The word terminal in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word terminal, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use terminal in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «terminal».

Terminal in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word terminal in a sentence.

  1. The terminal building at L.F.

  2. The tail has a black terminal band.

  3. The terminal wind velocity is 300 km/s.

  4. Otherwise, the diagnosis is terminal comedy».

  5. A new, larger terminal opened in October 2011.

  6. The Virginia lines never made use of the terminal.

  7. In 1990, Zappa was diagnosed with terminal prostate cancer.

  8. Microscopically, the terminal cells in the cap cuticle of R.

  9. The manual itself uses one space after terminal punctuation.

  10. Eva is hospitalized and learns that she has terminal cancer.

  11. Many trusts went into terminal decline, mirroring a national trend.

  12. Over 700 have been found near the container terminal in Hakata Bay, Fukuoka City.

  13. A terminal operations unit was created at RAAF Base Darwin to handle air dispatch.

  14. He was forced to turn down this offer due to his wife’s sudden and terminal illness.

  15. The highway then travels northeast and passes through it eastern terminal toll booth.

  16. Secondary lesions were found in June 1985 and declared to be inoperable and terminal.

  17. Several routes converge near the Chinook Regional Hospital, although it is not officially a terminal.

  18. Quite conspicuous, they are terminal (occurring on the ends of branches) or on short side branchlets.

  19. It also has greatly enlarged terminal discs on its fore feet that help it to clamber around in bushes.

  20. In a few species, the front pair are modified into gnathopods with clawed, gripping terminal segments.

  21. Furthermore, the terminal denticle was far larger and more robust in adult specimens than in juveniles.

  22. The new terminal of Gibraltar International Airport, opened in 2012, with the Rock of Gibraltar behind.

  23. The system’s maintenance and operations base is underneath the platforms at the Seattle Center terminal.

  24. According to the project design, the third terminal will have 12 boarding bridges and 12 conveyor belts.

  25. The tail (except the terminal black tuft), buttocks, the insides of the legs and the rump are all white.

  26. Salem is a major park and ride center, with a 700-space parking garage, as well as an MBTA bus terminal.

  27. In his description, he mentioned «Les narines terminales et sinueuses» («Nostrils terminal and winding»).

  28. Port-en-Bessin was operated as a bulk petroleum terminal, servicing both the British and American forces.

  29. The tip of the penis, which tapers toward the end, is called the pars intrapraeputialis or terminal cone.

  30. Trains depart from each terminal approximately every 10 minutes, with a single train running continuously.

  31. They are terminal, that is, arising at the ends of branchlets, where they appear in groups of one to five.

  32. Drosera regia also produces relatively few thick, fleshy roots, which possess root hairs along the terminal 15 cm (6 in).

  33. On their terminal (last) dive they arch their back high out of the water, but rarely raise their flukes out of the water.

  34. This is because a U(VI) cation is able to bind two terminal oxides and three or more carbonates to form anionic complexes.

  35. The steel girders at the Westlake Mall terminal were installed in October, followed by work on the Seattle Center terminal.

  36. The final environmental impact statement projected that trains in the central terminal area would run every ninety seconds.

  37. The multimodal hub would include a rail station with 570 parking spaces shared with ferry users, as well as a bus terminal.

  38. The 20-acre (8 ha) Trafford Park Euroterminal rail freight terminal, opened in 1993, is in the Gorse Hill area of Stretford.

  39. The old terminal at Westlake Mall closed permanently on September 1, 1986, and was demolished over the following two months.

  40. The terminal had a sloped moving walkway between street level and the three elevated platforms covered by a «scalloped» roof.

  41. Vessels travelling to and from the terminal docks, which are 60 feet (18 m) above sea level, must pass through several locks.

  42. The presence of proximal podomeres and a terminal spine in the swimming leg indicates their primitive condition as natatory organs and their functional adaptation to walk.

  43. Above the gum line in both jaws, a single row of small pits known as foramina are lined parallel to the jawline; they are used to hold the terminal branches of jaw nerves.

  44. From the terminal, the tracks travel east and begin a wide turn to the south while passing through the Museum of Pop Culture, which was designed around the existing tracks.

  45. Between the 1890s and the 1930s, channel-deepening in the Willamette River improved the city’s status as a deep-water seaport, as did completion in 1914 of a port terminal.

  46. The new proposal included demolition of the monorail terminal to make way for a public park, while trains would terminate at a new station integrated into the shopping mall.

Synonyms for terminal

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word terminal has the following synonyms: concluding, final, last, closing, end, endmost, fatal, time period, period of time, period, pole, terminus and depot.

General information about «terminal» example sentences

The example sentences for the word terminal that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «terminal» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «terminal».

Definition of Terminal

a computer device that returns information to user input

Examples of Terminal in a sentence

A computer laptop or desktop is essentially a terminal, storing information and giving that information to the user when it is requested.


With technology advancing as fast as it is, you can find a terminal in some restaurants that lets you select the kind of food and drink you want.


A terminal is any piece of technology that will give you information when you request information of it.


We are going to install a terminal in the metro so people can get their tickets and other information from a computer instead of a person.


There is a computer terminal that the office secretary uses to keep track of records for the students, making it particularly easy for her.


Other words in the Computers, Technology category:

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Synonym: concluding, depot, endmost, final, last, pole, terminus. Similar words: germinal, terminate, exterminate, termination, interminably, interminable, extermination, determination. Meaning: [‘tɜrmɪnl /’tɜːm-]  n. 1. station where transport vehicles load or unload passengers or goods 2. a contact on an electrical device (such as a battery) at which electric current enters or leaves 3. electronic equipment consisting of a device providing access to a computer; has a keyboard and display. adj. 1. being or situated at an end 2. of or relating to or situated at the ends of a delivery route 3. relating to or occurring in a term or fixed period of time 4. occurring at or forming an end or termination 5. causing or ending in or approaching death. 

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1. We met up at the bus terminal.

2. He has terminal lung cancer.

3. The terminal was constructed of reinforced concrete.

4. The illness is usually terminal.

5. Flights for Amsterdam depart from Terminal 3.

6. She’s suffering from terminal boredom.

6. try its best to gather and create good sentences.

7. Domestic flights go from Terminal 1.

8. The oil terminal is in the narrow strait that separates the island from the mainland.

9. She has terminal cancer.

10. The car has reached its terminal speed and can run faster no longer.

11. He worked the bus terminal for a few days until they chased him.

12. The Zoo is at the bus terminal. You can’t miss it.

13. Connect the cable to the correct terminal.

14. He is in the terminal stage of cancer.

15. A second terminal was opened in 1998.

16. The once great industry is now in terminal decline.

17. The industry is in terminal decline.

18. Your flight to Perth will leave from Terminal 4.

19. He made a round-trip to the terminal and back.

20. There were two students at each terminal.

21. He was eventually diagnosed as suffering from terminal cancer.

22. Plans are underway for a fifth terminal at Heathrow airport.

23. The airport hotel will be linked to the terminal building by a covered walkway.

24. The data entry terminal is connected to an online database while editing is taking place.

25. She claims that the shipbuilding industry is in terminal decline.

26. As soon as he was clear of the terminal building he looked round.

27. The Italian political system has been judged to be in terminal crisis for decades.

28. He has nothing to do all day and is suffering from terminal boredom.

29. Looking back afterwards you will see that this was not a terminal trough in your career.

30. A bus shuttles passengers back and forth from the station to the terminal.

More similar words: germinal, terminate, exterminate, termination, interminably, interminable, extermination, determination, indeterminate, determinative, determine, determined, determining, undetermined, predetermine, terminological, nominal interest rate, vermin, never mind, undermine, termite, intermit, buttermilk, nominal, nominally, criminal, intermittent, permit, hermit, hermitage. 

I know that this is not a new argument, but what is “Bravery” when used in the context of terminal il ness? I am unaware of anybody who

Nobody wil truly appreciate the enormity of this phrase unless they too have a terminal il ness

Despite what you may have heard though, having a terminal ilness

“Like chains,” the boy said, and Hermann thought that maybe he was silently going mad just while waiting in the terminal

Herndon went to play with his portable terminal on the boat and Ava took a camp quilt to the beach

Also, make sure that they are not suffering from any terminal illness

Though she had been at the center of getting device manufacture going, she didn’t actually carry one, but had a data terminal at the house

Ominous military presence in the terminal, frowning soldiers, armed to the teeth, are standing about

One or two taxi drivers move in for the kill when they see Russ, John and Khalid exit the terminal

between the edges of this black speedway, and yet, as he reached terminal velocity,

Hamo’s driver David brings the car to a slow stop near the Departure Terminal

the Waitrose car park seemed ambrosially soft compared to this hard, cold, terminal

While those natives had to be informed by the one of their clan who had gone to a data terminal, the network was connected to everyone on Narrulla’s Tear and she was able to query, ‘what is known about an asteroid that could collide with the planet Kassidor?’ and find out quite a lot

“You have a terminal disease

Therefore he had designated his little brother to carry the satchel with the satellite phone terminal

«What’s with the satellite terminal?» He asked

one who is in the last phase of a terminal illness

Leaving the terminal building they found the taxi stand and walked to the top of the queue

The baggage handler hurried down the terminal hallway as fast as he could, so worried that the little carry-on would miss its flight and then be stranded there in Phoenix

He pushed off the bulkhead and flew to the terminal set near Wrigley’s prospecting console

» He gestured in front of his helmet to call up the spoofing script he’d written to emulate Staas Company’s Inventory Query Protocols and passed it to the terminal in front of him without missing a stroke

Tig couldn’t help things by being at the terminal, so he shared Parker’s porthole and watched the wreckage pass by on the junk’s port side

A single false move and those guns would carry out their terminal function without a moment of compassion

As fragile as the plasterwork might be, it would always be bolstered by the terminal brutality of small arms fire

Even the new products using technology from Earth were often decorated to look like their ancient artifacts so the terminal was a crystal ball that you panned and zoomed by looking from a different angle and distance

At one end of the room two elderly women sat at a terminal, hissing information at each other as they scoured the database

He had no need to pay attention to any landscape other than that small slice of the world contained between the edges of this black speedway, and yet, as he reached terminal velocity, something made him notice the further extremes of possibility painted upon the horizon, beyond the vortex that he created

The usual horrors of the Waitrose car park seemed ambrosially soft compared to this hard, cold, terminal descent

‘You arrive at the terminal, see the insurance desk, you are asked if the place you’re going is your final destination and you are told this is your last and final call for flight 666, terminating at Athens Airport

Next he removed the diagnostics and logging taps from his own terminal so that his activity would not be logged

Unfortunately, the mood was broken when, over a large cognac, his wife revealed that she had phoned their mutual friend, had told him about her husband’s terminal illness and had persuaded him to make her poor spouse’s final year or two truly comfortable

terminal connected to a giant database

him about her husband’s terminal illness and had persuaded him to

Maybe he could go to a terminal and even find a way to query student records for Tdeshi, but like Ava said, there would be thousands of Tdeshi’s in the school’s history

She didn’t waste any more time at the terminal but hopped on a public for the hour ride up to that clinic

She could see him now … jerkily, returning to his seat at the table … and then, he’d just sort of imploded mentally, as though Andy’s defection was the terminal straw in the train of disasters which comprised this ill-fated project

“I’m looking for someone named Hyondahi at this address,” Jorma got out the notes he’d copied from the terminal and showed him

whether he hit the lottery or had a terminal illness with only days to live

“Automatic Terminal Information Service (ATIS) is a continuous broadcast of recorded aeronautical information such as weather information, which runways are active, available approaches, and any other information required by the pilots

With a raincoat draped over his arm and brief case over his shoulder he dragged his luggage into the terminal

short) climb onto the remains of a terminal moraine at

Klowa got that message off on his way home, the Playalite had a terminal room just off Hapentweighn

plants laid tired and wilted in their gardens, like terminal

She pushed a copy button and instantly a slender paper thin disc came out of the printer next to the terminal

Suddenly a grey terminal against the wall started humming and a stream of paper began to come out of a slot located in the front of the unit

Despite the relative comfort of his bed, the plushness of the décor – a relining chair, a walnut work desk with a holo- interactive terminal, and exercise equipment for every muscle in his reconstituted body – there was no denying the obvious fact that he could not venture beyond this ten by fifteen metre room, no matter how determined and resourceful he knew himself to be

” said Chris, “I wondered if it was terminal?”

He started the program to initialise the transceiver and, as before, the Astronomicon started up the dumb terminal application on his screen and greeted him

” he complained as he started up the terminal application once again

Because I have a terminal disease, I feel that my time is very limited

terminal with her entourage

she emerged from the terminal

Entering the hot atmosphere of the server room, she crossed to the nearest terminal, where she sat down and pulled out the paper-clip tray above the nested drawers to the right of her knees

Tossing his head back, he leaped down to the concrete ramp and headed for the terminal

Logging out on the shift-list and calling a jaunty goodbye to the Terminal Manager, he made his way over to the taxi-rank

Ringing the Terminal Manager on his mobile, McKee told him that he wasn’t feeling so good and wouldn’t be taking his shift

Just five more minutes and they’d be at the terminal

“So you do it out of the goodness of your heart, rescuing the terminal from their afflictions,” I said, not bothering to keep the skepticism out of my voice

“WHAT?? YOU MEAN YOU DIDN’T PUT THE CANS IN THE SAFE LAST NIGHT, YOU MINDLESS MUTANT?” Her screech rose above the murmur of a thousand voices to echo the length and breadth of the cavernous terminal

The computer terminal screen scrolled to a notation

Cancer patients are ideal for our cause because they receive a terminal diagnosis weeks, if not months, before they die

She may have made coded notes when one of her terminal patients decided to accept my offer, or maybe she mentioned you in some way to a coworker that tipped him off

It didn’t even work at the Bus Terminal

Terminal velocity depends on shape, which causes drag, and mass, which determines the pull of gravity

Terminal velocity might be a hundred miles per hour in a burning plane, with failed engine, all twisted out of shape

«…of a child dying of terminal cancer,» she finished, clearly hurt

«His name was Kentaro, and he was only ten when diagnosed with terminal cancer

Some progress had been made in repairing the Munich Hauptbahnhof, but it was not yet receiving local trains, so they were forced to disembark at a temporary outlying terminal

Almost thirty-six hours after leaving Czechoslovakia, the train pulled into a makeshift terminal on the eastern edge of the city of Warsaw

Colling and Elizabeth were not surprised to hear that the main terminal was undergoing repairs

“It’s right near the terminal, capital city, Tingawaga

The terminal was bustling with activity, and Colling asked Elizabeth to wait for him while he disposed of the bag containing their uniforms

After the plane had landed, LP walked into Brisbane’s airport terminal and greeted his wife, Ingrid

As they walked out of the terminal, they were oblivious to what was happening overseas

As the boom gate rose up, approaching police sirens could be heard as tactical response vans turned into the airport terminal

Bear walked out of the terminal as LP’s car pulled up to the kerb

She limped towards the bus terminal but, from a block away saw, at the entrance, a pair of policemen stop a tourist couple and ask for documents

Exiting the warehouse, he turned to the tower and terminal building

“You need to drop me at the Fronteras bus terminal behind the Coca-Cola market in San José,” she said when Limon was falling away behind

He walked out of the airport terminal into a stifling sticky heat wave

“The memory storage of the library is now fully accessible to you from every terminal in the ship, including lap-top and hand-held devices,” it reported its new modifications

Joining the feast did cause them to miss the bus, but they had no difficulty in securing a ride, joining ten others in the back of a truck loaded with sacks of pesticide, bound for Marale where they hopped off at the bus terminal

Army Air Force terminal where he could catch a military flight to Rhein-Main, and then a train from Frankfurt to his home base

He caught a ride in an Air Force corporal’s jeep to the familiar Army railway terminal outside Frankfurt

LP locked the van and he and Ingrid started walking towards the rainforest track which led to the terminal

A thousand steps later they emerged at the terminal

As soon as they arrived back in port, Ingrid and LP left the terminal

He was awakened by the Russian soldier shaking him by the shoulder, and realized they were pulling into the makeshift Warsaw terminal

The NKVD man disappeared into the terminal, and Jalesow asked Colling to follow him

«You said somethin’ about an armored car terminal?» Bones

hemmed in by a bus terminal and the theater district

stop in the Port Authority bus terminal

Shri Govind Swami in the latter’s terminal illness and received

Or is history destined to repeat itself at least one more time without a conclusive terminal point? In this, we may be presented with a major problem of prophecy! Events do seem to be the most predictable from the seat of the “Monday morning quarterback”! Will we have to wait until then to know what we should have done? God help us if we are not any smarter than that!

He saw everyone that came in the terminal, and

chain screamed across the terminal

towards the gas station terminal

The terminal did not cal me later

It showed a flat fairly static line with a terminal uptick, suggesting that warming had been recent and therefore likely due to man’s industrial phase

average and help to produce the terminal uptick artifact of the “hockey stick” graph, not to speak of the “urban island heat effect

Use “terminal” in a sentence | “terminal” example sentences

1- He has terminal lung cancer.

2- We met them by accident by the bus terminal.

3- We met up at the bus terminal.

4- The illness is usually terminal.

5- I board the train at the terminal.

6- Where is the south terminal?

7- A second terminal was opened in 1998.

8- All it took was nerve, organization and terminal tomfoolery.

9- As soon as he was clear of the terminal building he looked round.

10- But it needn’t be a terminal decease.

11- He is in the terminal stage of cancer.

12- He made a round-trip to the terminal and back.

13- He worked the bus terminal for a few days until they chased him.

14- Plans are underway for a fifth terminal at Heathrow airport.

15- She claims that the shipbuilding industry is in terminal decline.

16- She’s suffering from terminal boredom.

17- The industry is in terminal decline.

18- The once great industry is now in terminal decline.

19- The terminal is compounding type with inlaid lead copper core.

20- The terminal is used in conjunction with a photographic typesetter.

21- The terminal was constructed of reinforced concrete.

22- We spot camels and a fancy terminal with hotshot architecture.

23- Yes, adolescence is the age of flaring, terminal embarrassment.

24- Connect the cable to the correct terminal.

25- Polarity Each battery has a positive and negative terminal.

26- The Zoo is at the bus terminal. You can’t miss it.

27- There were two students at each terminal.

28- There’s a taxi stand outside the terminal.

29- The airport hotel will be linked to the terminal building by a covered walkway.

30- The Italian political system has been judged to be in terminal crisis for decades.

31- Four specimens were from the jejunum and 11 from terminal ileum or ascending colon.

32- If this site is phosphorylated the N terminal region would become even more acidic.

33- In the mesenteric MFH, only mass effect on terminal ileum was shown in barium enema.

34- The oil terminal is in the narrow strait that separates the island from the mainland.

35- Where it was melting a huge pile of boulder clay was built up, as a terminal moraine.

36- The ECG monitoring system includes user monitoring terminal and hospital care center.

37- The car has reached its terminal speed and can run faster no longer.

38- He has nothing to do all day and is suffering from terminal boredom.

39- Using an ohmmeter check the resistance between terminal C and the field coil brush lead.

40- Looking back afterwards you will see that this was not a terminal trough in your career.

41- The data entry terminal is connected to an online database while editing is taking place.

42- At first, the paper introduces the concept of railway junction terminal carrying capacity.

43- Once in the terminal, consider seeking help at the in-house first-aid or medical clinic.

44- Procomm can connect with and emulate virtually any computer terminal.

45- The research results are of value for diagnoses of thermal failure of the cable terminal.

46- What will such change bring to affect to user of factory system and equipment terminal?

Related Words:
Euro medium-term note – long-term gilts – fixed-term contract – termagant – termagants – termed – terminable – terminal – air terminal – dumb terminal – terminal bonus – terminal market – intelligent terminal – bus terminal – terminal decline –

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