The word substantial in a sentence

Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

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Asked by: Ryleigh Price

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(49 votes)

Substantial sentence example

  1. The check was for a substantial amount. …
  2. Best of all, she could save a substantial amount of money for a down payment on her own place. …
  3. Only those who have made substantial contributions will be considered. …
  4. The weak can now do substantial harm to the strong.

How do you use substantial in a sentence?

Examples of substantial in a Sentence

She purchased her tickets at a substantial discount. Only the buildings that were constructed of more substantial materials survived the earthquake. I was hoping that they would serve us something more substantial than wine and cheese.

What does substantial mean in writing?

adjective. of ample or considerable amount, quantity, size, etc.: a substantial sum of money. of a corporeal or material nature; tangible; real. of solid character or quality; firm, stout, or strong: a substantial physique. basic or essential; fundamental: two stories in substantial agreement.

What is a substantial sentence?

Definition of Substantial. referring to something that is greater or larger than normal. Examples of Substantial in a sentence. 1. After winning the lottery, the family won a substantial amount of money in which they didn’t know how to spend it all.

What is the same as substantial?

considerable, real, material, weighty, solid, sizeable, meaningful, significant, important, notable, major, marked, valuable, useful, worthwhile. insubstantial, worthless.

23 related questions found

What type of word is substantial?

substantial adjective (LARGE)

Is substantial better than excellent?

As adjectives the difference between excellent and substantial. is that excellent is of the highest quality; splendid while substantial is having to substance; actually existing; real; as, substantial life.

How do you explain substantial?

Definition of substantive

  1. 1 : having substance : involving matters of major or practical importance to all concerned substantive discussions among world leaders.
  2. 2 : considerable in amount or numbers : substantial made substantive progress.
  3. 4a : having the nature or function of a noun a substantive phrase.

What makes something substantial?

Something substantial is large in size, number, or amount: If you want to say someone spent a lot of money without being too specific, you could say they spent a substantial amount of money.

What is substantial information?

6 real; actual; true. the evidence is substantial. 7 of or relating to the basic or fundamental substance or aspects of a thing. 8 (Philosophy) of or relating to substance rather than to attributes, accidents, or modifications.

What is a sizeable mean?

: fairly large : considerable a sizable donation.

What is substantial answer?

adj. 1 of a considerable size or value.

What is the difference between significant and substantial?

As adjectives the difference between substantial and significant. is that substantial is having to substance; actually existing; real; as, substantial life while significant is signifying something; carrying meaning.

What percentage is substantial?

Substantial Amount means ten percent (10%).

What is the legal definition of substantial?

Of real worth and importance; of considerable value; valuable. Belonging to substance; actually existing; real; not seeming or imaginary; not illusive; solid; true; veritable. The right to Freedom of Speech, for example, is a substantial right.

Is not substantial?

Not substantial; without substance.

Does substantial mean good?

Having good substance; strong; stout; solid; firm; as, substantial cloth; a substantial fence or wall.

What does substantial risk mean?

(8) «Substantial risk» means a strong possibility, as contrasted with a remote or significant possibility, that a certain result may occur or that certain circumstances may exist.

What does self substantial mean?

: of or derived from one’s own substance.

What is the difference between procedural rules and substantive rules?

Substantive law establishes the rights and obligations that govern people and organizations; it includes all laws of general and specific applicability. Procedural law establishes the legal rules by which substantive law is created, applied and enforced, particularly in a court of law.

What is a substantive amount?

of considerable amount or quantity. possessing substance; having practical importance, value, or effect: substantive issues under discussion.

What is the meaning of substantive grade?

n a permanent rank in the armed services obtained by length of service, selection, etc.

What are 5 good synonyms?


  • adj.pleasant, fine.
  • adj.moral, virtuous.
  • adj.competent, skilled.
  • adj.useful, adequate.
  • adj.reliable; untainted.
  • adj.kind, giving.
  • adj.authentic, real.
  • adj.well-behaved.

Definition of Substantial

referring to something that is greater or larger than normal

Examples of Substantial in a sentence

After winning the lottery, the family won a substantial amount of money in which they didn’t know how to spend it all.


Since the restaurant catered to truckers, farmers and hearty men, they were known for serving a substantial meal that included at least a pound of meat on the plate.


Her substantial problem of gambling ultimately led to her bankruptcy and divorce since the family now owed so much money to the casino.


Known for his substantial efforts in winning, the competitive boy rarely could find someone to play against because the opponent knew he would lose.


Due to his strong compassion for the charity, the businessman donated a substantial amount of money to the cause.


Other words in the Significant category:

Most Searched Words (with Video)

Synonym: actual, affluent, authentic, firm, prosperous, real, rich, solid, sound, stable, strong, true, wealthy, well-to-do. Similar words: substantially, substance, essentially, potentially, influential, residential, presidential, distant. Meaning: [səb’stænʃl]  adj. 1. fairly large 2. having a firm basis in reality and being therefore important, meaningful, or considerable 3. having substance or capable of being treated as fact; not imaginary 4. providing abundant nourishment 5. of good quality and condition; solidly built. 

Random good picture Not show

1. Substantial numbers of people support the reforms.

2. Her contribution to the discussion was substantial.

3. He ate a substantial breakfast.

4. The report contains a substantial input by the police.

5. Their share of the software market is substantial.

6. The company received a substantial government subsidy.

7. The effects were substantial in magnitude.

8. There are substantial differences between the two groups.

9. We have the support of a substantial number of parents.

10. There is a substantial payback in terms of employee and union relations.

11. What a substantial meal.

12. The findings show a substantial difference between the opinions of men and women.

13. There are substantial fines for exceeding permitted levels of noise pollution.

14. The house is substantial enough to last a hundred years.

15. Workers in big firms receive a substantial part of their pay in the form of bonuses and overtime.

16. Those workers have built many substantial buildings in the recent years.

17. There’sa substantial divergence of opinion within the party.

18. The article is devoid of substantial matter.

19. She is preparing a substantial meal against his return.

20. The country bought a substantial number of weapons.

21. He made substantial donations to charity.

22. The company derived substantial benefit from the deal.

23. They are making substantial claims for improved working conditions.

24. The two stories were in substantial agreement.

25. The team has raised substantial sums for local charities.

25. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.

26. By careful strategy she negotiated a substantial pay rise.

27. Substantial damages were paid in recompense.

28. They made substantial changes to the arrangements.

29. We are in substantial agreement.

30. Many multinational companies have substantial operations in this area.

More similar words: substantially, substance, essentially, potentially, influential, residential, presidential, distant, instant, constant, assistant, instantly, obstacle, partial, initial, partially, initially, palatial, stand, stand by, stand for, stand out, stand up, stance, reluctant, important, standard, meantime, quantity, pedantic. 

существенный, значительный, важный, реальный, прочный, сытный, вещественный, крепкий


- прочный, крепкий; солидный

substantial building — солидное здание
substantial furniture — прочная мебель
a man of substantial build — человек крепкого телосложения

- плотный, питательный (о пище)

substantial food — питательная пища
to have a substantial meal [breakfast] — плотно поесть [позавтракать]

- существенный, важный, значительный; большой

substantial argument [point] — важный аргумент [вопрос]
substantial improvement — значительное /существенное/ улучшение
substantial contribution — большой /существенный/ вклад
substantial aid — значительная помощь
substantial reasons — веские соображения /причины/
a substantial sum of money — значительная /крупная/ сумма денег
this makes a substantial difference — это существенно меняет дело

- состоятельный; солидный

substantial farmer — состоятельный /зажиточный/ фермер
a substantial firm — солидная фирма
one of the substantial men of the town — один из уважаемых людей этого города

- основной, главный

we are in substantial agreement — по основным вопросам мы придерживаемся одних и тех же взглядов

- реальный, вещественный, реально существующий, материальный

no mere apparition but a substantial being — не просто видение, а реальное, живое существо

- филос. материальный, вещественный
- спец. субстанциальный

Мои примеры


Примеры с переводом

He earned a substantial wage.

Он получал приличную зарплату.

The bill passed without substantial alteration.

Законопроект был принят без существенных изменений.

She purchased her tickets at a substantial discount.

Она приобрела билеты со значительной скидкой.

Activities like that pose a substantial risk of injury.

Такие занятия представляют существенный риск получения травмы.

A substantial number of people commute to work each day.

Каждый день на работу ездит значительное количество людей.

I was hoping that they would serve us something more substantial than wine and cheese.

Я надеялся, что нам подадут что-то посытнее вина и сыра.

The new prices represent a substantial increase over last year’s prices.

Новые цены представляют собой значительное увеличение по сравнению с прошлогодними.

This soup is substantial enough to serve as a main dish (=the biggest part of a meal).

Этот суп является достаточно сытным для того, чтобы служить в качестве основного блюда (т.е. самой большой части еды).

As an actress she has graduated from small roles to more substantial parts.

Как актриса, от маленьких ролей она доросла до более значительных.

The kids always collect a substantial haul of candy on Halloween.

На Хэллоуин дети всегда собирают солидный улов из сладостей.

The court awarded the plaintiff a substantial quittance for bodily injury and emotional distress.

Суд присудил истцу существенную компенсацию за телесные повреждения и моральный ущерб.

The televangelist has a substantial followership in the rural South.

В сельских районах Юга у этого телепроповедника имеется солидная армия последователей.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…substantial disbursements for research and development…

…they must embody their ideas in substantial institutions if they are to survive…

…a substantial corporation that showed that he was a sucker for all-you-can-eat buffets…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

insubstantial  — иллюзорный, нереальный, непрочный, неосновательный
substantiality  — реальность, прочность
substantially  — по существу, в основном, в значительной степени, основательно, прочно
unsubstantial  — несущественный, бестелесный, нереальный, невесомый, непрочный, невещественный
substantialize  — делать реальным, материальным, становиться реальным, материализоваться

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word substantial, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use substantial in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «substantial». In addition, we also show how different variations of substantial can be used, the variations for which we also have example sentences are substantially. If you click on the variation of substantial that you are interested in, you will be taken to the list of example sentences for that particular form.

Substantial in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word substantial in a sentence.

  1. Together these benefits could be substantial.

  2. The effects of the Gold Rush were substantial.

  3. Atangana gained a substantial amount of wealth.

  4. Hence, substantial energy is saved while flying.

  5. But the revisions Satin introduces are substantial.

  6. He also increased Hanna’s already substantial girth.

  7. A substantial proportion of Ravel’s output was vocal.

  8. Damage to Tokyo’s war production was also substantial.

  9. There are no substantial differences between mainland O.

  10. The venture was unsuccessful and cost Tetty a substantial portion of her fortune.

  11. A substantial number drowned while trying to cross the Baltic and the Elbe river.

  12. Solar and wind have seen substantial growth and progress over the last few years.

  13. Patton’s impact on armored warfare and leadership were substantial, with the U.S.

  14. Production costs were paid off and substantial profits went into the R&H till.

  15. During their brief reoccupation of the site they made substantial additions to the acropolis complex.

  16. Ten municipalities suffered substantial damage, with insured damage in Mexico totaling US$96 million.

  17. The alternative weekly Washington City Paper also has a substantial readership in the Washington area.

  18. The String Quartet in A minor, premiered in May 1947, was Walton’s most substantial work of the 1940s.

  19. I would guess that the effects of the est training are substantial for a large proportion of people.».

  20. The Western Chalukya era was one of substantial literary activity in the native Kannada, and Sanskrit.

  21. A substantial Maya trading canoe was encountered off Honduras on Christopher Columbus’s fourth voyage.

  22. In some cases, families owned lands that were located a substantial distance from their «home» village.

  23. Coenwulf was the last king of Mercia to exercise substantial dominance over other Anglo-Saxon kingdoms.

  24. Military collaboration between the Mongols and their Christian vassals became substantial in 1258–1260.

  25. However, recently there has been substantial criticism of the importance of the shifting balance theory.

  26. Adams’s father then lent him £1,000 to go into business for himself, a substantial amount for that time.

  27. There is substantial consensus that Jesus gave most of his teachings in Aramaic in the Galilean dialect.

  28. Cases in Lindi in which lions seize humans from the centres of substantial villages have been documented.

  29. Since 1976, in particular, innovation at the Festival and elsewhere has been substantial and imaginative.

  30. Human hearing underwater is less sensitive with wet ears than in air, and a neoprene hood causes substantial attenuation.

  31. They are now critically endangered, with only five substantial populations in the wild: four in Sumatra and one in Borneo.

  32. A substantial body of research has examined using metallocene derivatives of ruthenium and iron as metallopharmaceuticals.

  33. He disliked recording, finding it incompatible with spontaneity, but he nevertheless made a substantial number of records.

  34. Due to the substantial damage to agriculture, food shortages were expected to impact the region over the following months.

  35. CARE began in 1971 as the Nationwide Festival of Light, but was renamed in 1983 to reflect a substantial shift in emphasis.

  36. Wynne and his men began work on various building projects, including a substantial house and the shoring up of the harbour.

  37. He argued that light is substantial matter, the propagation of which requires time, even if this is hidden from our senses.

  38. Approaching Barnes Bridge, Oxford’s cox called for a push, and OUWBC passed below the central arch with a substantial lead.

  39. Heavy floods in 1929 caused substantial damage to the ground, destroying the cycling track, which was subsequently rebuilt.

  40. Price said that, although the story and mission structure of the game was fairly standard, levels that were «rote» in other RTS games seemed more substantial in Halo Wars.

  41. Maria commanded a substantial dowry and, apart from her by-now-deceased father, was related to two generals, a member of parliament and the botanist Aylmer Bourke Lambert.

  42. Under Wałęsa’s leadership, Solidarity decided to pursue a peaceful solution, and the pro-violence faction never attained any substantial power, nor did it take any action.

  43. However, Jehanne Wake, Louise’s biographer, argues that there is no substantial evidence to suggest that Louise had sexual relationships with anyone other than her husband.

  44. Today there are dozens of sites with substantial temple remains, although many more once existed, and none of the major temples in Lower or Middle Egypt are well preserved.

Substantially in a sentence

Substantially is a variation of substantial, below you can find example sentences for substantially.

  1. Baffert noted, «He’s matured substantially.

  2. Other groups also substantially diversified.

  3. The siegeworks were substantially destroyed.

  4. The Mary Rose was substantially rebuilt in 1536.

  5. This is substantially cutting into Martha’s profits.

  6. They also interact substantially with the solar wind.

  7. It has been substantially altered since it was built.

  8. The vehicle’s armor was also increased substantially.

  9. Gustave Flaubert was also substantially influenced by Balzac.

  10. Reports of the size of the crowd at the meeting vary substantially.

  11. The palate is long, extending substantially beyond the third molars.

  12. Insaniquarium substantially influenced the development of Plants vs.

  13. The poems were not revised substantially following their publication.

  14. Several of Nomura’s designs evolved substantially during development.

  15. The affair substantially weakened popular American support of France.

  16. This specimen stems from an individual substantially larger than the C.

  17. Helium is also substantially more expensive than other shielding gases.

  18. The torpedo defense system performed substantially worse than designed.

  19. In addition, Harrison substantially strengthened and modernized the U.S.

  20. The Grade I mansion’s principal facade has been substantially remodelled.

Synonyms for substantial

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word substantial has the following synonyms: hearty, satisfying, solid, square, wholesome, real, material, significant, considerable, strong, sound, substantive and essential.

General information about «substantial» example sentences

The example sentences for the word substantial that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «substantial» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «substantial».

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