The word survey means

обзор, обследование, обзорный, обследовать, обозревать


- обозрение, осмотр

a moment’s survey of her face — быстрый взгляд, брошенный на её лицо

- обзор

historical [political] survey — исторический [международный] обзор
a survey of modern literature — обзор современной литературы
to make a general survey of the situation — сделать общий обзор положения, в общих чертах описать /обрисовать/ положение
a survey course in literature — обзорный курс литературы

- инспектирование, обследование

annual survey — ежегодное освидетельствование
quality survey — контроль качества

- отчёт об обследовании
- амер. (таможенный) осмотр
- (геологическое) изыскание
- топ. съёмка; межевание; привязка к местности

aerial survey — аэросъёмка
survey sheet — карта съёмки; карта изысканий
survey stake — веха (мерная)
survey group — топографическая группа

- воен. инструментальная разведка
- топографическая служба


- обозревать, осматривать; просматривать

he carefully surveyed the valley stretching before him — он внимательно осмотрел простирающуюся перед ним долину
I surveyed him from head to foot — я окинул его взглядом с головы до ног

- рассматривать; исследовать, изучать

to survey the situation — изучить создавшееся /сложившееся/ положение; ознакомиться с положением
to survey bygone ages — изучать прошлое

- инспектировать, обследовать, проверять

to survey a railway — инспектировать железную дорогу
the committee surveyed our school — комиссия обследовала нашу школу

- амер. досматривать (на таможне)
- делать обзор

in his speech he surveyed the international situation [modern art] — в своей речи он сделал обзор международного положения [современного искусства]

- топ. производить съёмку; межевать

Мои примеры


a survey on American drinking habits — исследование застольных обычаев американцев  
a comprehensive survey of world affairs — всестороннее исследование международной обстановки  
according to the survey — по данным опроса  
to carry out a survey — проводить опрос  
survey of events — обзор событий  
market survey — обзор состояния рынка / обзор рыночной конъюнктуры  
a brief survey of the most important books on this problem — краткий обзор важнейших книг по этой проблеме  
a brief survey of some important books on economics — краткий обзор некоторых важных книг по экономике  
readership survey — опрос читателей  
mass survey — массовый опрос, массовое обследование  
survey plan — план обследования  
magazine audience survey — опрос читательской аудитории журнала  

Примеры с переводом

I’d like to survey the house before buying it.

Я хотел бы осмотреть дом перед его покупкой.

He sat down in the armchair and surveyed the room.

Он сел в кресло и внимательно осмотрел комнату.

Seventeen couples participated in the survey.

В опросе приняли участие семнадцать пар.

The magazine conducted a survey.

Журнал провёл опрос.

The teacher surveyed the room.

Учитель оглядел комнату.

Our company came out well from the recent survey.

Наша компания получила хорошую оценку в недавнем обзоре.

He surveyed his new classmates.

Он внимательно оглядел своих новых одноклассников.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Возможные однокоренные слова

surveyor  — инспектор, землемер, геодезист, топограф, маркшейдер, контролер
surveying  — геодезия
surveyed  — обследовать, обозревать, осматривать, производить съемку, инспектировать

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: survey
he/she/it: surveys
ing ф. (present participle): surveying
2-я ф. (past tense): surveyed
3-я ф. (past participle): surveyed

ед. ч.(singular): survey
мн. ч.(plural): surveys

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Survey may refer to:

Statistics and human research[edit]

  • Statistical survey, a method for collecting quantitative information about items in a population
  • Survey (human research), including opinion polls

Spatial measurement[edit]

  • Surveying, the technique and science of measuring positions and distances on Earth

Types and methods[edit]

  • Photogrammetry, a method of collecting information using aerial photography and satellite images
  • Cadastral surveyor, used to document land ownership, by the production of documents, diagrams, plats, and maps
    • Dominion Land Survey, the method used to divide most of Western Canada into one-square-mile sections for agricultural and other purposes
    • Public Land Survey System, a method used in the United States to survey and identify land parcels
    • Survey township, a square unit of land, six miles (~9.7 km) on a side, done by the U.S. Public Land Survey System
  • Construction surveying, the locating of structures relative to a reference line, used in the construction of buildings, roads, mines, and tunnels
  • Deviation survey, used in the oil industry to measure a borehole’s departure from the vertical
  • Archaeological field survey, the collection of information by archaeologists prior to excavation

Geospatial survey organizations[edit]

  • Survey of India, India’s central agency in charge of mapping and surveying
  • Ordnance Survey, a national mapping agency for Great Britain
  • U.S. National Geodetic Survey, performing geographic surveys as part of the U.S. Department of Commerce

Geological surveys[edit]

  • Geological survey, an investigation of the subsurface of the ground to create a geological map or model


  • Cave survey, the three-dimensional mapping of caverns
  • Geophysical survey, the systematic collection of geophysical data for spatial studies
  • Hydrographic survey, the gathering of information about navigable waters for the purposes of safe navigation of vessels
  • Soil survey, the mapping of the properties and varieties of soil in a given area

Geological survey organizations[edit]

  • British Geological Survey, a body which carries out geological surveys and monitors the UK landmass
  • United States Geological Survey, a government scientific research agency which studies the landscape of the United States

Astronomical surveys[edit]

  • Astronomical survey, imaging or mapping regions of the sky
    • Durchmusterung, a German word for a systematic survey of objects or data, generally used in astronomy
    • Redshift survey, an astronomical survey of a section of the sky to calculate the distance of objects from Earth

Other types of survey[edit]

  • Field survey or field research
  • Site survey, inspection of an area where work is proposed
  • Vessel safety survey, required for ships
  • Survey article, a scholarly publication to summarize an area of research

See also[edit]

  • All pages with titles beginning with Survey
  • All pages with titles containing Survey
  • Land survey (disambiguation)
  • Surveyor (disambiguation)
  • Survey says (disambiguation)



From Middle English surveyen, from Old French sourveoir, surveer (to oversee), from sour-, sur- (over) + veoir, veeir (to see), from Latin videre. See sur- and vision.


  • (noun):
    • (UK) IPA(key): /ˈsɜːveɪ/, /sɜːˈveɪ/[1]
    • (US) enPR: sûrʹvā, sər-vāʹ, IPA(key): /ˈsɝˌveɪ/, /sɚˈveɪ/[2][3]
    • In both Britain and America, the variant with initial stress is now significantly more common than that with final stress.
  • Rhymes: -ɜː(ɹ)veɪ
  • (verb):
    • (UK) IPA(key): /səˈveɪ/, /sɜːˈveɪ/, /ˈsɜːveɪ/[4][5]
    • (US) enPR: sər-vāʹ, sûr′vā, IPA(key): /sɚˈveɪ/, /ˈsɝˌveɪ/[6]
  • Rhymes: -eɪ


survey (plural surveys)

  1. The act of surveying; a general view.
    • 1642, John Denham, Cooper’s Hill
      Under his proud survey the city lies.
  2. A particular view; an examination, especially an official examination, of a particular group of items, in order to ascertain the condition, quantity, or quality.

    A survey of the stores of a ship; a survey of roads and bridges; a survey of buildings.

  3. The operation of finding the contour, dimensions, position, or other particulars of any part of the Earth’s surface.
  4. A measured plan and description of any portion of country.

    The owners of the adjoining plots had conflicting surveys.

  5. An examination of the opinions of a group of people.

    The local council conducted a survey of its residents to help it decide whether to go ahead with the roadside waste collection service.

  6. A questionnaire or similar instrument used for examining the opinions of a group of people.

    I just filled out that survey on roadside waste pick-up.

  7. (historical) An auction at which a farm is let for a lease for lives.
  8. (US) A district for the collection of customs under a particular officer.


  • (act of surveying): prospect, surveil
  • (particular view): review

Derived terms[edit]

  • Ordnance Survey
  • trigonometric survey


an examination of the opinions of a group

  • Arabic: اِسْتِبَانَة‎ f (istibāna)
  • Belarusian: апыта́нне n (apytánnje)
  • Bulgarian: допитване (bg) n (dopitvane), анкета (bg) m (anketa)
  • Catalan: enquesta (ca) f
  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: 民意測驗民意测验 (zh) (mínyì cèyàn)
  • Czech: anketa (cs) f, dotazník (cs) m
  • Danish: spørgeundersøgelse c
  • Dutch: enquête (nl) f
  • Esperanto: sondo, opinisondo
  • Finnish: kysely (fi), kyselytutkimus
  • French: sondage (fr) m
  • German: Umfrage (de) f
  • Greek: δημοσκόπηση (el) f (dimoskópisi), σφυγμομέτρηση (el) f (sfygmométrisi)
  • Hungarian: felmérés (hu)
  • Irish: suirbhé m
  • Italian: sondaggio (it)
  • Polish: przegląd (pl) m, ankieta (pl) f
  • Portuguese: sondagem f
  • Russian: опро́с (ru) m (oprós)
  • Spanish: sondeo (es) m
  • Ukrainian: опи́тування n (opýtuvannja)
  • Vietnamese: cuộc thăm dò ý kiến

act of surveying

  • Bulgarian: преглед (bg) m (pregled), обзор (bg) m (obzor)
  • Catalan: enquestar (ca)
  • Czech: zaměření (cs) n
  • Finnish: yleiskatsaus, yleissilmäys
  • French: arpentage (fr) m, reconnaissance (fr) f, sondage (fr) m
  • Georgian: გამოკითხვა (gamoḳitxva), ანკეტირება (anḳeṭireba), გამოკვლევა (gamoḳvleva)
  • Higaonon: subayan
  • Indonesian: survei (id)
  • Irish: suirbhéireacht f
  • Italian: inchiesta (it)
  • Korean: 개관 (gaegwan)
  • Maori: rūritanga, weatanga
  • Polish: nadzór (pl) m, ankieta (pl) f
  • Portuguese: supervisão (pt) f
  • Russian: обзо́р (ru) m (obzór), обозре́ние (ru) n (obozrénije)
  • Scottish Gaelic: suirbhidh m
  • Serbo-Croatian:
    Cyrillic: земљомерство
    Roman: zemljomerstvo
  • Spanish: encuesta (es) f
  • Turkish: anket (tr)
  • Ukrainian: о́гляд (uk) m (óhljad)
  • Vietnamese: sự quan sát (vi)

an examination

  • Bulgarian: изследване (bg) (izsledvane)
  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: 查勘 (zh) (chákān), 調查调查 (zh) (diàochá)
  • Czech: zjištění (cs) n, průzkum (cs) m, inspekce (cs) f
  • Dutch: enquête (nl), inspectie (nl), onderzoek (nl), rapport (nl)
  • Esperanto: esploro, enketo, sondo, sondado
  • Finnish: tarkastus (fi), katselmus (fi), katsaus (fi)
  • French: enquête (fr) f
  • Georgian: დათვალიერება (datvaliereba), გამოკვლევა (gamoḳvleva), მიმოხილვა (mimoxilva), გასინჯვა (gasinǯva), შემოწმება (šemoc̣meba), დაკვირვება (daḳvirveba), ინსპექტირება (insṗekṭireba)
  • German: Untersuchung (de) f
  • Greek: επιθεώρηση (el) f (epitheórisi), επισκόπηση (el) f (episkópisi)
  • Italian: indagine (it) f
  • Japanese: 調査 (ja) (ちょうさ, chōsa)
  • Korean: 조사 (ko) (josa)
  • Norwegian:
    Bokmål: undersøkelse m
  • Polish: ankieta (pl) f
  • Portuguese: levantamento (pt) m, enquete (pt)
  • Russian: обсле́дование (ru) n (obslédovanije), осмо́тр (ru) m (osmótr), инспекти́рование (ru) n (inspektírovanije), иссле́дование (ru) n (isslédovanije)
  • Scottish Gaelic: suirbhidh m
  • Serbo-Croatian: pregled (sh), istraživanje (sh) n
  • Spanish: supervisión (es) f, encuesta (es)
  • Swedish: granskning (sv), besiktning (sv), inspektion (sv)
  • Tagalog: siyasig
  • Turkish: inceleme (tr), tetkik (tr)
  • Ukrainian: дослі́дження (uk) n (doslídžennja), о́гляд (uk) m (óhljad), обсте́ження n (obstéžennja)
  • Vietnamese: cuộc khảo sát (vi), cuộc điều tra (vi)
  • Welsh: arolwg m


survey (third-person singular simple present surveys, present participle surveying, simple past and past participle surveyed)

  1. To inspect, or take a view of; to view with attention, as from a high place; to overlook

    He stood on a hill, and surveyed the surrounding country.

    • 1667, John Milton, “Book III”, in Paradise Lost. [], London: [] [Samuel Simmons], [], →OCLC; republished as Paradise Lost in Ten Books: [], London: Basil Montagu Pickering [], 1873, →OCLC:

      Round he ſurveys, and well might, where he ſtood / So high above []

  2. To view with a scrutinizing eye; to examine.
    • 1681, John Dryden, The Spanish Fryar: Or, the Double Discovery. [], London: [] Richard Tonson and Jacob Tonson, [], →OCLC, Act V, page 66:

      [] with ſuch alter’d Looks, [] / All pale, and ſpeechleſs, he ſurvey’d me round;

    • 2012, James Lambert, “Beyond Hobson-Jobson: A new lexicography for Indian English”, in World Englishes[1], page 297:

      By using the same classification system for all the dictionaries surveyed, it was possible to compare the lexical richness of each against the other.

  3. To examine with reference to condition, situation, value, etc.; to examine and ascertain the state of

    It was his job to survey buildings in order to determine their value and risks.

  4. To determine the form, extent, position, etc., of, as a tract of land, a coast, harbor, or the like, by means of linear and angular measurements, and the application of the principles of geometry and trigonometry

    to survey land or a coast

    • 1960 March, J. P. Wilson & E. N. C. Haywood, “The route through the Peak — Derby to Manchester: Part One”, in Trains Illustrated, page 148:

      The proposed route had been surveyed by George Stephenson and consisted of a main line 41⅝ miles in length with two short branches, to Norbury and Poynton Collieries, and to Chapel-en-le-Frith.

    • 2020 August 26, “Network News: Mid-September before line reopens, says Network Rail”, in Rail, page 10:

      He explained that engineers had been able to examine the bridge visually, and had started surveying likely sites for access roads and where to place the heavyweight crawler crane. NR was also ordering the aggregates needed for the access roads.

  5. To examine and ascertain, as the boundaries and royalties of a manor, the tenure of the tenants, and the rent and value of the same.
    • 1713, Giles Jacob, The Complete Court-keeper: Or, Land-steward’s Assistant
      all the Tenants Leases and Copies are surveyed
  6. To investigate the opinions, experiences, etc., of people by asking them questions; to conduct a survey; to administer a questionnaire.

Derived terms[edit]

  • king of all one surveys
  • surveying
  • surveyal
  • surveyance
  • surveyee
  • surveyor


to view as from a high place

  • Finnish: tarkkailla (fi)
  • German: überblicken (de)
  • Japanese: 見回す (mimawasu), 見廻す (mimawasu), 見渡す (miwatasu)
  • Korean: 둘러보다 (ko) (dulleoboda), 전망하다 (ko) (jeonmanghada)
  • Latin: aspicio (la), despecto
  • Maori: tiro whānui
  • Russian: обозрева́ть (ru) (obozrevátʹ)
  • Spanish: reconocer (es)
  • Ukrainian: огляда́ти (ohljadáty)
  • Vietnamese: quan sát (vi)

to inspect; to examine

  • Bulgarian: изследвам (bg) (izsledvam), инспектирам (bg) (inspektiram)
  • Dutch: onderzoeken (nl), rapporteren (nl)
  • Estonian: uurima (et)
  • Finnish: tarkastella (fi)
  • French: inspecter (fr)
  • German: untersuchen (de)
  • Japanese: 見渡す (miwatasu)
  • Korean: 조사하다 (ko) (josahada), 검사하다 (ko) (geomsahada)
  • Latin: aspicio (la), despecto
  • Maori: mātaki, mātakitaki, tiro, whakatātare, mātai
  • Portuguese: inspecionar (pt), investigar (pt)
  • Russian: осма́тривать (ru) (osmátrivatʹ), обсле́довать (ru) (obslédovatʹ), инспекти́ровать (ru) (inspektírovatʹ)
  • Spanish: inspeccionar (es)
  • Ukrainian: огляда́ти (ohljadáty), обсте́жувати (obstéžuvaty)
  • Vietnamese: khảo sát (vi), điều tra (vi), kiểm tra (vi)

to determine the status or value of

  • Finnish: tarkastaa (fi), katsastaa (fi)
  • German: abschätzen (de), begutachten (de)
  • Japanese: 見渡す (miwatasu)
  • Korean: 조사하다 (ko) (josahada), 검사하다 (ko) (geomsahada)
  • Russian: обсле́довать (ru) (obslédovatʹ)
  • Spanish: valorar (es), avaluar (es)
  • Ukrainian: обсте́жувати (obstéžuvaty)
  • Vietnamese: khảo sát (vi), điều tra (vi), kiểm tra (vi)

Translations to be checked

  • Spanish: informe (es), estudio de mercado


  1. ^ The Chambers Dictionary, 9th Ed., 2003
  2. ^ “survey”, in Unabridged,, LLC, 1995–present.
  3. ^ “survey”, in Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary, Springfield, Mass.: Merriam-Webster, 1996–present.
  4. ^ “survey”, in Collins English Dictionary.
  5. ^ “survey”, in Lexico,; Oxford University Press, 2019–2022.
  6. ^ “survey”, in The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 5th edition, Boston, Mass.: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2016, →ISBN.

Middle English[edit]



  1. Alternative form of surveyen

He had another similar swamp which I could not survey at all, because it was completely under water, and nevertheless, with regard to a third swamp, which I did _survey_ from a distance, he remarked to me, true to his instincts, that he would not part with it for any consideration, on account of the mud which it contained. ❋ Henry David Thoreau (1839)

 In this broader context the term survey studies is often used ❋ Unknown (2008)

My checklist for determining if a survey is the right way to approach a particular research question includes the following: ❋ Unknown (2009)

This removes the spotlight from the products of the plaintiff and defendant, helps avoid making obvious what the survey is about, and makes the survey more realistic and less leading. ❋ Rebecca Tushnet (2009)

To this end, a survey is available (link here) to gather such views. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Anyway, I digress, the survey is about supply, not shortages. ❋ Unknown (2010)

OpenVolokh: Anyway, I digress, the survey is about supply, not shortages. ❋ Unknown (2010)

Information for the survey is at the bottom of the receipt. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Apple on 0.3% for this survey is a difficult number to interpret. ❋ Unknown (2008)

Finally, although a previous survey indicated about 44% of homes had water purifiers, this survey is asking in particular about electric-powered filters, and comparing the data with the previous survey it looks as if many people here are incorrectly reporting passive purifiers as electrically powered. ❋ Unknown (2007)

Still, the survey is a useful snapshot, even if it tells us what we already know: that the Internet, like the rest of life, is full of bad guys. ❋ Unknown (2007)

The last cluster in this survey is also the largest: the 32.5 million Yoruba are found in 30 peoples. ❋ Unknown (2007)

This survey is a down and dirty piece of work, scarcely scientific in any sense of the word; however, it does agree in the main with other evidence that the Polish people ❋ Unknown (2007)

Regardless, he believes the survey is a call for greater tools to be made to consumers. ❋ Unknown (2007)

If the survey is any indication of how people self-identify on the issue, that is. ❋ Unknown (2007)

The second half of this survey is also extremely interesting for me, and it has answers from which both supporters and detractors can extract ammunition. ❋ Unknown (2007)

This survey is a little short, but I was surprised by nearly two-thirds supporting the baby drop-off services, and nearly half the sample wishing in fact to see more Akachan Posts. ❋ Unknown (2007)

I just [finished] [a long] survey [about me] . ❋ Noelle (2005)

Wow! Look at this pointless [Facebook group] I could join. *click* *like* *clicks link*
[AWWWWW] WTF not another survey! [Screw my life]!! ❋ Fatories (2010)

Friend: Hey man did you see that chick?
You: Yeah I surveyed that ass.
Friend: Hey did you [do any] surveying at Wal-Mart today?
You: Naw, didn’t see anything I was [impressed] with
Friend: Hey man you coming to the [pool hall]?
You: Is there anything worth surveying over here? ❋ Joseph Thomas & Shaun Ladd (2006)

«[Dude check] out that 1000-question survey on my [LiveJournal]!»
«[No thanks], I think I’ll study for that big History test instead. Get a life.» ❋ Morbidia (2005)

[Marcel]: «I’m going to fish-tail into my survey»
[Mizna]: «[What do you mean], a survey
Marcel: «I mean the area around my house, you know, my survey ❋ Jwmlab (2013)

I just filled out a [pointless] survey on ([insert] survey [site])! ❋ Yourname1245 (2005)

1) The [survey] showed that 27% of Americans actually listen to and enjoy disco.
2) He surveyed his new home, eventually deciding that he had been ripped off by the old couple that had previously lived there.
1) [Survey says], «[You’re an idiot].» ❋ Diggity Monkeez (2005)

I [work] doing surveys for [a living]. ❋ Thuggish (2003)

After Surveying [your penis] ❋ Anonymous (2003)

Jerry: Another woman already? What did you say to her?
[Liz]: I did a fake [survey]!
Jerry: You did [the fake] survey!?
Liz: I know! I’m not over him! ❋ Montypark (2008)

Britannica Dictionary definition of SURVEY



an activity in which many people are asked a question or a series of questions in order to gather information about what most people do or think about something



  • The survey found/revealed some surprising tendencies among the population.

  • We conducted an opinion survey on the issue and found that most people agree.

  • a survey on American drinking habits


an act of studying something in order to make a judgment about it

  • Surveys of each department were conducted earlier this year.

  • A survey of recent corporate layoffs reveals a new trend in business management.


an act of measuring and examining an area of land

  • A new land survey changed the borders of their property.


a general description of or report about a subject or situation

  • a survey [=overview] of current events

  • surveys of English literature



a close examination of a building to see if it is in good condition

  • A survey [=(US) inspection] must be done before the house can be sold.

Britannica Dictionary definition of SURVEY

[+ object]


to ask (many people) a question or a series of questions in order to gather information about what most people do or think about something

  • A total of 250 city residents were surveyed about the project.

  • 64 percent of the people surveyed said that the economy was doing well.

  • The magazine surveyed its readers on their romantic relationships. [=the magazine took/conducted a survey of its readers to find out about their romantic relationships]


to look at and examine all parts of (something)

  • The teacher surveyed the room.

  • People were surveying the damage after the storm.


to measure and examine (an area of land)

  • Engineers surveyed the property to see what could be built on it.


to give a general description or report of (something, such as a subject or a situation)

  • The class surveys American history before the Civil War.



to examine (a building) to make sure it is in good condition

  • The house must be surveyed [=(US) inspected] before it can be sold.

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