The word success used in a sentence

What do we mean by success?

The achievement of something desired, planned, or attempted. noun

The gaining of fame or prosperity. noun

The extent of such gain. noun

One that is successful. noun

A result or an outcome. noun

Succession; order of sequence. noun

The termination of any affair, whether happy or (now rarely) unhappy; issue; result; consequence. noun

A favorable or prosperous termination of anything attempted; a termination which answers the purpose intended; prosperous issue; often, specifically, the gaining of money, position, or other advantage. noun

A successful undertaking or attempt; what is done with a favorable result: as, political or military successes. noun

One who or that which succeeds, especially in a way that is public or notorious: as, the speech was a success; he is a social success. noun

Act of succeeding; succession. noun

That which comes after; hence, consequence, issue, or result, of an endeavor or undertaking, whether good or bad; the outcome of effort. noun

The favorable or prosperous termination of anything attempted; the attainment of a proposed object; prosperous issue. noun

That which meets with, or one who accomplishes, favorable results, as a play or a player. noun

Financial profitability. noun

One who, or that which, achieves assumed goals. noun

A person with a record of successes noun

A state of prosperity or fame noun

An attainment that is successful noun

The achievement of one’s aim or goal.

Financial profitability.

One who, or that which, achieves assumed goals.

The fact of getting or achieving wealth, respect or fame.

Something which happens as a consequence; the outcome or result.

When you get right down to the root of the meaning of the word * succeed * ,
you find it simple means to follow through.. Urban Dictionary

When you have no less than two mediocre stories involving soccer balls from numerous summers spent working at a summer camp. Urban Dictionary

Is defined by an individuals salary plus how many attractive women they sleep with per annum. Urban Dictionary

«success is obedience to a structured way of life» (operation ivy) Urban Dictionary

Used directly when a male finishes masterbating,usually yelled out loud so others can hear in another room or over the phone ect. Urban Dictionary

The transcendental state of being sublimely happy, conjoined inexorably with the sense of primal self-satisfaction, on a persistently self-renewing and effortless basis.
This state broadcasts itself loudly and clearly, without the need ever to speak a word…
It is the pure essence of loving self-acceptance and self-appreciation which makes the possessor IRRESISTIBLY, COMPELLINGLY ATTRACTIVE to others simply because just being around someone who is THAT comfortable and positive feels so good, IT IS ADDICTIVE! Urban Dictionary

Successible is a play on three words, «Success,» «Accessible,» and «Simple.» Used together, they mean something that is entirely successful in its meaning, possibly award winning, and/or can be easily understood really by anyone. It also has the option of containing matching elements that can be simply related to one’s own life. Urban Dictionary

Not sucking Urban Dictionary

Success is when you don’t have to post your achievements on social media, because everyone will know them anyway. Urban Dictionary

The product of constantly striving for self improvement. Urban Dictionary

Use ‘success’ in a sentence | ‘success’ example sentences

1- Bush has had less success addressing domestic issues.

2- Our recent emotional power ballad album has seen great success .

3- In many others areas modern medicine has had greater success .

4- This fleet was attacked without recognizable success .

5- The teenage pregnancy strategy has had mixed success .

6- All natural selection does is reward reproductive success .

7- Our public schools seldom define rules around success .

8- Financial success is achieved through choices made.

9- The film enjoyed great box office success .

10- All five singles received varied chart success .

11- These early reading outcomes affect later academic success .

12- He had much early success producing comedies.

13- The wrestling team has enjoyed much success recently.

14- The 2001ÔÇô02 season produced similar success .

15- His success rate was 93 per cent.

16- Irish language television has enjoyed particular success .

17- The city council met 16 times without success .

18- Its success has spawned many successful productions worldwide.

19- The manga series has had moderate success .

20- The museum has had mixed financial success .

21- Selling five candy bars means getting five successes .

22- The 1993ÔÇô94 season brought more success .

23- This 1972 release met limited box office success .

24- They continue praying until evening without success .

25- We hear success stories every single week.

26- More 1st class cricket=more test success .

27- A top woman executive said success =health.

28- Federal home loan mortgage great depression era success .

29- The business sectors had varying successes throughout 1991.

30- Both failure and success are powerful teachers.

31- This success story does not stand alone.

32- The key to success is self esteem.

33- The party was a great success thanks.

34- The motor industry remains hopeful of eventual success .

35- Fresh examples of successes are reported almost daily.

36- The key to success is early intervention.

37- The impact is long lasting success and achievement.

38- My lobster oil was a huge success !

39- The centenary match was a great success .

40- This second album was a huge commercial success . Progress was abundant and success appeared assured.

41- Maybe this early success was all just an aberration .

42- I am sure of success.

43- He envied my success.

44- He is sure of success.

45- He is eager for success.

46- I envy you your success.

47- I owe my success to him.

48- I’m sure of his success.

49- All of us aim at success.

50- I am sure of her success.

More Sentences: 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 –
Related Words:
subway – subways – subzero – succeed – succeeded – succeeding – succeeds – success – successes – successful – successfully – succession – successions – successive – successively –

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Definition of Success

victory or accomplishments

Examples of Success in a sentence

Due to her success in high school, the graduate had a full scholarship to the college of her choice.


Killing over ¾ of the enemy proved to be a success for the army since the battle only cost them a small fraction of their men.


After much success during their soccer season, the Dayton County Soccer Team would advance to the state championship.


Proving success in the company’s sales department, Billy received a raise and promotion for his hard work.


Success was shown in her family when Sylvia’s four children graduated from college and became doctors.


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Short & Simple Example Sentence For Success | Success Sentence

  • What a splendid success she has had!
  • The success of the play was brief.
  • It met with the success it deserved.
  • If it must be waged, is success the highest duty?
  • The success of the combined movements was rapid and complete.
  • There is a tradition that success was finally accomplished by whipping.
  • What can you say about the commercial success of the step-by-step method?

How To Use Success In A Sentence?

  • Its success was almost unprecedented in his own words he awoke and found himself famous.
  • He did so, however, with more success than the scantiness of his resources promised.
  • One was finally adopted and great success was achieved, and remains standard at the present time.
  • Great was the rejoicing when Rolla was reached, and the success of the expedition became known.
  • They seem to think that I can make the strike a success by standing aside and holding my hands.
  • He returned to Hungary early in 1910, but meeting no success there came back to America.
  • The most marked success has come as a result of the studies of Professor Michael Idvorsky Pupin.
  • Now, Miss Trefoil; the Trefoil is a girl whose success I can understand perfectly.
  • He had better success with the binnacle lamp, which was lighted only after many collective attempts.
  • His success in this respect is the more striking because he began by offering us mere pasteboard heroes of the most conventional type.
  • The contrivance claims to be mentioned as his first success in mechanics, foreshadowing his future expertness.
  • And we have discovered false opinion, which is an encouraging sign of our probable success in the rest of the enquiry.
  • I have watched the success of my dearly beloved pupil in the performance of the various tasks which you have seen fit to impose upon him.
  • Altogether it was a great success as a celebration and a happy augury of the future into which it ushered the expectant Patricia.
  • Dieskau, emboldened by the success of his previous advance, led his troops towards the lake in battle array.
  • To admit that she was not a success in her small social world, proved her, he felt, to be both frank and courageous.
  • Of that impetuous spirit, which sometimes carries men to success where caution would have hesitated and failed, he possessed little.
  • Its success was so great that, during his lifetime, thirty thousand volumes were printed, which in that day was little short of marvellous.
  • Long since Frank had calculated all the risks and chances of success in his new enterprise and had decided that it could scarcely fail.
  • I insisted that this success would be cheaply bought, even if it cost, as it probably would, a hundred lives.
  • Lately, however, they have begun to have a good deal of success among the lower classes of the Italians.
  • Equally calm in success or in defeat, Turenne was always ready to prosecute the one, or to repair the other.
  • It was he who contributed so largely to the success of the early telegraph cable system between England and America.
  • In the success of Beryl’s scheme the King found the dearest wish of his heart gratified.
  • No one had told me of the custom, and if I had been left to guess it, it would have taken me a very long time to make a success of it.
  • Although the Germans undoubtedly scored a slight success by their occupation of Dixmude, they did so at enormous cost.
  • It is an acknowledged fact that success often spoils the best natures, although to those on whom Fortune seldom smiles, this is hard to realise.
  • He was particularly gratified that he had not been obliged to make any movement that would have given a pretext for saying that your success was due in part to him.
  • Finally he was close enough to see the placid look of benevolence with which his cow was regarding him and success seemed about to reward his efforts.
  • His success was limited to the transmission of musical sounds, and it is not believed that articulate speech ever was transmitted by such an arrangement.
  • Borne on her soaring pinions, I wing my flight to the time when Heaven shall have crowned my labours with success and opulence.
  • Without undue vanity, it is tolerably safe to say now that he was authorized by the existing state of things to confidently predicate his own success on these estimates.
  • I rejoice that its success is universally admitted, and hope you will never fail to let me know when it is in my power to serve you by my poor talents.

Definition of Success

(obsolete) Something which happens as a consequence; the outcome or result. [16th-18th c.] | The achievement of one’s aim or goal. [from 16th c.] | (business) Financial profitability.

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make sentence of Success

Success sentence in english

  • Use the word Success in a sentences

Sentence Examples

A search for the missing schoolgirls and their governess continued spasmodically for the next few years without success.

For Indian people, the traditional goal of life is to live with virtue, dharma; to gain wealth and success, artha; to find pleasure, kama;

success doctor, next is AIRD approval, right?

But Jerome’s success in Permaculture hasn’t come without some major road blocks

Elders of District 9, you have truly honored the Church by your success.

There are HUNDREDS of members of staff whose careers, livelihoods and families depend on the success of this unit.

The first tour by the famous dancer Gizella Raccio was an enormous and fully deserved success

]. Great success, thanks to the perfect mastery of the Russian director, Yakov Protazanov, who adapted the work of the great writer. Several years have gone by.


All of the work and all of the success in the world means nothing if one doesn’t bring the condition of mankind nearer to happiness

«You have followed me to this hour of success, this fame.»

I see, their success, not mine.

1771: full of happiness and success, Mozart returns to his homeland.

Thunderous applause confirmed the complete success of the opera.

«Munich is proud of this success and, as the great concert master is ready, offer appropriate tribute and laurels to the victor.»

The Emperor Joseph II summons Mozart to him and congratulates him on the success of «Figaro.»

«I hope you have the same success for «Don Giovanni» as you achieved with «Figaro.»

Again, a resounding success.

After the success of «Le Nozze di Figaro» and «Don Giovanni» the Schikaneder theater director, was able to convince his impractical friend… to compose «The Magic Flute» to save him from ruin.

On success, Husband will pay the sum of 25,000 francs. «

This is Mikisaburo’s mother who patiently wishes for his success.

Grave, in turning out the lights, hoped to compromise the success of his adversary.

«I will congratulate Bordenave on his success. «

The company’s success lasted throughout the winter.

Is it a success or a flop?

There is no success without advertising.

24 October 1908 It is a success, with the help of my nephew, the creation of a Mandrake root.

The success of the Tramp made life easier for the girl and himself.

My newspaper will guarantee its success

Yeah, one more success like that and I’ll sell my body to a medical institute.

I know the party is going to be a great success.

Let us give thanks for our success this year.

For three days, I’ve been searching for you, without success …»

The hunt was a great success.

You know, to be a success… you’ve got to work twenty-four hours a day.

Quite a social success, aren’t you?

You’ve tried three times to bomb that depot without success.

The transmission of Prof. Wielander’s lecture was a splendid success.

We are celebrating her victory today, her triumph, her success.

In the play, Tilla plays an artist who hurries from success to success, is adored by the public and celebrated, and one day she falls in love with some poor devil.

She’s an artist, she needs luxury, riches, success, all sorts of things the man can’t offer her. You understand that, don’t you, Herr Weidenau? She’s an artist like…

In the meantime, success to our researches.

«Our contest is a big success.

You had a big success, Giovanni.

Look, if you want to have success, you will have to conquer these people.

Let’s only hope that he has success, Carmela.

He will have success, he must have success!

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