The word territory in a sentence

Synonym: area, country, district, land, place, region, section, zone. Similar words: terrific, terribly, story, editor, history, monitor, factory, visitor. Meaning: [‘terɪtɔrɪ /-trɪ]  n. 1. a region marked off for administrative or other purposes 2. an area of knowledge or interest 3. the geographical area under the jurisdiction of a sovereign state. 

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1. They annexed the conquered territory to their country.

2. Resources in plenty can be found in this territory.

3. Our troops have penetrated enemy territory.

4. This island is our territory.

5. This island was once French territory.

6. Hong Kong became Chinese territory in 1997.

7. Let’s meet on neutral territory.

8. Our representatives travel over a very large territory.

9. Three of the soldiers strayed into enemy territory.

10. He was shot down in enemy territory.

11. Although officially a dependent territory the island is effectively autonomous.

12. The government denies that any of its territory is under rebel control.

13. They penetrated into territory where no man had ever gone before.

14. The best thing to do when entering unknown territory is smile.

15. The territory was too expensive for any one(, so the two couples parceled out a picnic lunch.

16. This new project will take us into uncharted territory.

17. The war was carried into enemy territory.

18. They carved the territory up into three provinces.

19. They denied him passage through the territory.

20. They were denied passage through the occupied territory.

21. The plane was shot down while overflying enemy territory.

22. Each of these gangs has its own territory.

23. Our representatives cover a very large territory.

24. Cats mark their territory by spraying.

24. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.

25. The plane was flying over enemy territory.

26. How much territory does this medical practice cover?

27. He would like an assurance that other forces will not move into the territory that his forces vacate.

28. Each gang in the city has staked out its territory and defends it ruthlessly from other gangs.

29. The Diaoyu Islands are an integral part of Chinese territory.

30. They have refused to allow UN troops to be stationed in their territory.

More similar words: terrific, terribly, story, editor, history, monitor, factory, visitor, meritocracy, terror, competitor, inventory, terrain, laboratory, regulatory, terrorism, terrorist, interrupt, conciliatory, criteria, sit on, theory, a bit of, wait on, arrival, warrior, carrier, a bit of a, barrier, category. 

Definition of Territory

an area or zone

Examples of Territory in a sentence

Drug dealers on the northside would kill any rival gang member who tried to come into their territory.


The relator decided to branch out into neighboring territory to find houses at a cheap price.


Even though few people lived in the flooding territory, the few families who stayed there refused to leave the island for higher ground.


Taking a wrong turn at the stop sign, it wasn’t long before the lost driver found himself in unfamiliar territory.


Because the tribe lived in a large territory, they had plenty of food and water.


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territory — перевод на русский


Feofar Khan, the emir of Bukhara rebelled against my authority, Raises an army on my own territory, Invaded and devastated the eastern Siberia.

Феофар-Хан, эмир Бухары, бросает вызов моей власти, собирает армию на моей собственной территории, опустошает восточную Сибирь, угрожает Иркутску, где заперт мой родной брат.

Can’t be more than 50 of them left in the whole territory.

Их отсталось менее полусотни на всей этой территории.

You’re out of your territory this time.

Ты не на своей территории.

Second, you’ve kept alive in occupied territory for a year and a half.

Во-вторых, ты остался в живых на территории после полутора лет.

High Flight reports Indians on warpath in your territory.

Воздух сообщает — индейцы на тропе войны на вашей территории.

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— No but it’s El Akir’s territory, where he has his men.

но это земли Ёль јкира, у него там повсюду свои люди.

So this is her territory?

Это её земли?

They were protesting against the Republican Government… because it has agreed to give away Chinese territory… to Japan

Они протестовали против правительства республики потому что оно уступило китайские земли японцам.

That’s why we’re building bridges, climbing mountains exploring uncharted territories.

Именно поэтому мы строим мосты, покоряем горные вершины исследуем белые пятна на карте Земли.

Now, these new territories are gonna go so fast.

Эти новые земли будут распроданы очень быстро.

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— You don’t own this whole territory, McIvers.

Это место принадлежит нам. Вы не можете нас прогнать.

they’ll gain control of our entire territory!

Если мы что-нибудь не предпримем, то потерям место и тут.

But the Controllers scored first after recovering a Bart Williams fumble deep in Guardians’ territory near the end of the second quarter.

Но «Контролеры» открыли счет нащупав слабое место Барта Вильямса глубоко на половине «Защитников» в конце второй четверти.

Very lucrative territory, homosexually speaking.

Гомики говорят, что очень доходное место.

Same deal, just a different territory.

Те же условия, только место другое.

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The object in football is march downfield and penetrate enemy territory, and get into the end zone!

Цель в футболе — пройти сквозь даунфилд, проникнуть на вражескую территорию и войти в конечную зону!

Have infiltrated enemy territory without detection… and are making our way through the bowels of Zurg’s fortress.

Просочились на вражескую территорию, не будучи обнаруженными,.. и прокладываем себе путь в глубины крепости Зурга.

Infiltrating hostile territory is all about blending in,

При внедрении на вражескую территорию главное — смешаться с окружающей обстановкой

You’re essentially invading enemy territory Without a plan.

Вы вторгаетесь на вражескую территорию без плана

For a spy, deep-cover assignments often mean going into enemy territory alone and unarmed.

Для шпиона назначение на операцию глубоко под прикрытием часто означает, что необходимо пойти на вражескую территорию одному и без оружия.

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This is his territory

Это его район

I will shut the entire territory!

Перекрыть весь район!

What are you gonna do? It comes with the territory.

Такой уж район.

Where y’all headed today is real wealthy territory.

Сегодня вы все отправлятесь работать в весьма богатый район.

You held a gambling party in my territory?

Ты устраивал азартные игры в моем районе?

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I told him you know of his reputation as a powerful leader of partisans, feared by the French. So much so that they will not enter his territory.

Я сказал ему, вы знаете о его репутации могущественного вожака партизан, которого французы боятся так, что не лезут в его владения.

And I’d be much happier with a larger territory.

Я была бы счастлива увеличить свои владения.

This burrow doesn’t go right through the Sorceress’s territory!

Эта нора не пересекает владения колдуньи!

But all of that changed when… the humans set foot into our sacred territory.

Но однажды люди стали вторгаться во владения богов.

Can you assure me that you will be able to usurp her territory?

Вы можете уверить меня, что вы в состоянии узурпировать ее владения?

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— That’s Raider territory.

— Но это же зона активности пиратов.

This is dangerous territory.

Это опасная зона.

Excuse me. …is your territory. Once I get there, I’II touch base with him, too.

Простите твоя зона ответственности.

Considering my comfort zone extends to the end of that couch new territory was bound to come up.

Ну, если рассматривать мою зону комфорта, то она простирается до конца дивана, Новая зона должна подойти.

And they want to give me two new territories.

Мне хотят добавить 2 новые зоны.

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We are entering the most uncharted territory known to man, and we don’t need a spaceship to get there.

Мы вступаем в самую недоступную область, известную человеку, и нам не нужен космический корабль, чтобы добраться туда.

Oh… this is new territory for me.

-Ох… это новая область для меня.

That is still a lot of territory to cover.

Это всё ещё большая область для поиска.

This is, uh, rather delicate territory.

Это, э-э… довольно деликатная область.

Now, there we’re in a slightly different territory.

Так, это из несколько другой области.

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I raped women, stole children, and burned houses, shot men, run off horses, and killed cattle, and robbed who I pleased all over your territory, and you never even had a good look at me until today.

Я насиловал женщин, крал детей, сжигал дома, убивал мужчин, угонял лошадей, убивал скот и грабил кого хотел по всей твоей местности, а ты никогда даже близко не видел меня до сего дня.

But when our scientists did the study, they found the rate of birth defects in that territory was actually higher before we opened our battery plant there.

— Но наши ученые провели исследования и выяснилось, что количество аномалий развития плода в этой местности упало после того, как мы открыли завод аккумуляторов.

We had to run for it across open territory towards the vehicles.

Нам пришлось бежать по открытой местности к машинам.

The Darrow Bank is to conduct all business in this territory… for the Anaheim Bank.

Банк Дэрроу решает все деловые вопросы в этой местности от имени Анахейм Банка.

His bank is our new agent in this territory.

Его банк является нашим новым агентом в этой местности.

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I will NOT allow the Tutons to conquer our territory again!

Совершенно недопустимо, чтобы немцы заново оккупировали нашу страну.

The French army crossed the border in April 1811, quitting Portuguese territory for good. They left behind a devastated, exhausted and radically transformed country.

Французская армия покинула страну в апреле 1811-го, оставив Португалию в мире, эту опустошенную, измученную, но заново рожденную страну.

And they’re spread out evenly in the territories.

И равномерно распределены по стране.

Our constituents in the territories are still reeling from the plague and the chaos that followed.

Наши избиратели по стране еще не оправились от чумы и следующего за ней хаоса.

But he’s the only outlet for my product in this territory, Mr. Mundson.

Но он единственный потребитель моего товара в этой стране, мистер Мандсон.

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территория, область, земля, сфера, половина поля


- территория

inviolable [mandated, trust] territory — неприкосновенная [подмандатная, подопечная] территория
the Free Territory of Trieste — ист. свободная территория Триест

- земля, местность, район

fertile territory — плодородная местность
to map an unexplored territory from the air — картографировать неисследованные области с воздуха
much territory in northern Africa is desert — большие пространства северной Африки представляют собой пустыни

- (Territory) территория (административная единица в США, Канаде, Австралии, не имеющая прав штата или провинции)
- район действий коммивояжёра
- участок, занимаемый данной особью (у высших животных)
- поле деятельности

this is more familiar territory — это более знакомая почва; ≅ здесь я чувствую себя уверенней

- область, сфера (знаний, науки)

the territory of physics [of biology] — область физики [биологии]

- половина поля (той или иной футбольной или хоккейной команды)
- зона

defensive territory — зона защиты

Мои примеры


a foolhardy attempt to capture more territory — безрассудная попытка захватить как можно больше территории  
umbrageous at the loss of their territory — обиженные потерей своей территории  
conquest of territory — покорение территории  
contractual territory — договорная территория  
defend territory — защищать территорию  
densely populated territory — густонаселённая территория  
drive the invaders out territory — изгнать захватчиков со своей территории  
encroach upon the territory of a state — вторгнуться на территорию государства  
encroach upon the territory of state — вторгнуться на территорию государства  
intrusion into the enemy territory — вторжение на территорию противника  
raid into the territory of the enemy — проникновение на территорию противника  
a portion of nation hives off to a new territory — часть народа отделяется и переселяется на новые земли  

Примеры с переводом

We pushed deep into enemy territory.

Мы продвинулись вглубь вражеской территории.

This territory is rapidly populating.

Эта территория быстро заселяется.

Male cats spray to mark territory.

Коты разбрызгивают мочу, чтобы пометить территорию.

A tiger has a large territory to defend.

Тигру нужно защищать обширную территорию.

The country reconquered the territory lost in the previous war.

Страна отвоевала территории, потерянные в ходе прошлой войны.

Guam is a U.S. territory.

Гуам является территорией США.

They were entering hostile territory.

Они входили на вражескую территорию.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

This new colleague invades my territory

Spanish cession of the territory in 1818

The territory has been granted autonomy.

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Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): territory
мн. ч.(plural): territories

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word territory, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use territory in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «territory». In addition, we also show how different variations of territory can be used, the variations for which we also have example sentences are territory’s. If you click on the variation of territory that you are interested in, you will be taken to the list of example sentences for that particular form.

Territory in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word territory in a sentence.

  1. The French demanded more territory.

  2. There’s no road map for that territory ..

  3. Hippos mark their territory by defecation.

  4. In 1942, Papua was a territory of Australia.

  5. Cythera in effect became Achaemenid territory.

  6. Unincorporated territory of the United States.

  7. Their territory was centered on modern-day Ft.

  8. Females play no part in defending the territory.

  9. Ordinarily, it will feed within its own territory.

  10. Juveniles disperse widely from the home territory.

  11. On 22 April 1796, the British occupied the territory.

  12. Captured Ukrainian territory provided another 140,000.

  13. They owned territory as far north as the Croton River.

  14. Estimates of territory sizes for cougars vary greatly.

  15. The Manche territory was to the southwest of the Mopan.

  16. The border between English and French territory in Gascony was extremely unclear.

  17. Helper birds assist in defending the territory and feeding and rearing the young.

  18. The male initiates sky-pointing when a female approaches or leaves his territory.

  19. This time it would be a straight trade: territory for territory, not a partition.

  20. He then marched to Glasgow and sent raiding parties into Scottish-held territory.

  21. With the lead reduced to 24–21, the Titans punted from deep in their own territory with seconds left.

  22. The panel’s final judgement, delivered in 1899, awarded Britain almost all of the disputed territory.

  23. As a consequence Carthage agreed a peace treaty which stripped it of most of its territory and power.

  24. The French harried the surviving Englishmen into the following year, recapturing much lost territory.

  25. Davis insisted on a strategy of trying to defend all Southern territory with ostensibly equal effort.

  26. Spain then reversed course, relinquishing its claims to Louisiana, and the territory passed into U.S.

  27. Inhabiting specific locations in the forbidden land, they do not venture outside their own territory.

  28. Asif insisted that he would sell his film to the distributors at no less than ₹700,000 per territory.

  29. Once the birds have mated, the female returns to her home territory to lay eggs and raise the chicks.

  30. Young birds may travel in flocks but later mate for life, with each mated pair defending a territory.

  31. The Partisans defended the territory they controlled with significant demolition and mining of roads.

  32. At three or four years of age, the males can attempt to take over a territory and its female members.

  33. The Kejache occupied a territory to the north of the Itza, between the lakes and what is now Campeche.

  34. Its territory extends for several thousands of li [a li during the Han dynasty equalled 415.8 metres].

  35. Rædwald, the king of the East Angles, also was converted, but no see was established in his territory.

  36. When the Dzungar Mongols attempted to spread their territory from what is now Xinjiang into Tibet, the Kangxi Emperor (r.

  37. Poland regained Dobrzyń Land, Lithuania regained Samogitia, and Masovia regained a small territory beyond the Wkra river.

  38. They continued to use cavalry to some extent on the Eastern Front, including probes into Russian territory in early 1915.

  39. Once a male has found a mate, he selects a territory, marking the boundaries by warbling as he flies from perch to perch.

  40. Meanwhile, the inhabitants of the new French territory did not recognize the authority of the treaties imposed upon them.

  41. Rome’s ally, King Masinissa of Numidia, exploited this to repeatedly raid and seize Carthaginian territory with impunity.

  42. Lions also use chemical and visual marking; males will spray and scrape plots of ground and objects within the territory.

  43. This group intended to explore this then-unknown territory, but had been prevented by sea ice from approaching the shore.

  44. These helpers take part in cleaning and fanning eggs and larvae, cleaning the breeding hole and protecting the territory.

  45. Unlike Tilley, who had been the first acting governor of the territory, Sebree was very concerned about his legal status.

  46. Gibraltar was subsequently used by the Granadans as the base for raids into Christian territory, prompting Enrique de Guzmán, second Count of Niebla, to lay siege in 1436.

  47. These issues are compounded by the apparently poor ability of the cactus wren to disperse: each subsequent generation will usually not travel far to establish a territory.

  48. This entailed the RPF withdrawing to its pre-February territory, but also mandated the setting up of a demilitarised zone between the RPF area and the rest of the country.

  49. This amended proposal left only the transfer of responsibility for mental health care to the territory of Alaska and the establishment of land grants to support this care.

  50. A few Whigs joined the Democratic majority in Congress to ratify the treaty and defeat the Wilmot Proviso, which would have banned slavery in the newly acquired territory.

Territory’s in a sentence

Territory’s is a variation of territory, below you can find example sentences for territory’s.

  1. Prey density tends to be much higher on the territory’s periphery.

  2. The territory’s area measures only 6.7 square kilometres (2.6 sq mi).

  3. Virgin Islands from Denmark, and served as the territory’s first acting governor.

  4. About 70% of the territory’s mahogany trees were downed, as were most citrus and grapefruit trees.

  5. The following year, the territorial legislature narrowly elected him the territory’s delegate to Congress.

  6. On 30 May 1919, the Southern Rhodesian Legislative Council passed a resolution thanking the territory’s veterans.

  7. He is best remembered as the first acting governor of American Samoa as well as the territory’s first naval governor.

  8. For example, the territory’s three district governors had equal authority but they were of differing Samoan social status.

  9. On the evening of December 29, 1855, a fire destroyed the first capitol building and many of the territory’s public records.

  10. He became the autonomous territory’s first Prime Minister and intended to serve as the first President of the independent CAR.

  11. In the immediate years after the territory’s handover, Chinese oversight of Hong Kong was considered relatively benign and hands-off.

  12. Gibraltar’s post-war relationship with Spain was marred by an intensification of the long-running dispute over the territory’s sovereignty.

  13. Some saw this as the United Kingdom meddling in the territory’s affairs to benefit itself (and the EU), at the expense of the islands’ economy.

  14. The Kansas–Nebraska Act allowed the territory’s settlers to decide whether or not to permit slavery, an implicit repeal of the Missouri Compromise.

  15. His defeat of two years previous still fresh in his mind, his platform this time included a call for a redrawing of the territory’s electoral boundaries.

  16. This was done despite an explicit stipulation in the Hong Kong Basic Law stating the territory’s responsibility for enacting its own legislation in that area.

  17. It prompted the territory’s government to shift its economic orientation and place a much greater emphasis on encouraging tourism and establishing self-sufficiency.

  18. Legislation for such was introduced into the House of Representatives by the territory’s delegate to Congress, Victor Stewart Kaleoaloha Houston, on December 5, 1927.

  19. One of the territory’s first military aviators was Lieutenant Arthur R H Browne, a fighter pilot from Umvuma in the Southern Rhodesian Midlands, who was attached to No.

  20. Staley had been a supporter of self-government for the ACT, and he proposed a model whereby Canberrans would rapidly gain control of much of the territory’s administration.

Synonyms for territory

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word territory has the following synonyms: district, territorial dominion, dominio and soil.

General information about «territory» example sentences

The example sentences for the word territory that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «territory» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «territory».

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