The word that has nothing to do with trains is

Урок-викторина по
английскому языку в 9 классе

лабиринт» (тема «Путешествие»)

Цель урока:
активизация лексико-грамматического материала по теме «Путешествие» и развитие
коммуникативных навыков учащихся.



  • Повторить
    лексические единицы по теме
  • Формировать
    навык чтения с полным и детальным пониманием текста.


  • Развивать
    интеллектуальные способности (мышление, внимание, память, языковая
  • Развивать
    наглядно-образное мышление и зрительное восприятие;
  • Развивать
    умение систематизировать полученные знания.


  • Воспитывать
    умение сотрудничества при работе в группе;
  • Поддерживать 
    у учащихся интерес к изучению английского языка.

Оборудование: компьютер,
проектор; карта лабиринта, на которой изображаются этапы передвижения команд от
начала и до конца лабиринта; карточки с разрезанными стихотворениями для
конкурса №4; наборы (3) карточек (названия стран и городов) для проведения
конкурса №5; задания на карточках для конкурса №6.

Ход урока:

I.Организационный момент

Good morning, my dear friends. I am glad to see you today. Are you fine? Are you
ready to start? Today we are going to have unusual lesson. We have just finished
studying the topic «Travelling». And today we must repeat everything we’ve
learned about this topic before. The main idea of our lesson is «Every few
hundred feet the world changes» by Roberto Bolano. («
Мир меняется через каждую сотню шагов»). Do you agree
with these words? How do you understand them?

And here you can see some more opinions about travelling. Please look through
them and choose only one which is the main for you. Can
you explain why just this one?

right. And now we start our competition.
(Учитель знакомит учащихся с правилами
игры. Все учащиеся делятся на 3 команды, выбирают себе капитана и придумывают
название команде. Главная цель учащихся – выдержать все испытания и пройти


Игра «Снежный ком». 1 этап — Учащиеся называют
по очереди слова по теме «Путешествие», повторяя при этом те слова, которые
были сказаны ранее в правильном порядке.

2 этап – Учащиеся строят предложения из слов
по данной теме по очереди, повторяя предыдущие слова и присоединяя свои

Конкурс «Complete the Sentences»

The first task is to arrange the words and their meanings.
(Учитель привлекает
внимание детей к словам по теме «Путешествие», на заранее приготовленной
презентации. Каждая команда получает карточку, на которой записаны определения
слов. Необходимо соотнести определение на карточке и слово на слайде. Время
для выполнения задания – 3 минуты.

Слова на слайде: lost-and-found
department, carriage, customs, sea, booking office, cable car, porter, left
luggage office.

Задание на карточке:

You make a voyage if you travel by….

A person in a hotel, station or airport who carries your luggage is a….

Lost things can be found in the….

If a person goes abroad, he has to go through the….

The word that has nothing to do with trains is….

….is a word used mostly in British English.

At the railway station you can live your luggage at the….

People usually get travel tickets at the….

Ключи: 1.sea; 2.porter; 3.lost-and-found
department; 4.customs; 5.cable car; 6.carriage; 7.left luggage office; office.

Конкурс «Guess the Words»

want you to look on our presentation. You can see some English words there. But
the letters are not in the right order. Will you make up the words using these
«расшифровывают» слова, записывают их на бумагу. Время на выполнение задания –
3-4 минуты.)

Слова на слайде:

(suitcase)                                         viontitain (invitation)

(programme)                               endekwe (weekend)

(arrange)                                          tereinsingt (interesting)

(holidays)                                       maneci (cinema)

(travelling)                                   tutisiaon (situation)

(partner)                                           neyurjo (journey)

Конкурс «Make up the Poem»

next task is to combine the lines of the poems in right order and read the
poems correctly.
выполнить следующее задание: составить стихотворения из разрезанных строчек.)

Примерные стихотворения:


the river, over the bay

travel every day.

the seagulls, laughing with friends,

always sorry when the trip ends.


the mountains, over the plains,

the rivers here come trains.

passengers, carrying mail,

the country here come trains.

Конкурс «Countries and

Do you like to travel? Would you like to visit foreign countries? What
countries do you want to visit? Where did you go last summer? Now you will
match the countries and their capitals. You’ll have three minutes to do the task.
you got any questions? Start then.

слайде даны названия стран и их столицы. Каждой команде необходимо соотнести
страны и их столицы.)

Слова на слайде:

Japan, India, Australia, Spain, Egypt, France, Vietnam, China,
Kenya, Norway.

Madrid, Peking, Canberra, Ottawa, Delhi, Hanoi, Cairo, Paris, Oslo, Nairobi.

Ключи: Canada – Ottawa,
India – Delhi, Japan – Tokio, Australia –
Canberra, Spain
Madrid, Egypt – Cairo, France – Paris, Vietnam – Hanoi,
China – Peking, Norway – Oslo, Kenya – Nairobi.

Конкурс «Complete the

I want to come here only two members of the teams to do the following task.
They will have 5 minutes to complete the text. Are you ready to start?

Задание на карточке:Use the words in
bold type to complete the text:

My name is Pedro and I’m from Andorra. I’m studying in a language school in
England. (1)…teacher is from Scotland and she (2)…twenty-six years old. There
(3)…fifteen people in my class. The students come from ten different countries.
They (4)…all speak a little English. We do some grammar exercises every day.
Sometimes we (5)… videos and listen to songs.

Last week (6)… to London to do some shopping. I wanted (7)… some presents for
my family. But I found that some things are very expensive in London so I (8)…
a lot.

Next week we (9)… to Edinburgh in Scotland. My teacher says that it is the most
beautiful city in Britain, but it will probably be (10)… there than here. We
are leaving (11)… five o’clock on Friday afternoon and travelling all night.
We’re going to stay in a hotel in the centre of Edinburgh, (12)… there are lots
of shops and things to see.

Слова на слайде:  

are going               at                   buing                           

didn’t buy             from              going                            has

is                            Mine              My                               not

to                            to buy            very cold                    

watching                went               where                         

Ключи:;; 3.are; 4.can;;
6.went; buy; 8.didn’t buy; 9.are going; 10.colder;; 12.where.

at the presentation and read this text one by one all participants of the
teams. The mistakes in reading or completing the text and you’ll lose your

Конкурс «At the Railway

all other members of the teams must prepare and act their own dialogues.
Imagine you are at the railway station. Try to use as many words from this list
as you can.

Слова на слайде: single, cost,
return, to play, long-distance train, excess luggage, Visa Cards, ticket.

Примерный диалог:

I have a ticket to Manchester, please?

or return?

please. How much does it cost?

Day Return to Manchester will cost you 30 pounds.

it is very expensive.

is a train at 6.50 p.m. The tickets are cheaper.

it a long-distance train?

it is not.

I have to pay excess luggage?

you mustn’t.

you accept Visa Cards?

we do. Here is your ticket.

you very much.

are welcome.

Подведение итогов.

home task is to prepare a short summery «My Trip into the Future»

all for today. You have worked during the lesson very well. Today at the lesson:

-……… «4» -…….. «3» -…..

you can have a rest. Good-bye, my dear friends. See you next lesson.

Материал опубликовала

Ковалева Вера Петровна5109

педагогический стаж — 18 лет,учитель английского и немецкого языков; классный руководитель

Россия, Ростовская обл., Сальск


Мир меняется через каждую сотню футов.

«The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page” St. Augustine
«Мир — это книга, и те, кто не путешествуют, читают лишь одну ее страницу.“ Святой Августин

«A journey is best measured in friends, rather than miles.» – Tim Cahill
Дорогу (путешествие) лучше измерять количеством друзей, а не количеством миль. Тим Кэхилл (австралийский футболист)
«The Earth is what we all have in common.» — Wendell Berry
Земля – это то, что есть общего у нас всех. Венделл Барри (американский писатель)
«The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.» – Lao Tzu
Путь в тысячу миль начинается с одного шага. Лао-Цзы (древнекитайский философ)
«Travel makes a wise man better, and a fool worse.» – Thomas Fuller
Путешествия делают лучше мудреца, и хуже — глупца. Томас Фуллер (английский историк и проповедник)
«A ship in harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are built for» – John A. Shedd
Корабль в гавани находится в безопасности, но не для того он был построен. Джон А.Шедд (американский профессор)

Complete the Sentences

1. You make a voyage if you travel by….
2. A person in a hotel, station or airport who carries your luggage is a….
3. Lost things can be found in the….
4. If a person goes abroad, he has to go through the….
5. The word that has nothing to do with trains is….
6. ….is a word used mostly in British English.
7. At the railway station you can live your luggage at the….
8. People usually get travel tickets at the….

lost-and-found department carriage customs sea booking office cable car porter left luggage office

Guess the Words
seitsuca viontitain
promeamr endekwe
geranar tereinsingt
dahoysli maneci
lingveltra tutisiaon
nerrtpa neyurjo

seitsuca (suitcase) viontitain (invitation)
promeamr (programme) endekwe (weekend)
geranar (arrange) tereinsingt (interesting)
dahoysli (holidays) maneci (cinema)
lingveltra (travelling) tutisiaon (situation)
nerrtpa (partner) neyurjo (journey)

Make up the Poem
Over the river, over the bay
Ferry-boats travel every day.
Watching the seagulls, laughing with friends,
I’m always sorry when the trip ends.
Over the mountains, over the plains,
Over the rivers here come trains.
Carrying passengers, carrying mail,
Over the country here come trains.

Countries and Cities
Canada, Japan, India, Australia, Spain, Egypt, France, Vietnam, China, Kenya, Norway.
Tokio, Madrid, Peking, Canberra, Ottawa, Delhi, Hanoi, Cairo, Paris, Oslo, Nairobi.

Canada – Ottawa,
India – Delhi,
Japan – Tokio,
Australia – Canberra,
Spain – Madrid,
Egypt – Cairo,
France – Paris,
Vietnam – Hanoi,
China – Peking,
Norway – Oslo,
Kenya – Nairobi.

Complete the Text
are are going at buing can
colder didn’t buy from going has
having is Mine My not buy
on to to buy very cold was
watch watching went where which

Complete the Text
My name is Pedro and I’m from Andorra. I’m studying in a language school in England. (1)…teacher is from Scotland and she (2)…twenty-six years old. There (3)…fifteen people in my class. The students come from ten different countries. They (4)…all speak a little English. We do some grammar exercises every day. Sometimes we (5)… videos and listen to songs.
Last week (6)… to London to do some shopping. I wanted (7)… some presents for my family. But I found that some things are very expensive in London so I (8)… a lot.
Next week we (9)… to Edinburgh in Scotland. My teacher says that it is the most beautiful city in Britain, but it will probably be (10)… there than here. We are leaving (11)… five o’clock on Friday afternoon and travelling all night. We’re going to stay in a hotel in the centre of Edinburgh, (12)… there are lots of shops and things to see.

6.went; buy;
8.didn’t buy;
9.are going;

«At the Railway Station»

single cost return
to play
long-distance train excess luggage
Visa Cards ticket

Урок-викторина по английскому языку в 8 классе

«Волшебный лабиринт» (тема «Путешествие»)

Аннотация: Методическая разработка предназначена  для преподавателей, работающих по активным инновационным формам проведения занятий для систематизации и закрепления изученного материала с использованием информационно-коммуникативных технологий и использования игровых форм обучения.

Цели урока: обобщить знания учащихся по теме “Путешествие”, совершенствовать навыки и умения говорения по данной теме.

Задачи урока:


Активизировать употребление лексических единиц по теме «Путешествие» в устной и письменной речи ;

Формировать навыки диалогической речи;


Развивать интеллектуальные способности (мышление, внимание, память, языковая догадка);

Развивать наглядно-образное мышление и зрительное восприятие;

Развивать умение систематизировать полученные знания.


Воспитывать умение сотрудничества при работе в группе;

Поддерживать у учащихся интерес к изучению английского языка.

Аспекты языка: лексика.

Виды речевой деятельности: аудирование, говорение, чтение.

Режимы работы: индивидуальный, фронтальный, групповой.

Оборудование: компьютер, проектор; карта лабиринта, на которой изображаются этапы передвижения команд от начала и до конца лабиринта; карточки с разрезанными стихотворениями для конкурса №4; наборы (3) карточек (названия стран и городов) для проведения конкурса №5; задания на карточках для конкурса №6.

Ход урока:

I.Организационный момент

— Good morning, my dear friends. I am glad to see you today. Are you fine? Are you ready to start? Today we are going to have unusual lesson. We have just finished studying the topic «Travelling». And today we must repeat everything we’ve learned about this topic before. The main idea of our lesson is «Every few hundred feet the world changes» by Roberto Bolano. («Мир меняется через каждую сотню шагов»). Do you agree with these words? How do you understand them?

— And here you can see some more opinions about travelling. Please look through them and choose only one which is the main for you. Can you explain why just this one?

-All right. And now we start our competition. (Учитель знакомит учащихся с правилами игры. Все учащиеся делятся на 3 команды, выбирают себе капитана и придумывают название команде. Главная цель учащихся – выдержать все испытания и пройти лабиринт.)


Игра «Снежный ком». 1 этап — Учащиеся называют по очереди слова по теме «Путешествие», повторяя при этом те слова, которые были сказаны ранее в правильном порядке.

2 этап – Учащиеся строят предложения из слов по данной теме по очереди, повторяя предыдущие слова и присоединяя свои собственные.

III. Конкурс «Complete the Sentences»

— The first task is to arrange the words and their meanings. (Учитель привлекает внимание детей к словам по теме «Путешествие», на заранее приготовленной презентации. Каждая команда получает карточку, на которой записаны определения слов. Необходимо соотнести определение на карточке и слово на слайде. Время для выполнения задания – 3 минуты.

Слова на слайде: lost-and-found department, carriage, customs, sea, booking office, cable car, porter, left luggage office.

Задание на карточке:

1. You make a voyage if you travel by….

2. A person in a hotel, station or airport who carries your luggage is a….

3. Lost things can be found in the….

4. If a person goes abroad, he has to go through the….

5. The word that has nothing to do with trains is….

6. ….is a word used mostly in British English.

7. At the railway station you can live your luggage at the….

8. People usually get travel tickets at the….

Ключи: 1.sea ; 2.porter; 3.lost-and-found department; 4.customs; 5.cable car; 6.carriage; 7.left luggage office; office.

IV. Конкурс «Guess the Words»

-I want you to look on our presentation. You can see some English words there. But the letters are not in the right order. Will you make up the words using these letters? (Команды «расшифровывают» слова, записывают их на бумагу. Время на выполнение задания – 3-4 минуты.)

Слова на слайде:

seitsuca (suitcase) viontitain (invitation)

promeamr (programme) endekwe (weekend)

geranar (arrange) tereinsingt (interesting)

dahoysli (holidays) maneci (cinema)

lingveltra (travelling) tutisiaon (situation)

nerrtpa (partner) neyurjo (journey)

V. Конкурс «Make up the Poem»

-The next task is to combine the lines of the poems in right order and read the poems correctly. (Необходимо выполнить следующее задание: составить стихотворения из разрезанных строчек.)

Примерные стихотворения:


Over the river, over the bay

Ferry-boats travel every day.

Watching the seagulls, laughing with friends,

I’m always sorry when the trip ends.


Over the mountains, over the plains,

Over the rivers here come trains.

Carrying passengers, carrying mail,

Over the country here come trains.

VI. Конкурс «Countries and Cities»

— Do you like to travel? Would you like to visit foreign countries? What countries do you want to visit? Where did you go last summer? Now you will match the countries and their capitals. You’ll have three minutes to do the task. Have you got any questions? Start then.

(На слайде даны названия стран и их столицы. Каждой команде необходимо соотнести страны и их столицы.)

Слова на слайде:

Canada, Japan, India, Australia, Spain, Egypt, France, Vietnam, China, Kenya, Norway.

Tokio, Madrid, Peking, Canberra, Ottawa, Delhi, Hanoi, Cairo, Paris, Oslo, Nairobi.

Ключи: Canada – Ottawa, India – Delhi, Japan – Tokio, Australia – Canberra, Spain – Madrid, Egypt – Cairo, France – Paris, Vietnam – Hanoi, China – Peking, Norway – Oslo, Kenya – Nairobi.

VII. Конкурс «Complete the Text»

-Now I want to come here only two members of the teams to do the following task. They will have 5 minutes to complete the text. Are you ready to start?

Задание на карточке:Use the words in bold type to complete the text:

My name is Pedro and I’m from Andorra. I’m studying in a language school in England. (1)…teacher is from Scotland and she (2)…twenty-six years old. There (3)…fifteen people in my class. The students come from ten different countries. They (4)…all speak a little English. We do some grammar exercises every day. Sometimes we (5)… videos and listen to songs.

Last week (6)… to London to do some shopping. I wanted (7)… some presents for my family. But I found that some things are very expensive in London so I (8)… a lot.

Next week we (9)… to Edinburgh in Scotland. My teacher says that it is the most beautiful city in Britain, but it will probably be (10)… there than here. We are leaving (11)… five o’clock on Friday afternoon and travelling all night. We’re going to stay in a hotel in the centre of Edinburgh, (12)… there are lots of shops and things to see.

Слова на слайде:

are are going at buing can

colder didn’t buy from going has

having is Mine My not buy

on to to buy very cold was

watch watching went where which

Ключи: ;; 3.are; 4.can;; 6.went; buy; 8.didn’t buy; 9.are going; 10.colder;; 12.where.

-Look at the presentation and read this text one by one all participants of the teams. The mistakes in reading or completing the text and you’ll lose your points.

VIII. Конкурс «At the Railway Station»

-And all other members of the teams must prepare and act their own dialogues. Imagine you are at the railway station. Try to use as many words from this list as you can.

Слова на слайде: single, cost, return, to play, long-distance train, excess luggage, Visa Cards, ticket.

Примерный диалог:

-Can I have a ticket to Manchester, please?

-Single or return?

-Return, please. How much does it cost?

-A Day Return to Manchester will cost you 30 pounds.

-Oh, it is very expensive.

-There is a train at 6.50 p.m. The tickets are cheaper .

-Is it a long-distance train?

-No, it is not.

-Do I have to pay excess luggage?

-No, you mustn’t.

-Do you accept Visa Cards?

-Yes, we do. Here is your ticket.

-Thank you very much.

-You are welcome.

IX. Подведение итогов.

Your home task is to prepare a short summery «My Trip into the Future»

-That’s all for today. You have worked during the lesson very well. Today at the lesson:

«5» -……… «4» -…….. «3» -…..

Now you can have a rest. Good-bye, my dear friends. See you next lesson.

the word that has nothing to do with trains перевод - the word that has nothing to do with trains русский как сказать

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the word that has nothing to do with trains


Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]


слово, которое имеет ничего общего с поезда

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]


слово, которое не имеет ничего общего с поездов

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]


слово, которое не имеет ничего общего с поезда

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

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The name of Miyazaki’s studio has NOTHING to do with

1)  the aviation industry.

2)  the anime industry.

3)  the Arabic language.

4)  the Japanese history.

Hayao Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli

Studio Ghibli is a Japanese animation studio founded in 1985 and based in Tokyo, Japan. The mastermind behind the studio is Hayao Miyazaki, who co-founded the studio with the late Isao Takahata. The name “Ghibli” came from the Libyan-Arabic word that referred to a hot desert wind. Miyazaki chose the name because he believed that his studio would “blow a new wind through the anime industry”, which he felt had been lacking in recent years. It is also the name of an Italian aircraft.

Hayao Miyazaki was born in 1941 in Tokyo. His father was the director of a company that manufactured fighter planes during World War II. His mother was diagnosed with spinal tuberculosis and spent several years in the hospital before moving back home and eventually recovering. She was an intellectual and strict woman, who often questioned the societal roles placed on women during that period in Japan. Miyazaki’s childhood inspired a lot of the elements of his films: most of his protagonists are strong women or girls and feature flying as a main theme.

Miyazaki often criticized Japan’s anime industry, saying that the animators created unrealistic characters, that anime is “produced by humans who can’t stand looking at other humans”. At the time the standard was serialized manga series, but Miyazaki felt that this format was limiting in terms of storytelling and led to a lower quality of animation. Studio Ghibli worked on full length animation feature films, spending over a year on each one. The studio was small and Miyazaki oversaw all elements of the production. His films feature beautifully detailed renditions of landscapes which are a combination of the views he saw on his travels through Europe. Miyazaki’s films portray complex themes of environmentalism, pacifism, feminism and the complexity of people. None of his characters are portrayed as purely evil; instead, the motivations of the characters are explored showing their actions in shades of grey.

The reception of Miyazaki’s work in the West is a complicated matter. Since 1996 Disney has been the sole international distributor for Studio Ghibli animated films. The first movie to be dubbed by Disney was Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind, released in the US as Warriors of the Wind. The movie was heavily edited to appeal to Western audiences. Miyazaki was very unhappy with this, and going forth employed a strict “no cuts” policy when licensing his films abroad. This policy was tested during the US release of Princess Mononoke. This movie, set in rural medieval Japan, deals with the complex nature of ecology, technology and war. It is the longest of studio Ghibli’s films. The producer in charge of the film’s distribution wanted to cut some of the slower contemplative scenes from the film to make it more marketable. In response to this studio Ghibli sent him a letter saying “No cuts.” Attached to the letter was an authentic medieval Japanese samurai sword.

Hayao Miyazaki is extremely controlling about all aspects of his studio and the productions of his films. His high level of perfectionism ensures that all his films are of the highest standards. Studio Ghibli is one of the few major studios in the world that still employs a hand drawn animation technique. Because of Miyazaki’s high level of involvement in the production of studio Ghibli’s films, it is unclear who will take over the studio when he retires. He has announced his retirement six times, the latest in 2013, each time returning to the studio in some capacity.


According to the article, in the 1940s, Japanese women

1)  often suffered from tuberculosis.

2)  replaced men in factories and plants.

3)  had to fulfil traditional family roles.

4)  were allowed to be fighter pilots.


Which of the following does NOT characterize Miyazaki’s films?

1)  Social problems are among their topics.

2)  They show the fight between good and evil.

3)  His films do not have any continuation.

4)  Artists draw detailed backgrounds for his films.


The word ‘contemplative’ in the 4th paragraph is closest in meaning to the word

1)  thoughtful.

2)  repetitive.

3)  unpleasant.

4)  monotonous.


Why did Miyazaki send a samurai sword to the Disney studio?

1)  He was threatening to kill the producer.

2)  To thank the producer for his work.

3)  It is a traditional Japanese business gift.

4)  It was a joke to show he was serious.


By saying that Studio Ghibli uses hand drawn animation, the author of the article implies that their films

1)  are old-fashioned.

2)  are high-quality.

3)  are expensive to make.

4)  take too long to make.


Which one of the following people does the article refer to as no longer alive?

1)  Isao Takehata

2)  Hayao Miyazaki

3)  Miyazaki’s mother

4)  Walt Disney

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The name “Ghibli” came from the Libyan-Arabic word that referred to a hot desert wind. Miyazaki chose the name

because he believed that his studio would “blow a new wind through the anime industry”, which he felt had been lacking in recent years. It is also the name of an Italian aircraft.

Ответ: 4.

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