The word terrified in a sentence



- ужасать; внушать или вселять ужас, страх
- запугивать
- устрашать

Мои примеры


to be terrified — быть запуганным  
be terrified / horrified — ужасаться  

Примеры с переводом

He was terrified to stay home alone.

Он до ужаса боялся оставаться один дома.

My skin crawled — I was terrified.

У меня мурашки пошли по коже — я был в ужасе.

Sid is terrified of heights.

Сид до смерти боится высоты.

He is terrified of the opposite sex.

Он боится противоположного пола.

He was terrified of getting her pregnant.

Он ужасно боялся, что она забеременеет.

Her husband’s violence terrified her.

Жестокость мужа приводила её в ужас.

The robbers terrified the old man into giving them all his money.

Грабители так напугали старика, что он отдал им все деньги.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

I felt too terrified to even cry out for help.

We were terrified that the bridge would collapse.

She was terrified that Trevor would come after her.

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Definition of Terrified

extremely afraid

Examples of Terrified in a sentence

Both mother and son were terrified of heights, so they shook with fear at the thought of flying in an airplane.


Nona told Nick that the mice were very scared of him, but that didn’t stop him from being terrified of rodents.


The nervous singer, shaking and sweating as she took the stage, was terrified of public performances.




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1 He’s terrified of being bitten by a snake.

2 I’m terrified of flying I’d rather go by sea.

3 He huddled in the corner like a terrified child.

4 The pupils were terrified out of their senses.

5 Admit it! You were terrified!

6 The terrified horse galloped off.

7 Sid is terrified of heights.

8 The matron bore down upon the terrified nurses.

9 He was clasping the vase tightly, terrified of dropping it.

10 He was terrified of going to hell when he died.

11 She was absolutely terrified at the thought of jumping off the bridge.

12 He looked so terrified I thought he’d seen a ghost.

13 Clearly terrified, he let out a strangulated whimper.

14 Quite honestly/frankly, the thought of it terrified me.

15 She looked at him with wide,( terrified eyes.

16 I was so terrified my legs were wobbling.

17 He was terrified of getting her pregnant.

18 Her husband’s violence terrified her.

19 I’m terrified of forgetting my lines.

20 The animals were terrified by the storm.

21 I was terrified that the plane would crash.

22 She was terrified that Trevor would come after her.

23 Ben sat up quickly, his face taut and terrified.

24 That first night I emceed I was absolutely terrified.

25 She was terrified at the thought of being alone.

26 I’m terrified of losing you.

27 I was terrified they would lock me up again.

28 Grace was too terrified to reply.

29 She was terrified that Ronnie would kidnap Sam.

30 Officers were terrified of his superhuman strength.

More similar words: horrified, terrific, terrify, terrifying, ratified, gratified, justified, specified, classified, terrible, terribly, territory, esterification, satisfied, married, dissatisfied, clarification, terror, terrain, terrorist, interrupt, terrorism, deterrent, terra firma, interrogate, reign of terror, extraterrestrial, counterfeiter, field, fiery.

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word terrified, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use terrified in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «terrified».

Terrified in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word terrified in a sentence.

  1. I remember we were terrified of being recognised ..

  2. It was the most terrified I’ve ever been in my life.

  3. Graham rushes home to find his family safe but terrified.

  4. The people of the city were too terrified to offer resistance.

  5. To the right of the painting, daemons drag terrified women away.

  6. The terrified Indra escapes as a cat and is cursed with castration.

  7. When they heard the explosions, they rushed back into the house terrified.

  8. I was terrified, and I kept weeping to my friends, «I’m going to look a fool!

  9. Approximately 5,000 terrified residents of New Washington fled from the Mexican army.

  10. She was terrified of loud noises and of riding in carriages, but was fearless in the air.

  11. Frazer and Franzen remained alone in the room, the latter reportedly too terrified to move.

  12. Satan hulks, in the form of a goat, in moonlit silhouette over a coven of terrified witches.

  13. We would be so terrified about what they would do to them in return that we wouldn’t dare.».

  14. In Matthew and Mark, terrified by the events, a Roman centurion states that Jesus was the Son of God.

  15. Hull, elderly and without recent military experience, was terrified by the risk of losing the battle.

  16. The three children are terrified, yet fascinated by their neighbor, the reclusive Arthur «Boo» Radley.

  17. Islanders were terrified of the creature and would not speak its name without immediately saying a prayer.

  18. Bakshi was so terrified of the horses used in the shoot that he directed those scenes from inside the caravan.

  19. He remarked: «My first scene when I come to visit him my character is supposed to be terrified and intimidated.

  20. Brown’s character obsessively masturbates in secret, terrified of being found out, but unable to resist the urge.

  21. A terrified servant then revealed that Garnet, who had often stayed at the house, had recently given a Mass there.

  22. They penetrated to the centre of the English camp and collapsed the King’s tent with a terrified Edward III inside.

  23. In both the 1789 and 1822 Sabbath pictures, the Devil is presented as a goat surrounded by a ring of terrified women.

  24. The news spread throughout the city and panicked the populace, who spent the night in terrified vigil in the churches.

  25. A trained stage actress, she prefers performing on stage to film roles and claims to be terrified of acting on camera.

  26. He holds court before a circle of crouched and mostly terrified women, accepted by art historians as a coven of witches.

  27. By 1974 Thorpe, at the crest of the Liberal revival, was terrified of exposure that might lose him the Liberal leadership.

  28. But the people are terrified by the violence, and the Algerian government exploits that fear as a way to hang on to power.

  29. Lynn believes Hemingway likely was terrified Hadley would not survive the birth, and he became «beside himself with fear ..

  30. He then remembered hearing the dim, far-off gun again, a vision of a terrified man standing before him, then yet another shot.

  31. As terrified doctors attempted treatment, Khrushchev and his colleagues engaged in an intense discussion as to the new government.

  32. Yorke said the title «refers to embracing the future, it refers to being terrified of the future, of our future, of everyone else’s.

  33. Opening with an image of conception, the film then portrays Henry Spencer as a character who is terrified of, but fascinated by, sex.

  34. After Lynch added «a hint of the steam [from the wreck] and the screaming kids», however, it transformed Laura Elena Harring from clumsy to terrified.

Synonyms for terrified

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word terrified has the following synonyms: panicky, panicked, panic-stricken, panic-struck, frightened and afraid.

General information about «terrified» example sentences

The example sentences for the word terrified that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «terrified» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «terrified».

terrified — перевод на русский

Somebody suggested that I buy a car, but I’m terrified of cars.

Мне кто-то предложил купить машину, но я в ужасе от машин.

— Daddy, I’m terrified.

— Папа, я в ужасе.

Yeah, he must be terrified.

Ага, должно быть он в ужасе

— I was terrified.

-Я была в ужасе.

No autopsy is necessary to know that the animal was terrified.

Нет необходимости во вскрытии, чтобы понять, что животное было в ужасе.

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Oh no, Doctor, he’s terrified of it.

Мой корабль. Да нет, Доктор, он боится его.

He’s probably terrified of your beads and rattles.

Вероятно, он боится ваших бус и трещоток.

Did you know the poor man’s terrified of me?

Ты знал, что этот недотёпа меня боится? — Правда?

The poor woman’s terrified because of everything that’s happened.

Бедная женщина боится, боится всего, что происходит вокруг.

— He’s terrified.

— Он боится.

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Belinda is terrified, but can do nothing.

Белинда напугана, но ничего не может поделать

Well, lan said you were terrified.

Иен сказал, что ты была напугана.

I wonder what happened to her that she should be so terrified of us.

Что же с ней произошло, раз она так напугана?

I don’t know why I think this is in defiance of all rationality, but I do and now that I do, I’m terrified.

Не знаю, почему я считаю, что это противоречит рациональному, но я напугана.

I mean really terrified.

Действительно напугана.

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О, это так ужасно.

It’s terrifying!

Это ужасно!

The present is terrifying because it is irreversible, and because it is of iron.

Настоящее ужасно, потому что необратимо и потому что непреклонно.

Terrifying, isn’t it?

Это ужасно, не так ли?

Oh, that’s terrifying. -Yes.

Но это ужасно!

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I was terrified.

Мне было страшно.

Wow, it is terrifying .

Ой, страшно.

I’m terrified when I think of what might happen.

Страшно подумать, что может случиться.

I’ve been terrified ever since I landed on this planet.

Мне было страшно с тех пор, как я попал на эту планету.


Мне страшно.

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I know he seems a little terrifying to you, but I’m happy with him, and safe.

Я знаю, он вас несколько пугает, но с ним я счастлива, и в безопасности.

The prospect terrifies me.

Такая перспектива пугает меня.

I have to confess that for the first time I’m afraid, there’s something about those women that terrifies me.

Я должна признаться, что впервые так боюсь… В тех женщинах есть что-то, что меня пугает.

In truth, the desert which surrounds me is terrifying.

Истинно, пустыня, по которой я брожу — пугает меня.

It’s Philip’s asthma. It terrifies me, Daddy.

Астма Филиппа пугает меня, папа.

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Vircourt, I have the most terrifying news…

Виркур, у меня самые ужасающие новости…

Leaving us the task of unraveling an insane man’s terrifying caprice.

И оставляет нам задачу самим распутывать ужасающие капризы сумасшедшего.

But then these sweethearts began a cross-country murder spree which has lasted only three terrifying weeks but has left 48 known bodies in its wake including Mallory’s own mum and dad.

Жили скучной жизнью, в которой ничего не происходило. Но потом эти двое начали поход по стране, убивая направо и налево. Этот поход длился всего 3 ужасающие недели.

Sometimes I get terrified.

Зато я боюсь! Иногда я вижу ужасающие вещи.

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One night, I’m terrified to be in that room another minute.

Ночью, я была так испугана, что не хотела оставаться в комнате ни на секунду.

Amanda was terrified.

— Аманда была испугана.

I was hugely embarrassed by what happened at the bar… not to mention terrified.

Я была сильно опозорена тем, что произошло в баре, и, разумеется, испугана.

Look, the first time I stepped through that gate I was terrified.

Слушай, когда я впервые проходила через врата, я была испугана.

Rose said about the Daleks… she was terrified of them.

Роз говорила о Далеках… она была испугана ими.

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And our hero got terrified.

И наш герой испугался.

— I was terrified.

— Я испугался.

— He was terrified that I might discover that also she was the maid.

Он испугался, что я узнаю в ней служанку.

You were so terrified.

Ты так испугался.

I was terrified…

Я очень испугался…

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I’ve investigated the power he possess, and it’s very terrifying.

какими силами он располагает и это ужасает.

Yes, and what he told us is terrifying.

Да, и то, что он нам поведал, ужасает.

It’s terrifying hoping the Russians are less crazy than we are when they are clearly crazy.

Это ужасает, надеешься что русские менее сумасшедшие чем мы а на деле они ещё больше сумасшедшие.

Terrifying, isn’t it?

Ужасает, верно?

Not only has Teyla been able to ascertain that the Wraith are more interested in Earth than Atlantis which is, you know, terrifying.

Мало того, что Тейла смогла установить, что Рейфы больше интересуются Землей, чем Атлантисом, что уже, знаете ли, ужасает.

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