρωτότυπο, μάστορας, κατέχω, αρχιτεχνίτης, καπετάνιος, αφεντικό, κυριαρχώ, αφέντης, κυβερνώ, κεντρικός, αυθεντικόςGreek
  • majstroEsperanto
  • patrón, señorito, capitán, maestro, maestre, maese, señor, amo, joven amo, máster, dominarSpanish
  • isandEstonian
  • اصلی, مَهتَر, ناخُدا, اُستاد, آقاپسَر, سَروَر, آقا, کارفَرما, سالار, ماهر, اصل, استادPersian
  • alkuperäisversio, työnantaja, isäntä, master-versio, mestari, master-kopio, hallita, kapteeni, nuoriherra, herra, pää-, alkuperäinen, -mestari, -taituriFinnish
  • maître, maîtriserFrench
  • ceannsaichScottish Gaelic
  • स्वामीHindi
  • mester, fő-Hungarian
  • padrone, mastro, maestro, comandante, boss, padroneggiare, padrona, capo, proprietario, titolare, capitano, masterItalian
  • לִשְׁלוֹטHebrew
  • マスターする, マスター, 主人, おぼっちゃまJapanese
  • 주인, 석사Korean
  • وه‌ستاKurdish
  • dominus, magister, dominulusLatin
  • MeeschterLuxembourgish, Letzeburgesch
  • saimnieks, saimnieceLatvian
  • владее, господар, управува, раководи, мајстор, стопан, газда, господари, господарски, мајсторскиMacedonian
  • controleren, meester, beheersenDutch
  • masterkopi, herre, mestre, mester, beherske, original, lede, styre, original-, mester-, hoved-Norwegian
  • panicz, pani, pan, kopia-matka, kapitan, mistrz, władcaPolish
  • senhorzinho, máster, dono, mestre, proprietário, capitão, amo, patrão, senhorPortuguese
  • stăpâni, stăpân, original, proprietar, excela, patron, jupân, conduce, controla, maestruRomanian
  • мастер, владелец, хозяин, повелитель, оригинал, ведущий, ведущее устройство, барич, господин, капитан, барчук, владыкаRussian
  • господарити, газда, господар, мајстор, gospodar, мајсторскиSerbo-Croatian
  • mojster, gospodarSlovene
  • husbonde, mästareSwedish
  • மாஸ்டர்Tamil
  • устодTajik
  • bossing, amo, maestro, compatron, kapitan, pantas-, capitan, guroTagalog
  • usta, işveren, komodor, üstad, kaptan, hoca, efendiTurkish
  • mwaisseWalloon
  • Chinese

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Are we missing a good definition for master? Don’t keep it to yourself…

Definition of master (Merriam Webster) 2a: one having authority over another : RULER, GOVERNOR

Definition of principal (Entry 2 of 2) (Merriam Webster again) 1: a person who has controlling authority or is in a leading position

…you’ve shown us how to replace the word «master» with a word that means «master».

Only «master» has more than one meaning. In this case, it’s this one
5a: a master mechanism (see MECHANISM sense 1) or device
b: an original from which copies can be made
especially : a master recording (such as a magnetic tape)

Contextually using «principal» has less specific meaning than «master», since «master» in this context has nothing to do with slavery. I am willing to switch from using «master» because it’s unimportant to me and it seems to matter to others, but the new word needs to be relevant and I don’t want to change it again in 3 months because the new word is just as bad.

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