The word temperature in a sentence

температура, повышенная температура, температурный


- температура, степень нагрева

- накал страстей

to judge the temperature of the meeting — оценить накал страстей в аудитории

- разг. повышенная температура, жар

to have /to run/ a temperature — иметь повышенную температуру, температурить

- уст. темперамент, характер

Мои примеры


the normal body temperature of 98.6°F — нормальная температура тела, 98,6 градусов Фаренгейта  
an inappreciable change in the temperature — незначительное изменение температуры  
low-temperature container — низкотемпературный контейнер  
temperature control — терморегулятор  
thermostatic temperature control — ключевое термостатирование  
low-temperature cooler — низкотемпературный охладитель  
temperature independent core — температурно-независимый сердечник  
temperature correction — поправка на температуру  
time-temperature curve — кривая термического цикла  
decrease of temperature — понижение температуры  
resistance-type temperature detector — резистивный термощуп  
high-temperature life — срок службы при высокой температуре  

Примеры с переводом

Jane’s temperature is up again.

У Джейн снова повышается температура.

The temperature is 10° above zero.

Температура 10 градусов выше нуля.

The temperature is way below zero.

Температура значительно ниже нуля.

The nurse took (=measured) my temperature.

Медсестра измерила мне температуру.

Water boils at a temperature of 212°F.

Вода закипает при температуре двести двенадцать градусов Фаренгейта.

Are you controlling for the temperature?

Вы контролируете температуру?

The temperature has fallen below zero.

Температура упала ниже нуля.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Susie has a temperature and has gone to bed.

He cranked the temperature to 75 degrees.

We charted the elevations in her temperature.

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Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): temperature
мн. ч.(plural): temperatures

temperature — перевод на русский


— Don’t shout, your temperature is going to rise.

— Не кричи, у тебя поднимется температура.

But Cora said his temperature is normal tonight.

Но Кора сказала, сегодня у него нормальная температура.

Look, Mother, his temperature is normal tonight.

Слушай, мать, у него сегодня нормальная температура.

Is she running a temperature?

У нее температура?

I told her to, in case your temperature went up.

Я сказал ей, чтобы она сразу позвонила если температура поднимется.

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Temperature up 200 degrees.

Температура поднялась на 200 градусов.

Temperature’s up 500 degrees.

Температура поднялась до 500 градусов.

Temperature goes up a fraction of a degree, makes them disoriented?

Температура поднялась на долю градуса, и вот последствия?

How much did his temperature go up?

Насколько его температура поднялась?

You know the temperature in here has risen by three degrees?

Температура поднялась уже на три градуса.

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Without the rest of the body and the temperature conditions of its location, I’d have to guess, say, 10 to 12 years.

Без остального тела и не зная температурных условий его хранения, … я бы предположила, скажем 10-12 лет.

High temperature and energetic materials technology.

Технологии высоко температурных и энергических материалов.

Menopause causes temperature swings, limpness, limpness causes pills, pills cause the blues.

Менопауза причина температурных колебаний, бессилия. Бессилие причина таблеток, таблетки причина синюшности.

The picture of temperature differences in the afterglow of the big bang.

Картина температурных различий в послесвечении большого взрыва.

What you see there represents temperature drops in mobile missile units in Siberia.

Здесь данные о резком уменьшении температурных показателей… мобильных ракетных комплексов в Сибири.

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Heart action doubled, temperature 104 degrees.

Сердцебиение вдвое выше, температура тела 40 градусов.

Core temperature, 106 Fahrenheit.

Температура тела — 41 градус.

Core temperature 105 104 and decreasing.

Пульс — 190. температура тела 40,5.. …40 и продолжает понижаться.

Fargo’s temperature is normal.

У Фарго нормальная температура тела.

His temperature has been lowered significantly to try and slow the progress.

Температура тела значительно понизилась, это замедляет процесс.

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There are tinder-dry conditions out there, warm temperatures, low rainfall, high-density housing in a natural habitat, santa ana winds.

Кругом засуха, высокая температура, мало осадков, высокая плотность домов с натуральным хозяйством, ветер Санта-Ана.

Temperature high.

Высокая температура.

He’s still here ’cause his temperature is elevated and he’s been having trouble breathing. — Well, you’ll fix him.

Он всё ещё здесь, потому что у него высокая температура и проблемы с дыханием.

Its flame temperature is high …

У него высокая температура горения…

Body temperature’s spiked.

Высокая температура.

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At room temperature, many of them are solids.

При комнатной температуре многие из них являются твердыми веществами.

It’s superconducting at room temperature.

Он обладает сверхпроводимостью при комнатной температуре.

It’s the theory… of nuclear fusion at room temperature… free energy forever.

Это теория… ядерного синтеза при комнатной температуре… Бесплатная энергия. Навсегда.

Eggs are prepared for the incubator, where they are heated slowly to put them at room temperature.

Яйца подготавливаются для инкубатора, где они медленно нагреваются, чтобы потом поместить их при комнатной температуре.

Well, actually on the back it says it’ll keep at room temperature for up to 7 years.

Ну, там сзади написано, что при комнатной температуре можно хранить 7 лет.

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Please, we must have your temperature now.

Вам надо измерить температуру.

How does one take the temperature of toast?

ѕоразительно. ј как измерить температуру тоста?

! — Maybe she’s taking his temperature.

— Может быть хочет измерить температуру.

They should take my temperature again.

Я стягиваю с него штаны. — Надо еще раз измерить температуру.

You do if you’re not really taking your temperature but actually trying to summon a ghost.

Нужны, если ты не просто собираешься измерить температуру, а вызвать духа.. — О, что?

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Temperatures will remain below freezing point, ranging from 24º in Northern areas to 29° in the South.

Температура воздуха будет значительно ниже нуля. От -2 до -4 градусов в северных районах страны до -2 до -9 градусов на юге.

The temperature is…

Температура воздуха…

We’ll have a high of 59 degrees with a temperature… is this a bad time?

Температура воздуха около 15 градусов… Проходил мимо. Я не вовремя?

Afternoon temperatures often above 20 degrees, at night can reach -30.

Днем температура воздуха часто выше +20 градусов, по ночам может достигать -30.

It reads: weather temperature

Тут написано: температура воздуха…

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Her temperature must’ve been 1 04 here.

Должно быть, у нее жар.

You’re high temperature again, maestro.

— У вас снова жар, дорогой маэстро. — Что все это значит?

You’re running a temperature.

У вас жар.

Lie down and relax, you have a temperature.

Ложись и расслабься, у тебя жар.

Come back, you’ve got a temperature.

Возвращайся, у тебя жар.

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— It’s definitely a slight temperature.

— Это плохо? — Низкая температура.

The dropping temperatures will soon preclude any further breaches of protocol.

Низкая температура скоро пресечет любые попытки нарушить протокол

It was baked at a relatively low temperature: 570 to 750 degrees.

Её обжигали при низкой температуре.

Flesh burnt at low temperature gives off a scent of pears.

Грушей пахнет плоть, если она горит при низкой температуре.

But to make it work, the bodies ran at dangerously high temperatures and always needed to be cooled, the brain sedated, controlled.

Но в процессе функционирования выделяется много тепла. И надо сильно охлаждать тело и мозг низкой температурой.

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  • температура
  • температура поднялась
  • температурных
  • температура тела
  • высокая температура
  • при комнатной температуре
  • измерить температуру
  • температура воздуха
  • жар
  • низкая температура

Definition of Temperature

a measure of the warmth or coolness of an object

Examples of Temperature in a sentence

The baby felt too warm, so her mother knew that her body temperature was probably elevated.


An outdoor thermometer was placed in the garden to measure the temperature on hot and humid days.


Because the fruit must be kept at a cool temperature, it should be placed in the fridge if it starts to get warm.




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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word temperature, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use temperature in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «temperature».

Temperature in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word temperature in a sentence.

  1. The air temperature was 69 °F (21 °C).

  2. It has a surface temperature of 5180 K.

  3. The average annual temperature is 9.7 °C.

  4. They decompose slowly at room temperature.

  5. The current surface temperature is 25,200 K.

  6. The air temperature was around 48 °F (9 °C).

  7. It has a surface temperature of about 2500 K.

  8. The average annual temperature is 9 °C (48 °F).

  9. The estimated effective temperature is 5,084 K.

  10. As the temperature increases, it emerges to mate.

  11. Each layer has characteristic temperature gradients.

  12. Hatchling sex ratio varies based on egg temperature.

  13. The water temperature varies less than 1 °C (1.8 °F).

  14. It is stable in air and moisture at room temperature.

  15. At room temperature, this requires about 114,000 atm.

  16. The stream of particles varies in temperature and speed with the passage of time.

  17. Florida springs stay at an even temperature of 72 °F (22 °C) throughout the year.

  18. Titanium is superconducting when cooled below its critical temperature of 0.49 K.

  19. Thus, temperature is not the only factor involved in decisions to close the rink.

  20. Other observations have shown an increase in temperature by 5% from 1989 to 1998.

  21. It has a radius, density (2.061 g/cm), temperature and chemical composition similar to that of Pluto.

  22. Their body temperature drops to below 40 °F (4 °C) and heart rate can slow to three beats per minute.

  23. The temperature changes were possibly greater than the effects of the 1815 eruption of Mount Tambora.

  24. Richtmeyer in 1939, but materials with good temperature stability were not developed until the 1970s.

  25. Surface temperature for the central PNN is about 80,000 K, being 10,000 times as luminous as the sun.

  26. It was suggested that this might have contributed to a dangerously high temperature in the magazines.

  27. The storm brought a plume of warm air, and two stations recorded a high temperature of 66 °F (19 °C).

  28. The cooling process causes the bulk of the plasma to reach this temperature at roughly the same time.

  29. Its ignition temperature was given as 270 °C (520 °F) for dust clouds and 280 °C (535 °F) for layers.

  30. During the hot season, they will relocate to the lower canopy to help regulate their body temperature.

  31. For comparison, the average global temperature for the period between 1951 and 1980 was 14 °C (57 °F).

  32. The Sun’s temperature is intermediate between that of the hottest stars and that of the coolest stars.

  33. The penguins start courtship in March or April, when the temperature can be as low as −40 °C (−40 °F).

  34. The theory of low temperature superconductivity has been well understood since the BCS theory of 1957.

  35. At kickoff, the weather was partly cloudy with 59 percent humidity and a temperature of 72 °F (22 °C).

  36. It is radiating 171.4 ± 9.0 as much power as the Sun from its outer envelope at an effective temperature of 4,408 ± 57 K.

  37. The record high temperature was 99 °F (37 °C) in 2002, while the coldest temperature recorded is −66 °F (−54 °C) in 1933.

  38. Under high pressure and temperature, carbon-containing fluids dissolved various minerals and replaced them with diamonds.

  39. Rather, the increased temperature accelerates the rate of the fusion reaction, in a runaway process that feeds on itself.

  40. The plant hardiness zone at Badwater Basin is 9b with an average annual extreme minimum temperature of 27.3 °F (-2.6 °C).

  41. That is, the chromaticity of these lamps closely approximates a heated black body radiator at the temperature of the Sun.

  42. The star’s low temperature means it will no longer emit significant heat or light, and it will become a cold black dwarf.

  43. Excluding hills such as the Dorset Downs, the average annual temperature of the county is 9.8 to 12 °C (49.6 to 53.6 °F).

  44. This is the coldest temperature in the Solar System ever measured by a spacecraft, colder even than the surface of Pluto.

  45. Only below its Joule–Thomson inversion temperature (of about 32 to 50 K at 1 atmosphere) does it cool upon free expansion.

  46. On the afternoon of July 10, 1913, the United States Weather Bureau recorded a high temperature of 134 °F (56.7 °C) at Greenland Ranch (now Furnace Creek) in Death Valley.

  47. Models of the evolution and death of single very massive stars predict an increase in temperature during helium core burning, with the outer layers of the star being lost.

  48. Cirrus clouds are composed of ice crystals that originate from the freezing of super cooled water droplets in regions where air temperature is lower than -20 °C or -30 °C.

  49. This event coincided with a heatwave across south-eastern Australia during which the temperature in Canberra reached 108.5 degrees Fahrenheit (42.5 Celsius) on 11 January.

  50. A new process for flux-less welding was developed, and 97% of the cans passed a standard vacuum test, but high temperature tests indicated a failure rate of more than 50%.

General information about «temperature» example sentences

The example sentences for the word temperature that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «temperature» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «temperature».

They will thrive any where the moisture, temperature and amount of food available falls within 1 tablespoon DE (garden grade) tolerable boundaries

It was forty two hours till daylight and the temperature would probably drop sixty degrees from its current seventy one or so

Heat: In which propane heat in a tarp wrapped house is used to raise the temperature of the wood to 120 degrees (room air to 187 degrees) This method is called Thermal Pest Eradication

motherapy or heat up your body from within to the critical temperature

held there at a fixed temperature

a sauna effect where the temperature was constantly rising

She tossed the dry wrap down to Luray who was now glad to put it on, the temperature was getting to closer to what one would expect on a Nightday in mid winter

Even what farmers remain today sit in cabs of big equipment breathing filtered and temperature controlled air

The storm stayed out in the desert, but the temperature kept dropping

The temperature is dropping rapidly

The difference in temperature was at once soothing and exciting; so warm I thought I was standing in front of the engines

‘Well, the water temperature is always about the same but if you come out wet into the morning chill, it’s not so nice

“Why are there more entangled state changes here than in regimes of normal temperature

Eventually, the temperature drops too low and I reluctantly decide that I should call it a day

There were temperature controlled, hermetically sealed, storage units made of glass

To the south there was a remarkable change in the land and the temperature

The water temperature in rivers is a bit more moderate than lake temperatures

You know I had that bad dose of ‘flu recently? Well, it was stupid of me, but one day when I was running a pretty high temperature, I stubbornly insisted on climbing on the porch roof to fix a slate which had come out of position

She could feel the temperature dropping; the bitter cold against her skin told her she didn’t have much time

Rosé at room temperature but they don’t care

night before, his temperature had soared and sweat

The smell of the place is institutional and cloying, especially now that the carefully controlled ambient temperature has been augmented by the bright spring sunshine that streams in through the corridor’s large plate glass windows

The hike back would be a lot more uphill and the temperature would continue to climb

Temperature was not high on his list of concerns

Her attire still kept his temperature high

I would say eating, breathing, pissing, shitting, finding a temperature that will keep the water molecules in your body liquid are required

She really wasn’t that interested in discussing the mortal all evening, she could sense that the sand on these secret beaches was just perfect in temperature and softness

water, your core body temperature will begin to decrease at a rapid pace, until the

For some reason the United States is different from the rest of the world and measuring temperature and in lots of other areas (we use inches, feet, and yards while the rest of the world uses the metric system)

The high temperature was thirty

There was actually a couple playing in the pond in spite of the temperature

The team sat around the fire at a distance as the temperature continued to drop

being cold had nothing to do with the temperature

The temperature was warmly pleasant, the smell of outdoors was noticeable

drop the temperature twenty degrees instantly

These didn’t have to be of a particular temperature so she could wait

the sun came out, the temperature rose and the water

This is Nightday and the beginning of winter, but way down here in the commercial levels of the eighth largest city in all the lands, the temperature is always high

to start all over again (the temperature had climbed into

The only way winter made itself felt was the speed the temperature dropped on those plains once dark set in and they found they were short of clothing to stay out there

Thunder rumbled in the distance and the temperature had dropped alarmingly

On the Thursday the temperature started to rise but fell early evening

the wind ceased, the temperature became more bearable,

temperature to rise and bringing with it a warm, driving

It was amazing how quickly the temperature warmed as

The weather was mild but, as the sun began to sink low, the temperature started to drop rather dramatically

He lay on the grass to dry, and warm up, the temperature was chilly on Earth, and that water was nowhere near the temperature of the Lhar, much less Reshplaza Waterpark

Trans fats are those fats that are solid at room temperature

These fats are liquid at room temperature

already; the temperature was falling like a child who has tripped

He especially liked to wallow in the water or mud with others of his kind since this kept his body temperature within an acceptable range and didn’t allow his fair and sensitive skin to dry out under the raging rays of the sun during the hottest months in his habitual habitat

To dream that you or someone is taking your temperature suggests that you need to keep your temper in check

If the temperature is high, then it indicates that feelings of anger or hatred or threatening to come to your consciousness

If the temperature is low or normal, then it indicates that you are able to remain calm and cool under pressure

This present cycle will eventually lead to a reduction in the overall temperature of the climate, (i

Own deformations of concrete are caused by moisture, temperature and other influences on a concrete without applying of the external loading

Thermal shrinkage is caused by the decrease of the temperature of concrete

The high changes of temperature in summer and in a winter can be a reason of concrete changes of unit length to 0

The temperature of freezing of water in concrete depends on the sizes of capillaries

At positive temperature seasoning reduces to 1 months at conditions of subsequent grinding of wood into chips

The forecast called for rain tonight and the possibility of a storm off Lake Erie tomorrow had increased with a big drop in temperature

Wave after wave of clouds would come in off Lake Erie, some with rain, but then, when the temperature dropped, snow

It turned out that each of the cryonic suspension pods had a plastic reservoir of an ethanol based mixture, as part of the temperature control system

Already the temperature was falling and they were all hungry and thirsty

Night was falling quickly and soon the temperature would fall with it

The temperature was just becoming unbearable when the flames extinguished themselves, almost instantaneously, as if they had been sucked violently back out through the door

This thin atmosphere and the comparatively short life of the fire won’t have allowed the temperature to get that high but I’d estimate that a couple of thousand degrees, even for only a short time, would have been enough to do this kind of damage

The resulting temperature in the chamber felt chilly, but they were glad to have some natural light after being in artificial light for so long

It took a while before the temperature within the tent began to rise at all

It must be minus thirty out there and humans don’t last long in that kind of temperature, even in a HEPO

Not that it would actually make any difference to the temperature but it made them feel better, more secure

“Not as such,” she said, “But the temperature is lower at the rotational poles than at the equator

” replied Lucy, “It’s always a sub-zero temperature here and there’s not much in the way of strong winds to blow it away

He wanted to give it the best possible chance to get some heat into the tent before the temperature outside started to drop rapidly

The heater was already on full power and struggling to hold the temperature within the tent at a survivable level

The temperature continued to fall and soon it was all they could do to breathe

The temperature within the ship was still not much below normal daylight temperature and he was not about to let all that heat escape any faster than could be helped

The fear at the back of his mind before he’d fallen asleep had been the steady decline of the ship’s temperature, but he wouldn’t have its doom-laden reminder on constant display

Now, in early May, at six pm, the temperature was 32 Celsius and dropping only fractionally

He closed the door behind him pleased to be back in an above zero temperature

The tunnel continued to widen, and he was sure the temperature was rising as they went deeper into the cave

Whilst the temperature within the habitat was maintained at a brisk minus five degrees Celsius, it was almost 150 degrees warmer than the surface above

Melius was a cold world and he longed to go somewhere where the temperature was actually warm

Outdoors the temperature here never got above zero

During the winter months they had to avoid going outside at night, except in emergencies, as the temperature plummeted to dangerous levels

The Universe continued to grow in size and fall in temperature; hence the typical energy of each particle was decreasing

The temperature was now no longer high enough to create new proton-antiproton pairs (similarly for neutrons–antineutrons), so a mass annihilation immediately followed, leaving just one in 1010 of the original protons and neutrons, and none of their antiparticles

A few minutes into the expansion, when the temperature was about a billion (one thousand million kelvin) and the density was about that of air, neutrons combined with protons to form the Universe‘s deuterium and helium nuclei in a process called Big Bang nucleosynthesis

“Ah nurse Stevens please take this young mans temperature height and weight and then enter them in his notes and show them to me

Water would also have been heated by the relative temperature of the rock at the depth at which it was located

What is interesting is that where water is delivered to the surface of the planet, slightly warmer than ambient temperature, it would have had a profound impact on plant life

You probably play at least a bit different on days when the temperature is raging than when it’s cool

Those who play in the cold should have something warm to drink in a thermos to help keep their body temperature

They told her that her ‘sense of temperature is a state of mind and can be ignored through disciplined training

“Is the towel the right temperature?” I whisper

At room temperature, saturated fats are hard and solid

When he and they had completed their research, they determined that so-called anthropogenic cause of increases in global temperature was nonsense

As if the guards realised the drop in temperature, the bell rang, and it was time to head back indoors

She had mastered nearly every temperature of fire in her first lesson! Each time Hayley cast one of the balls of fire, Jean wove a frontal shield that was barely able to deflect the attack

Muslim suicide bombers (most of whom, I sincerely believe, have less than room temperature intelligence quotients) expect paradise to be full of beautiful, willing virgins (seventy for every martyr) who will service every one of them in every pleasurable way or, per David Gelernter, Heaven as a whorehouse

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  • The word technology in french
  • The word team means

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