The word summer comes from

The word summer is quite old. It’s recorded before the year 900 and comes from the Old English word for the season sumor. It’s related to the Dutch zomer the German Sommer and the Sanskrit samā (which means “year”).

Who named the 4 seasons?

The Four Seasons Italian Le quattro stagioni group of four violin concerti by Italian composer Antonio Vivaldi each of which gives a musical expression to a season of the year.

What language is summer from?

Summer (English): The word summer has been around in English for many centuries. Written as sumor in Old English and sumur in Proto-Germanic this was probably close to the word for summer used by Proto-Indo-Europeans 4 000+ years ago as we find cognates in many other Indo-European languages.

What does the word summer stand for?

1 : the season between spring and autumn comprising in the northern hemisphere usually the months of June July and August or as reckoned astronomically extending from the June solstice to the September equinox. 2 : the warmer half of the year. 3 : year a girl of seventeen summers. 4 : a period of maturing powers.

Why do they call fall fall?

“Autumn” came from the Latin word “autumnus ” with the root of the word having connotations regarding “the passing of the year.” The term “fall” was likely a deviation from the Old English words “fiaell” and “feallan ” both of which mean “to fall from a height.” It is assumed that this new name for the season was …

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What are the six seasons name?

Here is a guide tour to the 6 seasons of India as per the Hindu…

  • Spring (Vasant Ritu) …
  • Summer (Grishma Ritu) …
  • Monsoon (Varsha Ritu) …
  • Autumn (Sharad Ritu) …
  • Pre-winter (Hemant Ritu) …
  • Winter (Shishir or Shita Ritu)

What season came first?


Northern hemisphere Southern hemisphere Start date
Winter Summer 1 December
Spring Autumn 1 March
Summer Winter 1 June
Autumn Spring 1 September

How do you say summer in other languages?

In other languages summer

  1. American English: summer /ˈsʌmər/
  2. Arabic: الصَّيْف
  3. Brazilian Portuguese: verão.
  4. Chinese: 夏天
  5. Croatian: ljeto.
  6. Czech: léto.
  7. Danish: sommer.
  8. Dutch: zomer.

What is summer language institute?

The Summer Language Institutes are carefully tailored language programs of study in Arabic Chinese Japanese Korean or Russian. SLI activities are engaging and fun with emphasis on learning the target language along with its related cultures. …

What is the last day of summer called?

In North America summer is often fixed as the period from the summer solstice (June 20 or 21 depending on the year) to the fall equinox (September 22 or 23 again depending on the year).

Where did the word winter come from?

winter coldest season of the year between autumn and spring the name comes from an old Germanic word that means “time of water” and refers to the rain and snow of winter in middle and high latitudes.

What are the 4 seasons?

The four seasons—spring summer fall and winter—follow one another regularly. Each has its own light temperature and weather patterns that repeat yearly. In the Northern Hemisphere winter generally begins on December 21 or 22.

Why is it called spring?

Unsurprisingly the spring season gets its name from the verb “spring.” It’s a nod to the flowers and plants springing up springing open and bursting into blossom. … Prior to that the word “Lent” was used to describe the season.

Is autumn and spring the same?

These two seasons are called autumn and spring and apart from one preceding the other there are also glaring differences between the two. … Spring is the signal that winter has already ended and autumn is the signal that summer is finally over and done with.

What are the 8 seasons?

Instead they structured time into eight periods: autumn-winter winter spring-winter spring spring-summer summer summer-autumn and autumn. The four main seasons were supplemented in this way by four “half-seasons”.

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What season is it in India right now?


Seasons Month Climate
Winter December to January Very Cool
Spring Feburary to March Sunny and pleasant.
Summer April to June Hot
Monsoon July to Mid-September Wet hot and humid

Which season is Vasant?

North West Central Indian and Andhra Pradesh calendars

No. Ritu Season
1 Vasanta वसन्त వసంతం Spring
2 Grīṣma ग्रीष्म గ్రీష్మం Summer/Hot Season
3 Varṣā वर्षा వర్షాకాలం Monsoon/Rainy Season
4 Sharad शरद् శరదృతువు Autumn

What season is it in Australia?

Australia’s seasons are at opposite times to those in the northern hemisphere. December to February is summer March to May is autumn June to August is winter and September to November is spring.

What countries have 4 seasons?

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran is one of the only countries in the world which has the complete four seasons. The land whose every inch needs deep evaluation.

What are the 5 seasons in order?

Here is one that is based on the Five Seasons. These seasons are Spring Summer Autumn Winter and then your Second Spring.

Is summer masculine or feminine in Italian?

The word for summer in Italian is estate (masculine plural: estati).

Is summer masculine or feminine?

Summer is an English feminine given name of recent coinage derived from the word for the season of summer the warmest season of the year and a time people generally associate with carefree and fun activities.

How do you say summer in Hawaiian?

The first one – kau wela (pronounced KAH-oo WEH-luh) – means “summer” in Hawaiian!

Does UVA require foreign language?

Undergraduate students must earn anywhere from zero to 14 world language credits depending on their world language placement examination scores. The requirement should be fulfilled before the seventh semester in the College. All courses MUST be taken in the same language.

What languages are offered at Uchicago?

Four-skill intensive courses provide one year’s worth of language instruction.

  • Arabic Level 1. …
  • Chinese. …
  • French. …
  • German. …
  • Japanese. …
  • Korean. …
  • Spanish. …
  • Introductory Ancient Greek.

At which point is the Earth closest to the sun?

Aphelion is the point of the Earth’s orbit that is farthest away from the Sun. Perihelion is the point of the Earth’s orbit that is nearest to the Sun.

See also what are the three types of productive resources

Where does the word equinox come from?

Equinox comes from the Latin words aequi which means “equal ” and nox which means “night.” The vernal equinox is considered the first day of spring: finally the day and night are of equal length.

What is the name of the shortest day of the year?

Winter solstice (December 21 or 22): shortest day of the year marking the start of winter.

Why do Americans call it fall?

The word “fall” likely stems from “the fall of the leaves” or “falling of the leaves ” phrases poets liked according to Merriam-Webster. Not long after people shortened the phrase to “fall” in the 1600s. Eventually the English empire grew before the eventual independence of the United States.

What is the scientific name for summer?

When the seasons are based on the Earth’s position in relation to the sun it is called astronomical summer. In the Northern Hemisphere astronomical summer happens on or around June 21.

Why does fall autumn have two names?

In terms of seasons the period spanning the transition from summer to winter had the weakest credentials of all and so it got lexicalized last. … Finally in the 18th century “harvest” had lost its seasonal meaning altogether and “fall” and “autumn” emerged as the two accepted names for the third season.

What is the hottest season in the year?

summer warmest season of the year between spring and autumn.

Is June Considered spring or summer?

The seasons are defined as spring (March April May) summer (June July August) autumn (September October November) and winter (December January February).

What does the Bible say about seasons in your life?

Ecclesiastes gives us many examples of seasons we’ll face in life: times of birth death weeping and joy. … God is with us in every season of our life. When we face the unknown we can trust that He is in control and working out every situation for our good.

5 Từ Vựng IELTS Về Mùa Hè | 5 Words About Summer by The IELTS Workshop

My Summer Vacation

Summer Song for Kids | The Singing Walrus

Where do new words come from? – Marcel Danesi

English word summer comes from Proto-Indo-European *sem-tio-, Proto-Indo-European *sm̥m-aro-, Proto-Indo-European *sm̥m-oro-, and later Proto-Germanic *sumaraz (Summer.)

You can also see our other etymologies for the English word summer. Currently you are viewing the etymology of summer with the meaning: (Verb Noun) (intransitive) To spend the summer, as in a particular place on holiday. One of four seasons, traditionally the second, marked by the longest and typically hottest days of the year due to the […](intransitive) To spend the summer, as in a particular place on holiday. One of four seasons, traditionally the second, marked by the longest and typically hottest days of the year due to the […]

Detailed word origin of summer

Dictionary entry Language Definition
*sem-tio- Proto-Indo-European (ine-pro)
*sm̥m-aro- Proto-Indo-European (ine-pro)
*sm̥m-oro- Proto-Indo-European (ine-pro)
*sumaraz Proto-Germanic (gem-pro) Summer.
sumor Old English (ca. 450-1100) (ang) Summer.
sumer Middle English (1100-1500) (enm) Summer.
summer English (eng) (intransitive) To spend the summer, as in a particular place on holiday. One of four seasons, traditionally the second, marked by the longest and typically hottest days of the year due to the inclination of the Earth and thermal lag. Typically regarded as being from June 21 to September 22 or 23 in parts of the USA, the months of June, July and August in the United Kingdom and the months of […]

Words with the same origin as summer

Summer is the season for basking in the warm sun and rejoicing in the freedom of vacation. Summer officially starts in late June—but try telling that to the students who’ve been enjoying their school break for weeks by that point!

So let’s take a look at the name summer and what it actually means, while answering that age-old question: when exactly does summer begin and end?

Where did the word summer come from?

The word summer is quite old. It’s recorded before the year 900 and comes from the Old English word for the season, sumor. It’s related to the Dutch zomer, the German Sommer, and the Sanskrit samā (which means “year”). Summer became an adjective around 1300, and terms like summer camp, summer school, and summer resort are all first recorded in the 1800s.

When does summer begin?

Summer begins June 21 in 2022, to coincide with the summer solstice—one of the longest days of the year—in the Northern Hemisphere. The date of the solstice varies between June 20 and 22 each year.

Summer ends September 22, 2022. Many consider Labor Day the final hurrah of summer, but we still have a few weeks of the summer season after that celebratory first Monday of September. Summer officially ends at the autumnal equinox, when the sun is at its zenith at, or directly above, the equator. After the autumnal equinox, the sun moves south of the equator, leaving behind a chilly autumn in the Northern Hemisphere and beckoning in spring to the Southern Hemisphere.

Don’t let the summer heat dry out your vocabulary. Check out our blazing collection of summery words here.

What is the difference between equinox and solstice?

Each year is divided into the four seasons based on the two equinoxes and the two solstices. The summer and winter solstices, which typically land around June 21 and December 22, mark the longest and the shortest days of the year, respectively. The autumnal and vernal equinoxes, which fall around September 23 and March 21, mark the points in the year when the day and the night are equal lengths. The word equinox is ultimately derived from the Latin word aequinoctium meaning “equal days and nights.”

As you may have noticed, there are two ways to define seasons: astronomical seasons (based on Earth’s rotation) and meteorological seasons (based on temperature cycles). The equinoxes and solstices do not correspond with the beginning of these meteorological seasons. Rather, they occur within the meteorological seasons. For example, in the Northern Hemisphere, spring is a period of March, April, and May (based on temperature cycles), but the vernal equinox falls around March 21.

Just as the summer solstice tends to fall a little ways into summer vacation, the autumnal equinox typically occurs at the end of September, a few weeks into the school year and well after the Dog Days, the hottest period of the summer.

Do you have your summer plans lined up? Or, if you’re in the Southern Hemisphere, have you been looking forward to the chilly, winter weather?

We’ve shed light on some of the terms mentioned above on astronomical days of the year, including:

Summer is a season that many people enjoy. The weather becomes hot and humid. However, frequent thunderstorms make up for this weather. 

During this time of year, summer fruits become available. These fruits help improve immunity and their low-calorie content helps reduce weight.

This season is a season of joy. People spend their days enjoying the summer break. Children wait all year round for this time of the year.

This season is also an indication of new beginnings. Summer references a better and more prosperous year.

The sun provides lots of energy for life to flourish. Now, we will explore a few fantastic facts about summer to understand it better.

1. Summer is one of the four major temperate seasons. It is the hottest and warmest season among the four seasons. This season comes after spring and before fall (autumn). Many consider summer as the best season. This is because it is the best time for various fun activities. It is especially true for children.

Interesting Facts About Summer for Kids

2. The word ‘summer’ comes from the Old English term ‘somer.’ Somer described the time of the year when summer arrived.

3. The time of the year that summer comes in is different for the northern and the southern hemispheres. In the northern hemisphere, summer is from June to September. In the south, summer is from December to March.

4. When there is summer in the north, people in the south enjoy winter and vice versa. The hemisphere tilting towards the sun experiences summer. On the other hand, the side facing away from the sun experiences winter. 

Enjoying Summer

5. Summer starts between 20-22 June every year in the northern hemisphere. In this hemisphere, the summer solstice indicates the arrival of summer. The summer solstice is the longest day of the year.

6. The word solstice springs from the Latin words ‘sol’ and ‘sistere.’ Sol indicates the ‘sun’ and ‘sistere’ means ‘to come to a stop or halt.’ 

7. The term ‘Dog days of Summer’ has its origins in astronomy. It has a relation to the Dog Star’ Sirius’. This star is a part of a constellation known as the Greater Dog. We can see this star in the sky in July. For the ancient Romans and Greeks, this signified summer’s coming as they would experience the hottest of days during this time.

8. Speaking of ancient times, the first modern Olympics took place in 1896. It took place in Greece in the city of Athens.


9. The word ‘season’ has its roots in the Old French word ‘seison.’ ‘Seison’ means sowing or planting.

10. Summer was also highly significant for ancient civilizations. These civilizations celebrated the days of the summer solstice as an auspicious occasion. They would create huge bonfires and hold festivals. They thought this would bring forth the energy to enhance the sun’s radiance.

11. Civilizations like the Greek civilization celebrated the summer solstice as a time of agriculture. They did so by worshiping the god Cronus. The Romans left offerings for the Goddess Vesta. 

12. The month of June was named after the Roman goddess Juno, wife of the god Jupiter. July was named to respect the Roman general ‘Julius Caesar”. The month of August was named after ‘Gaius Julius Caesar Octavius.’ He called the month after his title ‘Augustus.’ The month September was named after the Latin word ‘semtem.’ It indicates the number’ seven.’ 

13. The most number of thunderstorms in a year occur during summer. They occur due to a combination of summer showers and moisture, and rapidly rising air.


14. The role of frisbees changed from being pie plates to being a national staple for pastimes. They were invented in the 1870s as pie plates and have become a sport played during the summer.

15. An eleven-year-old child invented Popsicles in 1905. This accidental invention is now the best icy snack that people have during the summer.

16. In the year 1816, the earth didn’t have any summer. It was due to a volcanic eruption. The eruption of Mount Tambora in Indonesia left out dust, ash, and sulfur oxide enough to block out the atmosphere. This event led to a global drop in temperature resulting in winter-like climates.

Volcanic Eruption

17. The most number of films get released during the summer. This is because movie theaters are the most crowded during the summers. It goes to say that Hollywood makes the most profit during this time. They manage to break box office records during this time year after year.

18. Daylight makes people happy! It is a proven fact that people are more content during the summertime. An increase in sunlight positively affects us mentally, making us happy.

19. August is the best time of the year for stargazing and meteor showers. During this time of the year, the clear skies provide the most unbelievable views of meteor showers.

Meteor in the sky

20. Watermelons are one of the most popular food items during the summer months. There are a total of 30 different types of watermelons. In truth, watermelons are not even fruits but vegetables belonging to the cucumber family. Watermelon consists of around 92% water. An average American consumes about 15 pounds of watermelon in a year!

21. During the summers, children are likely to gain weight. This phenomenon results from changes in appetite and eating habits and irregular sleeping schedules. Children should be less active during this period.

22. World International Yoga Day is on the 21st of June. Many people practice yoga on this day. This is because the coming of the solstice is considered sacred. It indicates a change in the course of life on earth.

23. The heat during the summer season expands the iron of the Eiffel Tower in France. It makes the tower grow a remarkable 6 inches during the summer.

Eiffel Tower, France

24. Summer is the season for vacations. People flock to beaches, famous cities, national parks, lakes, and resorts. In the States alone, more than 650 million trips get scheduled!

25. Amusement parks and theme parks are among the busiest places during the summer months. Many operate full-time. These parks run on total capacity from Memorial Day to Labor Day.

26. July is the national ice cream month. It is also national blueberry month. 

Ice Cream

27. There is a day in August that is a holiday for picnics! This day is usually the first Monday of the month. Japan, Argentina, and Australia celebrate such holidays in August.

28. Birthday celebrations reach their peak during the summer. This is true, especially for August. It is followed by September, June, and July.

29. Many animals and birds migrate to warmer regions from colder regions. It is why we can witness many animals and birds migrate during the summer.

30. In the summer months, regions near the poles have daylight even at night! It is especially true for the Arctic and the Antarctic regions. In the southern hemisphere, Antarctica receives sunlight even at midnight during the summer! This event is valid for the Arctic region when summer is in the northern hemisphere. On the other hand, the areas near the poles experience concise days and long nights during the winter. As a result, the Arctic and Antarctic regions have six months of light and six months near darkness. It is because these regions experience mainly summer and winter.

Planting Trees

31. Summer is a time when children are most creative. They engage in many fun and creative activities. Many children attend summer camp, where they get creative and learn new stuff. They involve themselves in cooking, reading, art and crafts, dancing, etc.

32. Many children also indulge in sports activities such as soccer, basketball, football, etc. Others spend their time with families going on trips or spending time with nature. In addition, they enjoy many outdoor activities such as trekking and cycling. 

33. Children also spend their time playing indoor games. Examples are board games, card games, dumb charades, etc.

34. Children can spend their time doing fun water sports activities such as swimming, coin diving, marco polo, etc. 

Kid enjoying on beach


All in all, summer is a season for everyone. Be it a young lad or an older man, everyone enjoys the fun time they spend in summer. While some want a holiday, summer is also the pretty busy season. Ultimately, it all depends upon how one spends their free time. In the end, it comes down to what activities you will do and how you spend your summer.

J.K. asks: Why are the seasons called winter, spring, summer, and fall?

seasons“Winter” derives from the Proto-Germanic *wentruz, meaning winter.  This in turn probably comes from the Proto-Indo-European (PIE) *wed, meaning “wet”.  Alternatively, it may come from the PIE *wind-, meaning “white”.  Either way, the Proto-Germanic *wentruz gave rise to the Old English “winter” as the fourth season of the year and the name for the season has stuck around ever since.

“Spring”, referring to a season rather than the many other meanings of the word, first popped up in the 16th century.  Starting in the 14th century, this time of year was called “springing time” and then in the 15th century this got shortened to “spring-time”, and then further shortened in the 16th century to just “spring”.  The 14th century “springing time” came about in reference to plants “springing” from the ground and the like.  Before the season was called these things, it was called “Lent” in Old English.

“Summer” came from the Old English name for the season “sumor”, which in turn came from the Proto-Germanic *sumur-, which itself came from the Proto-Indo-European root *sam-, meaning summer. *sam- seems to be a variant of the Proto-Indo-European *sem- meaning “together / one”.

The origin of “fall” as a name for a season, rather than the more common “autumn”, is not perfectly clear, though it’s thought that it probably came from the idea of leaves falling from trees and many plants, particularly the contraction of the English saying “fall of the leaf”.  It first popped up as a name for a season in the later 16th century in England and became particularly popular during the 17th century, at which point it made its way over to North America.

Funny enough, calling autumn “fall” in England has since passed out of widespread practice, but has survived as a common name for the season in North America.   This is not unlike how “soccer” was originally one of the most popular names for the sport in England around its inception and a long time after, which spread to North America, only to have the name die out in England, leading many to believe “soccer” is an “American” name for the sport, rather than one of the original names for it in England. (For more on this see: The Origin of the Word “Soccer”.)

While you didn’t specifically ask it, you might now be wondering what the origin of “autumn” is.  “Autumn” came to English via the Old French “autompne”, meaning autumn.  This in turn came from the Latin “autumnus”, also meaning “autumn”.  From here things get murky, but it’s thought “autumnus” probably came from an Etruscan word and is possibly related to the Latin “augere” meaning “to increase”.  Beyond that, nobody is quite sure why the season was originally called that.

Calling the season “autumn” in English first popped up in the 12th century, though was a rarity until around the 14th century.  It then began to pick up steam and became common in the 16th century, about the same time calling it “fall” popped up as the name for the season.  Before calling the season “autumn” or “fall” in English, it was called “harvest”.

Incidentally, you may also wonder why the seasons are called “seasons”.  The word “season” in this context comes from the Old French “seison”, meaning “sowing / planting”.  This in turn came from the Latin “sationem” meaning “sowing”. Initially this referred to actually sowing seeds, but later, as with the Old French “seison”, shifted definition to refer to the time period when you sow seeds, so literally “seed-time”.  “Season” in this sense in English popped up around the 13th century.  It was also around this time that “season” popped up referring to seasoning food- in this case from the Old French “assaisoner”, meaning “to ripen”.

If you liked this article, you might also like:

  • Why Humans Seem to Get Sick More in Winter
  • Why the Late Part of the Summer is Known as the Dog Days
  • Why Do Leaves Change Color in the Autumn

Bonus Facts:

  • “Spring” as in “to leap” comes from the Proto-Germanic *sprenganan from the Proto-Indo-European *sprengh-, meaning “rapid movement”.
  • “Spring”, as in a stream, first popped up around the 13th century.  Like the “Spring” as in the season, this came from the idea of something “springing up”, in this case water springing from the ground.

[Image via Shutterstock]
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