The word systematic in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word systematic, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use systematic in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «systematic». In addition, we also show how different variations of systematic can be used, the variations for which we also have example sentences are systematically and systematics. If you click on the variation of systematic that you are interested in, you will be taken to the list of example sentences for that particular form.

Systematic in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word systematic in a sentence.

  1. The destruction was carried out in a systematic manner.

  2. LaRouche also alleged systematic government misconduct:.

  3. An alternative systematic scheme exists using gill morphology.

  4. In religion, she was relatively tolerant and avoided systematic persecution.

  5. A 2007 Australian systematic review recommended a range from 0.6 to 1.1 mg/L.

  6. Voltaire develops no formal, systematic philosophy for the characters to adopt.

  7. His talent for public speaking required systematic self-discipline and practice.

  8. Subsequently, the treatment of these species in systematic works became variable.

  9. A systematic review in 2018 looked at 16 studies on the ketogenic diet in adults.

  10. In 2001 a systematic programme for the conservation of the ceilings was instituted.

  11. This technique, though systematic, might be too expensive to carry out in large areas.

  12. In the summer of 1942, the systematic deportation of Jews from the Netherlands started.

  13. Herring planned the systematic reduction of the Japanese positions at Buna and Sanananda.

  14. It was even more systematic than the first, allowing no exceptions for infants or servants.

  15. In some areas, systematic attacks against tribespeople in or near mining districts occurred.

  16. A 2011 European Commission systematic review based its efficacy on York’s review conclusion.

  17. Changing a government responsible for systematic violations is outside the ECHR system’s remit.

  18. Thus the variability was thought to possibly be the result of systematic errors in measurement.

  19. It also helped to define what constituted an «administrative practice» of systematic violations.

  20. The Coens, however, have denied any intent to create a systematic unity from symbols in the film.

  21. All four of these isomers are named 2-methylamino-1-phenyl-1-propanol in systematic nomenclature.

  22. They had been absent for 30 years due to systematic predator control hunting which began in 1850.

  23. Little systematic study of variations of the painted turtle’s karotype among populations has been done.

  24. By his systematic attack on all European culture the Jew is polluting and destroying the European soul ..

  25. A 2007 Australian systematic review used the same inclusion criteria as York’s, plus one additional study.

  26. Williams did not propose any systematic philosophical theory; indeed, he was suspicious of any such attempt.

  27. In service, the average systematic error was 300 yards (270 m), while the random error was 385 yards (352 m).

  28. Emenyonu describes the colonial experience in the novel as «the systematic emasculation of the entire culture».

  29. There are many anecdotal reports, but few systematic studies, of aggression and violence in individuals with ASD.

  30. The systematic name ethanoic acid, a valid IUPAC name, is constructed according to the substitutive nomenclature.

  31. Working under the chief engineer, Frank Foster, he began to develop a more systematic plan for the city’s sewers.

  32. Geological Survey began a more systematic study of the remaining glaciers, which has continued to the present day.

  33. The first systematic survey of giant tortoises was by the zoologist Albert Günther of the British Museum, in 1875.

  34. According to the USFDA, «there is no systematic evidence» that stimulants produce aggressive behavior or hostility.

  35. The goal was to apply a systematic approach to establishing the Olympic programme for each celebration of the Games.

  36. The selection of two-handed signs over one-handed signs was found to have systematic constraints on their production.

  37. They said Fan was fired as part of the systematic lay-offs in August 2012, and he was not even part of the Plants vs.

  38. To begin, the lowest-numbered (according to IUPAC systematic numbering) stereogenic center is given the R* descriptor.

  39. The exact systematic placement of the king vulture and the remaining six species of New World vultures remains unclear.

  40. Mycology is a relatively new science that became systematic after the development of the microscope in the 17th century.

  41. The response during the 1960s had been a programme of systematic derelict land reclamation and environmental improvement.

  42. Therefore, he considered the systematic killing of Jews a «radical alternative» in case he did not get his way in the war.

  43. In December 2019, Russia was banned for four years from all major sporting events for systematic doping and lying to WADA.

  44. A systematic review found low-quality evidence to support the practice, but also concluded that further studies were needed.

  45. According to a 2015 systematic review there is little high-quality information available on the psychological effects of FGM.

  46. In the mid-1960s, Professor Guiler assembled a team of researchers and started a decade of systematic fieldwork on the devil.

  47. The road ends at the Osaka Human Rights Museum, which exhibits the history of systematic discrimination against the burakumin.

  48. So systematic is this use that it amounts to a complete banishment de facto of the side-view and of all intermediate attitudes.

  49. Among the many contributors of data, none was more essential to the systematic reconstruction of the events of 1980 at Mount St.

  50. It also gives a systematic exposition of the geometric properties of bundles (in mathematical terms: congruences) of light beams.

Systematically in a sentence

Systematically is a variation of systematic, below you can find example sentences for systematically.

  1. Kepler began systematically observing the supernova.

  2. Vukovar was systematically looted after its capture.

  3. He was the first British monarch to study science systematically.

  4. Lions’ proclivity for man-eating has been systematically examined.

  5. There is little systematically gathered epidemiologic information on RAD.

  6. Hankey’s stains systematically mess up the cleanliness of the social order.

  7. Amorium was systematically destroyed, never to recover its former prosperity.

  8. Houses were systematically extended to the rear to accommodate modern bathrooms.

  9. The Texians systematically defeated the Mexican troops already stationed in Texas.

  10. Babylonian astronomers systematically observed and recorded the movements of Saturn.

  11. Although this has not been studied systematically, there are reports of its success.

  12. The Galápagos National Park Service systematically culls feral predators and competitors.

  13. Tombaugh’s task was to systematically capture sections of the night sky in pairs of images.

  14. A visit by UN envoys Marrack Goulding and Cyrus Vance was systematically obstructed by the JNA.

  15. In response, some Australians systematically bayoneted and shot the bodies of Japanese soldiers.

  16. Over a period of six months, Morland systematically pieced together a design for a hydrogen bomb.

  17. Consequently, many visitors have asked park rangers if the buckwheat were systematically planted.

  18. The populations of some towns were systematically massacred, in others the bloodshed was more casual.

  19. The local fishing and seafood resources began to be systematically exploited in the early 19th century.

  20. After the 1918 armistice, incriminating documents in the Ottoman archives were systematically destroyed.

Systematics in a sentence

Systematics is a variation of systematic, below you can find example sentences for systematics.

  1. Many aspects of the systematics of the O.

  2. The systematics of mantises have long been disputed.

  3. Barrett in 2017 suggested a radical revision of dinosaurian systematics.

  4. Taxonomic studies continue to resolve the classification and systematics of ants.

  5. His teaching consisted of courses in plant systematics, and organised field trips with students.

  6. The distribution pattern of these feather tracts (pterylosis) is used in taxonomy and systematics.

  7. Substantial interest in their systematics was most likely prompted by the medical importance of these venomous spiders.

  8. As with many dinosaur families, the systematics (evolutionary relationships) within the family Abelisauridae are confused.

  9. The systematics (evolutionary relationships) of Daspletosaurus may become clearer once all the species have been described.

  10. Until the move to Indiana, Lyon wrote many papers in mammalogy, focusing primarily on morphology, systematics, and zoogeography.

  11. The dinosaur had been presented earlier the same year during a lecture at a conference about dinosaur systematics in Drumheller, Canada.

  12. Many aspects of the systematics of this section remain unclear and it is likely that the current classification underestimates the group’s true diversity.

  13. Advances were also made in phylogenetic systematics, mapping the transition of traits into a comparative and testable framework through the publication and use of evolutionary trees.

  14. Striking and prey capture events were videotaped and recorded for the first time during 2008 and 2011 and helped to confirm the use and systematics of the protrusible jaws of goblin sharks.

  15. Early sauropodomorphs systematics have undergone numerous revisions during the last several years, and many scientists disagree where exactly Massospondylus lies on the dinosaur evolutionary tree.

  16. Several lines of evidence, first from blood proteins, then from molecular systematics and DNA and the fossil record, show that their closest living relatives are cetaceans (whales, dolphins, and porpoises).

  17. The generic name Monticolomys means «mountain-dwelling mouse» and refers to the animal’s montane habitat, and the specific name koopmani honors Karl Koopman for his many contributions to mammalian systematics.

  18. However, due to the relatively recent introduction of molecular systematics and a rapid increase in the number of genome sequences that are available, bacterial classification remains a changing and expanding field.

  19. In 2015, Emanuel Tschopp, Octávio Mateus, and Roger Benson released a paper on diplodocoid systematics, and proposed that genera could be diagnosed by thirteen differing characters, and species separated based on six.

  20. Vainio supported the theory of evolution in his work, and proposed that the science of systematics required an examination of phylogeny, rather than mechanical categorization based on sometimes superficial characters.

Synonyms for systematic

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word systematic has the following synonyms: in order, systematized, systematised, tabular, organized, regular, orderly and nonrandom.

General information about «systematic» example sentences

The example sentences for the word systematic that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «systematic» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «systematic».

Use ‘systematic’ in a sentence | ‘systematic’ example sentences

1- The government had committed wide range violations including systematic torture.

2- These systematic transformations are called phonological processes.

3- But structure of manuals assumes systematic reading.

4- Wet over dry traditional approach allowing systematic control.

5- These beliefs guide his advocacy efforts around systematic change.

6- No systematic research has been attempted so far.

7- The planned grazing technique is not systematic .

8- A systematic review of health care efficiency measures.

9- The simplest systematic name of water is “hydrogen oxide”.

10- War rape is often systematic and thorough.

11- Such surveying methods are prone to systematic errors.

12- The police carried out systematic identity controls.

13- A systematic process of specifying learning objectives.

14- This need is satisfied by systematic names.

15- This organizational scheme makes a collection systematic .

16- Many famous evangelical preachers have used systematic exposition.

17- The systematic placement of owls is disputed.

18- No bias responses and pure systematic responses.

19- It is systematic and typical cloud shape .

20- But deliberate systematic meditation is something more that yields greater results.

21- This great evil is rooted in systematic injustice.

22- Regular, systematic water changes are essential.

23- First, marketing “research is systematic “.

24- Are there systematic methods for creating such technologies?

25- Their simple and systematic use delivers more.

26- There is no systematic attention to history.

27- Site supervision should be both systematic and comprehensive.

28- And fewer still take any systematic protective steps.

29- Merton did not leave a systematic theology.

30- The error bars depict the combined statistical and systematic errors.

31- They turn out more than 400 systematic reviews annually.

32- A systematic search of the literature was performed.

33- A systematic and logical approach works the best under professional guidance .

34- Why is a new systematic review necessary?

35- We learn systematic and regular series more easily than irregular ones.

36- Offer social studies instruction that is systematic and valuable?

37- The government meanwhile accused the rebels of systematic ceasefire violations.

38- The systematic procedures worked for all content areas.

39- Reporting is not systematic nor is it publicly disclosed.

40- The systematic transformation into a football super power began. He decided to perform systematic research.

41- Psychology is a science which relies on systematic, empirical research.

42- George Henry Lewes once stated that science is the systematic classification of experience.

43- The organization conducts systematic investigation of human rights abuses in about 70 countries around the world.

44- According to the human rights organization Amnesty International, torture today is systematic in many parts of the world.

45- This book aims to provide an explanation of modern Japanese grammar that is as systematic and as easily understood as possible.

46- The military government in this country has been practising a systematic campaign of torture and murder to intimidate the opposition.

47- 389956It goes back as far as the systematic oppression of Jim Crow.

48- Toshiba Corp. acknowledged a systematic cover-up, which began in 2008.

49- @systematic, We have new flowers and buds already in one of our bushes.

50- 144798But you don’t see this systematic march by ISIL across the terrain.”

More Sentences: 1 – 2 – 3 –
Related Words:
syringe – syringes – syringing – syrup – syrups – syrupy – system – systematic – systematical – systematically – systematization – systematize – systematized – systematizing – systemic –

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Definition of Systematic

carried out using a planned, ordered procedure

Examples of Systematic in a sentence

Wilma teaches algebra in a systematic and thorough way.


Good typing skills are acquired by utilizing a systematic method of study.


As a scientist, Darrel’s systematic approach to analyzing ideas, proves invaluable.


The systematic arrangement of the cosmos speaks of a higher power.


The IRS conducted a systematic review of all our income and expenses.


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Believe me, there has never been a systematic dig here and surprisingly, it’s been overlooked by most archaeologists

There was no doubt we had witnessed some awful power unleashed and whether it was an abnormally fierce Etesian wind or something else I do not know, but I do realise that I will never forget the systematic destruction of that boat

he was «the first systematic theologian

Hawes spent several years as an apprentice in sail making followed by a systematic progression in the whaling

Attacks on a society‘s culture engender far-reaching ramifications whose transformations, having taken on a (systematic) life of its own, are oftentimes difficult to perceive or reverse, for that matter, unlike the destruction of that society‘s formal (or physical) institutions that are much easier to perceive

Treat every incident like a crime scene and collect the evidence in the proven systematic way which we know works

Truth is correctly understood as the systematic arrangement of thoughtful ideas and reasoned assumptions conforming to factual standards prescribed by the (Eternal) Law(s) of Nature

Ethnic neighborhoods have historically generated a systematic inflow/outflow of diverse cultures that settled into self-contained communities that remained self-sufficient through its schools, churches, community and political organizations and local businesses until more favorable (economic) opportunities beckoned

What: The systematic conquest and removal of Native tribal nations, and theft and cheating of Native lands

Recent accusations have re-surfaced from the political-left suggesting that the United States Government was in some manner (indirectly) responsible for Saddam Huessin‘s systematic annihilation of targeted political and cultural groups by arming his government with conventional weapons as well as (purportedly) providing it with the technology needed to develop his nation‘s 159

He initiated systematic methods of flying instruction, and formulated these in, ‘Notes on Teaching Flying,’ in May, 1917

To say that there was a systematic campaign against whites on the island is also false

They try to present the study and use of magic as systematic and scientific, but it’s fundamentally not

In addition, as a matter of science, anecdotal evidence is poor support for a belief, rather, one should seek systematic evidence in support of that position, but there was nothing systematic or replicable about my experience

Any evaluation type reaches its end with success through the systematic mensuration according to the standards of the total quality

“But at least his evil didn’t involve the widespread manipulation of an entire faction and the systematic murder of every political leader we have

Are you having Problems in your life Get Solution through systematic remedies of all problems within 48 hours and with 100% GUARANTEE

The sexual venture for him was systematic, yet always with its variations

In the past, there were made a lot of archaeological excavations (systematic, for

After six weeks of therapy, using a technique called Systematic Desensitization, I had him driving again

This high failure rate indicates that there are a multitude of systematic problems

We need a systematic plan leading to spirituality with sharing and giving as our tools and overcoming egos as our goals

‘ But when it becomes systematic after a couple of months, you start to

In spite of the terror imposed on Poland in World War II, there was no systematic

Research from the National Inquiry into the Teaching of Literacy in Australia found that early, systematic and explicit teaching of phonics is a necessary part of an integrated approach to the teaching of reading

logical, and completely systematic

In the same article, Horowitz reports that on university campuses, the politicization of the undergraduate classroom since the 1960s and the systematic political harassment of conservative students by their radical professors has had the chief negative effect of discouraging conservative students from pursuing academic careers

Rationalism has been used in two ways: (1) in a formal sense, it refers to systematic thinking

of systematic thinking is that elaborate rules and an esoteric jargon are used, often over-used

In summary, from the overall description and illustration of the sample enterprise in this chapter, it should now be possible to see that the Re/OrgSystem is a highly systematic process

when conducting systematic or programmatic analyses, but in

systematic assessment of requirements and should be

The client was intrigued with the possibility of building a new IT organization structure using a systematic process that examined the work of the agency in order to determine the proposed structure, and which included elements of change management

This progressive revelation (from business units to core processes to job to the organization structure and work group map) of information, in a systematic and orderly way, allows the focus of attention to move away from the differences toward the similarities and consensus within the work

But because he wanted to have a viable business at the end of the turnaround, and because he believed that the excess was caused by historically poor management, he wanted to approach the downsizing in a systematic way

If the data integrity is satisfactory and the data-generation process was/is systematic and repeatable, it is time to interpret the chart

Our task is to articulate in a systematic way that thinking which team members hold

The systematic introduction of illiteracy to each; Each one reach one, but no one teach

In a recent systematic evidence review, the USPSTF noted several screening instruments with high sensitivity and speciicity for identifying IPV in the health care setting

long time before that, this quite systematic procedure has been followed with

4 While Jesus was most methodical and systematic in everything he did, there was also in all his administrative rulings a refreshing elasticity of interpretation and an individuality of adaptation that greatly impressed all the children with the spirit of justice which actuated their father-brother

The Handbook of Crime Correlates (2009) is a systematic review of worldwide empirical studies on crime publicized in the academic literature

This was the most systematic and formal of all the Master’s teaching on Urantia

4 After their return from Nazareth John’s parents began the systematic education of the lad

His strongest characteristic was his methodical thoroughness; he was both mathematical and systematic

A systematic persecution to destroy the young Khaurani men able to bear arms has been savagely pursued

2 Jesus never gave his apostles a systematic lesson concerning the personality and attributes of the Father in heaven

The Analysis of the Self: A Systematic Approach to the Treatment of

The power of the central computer that ran each system was simple enough to use once the hologram explained its function and any idiot could hit the reboot button to follow systematic instructions when the teacher was at your elbow

systematic tale of a man caught up in a train wreck

the only case where systematic research and study into

AI involves the systematic exploration of what gives “life” to an

The Achieve Coaching Model® — A Systematic Approach to

The fourth phase will involve the systematic destruction of the Japanese fuel reserves and electric power grids in and around Japan

I have 8,000 such combat robots and six ships actually engaged in a systematic sweep around the Philippines, with orders to kill any Japanese soldier they find

We would then make systematic changes and keep testing until we optimize our conversions

Every systematic step she took, each uncovering she discovered, and each cut she performed, seemed to fuel his insatiable appetite to learn more

In a systematic fashion, he partially released its contents by tearing the bag slightly while looking at Jose, for his reaction

In Poland their plight from 1942 worsened when the systematic killings began in earnest in the concentration camps

behind all of this systematic negativity that we are living witness

The men started a systematic search of the few remaining crates in the warehouse, and Wilcox told Max to go and wait in the office

The chest presence is many things that need systematic concentration in order to eliminate it completely

«Your primary objective is to deny the enemy the ability to wage war by the systematic destruction and dislocation of the military, the industry and the economy to a point where resistance and morale are fatally weakened”

Those clandestine operations include the assassination of political opponents and of Vietminh sympathizers, real or imagined, the systematic torture of prisoners, the corruption of officials of the Bao Dai government and even the execution of terrorist attacks that are then blamed on the Vietminh

Waterman objected strongly to the intrusion by the police, but despite that a systematic search of the house and fourteen motel cabins was in progress, with little of significance to report at this early stage

He’s also credited with inventing an algorithm for the systematic identification of prime numbers, in addition to his work in cartography and other fields

Watch and wait was the advice they had to take as a systematic search of the villa, outbuildings and eleven hectares of land was completed

But, the details of applying variable combinations of overwhelming force, ruthless intimidation, closed borders, systematic sweeps, restricted movements and internment camps need not be addressed here

We have a systematic, computer-planned search that they’ll be following

have no reason to believe that they are biased in any systematic

He returns to his systematic search pattern of holes in the floor and walls and swings again, “I need the money

If this all sounds like a systematic process that will benefit from record keeping

” For complete success in Pranayama, regular persistent and systematic practice is essential

VC investors, we need a much more sophisticated and systematic approach to

They cultivate it by patience, regular and systematic practice

systematic procedure or process that can be readily passed on to new

with a systematic way of uncovering areas for attention

He then started a systematic search of

All she can do is stand in front of you, hoping you’ll feel what she feels, and what she feels is the loss of soul brought about by the products of 4,000 years of Male Spirit consciousness: the enslavement of women, the rise of armies, empires, philosophy, systematic violence, cities, writing,

But neither side nor the public believed the police could be responsible for the seemingly systematic assassination of the top terrorists — that had to be tit-for-tat, like the bad old days

She felt almost guilty as she pulled on her surgical rubber gloves, and started a systematic search of the flat

Combines a systematic treatment of the grammar with ample colloquialdrill

Table 19 and Table 20 shows systematic quantitative and structural information about the components

The final result pursued in the application of this method is on one hand, to achieve clear and systematic analysis in the process of implementation of decisions and the sequence in performing individual activities, and on the other hand, to obtain numerical characteristics of the overall duration of the process, of the total value of resources needed and, last but not least, of those routes in this network that are considered critical for the accomplishment of the overall program [19]

In the Deuteronomic literature in particular a systematic ideology of holy war is laid out

· It is easy to obtain polynomial time nondeterministic algorithms for many problems that can be deterministically solved by a systematic search of a solutions pace of exponential size

And the Geeta is a systematic ac-

Were the Iroquois and the Algonquins, virtually all the members of all the tribes of the Five Nations, unavoidable casualties of “colonialism” or innocent victims of the founders of America the Beautiful’s first acts of terrorism? How about all the western and southern tribal peoples’ systematic eradication and “resettlement” by force? Were/are they not just as much victims of terrorist acts as those thousands who were crushed and incinerated in the World Trade Towers?

The few survivors of the worst systematic genocide in history were finally reduced to being refugees in their own land

My dearest students; the prayers imposed on us by Allah (God), has its systematic laws and orders

A systematic review of 20 years of research evaluated the association between dietary

However, the ancient sources of knowledge state that through lies a systematic

” When you’re told to be everything, but by systematic design you can do nothing, feeling nothing mates with caring not

pointing out the need for a systematic study of the whole range of

The motto: “Aim high, Hit high” gives a systematic representation on the noble goals we can attain

Systematic desensitization was developed by Joseph Wolpe to assist an individual in his recovery

In systematic desensitization, the patient attains a state of complete relaxation and is then exposed to stimulus that elicits the anxiety response

Systemic and systematic. These two words look so much alike it’s easy to think they have a shared meaning.

But alas, as with many words in the English language, appearances are deceiving.

The words share the same root word and are both adjectives, but they are not interchangeable.

  • Systematic means done in an orderly, process-driven way.
  • Systemic means relating to a whole system, like the criminal justice system or the nervous system.

    Systemic and systematic both come from the word system

Want more information? Keep reading as we break down the differences between these words.

What Is a System?

Systematic and systemic both have uses that relate to their shared root word, system.

Let’s take a moment to review what a system is.

Merriam-Webster defines a system as a regularly interacting or interdependent group of items forming a unified whole.

To paraphrase, a system is a set of related things that work together toward one goal, or exist together to create a complete entity.

The definition applies to a variety of contexts. For example,

  • The sun, and everything in its orbit, most familiarly the planets, comprise the solar system.

  • The criminal justice system is made up of people (police, attorneys, etc.) and laws and processes with the goal of keeping the populace safe and law-abiding.

  • Our bodies contain a respiratory system—a network of organs and tissues that allows us to breathe.

The definition of system

Systems don’t always have to be so “important.” You may have a system for doing your laundry. You perform actions and use materials in such a way to achieve the goal of clean clothes.

What Does Systematic Mean?

Now you know what a system is, let’s take another look at that definition for systematic:

  • Systematic means done in an orderly, process-driven way.

But what does that actually mean?

We’ll play a little game to find out (don’t worry, it’s short and sweet).

Here’s the system of game-play:

  • Read the scenarios below
  • Compare uses of the word systematic
  • Determine what systematic means in that scenario

The rules of the systematic game

Easy. I don’t like games with lots of complicated rules.

Scenario One: My Cousin and the Chocolate Chip Cookie

My cousin and I went to the same high school and had lunch at the same time one year.

The best snack offered in the cafeteria was the warm, giant, chocolate chip cookie that came served in a cellophane sleeve with an opening at the top.

Every day, my cousin would buy a cookie, and then follow the same systematic approach to eating it.

  1. Gently “open” the cellophane wrapper by separating it along one of its side seams: no tearing! The separation must be perfectly straight.

  2. “Open” the separated cellophane wrapper like a book. The cookie remains on top of one side of the cellophane, but the other side now lies open and flat, forming rectangular sheet.

  3. Eat the cookie.

  4. Fold the remaining flat sheet of cellophane in half.

  5. Fold in half again, and again, and again until the wrapper is about the size of a credit card or smaller, but with perfectly aligned edges.

  6. Put the cellophane in your pocket for no apparent reason as your lunch companions stare in bemusement.

Scenario Two: My Cousin’s Revenge

When my cousin was a young man, he was betrayed by his closest friends and sent to prison to die.

But he escaped and found hidden treasures—more money than anyone could spend in ten lifetimes.

He wasn’t content to take the treasure and run. He was angry and wanted revenge!

So he devised a systematic plan to ruin his once-friends / now-enemies with one spectacular move after another.

His systematic revenge was so incredible, it’s the subject of a famous book and movie.

I will have my systematic revenge

Okay, okay—so Edmond Dantes, aka the Count of Monte Cristo isn’t really my cousin. I am related to the cookie guy though.

What do you think—have you won the game? Did you determine what systematic means?

Let’s check.

Macmillan dictionary defines systematic as “done according to a careful plan and in a thoughtful way.”

Since systematic is an adjective, it is used to modify nouns or pronouns. It describes the manner in which a process is implemented and completed according to a plan.

My cousin followed a system of planned steps to eat his cookie and dispose of its wrapper, and Edmond Dantes developed and implemented an organized system for carrying out his revenge.

You could say each of them was:

  • Methodical
  • Structured
  • Intentionally implemented

Those words are synonyms for systematic.


What Are Some Examples of Systematic in a Sentence?

Systematic is not an uncommon word and it fits in a wide range of contexts. Here are some examples of systematic used in a sentence:

Examples of systematic in a sentences

In The New York Times Modern Love essay My Ridiculous Dating System Totally Works, Alex Kruger describes her process for tracking and evaluating dating partners using a web-based software system to avoid potential relationships that aren’t ultimately right for her.

“My systematic approach may well be weeding out someone who could make me my happiest self. But the leaving-it-up-to-fate alternative of relying on chemistry, physical attraction and serendipity hasn’t led me to that person either.”

Alex Kruger, New York Times Quote

In his article for the Huffington Post, Dr. Mike Hart writes:

“People who start off their day in a systematic stress-free manner are generally very productive people. Below is a list of 10 steps I use every morning to help increase my productivity.”

Jake Dee, of Screenrant, describes the film Judas and the Black Messiah as recounting:

“The true story of real-life Black Panther Fred Hampton and the FBI’s systematic takedown of the civil rights movement he led during the late 1960s.”

How Do I Use Systematically in a Sentence?

Systematically is simply the adverb form of systematic, and is used at least as frequently.

Adverbs modify verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs. as an adverb, systematically is mainly used to explain “how?” a process is completed. On the other hand, systematic (an adjective) is used to describe “what kind” of process if being completed.

For example:

  • His process is systematic. He moves each block one by one.

In the above example, systematic describes what kind of process. Since process is a noun, systematic is an adjective modifying that noun.

  • He removed each block systematically.

In the above example, systematically explains how he removed the block. Since removed is a verb, systematically is an adverb modifying that verb.

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What Does Systemic Mean?

I don’t have a cute story for systemic, unfortunately. That’s appropriate though, as you’ve likely seen or heard the word systemic used in more serious or problematic contexts.

For example, we hear about systemic problems, issues, damage, diseases.

You know when your computer just shuts you out? You can’t email, Internet search, or even type up a document? You’ve got a systemic failure happening.

Systemic change may promise better days, but of course, those changes are likely needed because of existing systemic problems.

Systemic means common to a system or relating to a whole system.

If a problem, issue, or disease is systemic, that means it affects the entirety of that system. That system could be a business, government, a social organization or structure, or body system, etc.

The definition of systemic

What Are Some Examples of Systemic in a Sentence?

Since systemic means that an entire system is affected, it makes sense that the adjective is used to describe situations that have heavy implications.

Here are some examples of using systemic in a sentence:

“Climate change poses a ‘slow motion’ systemic threat to the stability of the U.S. financial system…”

(Ann Saphir, Reuters)

«’Our analysis rules out all the factors that are typically associated with home value and still finds a significant difference between the values of otherwise nearly identical homes in similar Black and White neighborhoods,’ said… Reginald Edwards. ‘We’re left with bias and systemic racism to explain the variation in home values.’»

(Chauncey Alcorn, CNN)

“According to the publication, Janette Wipper… claims that Google’s labor practices include ‘systemic compensation disparities against women pretty much across the entire workforce.’”

(Bourree Lam, The Atlantic)

What’s the Difference Between Systemic and Systematic?

Systemic versus systematic

Here are a couple of simple statements to help you remember the difference between systematic and systemic.

If your point is to describe something as methodical or organized, or intentional, you would call that something systematic.

If your point is to say something has comprehensive effects on an entire system (whether that system is physical, social, political, etc.), you would describe that something as systemic.

How Can I Remember the Difference Between Systemic and Systematic?

The best way to remember the difference is to practice.

Ready to test your knowledge on the difference between systematic and systemic?

I have full confidence in you; don’t forget to check your answers and pat yourself on the back!

  1. I am ……………. in the way I do my grocery shopping.

  2. The problem is not simply with one aspect of the business. The entire business is affected. The problem is …………….. .

  3. The first cars were built on an assembly line. Each worker fulfilled a specific task in a specific order. It was a ……………. process.

  4. A localized disease only affects one part of the body; ear infections are an example. Diabetes and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome are  ……………. diseases as they affect the entire body.

  5. We have to develop a ……………. distribution plan to ensure that all items are delivered efficiently.

  6. & 7. We must implement a ……………. dismantling of the ……………. racism that exists in this organization.

  7. If you experience backup or flooding every time you flush the toilet or run the faucet, chances are there is a ……………. failure in your sewer line.

  8. How can we remove ……………. barriers that prevent people from achieving their full potential?

  9. ……………. change happens when a change reaches all parts of a system, altering its behavior comprehensively.


1. Systematic  2. Systemic  3. Systematic  4. Systemic  5. Systematic  6. Systematic  7. Systemic  8. Systemic  9. Systemic  10. Systemic

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