The word surprise in a sentence

Synonym: amaze, astonish, astound, awe, bewilder, dumbfound. Similar words: surprised, surprising, surprisingly, enterprise, free enterprise, comprise, usurp, rise. Meaning: [sər’praɪz /sə’p-]  n. 1. the astonishment you feel when something totally unexpected happens to you 2. a sudden unexpected event 3. the act of surprising someone. v. 1. cause to be surprised 2. come upon or take unawares 3. attack by storm; attack suddenly. 

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1. To our great surprise, he won the prize.

2. He gave a low long whistle of surprise.

3. What a surprise to find you here!

4. The onrush of tears took me by surprise.

5. The surprise party was Jane’s idea.

6. Her visit did not cause me much surprise.

7. The timing of the decision was a complete surprise.

8. He may surprise us all yet.

9. Our raid took the enemy by surprise.

10. I have a surprise for you!

11. Her letter came as a complete surprise.

12. The announcement created surprise and consternation.

13. My initial surprise was soon replaced by delight.

14. It came as something of a surprise.

15. To my surprise, the plan succeeded.

16. Time will bring a surprise, if you believe.

17. She jumped back with a little yelp of surprise.

18. It came as a complete surprise.

19. Her promotion to Sales Manager took everyone by surprise.

20. That I exist is a perpetual surprise which is life.

21. You know how everyone feigns surprise when you tell them how old you are.

22. It comes as no surprise to learn that they broke their promises.

23. Baker issued his surprise announcement in Paris after two hours of talks.

24. Tom got a surprise when he answered his teacher back.

25. The policeman took the burglar by surprise as he opened the window.

26. To everyone’s great surprise, the princess arrived at the ball unaccompanied.

27. After the initial surprise I got to like the place.

27. try its best to collect and make good sentences.

28. Close your eyes. Don’t peek. I’ve got a surprise for you.

29. Man is always more than he can know of himself. Consequently, his accomplishments, time and again, will come as a surprise to him.

30. Don’t tell him about the present — it’s a surprise.

More similar words: surprised, surprising, surprisingly, enterprise, free enterprise, comprise, usurp, rise, arise, prisoner, sunrise, reprisal, uprising, memorise, mesmerise, give rise to, interpret, purple, purpose, on purpose, turpitude, interpretation, murphy’s law, purposeful, purposefully, sure, usury, surly, surge, wise.

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word surprise, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use surprise in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «surprise».

Surprise in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word surprise in a sentence.

  1. Georgia, came as a surprise to them.

  2. The Japanese were taken by surprise.

  3. Still, his confirmation came as a surprise.

  4. Yardley’s decision was regarded as a surprise.

  5. It was a surprise, it was somebody they loved.

  6. The British aircraft failed to achieve surprise.

  7. Portugal expressed surprise at not being invited.

  8. Folger, to Snowden’s surprise, they were rejected.

  9. To Snowden’s surprise, Folger rejected the design.

  10. The Allied landings took the Japanese by surprise.

  11. Mexican soldiers were taken completely by surprise.

  12. To his surprise and dismay Holst was becoming famous.

  13. Gotō’s force was taken almost completely by surprise.

  14. Keenor told him, «Bart, I’m going to surprise you too.

  15. Firstly, there is surprise at the presence of the God.

  16. The original serialization sold poorly, which made the book’s success a surprise.

  17. In a surprise attack, the Australians inflicted heavy casualties on the Japanese.

  18. The Roman fleet sailed on a moonless night to avoid detection and ensure surprise.

  19. To the surprise of his doctors and trainers, Emery recovered faster than expected.

  20. Kelly noted accounts of surprise at the palace when they heard of Kerr’s decision.

  21. The escape came as such a surprise that one contemporary chronicler accused the bishop of witchcraft.

  22. Rihanna made a surprise appearance despite having said she could not perform because of her schedule.

  23. The surprise attack on Ancona succeeded in delaying the Italian deployment to the Alps for two weeks.

  24. On more than one occasion these included successfully staged surprise attacks on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.

  25. To Ferguson’s surprise, Green had that much cash available; Ferguson felt compelled to sell Go Man Go.

  26. To their surprise, Arthur vetoed it and requested revisions, which they made and Arthur then approved.

  27. Akagi contributed 18 B5Ns, 18 D3As, and 9 Zeros to the attack, which caught the defenders by surprise.

  28. This structuring of the song is said to «create a sense of continuous surprise and emotional buildup».

  29. The surprise selection was Sydney Barnes, who had played most of his cricket in the Lancashire League.

  30. This maneuver took the defenders by surprise and D Company captured the post—and 73 prisoners—at 0230.

  31. At the Battle of Manzikert, Romanos suffered a surprise defeat by Sultan Alp Arslan, and was captured.

  32. But of course you won’t sell any.'») The success of the recording took the record industry by surprise.

  33. On more than one occasion these exercises included successful surprise attacks on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.

  34. Taking the Japanese by surprise, by nightfall on 8 August, the Allied forces, mainly consisting of U.S.

  35. The plan to surprise Teach and his crew worked; the pirates were apparently taken aback at the assault.

  36. To her surprise, Jaglom called her back and invited her to a screening, and soon thereafter gave her a job at his office.

  37. They had built a new fleet and once the channel was complete the Carthaginians sailed out, taking the Romans by surprise.

  38. Rickman was told he would be dropped on a count of three, but he was let go earlier to elicit a genuine look of surprise.

  39. To the surprise of those who saw him, Moby Doll was a docile, non-aggressive whale who made no attempts to attack humans.

  40. Overall, elephants owed their initial successes to the element of surprise and to the fear that their great size invoked.

  41. Given a cigar by the Prince, Trott simply smoked it, to the surprise of those who thought a royal souvenir worth keeping.

  42. The approach of the Gibraltar, firing her guns to indicate that the enemy had been sighted, took the British by surprise.

  43. To the surprise of many, on January 25, 1852, he sought to convert to Catholicism, two months after Havens Cowles’s birth.

  44. The announcement was a surprise to most political observers, as Sights had been the odds-on favorite for the chairmanship.

  45. To Whittemore’s surprise, Camp agreed to coach the team himself, on the condition that he finish the season at Yale first.

  46. Dupont sensed what was happening and preempted the Austrians by launching a surprise attack on Jungingen, during which he took as prisoner at least 1,000 of the Austrians.

  47. To deceive the batsman he varied the position from which he bowled and the height of his arm, and occasionally bowled deliberate full tosses or long hops to surprise them.

  48. On 28 October 1914, Emden launched a surprise attack on Penang; in the resulting Battle of Penang, she sank the Russian cruiser Zhemchug and the French destroyer Mousquet.

  49. Fender’s love of experimentation and his surprise variations made him difficult for batsmen to face, but produced inconsistent results and he sometimes conceded many runs.

  50. By using a small, isolated beach where the Japanese had not anticipated an assault, the force achieved tactical surprise, but the islands proved to be far from unoccupied.

Synonyms for surprise

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word surprise has the following synonyms: surprisal and storm.

General information about «surprise» example sentences

The example sentences for the word surprise that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «surprise» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «surprise».

surprise — перевод на русский


And now the groomsmen have a surprise for the special couple.

А теперь сюрприз от шафера для нашей особенной пары.


Я приготовил для вас небольшой сюрприз.

I’ve got a surprise for you.

У меня сюрприз для вас.

Why, Ellen, what a surprise.

Неужто вы Эллен? Какой сюрприз.

You’ll be surprised.

Тебя ждет сюрприз.

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Thanks, but you couldn’t have been awfully surprised.

Спасибо, но ты не мог быть сильно удивлен.

Frankly, I am surprised.

Честно, я удивлен.

Well, Philippe. You seem so much surprised.

Филипп, я вижу, ты удивлен.

I’ll be the most surprised man in Atlanta.

Буду удивлён больше всех в Атланте.

— I know you’re surprised.

— Я знаю, что ты удивлен.

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It will not surprise me any day to see the old master rise from his grave.

Я не удивлюсь, если как-нибудь из могилы поднимется старая хозяйка.

I wouldn’t be surprised if I did something wrong.

Не удивлюсь, если нажал что-то не то.

It won’t surprise me, young man, if you become a good doctor.

Не удивлюсь, молодой человек, если вы станете хорошим врачом.

I wouldn’t be a bit surprised if it were a true wishing ring.

Я не удивлюсь, если это кольцо окажется исполняющим желания.

Wouldn’t surprise me none if that Indian girl… didn’t up and massacre the whole dern lot of them.

Не удивлюсь, если эта индианка сотворит что-нибудь непотребное.

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That surprises you, doesn’t it?

Это тебя удивляет?


Мисс Сьюзан, меня очень удивляет, как вы могли принести столь поразительно нескромную книгу из библиотеки.

Nothing surprises me.

Ничто меня не удивляет.

You will excuse me, but I am surprised that a woman should feel offended when a man tells her he loves her.

Простите, но меня немного удивляет, что женщина может обидеться на такое признание.

I’m surprised at my colleagues’ low sales resistance.

Меня удивляет легковерие моих коллег.

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— I want to surprise her.

— Я хочу её удивить.

Surprise her?


Besides, I wanna surprise her.

Кроме того, я хочу удивить ее.

I want to surprise them.

Хочу их удивить.

You know, next year I’d like to surprise them and do some figure skating.

Знаешь, в следующем году я хочу удивить их и нарисовать какую-нибудь фигуру на льду.

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— Not surprising.

font color-«#e1e1e1» -Не удивительно.

No surprise that he’s late.

Не удивительно, что он опаздывает.

It’s surprising.


I’m not surprised.

— Не удивительно.

Well, it was a most surprising thing really.

Это было просто удивительно.

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Sometimes I’m surprised myself.

Знаешь, я иногда себе удивляюсь.

I am surprised at the king’s orders.

Я удивляюсь приказу короля.

I’m constantly surprised that women’s hats do not provoke more murders.

Всегда удивляюсь, что женские шляпки не способствуют увеличению числа убийств.

No, nothing can surprise me.

Нет, я ничему не удивляюсь.

— No. I’m surprised at you, baron.

Я ей удивляюсь.

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Well, gentlemen, this is a pleasant surprise.

Джентльмены, такая приятная неожиданность!

How very surprising.

Какая неожиданность.

Why, Jeff, what a nice surprise.

Да ведь Джеф. Какая приятная неожиданность.

What a pleasant surprise, Val.

— Какая приятная неожиданность, Вэл.

It was a surprise to me. This is the new Mrs. Bailey, my nephew’s wife.

Для меня это была полная неожиданность.

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I want him to sort of take me by surprise.

Я хочу, чтобы он застал меня врасплох.

Would that indicate that the murderer had taken Mrs. French by surprise?

Это дает вам основания считать, что преступник застал миссис Френч врасплох?

Inspector, is it your opinion that the assailant, whether he, she or it, had taken Mrs. French by surprise?

Инспектор, как по-вашему, застал ли нападавший, он, она или оно, миссис Френч врасплох?

— Hey, she took me by surprise! — She wasn’t looking.

— Она застала меня врасплох.

You weren’t taken by surprise.

Вас не застали врасплох.

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«Imagine my surprise — I just met my cousin!»

«Представьте только моё удивление — я встретила своего кузена!»

And with my acquaintance’s suitcases. You can imagine, how surprised I was.

Можете представить себе моё удивление.

I won’t try to hide the pleasant surprise your visit brings me.

— Не буду пытаться скрыть приятное удивление от вашего визита ко мне.

Only one show! Full of surprises!

Только одно представление — всем на удивление!

I understand your surprise.

Мне понятно ваше удивление.

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Отправить комментарий

сюрприз, удивление, удивлять, поражать, неожиданный, внезапный



- удивлять, поражать

he surprised me — он меня удивил
to be surprised at smb., smth. — удивляться кому-л., чему-л.
he was more surprised than frightened — он был скорее удивлён, чем напуган
I shouldn’t be surprised if … — я нисколько не удивлюсь, если …, меня нисколько не удивило бы, если …
it is nothing to be surprised at /about/ — удивляться этому не приходится; ≅ этого и следовало ожидать

- нагрянуть неожиданно; нападать неожиданно; заставать врасплох

I surprised him in the act — я застал его на месте преступления
to surprise smb. into a confession — вынудить признание у кого-л., застав его врасплох
he surprised me into consent — я был так поражён его неожиданным предложением, что согласился

Мои примеры


a suspense film with a perfect surprise finish — приключенческий фильм с совершенно неожиданной концовкой  
a surprise presidential visit to buck up the troops — неожиданный визит президента с целью ободрить войска  
to cry (out) in surprise — вскрикнуть от удивления  
surprise ending — неожиданный конец  
a look of genuine surprise — взгляд полный удивления  
speechless with surprise — онемевший от удивления  
to spring a surprise — преподнести сюрприз  
to surprise an army — внезапно напасть на военные формирования  
to my great surprise — к моему огромному удивлению  
to give a gasp of surprise — охнуть /задохнуться/ от изумления  
surprise index — индекс неожиданности  
oh, what a surprise! — ах, какой сюрприз!  

Примеры с переводом

I am surprised at you.

Вы меня удивляете.

What a nice surprise!

Какой приятный сюрприз!

Is the party a surprise?

Эта вечеринка — сюрприз?

She surprised the couple.

Она застала эту парочку врасплох.

I surprised him in the act.

Я накрыл его на месте преступления.

We looked about us in surprise.

Мы с удивлением огляделись.

The novelty did not surprise me one whit.

Эта новость меня совершенно не удивила.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The results will surprise you.

Bill looked at him in surprise.

The surprise attack came at dawn.

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Возможные однокоренные слова

surprising  — удивительный, неожиданный, поразительный
surprised  — удивленный, изумленный, в изумлении

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: surprise
he/she/it: surprises
ing ф. (present participle): surprising
2-я ф. (past tense): surprised
3-я ф. (past participle): surprised

ед. ч.(singular): surprise
мн. ч.(plural): surprises

Definition of Surprise

an unexpected event

Examples of Surprise in a sentence

As a graduation gift, Melissa will surprise her daughter Mia with concert tickets.


He has plans to surprise her with an engagement ring on their Rocky Mountain vacation.


Although she is overweight, it may come as a surprise to you that she is in stellar shape.


Due to excellent behavior, one teacher decided to surprise her students with an ice cream party.


It was a surprise to hear that someone with his level of experience made such a mistake like that.


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