The word subtle in a sentence

Synonym: clever, crafty, cunning, delicate, faint, fine, foxy, shrewd, sly, thin, tricky, underhanded. Antonym: simple. Similar words: little by little, no doubt, without doubt, outlet, title, cattle, little, settle. Meaning: [‘sʌtl]  adj. 1. be difficult to detect or grasp by the mind 2. faint and difficult to analyze 3. able to make fine distinctions 4. working or spreading in a hidden and usually injurious way. 

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1) The room was painted a subtle shade of pink.

2) I like the subtle wind.

3) Note the subtle gradation of / in colour in this painting.

4) Her conversation sparkled with her own subtle blend of wit and charm.

5) I like the subtle friendship that does not hold people together.

6) She’s been dropping subtle hints about what she’d like as a present.

7) The pictures are similar, but there are subtle differences between them.

8) The fragrance is a subtle blend of jasmine and sandalwood.

9) I even began to exploit him in subtle ways.

10) He didn’t understand the subtle shadings of legal language.

11) She has a very subtle mind.

12) There is a subtle difference between these two plans.

13) Subtle lighting helps people relax.

14) There was nothing subtle or sophisticated about him.

15) There’s a subtle hint of garlic in the sauce.

16) I decided to try a more subtle approach.

17) I think we need a more subtle approach.

18) Her book displays many subtle linguistic felicities.

19) The film’s direction is subtle and stylish.

20) The change was too subtle to attract much notice.

21) Her whole attitude had undergone a subtle change.

22) The job required a subtle mind.

23) The flavour of the dried berries is more subtle.

24) Her methods of seduction are subtle.

25) The dish had a subtle hint of ginger.

26) He was not exactly subtle about it!

27) Contemporary Hollywood movies often make subtle genuflections to the great film-makers of the past.

28) It is a strange smile. It lacks the subtle nuances of an ordinary smile.

29) Histories make men wise ; poems witty; the mathematics subtle; natural philosophy deep ; moral grave ; logic and rhetoric able to contend. 

30) The tactics employed can range from overt bullying to subtle emotional blackmail.

More similar words: little by little, no doubt, without doubt, outlet, title, cattle, little, settle, scuttle, at least, a little, shuttle, entitle, bottled, at length, settle for, settle down, settlement. 

Definition of Subtle

hard to notice or see

Examples of Subtle in a sentence

In the game, people are asked to identify the subtle differences between the similar pictures.


Only the diamond expert could see the subtle difference between the real diamond and the fake one.


If one does not look too closely, one can easily miss the subtle flaws in the imperfect painting.


When I looked at the two shades of blue paint, I saw only a subtle variation in color.


Unlike Jill’s overpowering perfume, Jan’s fragrance offers a subtle hint of roses.


By looking closely, I could see the subtle difference between the twins.


When you are ready to leave the party, please give me a subtle hint by pointing at the door.


Pointing a gun at your head is not a subtle way to get attention!


As my grandmother began to lose her memory, she experienced subtle attitude changes because of her frustration.


The dog’s subtle way of announcing he needs to go outside is by scratching on the door.


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This helps us appreciate subtle humour like sarcasm.

Это дает нам возможность распознавать такой тонкий юмор, как сарказм.

As the red curtain rises, subtle blue light bathes 43 presidents.

По мере того как красная занавеска поднимается, тонкий голубой свет освещает 43 президента США.

By comparison, Chevron’s troubles are more subtle.

Для сравнения отметим, что проблемы «Chevron» являются более утонченными.

But What NSA did… Was always low-key and subtle.

Но то, что делал АНБ… всегда было сдержанно и утончённо.

Some are quite subtle and observable only by precise measurement using scientific instruments.

Некоторые из них довольно тонкие и наблюдаемое только при помощи точных измерения с помощью научных приборов.

What we call innermost subtle consciousness is always there.

То, что мы называем самым внутренним тонким сознанием, присутствует всегда.

What I wish to know is more subtle .

То, что я хочу знать, является более тонким».

They are constantly meditating and subtle energy is their natural language.

Они постоянно пребывают в медитации, а тонкие энергии — их естественный язык.

Concentration is our microscope for viewing subtle internal states.

Сосредоточение — это наш микроскоп, позволяющий наблюдать тонкие внутренние состояния.

Stress may influence heart disease in more subtle ways.

Тем не менее стресс может влиять на состояние сердца более тонким образом.

What you have is simply varying degrees of subtle manipulation.

Что у вас есть, так это просто различные степени тонкой манипуляции.

Remember to not go overboard and keep it subtle.

Помните, чтобы не идти за борт и держать это тонким.

Another more subtle issue caused by prolonged sitting is that bones become weaker and less dense.

Другая более тонкая проблема, вызванная длительным сидением, состоит в том, что кости становятся слабее и менее плотными.

Of course this is subtle energy.

Понятно, что речь идет о тонком энергетическом плане.

But subtle signs suggest this may not be the whole picture.

Но тонкие признаки говорят о том, что это может быть не полная картина.

It hosts subtle worlds related to human consciousness.

В нем существуют тонкие миры, связанные с сознанием человека.

Work and tuning subtle energetic and informational human bodies.

З. Работа и настройка тонких энергетических и информационных тел человека.

What Collin needed was a subtle hint.

Что ему действительно нужно, так это тонкий намёк.

Like you, the Earth has channels for subtle energy.

У Земли, как и у вас, есть каналы тонкой энергии.

Mr Onishchenko claims other alleged kickbacks were slightly more subtle.

Также Онищенко утверждает, что другие предполагаемые откаты были немного более тонкими.

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subtle — перевод на русский


It’s too subtle for you.

Это для тебя слишком тонко.

You got to be more subtle.

Более тонко.

It’s very subtle.

Это очень тонко.

It was more subtle.

Там было более тонко.

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Their little-— Everything they do is subtle.

Их маленькие… Они все делают утонченно.

Well, that was about as subtle as an Oliver Stone film. -What was?

Это было также утонченно как в фильмах Оливера Стоуна.

I’m thinking we need a more subtle touch here.

Думаю, нам тут следует сработать несколько более утонченно.

Nice and subtle.

Вежливо и утонченно.

Totally subtle, totally cool, not pushing, not even nudging, just:

Очень утонченно, очень клево, не отталкивающе, даже без намека на это, просто:

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I thought it was kinda subtle.

Я думал, будет незаметно.

Subtle, Ervin?

Незаметно, Эрвин.

Okay, you can scratch, but just make it subtle.

Ладно,тыможешьпочесать, но только сделай это незаметно.

Much more subtle.

Совсем незаметно.

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Real subtle.

Очень аккуратно.


Если у парня и есть что-то о Дженне то он очень аккуратно к этому относится.

I was being subtle about it.

Я старался аккуратно.

— I thought I was being subtle.

Вроде я аккуратно подкатил.

Okay, can you just be subtle? It’s a good table.

Ладно, тогда хотя бы аккуратно.

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I never guessed, that it was a subtle plan, to eliminate those two gangs.

Я и не догадывалась, что все это был хитрый план, как покончить с двумя бандами.

You’re a subtle bastard,

Ты , хитрый ублюдок.

He’s subtle, isn’t he?

Он хитрый, не так ли?

I thought of a subtle way for you to let that Jenny girl know how much you like her.

Я придумал хитрый способ показать Дженни, как она тебе нравится.

He’s a talented oppressor… a subtle beast.

Талантливый тиран, хитрый зверь.

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Not very subtle.

Не очень-то изысканно.

Now I’ll concede that it’s subtle, it’s clever.

Я признаю, что это изысканно, умно.

4th of July— Subtle.

Четвёртого июля (День независимости) — изысканно.

All right, it was subtle, in a brutal way… which kind of sums you up, I suppose.

Я понимаю Хорошо. Это было изысканно, жестоко…

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Oh, you think he should be more subtle?

Вы, думаете, он должен быть более деликатным?

I mean, parents want their kids to be happy. I’ve been as subtle as I can with this whole thing, and it’s fucking blown up in my face.

Я старался быть деликатным, но в итоге меня смешали с дерьмом.

I wasn’t trying to be subtle.

Я не старался быть деликатным.

But actually… prefer them to be subtle

Но на самом деле им нравятся деликатные молодые люди.

They’re not the most subtle people in the world.

Они не самые деликатные в мире люди.

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It’s subtle, but a woman like me can spot these things.

Это едва уловимо, но такая женщина как я, может это определить.

It’s a… it’s a subtle thing, man.

Это… едва уловимо, чувак.

-It’s subtle.

— Она едва уловима.

-It’s subtle?

Едва уловима?

You’re looking for broken locks, blocked motion sensors -— the subtle signs that someone’s trying to breach security.

Ищешь сломанные замки заблокированные датчики движения едва уловимые следы того, что кто-то пытался взломать систему безопасности

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George Michael was concerned about family love after reading Maeby’s script, which he took as a subtle message to him from his cousin.

Джорж Майкл был очень интересовался всем, что касалось семейной любви, после чтения сценария Мэйби, который он воспринял как тонкий намек от своей кузины.

You know, uh, the stony silence The entire way home from the airport Is a subtle sign that you’re pissed at me.

Знаешь, это каменное молчание всю дорогу из аэропорта до дома это тонкий намек, что ты злишься на меня.

That’s my incredibly subtle way of asking if you want to fuck me.

Это мой невероятно тонкий намек спросить не хочешь ли ты трахнуться со мной.

Am I being too subtle?

Это был слишком тонкий намек?

Very subtle.

Тонкий намек…

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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word subtle, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use subtle in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «subtle».

Subtle in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word subtle in a sentence.

  1. Domitian was not so subtle.

  2. Cesàro’s theorem is a subtle example.

  3. At times, the visual effects used were subtle.

  4. Each design had subtle differences from one another.

  5. The writing in up to ten parts is extraordinarily subtle.

  6. Lindelof noted that «it was not subtle, to say the least».

  7. The first signs of autonomic dysfunction are often subtle.

  8. In a subtle game of cross views and political implications.».

  9. The technique also is less subtle and fine in the London work.

  10. This allows the spice to develop a more subtle and complex aroma.

  11. Occasionally, the juvenile’s upperparts have a subtle, greenish gloss.

  12. The directing has been praised for its uncomplicated and subtle style.

  13. Words are capable of expressing very complicated and very subtle notions ..

  14. Rajkumar Hirani kept it all so subtle and yet conveyed the message so well.

  15. The symmetry for the inverse-square central force is higher and more subtle.

  16. Shore said that House’s name itself is meant as «a subtle homage» to Holmes.

  17. Jha thought that she was «way too subtle and silken, and not steely enough».

  18. Further, many adults with subtle disease may only present with fatigue or anaemia.

  19. The conservation of the LRL vector corresponds to a subtle symmetry of the system.

  20. Presentation may be subtle; people with mild contusion may have no symptoms at all.

  21. The subtle expansion is so weakly developed that it has been thought absent at times.

  22. Rodgers’s music is more subtle than in his previous musicals, and his melodies more muted.

  23. Commentators claimed that Chapman was not a subtle captain and lacked tactical astuteness.

  24. He later called the work «very spacy» and «weird», but «so subtle and so damn innovative.».

  25. Bernheimer also praised «the subtle civility of Alice Goodman’s couplet-dominated libretto».

  26. Her subtle replies under interrogation even forced the court to stop holding public sessions.

  27. The physical design of Jason Voorhees has gone through changes, some subtle and some radical.

  28. Fly agarics have been featured in paintings since the Renaissance, albeit in a subtle manner.

  29. His dignified demeanor and subtle operations keep him somewhat remote from public perception.

  30. Other common symptoms may be subtle or primarily occur in organs other than the bowel itself.

  31. These characteristics allowed more time to add subtle detail and enable wet-on-wet techniques.

  32. Glazes of oil pigment were then added, which allowed for subtle and transparent tonal gradations.

  33. However subtle the difference between the two, Candide is unambiguous as to which is its subject.

  34. The two main musical styles of Peking opera, Xipi and Erhuang, originally differed in subtle ways.

  35. A Woman of Paris premiered in September 1923 and was acclaimed for its innovative, subtle approach.

  36. Morrison comments that even in this early work, conventional sweetness is enlivened by subtle dissonance.

  37. The two species differ in vertebral count, the relative sizes of the dorsal fins, and other subtle traits.

  38. The use of colour and the ability to create subtle tones are characteristic of Evans’ skill as a colourist.

  39. Between 1920 and 1940, Du Bois shifted from overt black messiah symbolism to more subtle messianic language.

  40. Largely self-taught, Takemitsu was admired for the subtle manipulation of instrumental and orchestral timbre.

  41. The texture of the leaves is one of the most subtle yet lively experiences on any surface of an American coin.».

  42. Flattering, subtle and retiring, Abigail was the complete opposite of Sarah, who was dominating, blunt and scathing.

  43. The chickadee has subtle call variations that communicate information about the size and risk of potential predators.

  44. Stowe made it somewhat subtle and in some cases she weaved it into events that would also support the dominant theme.

  45. Nevertheless, the pictures still carry the wealth of detail and subtle references that are characteristic of Hogarth.

  46. The colourisation is often extremely subtle, with some illustrations containing upwards of eighteen different shades.

  47. They experimented with different sounds for Baby’s tinnitus, which is sometimes subtle, and sometimes more noticeable.

  48. Bob Mondello of NPR called it «sobering», but felt the scenes detracted from the film and should have been more subtle.

  49. The hen’s plumage is more subtle and subdued, with drab brown feathers similar to those of other female dabbling ducks.

  50. Biodrowski, in contrast, wrote that Shatner’s hammy acting was a better fit for the film than Stewart’s subtle delivery.

Synonyms for subtle

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word subtle has the following synonyms: delicate, elusive, impalpable, insidious, pernicious, harmful and perceptive.

General information about «subtle» example sentences

The example sentences for the word subtle that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «subtle» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «subtle».

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