The word suspect in a sentence

Synonym: assume, challenge, dispute, distrust, doubt, gather, guess, imagine, infer, mistrust, question, suppose, surmise, think. Antonym: trus, unsuspected. Similar words: suspend, aspect, spectrum, prospect, inspector, spectacle, introspect, inspection. Meaning: [sə’spekt ,’səs]  n. 1. someone who is under suspicion 2. a person or institution against whom an action is brought in a court of law; the person being sued or accused. v. 1. imagine to be the case or true or probable 2. regard as untrustworthy; regard with suspicion; have no faith or confidence in 3. hold in suspicion; believe to be guilty. adj. not as expected. 

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1. The suspect has dark hair and green eyes.

2. She has been identified as the prime suspect.

3. I suspect he is a thief.

4. The suspect is detained at the police

5. Police destroyed the suspect package in a controlled explosion.

6. Nobody can possibly suspect what he says.

7. So far, the police do not suspect foul play.

8. The suspect is being kept under observation .

9. After hours of questioning, the suspect confessed.

10. He’s the police’s prime suspect in this case.

11. Police suspect a local gang.

12. I suspect he’s a closet fascist.

13. I suspect they were right.

14. The police interrogated the suspect for several hours.

15. He turned his baleful glare on the cowering suspect.

16. The suspect was flogged into confession.

17. I suspect she might be lying.

18. I began to suspect they were trying to get rid of me.

19. The police say the suspect has a slight blemish on his left cheek.

20. The police said they had no reason to suspect foul play .

21. Police shot one suspect when he pulled a gun on them.

22. I suspect that Rodney has never quite forgiven either of them.

23. If you suspect a gas leak, do not strike a match or even turn on an electric light.

24. If you suspect a gas leak do not strike a match or use electricity.

25. He seems poor, but I suspect that he has quite a lot of money.

26. I strongly suspect that most ordinary people would agree with me.

27. The act allows police to detain a suspect for up to 48 hours.

28. She has been acclaimed for the TV drama «Prime Suspect«.

29. Greg tipped police off on his car phone about a suspect drunk driver.

30. The police were able to obtain a set of fingerprints from the suspect.

More similar words: suspend, aspect, spectrum, prospect, inspector, spectacle, introspect, inspection, perspective, spectacular, respectively, introspection, with respect to, irrespective of, suspicion, suspicious, species, specify, special, specific, expect, specialty, especially, speculate, specialist, specialize, expected, specifically, speculation, unexpected.

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word suspect, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use suspect in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «suspect».

Suspect in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word suspect in a sentence.

  1. Another suspect is stockroom manager Willem van Maaren.

  2. Laura begins to suspect these deaths are not accidental.

  3. Smith (1928–2018), of Bloomfield, New Jersey, as a suspect.

  4. Each one’s account of the incident points to a new suspect.

  5. Reardon was ruled out as a suspect and treated as a witness.

  6. The suspect denied involvement, and charges were soon dropped.

  7. The crew dismisses Mulder’s story and suspect he is a Nazi spy.

  8. I suspect most people just won’t want to read a three-text play ..

  9. In his court martial, the judges concluded this claim was suspect.

  10. Conein did not suspect a deliberate delay by the American embassy.

  11. As of October 30, 2012, 25 shootings had been linked to one suspect.

  12. Hordern played the barrister opposite David Kossoff’s murder suspect.

  13. He plans to kill Victor and is the top suspect when Victor is gunned down.

  14. In 2016, Rackstraw re-emerged as a suspect in a History program and a book.

  15. This causes the detail’s targets to suspect that they are under investigation.

  16. Marty Lee (Dermot Mulroney) about their case against suspect Arthur Leigh Allen.

  17. Although Farquharson did not name his suspect, the description resembles Druitt.

  18. The stand-off lasted 15 days and ended with the apparent suicide of the suspect.

  19. I suspect that this test emphasized verbal, as opposed to mathematical, ability.

  20. On 4 March 2011, police released him from bail and stated he was no longer a suspect.

  21. After she left, Waterston become depressed, and his family began to suspect the affair.

  22. In recognizing the younger woman’s attractions, she began to suspect her own sexuality.

  23. In this rival profile, the suspect was characterized as a blue-collar airplane mechanic.

  24. I should have explained that I didn’t suspect them of any desire to launch an attack on us.

  25. He was proposed as a suspect by his friend Carl Laurin at a press conference on May 17, 2018.

  26. Unlike the Overman Committee, the Lusk Committee was active in raiding suspect organizations.

  27. They found none in the suspect species, but did find indications for it in Imperator torosus.

  28. Bury protested his innocence in the Ripper crimes, and the police discounted him as a suspect.

  29. As well as being named a suspect, Maud also lodged her own accusations against 16 men and women.

  30. The New York City Police Department reported the suspect was trying to emulate «Project Mayhem».

  31. The early hunt for the Unabomber portrayed a perpetrator far different from the eventual suspect.

  32. Churchman tells Sorrell that they found a suspect responsible for the murders and closes the case.

  33. The stern of the suspect boat was severely damaged, whereupon she surrendered and was taken in tow.

  34. However, the umpires were instructed to pay close attention to suspect bowlers during the coming season.

  35. The ship’s erratic movements and the odd set of her sails led Morehouse to suspect that something was wrong.

  36. The agents deduce that their suspect may be a genetic mutant who has been killing in sprees for ninety years.

  37. This led to a widely distributed sketch of the suspect as a hooded man with a mustache and aviator sunglasses.

  38. In 1971, Detectives Toschi, Armstrong, and Mulanax question Arthur Leigh Allen, a suspect in the Vallejo case.

  39. By the late 1850s, they began to suspect a northern white abolitionist was secretly enticing their slaves away.

  40. The Kalpoe brothers were rearrested on August 26 along with another new suspect, 21-year-old Freddy Arambatzis.

  41. Batman agrees to help Todd find his mother, and Todd interrogates his first suspect, Mossad agent Sharmin Rosen.

  42. Lord Darnley had been murdered and the Queen almost immediately married the chief suspect, the Earl of Bothwell.

  43. As a result of this, a suspect was arrested and the cat was treated by a veterinarian and taken to a safe place.

  44. In 2006, two amateur researchers named Daniel Dvorak and Matthew Myers proposed Mayfield as a suspect once again.

  45. The poor economic conditions made the party in power unpopular and made Hayes suspect he would lose the election.

  46. His plans to run for parliament and other non-literary ambitions led observers at the time to suspect his sanity.

  47. During this time, she marries CEO Rhys Williams (Ben Gazzara), but he, too, is identified by Hornung as a suspect.

  48. When LeMond saw that Hinault was not among them, he began to suspect that the gap he had been told was not correct.

  49. On October 5, the City of London Police received a letter suggesting that Mansfield should be considered a suspect.

  50. The FBI offered no comment beyond Himmelsbach’s original statement that Mayfield was ruled out as a suspect early on.

Synonyms for suspect

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word suspect has the following synonyms: fishy, funny, shady, suspicious, questionable, defendant, distrust, mistrust and surmise.

General information about «suspect» example sentences

The example sentences for the word suspect that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «suspect» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «suspect».

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


Paranoia seizes them as everyone begins to suspect

Паранойя захватывает их, когда все начинают подозревать друг друга в этом ужасном злодеянии.

In addition, many patients begin to suspect a particular disease.

Кроме того, многие пациенты начинают подозревать у себя то или иное заболевание.

His last one would suspect of something like that.

Его в последнюю очередь можно было бы заподозрить в чём-то подобном.

I only picked so that they wouldn’t suspect anything.

Я даже не стала собирать вещи, чтобы он ничего не заподозрил.

Police suspect the 21-year-old could have been drunk.

Полицейские подозревают, что 31-летний водитель грузовика мог быть пьян.

Open your mind to new possibilities, which previously you might not suspect.

Открыть свой ум к новым возможностям, о которых раньше вы, возможно, и не подозревали.

Police suspect the boy had been abducted and murdered.

Силы безопасности подозревают, что молодой человек был похищен и убит.

What you say about yourself is immediately discounted and suspect.

То, что вы говорите о себе, сразу обесценивается и подозревает.

Experts suspect that viruses modify oligodendrocytes during infancy.

Эксперты подозревают, что вирусы модифицируют олигодендроциты в младенческом возрасте.

Deeper problems my mom did not suspect.

Более глубокие проблемы, о которых моя мама не подозревала.

I knew you would suspect us.

I knew you would suspect them.

I knew you would suspect me.

I knew they would suspect you.

I knew they would suspect you.

I knew they would suspect him.

I should probably scold you for endangering yourself and a suspect.

Я должен вас отругать за то, что подвергли себя и подозреваемую опасности.

Which makes him a suspect as our shooter.

Что дает основания подозревать, что он был тем стрелком.

We suspect there may be asbestos.

The doctors suspect it was an embolism that killed him.

Врачи подозревают, что это была эмболия, которая и убила его.

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suspect — перевод на русский


— We have our first suspect, Jackson.

У нас есть первый подозреваемый, Джексон.

Ten days have passed since this brutal murder… and still no suspect has been found.

ƒес€ть дней прошло с того зверского убийства и всЄ ещЄ ни один подозреваемый не был найден.

So, that means Mr. Henderson is our only suspect.

Так значит, мистер Хендерсон наш единственныи подозреваемый.

Armed suspect, tall man, Caucasian, wearing a dark suit and soft hat.

Гостиница Париж. Подозреваемый — высокого роста, одет в темный костюм и шляпу.

I need a suspect, not a clown.

Мне нужен подозреваемый, а не шут.

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But, Your Majesty, if the Prince should suspect.

Но, Ваше Величество… А если Принц заподозрит…

— No one will suspect.

— Никто ничего не заподозрит

I only killed the others so no one would suspect me when I killed you. Did you see the papers.

Я убил все этих людей и никто не заподозрит меня в вашем убийстве.

She’ll suspect something.

Она наверняка что-то заподозрит.

If he suspects he’s being followed, you’ll be in trouble.

Если заподозрит, что его сопровождают, будут неприятности.

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Good, at least I can tell him how foolish I was to suspect him.

Наконец, я смогу извиниться перед ним за мои глупые подозрения!

-Did you suspect it yourself?

— У вас были те же подозрения?

You have suspects?

У вас есть подозрения?

Do you suspect something?

И у тебя есть эти подозрения?

Yes, I suspected as much.

Да, мои подозрения оправдываются.

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I can’t even see if you’re blushing, though I suspect you’re lying.

Я даже не вижу, покраснела ли ты. Все же я думаю, ты врешь.

I suspect thee art not a Christian.

Думаю, он не христианин.

They don’t understand and I suspect they don’t want to.

Они не понимают и, думаю, не хотят понимать.

I suspect even my attorney has begun to doubt me.

Думаю, и мой адвокат во мне усомнился.

I suspect not, Robert.

Я этого не думаю, Роберт.

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Didn’t Mrs. Meredith suspect?

— Не миссис Мередит, полагаю?

You, I suspect are chief architect of this compromise.

Полагаю, что это Вы – главный архитектор этого компромисса.

I suspect he meant you must show courage be willing to take a blow, several blows, to show you won’t strike back, nor will you be turned aside.

Полагаю, он имел в виду, что ты должен показать мужество быть готовым принять удар, несколько ударов, показать что ты не ударишь в ответ, но и не отвернёшься от следующего удара.

In fact, I suspect my Lord has someone in mind.

Словом, я полагаю, милорд уже имеет кое-кого на примете.

Cooper, I suspect you know why I’m here.

Купер, я полагаю, ты знаешь, почему я здесь.

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— Yes? — I think the bees suspect something!

— Не знаю, но только они ведут себя подозрительно.

Very suspect!

Очень подозрительно!

Billet what yes? You. Sadler it had a very suspect air.

По-моему, миссис Сэдлер выглядела очень подозрительно.

If someone it has a suspect behaviour, it is the woman who rented them the apartment.

Если кто-то ведет себя подозрительно, то это женщина, сдавшая им квартиру.

Wanting to keep a Jewish prisoner is indeed very suspect.

Так защищать еврея — это очень подозрительно.

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It appears that this virus is more virulent than I suspected.

Похоже, что этот вирус более опасен, чем я предполагал.

As suspected, the transmissions are the songs sung by whales.

— Спок? .. — Как я и предполагал, передачи — это песни китов.

But they figured he was using the drug to fake his illness, just as you suspected, Coop.

Но они пришли к выводу, что он использовал лекарство для симуляции своей болезни-как ты и предполагал, Куп!

— The crucial point, as I suspected from the start, is the dinner that came down from the kitchens above and was served at this table on the evening of the 6th of May.

Решающим моментом в этом деле, как я и предполагал с самого начала, является ужин, приготовленный на кухне выше, спущенный вниз и поданный к столу вечером 6 мая.

I suspected as much.

Я предполагал это.

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Bank Employee Suspected of Murder.

Сотрудник банка подозревается в убийстве.

And the unpleasant part of it is, a priest is suspected.

Самое неприятное, что подозревается священник.

Lieutenant Riley sufficiently recovered to be discharged, but captain has ordered him restricted to Sickbay to prevent contact with passenger who calls himself Karidian and is suspected of being Kodos the Executioner and of murdering the lieutenant’s family.

Лейтенант Райли полностью поправился, и его можно выписать, но капитан приказал ему оставаться в лазарете, чтобы исключить контакт с пассажиром, называющим себя Каридианом. Подозревается, что он, на самом деле, Кодос-Палач, убивший семью лейтенанта.

Oswald is suspected of trafficking in stolen goods under imperial’s name.

Освальд подозревается в торговле краденными вещами от имени Империал.

He is suspected of the murder of Henry Vollmer former technical director of the IKZ and also of the murder of Fritz Hahn, also an employee of the IKz who died today under unknown circumstances

Он подозревается в убийстве Генри Фолльмера, бывшего технического директора IKZ, а также в убийстве Франца Хана, сотрудника IKZ, который погиб сегодня при неизвестных обстоятельствах.

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— He suspects nothing.

— Он даже не догадывается.

It does not suspect anything.

Он ни о чём не догадывается.

Anyway… he must suspect you’re not in Geneva any more.

Он, наверно, догадывается, что ты уже не в Женеве.

Because even if the plans of a criminal are absolutely secret, …there is always some little man who heard something saw something, knows something, …remembers or suspects someone.

Потому что в каждом, даже в самом тайном делишке всегда отыщется человечек, который что-либо слышал, …что-либо видел, что-либо знает, …помнит или догадывается.

Didn’t you suspect anything?

Ты ни о чём не догадывался?

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I suspect he wants to offer you some legal business.

Мне кажется, он хочет сделать тебе деловое предложение.

One might suspect Cupid had a hand in this.

Кажется, тут не обошлось без купидона.

I suspect it’s Robert’s old brandy.

Мне кажется, все дело в крепком бренди.

I suspect he is just a scoundrel!

Мне кажется, что это просто жулик!

I suspect that these are the people that have stolen our luggage.

Кажется украли наш багаж.

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подозреваемый, подозревать, полагать, подозреваемый человек


- подозрительный

his statement is suspect — его заявление не внушает доверия

- подозреваемый

to hold smb. suspect — держать кого-л. на подозрении


- подозревать

whom do you suspect? — кого вы подозреваете?
to suspect smb. of murder [of deceit, of treachery] — подозревать кого-л. в убийстве [в обмане, в предательстве]
to be suspected — быть на подозрении
he was suspected of theft — его подозревали в воровстве

- сомневаться в истинности (чего-л.), не доверять (чему-л.)

to suspect evidence — не доверять показаниям
he suspected the evidence of his eyes — он не верил своим глазам
I suspect the authenticity of the document — я сомневаюсь в подлинности документа

- предполагать, допускать

to suspect a plot [a collusion] — предполагать, что существует заговор [сговор]
to suspect nothing — ничего не подозревать, ни о чём не догадываться
I suspect danger — я предвижу опасность

- думать, полагать

you, I suspect, don’t care — вам, я полагаю, всё равно
he showed qualities that no one would have suspected him to possess — он обнаружил качества, которых в нём никто и не подозревал
I suspect that there is an error here — я подозреваю /думаю/, что тут ошибка
I suspect that he is right — думаю /полагаю/, что он прав; мне представляется, что он прав


- подозреваемый или подозрительный человек

political suspects — (политически) неблагонадёжные люди
a suspect for murder — подозреваемый в убийстве; предполагаемый убийца
to arrest as a suspect — арестовать по подозрению

Мои примеры


a freewill confession of guilt made by the suspect during police interrogation — добровольное признание вины, сделанное подозреваемым во время допроса в полиции  
the police monitor the suspect’s moves — полиция контролирует / отслеживает передвижения подозреваемого  
crime suspect — лицо, подозреваемое в совершении преступления  
fleeing suspect — подозреваемый, скрывшийся с места преступления  
political suspect — политически неблагонадёжный человек  
suspect motive — подозрительный мотив  
innocent suspect — подозреваемый, впоследствии признанный невиновным  
politically suspect — политически неблагонадежный  
possible suspect — потенциальный подозреваемый, возможный подозреваемый  
to suspect in the crime — подозревать в совершении преступления  
suspect/monitor model — модель подозрения/наблюдения (в отказоустойчивых системах)  
suspect evidence — показания подозреваемого  

Примеры с переводом

I suspect it will rain.

Подозреваю, что будет дождь.

Who do you suspect?

Кого вы подозреваете?

I suspect him to be mad.

Я думаю, что он сошёл с ума.

He was suspected of theft.

Его подозревали в краже.

The police shot the suspect in the leg.

Полицейский выстрелил подозреваемому в ногу.

He’s suspected of murder.

Его подозревают в убийстве.

The police will see me as the prime suspect.

Полиция будет считать меня главным подозреваемым.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Police cornered the suspect in a backyard.

She strongly suspected he was lying to her.

Police shadowed the suspect for several days.

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Возможные однокоренные слова

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: suspect
he/she/it: suspects
ing ф. (present participle): suspecting
2-я ф. (past tense): suspected
3-я ф. (past participle): suspected

ед. ч.(singular): suspect
мн. ч.(plural): suspects

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